
>Movie Games
>Not Portable
>Shitty Remakes
>Switch sold more in its third year
How will Snoy ever recover-


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Other urls found in this thread:


at this point Switch is the only handheld left in Japan. 3DS and Vita are dead.

So they're gonna give a date and price on their mini model at E3 right

>Japan lifetime sales
So, irrelevant. gotcha.

As Irrelevant as Sony going into next gen.

You know op I own a switch, as well as other systems such as a pc and yes a PS4.
And I must say, you are a fucking faggot for making a fanboy shill thread. Why do you feel the need to promote a multi-million dollar company online and compete with Sony for them. You are the definition of a shill and all consolewarring niggers including yourself should be gassed weather you are shilling for Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft

NPD numbers have leaked, and the Switch outsold the PS4 in the month of April in the year of our Lord, 2019.

Idort here, OP said nothing wrong.

Going forward it's Nintendo + PC, I don't really like Sony telling me what games I cannot buy.

>essentially the end of the PS4's run
>after 2 year just now starts to outsell it
How incredibly impressive.

If you only like the switch than that’s fine I don’t give a shit. But why do faggots feel the need to shill online for their company and do gay shit like argue over sales figures metacritic scores of exclusives as though they are arguing about which sports team is better. Just play whatever you like and shut the fuck up, stop giving companies you don’t work for free advertising


It's because sony is going for political correctness and weeb games especially so this is triggering Yea Forums's political militant mindset so they feel obligated to support Nintendo now.

I personally don't give much of a shit.
I care about gameplay.
There's some specific things i get on PS4, i'm sure there will be some specific games i'll get on PS5 too.
It's true that i mostly buy games on my switch now and less on Sony stuff but i simply just buy what seems cool to play + i like the portable angle, that's about it.
At the end of the day who really gives this much of a fuck, it's just electronic toys for children consumed by neckbeards, for fuck sake.
Stop taking everything so seriously, nothing you're doing in your life is a "crusade" against anything, you're just consumers consuming.

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oh nononononononononononononononononono

No one would throw a fit at sony if they didn't go full retard and censor games that won't be sold anywhere else but Japan.

>you're just consumers consuming.
Can we at least ask for the shit we're consuming to be good shit? Is that too much to ask?

Yet weebs still buy PlayStation games. Even more so than on Xbox, PC, and Nintendo. They can throw a fit, but at the end of the day they'll still look at that FF7R receipt with no regrets.

>especially so this is triggering Yea Forums's political militant mindset
What is political about boobs? What is political about games being changed by a publisher that applies to SONY but not EA?
What is political about greedy companies fucking over Japanese games to preference EA, Activision and other large publishers that need no assistance.
Fuck off

>p-please believe the most conservative platform is the most S-OY
Ok user

You ask by not buying X and buying Y instead.
The majority then decides what is popular or not.

If you happen to be in line with what the majority wants, you'll be happy.
If not, you'll either find your own little niche picking and choosing specific games that appeal to you, or endlessly complain and shitpost on Yea Forums that le ebul normies are cucking your games.
Play video games.
Stop whining so much.

>Stop whining so much.
Why are you here? Just to damage a control a multi-million dollar company?

What, Yea Forums?
I haven't seen a single sincere video game discussion thread on Yea Forums in at least 5 years.
Yea Forums is for endless shitposting about jannies and trannies all day.
Might as well be /bpoltvv/

Recover? recover from what?

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Reminder, that you're arguing with people who look and act like this.

by catering to sportsfags

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SEETHING falseflagger

The censorshop, moviegames and shitty remakes

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Well that was to be expected. Unless Nintendo just forgot that the 3DS exist, Switch will replace it.
I wish they release a Switch with 3DS backwards compatibility. I haven't finished EO U2, EO5 and X. I'm also not done yet with FE Echoes and Pesona Q.

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I remember when you guys used to brag about not paying for online. Now you brag about paying the most for online, lol

this is Yea Forumsintendogaf. people threw fits at sony before they censored games and they'll still throw fits at sony after they stop censoring games.

Today I binged Breakthrough Fortress on BFV so hard with some online homies (called in sick) and had so much fucking fun decimating everyone online.
By all accounts, I'm a disgusting EA-lover FPS tryhard NOT just single player normie here in Yea Forums, but I actually had fun playing a fucking video game after so long.
This place is for anything but actually playing and enjoying games, shame.

