>What this ultimately means is that Borderlands 3, Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines 2 and Oxygen Not Included have been removed from the Epic Mega Sale. Not only that, but Ubisoft’s games are nowhere to be found (this is mainly due to some issue with the interaction between the Epic Games Store and Uplay, however it’s worth pointing out that the games are no longer available on Epic’s store).
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Would this have legal ramifications?
>the only way a developer can prevent their game being sold with an offer they don't want is to remove it from the store entirely
EGS is a joke
>Randy lied about discount right before removed it
lol, what a faggot
>Randy lied
s-steamcucks btfo
No. Only the one game by Super Giant has a possible lawsuit because they were trying to price rig using the sale.
Just checked to confirm
you can buy the game still but without a discount
what a bunch of horseshit, better cut does NOT mean cheaper prices
you can stop bringing this topic moving forward
All the EBIC shills talking about how they will have lower prices. Yeah, trust that rat looking faggot, he wont lie to you.
>have a sale on games
>remove all the games
It doesn't even make any sense. The 10 dollar cut is coming out of Epic's pocket. Why is this a problem for publishers? They still get the same amount of money.
It's not on the launcher, but my pre-order is still in the library.
I've been working all day can one of you neets give me a quick rundown?
but but my savings
where is that 12% at work if I can't buy it on a SALE
its over epic bros we have to pirate now
They don't want consumers conditioned to expect cheaper prices for games.
Lowers the perceived value of the product since they aren't out yet. It's generally accepted by everyone that things get cheaper once they've been on the market for some time but to have something discounted before it even comes out makes it less likely that people will purchase it at the full price after the sale. Other than that, it might just be due to Epic not informing them beforehand or giving the publishers time/freedom to decide what they wanted to do.
Maybe they didn't realize how many people where going to accept this offer.
Is it possible to get a refund on epic? You must offer an option (at least in EU) and refunding because now the game is cheaper is a valid reason.
Of course we will never know the true and everything i just said comes from my ass
Based Chinks discounting things they don’t have the right to discount because they don’t give a fuck about our trade laws
The idea is to trick people into paying the normal game price because they're thinking it's on sale. The devs probably get a 12% cut of the supposed "discount" that the store pocketed
Epic Mega Sale? More like Epic Mega Fail
Because it's unfair to people that have already preordered.
...is the excuse they're going to use.
Here's the real reason. Steam style mega sales? Publishers hate that shit. They want to keep their games at 60bux as long as possible. Fuck they'd probably want to raise the price over time with inflation if they could get away with it. Yes, they can opt out of them, but it's poor form.
It's just another reason these guys hopped on the Epic train. They're hoping for a fresh start to avoid having to run these kinds of discounts.
because it's going to ruin the sales of the game over a long period of time.
People are going to see "wow the game was $50 before, why should I pay $60?" and just wait for a discount months later which will stop day 1 sales.
Epic Store started a giant sale, percentages plus 10 bucks out from their pocket I think
BL3 was one of those discounted games, but it is now removed so one of the more anticipated games of the year won’t be getting discounted. It’s a short story really.
Also before one of you fags shitpost about the ‘BL3 is one of the more anticipated games of the year’ part, know that so far it’s only most of Yea Forums who really hates the game, the rest of the Internet is willing to eat shit
Epic's 12% claim and bitching about Steam taking 30% is such a crock. I work in another sphere of entertainment and I have to use a distributor similar to Steam. What is their cut? 30%. It's the industry standard not just in video games, but across the fucking board. For that 30% I get a ton of benefits from being inside this distribution network.
You left out the part where Randy was being Randy and really talking this sale up which makes this removal that much funnier. That dude really needs to learn to shut the fuck up.
>randy lied
this is a first timer
In all seriousness, what is Epic's end game here? They are all over the place contradicting themselves.
What the fuck is going on?
I missed that part, not only is he a liar, he’s and his publishers are also disconnected from each other
Think of it this way:
You see a game you want to buy and see that it's currently marked at full price ($60). Being savvy, you look at the price history of it to see if it's gone any lower, and it did, before launch even.
How likely are you to buy this game for full price as opposed to waiting for it to go back down to a price it was already previously sold for?
I actually managed to get Hades for 5 bucks before the shit hit the fan, but what the fuck is going on with epic? Are they run by literal morons? I cant believe a company with billions on disposal can be this incompetent.
They probably don't know themselves.
I can not rationalize it.
I was about to make a lame war comparison about how Epic was hoping to get into a quick skirmish with Steam("We will stop exclusives if Steam stops asking 30%" spiel) but ended up in a siege, but then I realized that Epic gains no absolute advantage if Steam was to suddenly only take 12%, in fact its a massive detriment to them.
