Games for this feel.
Games for this feel
Other urls found in this thread:
April Fools 2018
Google Stadia reveal
The Sony and Microsoft handshake would fit so well in that picture
>being friends with an elf
elves are for genocideing
After Lotr, gimli and legolas remained bros and kept on traveling, killing off the remaining orcs
Pretty much any JRPG with an asshole party member. Not the best example but it's the only one I can think of off the top of my head.
Bromance? Soul Sacrifice Delta.
Vermintide series
That’s the opposite of this feel. The U5 (U4) hate each other but they can all agree that they hate the elf the most
>t. hasn't seen the movie or read the books
The whole point of Legolas and Gimli's rivalry was based around them overcoming their long ancestral hatred for each other's respective race by simply getting to know one another. It's one of the rare moments where race relations are handled correctly
Elf-haters are mentally ill. Any positive example from any sort of media doesn't count in their minds.
That's really cute. They should've hung Gimli next to his friend.
Odd. I can think of plenty of films and lit about race relations but no vidya about it. Not even any games that are white boomer liberal wanks of "we solved racism, guys" like Green Book and Crash. Vidya games are a childish medium I suppose.
>inb4 "b-but that wouldn't make for duh good GAMEPLAY"
you could tack on a script like that onto any genre if you were feeling lazy
Filthy elf-lovers get out
t. Elf
>This thread
OP isn't talking about Elfs getting along with Dwarfs you autists, he's talking about games where two characters that don't like each other develop a friendship throughout the game.
why were they so thirsty for blood
warhammer online
>killing off the remaining orcs
Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?
The best way to get two cunts to ally is to have them hate a third cunt more than they hate each other.
orcs cant breed so there are no baby orcs
is this supposed to represent dragonlance beginning? if so, p. cool user
It's better without the elf
Gotta be careful around elves.
Sonic Adventure 2 B
this is what you deserve knife ears
What was their tax policy?
If anything this thread proves that it's the elf-haters who are the pissbabies.
Gotcha Force by Capcom.
Their's a few dick characters that fight you just to fuck with you, but later in the story you team up with them to fight the big alien baddies.
Their's LITERALLY a kid that you need to beat the shit out of. (No losses, 3 rounds.)
In order to recruit him.
seethe more
Not only that, but they travelled to the undying lands together, making Gimli the only dwarf to do so not just because of his elfbro, but because he loved Galadriel so much
Dwarves are a meme guys, they aren't real.
He was willing to fight that one guy just because he insulted his waifu then he found out that said guy had another waifu of his own and had bro understanding. Book Gimli was a fucking gentlechad.
So like Elves and Dwarves?
goblin looks to be of the pathfinder variety to me
t. elf
>"'There is nothing, Lady Galadriel', said Gimli, bowing low and stammering. 'Nothing, unless it might be - unless it is permitted to ask, nay, to name a single strand of your hair, which surpasses the gold of the earth as the stars surpass the gems of the mine. I do not ask for such a gift. But you commanded me to name my desire'."
Battle for FUCKING Wesnoth.
that was gaming before sjw started to present themselves on every chat. Just friends playing together no matter who
The Witcher?
>"I do not ask for such a gift"
>"But you commanded me to name my desire"
Christ he's so good
Yeah, it does, doesn't it? Reminds me of playing that Pathfinder game. At one point, you meet a goblin and clearly it was set up for you to accept this monster goddess worshiping runt into your party, to round the circle of aligments. I had none of that, genocided the fuck along with the rest of his kind. I kinda lost interest along the way as I ended up playing some other stuff, but it was an alright game.
Dragon age 2. Every character had a meter that showed how strong of a bond your character had with them but it started in the middle as the weakest bond and then went to the left or the right, each side representing friendship and rivalry respectively.
So in the end you could have a character that was a huge rival of yours but you were still working together. It made for some fun interactions. Shame the rest of the game was shit.
these books are pure poetry, and anyone who says they're boring is a useless piece of shit
she's not going to fuck you
Yeah, we all joked about faggots and niggers killing themselves, who would ever be offended by that? :D
You can not only thank later writers but also dwarffags themselves that completely forgot about this part of Gimli and dumbed his archetype down to the drunken guy that hits things with an axe. Gimli was a well-traveled, educated dwarf with an open mind. Not the stereotype you see today.