You talking about tendies?


>after they stop censoring games

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You tried

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You act like thats a good thing. You should know japan doesn't have very good taste.

>reviewbrah drinking a shake by himself in his car with total darkness outside, smiling
There's something incredibly unsettling about this reaction image.

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There were weekly thread shitting on Sony because of paid online for like 3 years straight. Guess when they stopped getting posting. The second nintendos paid online was announced.

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You tried

Oh how could I forget. Tendies are hypocritical autists.

>keeps deflecting to nintendo
You tried bro, and now I'm done replying to you.



You keep defending Nintendo like an autist

OP here. I actually attended this to be a stealth spook posting thread with the Streamable link but clearly that backfired so i'll give my 2 cents. I fucking love Sony but lately they've been disappointing the fuck out of me. Japanese Developers shouldn't fear the thought of aliening their fanbase by censoring and moving to another console, They don't advertise or even try their niche stuff nearly as much as Nintendo, They killed the vita with those fucking expensive memory sticks, and they've gotten extremely cocky this gen to the point where they won't even crossplay with the other companies. I hope Microsoft kicks the shit out of them next gen so they can humble themselves and go back to the comfy mid-late PS3 days.

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Kek, think whatever you want you shill

What do snoys even play on that thing, Fifa 18? Fifa 19?

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>sony is going for political correctness


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In the end portability is PC gaming's true rival. Even mobile gaming is overtaking PC gaming all because of portability. Consoles cannot compete anymore when the two sides are too extreme for them to compete against.
Against portables, you can't carry around a PS4.
Against PCs, the PS4 cannot take on the quality of graphics PC provides.

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>Says the increasingly nervous Yea Forums poster for the umpteenth tine
PS5 will sell 100M units even faster than PS4, no matter how how you cope, seethe, cringe, or cry.

The Vita's true son outsold the family it betrayed

>PS5 will sell 100M
UNLESS the PS5 is a portable.

>Loving Sony
Nigger just stop

You're doubting a PlayStation home console won't breech triple digits. Phew.


Its fucking nothing.
Reminder the PS4 out sold the Switch the past 2 years worldwide and is currently outselling it this year.

>PS4 97 million sold
>Switch 32 million

But I guess you have Japan....good job.

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Stop what? Liking a company and wanting them to improve? Sorry If I don't follow your console warring faggatory.

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>In Japan

lol who gives a shit

>overtook PS4 sales

When they make it past global PS4 sales, call us.

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Every Sony console but the PS3 sold over 100 million.

Only Nintendo console to do so was the Wii.

>I care about gameplay.
>on PS4

Attached: lol.png (115x177, 30K)

>97 million sold over 6 years
>32 million sold over 2 years
>at all comparable

Well, the PS5 won't be as good and powerful as PC and won't be as easy to bring around as the Switch. What can the PS5 provide to gamers that can be said to be an advantage above the two?

When it inevitably does, I wonder how Nintendo and their fan boys will feel afterwards knowing the company left the console space for nothing?

Its literally the Wiiu again.
Once the PS4 launched and started slaughtering the Wiiu, Nintendo fags just posted Jap numbers. It was literally every day, while they ignored the rest of the world. And they are doing it again.

Shitch will have no legs. All the rehashes are already released.

Pretty easy, Sony owns much more of the market.
Also, the Switch is shit as someone who owns one

>Shitty children games/shovelware
>Mostly ports that look and run like shit
>Shitty remakes
>Literally all hype and zero substance, just repeating the Wii U cycle.

It doing well is good for fans but shit for people who like video games. Moreso when most Japanese devs dont give a shit about the platform.

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No one gives a fuck about PC gaming in the real world. Normies game on consoles.

Heaven forbid people dare criticize the circumstances that they've been dealt.

What is with this new wave of absolute bootlickers that not only accept the bullshit being shoveled towards them, but also have the audacity to criticize anyone else who does not want this bullshit shoveled in their face? First people defending Blizzard's awful conference, then the defense of the Epic Game Store, and now this Sony silliness.

>censorshop, moviegames and shitty remakes
>Smash, Xenoblade 2, and Zelda Link

So the same thing Nintendo is doing?

>Moreso when most Japanese devs dont give a shit about the platform.
I mean most of them prefers to release their games on the vita over the switch

They need to pander to japan hard like Nintendo has always* done, which is more or less impossible right now due to how much they've sold themselves to the west in order to ensure global supremacy.

