ITT: Games that couldn't come out today because people would cry and call them offensive
ITT: Games that couldn't come out today because people would cry and call them offensive
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The FF7 remake reactions seems to be proving that one true.
If this game came out now you would only play as GLA but they would be renamed "freedom fighters alliance" and the objective would be to destroy america.
that being said, I fucking loved this game when it first came out even though it was dogshit compared to RA2.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance couldn't be made in 2019
Pretty much every game before ~2007
No contest
They probably think gassing civilians is just too much though.
Why would this be problematic today?
Or killing them and taking their UN relief supplies
it couldn't come out when it was released (2018?) but the devs didn't care. Just look at all the outrage it got from nudevs and professional victims.
There's a black guy
According to triggered SJWornos it couldn't be made either like two years ago when it came out, yet it was a great sucess for a small studio. Just ignore the screeching retards.
Games have been offensive since the 80s, there isn't a single violent or raunchy game that didn't get flack for it.
I think the fact that you are expected to act as a nigger instead of some magic negro teaching dire morality lessons is what makes the game so amusing.
This game barely came out back then seeing how it was banned in China and banned and censored in Germany
EA wouldn't even greenlight this project
This game was lucky to be released on that short timespan when kicking mudslimes and ragheads were the popular and acceptable thing to do
It stopped in the late 00s and suddenly the shift since was to accept mudslimes and ragheads
>you have to be a thug to play as a thug
Jeez imagine being this limited in your ability to enjoy entertainment. I'm a pacifist and I love mowing down hookers with an uzi in GTA.
p sure the Metroid games would produce a massive outcry from the incels here over the reveal the protag was a woman
This image is older than most people on Yea Forums nowadays.
Reminder that Westwood meme'd the GLA into existence IRL.
Tifa's boobs will be one.
Fuck off. 2B is portrayed as female and everyone loves that game.
>Gold Saucer dating
>Honey Bee
God it's going to be glorious i hope they don't censor any of this shit to expose all the zoomer retards who've never played the original.
not quite the same as playing as a badass sci fi warrior only to found out later it's a blonde chick in a bodysuit and helmet. It would definitely trigger some idiots.
Could the gunners even fit into the trucks? They look like giants.
No one would care. People would like it because they can now fap to her.
What would anger people is the marketing behind it nowadays.
Imagine if the game was released today. Imagine the straight up shitposting that would happen when the trailer releases.
people literally did though, in those days EA and many other companies still took the edgy controversy marketing approach
Only from racists who can't handle playing as a nigger though. The same retards that got upset over that Star Wars trailer.
Its funny cause the nigger is like the least bad thing from the nuwars shitshow