Let's not even start this, she isn't at all. Fuck off with this cuck shit.
Fucking elves.
All elves were made for BDC
I wish we could see more writers presenting dwarves as philosophical and learned with a love of stories and culture, but it's just too easy to fall back on turning them into angry beer-soaked beards with legs.
>elves caring about what filthy barely evolved monkeys say
>animufag that can't even post a video game elf
>is actually an elf-hater
It's all the same, and so tiresome.
Someone post the "What about side by side with a side" one.
>dwarves always have the interesting personality
>hardly get the fraction of attention that elves do
>muh rocks
>interesting personality
Slay all elves.
>gnomes are for genociding
Good way to describe all humans, really.
Not just the Orc men, but the Orc women and the Orc children too.
>>dwarves always have the interesting personality
lol eat shit dwarves
All elves are a sickly fiendish ninny and narcissistic dandruff-eating odious leach-covered blob of quivering slime.
Also I found a website that generates strings of insults. I'm sure it'll come in handy in the future. You point-ear faggot.
Even though I'm black Yea Forums, could we be...friends?
So, what do you all think about skeletons? I know what I think since I'm an honorable Paladin, but I'd like to get your thoughts.
epic /pol/bait m'sir
>I'm better than you
>interesting personality
face it elffags, dwarves are superior in every way.
Not going to be friends with a fucking Yea Forumstard
Gee I wonder who is behind this post.
>>I'm better than you
That's also dwarfs.
Depends how black you are, and how much of a nigger you are.
You wouldn't hit a princess, would you?
>elf haters are mentally ill
Undead are a mixed bag. Generally they're under thrall of an evil necromancer, so it's a good idea to slay on sight. In the event that they aren't and are more cognizant, helping them with any lingering issues and getting them to move on to the afterlife is recommended.
Remember to use blunt weapons when fighting the bonefiends.
Every time.
imagine laughing at that joke, bitch wants elf-dick bad.
What does dwarven pastries taste like
>Even though I'm black Yea Forums, could we be...friends?
yes we could be friends
Someday, I want someone to jerk my cock as passionately as I see people jerk Tolkien's.
I love Tolkien and he will forever be the father of fantasy to me.
what a beta lmao
I'm an elf-fag that also likes dwarves but thinks that dwarffags are absolute cunts, enraged crybabies and lying shits. If you want to see proof of that you only need to read through this thread.
The old rivalry between these races tires me. They should be like two old neighbors: constantly bickering, but both will shit on these new kids on their lawn, like humans and orcs.
Because that's the dwarf meme embraced by the elf-hate fanbase. Always a buncha drunkards apparently.
This. This is why so many people came back with black lifelong friends after Vietnam despite whatever racist views they may have had before the war.
Of course, you humans can't do anything by yourselves, just invent dumber slaves without brains or backbones to do it for you.
Are there any fantasy games where I can not only play as a witch/warlock, but the game actually explores the pact formed between me and the evil deity?
savory and sweet
Probably has a lot of beard hair baked in by accident.
>oy vey, you cant be racist against dwarves and men! Only elves and orcs are subject to oppression!
>all rivalries are bad mkay
You see this screen? This keyboard you're typing in? Dwarf's might, son. Go fuck a tree. Maybe the tree will feel pity and it won't leaf in the morning.
>"Believe dirty human. Just look at my straw men"
Ok, elf
Minced plump helmet, roasted plump helmet, chopped plump helmet, and plump helmet wine.
But you are clearly propagating the rivalry
hope that yessdadd guy is trolling
you weren't even born in that era, trannie.
Shin megami tensei is all about that sort of thing but going by your image it's probably not what you're looking for.
Sorry, I am as boomer as they come, and I hated it back then, and I hate it now.
ah yes, and look at where race relations are in the current year. clearly multi cuturalism is a raging success. as long as we dont look at crime statistics sorted by ethnicity, of course
>current year
>still caring about how much melanin someone has in its skin
Rivalries against orcs, humans, goblins, undead, demons, trolls, basically anything barbaric and evil, all that's okay. Elves and dwarves are both in many settings old, ancient and sophisticated races that should stick together to fight off the ever growing danger of underdeveloped races.
