Post your rig, Yea Forums

Post your rig, Yea Forums

Attached: razer-blade-15-og-non-mercury.jpg (1200x630, 260K)

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It isn't assembled so no.

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>optical drive

>the new razerblade 15
>all the best specs
>but the right shift
Laugh at razer

Stay stupid
I can watch blueray movies on it

>it's not an RTX titan

>razor blade
was this on purpose

Attached: 1520396718914.png (332x512, 172K)

A lil bit
Here's the two rgb diasters I recently put together. Black one is mine.

Attached: 20190112_043745.jpg (4032x3024, 3.74M)

>non tenkyless keyboard
>buying logitech keyboards with their mediocre switches, and lack of durability, when keyboards with hot-swappable switches are available in a more durable frame
Basically confirmed a consumerist shitter.

Spotted the 30year old boomer

>newfags replying to bait

Why did you leave the sticker on the tempered glass? I took that shit off immediately after assembly

Is the white case on the right NZXT? Pretty sure I have the same one in black and dropped the glass as I finished putting it all together

Don't diss the sips
Took it off right after first boot

Attached: 20190206_200006.jpg (4032x3024, 3.65M)

Yeah, they both are. Did you get a new panel?

Also do you like the default cables? I figured someone who would buy RGB RAM would buy custom cables.

Customer service was pretty chill about it. They sent me a replacement via 2-day shipping after I sent an electronic copy of my receipt. I forgot how to take the panel off without breaking it though.

>lives in a dumpster
checks out

i7-4770k, geforce 980, 16 gb ddr3 ram
Razer15 from...2017 I think? Has a 1060 and 7th gen mobile i7. Can't remember specs, got it for free from work. Does the job well enough on business trips and can't argue with free.

Yeah, I don't mind them. I think it looks fine.
Nzxt seems really good with their customers

NZXT H500? Just unscrew the thing on the back near the top of the case and you should be able to gently pull it back from the top of the glass until it comes off.

>$150 cheaper than when I bought it

>ryzen 2600
>16gb ram
>144hz monitor

Attached: 1555342535983.gif (498x498, 2.35M)

Not sure on the model number but it's similar to user's pic and was also a mid. Has a weird fitting around the top screw and I couldn't get the panel to lean out. It also sort of falls into the case.

I’m currently in the process of retrofitting a SFF Optiplex. Just trying to figure out what the best half-sized graphics card to throw in it would be.

I'm pretty sure it's the h500, but yeah the screw doesn't completely come off, but it comes out enough to where you should be able to take off the panel via pulling gently from the top. Find a YouTube video if you're not sure.


Living the life... I guess?

Attached: thumbnail_IMG_20171118_131724336_HDR.jpg (960x1280, 170K)

>physical media
>in the year of our lord MMXVIII
Get with the times, gramps.

I agree that digital is better but it's nice to have physical copies of your favorites

Attached: 20190517_193740 - Copy.jpg (2576x1932, 1.7M)

shit tier with no way to improve it:
AMD A4-6320
GTX 1050ti

connected to a shit resolution tv

>be a slave to digital media and let them have full control over all your things through "cloud"
I'd prefer we have alternatives, little zoomer.

>boomer only thinks the cloud
heh keep the bluray player, old-fogie

GTX 1060 6GB G1 gigabyte vendor
I5-7600k @4.5ghz
Hyperx DDR4 8x2
Windows 10 pro
don't remember the cooler name
2560x1080 monitor
GTS 450
I7 eighth gen EN (engineering sample)
Standard industry DDR4 8X2 (no brand or anything)
kubuntu 19.04
Stock cooler
Some ancient huge af panasonic tv from around 2005 i think i got it for free from a boomer
>Low end pc
GT 640(?)
16gb ram
Ubuntu budgie
1680x1050 monitor

>keep 2TB of movies on a drive vs filling shelves with shitty expensive physical media

wash your fucking fursuit

Attached: current_battlestation.jpg (3264x2448, 1.03M)

16gb ddr4 3000
EVGA 1070ti
in a define r5 running W10 LTSB
1080p monitor
4tb hdd storage, roughly 750gb SSD for os and gaymes

my laptop is a Dell XPS 13 with a Skylake i5
I swapped the m2 sata for a 1tb NVME
running kubuntu 19.04

looking to build HTPC/NAS to store media on, any suggestions?

Ask in /g/ on their /hsg/ thread they will have more of a grasp on it then me, all i did was just shoving bunch of 4tb drives on my htpc and just running SMB lol

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