Opinions you sincerely hold that you recognize are objectively bad

I like aliasing
Seeing the jaggies solidifies the novelty of a computer simulating a 3D space. I prefer to play with it on.

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You just wanted a reason to post that image.

Shit thread

Kaguya a cute

I dont hold opinions with objective faults because Im not a cuckhold slave like you are

Tekken 3 is the best one and 4 wasn't that bad

>I like aliasing
fucking hipster zoomer trash

Dishonored 2 and Dishonored Death of the Outsider are the best games released in 10 years.

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All Betheada RPGs are bad.

I cant get into them at all. The clay people, the bugs, level scaling, sleep inducing combat, it's just awful. But with the critical praise, customer praise, and awards they get they must be good.

You aren’t alone OP. I also have a fetish for jaggies.

A lot of stories Yea Forums says are bad I've actually enjoyed. Not sure if Yea Forums just has bad taste or if I do

Gamecube/PS2 games ought to be played at 480p. Preferably on a CRT if possible. They actually look worse at high resolution because the assets weren't designed for flatscreens or high resolution displays. I don't think my opinion on this is wrong though. Zoomers that play gamecube games at 4k in Dolphin then complain about the textures looking bad should commit sudoku

is that a penis?

Patrician taste right there.

I like to be reminded I'm playing a game. Immersive cunts killed videogames

I like aliasing because the most popular anti-aliasing nowadays is blurry shit that consumes way more resources than necessary. At resolutions higher than 1080p, pixels are small enough that jaggies aren't even an issue.

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AA usually just makes it look like shit's smeared with vaseline in the distance, doesn't matter if it's fxaa or smaa or fucking whatever to me
it's especially bad if in VR and I can't even make out what the fuck is moving in the distance since it's blurry in the first place

I hate Touhou
It's like other Sonic/mlp where you don't know if the product attracts or makes autist people
Imagine being all grown up and going "UwU" on another man

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OP said objectively bad opinions, not objectively true opinions. Fuck Skyrim and people that like it.

Most real Touhou fans (as in, the ones that actually care about the games) I've met are super serious autists that have never typed an emote to me before.

imagine letting secondaires and fanbases affect your opinion on something

The PS2s lack of standard 480p hurt it long term. Obviously if you are on a 20 inch CRT 480i vs 480p doesnt matter but blown up to a 55 inch flat panel it does.

Hello ironic weeb #2310

New Vegas has fun gameplay. It's ass & jank but launching bighorns sky high with pushy is always great

I like sonic

But that's the problem, you see
Without its autist fanbase, Touhou is nothing but a bullet-hell with shitty art
The fangames look 1000 better than the original work

Twilight Princess > Ocarina of Time

OoT is objectively the more well rounded game and arguably matches TP at its own best qualities. Enemies have better AI, you aren't locked into a designated dungeon order and the dungeons are just as solid, if not slightly more so. That said, there's something about TP's unique details, aesthetics, and mechanics that put it over OoT for me. You could argue that it also runs more smoothly but even that doesn't factor in much for me, it really is more about TP just being TP and that appealing greatly to me.

Fuck I thought I was the only one. I don't know why it's so comforting, maybe it's just me being used to early 3D gaming.

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lcd screens ruin the fuck outta metroid prime


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Fire Emblem 3 Houses looks fine and I’m getting it because the rest of the game looks fun

I agree user. I don't get the fucking complaints for it. It looks better than Awakening and Fates. Day 1 for me.

That's not AA, that's DoF, dummy.

Also DoF is a shitty meme and is only good for screenshots, playing with DoF is stupid

Difficulty makes me really angry because I'm really bad at games. I know people like hard stuff and I understand why but I just can't keep up. I prefer turn-based games 100% of the time. Input-intensive games drive me insane, it took me 60 hours to even be able to play Smash without losing to my friends and I still can't competently do shit like grabs, shields, aerials, or combos. Action games like Bayonetta are completely fucking lost on me, I couldn't get above a stone trophy if I tried on NORMAL mode.
tl;dr i have to play on babymode unless a game is turn based

Agreed. DoF looks like hot garbage when you're playing, just like adaptation, lens flares, and film grain.