But nah, the dwarffag will go "muh elves" while he gets raped by orcs and ratmen in his basement.
>L U M B E R F O O T
elf haters are jelly because female elves have larger penises than them
"race is skin deep xd"
lmao whats a haplogroup then
Oh boy here comes derailing number 2.
Rivaling Anders was the most kino way to play, because you actually convince him his whole plan is fucking retarded and he agrees with you.
If it wasn't for Vengeance fucking things up and screwing with his memory, the finale wouldn't have happened. But then you get to make him work with the Templars, so that's fun.
Again not all rivalries are bad. A rivalry could involve a friendly albeit heated competition which only promotes growth
Nigger, gook, midget, ogre, fag, breeder - as long as they're above 110 IQ and male, they're all fine people
Something I don't know nor care about.
what was their tax policy?
>how do you do, fellow ancient advanced beings!
Dwarven pastries are a bit of a surprise given the hardiness of their race. They tend to be small, delicate things served in great clusters.
Since dwarvish cooks are no strangers to butter nor patience, every croissant is perfectly folded and aged in butter, resulting in a fantastically light, well cooked crust. They're typically served stuffed with wild berry jam and glazed in honey.
They tend to be cooked in small, bite size pieces in order to preserve the integrity of the batch as a whole. Since they're smaller finger food, it's less likely for the stuffing to get caught in the beard. Additionally, more pastries means it's no great tragedy if a few get crushed. It's not uncommon for them to be eaten by the handful.
TWW and TWWII when you installed mods that make the Chaos Hordes far more broken and numerous.
No one said anything about that
My only issue with elf-hate is anytime I run a game I have a player who will refuse to work with any elf npc no matter what, and treats Elf players like shit.
The DND comic was a godsend
>dude lmao the way different races naturally adapted to unique environments over millions of years is JUST MELANIN lmao
>current year
>still pretending race is just melanin content
games with cute dwarf girls?
>A rivalry could involve a friendly albeit heated competition which only promotes growth
That could be great too, the average dwarffag will still only see "kill pointy ear!".
Where's that extended edition shit?
Legolas says, "What did you get?" and Gimli says, "I asked her for a single hair from her head. She gave me THREE!!" and he's so fucking happy.
And Legolas has that fucking shit-eating smirk on his face because some Elf loser asked Galadriel for 1 hair from her for like a thousand years, and she never gave it to him because he was a beta.
Based Gimli.
Scp secret lab
I can't remember much about Anders other than how I didn't like him as much as I used to in the DAO expansion. I was a rival to Fenrir, if that was his name. The white haired elf with the greatsword. He was like an anime character.
Is The Hobbit worth watching just for the dwarves? I fucking love dwarves.
Wait a minute, butter? What animal do they use to get their butter, it obviously can't be cows so I'm guess goats. But goat butter is very different from regular butter
BASED civic nationalist bro
who cares if we're demographically replaced by foreigners in our own countries? As long as they're not shooting us, we ought to be thankful and consider them fellow Americans!
Threads like this are why we'll never EVER achieve world peace.
this image is so odd. there is something charming about it but the fundamentals are poor
What universe/lore are you drawing this from?
i could reply seriously or i could not care
i chose the second option, have a fine day
Goddamnit. One half joking post that's only vaguely /pol/ in content and the hive is swarming.
This is why no one likes you you fucking faggots.
You're not 110 IQ, fuck off to low IQ country.
>tfw gimli got butchered in the movies
no game of thrones is better
Translation: I have no rebuttal but I dont want to admit defeat
>Stand besides Aragorn a moment later
What the hell did he mean by this?
I knew it.
Dragon age origins did a bit of both takes on them
and this is the reason they hide dwarf women.
Elves (female) are for rape. Elves (male) are for feeding your dogs and hogs.
Dwarves are stereotypically culturally Scottish, so any time I incorporate them in a setting I'm working on I lean on that, hence the abundance of butter.
Besides which, you can make butter out of a lot of things. So sure, why not goat butter? Caves tend to be cooler so it'd set well underground.
