Divinity Original Sin 1

Divinity Original Sin 1


Divinity Original Sin 2

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sequels are always better

1 has better music
2 has better combat

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Those games are too hard for you traveler, you should go to a board that talks about easier games.

Both are shit

Those games aren’t fit for a neet, let alone someone as weak as you

Neverwinter Nights 2


Games seller I am telling you, I am going to play vidya and I want only your strongest shitpost.

OS2 is my second favorite game to play with friends. It's fucking great and is just a fantastic sequel.

heh good meme

I liked 1 a lot more.

Which is better solo though

Not that I dont have friends haha just curious

1 was way better

On a perfect board, posts like mine would not exist.

but this is not a perfect board

OS2 is still better. You have the same size party but the main cast all have unique optional quests that are fun to do.

It's like I don't even know who you are anymore, user.

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2 is pretty much a wholesale refinement of the systems in the first game, but I'd still recommend giving the first one a run through so you can appreciate the improvements more

OS2 hands down.
>better combat
>better companions
>can be a plus/minus no need for crafting except boots/consumables
>origin characters and tags
>arguably better story

Hey man, don't talk to me like I'm a chump.

reminded me of wallace

2 is considerably easier and way more forgiving than 1. Combat and story wise they're pretty much the same.

t. t 3+ completed hc runs on both.

2 despise the inconclusive mess that is the ending, a solid rpg experience

1 felt more genuine while 2 felt more 'gamey' maybe that's just because it wasn't a completely new experience but for that reason I'd rate my enjoyment of 1 higher, although I havnt gone back and played it since os2 came out to compare (and I also didn't play it until ee)

Two has lizard waifu.

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Both, of course.


You think so? I kept getting bodied in OS2 and I never even fucking left the starting area.

they're both incredibly boring

suggest me a good game then

fortnite, apex legends, the list goes on

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I dont like how the combat in 2 relies too much on crowd control skills.
It kinda limits your playstyle

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While this is bait, its usually clear cut which side of the coin it flips on.

Starting area is the hardest always when you play the game for the first time.

>1 has better music

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I figured I'd have an advantage because I loved the first but nope


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cute feet

dragon knight saga

Or how bout Divine Divinity?

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warrior is the only acceptable choice

>as a man should be

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wizardry 8
stranger of sword city

this fag wasn't me

2 in this case is actually superior