Final Fantasy V

Do you guys think it would have been more successful or popular if it came out since the SNES as opposed to the PSX?

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Other urls found in this thread:

the problem is the story is zany somewhat generic

I don't really think it's that generic, or at least haven't found anything that makes it feel so. If any, I found IV's story more generic.

Also, Exdeath is great.


It would have a large following, for sure. It did death well (4 was a piece of shit when it comes to that) and the villain remain consistent through out the game. Having 4 characters and 4 characters only in a party help with the character building. I still regard 5 one of the best FF out there. I kind of wish that there was a playable Werewolf, though.

>*tink* *tink* *tink*
fuck non-tree people

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Story-wise, the one thing I like about this entry (and FFVII, even though it's not my cup of tea) is how, unlike other entries where another evil was the final boss, the main villain IS the final villain, which is good because Exdeath is very charismatic and actually good at being one step ahead of the good guys.

This job system is GOAT, better than FFIII's for sure. It's the reason why I continue replaying FFT these days.

Having an on-the-field party switch system like in DQ5 or Golden Sun: TLA would've been great. 8 characters + job system = infinite replay. Though I don't know why FF has this aversion to New Game+

Probably. Didn't help that the PS1 version came out very late with the PS2 only being a year off and that version was marred by a horrendous translation and terrible load times.

The thing I find it funny about ExDeath is that he is basically a generic evil overlord, but given the setting and how he was use, ExDeath deliver his part magnificently. He isn't that villain that you feel sorry because he had a boo boo or a sob story of his past. No, he pure evil and he wants to be the Void.

The Job system is top tier and outside tactic and FFTA, there isn't anything like it.

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Too many of the jobs were completely worthless. Seriously Geomancer? Dancer?


I say it's the thing that makes the game, and even carries it. All classes are fun and it's entertaining to tailor your playstyle depending on the jobs you take. Even the weak classes such as Dancer, Chemist, and Geomancer are fun.

I would've loved Berserkers to be more akin to FF3 Vikings/Dark Knights and this look to be more for Beastmasters. Such a great design wasted on a bad class...

>What is Berserker


It would have been more popular in my case, since I didn't play it until the GBA re-release. Played the shit out of 4 & 6 on the SNES, and skipped over most of the PS1 generation, but at that point, playing a SNES RPG on a system like the PS1 would have probably felt like a waste for the me at that time.

Simple but comfy story, sometimes parodies itself (see: turtle), takes its time to let characters interact
Likeable characters that can die
Great job system you can experiment with
Amazing music
Three worlds to explore
Dragon pet
Reasonable difficulty
Buying new spells instead of having to level up to get them

The only complain I have is that there are 4 characters on screen instead of 5 like IV did


I thought the Chemist class was weak until I found out how busted chemical are. Add !Blue and they become better healers than White Mages themselves. I'm fond of using either that, !Combine or classic !Mix.

!Blue is optimal for them because of Goblin Punch, though.

>tfw when four job fiesta is in a month

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Dancer at least let you break the damage cap inadvertently by Sword Dance hitting four times.
Combine that shit with Monk's stupid attack buff skill for maxing it? Some of the best DPT I've gotten.
His theme really spells it out. Subtlety is absolutely not a thing with this guy at all.

>Not using maxed-out Chicken Knife instead

Chicken knife doesn't give the closest thing to Faris letting her tits breathe.

I especially love his sarcasm, though.

>Crystals break, Exdeath's seal broken
>Teleports to where the party is
>"Galuf, it is so good to see you... for it means I have returned! Mwahahahaha!!!"

"Time for your viscera to see the light of day!" Is also a really creative threat.

Nope. It's got a really generic story and get this.

The final boss?


yeah. It's an ok game, but not as good a story or gameplay good as 4 or 6.

I turned myself into a splinter Krile!
I'm splinter Exdeeeeeeath!!
I actually cringed while typing this out

>4 has better gameplay than 5
Worst opinion I have heard this week

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>4 has better gameplay than 5
>4 has better story than 5

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Final Fantasy 5 is the greatest RPG of all time unironically. I am literally in love with this game. If FFV was human, I would make no hesitation to jump on its dick. The only fictional character I'd rather have sex with is one of the game characters, maybe Galuf or best boy Gilgamesh.

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>angry beeping sounds

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And its fucking beautiful.


