>american cuisine
Why do western video games always have bad looking food?
American cuisine
Other urls found in this thread:
why do eastern gooks just eat rice and noodles
european video games have worse food
why do euro always obsess over mutts?
looks good to me
Do Euros eat stuffed clams and lobster rolls? I feel like you guys are missing out.
if the food looks good, it's unhealthy
T. Lardass
Europe: pic related
Do euros really not know how to properly fry an egg?
It's a video game, it ain't going to your thighs.
>hating on mashed tots, skinned cob, fried nuggers, and simmered beef fat
Euro here, yes we all burn our eggs
>All of that mixed together and with low quality ingredients too
Get some real taste
I think he's saying American food looks good IRL but looks bad in games.
Why do Japanese games put so much effort into modeling food? Dragon's Crown, FFXV, Yakuza, Monster Hunter, etc. all strike me as odd for doing stuff like that.
It seems like such a superfluous thing to devote resources to.
Some parts of Euro are indeed worse than America
British cuisine is a fucking abysmal disaster
fuck off, twitter tourist
That's the only way to eat them.
it looks like fucking dogfood, you must be a retard or an animal to think that looks remotely good.
britbongs aren't euros, in fact they're not even humans
It's a secret Japanese scheme to make young people eat more cause they're skinny twinks
Fast food restaurants keep having good ideas for food that make me wish restaurants would serve the idea for food with non shit ingredients.
Like, savoury chicken strips cut up into potatoes with gravy and cheese is a pretty good concept but not with the 900+ ingredients KFC would use.
>raw fish
yes japanese cuisine sure is the pinnacle of mankind
Don't they hate fat people
Hell they introduced a "fat tax" law to cut down on people selling fast food and shit
Food is yummy.
To remind players to take a break and eat some food.
>tex-mex garbage
man americans are clueless as to what tastes good
better than brit”food”
Is the concept of throwing leftovers together really so boggling to European minds?
Pork buns and miso ramen is fantastic though
beef wellington is better than literally any japanese food
but I like fish and chips
>european cuisine
looks like cat food
Hey there little /pol/ dude
Real food, right here
If you think fried chicken, corn and mashed potatoes is in any way Tex-Mex then you're the clueless one.
American cuisine is fucking great you faggots. Behold.
>he doesn't like cassoulet
look at this LITERAL nigger
Tasty American food right here.
I also watch Babish.
Those cheap ass nasty looking wieners are enough to trigger me
You got that right American woman. Truly the best women in the world.
>all this unseasoned wypipo food
>just scrape your food off the table and eat it!
no thanks
>the circles turn into squares
This is Mexican junk food.
American women know how to please their men.
For me. it's 'go 'za
>fried breaded chicken
>mashed potatoes
If you dislike any one of these things, you are the subhuman.
>europoor cuisine
das rite
Negro food is delicious because they got the garbage scraps so they had to find ways to make them palatable, now that they have decent quality ingredients, it makes it very tasty
I like food from more than 1 place because I'm a normal human that isn't going to segregate myself into tribes based on my preferred configuration of death/life goo that all inevitably turns into brown shit that I poop out.
that's american though
>he's /pol/ because he treated you like the normie you are
you're literally using a shitty twitter-exclusive meme format that was used by 13 year olds
>Europoors will never experience this tastiness
I want to fucking vomit
I hope the "chef" is an homeless now
haha look at this weirdo
ew go away nerd haha
That's right, they're superhuman.
It's an Anglo world, you're just living in it.
shut the fuck up normalfag
This is how you make a proper American masterpiece.
no wonder the number 1 and 2 killers of blacks are other blacks and heart disease
I fucking hate this restaurant.
Putting the CARB in Carbonara.
Fuck off I know it's not carbonara.
>Europoors are too poor to afford healthy food mixing
that looks tasty
I have honestly no idea what he put on it after the onions and pinto beans...if those are even pinto beans. Everything else and the ten sauces he put on it are complete confusion to me. The last thing look like he just dumped Hawaiian punch on it.
I thought only Filipinos did this.
>brits are european
american education strikes again
To be fair whites in the south eat just as poorly
Pollock's Cusine was a fucking mistake
>using that much marmite
This is how you make a proper Pizza, USA style.
For me, it's steamed rice, juicy fried chicken with spices, and a classic yumburger: quintessential Jollibee's™ cuisine, if I do say so myself.
i was going to make some pizza topped with totinos pizza rolls
Perfect for us toothless meth-heads.
>the melon part
Just imagine the smell of the shits you take after that...
Those are both Chinese.
>tfw my cousin puts sugar in fuckin spaghetti.