Attached: Why JAPAN is Nintendoland.jpg (1090x1056, 533K)

Nintendo consoles die in 3 years.

Why should they feel anything? They like playing on a portable for reasons, so you can't force them to play on a console. The actual feature they're looking for is portability.
Most of the Switch owners I know travel around.

>and won't be as easy to bring around as the Switch.
How is this relevant to 99% of people who play games? Most people aren't manchildren.

>Normies game on consoles
You mean mobile. Which is a portable in every sense of the word. The rent-a-PS4 stall in a local mall is deserted almost everyday. Most normalfags play PC or mobile these days.

Or literally anything else. The Switch can't even hold onto its exclusives like Octopath.

Once its emulated (soon) it will have no purpose on anyone's shelf, even now its a pretty useless Nintendo console. It doesnt even have a real Mario Kart.

>the sheer amount of snoy cope ITT
too bad you can't censor reality

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Nintendo fags always ignore this. Their consoles sell well early then die fast. The PS4 had it's best year in year 5 when it sold 20 million in one year.

You have zero awareness, retard.

>Tfw nobody says anything about the streamable

Attached: Sad bones.png (2400x1800, 1.66M)

None of those games are even close to movie games tho

Attached: what peeper.png (741x568, 29K)

people are only dickriding "muh portability" because it's nintendo's forced gimmick for this generation. when nintendo comes up with a different forced gimmick for their next console, the fanboys will forget all about portability and start hyping that instead.
the switch sucks as a portable anyway. my switch never leaves its dock anymore.

>99% of people who play games
Because 20% of that 99% travel, likely for work or other reasons.
>portables are for manchildren
How so?

>Its literally the Wiiu again.

Nah, Switch outsold it quickly. It's just the new dominant handheld, admittedly mostly because the Nips fucking love it. I don't get the whole PS4 vs. Switch thing some people are trying to meme, they are not even competing for same demographics. PS4 became the sports game and western AAA machine of this gen while Switch is becoming the Underage Panty Quest weeb console.

No the normies that bought almost 100 million PS4's.

>power wars
See the best selling consoles/handhelds of all time
>What can the PS5 provide to gamers that can be said to be an advantage above the two
Can't. That's why they're chasing a completely different avenue in VR. PSVR is slowly becoming its own closed platform with sought out games.

I'm still mad over how quickly they killed the GBA just after 3 fucking years

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Persona 5

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You’ve got some poor selective memory, they were making GBA titles fairly long into the DS’s lifespan

>with sought out games

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Console gaming is all but a luxury these days for people with lots of money to waste. Even Japs are switching to PC/Steam and dropping PS4. Normalfags don't usually have money to waste on consoles either or is unwilling because they usually have work and can't be at home most of the time to use a console.

>crushed the Wiiu
>has outsold the so called "new hit console" its first two years

You have no clue what that means. More like Nintendo fags are cherry picking one little market to try and make it look like Nintendo still isn't being raped by Sony.

>Their consoles sell well early then die fast

Lol no, only Wii and Nintendo handhelds have sold well. All of their home consoles except for Wii since SNES have been failures, it's company that has been carried by Gameboy, DS and now Switch.

>then die fast

Japan alone will keep them floating eternally. They really love their handhelds, and Japanese market was the reason Vita wasn't gutted instantly. Sony could have taken the Nip handheld market by storm and gutted Nintendo forever if they weren't so retarded with PSP and Vita.

Astrobot sold more than Crackdown 3. Yes PSVR has a very dedicated fan base like the Vita.

>nintendo's forced gimmick
It isn't. The rise of mobile gaming is a testament to that. Some people just likes to bring their games around with them because they can't be at home enough to use a console.

I'm talking about the threads about it doing well in Japan. These threads are exactly like Wiiu threads 5 years ago.

Recover from what?

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You mean just like when 3DS was "alive" during the Switch's first years?

What pisses me off is that nintendo fucking ported a terrible selection of gba games to the 3ds and snes games to the fucking WiiU a year or two before it died. Then they shut down that nintendo club thing a few months later.

Then they took down romsites, and fucked over switchfags with nes games, that you have to have an online subscription to even purchase.
I am so glad I got a n3ds and hacked it.

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Fun fact

PS4 sold 17.5 million consoles last year worldwide, surpassing Sony's expectations

Switch sold 16.9 million consoles last year worldwide, they didn't even achieve their 17 million goal

I can't believe people defend censorship to this degree, what the fuck is wrong with sonyfags?

