Team Sonic Racing

So now that it's been out for 3 days, what's the general consensus?

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Other urls found in this thread:

music is great as usual

It's worse than Transformed.

Wait until it goes on sale

I literally didn't know.

It's shit because it doesn't have Cream and instead they put Zavok and a fucking nameless grey robot.

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Rouge is sexy and the gameplay and music are good. It's not a high budget title so limited roster and game modes.

No one wanted this. Seriously, aside from a few autistic Sonic fans. When are Sega going to make an actual good Sonic game? Taxman, Stealth and the boys can't save us again from this pain soon enough

Hey remember when everyone loved All-Star Racing Transformed and were excited for another one of those?


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It's not out though.

It is if you have a hacked switch.

God I want a sonic game made with the hero project mechanics so badly.


>Soundtrack (given)
>Absolutely pathetic roster. There's no reason for it not to have at least 3-4 more teams.
>Every Sonic track from the original All Stars Racing returns save for 2, which wouldn't be so bad if that wasn't nearly half the track roster.

In a vacuum it's okay, but CTRNF makes it look like a joke in comparison.

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People wanted another Transformed. Having a racing game made by Sumo doesnt stop Taxman or ST to make another Sonic game

Because it isn't officially out yet anyways

Transformed was better.

>but CTRNF makes it look like a joke in comparison.
>30 fps

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>30fps on Switch
>60fps on PS4 on singler player mode, game goes below 20fps in multiplayer mode
LMFAO, but i thought this game was supposed to kill pic related, what happened sonicchads?

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>no PC version at all

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Let's be honest, even if TSR got more meat to it and CTR was 60 fps, there would still be endless falseflagging because the autists on Sonic and Crash threads are just that bored, they could actually be playing videogames, but they'd rather sit there shouting the same repeated jabs with their megaphones every single day.

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>they could actually be playing videogames, but they'd rather sit there shouting the same repeated jabs with their megaphones every single day.
Well, neither game is actually out yet, unless you're lucky enough to find an early copy of TSR.

Hold on, are you seriously going to accept the DRM? You're not angry over this?

They only will when it makes them look like they could win an argument. Just about everybody was upset about it when Mania first got it.

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Sounds a out right unfortunately.
I'm looking forward to picking up TSR on Tuesday and spending plenty of time with it, online and offline, and hopefully even trying it with my friends.

See At least CTR plays in fixed 30fps in all platforms. Where's you god now sonicfag?

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Spin offs have never taken away from the development of the main games even in the 90s

Would you shut up about it already?
Anyone who was actually gonna buy the game isn't going to abstain from doing so just because fucking Cream isn't in it.

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It's probably just one of the Sonic General's shitposters, I wouldn't worry too much about them.
Next thing you know he'll go on about how he wants to murder omochao and big the cat

The biggest offender of this game is it's lackluster roster. You literally could've had like 6-9 more characters on that shit.
>Vanilla, Cream, Gemerl
>Jet, Wave, Storm
>Tikal, Gamma 3.0/Chip, Chaos
>Espio, Charmy, Marine/Sticks
>Metal Sonic 3.0, Eggman Nega, Johnny/Whiskers
>E-1000r, Egg Pawn, E-1000g
>Amigo, NiGHTS, Billy Hatcher

And as DLC you can put in some classic characters.

>Mighty, Ray, Heavy and Bomb
>Bean, Nack, Bark
>EggRobo, Tails Doll, Metal Knuckles

There's literally no excuse on why the roster is like this.

Attached: TSR Roster.jpg (770x433, 64K)

Everyone was upset because they fucking delayed it for 2 weeks 4 days before release TO PUT denuvo in it

Well, either way, at least it's gone, just wish I could say that for the other recent Sonic games.
Mania is the only one that got it removed for some reason.

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I miss the Riders games, Yea Forumsros.

Who doesn't?

That came out already?

Suddenly I need $40-$60

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I think it's just really disheartening seeing how much of a budget series Sonic has become. Remember when Sega used to give it their all even for the entries that didn't quite work out? Now they don't do it anymore because they're just terrified of a high budget game failing again like Unleashed.
Mania at least worked because you can make a game like that off of bus fare and freelancers, but the budget cuts have been showing more and more in the 3D games ever since Colors.