Don't get me started on the way she makes her beans. Fuckin disgraceful
>That's right, they're superhuman.
is that why they let pakis turn their daughters into whores
you crypto jews are the biggest cûcks on the face of the planet next to the swedes
Live in Louisiana, can confirm that most people in the south regardless of race are fat, barely literate and awful in basically every way.
Chicken and waffles are the best tho.
go back to /ck/ you queers
Why don't you fags post the best food your countries have to offer instead of posting shit to antogonise each other?
Did someone say Americuisine?
based OP making a cheeky gamer fuel thread
But waffles are sweet...
I was onboard until she put it in the watermelon, wtf.
Everything looked fine until the watermelon part.
i am hungry though
Because this is Yea Forums and positivity will just result in teenagers calling you a cuckold.
>obsessing over fake food
Burger detected
Why are euros so tsundere for American?
nah, thats basically french cooking technique: add butter until you run out
>not eating Pizza Ameristyle
What are you, poorfaggots?
sweet and savory is a kino combination you pleb
And chicken is savory, your point?
why don't eat directly the fucking mozzarela bowl and drink from the sauce can with a stick of bread ?
Jokes on you, I'm an American who gets my butter from Europe because the Irish know how to make some damn fine butter.
>I only like food with a single flavor
That's """"Asian fusion"""" which most people think is bullshit anyway. Although Korean BBQ burritos are pretty good.
>get btfo and shown to be demonstrably wrong
>engage damage control
never change, britbong
I used to like the skin of fried chicken a lot, but lately whenever I eat it my throat feels clogged and I get sick.
Oh it gets worse than that.
Because we shape the world. Something as mundane as what president wins an election can shake the economy of the world.
hold on let me just eat my steak with milk and sugar
hold on let me just eat my mcdonalds burger with skittles
hold one let me just eat my strawberry beefjerky
Nothing gets me hard like American hotdogs with mac&cheese.
you seem unfamiliar with the concept of a pie
See, they get tired of us laughing at Britain for being fat and dumb just like we are so they cut their own nose off to spite their face. Also, let's be honest, if Eastern Yuros had American prosperity instead of being landlocked shitholes, they'd all be fatter than us and just as ignorant too.
Morgan City here. What shithole you from?
It's like eating pancakes with sausages
Why is it so soupy? And so few noodles?
>Eurofags are too poor to eat real meat
Ah... maggot cheese... the glorious wonders of EVROPA!
>tfw eating disorder that stops me being able to eat solid food
>all I can manage is shit like bananas, bread (barely), soup, crisps, cheese and pastry since it's all soft and easy to break down
Looks like he dumped some hot sauce/salsa and meat. Also the thing tastes like complete mush since the juices and beans turn the chips into a soggy mess.
yeah, fucking delicious
a-pizza izza pie
I allways wonder who got the idea to fill DEAD ANIMALS with STUFF, directly INTO THE ANUS.
What am I looking at? I literally cannot decipher it
I live in Keithville, just outside Shreveport my dude. We're pretty much just Texas queers up here compared to the deeper parts of the state though.
You don’t?
American cuisine is the fucking best, just like our nation is the best in the world. Cope Eurasian faggots.
I would murder someone to eat that right now.
What did he mean by this?
Yea, but waffles are literally just a slightly sweeter bread really. It's an unlikely food combo because you're so used to having them drenched with sugar.
thx dr seuss
how fat are you
What a waste of a good watermelon
Is this Grant Achatz place? I was in Chicago not long ago and would have gone there but I was broke at that moment. Hopefully I'll get another chance.
Is there a high definition version of this? I can't fucking tell what he's putting on there. It looks like peanut butter cups and prunes after the pinto beans
That finish is horrendous
Hold on, let me just eat my pancakes with some bacon
Hold on, let me just put some barbecue sauce on my pulled pork
Hold on, let me just eat my teriyaki flavored beef jerky
Only superpower(for now). Consider how much US business and inventions shape the modern world. It makes sense most watch it. Western civilization lives and dies with the USA.
Probably American normal tier, so very.
you are so fat holy shit
I meant that any British person laughing at an American for being fat or dumb is a clueless retard who doesn't realize his shithole is the exact same and that Eastern Euros would be even fatter than Americans if they weren't too busy being poor and getting into wars over Islamic bullshit and human trafficking.
Where's the crust, bro?
Murder a chicken
european reading comprehension at work
>european cuisine
Ah fair enough. The west is getting dumber by the week it seems these days.
Trips of truth.
The last bottle he dumped, the red liquid, was Clamato.
Western games with food tend to be about survival, and eating is just another hardship to be endured.