I guess they were told that the store works when it obviously doesn't?
Is it a 300 IQ marketing move?
I can not figure it out
>I guess they were told
By this I meant upper management/top brass.
They don't need to be competent, they have Fornite
It hurts the perceived market value of your game if you go into sales too quickly. Consumers will see it as a ripoff to pay anything more than your deepest sale. Steam even has guidelines like this for publishers who are looking to put their game on sale. It's even worse when your game hasn't released yet. People won't want to buy it at full price when it releases, because they now see it as a cheaper game. And it's especially terrible when the store itself is forcing your game to go on sale, which is why these games are being pulled.
how much did they go on sale for?
Yea Forums hates every game that comes out, this isn't new.
The only ones who really jumped to Epic's train were those paid for Epic.
>I get raped in the ass by niggers in America, but that's ok because I also get raped in the ass by niggers in Africa
I'd disagree with you over BL3, but I don't want you to physically assault me, Randy
They hiked up the price before the sale iirc
Yes but the hatred against BL is much higher than for a couple other games for one reason or another. the combination of writing, game mechanics and developer shenanigans made this game impossible to talk about 9/10 times
Not before, after the sales started
Still illegal, isn't it?
>Knock Off John Carmack and his Chink buddies fucked up again
Tell me more about this glorious competitor to privately owned Valve. I love shareholders running my Chinese companies, lemme tell ya!
Pretty sure it illegal exactly because they rised the price during the sale.
How did the white man ended up working for the chinks?
It is. They should have just pulled their game like everybody else. It was probably a kneejerk reaction but they've fucked themselves over as much as Epic.
They have 1 billion people and manufacture literally all the tech on Earth. It's not rocket science. The only people who could catch up are the poos but they're too busy pooping in the road to do anything useful.
Outsourcing everything to Chinks since the 70's so that the CEOs can maximise their profits.
Too late kiddo, expect a badass to come visit you tonight
Publically trading stock was a fucking mistake.
If you don't like it distribute your game yourself, notch did it, other devs do it, devs who run to steam and cry about the cut are retarded.
Preorder discounts have been a thing for a while.
>Because it's unfair to people that have already preordered.
Guy who already pre-ordered here. I contacted Epic, and they told me they would pay me back the difference by next week, I'm not sure they're gonna do it now though.
Out of the respect of that user typing the way he did, it certainly was not Randy.
Randy has a very identifiable way of typing (he’s been caught red handed in the past by moderators on site articles)
But if were being generous (really fucking generous) the main thing Randy Pitchford needs to do is
It’s almost like he doesn’t want Borderlands to sell after everything that happened with Blunderborn.
>preorders game
>on Epic Games Store
I hope some malady befalls you.
>it's day 2 of the sale and half of the games are gone from the store
I thought "EPIC FAIL" would never be relevant again.
but this is truly an Epic fail
>Nobody mentioning that the date on the picture is from tomorrow
Fake and Gay
This is what competition looks like steamcel
*buys more exclusivity contracts*
I had a gift card from my birthday, and the only other game I would consider buying was Bayo, so I thought "Why not?"
Stay mad
>Yes, they can opt out of them, but it's poor form.
Many extremely popular games forgo discounts and still end up at the top of the charts during sales. It happens every single time if you pay attention. Doesn't hurt their reputation at all.
>They're hoping for a fresh start to avoid having to run these kinds of discounts.
Well that worked out brilliantly, going to the store where sales are mandatory and you don't get to set your own discounts.
But they almost never fluctuate. A game put on pre-order with a 10% sale won't randomly drop to 30% for a week. And they're usually very shallow sales, because they want to incentivize pre-ordering, a risk customers should really never take, without making you feel like the game isn't worth full price.
They really don't know. They hired people that said they had experience with steam and it's systems to make a competitor, but at the same time are trying to listen to publishers on how the store should function so that publishers are happy with it. You have people that might actually be able to make something decent, that were rushed to actually make something and didn't have proper systems in place and also having to middle man between different publishers/devs that aren't ok with some things, but other things they are. That is why the "road map" was delayed, because they have to try to convince these people that these features are good and will work in their favor in the long run. As the store is, it didn't have an opt out system and they had to hastily throw it together while the sale was going on so that they could get exceptions. Epic is also heavily compartmentalized. With the team making the store not even talking with the PR team or the ones in charge of negotiations. Which means when the higher ups told the store team to do a sale, they just told them to do it and that negotiations were already happening and things would go smoothly. But the negotiation team didn't tell the store who was fine with it, so the discount was applied store wide and the team only found out later that this wasn't the case. The same with the PR team, who were absolutely sure that everyone was informed and if there was a problem, it was on publishers and not Epic, turns out, no. There were lots of publishers uninformed that this was EVER going to be a thing. In fact, Tim assured that there would never be mega sales and that pricing would be up to publishers only, as this was something that publishers hated about Steam. Where they felt like they absolutely had to have a sale otherwise consumers would notice. So they aren't very happy that Tim went behind their back and some are wondering if they made a mistake.