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I just don't get why people think it disrespects the fans or something like that, the game of course wasn't going to be any more impressive than the last one given the circumstances but it still has all the effort they could have put on it.

>not a team of Ryo Hazuki, Kiryu and Akira
>not a team of Segata Sanshiro, Ages and Palmtree
>not a team with Vyse, BD Joe and Beat
>not a team with Ristar, Blaze and Gilius

99% of the reason I liked ASRT is because I could play as Vyse and race Beat, BD Joe and Alex Kidd in a Burning Rangers stage.

I'm sure this game is good for what it is but I'm incapable of caring by comparison.

Loved Sonic Riders on the PS2, hated Free Riders on the X360. Never played Zero Gravity, is it better than the first one?

Not better, but good, regardless. Go experiment it if you want more of Riders.

It's been out for 3 days? It must have flopped horribly, first I hear of it.

Only ever played the first but I hated it despite how much I loved the idea and aesthetic. Granted I was a shithead teenager that was mostly just butthurt as fuck about how hard it was for me, if I replayed it now I might like it more since I've got way more experience with racing games under my belt at this point.

That's probably true but I woulda at least bought one of them if either was the case

You do know Team Sonic and SEGA aren't mutually inclusive... right?

Only if you have a hacked Switch

Eh, I'm not really big on the EDM direction they've been taking Sonic music over the years.
Give me back the funk.

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No, it's out on Tuesday

I only picked the sega reps that had appeared in a sonic game more than once.

How fast is S class?

>make bad game
>it underperforms
>get less money to make the next one
everyone at Sonic team except the sound crew should have been fired years ago
Japan's seniority obsession can suck my dick

Not until she comes back.

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30 fps on Switch and CTR will also be 30 fps on switch.
Literally flavor of the week, let's just go back to MK8D bros.

The original Riders game had its perks, but yeah I think Zero Gravity was the overall better game. Played both on the PS2 when I was a kid so my memory's a bit fuzzy (gave away my Ps2 plus most of the games to a now former friend, because I was a dumbass) but the Gravity stuff alone was waaaay better than the Air mechanic in the original Riders.

It's worth a shot, I'd say. After I finish my Castlevania marathon I'm probably gonna do a few Sonic games next. Riders, ZG, Heroes, and both Rush games at least. The AI was a total bitch to beat in storymode (seriously fuck that Dark Desert stage in the Babylon Mode. Went back years later to finish the heroes mode, but then got stuck on that) and it's a biiiit clunky in some areas, but still some solid fun. From memory, at least.

>blue shells

>and both Rush games at least

There's no classes, just Normal, Hard, and Expert. But Expert is pretty goddamn fast from what I've seen

It stinks

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>There's no classes, just Normal, Hard, and Expert
hold on, Those work as 50cc, 100cc and 150cc?
Damn gotta boot up and test Expert then, I only launched Normal because I was testing fps.

Y'know I kinda remember Riders being pretty hard as a kid but I played through it recently and I just breezed through most of it. I had to retry some races a few times but mostly because I was just playing bad or didn't know the course too well.
I didn't fuck with those missions to unlock Super Sonic though, been meaning to get around to it.

I need the boys over at Yakuza to make me a Knuckles beat em up game. I'd pay top dollar for it.

Yeah, they do. But Expert is unlocked it looks like

>play transformed the last week to get reacquainted with the series/controls
>play online
>realize its just luck based like mario kart, whoever doesnt get hit at the beginning can cruise away in peace to first place

meh, ill wait till this ones 30 or so. i love the controls but hate the items, they are so unbalanced and unfair compared to mk8.

Well literally all the staff has changed in recent years except Lizuka is still producer and the music crew, I just want them to fire that stupid Kishimoto guy and get another director because he's the biggest one trick pony in vidya right now (Colors, Forces and Lost world are literally the same game and no one can prove otherwise).


Can it have some exploration elements too?
Are you implying Mario Kart isn't luck based?

This, CD (JP), Heroes and Unleashed are my top 3 favorite Sonic soundtracks of all time for different reasons.

It is 30.

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>play transformed
>play online
Hold the fuck up, that still has online? For console or PC? I thought that shit was dead.