I got so mad when I netted a Rune Chime and Lilith Rod steal and got to the cave, then saw a blacked-out something walking in a floor you could go down via waterfall and ran to it, only to meet my death and loss of rare items at Omega. And I didn't even know there was a save point in a passage to the left of where you drop.

Fuck that thing. I can't wait until I blow it to bits.

>3 bards sweetly sing Romeo's Ballad into its ears
ah that's better

What a scrub, he's got an elemental weakness

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Reminder where the true good tastes lie.

>That room in the GBA bonus dungeon that has multiple Omegas wandering around.

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I like 6 and I rank 6 pretty high, but it suffer from having way too much characters for it own good.

Fuck no. Its not even generic and its still bad. The only good part about that game is the Redemption arc.

for a good 45 minutes I didn't know you were just supposed to go around it

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>Uematsu's Wagnerian score

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Toriyamas reason for choosing XIII never stops being funny.

>Toriyama's favorite is 13

>Someone says FFT
>They pull a screenshot for FFTA

I don't think that's a flaw in FFVI's case, especially when you replay the game and actually manage to find those little things that make you be fond of all characters (sans Gogo and Umaro). But then again, I'm a sucker for having lots of playable characters in an RPG. Eye of the beholder, I guess.

V's OST is seriously underrated among the series.

Is there a greater tier of waifu-fag than almost crashing an entire game series by making more titles about your OC protag?


Having a crush on a cartoon character as a kid, becoming a writer for cartoons, then worming your way into the writing team for the reboot of that show so that you can officially ship your self-insert character with her.

>"You think I sat around seven centuries munching on pizza?"

I must admit, I did NOT expect such a retort.
Ah, I miss this kind of campy stuff from FF.

I think it would be a lot more successful and popular than it was, but still not that popular.

Its always the black sheep of the FF series (or at least the SNES trilogy) and I always found it the most difficult one to get into. The plot its just barely too goofy to take seriously. And while the job system gives the illusion of depth and meaningful choice, it always feels like it just barely comes up short or lacks that last bit of polish that would bring it all together.

I was not expecting a serious DBZ-esque fight (albeit with rpg map limitations) between the big bad and a fucking turtle. Not even an anthropomorphic one, just a regular turtle. If a talking turtle with sage level IQ and the reflexes of a ninja could be considered normal.
Shit like that is why 5 remains my favourite.

>"Perhaps you should have taken the chance. You will find no such tasty diversions in the afterlife!"

Between the fun campiness and the good chemistry between the characters while still being capable of delivering emotional scenes when required, I really enjoyed V's story.

People who call V generic almost definitely skipped through the dialog in the game.

It's such a fucking terrible post that I'm laughing at it and I may even draw it. Congrats

I'm very curious how many of the people who say V is the black sheep of the series have actually played V as opposed to base their claim on an amalgam of seeing the characters, checking opinions, watching gameplay, among other things.

If anything, I say II is the black sheep due to that convoluted way to train characters that makes the game more of a hassle than its worth. I've yet to finish that game until now.

Should I emulate the GBA version? I've only played the ps1 vers.

GBA is alright. It tries it best to emulate the bad translation from the PS1 while being properly translated, if that makes any sense.

Makes no difference. There were fan translations for V very early on, even before the PSX version.

>If anything, I say II is the black sheep

This isn't just your opinion, its basically universally accepted among the FF crowd that II is the black sheep of the series even though its a fantastic game in its own right.

It would have been a lot more popular.

Simply because by the time the PSX version came out, everyone that really wanted to try it had played it emulated on PC. Also the PSX load times were absolute dogshit. It took like 10+ seconds to leave and enter buildings in a town, as opposed to the SNES's instant loading.

GBA version is great, do it

Holy shit. I heard the loading times were bad, but THAT bad? Shameful, indeed, especially with other Square games which had no loading issues whatsoever.

Also, how bad was the PSX localization?

Gameplay: Great
Graphics: Not as good as IV or VI
Music: Too generic and not memorable compared to IV or VI outside of Gilgamesh and the finalboss music
Villain: Dumbest fucking name and just another dark knight shit going with it like prior games, but overall awesome concept art
Main Characters: meh, done better with IV and VI

That's the ultimate problem with V, the only thing sticking out is the class system.

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GBA has GOAT class Cannoneer.

