>copied my new vegas song folders into an usb stick
>listen to radio new vegas on my way to work
I pass through a slum that actually looks like Freeside
Copied my new vegas song folders into an usb stick
Other urls found in this thread:
What's the best New Vegas song and why is it Why Don't You Do It Right?
what is heartache by the number
I tried playing this for the first time today. Sat through the longest fucking cutscene ever, and then I think I got bored during character creation. Some fag wanted me to sit on his couch, so I looked around his house for a bit, tried to get out but couldn't, then quit and uninstalled.
Modern video games walk this retarded line of either being a literal movie or too fucking bossy and gay.
I unironically love "Big Iron" as much of a meme it is now
>pass through a slum
How are you still ok user?
You faggots can't be serious with this. There's billions of songs available and you listen to the same shit over and over, even bring it into your real life? Fucking mental illness.
Game was made in 2010 hardly modern
The game trying to give you context hence the cutscene explaining the factions and stuff.
Holy fucking patrician taste.
Begin again.
>not also listening to secret stash and mojave radio extended
ultimate pleb
Almost everything I play is from the 80's and 90's, so it's modern by my standards.
M8 the character creation in Doc Mitchell's is literally like five minutes. As soon as you leave the building you have the entire map open to you. Bear in mind that you are certainly nudged down a certain path but you can absolutely go in any direction.
*doots in ur path*
Troubles by the score
I pass everyday, but just the outskirts of it, tho sometimes I have to get almost into the heart of it in order to get some stuff for my work
>turn on popular radio
>play the same son twice an hour
>half of the songs sound the same
at first I thought you were going to bitch about it for being too old, because it's almost a decade old game by now and definitely shows it since the shooting was archaic even by 2010 standards and didn't look too great either then.
also how are you playing autistic 80s/90s games that take like an hour to even figure out the interface but you can't sit in doc mitchell's house for 5 minutes, literally as soon as you walk out his front door you can go murder all the faction leaders and end the game if you want
>listen to the radio in-game
>listen to the radio irl
>there's no choices!
can you please develop a personality? also a brain, this is some npc tier shit, it's one thing to listen to this in-game it's another to bring it with you outside and keep on listening to it, it's not fucking healthy
I find it hard to believe you've never played a single classic RPG, all of which have a longer winded intro section than NV does
It's possible I quit right before the game actually started. I had just kind of had it though. Too much fucking talking.
Old video games have fun mechanics to explore that are way less tiresome than having some fucking soap opera blabbering in my ear for an hour while I have to just sit there. Fallout 1 is one of the greatest games of all time, and you go from the main menu to playing the game in like 5 seconds.
>Why Don't You Do It Right
I disagree with the "it's not healthy" part, it's fine
but yeah the irony of saying normies are dumb for listening to the same songs when you're literally doing the same thing
for trumpet skills
for true patricians (though completely unrelated)
Bro, I'm not him but if I really want to listen to a song, I'll listen to it on repeat for an hour straight. Sometimes longer. I've downloaded albums and listen to the same album every day for two weeks until I'm sick of it. I do the same thing with the eurobeat compilations on youtube.
Everyday you love me less, each day I love you more
If you have a job why do you live by black people?
>talking and lecturing about mental health on fucking Yea Forums
sure thing lad, I see nothing wrong with listening to the songs I like on a loop
what is where have you been all my life
How spastic are you. Your attention span must be 30 seconds. Take your advil son.
What are some fun alternate ways to play New Vegas? I always start a new run intending to do something new and then end up speccing into Guns and Speech and shit like I always do.
Johnny guitar
>Sat through the longest fucking cutscene ever
Explosives, unarmed, and science
Veronica >>> All others
Very, very based
Cute punch-lady lesbian
she's a lesbian, and no, dick therapy was proven to not work
I want to fuck that abino ghost girl
woooooHOOOOOOOO fucking scary NRC and their name
very good take
Imagine the handjobs from those strong sniper forearms...
based and albino pilled
>The World We Knew didn't make the cut
Best song coming through
It’s a Sin profligate
Yes, I've got heartaches by the number
Her GF is better
they should have added more Marty Robbins songs to be honest
>cowboy blackface
no thank you
This is one of the best Frank Sinatra songs and I dare any one of you to prove me wrong
Anyone kind enough to have a link to the whole radio to download?
