What im in for?

what im in for?

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A decent game with a bad sequel.

A shit game with an amazing double-prequel

a fun game

Better than the original version in terms of bosses, worse in terms of glitches.
Also great sequel.

Mediocre game with a great sequel, one fantastic prequel and another mediocre prequel.

A good game with a good sequel

a kino bossfight (jaron namir) and a shitty ending

As good of a successor of an original DX as you can get given limitations put on the developers by the market. Its sequel is more of the same.
Has to my favorite game released after 2010.

It's fun but it's a bit too yellow, theres a mod that disables the yellow filter though

A good game with a better sequel.

Invisible War 2.0, piss edition

Do NOT get the new chip installed. I literally couldn’t beat the game because I was a fool installing that malware in Jensen’s head


>director's cut
An inferior experience

am i the only one who actually liked Invisible War? Most augments were shit but i liked the setting and the dialogues

git gud faggot
the chip is annoying, but it's still possible to beat it

Did you ask for this?

I would have liked it if the game didnt fucking reboot every loading screen and have loading screens ever 30 seconds of gameplay.

Why can't the devs make a real successor to DX?

I remember that I liked sitting in a closet with a railgun or whatever and using the augment that lets you see through walls to clear an entire office building.

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I finally got around to 100%'ing the original. Excellent game whose gameplay holds up, though the graphics are starting to look a little dated.

The Director's Cut got rid of the yellow color grading, to its detriment IMO. The original had a unique look; the DC just ends up looking like another generic FPS.

>Director's Cut
Are you stupid or something?

An action-packed trip to Detroit.

great game

play MD as well if you like this one

How is Mankind Divided? Heard mixed things about it.
Thought HR was pretty good for reference.

with texture overalls it looks fine but the vanilla version looks like complete ass at times when you are in rooms where the textures arent stolen from Unreal or when the lighting engine decides not to work which is more often than not. its weird how Invisible War managed to have worse facial animations than the original despite being a pretty good looking game otherwise

I had like no ammo or anything at that point of my save. Literally impossible

everything is outstanding except the later part of the main story

I loved HR but dropped MD rather quickly and I can’t really say why.
Probably because I know it has a shitty non-ending and wont get a sequel.

The beginning is great imo but after you change hubs they rush the main story a fuckton and feels pretty unfinished. Still a decent game.


The game falls pretty flat in trying to get you invested into Jensen's personal problems. JC was better. Good game nevertheless though.

MD is a standalone expansion pack for HR.
You liked HR? MD is just more of it. With an inconsequential and badly paced story, but slightly improved mechanics and many more side quests.
Given that MD goes on sale for like $5 regularly, you should definitely pick it up if you liked HR.

Thanks, guess maybe I'll pick it up when there's a good sale.

The game is well made, the setting is realistic and believable, the first half of the game is comfy AF, the other half just feels like it was rushed. It starts picking up the pace near the end but then it cuts off abruptly for no reason.
It wasn't even a satisfying ending, especially knowing that we won't be getting a sequel or a DLC.
Basically, if it's on sale for 15$ or less it's worth getting, other than that it's a disapointment.

MD is seriously underappreciated, Prague is an incredibly detailed space and simulation with a lot of narrative threads and content to do. when Warren talked about the 'one city block rpg', MD really comes very close.

the main story is the only weak part of the game, especially the final act, but everything before it is excellent. a lot of the side quests are significantly better, with a lot of them requiring actual detective work and investigating. feels like a european cyberpunk noire thriller, if you're willing to take your time and absorb the setting and play it slowly. my favourite deus ex since the first one.

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It’s on sale for a couple of bucks all the time and worth it for that

Play the first game if you haven't

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pleb filter

>am i the only one who actually liked Invisible War?
I woudn't say I liked it, but it baffles me that people hold up Human Revolution as a masterpiece while shitting on Invisible War.

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My favorite single player game of all time, could be yours too.

I'm dying for the next installment on the series..