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>The rise of mobile gaming is a testament to that.
no, the rise of mobile gaming is a testament to how addicts can get hooked on anime pngs.

>Then they took down romsites
I am never thankful enough that I hoard roms that I like because I had an inkling this would happen.

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You tell me

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Replace anime pngs to polygons and the same argument can be used on PCs and consoles.
The addicts in those platforms are more harmful too, because it is thanks to them that EA is still alive.

>defending censorstation with the very thing they censor; anime

>Switch sold 16.9 million consoles last year worldwide, they didn't even achieve their 17 million goal

That's because they banked hard on Pokemon Let's Go selling like a main gen game instead of performing like the remake it actually is. The fact Yoshi & FE got delayed months after setting their goal didn't help either.

And the Wii?

>Labyrinth Life
Irrelevant indieshit nobody ever heard or gives a shit about.

>Replace anime pngs to polygons and the same argument can be used on PCs and consoles.
the difference is that the rest of us aren't blowing our life savings on polygons like gacha whales are on their anime pngs. mobile gacha shit is absolute cancer.

I hoarded a bunch I can play on my 3ds too.

>rest of us aren't blowing our life savings on polygons
>$60 per game
Sure you don't.

Oh ok sorry. Here you go.

Attached: DMCV-Censor.png (1047x582, 524K)

$60 for a game is a much better deal than $75 for an anime png.

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So normies buy Sony? Got it


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It's still really easy to find roms for everything though.

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That'll be

$60 for the game
$60 for the dlc
$1000 for the booster packs

Thanks EA!

>for a game
That isn't even sold fully, sometimes even marred with just as much lootboxes as gacha games has gacha.
>locked content behind paywalls
>games sold per chapter

That HAS to be counting shit like FGO right?

Its ok if Nintendo does it

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Xenoblade 2 and Bayonetta 2 are movie games.

i don't buy any of ea's "games." problem solved. :)

Well, that true, for now.
But Ninty will get to even those eventually. Best be prepared.

it isn't, no one defended this like snoyfags do now, and the people responsible got put in their place, no censors on nintendo anymore

>Because 20% of that 99% travel,
With phone games, not shitty portables.
>How so?
Are you fucking retarded?

I love my Pretendo Stinch!

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Eventually they'll come a point where multi plats won't be supported on Switch. Nintendo having to do constant revisions just to play catch up, all while the next generation of PlayStation is always lingering around the corner. Sony consoles have legs. Nintendo is usually the first to abandon their hardware first, followed by Microsoft.

See They don't give a damn about political correctness. Sony is made up of morally questionable people who simply want control and attention from others (remember that Sony Interactive is now located right near San Francisco). For them, beautiful girls (in particular, fictional japanese women) are competition for them, so they will do their absolute best to censor/subvert/corrupt these fictional women into being hijab wearers or degenerates so that people have no choice but to pay attention to them instead, even if it means joining the #metoo movement as an excuse to do so (no seriously, that's their reasoning for censoring all of these Japanese games; that, and "protecting the children").

At least most of the drones didn't defend that and the game sold poorly.

>Even Japs are switching to PC/Steam and dropping PS4.
Name 3 major, high budget titles skipping the PS4.

Revenue not income. There's a lot of goyims paying for that shit.

>First, they came for the Japanese games. I said nothing because I didn't play those games.

>>Switch sold more in its third year
Second OP.

You do realize the Switch is literally a children's console and even more normie core since most of its games are piss easy and offer no complexity.

Who cares. The game was dead on arrival anyway. Or you're telling me someone actually wanted this?: youtube.com/watch?v=MTl8gDQiKiE

What games are you playing then cause almost all games now has dlc specially western made games.

Not Monster Hunter, not Devil May Cry, not Resident Evil. Dragon Quest did incredibly well, not to mention FF7R.

>no censors on nintendo anymore
Why do you lie to make them look good?

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>Are you fucking retarded?
Like, elaborate. Because I see nothing manchilding about playing videogames.

Post your no jump speed runs of Umihara Kawase Fresh then.

>its games are piss easy and offer no complexity
Now this is a lie. Compared to FPS clones and indie auto games on the PS4, Nintendo games are more complex.

>Even Japs are switching to PC/Steam and dropping PS4.

