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Cancer had a good run.

Picking "no one goes hungry" would destroy the planet as billions of africans breed without constraints

Cancer to save the actual important people

Cure cancer.

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Cancer definitely, if Africans are so fed up with feeding their children then maybe they should stop reproducing already.

Cure cancer understands why.

But it's time to put her down.

Fuck cancer
shout out to boozy

Cancer is the white man's choice

Cure cancer. I had childhood cancer

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obviously cancer, you might get it, your loved ones might get it, what's a niglet worth to you, really?

What was the point of this in the game? As far as i know it is only in the one sequence and never mentiined again, same with the rest of the choices

>haha fuck niggers xD look guys I said niggers loool

You guys are so fucking cringe

have sex

pretty sure it was just a gag user

Cure Cancer, it has killed enough people including my family.

Feed all cancer to the hungry.
All of cancer dies with the hungry and there's no more cancer or hunger.
I just solved both problems with one stone.

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>Getting mad about people saying the no no word on fucking Yea Forums
Just go back

Cancer, not even a question.

Africans will starve to death either way unless they can figure out the concept of cause and effect of limited resources.

Go starve, nigger.

hunger only affects nigs, cancer affects everyone

I sure wish post like these got permabanned immediately

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Curing cancer would save literally millions more lives than feeding hungry

>find a way to eliminate the wide variety of conditions classified as cancer, therefore advancing human medical science to the level where virtually all disease is curable
>fix the logistics issues involved with getting food to people who need it

Tough choice

There's literally no reason but the people certain parts of the world are shit. It all goes back to them always.

Cancer. It can effect people that matter. Whats some Africans that go hungry compared to you or your loved ones getting cancer? The africans can be helped charities and what not, give them some chicken. But will have the finances to fight the cancer? Is the cancer even survivable? The choice is clear.

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>all these anons taking obvious bait

>cure cancer, only top 10% have food. Rest of the population die of hunger.
>no one goes hungry, only top 10% survive. Rest of population die of cancer.
>your choice

Fuck cancer, pharmaceutical companies already make good profit off every other type of medical care.

I have a better Idea.

Cure hemmeroids.

Everybody develops cancer cells in their lifetime, getting rid of it would get rid of a problem that plagues not only humanity, but other species.

>That's going to be a soilent yikes from me, sweetie queen slay!

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learn to spell, you have plenty of time to read a dictionary while you bleed anally on the toilet

cant do anything correctly with the pain ruining concentration.

Cure cancer, it's a way more complex issue due to there not just being one type of cancer. Feeding the hungry is easy within current logistical constraints if you don't abide to the current outlook on the hungry and homeless, seeing as how it'd be easier and save more money for the government and people to give everyone a basic living income regardless of employment. If you're not paying police and emergency rooms massive amounts of money to solve the symptoms of the problem then you're saving money.

Elephants like are really resistant to cancer and it's fascinating and will hopefully help us learn

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prep h is a lifesaver fr fr - had hems after a week of pneumonia aka not eating for a week. best of luck on the recovery bro

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It's a joke in a comedy game.

There's a cancer limiting thing in your genes. Humans have 2 of it per DNA strand, elephants have 40 of it.

Cancer doesn't actually exist. It's just some jewish ploy to get people to buy "cancer fighting" products and donate to ""charity"".

Cancer affects white people, so that one.

Solving world hunger is a non-issue, it is completely feasible to do so and will definetely be done eventually. Curing cancer is the obvious choice.

Which country was it that chased off all their farmers and then were surprised they suddenly didn't have any food anymore?

Well I had stage 3 melanoma so that didn't work

Rwanda/Zimbabwe, because the farmers were "white imperialists"

But user...
(you) just said niggers.

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Zimbabwe and South Africa

>cure cancer
>fuck niggers

Which one is it?

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an african dictator, but give it a few years and americlaps will find some way to blame that one on communism like always

Every fucking time this gets posted i am on edge about everyone agreeing that curing cancer is a good decision. I've seen so many organizations and charities trying to cure cancer, and non of them could. Money just goes into their pockets and no progress done.

Its more like waste of money even trying to cure it, while you could feed the hungry and not be edgy about it, just accepting cancer as punishment.