>Colors, Forces and Lost World
>Lost World
>The one with parkour, kicking, a run button, no boosting, and infinite spindash
Did you mean Generations?

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mario karts items work though. its rare for one person to just fly away untouched. a red shell will always hit. green shells bounce in logical patterns. a banana doesnt take a quarter of the road like the blowfish does. you can be in a tight race at 2nd/3rd and 3rd gets an all star and just blows past you and you can never catch up. someone could spend tokens before a race and pelt you with snowballs and thats it for you. you can never catch up even if you drift properly and stack boosts.

what if i dont have amazon prime though? wont the shipping be 5-10 like usual?

Sega characters are from the same universe according to some games and in some games interacted with each other(like Segaga) and camoes happen a lot of Sonic and Sega games.
Dodon-pa could perfectly have invited everyone, but sega would rather Sonic only instead of using more sega stages and characters + Sonic stuff.

why is tails driving on the fucking grass in the boxart

>It came out
Wait what

I just need the next 2D Sonic to have music made by a good pop music composer like the first 3 games and co-produced by tee lopes.

technique characters can drive offroad without losing speed.

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No, amazon has free shipping for orders over 25.

Amazon changed their free shipping price to over $25 instead of $35 for a while now.

Wasn't that just canada? I just checked and it says 25 for .com

i had no idea i rarely buy things online. so thats cool. what about preordering games and getting them at launch? if i order it now without prime, will i have it on tuesday?

In those games all the cool movements are given the gimmick treatment, Generations is simple and focused which is the opposite of how a Kishimoto game plays

Not sure with US but that's generally the case for canada. You can always make sure by contacting their support chat. They're pretty damn generous with their shipping to the point where you can pretty much exploit them.

I fucking hate wisps.

>He doesn't know

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It actually feels so good bypassing denuvo AND getting a game way before release.

That may be, but you can't seriously say that Sonic in Lost World plays any closer to the other 2 games than he does Generations.

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Honestly it's decent but they could've came up with a better idea than another racing game.

Does anyone actually like the lost world villains? Personally I was hoping they'd forget their existence.

>no Infinite
It's shit.

>dude please include all my irrelevant literal whos the game isn't playable if it doesn't have Gilius in it

That's the thing, Sonic games don't really underperform. Colors, Generations, Mania, Forces, all sold around the same amount. They're extremely consistent, for better and for worse.

Zavok, Zazz, and Zeena are okay.

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Anyone kind enough here has this game mind getting online and friending me? theres this one achievement I never got for this.

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I didn't buy the other Sonic racing game because Billy Hatcher was removed

Aside from being a massive Bowser ripoff, I unironically liked Zavok's design and role in the story, although his other 5 minions were unoriginal and lazy. Although he should've been just a villain to stay in his own game like Chaos did for his instead of being shoe-horned into everything.

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what le fug

Which one?

I'm not much of a rosterfag, as long as tails, rouge, and blaze are in I'm happy. Just want to play a new sumo racer.

the one where you have t play one friend over LIVE. dream arena i think its called.

That was the correct decision, but you should have skipped it because they got rid of a lot of classic Sega characters (Akira, Bonanza Bros, Opa-Opa) in favor of shit like 'Pudding', 'Gum', 'Meemee'. Guess they wanted to appeal to the little girls who like kart racing.

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do i get anything for helping :^)

Yeah, I'm pretty much the same way

how did this game leak

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jk senpai ill help you. but im gonna eat dinner soon. drop your gt or email (to send me your gt if you want privacy) and ill help you after

Please delete this everyone was supposed to hate this game!

how's the performance in docked? splitscreen?

Given that the devs also complained about Denuvo i would say they probably convinced Sega to remove it

uh oh

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This is as usual and soulless as if they were posting to celebrate St Patrick's day.

Get over it, grandpa.

> not getting both on PC


GT: DaSoullessgamer


woah, thanks

Crash isn't coming to PC. Even when it does it will be exclusive.

Sega's been good about patching it out some time after launch so it will be gone by the time I play it.

il get it for ps4 and switch then, if it eventually comes to pc and im still interested i might pick it up

>I'd a hobbit
Are trannies secretly a bunch of hobbit fuckers?


why does it keep getting longer

To be fair, you need a very high IQ to understand LGBT community.

