A-C, 1-5
posting boxart without the grid next
Other urls found in this thread:
claiming A1
Claiming C2.
Do you want us to post just our square, or the square in the picture?
Haven't seen one of these in awhile
Claiming B 5
just your square, please
Let me guess, The logo will be nintendo Shitch and there will be poop or a dick somewhere on that title.
I hope you guys actually get creative with your mockery instead of just dick and shit jokes.
claiming A2
claiming B-4
the logo will be your post
>only 15 squares
why OP
So the possibilities in this game are pretty much endless, correct?
It wasn't not going to be my post and you know it.
Because Switch cases are half the size of any other game case.
Claiming C4
Claiming B3
i just thought it lined up nice with the faces, logo elements, etc.
Claiming B3
claiming A2
claiming B1
fuck you
Claiming c3
Make it this guy dressed as luigi
A2 already claimed
when you claim it you do it yourself
you don't give orders
make it yourself dummy
that's the whole point of claiming a spot
Claiming D1
There is no D1.
Claimin A5
I'd call you a newfag but I dont even remember the last time there was a mosiac thread.
I've completed my graphic from the last thread, if for whatever reason you guys want to make a second mosaic thread about this game, then feel free to use it
whoever makes the boom boom tile better make justice to the mad lad
>using the shaded square
c'mon man i posted the original boxart so that shit wouldn't happen
Claiming A3
Heres the tile
give me C1
B1 = Done
what a horrible start
claiming B2
>didnt claim a tile, nor do i have the time to make anything quality
You fuckers better put Wario somewhere on this
dumbass iphoneposter
Sorry man. Here you go.
Low effort is also not acceptable.
thank you for fixing that my dude
touched up B1 a bit
here you go nigga
Right, I spazzed out, A4.
You didn't, OP fucked up the coding
already claimed, only spot unclaimed is C5
...and maybe A3? dunno if the other guy's actually gonna do it
my bad, i should've labeled the image itself
Claiming C5 then.
The guy with the MS paint green man? Nah he is low effort trash. Ignore that guy.
hold on, gimme a sec to do my own wario take on it please
Fuck off nigger, I already claimed it.
Real B1 here.
A1 claimer here, OP just make this guy's post replace the Switch logo and change nothing else
screenshot your (you)s
B2 done
>Suck My Dick Mommy
which one goes better with
Yes it is cunt
this B1 sucks because it doesn't go as well with This
is better
Yours is kinda bad though
It's the job of the Claimer to make the Tile. Nobody elses.
Do you give up A1?
Faggots like you ruin these threads.
What do you mean, I don't see anyone claiming A4 above.
There was a Deleted post. I would count it null and void myself.
what happened to
yes, i elect the next user to roll a 5 as the new tile owner
So you?
Get back to it lazy.
i meant the next user after this post
still working on b5
>only 15 blocks
Shit thread, OP
no, you
>Could have made it say Sup Ma Nigga
You all failed
Seems deleted to me. I've already finished it so I'll post it anyway.
Someone Else can claim A1. this user is a lazy shit
A2 complete, if the Wario tile is rejected due to being claimed prior I will updated it to put him in peeking out from under the banner.
OP post update
here's my B1, based on yours, for consideration
>copy pasting memes onto the existing box art
This'd make for a great react if it was the full "Suck my dick" quote
here's your c4
where the fuck did OP go?
Sorry, in the middle of a manicure
My take on your take on my take
Move Wario up to make the I level with his to make it look like a censored shlong
this is great, this is all coming along delightfully
>to make the I lebel with his to make it look like a censored schlong
i meant to say level with his crotch, I need to sleep
Fuck OP, we can do this lads
I'll be taking over for OP until he comes back since clearly he is being a faggot.
A1 is now claimable.
B3, A5, and B4 will be claimable in 10 minutes if their claimers do not respond within that time.
Why will it be deleted?
>2 people trying to take over
this is gonna become a clusterfuck real quickly isn't it
Put a green checkmark on b4, did not mean too. ignore it.
sorry, just got back from doing dumb real life shit, thanks for keeping track for me
My computer crashed and lost everything so i had to whip is up. sorry.
C2 reporting in. I hope my shitty art skills aren't too off putting.
Delivering C5.
At least it can't be worse than the BOTW grid edit
What happen then?
If you can compile the images I'll compile the state of the tiles.
>Faggots compiling the mosaic before all the tiles are submitted
Stop this shit immediately.
I don't have it here but it was so bad you couldn't even tell what boxart it was because none of the squares fit with each other. Now that I think about it the mosaic could have been Xenoblade, I can't remember.
Newfags are ruining mosaic threads now too?
should I get a switch for this? it looks real good from what I saw on the direct and never played the first mario maker
>A1 still isnt claimed
can i?
Wario time
You're a big boy and can decide for yourself.
best one yet
I copied the OP image exactly from the pixels separating the dark/light sections and got 308x300.
polished it for you
I'll be lurking this thread for a while.
Here's A5 Bois
also source
nice style
We're closing in on it boys.
The 10 minutes is up.
B4 is now claimable, if it was claimed in the first place (the original poster might have fucked up)
Same but this seems like a boring clusterfuck so far.
A1 is available? I'll take if if possible
Thanks, fren.