Basically a Pirate but on crack. Uses a cannon that never misses and causes 1 of 4 ailments and equips knives, swords, and shields, which makes it very sturdy. Mastering it gives you !Combine, which is as great as !Rapid Fire, if not better.

>how bad was the PSX localization?

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>if a party member is dead at the end of the last battle they canonically died

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>Graphics: Not as good as IV
Have you played IV recently?

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And this is what V bosses looked like

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Those are the bosses, not the overall aesthetic.

>Nobody likes FFVIII or FFXII

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XII is one of my favorites and even I can see why they wouldn't list it as theirs. That said, I'm amazed it gets as much attention as it does with the remasters.

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it was better than 10 in every conceivable way and yet 10 gets dicksucked left and right, i dont get it

It's used so much in XIV I had no clue a lot of the tracks from it that were so great were from V.

Starkle, starkle, little twink~
Now it's time that you guys SINK!

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saved me some potions and ethers in some moments

I find it sounds a lot like Crystal Chronicles's OST. I guess that makes V the forefather of CC when it came to soundtrack. Just listen to this.

Confirmed brainlet.
You should participate in a few Four Job Fiestas. They really teach you how to use the various Jobs.

The Celtic style is one you don't often hear in Final Fantasy, which is a shame.


So those of you who played V, which boss tripped you up the most?
For me it was the four crystals in the forest of moore and Atomos.

The the four crystal slugs for sure, even after figuring out their gimmick.

How curious. Those were the same bosses for me! Honestly, those are pretty much a rough awakening, but at least I am proud to say I didn't give Atomos the chance to feast on my dead party members with Wormhole.

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Neo Exdeath was actually the only one that handed me multiple game overs.

Archeoaevis fucked me up real bad for some reason when emulating the SNES version as a kid.

Geomancer is only bad when confined to itself and Dancer isn't bad at all. The floor for job competency is actually really high relative to other games in the series.

Yeah, those two always trip me up especially if I am doing a challenge run, neo-exdeath can also be a pretty scary fight.

I'm a grind fags, so none of them.

wasn't implied this Gogo is the same from FFVI?

>boss where the only way to win is do nothing and wait
>all the while there's a clock ticking down representing the air you have left before drowning

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FF6's gameplay blows ass compared to 5's. There's a reason Japan doesn't care about 6 but adores 5.

Depends on which theory you accept regarding VI's Gogo.

ff5 is a DQ game at heart

The "gameplay" is nearly identical.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>dude do this random shitty challenge run at this specific time of year lol
you're retarded

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All ATB shit with the exception of X-2 has the same gameplay. The systems that surround them are different, but the core gameplay is the same.

That's not really "from FF", it's from the translator. Most of the jokes in GBA 5 are fanfic.

I'm not that guy, but I'm curious. I'm certain that sound like a Single Job Run, but there's something else involved, right?

They are not the same. There isn't a single fucking boss in FFVI that will ask any strategy of you. The only difference between any of the characters in VI is whether or not they are physical or magical attackers.

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Nah, it would still be the dark horse of the series. People tend to care more about story in JRPGs over mechanics. The JRPGs that are remembered fondly by normal-fags are the story heavy ones with simple mechanics or systems they don't have to engage with on a meaningful level.

Good job confirming what I said about you.

ff9 fag confirmed
load harder

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Individual boss strategies have nothing to do with the core gameplay, and 6 is loaded with tons of gimmick bosses.
You could drop nearly any boss from 5 into 6 and it'd function just as well, and vice versa.

The thing about this is that as story, it felt more impacted compare to some of the other FF.

basically you get assigned one job from each crystal to use

there are a bunch of different rule sets though that change it up quite a bit


It's similar. Four Job Fiesta is a charity event that's run every year. A bot chooses a total of four jobs for you as you play the game, and there are various modifiers you can throw into the mix to change things up, such as only being allowed to use jobs with a capability of breaking rods.
Here's a link with the rules:

> 5 didn't even make the list
> Fucking Witcher 3 beats it out

>challenge runs that you can do at any other point
So it's just a gay speed running-esque event? Lame.

while on the surface the game is lighthearted and cheery, it's actually pretty dark beneath the surface

>it's actually pretty dark
fucking lol

it's just an excuse to play the game in a different way
plus its for the children

Wrong. The vast majority of V bosses put in VI will have their gimmicks overrun by the game's fucking retarded damage scaling and the proliferation of defense ignoring attacks that are also usually free. Who gives a shit about Uroboros' revive gimmick when everyone has AoE attacks and a good amount of them are free, or who gives a shit about Titan's death Quake when Float has no real opportunity cost attached?

