>Videogames aren't fun for me anymore
tell me that one game you keep going back to, and why it draws you back.
>Videogames aren't fun for me anymore
tell me that one game you keep going back to, and why it draws you back.
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Dark Soul 2, it's a messy pile of melocholy jank that most people hate and that speaks to me.
I'm having a lot of fun with the Crash remake. Very close to wrapping up 1 and 3. I'm a lot less familiar with 2 because I never had that one as a kid, but I might try to 100% that one too.
MGS3 because I love the gameplay and the story is fantastic.
The World Ends With You. No matter what, I always find myself coming back to the style and gameplay.
Bloodborne is one game that I can always jump on and be entertained by even if I don't feel like playing anything. The setting, music, and a weird comfy feeling is what always draws me back. Any time I start Bloodborne up I immediately feel like I'm "home". Even after beating it so many times and having fully gemmed up every single different build I can think of, I still get a massive amount of satisfaction any time I play it.
Final Fantasy VII.
It's just so fucking comfy.
The music is stellar,
and you can easily and mindlessly grind your way through the whole game.
Also Tifa is a hottie.
>CTF Joust
>31 bots
>Ballistic Weapons (grenades only)
It's an orgy of violence.
Spyro The Dragon. Had massive autism for it as a child and it still takes me back to child like wonder to this day. I also find appreciate a different song from it with every playthrough.
Digimon World mostly because I've become very efficient at getting through it but I just love how open it is and the art style is fantastic.
No matter how burned out I get from games I can always go back to these two.
Bioshock 2, the guns feel nice and drill running is satisfying
Majora's Mask, the atmosphere never gets old and there are lots of ways to keep the gameplay interesting.
I have a massive boner for the Infinity Engine games
No game keeps me going back (except some FIFA here and there with friends), and I have the same feeling every few months, of 0 videogames at all to being hooked as a crack whore. Last game that got me was Sekiro on release, spent like 12 days playing non stop since its the most fun I have had with a videogame in years (and a long weekend without plans and a bag of pot helped with it). Now Im playing smt: iv since I borrowed a 3ds, having a good time.
2d indie high-difficulty roguelike pixelshit nostalgiabait is good and all but repeatedly throwing myself against the wall isn't always my idea of a good time so my personal vidya equivalent of a day at the spa is a nice brain dead jrpg with cute girls where the difficulty curve can be brute forced through grinding.
Right now Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is scratching that itch just fine. See also: Star Ocean 4, Final Fantasy 12.
My brother I came here to post this
Recently beat it in reverse dungeon order
>tell me that one game you keep going back to, and why it draws you back.
Honestly. FABLE. Play how you want, be who you want and become who you want. Bored? How about massacring an entire village. Lonely? Marry 3 girls from different towns and sacrifice one, sell the other for slavery and leave the last one under a troll. Got OCD? Then holy fuck you won't be able to leave the game with how much shit there is too do. That is the only way to explain it. FABLE series has that charm,humor and alot of things that is either left out or missed from alot of other RPGs. And I fucking love it.
I have several games that I always fall back to when I don't want to play anything else. I will cycle through them, usually playing each exclusively for 1-3 months at a time. Just long enough to enjoy playing it again when it shows back up in the cycle
>Caves of Qud
>Space Station 13
>Dwarf Fortress, occassionally substituted with Gnomoria
>Haven & Hearth
>Risk of Rain
>Dungeon of the Endless
>Cities: Skylines
>Civilization V/VI, occassionally substituted with Endless Legend
You will notice that all of these games have a high degree of replayability and variation. This is essential.
The original Sonic trilogy + CD, they're fun, easy to pick-up-and-play, have amazing music and visuals and bring me back to my childhood.
Yeah I'm in a rut right now as well. Having RE2, DMCV and Sekiro all in a row was a fucking treat. I usually only really look forward to maybe 1-2 games a year but having 3 games that I love all come out that close together was awesome. I just tried getting into Oot for the first time and got bored halfway through. That game just doesn't do it for me.
For me almost any of the RE games will do. The ones I've beaten the most are probably REmake and RE7. REmake was already a blast on replays but now due to the new randomizer its even better. I probably like RE7 more than the average person but that game in VR is just something else. I fucking love it. Also I've been itching to go back to REmake 2 to S+ Leon's B scenario and to try out the new randomizer as well.
etrian odyssey iv
>best story/npcs in the series
>doesn't have as much QOL as the later games but the kino music and monster/dungeon design (especially the post-game labyrinth) make up for it
>considered the easiest mainline game but there's enough class depth that all parties (including challenge runs) are fun and not absolute grindfests
Personally, I keep finding myself coming back to singleplayer Russian roulette.
