Name a better rogue-lite.
Protip: literally any other.
Name a better rogue-lite
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This game is unbelievably boring and I don't see the appeal
Tales of Maj'Eyal
Elona+ Custom
Caves of Qud
I bet you don't have better taste.
And yes fuck Rogue-lites.
I have 300+ hours in ADOM.
>No mention of DCSS
I just spent a few hours playing midboss, it's ok.
I enjoy it
>tfw fully upgraded Ser Junkan
This game is a fuckin snooze. Not sure what it is but you're spot on.
>playing O-Tab's Mysterious Dungeon
you get more interesting and varied content from a screensaver
The damage cap and hp upgrades whenever you get a damage up ruins the game. Like if I sacrifice health for damage I should be rewarded with a faster boss fight but requiring more skill to complete. But if you do this then you are fucked. Enemies are easy as shit bosses just take too long. I would rather be fighting 10x more enemies just to skip bosses
Binding of isaac (don't get the dlc download antibirth. Also game gets to god tier when you unlock Judas)
Rimworld technically counts (download mods to make the game better and harder)
Streets of rogue (freedom but mutations make it more fun and to make it have real difficulty)
Minecraft hardmode
Cataclysm (needs to be posted anyways)
Pokemon nuzlock
> you are fucked
if you're getting hit you're missing out on health upgrades.
you're not supposed to be getting hit at all in bosses.
>muh zoom conform 10 minute runs
>muh damage cap, because i cant beat bosses without cheesing
>much sjw cock sucking dev
>literally any other.
I agree. Bought the game for $15 and let the refund period expire before I actually tried to play it. Game sucks.
what's the point of having more health if you're not getting hit at all?
>backup gun
>shooting 6 homing missiles at a time until everything on-screen is dead
man it hurts being this cool
This, severely underrated and deserves more attention.
bullet hell and the forge survivability.
late game bosses and rooms are where 90% of the health is spent.
Something about Midboss keeps putting me off every time I remember it exists and consider getting it. Should probably just do it at this point, but either way, what's "ok" about it?
It kept me from getting bored for a few hours straight? It's not amazing but it plays nice without too many obvious problems.
It's in a groupees bundle at the moment, way better value than steam retail pricing.
only ADHD children dislike gungeon in its current state
however Slay the Spire is my favourite
>"waah 40 minute run too long!!! me play nuclear throne it fast :-)"
>current state
Fundamentally gameplay didn't change at all. It's still a boring slog with insanely boring and samey first floors.
risk of rain>isaac>gungeon>a pile of trash>nuclear throne
Shit taste.
suck my dick
Is there some shitposter crying about this game on here? shit on gungeon threads are posted daily with the exact same comments every time. The game is not that bad compared to most of the shitpile in the genre
Spelunky then a huge powergap to nuclear throne and boi then a huge gap to all other trash like gungeon
Needs alt floors, shame they cancelled the full dlc
Did you hear that antibirth is getting officially integrated?
Dead cells > literally any game > Nuclear Throne
Gungeon is very middle of the road, it's at least better than trash like Rogue Legacy
How does one play Elona without getting gibbed instantly or stuck in a quest loop trying to get money?
Believe it or not, before the most recent swath of updates it was even worse. Every room had twice as many waves at release than now and the room and weapon variation was nonexistent. It's playable now.
not giving that hack edmund or nicalis another cent for that game, it's been milked to death
call me when bumbo or mewgenics come out
Politics faggots can't accept nuclear throne is good. sad!
>Binding of Isaac
>unlocks with The Lost
>Speed! challenge
>Bloat challenge
>Reverse boss order challenge
Dude fuck this. This isn't fun. It's just resetting until you get a good Devil Deal or an OP item combination
Gungeon sucks, I was extremely disappointed when I bought it. Isaac however is amazing. Play Isaac now.
It's good, but extremely limited. Looping is gay and pointless.