Eastern games treat food as a celebration to be experienced.
That's not pizza and any retarded Chicago subhuman that claims it is should be gassed
Best foods/meals from some countries:
USA: Memphis BBQ, donuts
Canada: Poutine, pancakes
China: Chow mein, dim sum dumplings, stir fried meats
Japan: Ramen, yakitori
Italy: Veal parm, pesto, papardelle
France: Vichyssoise
Greece: Avgolemono soup, gyro
>pancakes and bacon
only in cartoons
barbecue sauce isnt sweet
teriyaki isnt sweet
And you know why that happend ?
Becuase that retard gaymer never try to kiss her.
euros will never have this
I questioned it too, but then I tried it and was transported
>Memphis barbecue
Cajun/Creole food shits on this and basically any other variety of distinctly American cuisine.
How could anyone look at this and think they've done a good job?
Might as well gas all of chicago then.
American sandwiches are best sandwiches.
only good looking meals in this thread, step up your game anons and show me some good food.
sopa do macaco uma delicia
Is that chicken... boiled?
In Japanese cuisine, all the senses contribute to the overall dish. So as a culture they put more of an influence into how something may look which probably is how they think of food which is why it's presented like this.
Where as in the west it's mostly about how much salt and fat it has
>square cut
I don't know if it's brilliant or retarded.
If you had functioning taste buds you would know that natto tastes good. Especially with rice, onions sauce, mustard and eggs.
Spain: Seafood paella
Nothing compares to indulging in pulled pork for me. It's my favourite food.
Fuck that poorfag shit, this is how proper American pizza looks like. STACKED
>pizza didn't originate from Europe
For me, it's the Rhode Island style baked stuffed clams
Olives are objectively one of the best foods on Earth.
>garlic stuffed olives
>blue cheese or feta stuffed olives
>Kalamata olives
>olive relish
god yes, thank you Mediterranean
Waffles with fried chicken and a spicy maple syrup is delicious. Broaden your palette, buddy.
She poured some kind of cream sauce on it. Looks baked underneath.
How can you have never eaten bacon and pancakes?
>hurr vinegar sauces are the only real barbecue sauces
Sweet teriyaki beef jerky is one of the most common kinds of beef jerky you can find at the store
Maybe if you are a nasty fat fuck
Looks like sausages, pickled beets, various spices and topped off with lemon and tomato juice.
I agree. Observe my American implementation.
>make some delicious looking food
>pack it in foam, foil and plastic cheap shit
ugh, if you buy takeout, put it on a fucking plate
>It's ok when japan does it
Imagine being a euro and never knowing what curly or waffle fries are like.
Chicagoans don't even eat it that much. It's something you only really get when you've got some out of town relatives visiting.
Natto is the nastyest shit I ever tried in my fucking short life
Nice fancy clothes you're wearing tonight. Now let me smash these candy bricks on your table and get dust on everybody.
>slap some uncooked fish on some cheap white rice
Why do Japs act like this a luxury?
Poor people eat that all the time here you retard
I sell these for $1.50 each at my seafood department. They're delicious.
Ah... the treasures of Europe... Americans will never understand.
Behold, Art de Amerique
The goblino doesnt care about the looks of his food, the only requirement is to be high on corn syrup and he will swallow it inmediatly
seething jew yorker
i understood that reference
>britbongs seething so hard they made this edit
literally nobody eats bacon and pancakes
Obelix gyro in Santorini
waffle fries are not available in europe because of sharia law
what the fuck is this?
>Leaves the tail on the shrimp
triggers me bad
This strat is overrated, it takes a long time for the diabetes DOT to kick in
>Have enough money to afford fancy cutting boards and a food processor.
>This is what you use them for
>want to reduce 2.8mb webm filesize
>use online tool to cut 20 pointless seconds from it
>now it's 6mb
Why would you do this to innocent In-N-Out burgers?
I prefer curly fries over waffle fries. Waffle gets cold too fast and the sauce kinda slips through the holes
>mac & spooge
Delicious. The fruits of our ancient and glorious Nordic tradition. This is the power of EVROPA
Das rite, those Eurofags don't know shit about proper cooking.
Looks like a fast fry steak that wasn't cooked long enough nor on a high enough temp
Why do japs shit on english breakfast food when their favorite breakfast is raw egg mixed with rice?
The one good thing about Louisiana is that we actually have a good food culture that most of America doesn't. Literally every other aspect of this state is ass though.
sharia law restricts the waffles now?
>we serve food here, sir
Hey man, bone marrow is pretty fucking good. Fuck you
I might be fat but I don’t give a fuck seething europoors.