>not wanting to nut on her bald head
It's in the game's music folder
Did you know Joshua Sawyer can sing?
>he doesn't mod in the rest of Marty Robbins songs
plebs, all of you
is there a vanilla+ or vanilla extended radio mod with elvis/robbins etc to pad the tracks out ?
When I tried to play explosives only I found that the game isnt made for it on higher difficulty, enemys DT just ignored all my explosives. Is there a way to fix it?
I know that feel, nor this youtube.com
>I pass through a slum that actually looks like Freeside
>Wow I'm getting robbed just like in New Vegas
>Wow I'm getting fucked in the ass by a hobo just like in my mods!
Childhood is being Big Iron
Adulthood is Johnny Guitar
Good songs are good. What's the issue??
Yypppieee kaaa yeeee
Ypppieee kaaa yooo
Ghost riders in the sky!!!
Autism =/= ADHD
A little communismmmn
(it's my favorite too, user)
Here would be the cafeteria if there was one hahahhahahah
Can't remember what he says next, but the heartbreaking one is the jocks room
I loved Old World Blues the most, I want to cum on Dala's biogel
Fucking every time
HE and more explosives.
jokes aside, what enemies were giving you a hard time?
Don't underestimate hobos my dude.
>Have 45 in Science
>90 Science check to finish the Rex and Nightkin quest line for the good ending
use a science magazine with the retention perk and get some gear that boosts Science. I dunno if that'll take you up to 90 though
The I remember the legion squads I had to constantly fight off basically took no damage from them while they'd kill me and my follower in a couple shots. I'd have to pump stupid amounts at them from behind rocks and shit to get them.
what explosives were you using? At very hard HE and HV always did the job for me.
"I'm sure you're happy with another, who shares the love I couldn't win"
>+10 from Programmer's Digest, +20 from Comprehension
>+10 from Followers Lab Coat or +15 from Dr Mobius' Scrubs
>+2 for every point of INT from drugs, if you don't have 10 INT already
>+3 for every Big Book Of Science, +4 from Comprehension
Not seeing the issue here
You may know me as the Head Chief First Researcher of Labs Z-9 and Z-14. There I fought valiantly to preserve rattlesnake DNA, and put it right where it belongs, in the husk of another feared predator. Oh, and the tarantula hawk. Can't splice enough, I always say, especially if you can make a magnificent Cazador!
I forget. But I think I was using thump thump and when that didn't cut it, I'd try clusters.
Any answer besides Begin Again is wrong.
Single action grenade launchers are small potatoes user, you need a DPS (Grenade machinegun, mercy, Red Glare with its upgrades) and a DAM (Missile launcher with upgrades, fat man, Esther)
In the shadow of the valley
I would like to settle down
Wide open space
Wind on my face
A distant horizon
The moon on the trail
how the fuck do you kill the legendary deathclaw without the alien gun and explosive .50?
By not being a shitter who relies on gimmicks
You punch it really hard
Esther with Big boys, 40mm HE spam with mercy, preparing with mines.
by shooting it in the face
you shoot it a lot
Sniper with AP ammo get a clean silent headshot for all that damage that ignores their armor
With a scoped varmint rifle, using 5.56 AP of course.
This is the best companion in fallout only need the mod that turns her into light armor
>explosive weapons do up to 40% of their damage on impact only
>of the 1000 damage done by a Fat Man, 400 of it only applies if you directly hit the target with the Mini Nuke
Come back later then. If you are at max level without being maxed in all skills, you are playing it wrong.
I'm gonna do it Yea Forums, I'm going to play Caravan
Caravan is a really fun game and is one of my favorite aspects of it since it is so fun and also a great source of caps
8/10 bait
Where did you read this user?
It is pretty agonizing to sit through on repeat playthroughs
0.52 seconds Google search
I like the more broken mod that turns her into a a free equip so you can have armor and also her at the same time though the armor values don't stack but the sneak buffs are added
And the mod to give her a helmet. And to stop her auto-injecting. And to shut her up.
>stop her auto-injecting
Just don't carry Med-X and when you get it give it to ED-E
>shut her up.