>It's just resetting until you get a good Devil Deal or an OP item combination
You mean how 90% of Yea Forums shitters play the game normally
Do you have the Holy Mantle? Also Bassackwards is stupid easy.
Pirate it then, the primary devs are the antibirth team and it's including the unused concepts
Unlock holy mantle for lost in greed mode
Unlock golden hearts for april's fool
You just need practice for the speed challenge
Who mentioned politics?
Tonic made the game bareable. If you play on regular speed you might as well kys
Still pretty bland overall.
>getting a high score in a high score game is pointless
Bassackwards was fine once I got a loadout with no shit items. It was still dumb though. Didn't feel like I was actually achieving anything. Just brute forcing my way until the game decided to stop being a nigger.
Bullet Hell is so hard, long and stingy with health and ammo, that it basically acts as a resource check when you get there. If you don’t get any health ups and don’t happen to get some super OP weapons, you’re most likely not gonna make it unless you’re a god-tier player.
Rat is also ”interesting” if you go that route without getting any health ups.
Bruh do you not know where you are? To say nuclear throne is the shittiest roguelite is almost certainly because because muh sjw cuck politics.
I suppose what I really mean is that looping isn't very much fun on its own (just more enemies on screen) and the extra bosses aren't enough to make it feel like something worth doing. I don't regret buying the game, but once you loop twice there's no point in ever playing it again unless you're a daily challenge autist.
As someone who got every fucking achievement on every DLC i just want to die if they add even more. I'm too invested and will feel the need to get every last achievement of thag lost forsaken game
Early on you just have to avoid things that are too dangerous. The game gets easier as you get stronger. Also rely on pets a lot. The little girl you get at the beginning will most likely be way stronger than you throughout most of the early game
I enjoy Gungeon for what it is.
Though the final update was neat and I know it was just tossing shit into the game, I wish they could've spent more time with it but eh.
The R&G Dept. is neat and Cam Clarke as Agunim was hilarious, but I wish we got a secret Chamber for the Forge or a boss fight with Kaliber.
Like imagine this shit (maybe)
>Do some cryptic shit to unlock the secret chamber only after defeating Dragun when a large Blank blast destroys him and reveals the Chamber.
>The secret Chamber is where Blanks are made: The Blank Hall.
>The place is grey and white, like the White Guon Stone. And there are new enemies that literally shoot blanks.
>The boss could be a giant Blank within a pale flower that has all kinds of Gungeon-related aesthetic to it, like bullet holes 'n shit. The boss obviously incorporates Blanks in the battle.
The boss has another phase, like RR, that changes gameplay. You get infinite Blanks and the boss fires slow-moving Blank blasts of its own with a sort of rhythm, you gotta Blank back with the same rhythm. As the fight continues, the camera tries to fuck you up by moving around, zooming in and out, ect.. Now Drakengard can be added to the list of things Devolver references in Gungeon.
Or just make Gunslinger fight Kaliber in the past that'd be neat too
Also Mega Satan is just tedious no matter what. That's mostly what triggered me.
So you never got to L3 where the dynamics drastically change, but you still bitch about loops not changing anything.
Roguelites are the kind of game you put in 100+hours to git gud and end up appreciating it more and exaggerating it's quality because you're so invested.
Laughs in repentance
I think it is very good. 100+ hours worth of content. Funny, entertaining and well made. Great memes and fun time had by all.
Oh please
I've had my fun in 1.0:
-No key drop guaranteed per floor, in form of merchant NOT needing to sell if none has spawned. This was patched in way later
-Item drop chance got reworked completely
-Every new major patch/DLC increases enemy variety and reduce amount of enemies
-Gun drop got reworked completly in some early patch
-Everything around Cigarettes. EVERYTHING
Thats a rather dishonest way of saying
"The normal rooms are crap unless a interesting enemy spawns, and its too long between the bosses. So you spend maybe 5 minutes of those 35 playing the game"
No.... It can't be !
i dont get how vinny is so fucking good at this game but really shit at much easier games
when's that isaac expansion coming out?
