Why do WRPGs always have horrendous armor designs and outfits compared to JRPGs?
Why do WRPGs always have horrendous armor designs and outfits compared to JRPGs?
elite knight is one of the worst ds sets
>Implying you don't wear it to endgame just because of its 10/10 aestetic
>Dragon Age past the first
>Anything besides a JRPG in every way besides country of origin
Shit gameplay only retards praise
Shit roleplaying
Shit aesthetics
But all is forgiven because you can fuck a virtual girl?
Yup, it's a JRPG all right.
Knight Set + Elite Knight Helm > Elite Knight Set
Alva Set > Elite Knight Set
Knight's Set > Alva's Set > DS1 Mixed Set > Firelink's Set > Elite Knight's Set
what jRPGs have you fucking a virtual girl?
Because the west is creatively bankrupt in most media. Movies, video games, tv shows, books, art, etc. all boring and repetitive with zero original ideas. It’s been like this for years
wouldn't it be smarter to have extra protection for your sword arm? your shield is already covering your arm
In 3 literally everyone uses the Fallen Knight set
souls is reddit tier trash
Only at the AAA level. The west is king when it comes to indies. It's just the shitty structure and culture of modern western companies. When you get a couple of americans working out of their garage to make a game like the good old days it turns out well
Dark Souls is a WPRG.
Most rpgs regardless of origin have shit armor designs. I sometimes wonder why i even bother playing RPGs at all anymore when devs continually fail to make their RPGs have good character creation tools and a large variety of armour/weapons and clothing.
>unironically using pee pee poo poo pants set
Uhhh, hate to break it to you but Soulsborne games ARE WRPGs. There are thresholds a RPG game must reach to either be considered as WRPG or JRPG. Final Fantasy games, despite some Western aesthetics, are JRPGs because they've reached that threshold AND NOT because they're made by Nips.
why are weebs always so horrendously fucking wrong
Comparing the armor to DS almost seems unfair. Those are god tier suits.
>having taste this bad
>Proving his point
I bet you play WoW, faggot.
What does WoW have to do with anything?
WoW has shit tier armor design.
now post the actual jrpg armor trash like
Ok? I never said anything to the contrary.
looks good in art, looks trash in game
>dark souls
>weeb franchise
am I on shrooms or something? souls is completely antithetical to standard weebshit short of the obligatory waifu level up chick.
I tried to fix it
To fix a design like that you need a sandblaster, not a sandpaper.
i lost when i scrolled down and saw those fucking shoes, what the fuck
This isn't a real design, right?
>no final fantasy needs to be taken seriously
Oh no, it's perfectly real. Final Fantasy Tactics A2, character's name is Luso.
>Knight Set + Elite Knight Helm
god fucking damn i'm not the only one who does this? fucking based man
Holy shit, I thought it was satire.
Nope, it's the end-all-be-all of ridiculous designs that anons across the internet can point to and laugh.
Okay. The endgame armors from Dragon Age 2 look fucking sick and I don't care what you say because you're wrong.
>Fateshifts your path
What are your favorites, user?
looks fine to me
>using shaders and retexure mods
anything an look good with mods user
Only looks bad in the remaster. Looks fine in the original.
still looks fine
Elite Knight is pure aesthetics.
>Succubus (male)
Why is this allowed?
You can't even see half that shit ingame
Dark Soulets out of the fucking way
>never shows up ever again
Demon Souls is a masterpiece and a work of art, Dark Souls is mainstreamed trash, of course it would repeat itself.
This, everything is another iteration of whatever fps trash, sports game, or open world tower climbing game. I have not seen an original idea from a western dev in the last 10 years.
Best things in life usually only happens once.
>i-it's okay I didn't want more anyway
>its okay because Dark Souls 2---wait
Psssh... Nothin personnel kid.
But BB is basically DeSu 2.
2 is based on DeS though, like a mix between it and Dark, similarly DaS3 is based on all 4 previous games
>2 is based on DeS though
No it isn't.
>Can't change armor/outfit
>Need to buy separately via DLC
Plenty of DS sets are based on real sets and pireces of european armor. Most western devs absolutely hate the fact that white man's craftsmanship was so fucking ahead of everyone else's, and they will do everything in their hand to uglify it by any means possible, not unlike they make female characters disgusting on purpose. In other words, these designs are problematic. That is how you end up with ugly, generic fantasy asset-store armor designs like that.
>Dark Souls is a JRPG
How to spot a clueless normalfag.
Layered Armor
Only normalfags argue that japanese roleplaying games aren't japanese roleplaying games
>B-But JRPG is a genre
False, and even if this were true, the style commonly associated with JRPGs is a Western invention while ironically ARPGs originated in Japan