V bosses with high damage per attack are the most annoying thing about the game, but when people give the game away for something entirely different then they shouldn't be complaining to me at all. Even with those high damage combos your boss probably has a 100-point DPS and you aren't going to make much noise. If the V bosses are really bad, the bosses you kill can all be revived at once. That's why. That said, I'm not so sure people have enough of a moral fiber to keep it real when VI bosses take turns to "attack." The gameplay changes drastically on both levels. Even as many players, myself included, are pretty upset about that, I still think it was good and worth it in the interest of the game as a whole. I don't think the game has been changed in a big way by that; as far as I could tell, they're all about the same gameplay.

What's stopping the Catastrophe fight from working in 6?

It's not speed running at all. It's just a fun way to play the game differently, and it's for charity.

Speed running is another brand of challenge run and the charity angle seals the deal. It's pretty gay.

You must be fun at parties, negative nancy.

There's nothing wrong with challenge runs and there's nothing wrong with speed running. You may as well say that people shouldn't be allowed to play a game more than once.

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Sure but having an "event" for it is pretty fucking gay.

I'm not convinced.

Imagine having an 'image board' for discussing video games

Dirt Dragon is Catastrophe but earlier and without the petrify and it's a joke compared to him specifically because of game mechanic changes. ATB not pausing during animations and thus letting you queue Float immediately after it casts it removes any sort of challenge from the fight and so does Float's availability and the much higher damage in VI.

That's what all those AGDQ defenders said.
>nah man it's not autistic it's for charity we're just having fun

>Planet A on its deathbed no matter what since the wind crystal die
>Multiple of npc and named npc killed throughout the journey(legit deaths not FF4 "deaths")
>Multiple kingdoms lives revolve around said crystal for protection,resources, and economy.

FFV worlds were pretty much fucked until the very end.Even then the damage Exdeath left will remain.

Holy fuck why are you pretending like Catastrophe is some complex challenge when all it is is "cast Float+Reflect and wail on him until dead." It's a joke of a fight that would be as much of a joke if it was in 6.

Why is Four Job Fiesta similar to AGDQ? Maybe you know something I don't.

>but da economy, muh resources
It takes a special brand of autist to look at a kid's game and think "whoa man this is super dark..."

They're both gaming events centered around challenge runs mixed with charity drives.

Okay so what's so wrong with those two elements specifically
"lighthearted scene coming through"

Because Catastrophe is even easier when you don't have to ask if you have Float available, if your turn order will allow you to cast it in time, or if you can fourshot him with no buildup whatsoever because the answer to all three of those question is yes.

having an "event" for it is pretty fucking gay.

I don't think its super dark but it does have it depressing moments like when Lenna had to choose between her mother and the hiryu or Bartz backstory.

I mean, you're right, but there's still a huge difference. With Fiesta you don't have to be autistic and know the game down to the tiniest details, or a prominent member of the community, or fly out to some specific location.
You just play the game at home and throw a few tweets. Anyone can participate.

This is getting cyclical. Why is having an event gay?

No one's forcing you.

At this point I'm convinced it's just trolling.

Again, individual boss difficulty has nothing to do with gameplay.

Sorry, I really don't get it. What I have derived from this is that you think that people openly, perhaps publically playing a video game with synchronicity is gay.

Yeah the deal with FFV is that while its story is pretty by-the-book the characters and general scenario is still unique enough that it actually stands out as one of the stronger stories. Galuf's death was way better executed than Aerith's two games later, if you ask me, and bonus points for the characters actually trying to revive him with game mechanics like Cure3/Raise/phoenix downs.

>With Fiesta you don't have to be autistic
Yeah you do.
It adds a layer of pretentiousness to the whole thing. You shouldn't need an "excuse" to play a game in a specific way or celebrate it in any way.

Oh no, I mean, at this point I think he's trolling.
I'm not him.

>the only good FF5 romhack is in japanese

What ff6 romhack should I play? Are any of the ff4 ones decent?

