'Bloodlines 2', 'Oxygen Not Included' Mysteriously VANISHED from the Epic Game Store

What the fuck happened?



Attached: screenshot_05.png (1366x728, 254K)

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Is this the new Blaze the cat thread?

They were forced to participate in the sale

They didn't want to be in the sale

Epic removes them from the store because ALL GAMES DISCOUNTED

Epic blames them for not being cooperative

>Epic blames them for not being cooperative

Wait, weren't they supposed to be pro-publishers?

From what I gathered this sale seemed like a last minute thing and not all the publishers were aware of what was happening.

Apparently Epic is taking the loss on the sales and giving the full price to the publishers.

But something doesn't seem right, why is Vampire still taken down from the store?

unironically kys

Why haven't Gaben said anything about this yet?

There's nothing wrong with Opera retard. Guessing you use standard Chrome by your reaction though.



Reminder that they removed the sale from Borderlands 3 as well.

Because games have a perceived value to them and if it falls below the expected price point, consumers think something is wrong with the game. Even worse if they find out they could have gotten it while it was on sale and then didn't. So they will try to wait to pick it up on sale later, since it MUST go on sale. Right?

Why do keep up with this same bait

Attached: Professional.jpg (1068x1200, 90K)

Using anything owned by chinks is a problem, retard

Borderlands 3 also got removed, then re-added but the discount got rescinded.

Hey this is off topic kinda but is world war z worth 20$? Its on sale and It looks like it could scratch my left 4 dead itch.

Epic is so bad at running a store that when they started their sale they didn't know how to opt games out of it. So they completely removed them for the time being.

Because he doesn't have to. In fact he had an entire guide on doing sales for all publishers and coordinated with them months in advance and had the means to exclude anyone that didn't want to participate. These devs and publishers are now eating flak for Epic's mistake. They keep shooting themselves in the foot and making them look like bad guys. Gaben stays quite and looks good in comparison even doing nothing.

>Better an idiot remain silent and be thought a fool, then to open his mouth and remove all doubt.

>implying anyone uses the normie browser here
>implying there are significant differences between chrome and opera
>being this illiterate
>calls others retard
just kys already

Attached: 👌.png (350x372, 216K)

It seems like if you get that cheap chink shit 12% cut, you get what you paid for, a shoddy product that falls apart at the seams.

>probably doesn't even use Waterfox with hardened user.js
>calls me retarded

Attached: 1557901940452.png (320x320, 247K)

Degrees in my house are so much better than any one of my friends in the world and they have no problem with their own life they have a lot to say to you do ya think they will be happy with it haha was the day you were going on a trip and you have a lot of time and I don’t want to be around you guys but I gotta I want you to know what I mean

It's owned by chinks, that's enough to avoid it.

putting a game on sale before it even launches is a good way to piss off people who have already preordered

But serious question.

Why isn't steam doing anything?

No one wants to be with you and your friends to come over and hang with him or you want to come to the house and get it to him or something or you can just get him in the morning or something or I’ll take a little more of pain and then I’ll give ya one and then I can come over to your place if ya wants me and I don’t know how much you can be there

This is a good one for you and one for the team and I will be there at the same time as the other one is a little more than I can say is that you are not feeling well and will be back in the office tomorrow to understand you perfectly

have you ever seen these videos of Luigi winning by doing nothing?

Valve is just letting Epic doing whatever they want because they know they will fuck up one way or another by their own incompetence

Because Epic hasn't actually caused any major market shifts yet.