I keep winning, unfortunately.
I guess one game that i return from time to time is Fire emblem 7. I have finished it at least 4 times and currently on my 5th run, i can't say why. I guess with each playthrough i become more efficient, read some new support convo or use different units. I just really appreciate and enjoy
fuck HHM "a battle before dawn
Guild Wars 2.
I'll never ever call it a good game, but it's one I keep coming back to and playing obsessively for those weeks or months when the abyss is gazing back.
It's weirdly good at keeping me occupied while letting me space out at the same time.
Huh. That might actually explain why I like it; and here I thought I was just being contrarian.
Watch Dogs, Alpha Protocol and Mass Effect. Alpha Protocol and Mass Effect are easy to answer because their plot, world and characters are just so damn interesting but Watch Dogs is a bit harder. I guess I like the hacking, Irish protaganist and the fact you can BTFO criminals so as to live out your real world vigilante justice fantasy. Plus it feels kind of like a B-tier action movie, you know, like the only action movies that get made today outside of capeshit and John "Kino" Wick
System Shock 2 or Resident Evil 4
SS2 is so broken and I know how to easily beat it on the hardest difficulty but for some reason it's always fun.
RE4 needs no explanation.
Take solace in indie games, fren. Some of them are truly works of art; they focus more on creative ideas and aesthetics rather than gameplay (something I’m sure you’re tired of)
Watch Dog's basis is good. But the execution of that game series. Was fucking terrible. God awful.
>rather than gameplay
I'd rather play a game then an interactive movie
lmao imagine having just one hobby and clinging to it like it's the last thing in the world. Grow the fuck up and move on.
This is why people don’t consider video games art
who fucking cares?
can you only enjoy something once some critical percentage of people deem it acceptable?
I have the same problem, most games nowadays fail to hold my attention. I really got into Persona 5 though.
Jak and daxter: PL, 2, 3, and X
Starwars battlefront (PS)2
Spiderman 2
Whenever a certain friend is available SSBM or PM (Project M is unironically something every "gamer" should try for at least a few games, enjoyment/skill grows exponentially)
Honestly that's about it. I'm only 21 so I dont think I'm a boomer
My nigga
Take a break bro unironically do something else go outside pick up other hobbies I get massive burnout and stop for days-years and barely finish anything
half life and undertale
>Honestly that's about it. I'm only 21 so I dont think I'm a boomer
Dude you are an intro adult. That is about it. Nothing special.
There are a couple to be honest
1. Smt: Nocturne - The game really takes a lot of what I like about Jrpgs but creates a much stronger narrative and world then what I've seen in the majority of titles that I've played.
2. Va-11 Hall-A - Really i just like the story a lot of and I haven't really played a visual novel I fell love with until this one. Im really looking forward to N1RV Ann-A as well.
3. Persona 3 - Really this is similar to Smt: nocturne but its just the persona game that i really fell in love with the most and it' the most re-playable in my thoughts.
I don't want to enjoy some fucking art or "experience" retard
I want to play vidya and be challenged
If i wanted "art" I'd do something else
Holy shit fuck people like you
Games I keep going back to:
Baldur's Gate I and II
Command and Conquer series
Twinsen's Odyssey
Myst series
Warcraft 3
Tomb Raider 1-3
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Duke Nukem 3D
It's a mixture of nostalgia, quality gameplay, atmosphere/lore, and SOUL that keeps me coming back to these.
gotta be killing floor as a series
it's a pretty simple game where you shoot waves of monsters with a squad in class based tactics and that's it, you kill everything then buy new weapons then kill everything some more
what brings me back is pretty simple; i have played the game so much at this point that i am literally god when i play
like i am an omniscient being in that virtual space, i know everything that is gonna happen and i have the power to tailor the reality to my liking, i can make weaklings into heroes and the most vicious raging fleshpound into nothing but a minor nuisance
i walk with the universe, who is my son, and Life, who is my daughter, and they grant me all the boons i am owed as we descend upon the abominable hordes
there really is nothing else like it
Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden 2 never get old.