PC is still far too niche there tho. Japanese devs have admitted multiple times the only reason they port their games there is because of the west

>Moving the goalposts this hard
Why pretend Nintendo games are not casual?

Speaking of Umihara was Sayonara ported to ps4 or just vita?

All those sales, not a single high quality Japanese game under your belt. How did Xbox get Devil May Cry V before another Japanese system?

And? It’s not like the PS4 got 100M sales within 2-3 years.

>Compared to FPS clones and indie auto games on the PS4, Nintendo games are more complex.
Not even close, even God of War has a much more complex combat system than Zelda.

Attached: 131.webm (853x480, 2.98M)

That's a PC mod I believe.

Because it has better graphics than the PS4.

I love Pretendo no censorship polic-

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>dat pic
How can snoyggers recover?


based af

Attached: Romero_NEVER_EVER.jpg (610x520, 85K)

Meh, ONLY Dad of War.
Also Persona 5. Your FPS still sucks and bores me.

>look mom I posted it again!
Good for you tranny. Don't forget your estrogen injections.

Attached: smug rat.jpg (588x418, 22K)

Hey I posted a very complex game with high skill ceiling what did you bring to the table huh?

Yes I agree

Sony hasnt made an FPS since Killzone and it was awful.

>sales in the home country
>not relevant

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>self censorship after backlash
>CERO rules
>Americans censoring third party games that will only be sold in Japan and imposing American values on foreigners because "gross anime girls"
Hmmmm, I wonder which is worse.

its not a nintendo game
your parameters are retarded because most people dont speedrun
and its a basically unknown indie game

How is this a Nintendo representative game by any stretch?

how many cod and fifa you get it?

Not him, but you never said first party games in

Consoles sell better later in their life because they’re cheaper.

Since when do people associate Nintendo with indie ports that are on other platforms?

Zero, in fact, the attach rate on the PS4 is close to 10 meaning even if they owned every Fifa and COD, they would still have more than the attach rate. Nice meme though, Fifa is on the Shitch.

>self censorship after backlash
...is still censorship, and something that western studios get called out for doing. but it's okay when nintendo does it, i guess.

>be an adult
>have a decent paying job
>bring home a salary that enables me to easily afford both a Switch and a PS4
>don't give the slightest fuck which system is 'better', just enjoy games on both of them

Seriously, I know it's not a school night but most posters in this thread should probably be in bed by now. Do your parents know you're up late typing crude things on the internet?

Attached: Sheeb Laying In Bed.jpg (750x847, 223K)

But Nintendo of America isn't censoring third party games for Japan, you retard.

>be an adult
>have an amazing job that pays well
>bring home a salary and own both a PS4 and Switch and gaming PC
>Still think the Switch is shit and barely use it

You can have opinions on something you dislike to, its called having an informed opinion.

A man with a good head on his shoulders. Console warriors are just shills too stupid to realize their doing it for free and all of their kind deserve the gallows.

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It's a switch game and that's what we're talking about not just nintendo games. Then post your clears then speed runs are the upper limit. Even the regulars stages are hard as balls.

>Indie port
Baka it's an exclusive, for now lel it's a good game try it.

>It's a switch game and that's what we're talking about not just nintendo games.

it's not a Nintendo game

>for now lel it's a good game try it.
I already beat the one on SNES with no desire to relive that hell.

>Since when do people associate Nintendo with indie ports that are on other platforms?
Gee, I dunno. Probably since around the time they started having Nintendo Directs specifically for indie games over two years ago. Or maybe it was when they started giving their main IPs to indie devs.

>its ok if nintendo does it

>>It's a switch game and that's what we're talking about not just nintendo games.
>it's not a Nintendo game

Attached: brain-problems-1.jpg (1200x735, 130K)

>Yea Forumstendogaf getting progressively more obsessed with sony.

Ah yes summer is here.

Just casually reminding Yea Forums why PS5 will ass rape the competition.

>be an adult
>have a decent paying job
>bring home a salary that enables me to easily afford both a 3DS and a decent PC
>plays most on the 3DS because I spend 6 hours traveling to and coming back from work
Sadly, an adult life means you can't be home most of the time anymore unless I go NEET.

Why are Sony cronies so retarded that they're willing to bend over backwards to conflate two completely different things?

Consider this:
>guy A doesn't feel like doing something
>he doesn't do it
>guy A wants to do something
>guy B doesn't like that thing
>guy B forces guy A not to do it
You're saying that these are the same things.