Most of those Sonic characters aren't even in the usual spinoffs, what the hell did people start expecting? Yeah Cream, Charmy and Espio should be in but who's really fucking mad that Johnny and Gamme aren't represented?

>Remember when Sega used to give it their all even for the entries that didn't quite work out?
I remember Sonic Heroes reusing the fuck out of level gimmicks and their relevant assets even when it didn't make sense

It's actually the opposite. Think about it ;)

Buying it on Tuesday. Will use a team of Rouge, Chao, Robotnik. Gameplay and music look very good. I think I'm spoiled because I didn't play ASRT much so this isn't as much a rehash for me.

why would you put marine/sticks instead of vector? do you even chaotix bro

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Sega has the talent to make a good Sonic game. The problem is that's the Yakuza team (formerly Fzero GX team), and why would they stop printing Yakuza money?

Pretty much just Zazz, he was the face and introduction to the Zeti for a reason.

Most switch games get leaked either by someone's store getting it early or a reviewer uploading their copy.

It's $32 with Amazon Prime


Vector is already in the game.
Most of the time the ones outsourced to other studios are pretty good. See Mania and the Sumo games for example

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You don't even need prime. It's just 32 outright.

Oh, well there you go then. My first instinct was to compare this game to MK8 DX (since I didn't play much of Sonic's other kart racers) but there's no real reason to do that when it's pretty much half the price.

Friendly reminder to not buy TSR on launch, because as soon as Crash drops in a month, the price is going to plummet down and it'll go on sale faster than Forces did.

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I feel like Zavok can still work fine as a villain, the main problem is that they refuse to make him anything more than Eggman's lackey. He should be the main Bowser-esque villain for when you can't use Eggman for one reason or another, or when you want to simply shake things up a bit, not have him as some hired muscle that just stands there and look tough.

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... I dont even know what it is but I am already mad because everything needs to have a meaning or some specific term because people cant be just hetero or homo because those terms are not special enough for them

Where the fuck is Espio, Charmy, Mighty, and Ray?

You should always use Robotnik. Zavok has no reason to exist.

Put buttrock back in my mainstream Sonic.

>Mighty and Ray
Stuck in the Classic Universe forever. If they were in this game, they'd probably be a part of a team with Classic Sonic and be shrunken down to his style and proportions.

I guess Espio and Charmy weren't "fresh" enough in comparison with Blaze and Silver, but God does that team make Vector look like such a 3rd wheel. Maybe it makes a little more sense when you consider Silver already teamed up with Espio in Sonic Rivals 2.

It's only $32

Mighty and Ray are Classic era characters, doubt they would have been in. Mighty was even deconfirmed last year by Aaron
Espio and Charmy lack a theme song while everyone else has one, same situation with Cream (though I would just give her Follow Me) and as for Espio and Charmy, different arrangements of Team Chaotix or just Knuckles Chaotix songs

I mean, MAYBE Espio could have had Sonic Rivals 2?

*something from Sonic Rivals 2

Vector is always the 3rd wheel. He was in Team Rose with Amy and Cream from Free Riders.

Even better

If Mighty and Ray weren't in Mania, they'd not be used at all.

>Mario kart 8

Uncle Cream?

What a tight budget story mode

Unlike the rest of these fucked up retards with their multi-gender bullshit and trannies thinking they're the opposite sex, intersex is actually a thing. It's basically people born with both sex characteristics of both sexes, in short a genetic mutation

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>Ohtani's shitty synth tracks ruining the otherwise godlike OST made by Jun Senoue and Tee Lopes
They need to take this guy off the sound team. He completely ruined Forces' OST

thats not him. thats hyper potions. they made the worst music in mania and tsr. but the synth stuff sucks too. last time synth was good was riders and starlight carnival.

The only thing remotely Forces sounding on the TSR soundtrack is Sky Road, otherwise I don't think he was involved in this game. But Ohtani peaked at Unleashed and Colors for sure

>it's been out for 3 days
it has? fuck wheres the advertising at ?