R&G Department just ended up being rather disappointing because there’s no real reason to go there after completing it once. Yeah, some enemy designs got a laugh off me (CEO Bullet Kin was hilarious) and the boss was also fun to fight, but because it’s always the same level and you need to give away a master round and other stuff for it, I just don’t see myself completing it again.
It’s honestly kind of a shame (although understandable) they moved on from the game, I’d just have wanted something to shake up the general playflow of the game. Bonus floors that would be plausible under certain conditions yet not always necessary, alternate level variants, that kind of stuff.
How to play ETG:
1. Have good depth percepttion
2. Have good motor skills that utilize the depth perception
3. Have good incremental motor skills related to inputting movement, as gungeon movement is stiff and awkward
Why is this a mystery? Its a endurance game. So if you don't get hit, more stuff drops, and you do better.
Its basically has a negative feedback loop coupled with a bad core gameplay loop, where if you don't get hit your ability to clear and play escalates exponentially.
Vinny is good at alot of games he just drones out alot and looses focus so he just starts playing sloppy. But i will say i dont understand how he can be fine with BB and Sekiro but he cant even get past undead burg in dark souls
>drastically change
Gungeon at launch was boring and sluggish to play.
With the complete key rebalancing, ammo rebalancing and the adding of a absolute shitton meaningfull fun synergies the game has become truly one of the best roguelites
>Screen COMPLETELY drowned in enemies
>To the point where you can't dodge anything anymore
Thats not a difference user. That just means stuff doesn't work as intended.
Somewhere in Q4, Mostly because of Bumbo and Mewgenics.
>With the complete key rebalancing
Chests, keys and health now drop if you get hit.
>ammo rebalancing
I will agree on that. Sadly it just exposes that ETG isn't a game where you change guns to spice up gameplay, but to increase DPS
ETG conflicting design goal really still is as bad as it was at release.
>and the adding of a absolute shitton meaningfull fun synergies
I don't agree. Most of them exist so that you can get crap tier guns/items/passives, but it doesn't ruin the run.
Thats just plastering how the drop and synergy system works in the first place.
>I don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm right
Ok. Stay with your RNG shit then and get excited when the game just hands you the win over and over.
You forgot
4. Play it over and over
Inb4 some fag pro with a screencap pretending he beat it on his first try
I see you haven't encountered IDPD freaks either, but I'm glad that you watched someone else play the game for you to that point. Don't bother putting some effort into beating a game, when you can rely on luck and chance.
I finally unlocked hard mode to get chicken b skin. I had to play far too conservatively to get through 1-3. Probably wont play that mode again.
Was "guaranteed gun after boss if you don't get one from a chest" in 1.0? I feel like there were some runs where I went through the first two floors with the starting gun before getting frustrated and quitting out because i didn't get any keys to open chests and the boss didn't drop any guns.
But cheesing the Golden Nuke Launcher doesn't feel rewarding.
Hard just starts rough and gets more doable, the better weapons drop and the more mutations you have. To get through 1-3 just take Gamma Guts and bring a Wrench for Ball Mum. Scrap yard is ez and then your run should have taken off enough to bring you to that sweet loop, for golden goodness and bragging rights.
>the first floor is boring
No shit it's the easy one. Why wouldn't it be.
T. Never reached the nuclear throne
Ehh maybe some day but im happy with all b skins. Still need steroids b but shouldnt be hard. I just rarely used him. Never going for sll crowns. That's pire autism
Flamebreak: the actual good roguelite that everybody skipped
Death road to canada was lowkey enjoyable. Not difficult like games mentioned here or as replayable.
>all crowns
Yeh. Ultra Mutant is retarded. Maybe try out some of the mods. Not sure if people are still up for coop tho.
>ultra mod
Good times.
I like it but its really hard honestly.
He should really give Dark Souls another go. I don't think he was in the right mindset for Dark Souls when he played it.
Why does nobody ever talk about synthetik in these threads and why is enter the gungeon the most controversial?
Play Remilore
and Hell followed with him.