What about the music
American men are the best cooks, this is fact. Deal with it Eurofags.
I feel bad for people that never experienced a craw fish bake.
Peanut butter and Jelly
>sharia law restricts the waffles now?
if it's not in the koran then it's haram and banned by sharia law, baka
>eating crumbs off a table the way a dog eats off the floor
>for me, it's cheese pie
You're absolutely full of shit. More importantly, have you really never known the joy of dipping bacon into the maple syrup left over on the plate from your pancakes?
Wow I can't believe CNN would cover this
I hate all of you.
Fast food talk time. Who here is /hype/ for the return of the spicy nuggets from Wendy's. Also the spicy tenders from Jack is pretty good
You're supposed to take out the anus first.
...and then you take the removed anus and you stuff it full of more stuff!
If we go back in time, sure. Right now? Not really. It's better than the Midwest, but that isn't saying much.
someone tell the brapfags
Ngl, I'd eat everything posted this far.
>Eurofags are too poor for proper salads
the thought of a cold hotdog makes me wanna fucking gag
Poor people, sand niggers, love that shit here.
As I said it’s for poor people
Turducken. A chicken stuffed in a duck's ass which is then stuffed in a turkey's ass.
Fuck I'm dying
tastes like shit
which is why they only eat that shit in cartoons
once again
This. Japanese food is actually pretty similar to british food anyway, in terms of simplicity and flavours. Neither use much herbs and spices and prefer umami and salty flavours.
Also man of all the British meals to shit on, breakfast sure as fuck ain’t one of them.
>less than a cup of mayonnaise
Please get your poorfag shit out of here
Beans on toast is perfectly valid target of shitposts, but a proper English breakfast overall is pretty high tier.
A fucking toast sandwich though? Egads, m8.
no because literally only in cartoons and america apparently
nobody likes that shit which is why you only see it in your dog country
who triggered this yuropoor? this is some of the worst seething ive ever seen
PBnJ is alright but who buys jelly unless you have kids you wish to grow up fat. Peanut butter and banana is the real deal.
PBJ is delicious, fuck off
did he recovered his hand from the ictus ?
Delicious. Finally, some good fucking food.
I eat steak with milk because I dip my steak in homemade hot sauce
>mandarin, corn, and shitty processed chicken or ham slices
Finally something good.
They get stuffed through the neck. Not even sure why I'm bothering in this thread.
ur an el goblino tee hee xd im from germany plz fuck my wife
what do baked clams taste like? somehow i've never had this
>cartoons cartoons cartoons bro cartoons
hmmm its almost like people write based on reality
you guys are great for a lot of things food included except those disgusting pictures posted by salty americans/europeans that need to win their internet battle , but putting fruits on a pizza is a mistake that should be punishable with death
aw shit it comes in nashville hot?
What do you eat with pancakes then?
>pork buns
Dumb weeb.
yuropoor here
tried pbj sandwich the other day
my life is now better
I don't see anything wrong in that pic
Rent free.
Only the best of American food right here.
But he is from turkland
Piss fermented shark
isn't him from turkey
Yeah it's their new lineup along with chicken+waffles
I recently went to a Hibachi for the first time, and honestly I don't get the whole appeal of the "show" of making shit like this. Just give me a fucking bowl or plate, not a bunch of crumbs
>Europeeing """food"""
Faggot has never had vienna beef before. just faggot beef.
Only with the crusts cut off
That's the beauty of our mutt country. Immigrants move here and give us their inventions and creations. It's beautiful.
imagine the smelle
It's only taking you now to realize what's going on in this thread?
Delete this.
He operates in USA now, he found his home where his cooking is appreciated.
personally i only eat it with a slight amount of sugar or powder sugar
sometimes with a bit of jam
its generally eaten with icecream
cake and meat is america only
Peanut butter + nutella with banana slices is a much better combo
It's basically a stuffed mushroom but with clam and sometimes other seafood added
That's saddening, actually. A nice sausage with some maple syrup and pancakes is a high tier combination.
thats way to much sweet for me
>japanese """""food"""""
This is how proper pie looks like Europoors.
looks like one of those tumors with all the teeth/hair growing in it
>butter-themed webm
Majestic cum is sort of a good phrase for melted butter desu
do you eat donuts with liver pate filling too?
This is like the Cthulhu of food. I can't call my response to it disgust because I can't even comprehend what I'm looking at.
>that nasty fucking husk of a watermelon
jesus christ
A little bit of brown sugar and cream cheese in sauce? Yeah, that's acceptable.
Looks pretty good, desu yo.