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I had stage 3 turbo. Get on my level.

Kinda funny how if you cure hunger over cancer then humanity becomes the cancer.

Neither, death is natural. Deviating or preventing the course of nature leads to amplifying consequences. All things begin and must eventually end, struggling only causes you unnecessary suffering.

t. fat fuck

To get you comfortable with some of the qte type shit in the game

But if the bill legitimately cured cancer, then the charities you dont like would no longer exist.

mugabe is a marxist though

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Cancer, curing hunger would accelerate population growth and we'd all suffer. The world would become one giant cesspool of smog and pollution, human waste everywhere, the land would be poisoned, no natural wonders would exist other than the rock beneath the man made steel tumors errected towards the sky. Absolute nightmare scenario

>only africans starve
>only whites get cancer

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Yeah, i have to agree if its legitimate then curing cancer it is.


Your reluctance to address what you interact with is telling of your self. You can not ignore reality your choices and caution will not prevent the inevitable possibility of having life plucked from you unwillingly at the hands of another. Face life directly and embrace inability.

Fuck cancer.

World hunger is an overpopulation issue that techinically sorts itself out.
Cancer is a "part of being human"

Besides the paper literally says "fuck cancer" there's no way i'm not picking that.

>cure cancer
>Yea Forums suddenly disappears


Finally someone gets it

Neither. If fact lets add a new plague to the world for kicks.

>cure cancer
>suddenly humanity disappears

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What would you pick if you had a third option? I'd probably go with free healthcare for everyone since you could both treat cancer and allow people to save more money for food.

Gene therapy treatments have already effectively cured cancer, but you will never get access to them unless you are very wealthy.

Isn't it past your bed time?

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Cure cancer and feed the starving populations with cancer.

Unlimited funds

niggers lol

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fuckin racist
white genocide

go away nigger

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Only niggers and commies die of starvation

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It changes the ending

Cure cancer is one of the first starts towards immortality because aging is basically an attempt to minimize cancer risk. The mad science angle once cancer is no longer a factor is a big deal.

Compared to that, World Hunger helps more people not starve to death but does nothing to push the envelope for those who have food.

Curing cancer, cancer probably kills way less people than hunger. The world is already way past its capacity.

Why cannot we not choose none, and save tax payer money?

Cure cancer and then go spend some time with my mother

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Protip: we already have enough food being produced to end world hunger, it just doesnt get distributed

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>Cancer is the white man's choice

>spend trillions in africa to help starving children
>instead of 2 millions starving children now there's 2 billions
>build schools to educate them
>now they're smart enough to know their country has no future so they flee for a western one

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dude watch the "empire of dust" documentary

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neither. cancer and food shortage exist as a failsafe to make sure we have a shelf life. remove either, and you irreparably damage our ecosystem

Make them eat cancer

Cancer. If you're too stupid to not figure out how to eat, then you shouldn't live. And don't give me that bullshit about no food anywhere.

I had Stage 3: Arcade Edition.

>cute cancer
>90%of Yea Forums fucks off to plebbit

Hunger forces you to compete and innovate. To cure it would condemn us to extinction

Food costs money, point made

World Hunger is a problem in only certain parts of the world. Just about every living thing can potentially die of cancer no matter how well off they are, so that should be removed first.

okay but what if u r mr gay

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>have this cool moment
>the rest of the entire game lacks quality humor

People get cancer because what they eat.

Cure cancer, that way my mother wouldn't be in pain all the time

lmao found the wh*ties
Have sex

niggers lol

Maybe if you had S-E-tilted cross you would be a better person and people would love you

>Doesn't know how to get money
You're stupid.

What is the point of that useless asterisk

it's a twitter thing so people that search those terms don't find stuff

Wh*t *s th* po*nt *f yo* an*n?

niggers lol

>sex makes you a better person!


You could cure world hunger in 5 years by importing agricultural experts into Africa and making the locals work at gunpoint. But that would be racist, so better to let them starve

That Sealab 2021 joke continues to be true.

>implying the cancer hasn't been cured for years now
HIV and Cancer has had cures for decades now, were just not rich and white enough for it.