>decide to look through the store again
>basically nothing is on sale now and the few games on sale are $2-3 dollars off
I was almost tempted to buy shit from their store yesterday but now the sale is so trash I'm not tempted at all
You can literally go to the site and see it is not discounted anymore
tl;dr: Epic is trying to appease rich cunts and not customers. I'll stick with user experience over good goy points.
Yes, but I could by VTM2 right now with bigger discount. isthereanydeal.com
because of EGS' regional pricing the sale was way better in some places, for me bloodlines was $22, control was $13. I didn't even have the lowest prices, there's other regions who got even better deals.
wow user, your racist rape analogy sure convinced me of your point
Phoenix Point also went back to it's original price and Outward went from $21 to $31.
Kinda annoys me. I should've jumped on it last night.
>Steam style mega sales? Publishers hate that shit
Damn. I better jump on the Epic train to not hurt these big corps' feelings. Later steamcucks lol
did i get banned
Shithole countries with big discounts dont contribute that much to total revenues, why should they care?
And what is more important steamdrones always say that they agree to pay more for buying not on epic store, so they can have it buy after paying higher price on steam.
This whole outcry happens only because epic is not allowed to be better than steam or else it will break their anti-epic narrative.
But Borderlands 3 is still on the store and can be purchased retard.
The answer lies within your own post. White people are the biggest race traitors in the world.
When your business is so bad that people would rather pay more for the same exact product elsewhere you should figure out why people don't want to do business with you.
No they're still discounted, it just doesn't display on the main store page, it only shows the actual price once you've clicked through to the actual product page.
It's incompetent as fuck.
the fuck are you talking about
where are your cheaper games on epicstore?
also nobody is stupid enough to buy games without sale on steam, maybe people only buy them at full price when they preorder
Welcome to the future.
Most copies sell when the game launches.
> people would rather pay
Only steam drones and kotaku trannies.
Developers don't handle distribution or even deal with distributors unless they're independent and act as their own publisher. In addition, neither publishers nor developers suffer financially if a distributor sells their game at a discount. Please stop spreading this meme.
or people who don't want to use a 5th launcher
More like Epic tried appeasing everyone and ended up appeasing no one
epic's store is so fucking shit that they 10 dollars off didn't take into account your reigon, so people were using VPNs to get games in ukraine and russia for like 5 dollars with the discount
Steam isn't even doing anything, and they're still winning. Thanks for the laughs I guess, epic.
Having a big prelaunch sale is bad for the long term sales of a game, doesn't matter if the sales are covered by epic, people will see that the game was on sale for cheap and decide that it's not worth paying full price for.
This is blatantly false and you're fucking retarded.
A discounted game on any platform means the publisher/developer (if self published) get less than they otherwise would from the sale of that game at full price.
>nobody is stupid enough to buy games without sale on steam
You vastly overestimate people. Most people are not thrifty nor do they have the patience to wait for a sale on a game they really want.
discount before the game comes out = blunder
It's like watching people high on meth attempting to act normal, this shit is hilarious.
Also people asking them for the old unreal tournament games being on steam but not on epic and the response was "games are added manually so adding that would day someone else"
how is it anything like that at all?
I have friends and family that do not know how to shop for anything other than full priced brand named bullshit and always bitch that they have no money for anything.
Most people are terrible with their money.
I guess you can say it was an EPIC FAIL
Because they are trying their hardest to do even the smallest of things without making a blunder, but end up making a blunder. I thought it was funny.meth addicts are funny.
Is your mom a methhead??
>trying their hardest.
You mean Not remotely trying to do anything at all.
They pushed putting out a Shopping cart to 6 months to a 1 year.
The Epic Games launcher has been around for at least 2 years and they don't have basic fucking functions that every other launcher has.
Itch.io has a fucking Shopping cart and its a store for shovelware Indie Game.
Shit nobody plays.
Epic is too worried about killing Steam for the sake of "improving the industry" to do basic things like make a functioning store with a shopping cart or make sure they have the publisher's approval and legal right to price down games before doing a massive epik Steam killing mega sale.
Maybe i left out the part of me saying. They are trying to make it look like they are trying but actually achieving nothing. Just to appear like a normal store instead of looking like the back alley shady deals and sons formerly known as risky