Game doesn't tell you you can rotate items

>game doesn't tell you you can rotate items

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>needing the game to hold your hand for a puzzle that fucking simple

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Threadly reminder release day PC version had broken UI and rotation did not work.

Mustard race at their finest

Just brute force it dummy

What the fuck are you talking about, I played this game on release, and I did this puzzle by looking at it.

Besides, the actual physical item in the world also has it.

There is no excuse.

> blandest TES game is the one made for consoles mainly
Seems right

did people actually have trouble with this shit and didnt see the E3 demo where they blatently solved every single one of these door puzzles for you?

It's about not even remotely expecting the game to do something like that. If every quest in the game had puzzles with even a percentile of thought to them it would click much quicker for more people. I got stuck on it for a bit because I thought the game was bugged and lacking something around the area.

>watching E3 demos

Assblasted PC fag, what about Morrowind nigga. Can't win, wont win, will never win.

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it just didn't (and still doesn't) tell you that you can rotate items at all, but if you've played any beth or similar games and didn't even try it then you're retarded PLUS the literal fucking book tells you "look at the claw bro" so you should suspect there's some way to do it and experiment

I cannot believe there are motherfuckers on this earth too stupid for that skyrim non-puzzle but here we are

You expect me to have watched an E3 presentation I didn't even know existed until you talked about it right now?

>I'm so smart I over thought the solution when it was so simple all along!
Okay, retard.

I remember just brute forcing the first few because I had no idea the code was on the claw since I didn't read that guys journal in the first dungeon.

It does though.
The little journal you get off the dude with the claw straight up tells you it's on the bottom of the claw.

By using 2 of your braincells you can infer that you can look at it on the other side. If not from the menu, you can at the very least throw it on the ground and try to look at it that way.

i dont remember if it was e3 specifically but i remember watching a demo of it before it came out on like IGN or something talking about rocks and shit and their "cool" dungeons

i just found the demo i was thinking of

I've played Skyrim only a couple of times, but if I remember correctly there's a tootltip in the bottom of the inventory screen that basically says "Rotate [keybind]", right? It was right there on the screen.

It's an easy brute force too. They just pad it out with a needlessly slow animation or I'd literally just unlock every door that way.

They obviously didn't kek. I honestly thought people were memeing about the claw puzzles for years

anybody who had unironic issues with this puzzle (even if you didn't watch the pre release stuff or even know you could look at items in inventory) is the reason this puzzle existed in the first place

>have played through this game multiple times
>still get stumped here if it's been a couple years

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You might actually be the most retarded motherfucker alive.

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Its pretty visually intuitive
Big wheel, you can imagine it spins
Bethesda is usually pretty good at not spelling things out and letting the environment give you hints, even if the puzzles are dumb

Idk why brainlets need a narrator to come in and explain everything

nigga this is one of the first quests you do

Did anyone actually get stuck at this part? I assumed it was just a shitty maymay.

Remember that the average Nu-gamer has literally zero intuition and negative reaction time

If you didn't rotate the claw, it becomes a guessing game and it can take up to an hour to solve (or longer even) because of how many different combinations there are and the fact that you'll usually forget about combinations you just tried so you'll be doing the same combinations over and over again

No wonder every Bethesda game is more dumbed down than the last. It sucks that they only care about chasing players who don't bother to try and think.

The number of variables is really low, you can easily just force the solution through a little trial, and if you fail to realise that the answer is on the claw after doing this once or twice then you are a massive retard

I did.

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most of us didn't read guides to know you were supposed to use the claw though

Its mental imagining jelly boned zoomers struggling with this after growing up playing adventure puzzle games like Riven, and Sierra/Lucas arts P&C games

nope, I looked for it, it does not actually tell you how to rotate things on the PC or PS4 item screen

When you click the centre the claw automatically comes out so you know its important

To be honest when i first saw this I thought the answer would be on the wall carvings, like matching the pictures on them
But I figured out pretty quickly.

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Yes. Pulled a notebook and started writing combinations.

I know. It's so obvious to me to examine any relevant items, it's the first thing I do when I reach a puzzle. You wouldn't pick up a key and mindlessly jam it into every keyhole you find, you'd check for any symbols or see if the design matches the door. Even casual stuff like Resident Evil had that.

Its seriously mind blowing bethesda thought this was worth including. Id be more ok if all you did was insert the fucking claw like its just a key, but instead they decided to include this sesame street-tier shit for 7 year olds. What the fuck todd.

I mean its obvious if you've ever played a videogame in the last 20 years.

But think of the average modern gamer whos not used to anything with more than one variable

This, I actually laughed when I first saw this "puzzle" because it's toddler tier, then I go on the internet and people are having TROUBLE with it.

No wonder the writers of the Bible said everybody deserves to die but for the grace of God, fuck's sake.

Have you seen the half life dev commentary where they says they took out “maze like elements” because one play tester kept taking the same path (out of two paths) and going in circles for hours?

Have you tried Quern or Haven Moon? They're not as good as Riven, but still pretty solid environmental adventure games.

I brute forced these because I thought that was the intent until I got bored and rotated the claw and saw the markings. I have never in my life seen a key that also had a combination lock's combo on it for the same thing it unlocks. i'm not sure how it was supposed to be intuitive.

granted... i dont think I really read anything in because i knew beth abandoned reading once the "go here" indicator was added to oblivion

skyrim sucks

the book the webbed dude drops literally tells you "look at the claw bro"

Same. At first I thought you had look at the markings on the walls and figure some kind logical puzzle, but nothing made sense so I also bruteforce the first couple of puzzles.

>Learn very quickly that you can rotate objects in the inventory menu
>pick up claw and learn that it's important for the dungeon
>get to puzzle door with claw mark and rotating rings with animal symbols
>never put two and two together and check the claw you picked up
Imagine being an absolute brainlet like OP

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