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>exclusives status
That isn't enough to sway the public anymore. People are starting to wake up on how to choose their games wisely.

>food tier analogy

Oh my gosh nintendo fans read my fucking lips you underage faggots


Alright, you're just trolling. Bye.

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Fun fact: Senran Kagura producer left Marvelous because he can't add anymore tits and ass on his games on the PS platform, and went to Cygames to create his Obra Maestra.

It's a nintendo switch game. See the logo in the upper right.

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Wouldn't he just be back to making PS 4 games then? Can't even add his lewds anymore unless it's for the gacha games.

Oh no mean ol' sony ruined this old perverts life boo fucking hoo. You actually believe this crap? He obviously was getting paid like shit at his other job, if anything his life has improved.

>People are starting to wake up on how to choose their games wisely
That's exactly why PS5 won't fail, because Sony spent an entire reason giving people reasons to invest in their next gen console. Look Joker, I know you want to convince yourself that Spider-Man 2 won't sell consoles, but that's pure delusion. If Spiderman won't sell them Horizon will, or the next Ratchet. Even Days Gone has an audience moving forward.

Remember that the global organizations have set it up so that if you don't get your games rated, you can't sell them physically.
And Nintendo still sells games via carts.

God damn, a full price phone game from nipland. Wow I'm going out and buying a switch right now.

naw this year is the XL reveal
Mini is next year

>Wouldn't he just be back to making PS 4 games then?
Nah, he wants to add his lewds. So he won't be back to making games in the PS.

>And Nintendo still sells games via carts.

And what does that have to do with your first statement?

Attached: yes and.jpg (125x187, 10K)

Carts are physicals. Nintendo have to get games on their platform rated before they can sell it. Hence there's censorship in the games on their platform.

its time for a resetera dump for all those idiots defending censorship

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>Sony spent an entire reason giving people reasons to invest in their next gen console
What reasons? What possible reason can the PS have that is an advantage over PC and Switch?

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$40 and I see we have a shit poster here. Go back to you cinematic games then and fuck off.


Nintendo fans just can't face the facts sadly. Sony beat nintendo and forced them to go handheld only from now on.

Attached: 1556544738249.png (944x1708, 683K)

>censorship of your own games that everyone has to abide by regardless (you even said that)
>Sony going above and beyond to censor third party games and take out things that rating boards even allow to impose American values on foreign countries

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Exclusives and VR games that don't suck.

I've honestly contemplated many times of selling my PS4 for the Switch, obviously i wouldn't do that, i would want both, but the fact i would even think about something like that bothers the hell outta me. Sony's censorship rampage is one thing i just cannot stand, you cannot justify censorship and it's the one thing i hate the most. When the time comes i'll probably get the "Switch Pro" or some shit like that and probably just ditch the PS5 if it counties on this censorship path.

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user you only have to get your games rated to your regional rating boards sucks to be in the UK/Germany then.

Didn't Sony say they were focusing on making less games?

Nah, I forgot to say that because of that, any censorship that happens on Nintendo games are not their fault. Because they're just following orders.

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>$40 for this literal dog shit

nice "game" you got there. I actually pity you for liking this garbage.

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>don't suck
That's an opinion. You have an infinite shade of "not sucking" because every other person likes different games.

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>VR is a reason to buy a console
A brand new console with VR on top of it is like $850, and that's not even including the games. The average casual consumer does not want to spend that kind of money on something they aren't serious about.

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Fuck, I'm dyslexic.
>That's exactly why PS5 won't fail; Sony spent an entire gen giving people reasons to invest in their next console. Look Joker, I know you want to convince yourself that Spider-Man 2 won't sell consoles, but that's pure delusion. If Spider-Man won't sell them, Horizon will, or the next Ratchet. Days Gone even has an audience moving forward.

A switch with 3DS backwards compatibility would be crazy. Only problem is they'd most likely have to do digital though unless they're willing to look back to the first DS and add in a second cartridge slot.

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That's true. Plus eveything up to ps1 has tiny file sizes. Even N64 isn't that big.

>y-you t-tried!
You don't win by getting the last reply, user.

Less games but bigger budgets, we're already seeing it now with horizon, god of war, and days gone

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Beat any of the previous game then we'll talk or fuck off. Nice try moving the goal post though faggot.

How would the second screen even work. But if they could make it work have all my money.