Try apple instead of banana, and smear thin layers. It’s extremely addicting
Looks like an artifact from stalker
>80 bucks for three bites
It's bullshit a complete meal of this would be like $640 bucks and that's not even including chips and coke
In Russia we have a term for this kind of food, it is "кapaтeльнaя кyлинapия" [abuse of cuisine] and some people do it unironically.
Have some macaroni sushi.
No, because I'm not an autistic shit like you who is so determined to "win" a conversation instead of simply enjoy learning/sharing ideas/disagreeing politely.
Boy, you sure are superior to me though because I'm American and you're (whatever anonymous shithole you're from) my apologies, master.
Ah yes, the BEST way to cook the BEST meat in the WORLD is to deep fry it. Ah, such a delicacy.
salt bae is a turkroach, also he went insane and now uploads videos of himself dancing with his food, like a dead pig with flowers shoved up its ass, to love songs
Someone redpill me on Grey Poupon
hi im american
when i take a bloody shit because our food is synthetic i sprinkle sugar and peanutbutter on it and eat it lol
Those two are like 75% white and only 25% whatever asian flavor they are. Its so weird looking
The correct way to eat pancakes is with a bit of butter melted over the top and some maple syrup and a couple breakfast sausages or strips of bacon on the side. You should try it sometime.
>shitty toast bread fried
Way to ruin it completely
>Europoors will never taste this delicacy
This just goes to show that fancy plating is pure bullshit, and the French should be systematically executed for popularizing this.
ok cry more
Filthy American pig. You're defiling traditional German cuisine.
>be russian artist
>abusing wife is old and boring
>abusing food is avante garde performance art
literally everything about muscovite hipsters makes me sick
> ice cream for breakfast
and you call Americans fat.
Pancakes and sausage or bacon. That's not "cartoons", that's actual meals normal human beings eat.
Yea Forums - International Food
>hemoroids shit on a toast
welp, that african "soul" cuisine alright
A lot of American sushi is overpriced because around the mid-2000s it became trendy to serve sushi as the food option for upscale nightclubs.
>gray poop-on
>85 bucks sounds right for wagu beef
>then they deep fry it
Same could be said about Germany desu, what a joke of a 'country'
American portfolio of cuisine is best portfolio. Seethe more Eurofaggots.
>Here's why it's so expensive
>the meat is expensive
>then we did all the same shit you'd expect at a McDonald's, then quit for the day
You're actually retarded if you think you can't pair sweet and savory.
Asians want to look like white people
>Attack (L)
Hakarl isn't piss fermented. The piss smell is from the ammonia naturally present in the meat.
>pancakes for breakfast
How fat are you?
In fairness, it sounds like it's more of a dessert where he's from. They probably make it with a lot more sugar to start with.
Eurocucks couldn't recognize a good hotdog even if one was shoved in their ass.
Dijon mustard is delicious, but I don't really know how to use it properly
My boi, this feast is what all true warriors strive for.
You have seen nothing if you think this is "horrifying".
>pancakes for breakfast
wtf is wrong with you
of course its not for breakfast
its a lunch thing or dessert
ok if you interested on very particular (and fucked up) food:
read this
>make food
>leave it next to the lawnmower
do americans do this
Alright can you fuck off already?
Is that deep fried pizza?
Only the finest of American engineering can produce our high-tech cuisine. Eurofags are still using windmills, fucking poorfaggots.
>ice cream w/ pancake bad
>slather with sugar good
what level of fucking tard is merica on at this point
ok fatty
the real holy water
Seriously, get out of the coastal cities with that pretentious pile of scraps. The midwest is where you'll get a proper meal.
Would you eat this?
I lost it at the spray bottle of ranch sauce
For me, it's Salo. The greatest delicacy of Ukraine.
They're SEA, you fucking retards. Flips to be specific. They're basically mutts by definition.
This is illegal in America, delete
Would unironically eat this
Probably vomit afterward which doesn't bode well for my eternity
Burger Time: Reloaded
>I don't have an argument
>I'll just call him a fatty!
>That'll surely obfuscate how critically unrefined my palate is
It marinades or for dippings. If it too strong for you, you can mix in some honey.
Aren't the hydrolic press channel sweds?
This is how you use Pesto, Eurasian cucks.
>americans still light themselves with candles
...why would you put dentures inside of food? I mean, at least that looks edible barring the freakish teeth. Despite how disturbing it looks.
>eating seabugs
Whenever I see food threads I keep getting stressed about how the earth's resources are rapidly going to fade
Oh no, the amerilard is seething.
Embrace eternal oblivion, user.
Looks like the grease would make the cookie soggy as hell and the bacon would be too chewy or too crispy to make the texture of mushy cookies in your mouth any better.