I legitimately love Sonic Chronicles. Even the soundtrack. I have played through it multiple times and have nostalgia for it (it's 11 years old). I have played basically every Sonic game and it's easily in my top 10.

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>tfw no season 2

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There's this big ol leak recently that gives a lot of information
Most of it is good
But there's one terrible one
>4-way routesplit
I hope to god it's a fake leak for that alone

I think the portraits look fucking awful and I'm wary of all the unit customization because that shit has always pissed me off in the newer games, since I'm always worried I'll do something stupid and not be playing optimally, but overall I think 3H looks like a fine game and I like the Persona direction it's going overall.

Sort of related to that FE: Echoes is my favorite FE game and I don't care how "bad" the gameplay is because I thought it was fun.

Lastly my hottest take is that TMS#FE is one of my favorite games and lived up to my expectations 100%, and I fully acknowledge it as a a standalone spinoff and as a part of both the FE and SMT canon.

>reusing the villain from the brigmore witches DLC because they couldn't think of anything else
>DOTO: DUDE what if we like, KILL GOD

I don't think so Tim, it's one of my favorite franchises but the story goes right into retardville in 2/DOTO which bars it from being the decade's GOAT, though most other aspects of it are good

literally Prey is more worthy (not that it ultimately is either though)

Why not? Don't japs like good anime?

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I know the difference, I always turn dof, chromatic abberation and AA off, models like a human's outline just look super shitty with AA if they're too far
it's much easier to pick out enemies far away in something like Arma with AA off

FO3 was one of the most boring games I've ever played. I really want to try playing Skyrim eventually, just because the world, mechanics, and lore seems more interesting to me but I wouldn't be surprised if the gameplay in that one sucked too.

If this is objectively true then why do people masturbate furiously to New Vegas like it's the savior of gaming? I don't fucking get it.

Echoes is such an afterthought that I forget it exists most of the time

>I'm wary of all the unit customization because that shit has always pissed me off in the newer games, since I'm always worried I'll do something stupid and not be playing optimally
Fire emblem as a whole is much more enjoyable if you try not to worry about playing optimally, just use units you like and whatever class they “fit” for you in. Even on the hardest difficulty for most games you can win pretty easily without optimal LTC autism
Also I hope #FE gets a port, I always wanted to play it but never wanted a Wii U

does that cosplayer have an instagram or any social media that i can violently fap to?

>I like aliasing
I feel that I have been appreciating it more, because some special light effects from magic and stuff like this looked really nice without AA, like being able to see some tiny particles you can't see with AA ON, so I have started disabling it.

Now I'm starting to think it just looks cool like this, It also kinda equates the graphical experience since no game is ever perfect, I thought it would be jarring, but after a while I even forget I even used to need it.

Banjo Kazooie/Tooie are better than SM64

Opinions can't be objectively wrong because opinions are not facts.

Also, I'm 100% okay with 30fps in the majority if cases.

I play video games to have fun, and what I find fun and what you find fun can be wildly different things, and that's okay.

I see a lot of people complaining about SJW bullshit in games, but the only thing I ever see are people complaining about SJW bullshit. There have been a couple instances where I'd go "Wow, what the fuck were those devs thinking?" (A perfect example being the recent Mortal Kombat thing), but 9 out of 10 times, it's just a bunch of spergs angry that a woman's tits aren't as huge as they'd like.

>Oh, well I guess I'll pirate it then
is not an acceptable follow-up response to
>Wow, that game looks like it sucks
You don't *have* to play everything. If it sucks, don't play it.

If video games aren't fun for you anymore, there's nothing wrong with stopping and doing something else for a while.

Video games are objectively better today than at any point in history. There's a wider breadth of content to suit any taste, emulation and archiving is more in-depth, modern game creation tools are more robust and user-friendly, and the industry is being called out on its bullshit harder than at any point in gaming history. If you're playing video games and you're not having a good time, then the problem is yours and yours alone.

I don't like Aliasing but if AA isn't good enough I just turn it off.

AA should be "Jaggies on/off" not "Jaggies/Slightly less jaggies" like it is in some games. When I tried playing FFXIV the game's AA might as well have not even been there.