I like hearing about what games people actually enjoy now that I just have that hollow dopamine chase feeling when I play
minecraft hooked me when i was 12, then 15 and now it hooked me again
everytime i come back to it there's a sense of calm to it i love and working on something feels accomplishing, and now that i got actual friends to play it with it's 10x better
plus when i feel like shit i boot it up and turn on some music and it makes me feel better immediately, so that's another point for it
pic related is the last house i did on a realm with some friends
it wasn't designed in this era and was made by an autist that ran his workers into the ground.
minecraft somehow, I didn't think it would but even to today I still find myself regularly playing it every few months for a month which is funny because I really resent how they just never fucking finished it and how they just add small updates, things have been better recently but man fuck how notch didnt develop his fucking game. It's chill as heck tho
Terraria too because it's just really fun and satisfying to play through and they still update it.
TF2 is my go to shooter I return to when I do because I enjoy the variety and the world and characters are enjoyable.
I played Overwatch for 900 hours, but the best time was year 1. After that I only played to talk to my friends.
The Binding of Isaac is the game I always go back to if I have nothing else to play. It feels fresh every time, especially if you play Eden. Theres a lot to unlock too.
Also I should add I'm extremely sick of OW now, but it was my favorite game for the first year or so.
kek, i suppose 'want' is the key word. Im just speaking from my own experience; having played all sorts of video games i eventually got tired of them until i discovered a different 'breed' of video games, which focus more on creative expression rather than creating an artificial environment that provides a false sense of progression.
Go to any other medium please
You don't actually want to play games you just want to be engaged in a story
You want to tout about "a false sense of progression" but the "games" you're talking about are literally that
Going through the whole story doesn't mean you've "progressed" it just means you experienced the story like any other media
2 hour "art" projects done as college coursework aren't videogames
Also sick use of semicolons
Team Fortress 2 because the 6s format gets a lot out of the game, I have a core base of great friends within it, the recent LAN was fun (and it seems as though there are more to come), lots of reliable game options ranging from casual hotjoin to a third-party PUG site and in-houses, it's the only game that I've played in which the healer isn't an utter bitch class, and the community with which I play isn't rotted out from the inside by political correctness or identity politics. Everyone speaks their mind, makes jokes, and is up front with each other; and even playing with randoms can be great because making big plays or watching some absolute nonsense occur is always enjoyable.
the TF2 community is Anarchy, and I wouldnt have it any other way.
lol no need to be so sensitive, user; i never said the games i was talking about focused on story, i said creative ideas and aesthetics; you know stories represent very real themes of life so they can still provide new insights; also you shouldn't have such traditional definitions of what a video game should be
I don't see how those things can't be in games and still have engaging gameplay
I bet you think shit like Journey and Flower are games just because you interact with them
It's like equating visual novels to games
>muh themes
If it doesn't have engaging gameplay (keyword: gameplay) it's not a game
And you shouldn't think games should strive to be art they stop being games then
please fix the anime girl's mask
>I don't see how those things can't be in games and still have engaging gameplay
I never said that they couldn't btw, i just said that gameplay was an aspect they focused less on.
>If it doesn't have engaging gameplay (keyword: gameplay) it's not a game
If you are required to engage in something to get through it and be entertained, then it is in a sense a game regardless of how 'engaging' you think it is, movies never take you further than just being an observer
>And you shouldn't think games should strive to be art they stop being games then
What I meant was that in order for me to find a game enjoyable it must be 'artistic' since like OP i found myself incredibly burnt out from games despite having a great passion for them in the past.
Look man, you have some fair points and I can see you're not a complete retard
>I never said that they couldn't btw, i just said that gameplay was an aspect they focused less on.
Neither of us were very specific but it sounded like you were describing "games" like I mentioned
>gameplay) it's not a game
If you are required to engage in something to get through it and be entertained, then it is in a sense a game regardless of how 'engaging' you think it is, movies never take you further than just being an observer
What's your definition of engage? Technically books and movies are engaging because they occupy your time and make you do something besides breathe to follow them
By what you said a movie and a book is a game because you have to "engage" and finish them
"In a sense"
>What I meant was that in order for me to find a game enjoyable it must be 'artistic' since like OP i found myself incredibly burnt out from games despite having a great passion for them in the past.
Pretty much most major game has some artistic value and THEMES
If you only enjoy games that devalue gameplay for the sake of a story then just go "play" visual novels
I just want games to go back to being about the gameplay and not some shitty story or theme or politics or graphics