I don't understand why he's so obsessed with using synths now. His stuff in Unleashed was amazing without them

didnt ohtani start in 06? 06 is by farrrrrrrrrrrrrrr the best ost in any sonic game. 06 and unleashed are peak sonic ost

New trailer just released today. But it's actually not officially out yet
Me neither, honestly. But I'm guessing it's a crutch
He's been around since SA2

What's bad about it?

I don't know if that user from that thread from yesterday is here but it does seem like boost is the best stat.

What the fuck did they do to Knuckles' voice

It's his Boom VA. seems like boom cast are gonna be the main VAs from now on. Rouge sounds even weirder

His Boom VA is the same as his regular one. The real reason is, Laura Bailey was pregnant, so Roger filled in for Travis, and Erica Linebeck filled in for her

Wait it's out already?

Sega went full retard and refuses to use infinite in anything. Literally the best character they've shit out since Silver and they're legit trying to one and done him; while Zavok's faggot ass persists like a bad rash. Don't even get me started on that classic lockdown shit.
>no Team Hooligan ever

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I want to fill pregnant Laura Bailey.

Most of them besides a select few (Laura Bailey and Travis Willingham's characters notably) have been the ones they've had since Free Riders and Colors. It's just that we barely ever get any opportunities to hear anyone outside Sonic, Tails, and Eggman anymore, so even after all these years none of the side characters' "new" voices got enough of a chance to settle for our ears. Boom wasn't even any new voices either, it was just our first time getting enough heavy exposure to them.

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Not officially
Are they all permanent? I doubt Roger will stay as Knuckles honestly

Being a Sonic fan is being a masochist at this point.

Sega has been living on a high horse for a long time now, a high horse made of shit.

Roger is not voicing Knuckles here, the link tells you who the replacements are.

I would unironically prefer the princess from Sonic 06 to this massive and badly designed red turd.

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*Dave Mitchell
But you get the idea

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Yeah my mistake, sorry

If they are a squad of oni, can't they just be dicks to everyone else and get drunk AF on sake?

I really, really don't want to buy this game. But at the same time, what if they release DLC a month later and include Cream? Then I'm going to have to play catch up and try to unlock everything so I'm atleast decent when playing online.



Thats all this games composer you just list out

>Silver's slow ass is a technique guy.

My advice? Wait it out if you really want to, even if it means having to play catch up. That way if they don't end up doing DLC you don't waste your time with a game you don't want. Personally I think the game looks really fun but if you want Cream as a racer, then you want Cream, plain and simple

Did any of the other Sonic Racers have DLC?

First off, Silver has been a flying type character since his inception, and all the flyers got tech. Eggman just shifted so they could force Zavok in.

Next, Silver is actually relatively quick when he gets going. 06 was just so unfinished, it didn't put in the speed powerup that would have got him going. He's been much faster in every game since


all stars had egg hangar and metal sonic dlc
transformed had outrun bay and metal sonic dlc (plus a bunch of characters on pc)

there is a precedent

First ASR had Metal Sonic on consoles and some others on PC

>All Stars Racing: Egg Hangar and Metal Sonic, and I think Ryo in a Forklift
>Transformed: Metal Sonic and Outrun Bay, plus PC exclusives including Simon from Yogscast, Football Manager, Ryo, and Team Fortress characters

How long did it take for these games to get the DLC?

All Stars Racing was a few months after it came out, no idea about Transformed but I imagine it was relatively soon after release

Transformed release in 8/13/2013

DLC came out in 2/19/2013

About 7 months

Just added you sempai, sorry went out to eat. I see you were on 15 mins ago

Nobody cares anymore. Their playerbase is quitting their mobile games in droves because they treat them like absolute shit.

I think transformed was launch day if you bought the special edition


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The pc port itself came with extra characters like football manager and the tf2 mercs
It took only about a month or 2 for a new character to be added to all stars irc, but it's been a while since i played

Outrun bay and metal sonic were preorder codes. I got the 360 version day one and it came with a voucher in the case to get them for free. That was the only way to play it until they sold it in february.

All stars racing dlc came out in april 2010, 2 months after launch

>6 months before the game release
Do they mean 2014?

Ah ok. I got the bonus edition on console for $20 so I didn't know

I think Outrun Bay and Metal Sonic were originally DLC for console, and then they made it preorder DLC for PC. That's what I think happened

I see, thanks. Under 2 months is acceptable. Anything past that and I may as well just skip it and get 2020 Olympics since that comes out in December, and we'll probably get Olympics roster revealed in August.