Shit taste
It's on the wiki, taken straight from the GECK
Vicious Wastes mod on very hard, barter and loot on its hardest setting. Your knowledge of NV will be tested
>Just don't carry things!
How about I choose when and where I use the items in my inventory and not some shitty script that fails in every way to be helpful
I ctrl+F on the wiki and don't see it. Is there another wiki you're referring to?
>using med-x and not selling it for caps
>Not donating it to the followers
also an option but after you get max relations with them why bother
Fucking hate how they handled the mouse controls like mouse acceleration, uneven x and y axis sensitivity and other options like FOV and motion blur.
I don't want to change it on my files, fucking put it on the options menu.
I don't blame Obsidian for not putting these options in their game since I bet Bethesda has something to do with it.
And also speaking of them, they did the same shit on Fallout 4.
>most explosive weapons have damage listed as "1 (or 2) + some number." The 1 (or 2) is the damage that the projectile (like a thrown grenade) or placed explosive (like a mine) does upon a direct hit, pretty much just from physics.
>Note that this damage bonus only affects the actual explosive part of the weapon's damage, not the physical impact. For grenades and mines this is a negligible difference as they typically only deal 5 physical throwing damage at most. But for a Fat Man (GRA) it is much more significant as 400 of its 1000 base damage is from the physical impact.
It's on every single Explosives weapon page as well
Ah, I misunderstood your initial post. The physical impact damage is added onto the initial damage.
>want to do a ncr run
>remember Moores segment in the second half
God I hate that loathsome nigger
God I wish the Legion questline had been just a little more fleshed out.
I would side with House if I could not kill the BoS, tho they need to be stopped
>no connelrad songs
Also NCR>House>Yesman>Legion
There's mods for thatâ„¢
>doing a run where i'm a masked maniac
>start with 1 charisma and dump everything into str and endurance
>find turbo
Why is turbo and slasher the best combination in the game? Holy shit melee builds are fun.
There's a mod (I think it was cut content actually) that allows you to tell house that if you're brotherhood that you'll deal with them later if they're a problem and you just instantly complete the quest.
I think that modding the story is wrong, in any game
its pretty clear that the writer had some kind of hatred for the Legion while writing it
>mustache twirling villains that treat women like cattle despite the woman in the Roman Empire being treated as slight inferiors
>mustache twirles some more by having a representative of the Legion call the Khans barbaric and say they will have to execute 80% of its population and lies to a woman saying she will be a soldier in the legion
>by the way the Legion is doomed to fail because no one cares about it and only about Caesar
>of course we could do something like Caesar dying and one of the higher ups possibly Vulpes fear for his life and order the Courier to assist him to gain power but eh
>by the way if you join the Legion half of the civilized locations in the game will want to kill you because they're NCR
>by the way many companions hate the legion
*cough* *cough* ahem
It's a mod that restores cut content that does that, though. You even need quite a few skill checks and suffer a penalty of some sort when it happens.
Either aim for the knees or the eyes. Whichever you prefer.
GIMME a fun build to try out
ok then I might try it, in this game cut content means stuff the devs could not developed fully because of the dead line
have sex (raping slaves doesn't count)
After a certain point turbo just becomes a win button
the ranger fears the centurion
Centurions wrestle naked in mud pits and then bath together
bros being bros knowing that women are gay and they should not speak unless spoken to
>YFW you realize that the biological research station has the same VA as Ulysses
I've been looking a comic in the format of the "reaction guys" meme featuring The Courier, Raul, Veronica and Arcade being gay. Anybody know the source?
It was the most atmospheric song after coming out of Boulder City at night and walking towards the Vegas lights for the first time. Fucking Perfect
nothing wrong with that you profligate
unlike you disgusting degenerates we from the legion take hygiene into account
You can only reply to this post if you found the Chinese Stealth Armor without any kind of assistance
w-where can I find Cass..lewds?
I use superior voiced assisted power armor, suck up juice soldier
Don't lewd 40 year old alcoholics you sick fuck
It might be time for another playthrough
Red Lucy is best girl
I really like her dialog once you blow up her gay home.
poor Raul is dead inside
That's cause the chick he fucked died
literally breeding fetish
He never slept with her, just lusted after her from afar
Are you referring to his sister you sick fuck?