So less exclusives are somehow a selling point? Even less than they had before? Especially at the rate that they're losing exclusives to Switch and PC.

I have no idea. Only thing I can think of with having the switch vertical somehow but that'd just be dumb and really hard to actually play with.

It isn't
Both cases are terrible because censorship is wrong.
HOWEVER of the two cases one is also being outright evil.
It's like comparing a guy throwing a chocolate wrapper on the ground and a guy stabbing someone. Both are crimes but one is far worse than the other.

>derogatory meme
LOL what?

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Sony doesn't need puny Japan market anymore. Playstation is a worldwide brand so losing in japan is not a big deal. Why do you think they move their HQ away from Japan huh?

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No it's probably because they want to leave room for third party games, and because game development takes longer for these big games.

>He thinks that is skin tight
>"This is sexualization! The breasts gets bigger!"
>Literally just goes from a high A-cup to a low B-cup at most. This can be chalked up to common discrepancies when drawing art.

Jesus how cucked must you be? Senrans must make him have an aneurysm.

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>girl fetishists
I get the feeling that these people somehow manage to go outside even less than people here.

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>bigger marketing budgets
We all know the gameplay programmers aren't seeing any of that money, that's for damn sure.

So like this. I don't think nintendo can do that with the revision if it's the cheaper one the joycons are gonna be stuck to the tablet and you look stupid playing vertically.


>they want to leave room for third party games
>implying games take up physical space in a console's library
Even if that were true, there's plenty of room for them as it is.

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Pretty sure Shawn meant this in the context of PlayStation 4. The generation is undoubtedly closing, and we're getting close to PS5. Not to mention there's a plethora of bread crumbs suggesting Sony is gearing up massively for next gen from building new studios, to hiring en mass, and renewing trademarks for old IP's and such.

A man who forsakes his homeland is hardly a man at all.

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>is currently outselling it this year.
Lmao imagine being this delusional.

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You clearly have no idea what are you talking about

>What possible reason can the PS have that is an advantage over PC and Switch?

Guaranteed 3rd party support. Case in point: the gigantic success of the Wii didn't stop third parties from forcing the god-awful PS3 into becoming a success regardless

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I didn't like the idea of an all American console when Xbox did it, and I don't like the idea of it now. Even if what you said is true, a Sony console with no quirky Japanese games would be a first, and I already don't like it.

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>bigger ass
>Better hips
>Suit is so tight that her abs and asscrack are visible
>"But the tits look slightly smaller so its censorship"

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>censor Japanese games
>Japanese devs start selling the uncensored version as the definitive edition on other platforms

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Last quarterly reports have the PS4 ahead by 100k for the first three months of the year.

Reminder that Nintendo games are good but the hardware is trash
That means if you like Nintendo you are a nigger.



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have sex
do your own taxes
get a job

Nintendo basedboys

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>half naked girl
Old image

>Switch doing well
>PS4 doing well
>Xbone dead and all signs are the Cucklett is shit too

What a shame, Xnigger. Try shilling new lines.

>muh sales

Okay now you guys are being actually retarded, Japan is known for its stigma of people working hours, etc. Why would switch do well there? Well, let's see maybe because most of their time is spent commuting to work and being at work. Not to mention the ease of access and accessibility that comes with being a handheld.

What is the best way to play games on the go? A HANDHELD.

Its THE reason the DS did so well over there compared to every other country and its the reason now why the switch overtook the PS4, not all those bs reasons you listed. Now I won't say they couldn't be partially the reason why switch overtook ps4 but it's definitely not THE reason it did.

Switch is doing well under the 3DS which is what you should be comparing it to as they're both handhelds and the home console market is dead in Japan. They're all doing abysmal as fuck. Japan has all but abandoned everything in favor of mobile.

handhelds aren't even doing that well in Japan anymore. 3DS sold significantly less than the DS and Switch is trailing the 3DS as well. And face it, the JRPG trash that Nips love was never an input-intensive genre. They're easy to play on phones.

>about to hit the magic 100m
>"b'b'b'ut it's not selling well in this one irrelevant territory"
Why are Nintendo fans so desperate for victories? Sad.


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>had to throw the switch in because the 3ds and wii U still weren't winning
>and switch is all nintendo has left, having gone from 2 systems to 1
enjoy it while it lasts, they'll be publishing games on playstation soon enough

Japan thankfully doesn't count