I don't like Ocarina of Time. I played it and thought it was boring, unpleasant, clunky, and incredibly fucking ugly. Never had less fun with a game and I seriously don't get what's supposed to be impressive about it. I have this issue with most 5th gen games I play, I just don't think they hold up at all and I think it's stupid that a lot of them are still put on a pedestal 20+ years later.
Yes I'm aware this is a popular "epic contrarian bait shitpost XD" but I really mean it. I don't think Ocarina is fun and I don't think it deserves to be called one of the best games of all time just because it made way for other better 3D games.
Also I'm not underage before anyone comes at me with that. I lived through most of the 5th gen, I just didn't start playing games until ~8 years ago when I was in high school.

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t. illiterate serf

I actually like Pay2Win.
In games like Star Citizen or MtG: Arena I can spend money whenever I want for an advantage, and it feels disgustingly good to skip a grind for a goal that would otherwise take weeks or months.
The one game I do this the most in is Warframe. Whenever a new Frame or Weapon comes out I can just fuck around with cosmetics or do something else if I get bored.

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I bought Thief Gold. I played it. I appreciated how brilliantly the systems were designed and how open the levels are. I still didn't really get engaged with it. I know that labels me a brainlet since I mostly play action games and shit, and I'm okay with that.

It doesn't help that I have an aversion to first-person games. I don't like the perspective. I'm going to try some 3rd-person stealth games in the near future to see if the perspective was why Thief didn't grab me.

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Megaman X6 is a good game

It's hard for me to play older games that tried to have realistic looking graphics for their time, like Morrowind. They're just to ugly to look at.

I don't like censorship but I like the people who derail threads about games to screech about censorship even less. I know they're right but they need to learn to shut up. Take it up with the company, fuck.

This is a very good opinion though

I legitimately think games should be even harder than needed just so it could filter retards from playing it. The reason why this board raged over Sekiro is because they got filtered after calling the game casual for a year

Difficulty in general is a MUST, not an option

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MMX6 seems really divisive. Hardcore fans love it for whatever reason.

You don't even feel that way you dumb bitch
You just like being a contrarian bastard

I'm glad you're as aware this is a bad take as I am in saying I hate difficulty and wish games were more forgiving.

Over 60fps is wasted on most people.


It's because it's a hard Megaman X game, which is honestly a rarity
Only really bad stage is Gate 1, including the Nightmare Mother

Don't forget the fighting games.

Dota sucks ass, play literally any other warcraft game you fags

Disregarding the plot, Metroid Other M wasn’t such a bad game

Then play casual games, nothing wrong with that. For example, I got filtered by Wizardry 4, and instead of calling the game shit, I knew my limits despite the game's infamous difficulty

If you suck at the game, dont bring that shit to other people. It's your damn fault you suck, not the game

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Desu unless FPS is dipping below like 12 I couldn't care less about it. As an animator I work at that framerate and while there is an obvious difference at higher framerates it isn't substantial enough for me to want resources wasted on maintaining it. Steady > high as far as I'm concerned.

I've been hated for speaking this truth

they're pretty shallow


>when you've been at the beach all day and you're in a fucking rollercoaster in bed

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Oh yeah I wouldn't call a game bad for being hard, I'd just hate that I'm hardwalled from playing it because of my own inability. I physically and mentally just don't have the capacity for it.

All games should have a content / major patch sometime after launch to improve the flaws that people found with the game.

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I never had that happen. But when I take naps I usually end up having a dream where I'm about to slam into something and it jolts me awake.

what is wrong with casual players?

Had a lot of fun with it too, didn't even cared about the plot.

How the fuck is that bad?

There is nothing wrong with loot boxes and micro transactions as long as they're are not paid 2 win.


Bug fixes are a must but you shouldn't expect adfitional content for free, the people working in the industry get fucked over enough as it is without having to put continued effort into something they aren't benefitting from monetarily. I personally would like to have adfitional content for free but I'd also like to make a living.

Anime is just as much of a cancer to this board and many others as much as porn posters are

Oh wait thats not wrong.

Yea Forums has bad taste. That's the absolute reason.

>I seriously don't get what's supposed to be impressive about it.

the overworld is no longer impressive, it's tiny with nothing to see

ocarina has a shitload of well-designed dungeons though

It's you falling asleep too quickly, making your brain think you've been poisoned or sustained an injury or something.