A1 was claimed not too long ago
progress so far
Never mind, am retarded
As a past mosaic host it's expected of OPs to release the final mosaic at the end instead of updating along the way, just so you know. This makes it more of a surprise.
claiming b4
save it until it's finished ya dingus
>that tiny bitf waluigi
i miss mathew so much
when's the book coming out
Oh shit you're right.
Well, at least someone can finish Hitlerios face properly
Have vidya covers gotten worst or do people not care about mosiac threads anymore? Its been a long time since I've seen one of these threads.
Any word on A3?
Someone post the Mario Tennis mosiac. I helped on that one and lost it
watt is cute, thanks user
do y'all think I should leave the original cover in or just blacken the background
I cant shoop atm because im not at a desktop but one of you fags better not forget
I think covers have gotten worse. I mean, why even bother with cool box art if they're pushing digital sales this hard?
As for SMM2, the top half doesn't have much going on, by itself. The bottom half is prime meme potential.
Or that Monster Hunter one.
Leave the background, it needs to be cohesive
Oh yeah, it was the monster hunter one I was thinking about.
try both so we can judge
Minor update on B3; use this one for the final
Also is 308x300 resolution acceptable? I just got it naturally when cropping the tile.
here it is with the original background, better?
I love how wario this is
Looking for progress on A1 and A3 within 10 minutes, otherwise they'll have to be claimed by other anons.
Yes, that works fine.
Keep OG
Also love these threads
make the black background transparent a bit over the og background for me real quick
it just looks darkened but ok
nice desu ne
sorry i took so long, heres A1
WAluigi hat needs to go. It just won't mesh well with the surrounding tiles
So I just learned that the 3D World style is going to have the long jump. That's pretty annoying, since it's rather overpowered. I'm not looking forward to so many jumps and falls being trivialized by the long jump. The same goes for Cat Mario really, but at least I can just not put the Super Bell in my levels.
A3 is up for grabs. lets finally get this trainwreck finished
I can do A3
definitively worse than what we already have, fuck off
ideally it'd be darkest horizontally in the middle and fade out to be the normal brightness towards the top and bottom
Go for it
If it must be done. It's a shame Waluigi shall never be allowed to fight for the fathertland.
soulless. literally just a filter
Anyone else want to claim A3? this thing is dragging on way too long
That's cool! We've never had that in 2D before.
This is the best version. Dont over complicate it. Looks great.
You're an uber-nigger. Kys fag.
I'd love to but I'm at work.
Don't die pls
This is good too
Someone please
Claiming A3
>first A3 claimer fails to deliver
>second A3 claimer is lazy as shit
They'll just put spikes everywhere, like the NSMB stages.
Finished mine
And so it's finished.
Going with dark baba because I like the contrast but can post any of the other alts if preferred.
It sucks
>That merchant
great now i can't post it to reddit
I'm willing to do it. Which subreddit should it be posted to?
> mario is half black, half hitler, and one very small part me
It's a solid 7 from the "suck my dick mommy" line alone. a lot of panels are redraws and look pretty good (bottom right, baba, etc.) but some of them just dont mesh. it's not retarded enough to be funny but its not cohesive/self-respecting enough to be cool to look at
please tell me you're joking
Waaa/10. Good job
I was but i won't tell you which post
anyone have the sauce on that daisy in C2?
These 3 tiles I labeled look real great on their own... but does nobody understand that you have to match the colors? This is why it looks off. The whole point is to make a cohesive picture.
>does not feature dante from the devil may cry series
C'mon lads.
Only good ones are Crash, Pissing Mario and maybe the mad lad
>tfw nobody finished my bullet bill portal
Baba dark transparent alt
>no featuring dante
Baba clear background alt
oh fuck I should've just posted one and shut up
now there are going to be 3 versions of this one floating around forever and pissing people off
I'm sorry
- baba user
This is still up for grabs if you guys want to do a round dos
nah, it just makes them collectable! like little virtual figurines!
baba is alright
THIS. Work together people!
However this looks much better at least
we DID work together to Wario-ifiy it
well at least it wasn't this
Okay I take it back.
good lord
What even is that?
this is what the man looked like before his body was mutilated in the accident
lmao gg neo-Yea Forums
so do we wanna try doing another game
The game is fine, but we have 2 clashing concepts. The top works together better, but the bottom has better art.
What about CTR:NF?
Can we do a better game instead?
first off that's not the final boxart and second that's small as shit
but that's a good idea
my bad, i grabbed the first one i could find off google images.
Can't wait to see how this one comes out
t. did A1 in the SMM2 collab
You think THAT'S bad? This is supposed to be Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.
dios mio
oh lord what
this had to have been intentional, there's no way it could accidentally be that bad.
Nothing even blends into eachother!
Actual boxart for comparison.
what even causes this
My guess is, people just throwing whatever and not even trying to come up with something that meshes.
At least the 3DS one looks good.
I prefer this one
All things considered, not that bad but not great either
if we do end up doing CTR:NF can we make it Wario Team Racing: Garlic Fueled?
my vote goes to this
you fucked up not making it a prerequisite to redraw the entire tile, not just paste a bunch of memes onto the existing cover
Here's my favorite mosaic.
alright get to claiming boys
Anyone have the Bamham VR one?
For me, it's 2B.
I'll make an attempt at B4
Gonna be taking D5
Christ this artstyle is horrible
Is it 309x300 again?
Make a new thread for this.
each tile is 297x300