He got the hots for a prostitute in Two-Sun. She was dragged off an killed by raiders
Here's your Red Lucy, bro
>not wanting to hotglue someone else's fucktoy
All that's missing is fully-modeled vaginas.
I like the trudy
>watch TV
>see what looks like an actual ghoul
>it's a burn victim
>yell "IT'S A GHOUL FROM FALLOUT" at the top of my lungs at the TV making my cat knock over my candeblra causing a fire
>get burned
>news show up filming my face
>I was the ghoul
the 50s music on radio is one of the best decisions ever made in gaming
sometimes just hearing a tune similar to these songs gives me an instant nostalgia hit
Why did Cass reject me bros
she says I leave behind a trail of broken hearts, but I'm literally a virgin
Is hardcore mode fun? About to attempt it for the first time
Johnny guitar you uneducated legionfag.
The hunger, water, and sleep meters are easy to manager
Stimpacks healing over time is annoying but can be managed
Ammo weight is annoying
yeah, it's not even that much different
except your companions die for real
so maybe set them to essential if that's not what you want
Half of those are pretty spot on.
I'm sure these will look great and not out of place next to the hundreds of less important NPCs
since I turn it on I never turn it off
if easy if you eat and drink what ever shit you find, I only eat fresh meat I hunt or things a vendor sell (but that creepy nigga at freeside)
ammo weight just use rat pack and the stimpacks thing are a good thing that should had been implemented on the game since it makes you don't charge straight to the enemy and have a moment to think
This song has special meaning.
New Vegas is a gem of a game. It's an unpolished gem, but it's precious.
Also Joshua Graham and Ulysses are two of the best written characters in gaming.
DM > HH >= LR >>> OWB
>You stop Ulysses from launching the nukes by giving him your seed.
>he doesn't chill in the bathhouse with his bros after successfully integrating a tribe
lol NCR is gay
>Asurah's reanimation looks great
>incompatible with any weapon retexture mod
Courier is literally a superhuman
if you have 10 in any special stat
Doctor Usanagi basically tells you you're a freak of nature when you try to get an implant
Literally how spartans lived
Didn't everybody do that? Exploration is its own reward.
>Johnny Guitar
Fuck right off.
[Intelligence 1] Low Intelligence runs are stupid
Sure, but can you see that Lonestar from a thousand miles away?
Why people hat OWB so much?
[INT 1] Let's make low intelligence dialogue when we don't have nearly enough time to make it a complete feature!
to be fair
it has randumb humor
a shitty intro where you speak to annoying robots for 10 minutes
and its the worst out of all the DLC aside from the ones that give you bonus weapons
[INT 0] Let's give Obsidian less than a year to make an open world RPG and then severely dock their pay because of Metacritic
>a shitty intro where you speak to annoying robots for 10 minutes
what? not is not, well the 10 minutes part is true
>Beat the game with all factions and clear all the side quests
>Hear that you get some special dialouge choices with low intelligence
>Try it out
>5 skill points per level
>Can't get any good perks since one skill can only be around 65 max around level 12
>About 250 skill points in total (5 x 50) compared 850
>Can't resolve any problems (there are like 3 exceptions) without paying caps or killing people
>All for about 6 lines of dialouge
Never again. It's like banging your toe against something every 30 min
[INT -1] 16 months is less than 12 and not receiving a bonus is "docking pay"
[INT -10] Watch as I try and argue that a score of 84 counts as the contractually stated score of 85 because "it's really close" because I don't understand that there's no "almost" in legal contracts
This is the undisputed greatest track of FNV.
People here like to think that anything with humor is not for them since they have never felt happiness. Jokes aside, alot of people like it and I think it's my favorite since I think of it like a New Vegas inspired Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode.
You too huh? I have to walk by this fucked up area of town every 2 days and I basically see people strung out and getting chased by freeside thug-types. Good thing my irl Unarmed skill is around 70
>sending albino soldiers to the desert
[Spineless] I will defend Bethesda
>New Vegas inspired Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode
Oh God, you're right
>a shitty intro where you speak to annoying robots for 10 minutes
Actually, it lasts for about an hour.
>look it up out of curiosity
>its 30 minutes
why would anyone put themselves through this?
DM > OWB > HH >>>>>>>>>>>>> LR