>Metal Sonic still isn't in Dash 1
>Sticks isn't in Dash 3
>shitty variants out the ass in Dash 3
I bet Sega is behind all this motherfuckery

Every fucking game until you like him

Transformed came out in late 2012.
I'm assuming the date in that guy's pic is from the digital release.

That makes sense. Been a long time since I had either

>and we'll probably get Olympics roster revealed in August.
Why August? You don't think it'll be at E3?

Transformed came out Nov 16, 2012
General Winter July 4 2013
Williemus August 5 2013
Yogscast December 6 2013
Ryo Hazuki January 14 2015
Alex Kidd I'm pretty sure was somewhere between release and Winter cause I don't think he was base roster.

I played Speed Battle for a little while. I dropped it because they gimp your rewards unless you watch an ad.
It can't be a mandate from Sega. Sega Heroes doesn't have that shit. Just bog standard energy meter shit.

Nah that just feels too soon. They could though. I hope so.

Alex Kidd is a weird case where he's in the base game, but his unlock condition is that your system clock has to be set to Christmas of 2012 or later.

I think Alex Kidd was added a month later

Didn't Blaze have a kid sidekick with magic stuff once? Why not have her as the 3rd member instead of splitting Vector from his own friends?

You mean Marine? It's unknown if she had magic powers at the end of Sonic Rush Adventure.

>Why not have her as the 3rd member instead of splitting Vector from his own friends?
Because some staff member at Sonic Team liked Vector, so they stuck him wherever they wanted. Same reason Zavok is in.

3rd character needs to fill the role of a Power type

Marine? She's completely irrelevant.
Was in one game that basically nobody bought 12 years ago, dooming Dimps to only make handheld adaptations of mainline games instead of their own things until they were eventually dropped.

Attached: marine.jpg (645x1024, 256K)

Blaze could've been power. She's stronger than Vector. I guess people automatically think a large character means they are powerful, even though Knuckles is small?

The devs actually confirmed that Sega blocks most of the characters they want to add in their games. Infinite is the most requested character for Speed Battle but Sega doesn't want him added in anything for some reason.

I think it's because they want to redeem his character for the next mainline Sonic game.

but then Marine would need to be the Speed type, unless you have Silver as the Speed type and Marine as the Technique

Silver is a hedgehog so he'd be fine if he was speed. It's not like he's slow. With his telekinesis he can move nearly as fast as Sonic.

Just like they redeemed Mephiles, right?

It's SEGA, they really can't.

The entire Sonic "2 cool 4 school" franchise irks me, I'm pleased such a crap series resulted in Nintendo winning the console war and Sonic Team being disbanded.

Mephiles is in one of the phone games.

Man, Sega just can't stop fucking up!

>mainline game

Silver has always been a Tech type.

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Dropping it was a good decision. Hardlight keeps trying to gouge people out of their money by introducing character variants that are bullshit overpowered even at low leveled while still acting like their game is competitive and balanced. There's a camera glitch that breaks the entire race because it sinks below the track preventing you from being able to see what the fuck is happening and it's been ongoing for over two weeks now and Hardlight refuses to fix it to the point where they are banning people in their official discord server from talking about it.

She's double irrelevant since they slightly tweaked her design for Sticks then dropped Sticks as well.

I dropped it when I realized their trophy distribution algo was completely borked. For whatever reason, I noticed I was losing far more trophies than everyone else. I saw people who were 500+ trophies ahead of me only lose 1~5 trophies when they came in 4th place. Yet when I came in 4th place, I was losing like 20 fucking trophies every time, regardless of who I was playing against. If I came in 1st, I only gained maybe 5~10 trophies. It made climbing far too annoying.

My only theory is that it punishes you if you play too many consecutive matches, to prevent people from climbing the ranks too fast. Either way, Speed Battle is pure fucking luck.

He was straight up faster than Sonic in Generations and I'm pretty sure that one Mobile game has two versions of him, with one being speed and the other being flight.