There's actually very little difference between falling asleep and falling unconscious (and ultimately dying) due to brain injury, and the STARTLED AWAKE
thing is your body's way of making sure there's nothing wrong before falling asleep properly

Clover/Platinum games not directed by Hideki Kamiya are soulless. Not bad, but before I even knew about him or which games he worked on in particular I could tell there was something different between them.

Cinematic games that have actual gameplay are usually at least fine, people just like to bitch because it’s something accessible to other people.

The museum is pretty shit and fighting multiple Ouroboros gets boring fast.

Otherwise I think X6 is pretty good.

It forces the devs to linger on a game they've already released

True but there are many examples of games getting more purchases after a large content update (especially titled ones). If there's an overwhelming consensus of "this is what's bad" about a game and then a patch comes out that directly addresses it then it can really turn the tide of the sales.

Is the Kaguya anime any good? I got scared off by >A1 Pictures and didn't bother watching it. Didn't even realize it existed until after I had read most of the manga and really enjoyed it. I'm assuming the anime is shit because >A1 Pictures

I like video games

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some games look like dog shit with AA off and some are tolerable. I'll take no AA over bad AA where its blurry though.

what a fag

the anime is okay but some parts are rushed and some chapters have been cut. Basically as a supplement to the manga it's decent.

I don't like games where it's just a series of isolated, well-designed challenges and your reward for progression is more, increasingly difficult challenges. Even if the mechanics have more depth and fairness than the games I actually do like, I still prefer it it when my combat or puzzles or whatever are connected by a world or a story.

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This is best girl

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Unironically good opinion

The dungeons are actually pretty nice but they didn't really redeem the experience for me. Definitely memorable and well-designed but they didn't really make the game much more palateable for me because I still found the gameplay boring and frustrating.

Overwatch could of been a great casual game if they never tried to force an esport scene.
Also their original cast+Ana are all 8-10/10 designs.

No, they have awful weeb taste

maybe it depends on the genre?
i am absolute garbage at fightan, brawlers and not really great at platformers peres.
But after practicing a whole bunch i got pretty good at shooters and am ok to good at racinggames. I played a ton of F-zero X and GX and today mostly play arenashooters. That said, i only stopped being a casul at games when i was like 16-18 years old.

Actiongames like DMC and Bayonetta i'm also garbage at. The beginning of ninja gaiden felt a bit more logical to me but i dropped it thanks to the boring catacombs and massive difficulty spike. While shit on here for not being that difficult, i actually really liked the more deliberate kind of difficult of Darksouls.

tl;dr you got to find the games that have the 'flow' that click with you somehow
like now i can't into more modern busy looking shooters, but give me a projectile weapon like a rocketlauncher and ill steamroll the pros
practice makes perfect and do it gradually up to harder stuff

Mouse and Keyboard and Controller are almost the same in terms of quality. Aside from the thumbsticks(mouse), the keyboard has a lot of fucking buttons, and the buttons you have on a controller are comfortable for your hand and very accessible(at least with modern layouts). The vast number of possibilities for keyboard layouts exist, but not very many PC games take advantage of all the keys so most of them stay unused. A controllers buttons are almost always fully utilized. No waste. If i'm WASDing and I need to hit M for map, I need to cross at least 5 keys to hit it, plus i'm passing keys that don't do anything, pre-remap. Plus games that utilize caps lock always fuck me cause I don't have it disabled.

I feel similar, I always turn off AA because I've never been bothered by jaggies

Ultimate is better than Melee, and is a valid competitive game that should be taken seriously.

-Liner missions should have static AI so that its easy to replicate a playthrough
>I like aliasing
Holy shit, I do too

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This is completely correct though. With or without competitive viability taken into account, Ultimate blows every other Smash out of the water.

Here's an addendum: despite being competitively viable, Smash Ultimate (and the other Smashes, competitive or not) are not traditional fighting games. Their fundamentals overlap more than any other competitive game genre, but they're not the same. "Platform fighter" is the best term I've seen despite implying the opposite of what I just said.