What this man said Also amazing graphics and feeling, just lacking in the story compared to HR.

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>I'm dying for the next installment on the series..
You probably will die before we see another one.

It's a very different game to the first Deus Ex (and it's not nearly as good as the original) but it's still pretty good in its own right.

Invisible War had a great story, world, weapons, and characters (except for the Tarsus people). Even had good music but you have to turn the sound way up to hear it well.
If the game had been made for the PC in mind with proper ammo types, skill points, RPG mechanics, bigger intricate maps, it would have been a worthy sequel. Console brainlets fucked it
Alex Denton is basically the most important person in DX history
HR is a better game, but Invisible War surprisingly had lots more stuff from the 1st game in it

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>HR is a better game
Only by virtue of releasing on more powerful hardware, allowing them to make levels bigger than Invisible War's broomcloset-sized levels. The actual game design is shockingly poor.

We are talking about a game where a large part of your offensive tools literally consist of a cutscene.

Why is Jensen so relatable? Is it because he never mentions sex?

No, he has had it

Proof? I can't even remember a single mention of a gf in both games

>punch him literally once
>he dies
git gud you dirty fuckin scumbag trashbag of scum

the entire plot of the first half of human revolution is you tracking down your ex gf

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HR literally opens by taking your gf for a walk for 20 minutes

A game that is oozing with soul. Same for Mankind Divided, both games hold a very special place in my heart.

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how did you handle this situation?

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So....Adams a clone, right?

can i get back my piss filter? i liked it, for fuck sake give it back

just play the original release

Something you never asked for

sweetfx, possibly

>the story changes
Why would anyone put lies in their shit tier bait? The story doesn't change at all until you reach the final level and everyone wants you to do their ending for them. Same as DX and HR.

Mankind Divided or Invisibe War? Honestly both can be really enjoyable if you know what you're getting to and don't set your expectations through the roof.
Invisible War is a watered down DX1 but you can see the influence and by the end you'll probably be used to the godawful UI/mouselook. Still worth a look, I only played it through for the first time 2 years ago and I'm halfway through my second.
MD is 11/10 DXHR+++ in every way except for the fact that it cuts off halfway through. Play HR first so it doesn't feel like a downgrade.

could not agree more on all points.

Playing the DX1 for the first time. Finished the first mission and the secondary objective of the second mission so far. People warned me last night about going non lethal being less fun but I am really really enjoying myself so I'm going to keep doing it.

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MD was embarrasingly disjointed and confused about what it was, it didn't even have a formal ending. its basically just a "wow cool future :)!" tech demo with a tacked on unfinished story, just like mgs5. you have to read shit on the wiki to fully figure the story out
HR is the superior game by far, but it's not saying much. the soundtracks in both games are pretty good ambient shit
hurrah to microtransactions and preorder bullshit!

It's ok. Don't get the thing from the medical clinic if you are doing a pacifist playthrough otherwise you will have to replay the entire dlc.

>its basically just a "wow cool future :)!" tech demo with a tacked on unfinished story
It was literally square enix cutting DLCifying it and then dropping the project

My favorite dialogue system in any game ever.

Getting the silver tongue bonus is so satisfying.

Non lethal is only less fun after dragon's tooth

all of the melee weapons in IW have the same damage though

Non lethal sneaking till you find the laser sword and going full murder crazy is the way Deus Ex was meant to be played

oh shit

Non-lethal gets difficult later on, so be ready for that if you decide to stick with it. There are also boss fights where you can't avoid killing unless you use glitches.

I'm ok with things getting difficult, finding creative ways to get through the game are fun so far. boss fights I'll probably just kill if it's really impossible without glitching.

a good time

A 9/10 game with a 6/10 ending

>Adam's final speech on augmentations and morality is based on whether you knocked out/killed anyone
>the ex-SWAT Captain starts talking about augs diminishing your humanity if you make him shoot someone he's well within his rights to shoot
>the guy who, in his own comics, is canonically a killer

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