Yes but Sega mandates that Sonic always be the strongest so those are ignored. Logically Shadow should be stronger but the most Sega's conceded there is for when playing Shadow during rival fights SA2, Heroes, and a few bosses in Shadow's own game where Sonic helped the boss.

does anyone have an early xb1/ps4 copy? please tell me you can either use japanese voices or disable them

So why didn't they have Infinite for eggman's team instead of zavok?

and the only reason you used the speed version was because he slowed the game down

According to some reviews you can turn off voices or even just have it be text only

I'm sorry, but Shadow's expression in that comic will never stop being an incredible reaction image

Sega has moved Infinite to the garbage bin so they banned his usage.

SEGA doesn't want to use him anymore it seems

>And yet they keep zavok around
As edgelord as infinite was, I unironically would rather have him than Zavok keep getting shoved down our throats.

If Rouge the Bat is a moveset clone of Knuckles in SA2, why is she a Tech/Fly type afterwards?

Because Sega doesn't give a shit about maintaining gameplay only continuity with two decade old games.

She was actually originally going to be a power character in Heroes, with Amy and Cream. But this was before Shadow was planned to come back so Team Dark wasn't a thing.

Eggman/Robotnik/Big Dick >>>>>>>>>> Shadow

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Can confirm on the switch version there's an audio language option that includes french, spanish, dutch, italian, and japanese. And there's a voice volume setting so you can set that to 0.

Vector is the only Chaotix member that matters

Are mirror tracks unlockable? How do you view the intro? I saw it on YT and it's easily my favorite of the Sumo Digital games and probably one of my favorites for a Sonic racer, the characters are so much more expressive than in some of the others.

He cute

Your wife enjoys ultimate lifeform piss on her face.

>Are mirror tracks unlockable?
Before you select a track you can go into the race options and enable mirrored.

>How do you view the intro?
Doesn't look like there's an option to view it on demand. Can't back out from the main menu but even restarting the game just takes me right to the "press +/-" screen without going into intro. Even waiting a bit doesn't play it. No clue user.

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Sounds nice. Can you do all the time trials mirrored as well? Because having 21 tracks isn't so bad when you can add extra challenge with mirrored versions as well and master those. It helped Transformed's stage count not look so small.

>Can you do all the time trials mirrored as well?
Doesn't look like it.

>a fucking nameless grey robot.

Ah, oh well then. Any in game achievements like stickers or something more Sonic esque like emblems? Or the ability to create/customize your license like the other games had?

Because it makes more sense for a bat to fly than to focus on breaking and destroying things

In the final race of the story mode there's a giant Death Egg robot on the enemy team, I don't think you can play as it though, no idea why they made it sound like you could

Reminder that Sega JP tweeted LGBT shit weeks back.

In a series hedgehog are the fastest kind of animal?

The main problem has always been the heads at Sega Japan, who clearly doesn't give a shit nor understand Sonic. Sega of America should be the one managing the Sonic franchise since they actually seem to understand what Sonic is.

He maybe meant Omochao?

I dont mind them

When the game properly comes out, we should campaign Sega to put out an update that lets you play as the NPC Eggman robots. There's no reason not to have them playable if they're there, especially with the roster as small as it is.

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Knuckles' SA2 levels were focused on showcasing his climbing, gliding, and digging, not really showcasing how strong he is. It was much more appropriate for Rouge, a fellow treasure hunter, to share his style in that game than in anything like Heroes or the spin-offs that have Knuckles focus purely on destroying and smashing things.

Nope. There's a gacha for stuff like upgrades/parts. Looks like there's vinyl unlocks, not sure if that's unlocked by gacha. There's an option to change the colors on the cars. Doesn't look like there's any license.

Maybe so, but Omochao is definitely light blue, so I'm inclined to think otherwise

So here we are again, uh?

We got one good game, Mania. Followed by two bad games, Farces and TSR. I'm not going to run damage control for this game anymore, the Crash fans have won, I'm going to leave it at that.

Fuck Sega for never listening to the fans.

If you're going to call it a gacha, you should probably specify that there's no microtransactions.

No they don't even look like they belong in this franchise.

We have so many unused villains, why not use another eggnan robot? It would be better than Zavok

Metal Sonic is best and series would be improved if everyone was a robot.

I wonder who could be behind this post?

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But it is one in the purest from. A gumball machine with finite numbers.