You really don't. It's quite easy to play through the game with various combinations.
Yes, I will agree that knowing certain strategies will be integral to getting through with particular combinations, but not to the autistic level you see during GDQs.

Sorry friend! It looks like you have trouble understanding social events as a whole. I hope you get checked for autism soon

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Level of execution doesn't really matter. You have to be at least a little bit autistic to do any kind of challenge run.

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Galuf's death was a harsh thing. He may have died like a champ, but in the end he was being toyed. That really made me mad. And yet I still find Exdeath to be a likeable villain.

Void Divergence and Ancient Cave are both in English.

>u don't like autism central? u must be autistic lol

Brave New World makes FF6 pretty fun.


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No way it's cringy as hell and has some retarded design decisions.

I am sorry you're confused, it is ok! I'll help you understand if you want, I don't think less of you

Now THAT'S what I call...
butting in.

Yes it does. It's functionally the same boss gimmick but it's much easier in VI because of differences in game mechanics, scaling, and what you can assume you'll have. That will happen with every single boss gimmick you port over unless you bind the players' hands with something like Magimaster's tower.

>and has some retarded design decisions
Name one.

No it doesn't. The individual game's balance might be different, but at the end of the day it's just ATB shit. Completely identical. Attacking or casting Cure in 5 is no different from the same shit in 6.

>uh locke can't steal stuff from monsters cuz it wouldn't make sense for wild beasts to carry potions or equipment!
>oh but they still drop money lol
So fucking stupid.

In FF6 casting magic had start up similar to FF4 but atb continue in animation rendering speed useless.

>but at the end of the day it's just ATB shit.
V's ATB doesn't function the same way as VI's does.
>Attacking or casting Cure in 5 is no different from the same shit in 6.
Both games use very different formulas for those and if you can't understand why that's important or makes a difference you have no business talking about gameplay.

You wanna try that again in English?
A means to an end. If the end gameplay is the same, whatever calculations are done in the background are irrelevant.

That isn't retarded at all.

This is exactly why I'm sticking with the snes fan translation.
It has its humor, it's just subdued, instead of filled with shitty pop culture references and "wacky" humor.

Yes it is. If you're going off the assumption that "it'd be absurd for a bear to carry a random sword" it's equally stupid for the same bear to carry 100 bucks instead.

cool double standard
that's just as much fanfiction as the "official" translation

There is nothing retarded about making it obvious what you can and can't steal from at a glance.

The lack of memes makes it better.

>translators trying to be as faithful to the source material as possible

You know, nobody puts up with shit like this shit in modern games.

Are you so fucking stupid you don't see the contradiction between "animals shouldn't carry useful stuff to steal" and "animals should drop money"?

What a piss poor excuse. FF5A was made before memes started getting injected into everything.

Yeah, because fan translations are well known to be 100% accurate to the original material. Because Baigan's acting is worse than William Shatner's and Arche totally fucks like a tiger.
But please, feel free to keep parading around your double standards.

But 4A precedes it and is full of memes.

There is no contradiction, there's only you being too stupid to understand the latter as an abstraction and limitation of the game.

Monsters and animals carrying money isn't any more an abstraction than monsters and animals carrying swords and potions, quit being dense

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>an abstraction and limitation of the game
You mean like being able to steal stuff from wild animals?

Stealing a potion or sword from a monster is not even remotely in the same class of abstraction as getting money from killing monsters because the latter is trivially explained by cutting them up and selling their parts. Which could have been done without the abstract part, but it's fucking annoying to have to micromanage every single time you go to a town and either makes it impossible to differentiate between different money rewards for different enemies or forces you to deal with the game not having unlimited item slots.

dilate harder, speed tranny

No one in the party has that kind of knowledge.

>the ffv fan translation isn't accurate to the source material because a translation by a different group for a different game made a lot of obvious changes that weren't intended
Jesus you're stupid.

how about you have sex bucko? Stop seething? Maybe quit coping?

>because the latter is trivially explained by cutting them up and selling their parts.
There'd be little to no market for such a thing in the immediate surrounding area; you're trying to rationalize economy in a game with shops that will generally have an extremely similar purchase-table consisting of potions, ethers, phoenix downs, and readily-purchasable armor and weaponry tailored to the party's exact needs and current progression through the game. Oh, and where none of the party members have any reason to keep track of a thing like which monster-bits to sell.