Balance in a game means nothing if the game isn't fun to play. I would rather have an unbalanced mess that is fun to play, than a well balanced game that isn't fun to play.

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Pac-Man has something about it that makes it feel better than Ms. Pac-Man for me

The museum is one of my top 3 stages
It gets less shitty when you know what path goes where on the totem poles

Open world games are invariably garbage and the leads to boring padding.

I'm okay with people saying Smash isn't a fighting game. But saying it isn't a valid competitive is a stupid thing to say. But Yea Forums brainlets will always argue otherwise.

lol homo

that's not bad at all, some context is always nice
I also like to play arenashooters with atleast some of the comfy satanic robomarines technomusic sauce on top
it's what makes it more charming and pumps you up as compared to the clinical nature of sports or sudokus or something

I agree


I like this feeling and usually laugh when it happens

That's really cool

You're 100% correct, that said:
>t. "I main Chun in 3S, MSS in MvC2, and Fox in Melee"

It's great. You can tell the A1 staff were really invested in it and went above and beyond. Having read the manga though, the ending was a bit weak.

I want Shinomiya and Shirogane to be together and kiss some more!

some parts are pretty over the top but it's still good, the first ep or two is really a bit much for me but if you can stick with it it pays off

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Bioshock Infinite is one of the best games ever created.

Opinions are the ones you can easily change. The ones that are hard to change are tastes.
I am slightly interested in Blizzard's classic WoW remake, even though they're going to ban people for "stream sniping" or trying to harass influencers, and they still ban you for things you say on your own IRC or mumble server.
I'm trying to not enjoy the inevitably bad thing, but it's a bit hard.

Yea source on that faggot

it's better for competitive games and arguably for ones without interest in realism, like some 3d platformers, because it helps objects stand out and leta you identify what they are. There's a case for it.

A-1 picture studio has always been good when it comes to animation, it's only weak when it comes to the story for anime original like DiTF. The only time i think they had QUALITY animation was magi, but that was fixed in the blu ray. JC staff, studio DEEN, and shaft is the only studio you should hesitant to watch.

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film grain is good for old anime.

It is one of the few anime I thought was worth my time to watch.
It is p funny.

It worked for terraria and minecraft

>It's like other Sonic/mlp where you don't know if the product attracts or makes autist people
Nah it's like undertale where it runs up to the line and licks it but ultimately it only endulges those types, it doesn't create autistic faggots

I do not give a single lazy left-handed Sunday morning wank about balance in any single player game.

I would rather have an abundance of potentially really weak or really powerful options that I can experiment with than a carefully curated, well balanced list of average options and all the compromises to creativity and breadth that entails.

Yes that will probably mean I eventually spam the same broken thing over and over, but then I get bored and find something else broken or cool to do.

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I usually complain about women having breasts too large, or being too old.
The ideal female form is best described by two words: "nep nep"

>Also I hope #FE gets a port, I always wanted to play it but never wanted a Wii U
With the Switch being a port machine and Atlus being Atlus I can't believe there isn't an upgraded port yet with another chapter or two and a mysterious new le millenom girl. It's bound to happen eventually, maybe it'll come after FE3H and P5R.

Wizardry 4 is quite tough, to be honest.

Ew, no.

L.A. Noire is a personal favourite of mine even though I recognize the faults, nothing will stop me from loving it. It's also super atmospheric.

I've never seen anyone take issue with LA Noire user

I honestly dont understand why they dont port over Persona 5. They are missing out on such easy money.
But yeah a #FE port would be nice

I still don't think there's any reason to doubt the Best Buy leak and I think P5 will probably be announced at E3, but don't let console war retards find out I said that.

Morrowind is legitimatley awful and the only good thing about it is the soundtrack.

I fap more to renders of girls from the late 90s/early 2000s than I do of modern game girls.

But that's objectively great taste.

>be a skip and a hop away from insomniac, basically take an hour or more to fall asleep unless I'm dog tired
>half the time I do fall asleep easily this shit happens
>apparently I'm falling asleep too fast sometimes

I'm cursed I tells ya, cursed.

pink haired girl is superior, dont even need to read/watch this shit to know that

thank god it's not shaft

>usually laugh when it happens
I know, I can hear it through the wall.