I want my Egg Pawns, so sure, but fill in the gaps of the roster first and foremost. Espio was scrapped from All Stars Racing 1 and it's a shame everyone else who was made it into this except for him, and I would love to have the Babylon Rogues in the game as well. And Cream too, I suppose. Then add Egg Pawns
I've seen, and it does seem like a lot of fun. I'm really looking forward to making a bunch of mismatched shit in this game
But TSR isn't bad. Most of the reviews have been pretty positive, shockingly enough. I've only read one negative review but I'll wait for the game to come out so I can judge it myself

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I'm gonna challenge myself to 100% this before Crash comes out

Most of the non-Eggman villains don't work outside of their original story. The Deadly Six didn't fit in their own story, so can be inserted anywhere.

Best of luck user. I'm more of a Sonic fan than a Crash fan so chances are I'll lean more towards mastering TSR but I'll still fit in time to play plenty of Crash

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Has Sonic become stagnant?

Remember the shitty Death Egg Robot from Forces?, well he's back

why the fuck are they racing in cars when they run faster than the speed of sound ?

You better be joking

Only sonic and shadow can

T: retard who dont know you can avoid every weapon in the game. Guess you didnt know about boost dodge mechanic. Fucking retard

Depends who you ask it seems
Only Sonic and Shadow run that fast. But the point of Sonic being in a car is to make it fair. Same as why he's on a hoverboard in Riders.
One of the stages has a set piece where you go inside of one of them after it shoots lasers at you so I doubt it

so they can include pedophilia one day

no cream no buy

Oh ffs. So, not only they force the same old Heroes stuff, LW shit, wisps and now they force fucking Forces of all things? At least paint that shitty Death Egg Robot with red

Personally I don't mind it; I actually feel good because I predicted before the game started to reveal stages that there could be a stage where a Death Egg robot shoots lasers at you. It's not exactly what I had in mind, but still a nice set piece, I especially love that you get to go inside of it, that's more than I could have asked for

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what was her name again?

I watched a review and the only real thing I can say is that the overall speed of the game looked really slow. Are there multiple speed classes ala mario kart?

Remember all those generations wishlists we had used to have years ago? Why dont we make another one of those for now, 7 zones, any game after sonic 3

>sandopolis im fine with
>twinkle park
>pumpkin hill (can also be used for spoopy castle levels from heroes)
>kingdom valley
>holoska i like
>sweet mountain

>Team Rose isn't Amy, Cream and Big
>Team Eggman isn't Eggman, Metal Sonic and Cubot+Orbot
>Vector, Silver and Blaze smushed together instead of Vector, Espio and Charmy, and Silver, Blaze and Third person

seriously though why Zavok

hey, does anyone play this weird chimera of a game

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Yes, in fact, here's a video playing it on the Expert speed
Like for TSR DLC or just what zones we would have preferred to have?

>seriously though why Zavok
Someone at Sonic Team (Probably Iizuka) has a hard on for him. It's basically confirmed that Sonic Team likes to play favorites. It's why Silver keeps being pushed in every game so hard, someone at ST has actually said in an interview that he hopes Silver gets popular enough to get his own spin off game like Shadow got.

Okay, that's a lot better than the review footage I saw, which was probably on the easiest difficulty

Silver being a hedgehog and also BFFs with Blaze kind of helps him a lot so they're always lumped together as a pair though I don't know how he's supposed to work in a 'good future' and also the Rush "Alternate dimension" canon

What we couldve had

People wanna fuck Zeena, other than her though no.

>Twinkle Park
>Frog Forest
>Radical Highway
>Angel Island
>Sweet Mountain
>Mashup of Chun-nan and Aquarium Park
Wouldn't mind if one or two of these stage ideas got in as DLC though
I myself will likely stick to Hard, since I usually can't handle the Expert speed in these games

>though I don't know how he's supposed to work in a 'good future' and also the Rush "Alternate dimension" canon
It's okay, neither does Sonic Team.

Looks cool, I give it a download

I've been playing it for about half a year.

Why would anyone seriously care what Yea Forums thinks lmao

Good point

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>Probably Iizuka
I'm going to say it's Kishimoto, the director of Colors, Lost World, and Forces.


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