Homebrew. It fits the standard archetype in my opinion. What setting did you have in mind?
You have every right to punish him, especially if he's a nuisance to another player because of his choice of race.
I started, not as a GM, a warhammer fantasy campaign, as the only human character with another dwarf and an elf. Both agreed beforehand that they will take the rivalry of both races seriously in-character. It's actually quite fun as long as both aren't complete cunts. I know the dwarf player for many years and know that he also really likes elves, like the actual elves from Tolkien, the badass ones from the books. So he's just playing his dwarf character. And the difference shows. They just have some banter and that's it.
Yes. Sort of. You're probably not finding anything better. They don't go into their individual personalities as much as they should, and it's certainly not on the level of LOTR, but it's still a good watch.
Sounds like something out of either LOTR or WoW
I'm stealing this for my Pathfinder game.
See what I mean? This fella right here is so fucking triggered he's imagining I'm antagonizing him, he then quotes my imaginary points and decides to actually go ahead and post this.
Not a thought about whether or not what he's doing is normal or justified.
This is the person that ruins the thread, this is the cancer that ruins the site.
>stereotypically culturally Scottish
In what way? Just the accents?
GTA5 comes close enough.
user I don't like what you're implying
Unironically, nice writing.
Zoltan in The Witcher series is a bit of both. He's well-traveled and educated about the world, but is able to kick back with other dwarves no problem. A couple other dwarves in the games are incredibly intelligent, and one of them is well-connected throughout upper society.
Various forms of dwarf bread can be used as weapons, e.g. battle muffins and drop scones. Fine specimens of dwarf bread can be found in the Dwarf Bread Museum, Whirligig Alley, Ankh-Morpork, open to the public whenever volunteers have time (Feet of Clay). Dwarfs away from home often miss dwarf bread very much, and complain that mass-produced breads by Mr. Ironcrust hardly meet the standards, but dwarfs are too busy working to go and see the exhibits in the museum, much less to volunteer there.
Proper dwarf bread has to be not just baked, but forged (with gravel, of course) and dropped in rivers and dried out, and sat on and left, and looked at every day and then put away again. For preference, its use as a cat's litter box is also recommended. Dwarfs generally devour it with their eyes, because even dwarfs have trouble with devouring it any other way.
Beards, kilts, celtic dressing on the metalwork, the whole nine yards.
It looks like Harsk and Seltyiel from Pathfinder.
>halplogroup = race
The name of the gang of black guys that gang raped your mom
Short, smelly, hairy, belligerent drunks, probably live in caves, mostly gingers
came here to post this, dorri
Lord of The Rings is shit and Tolkien killed high fantasy in the west.
Stale meme is stale.
Tolkien created high fantasy in the west.
Why do you racist fucks hate elves so much?
They are opposite of niggers. They like more Aryan than normal white people.
You should be praising them. Are you jealous or what?
Tales of Symphonia
lol faggots, tolkein that, tolkein this. I slept while trying to read two pages or more about a fucking tree.
Try real stuff like Prince of thorns, and if you like that one, read the whole trilogy, real man stuff.
>and one of them is well-connected throughout upper society.
the one that owns the novigrad bank?
Vermintide, only the Elf isn't your friend.
That sort of sass gets you put in the book of grudges.
Based Gimli
Not thick enough for a dwarf.
I think that's the one. I was thinking of the quest in Witcher 3 where he takes you into the auction house and introduces you to people in high society.
I feel like most dwarvers aren't, outside of media with a more cartoonish art style at least
Read the book you mong
He doesn't want that. She's practically a goddess, and he just appreciates that.
That's movie shit. Orcs probably do breed. But they're evil.
Orcs are born from dark magic or some shit. There are literally no orc babies in tokiens lore. Fun fact: sauron is also a fallen angel and gandalf is a secret godly being or something
Jesus Christ. Fuck off back to Tumblr with this gag inducing, rancid trash
Games for this feel
Enjoy gnomes.
what the fuck do you with girls hair
Christ this is terrible.
I unfortunately have no more sketches to share, so the bait is wasted.
You probably smell them, not that I'd do that just imagining haha
No because you browse Yea Forums and e-beg racist whitoids to be your friend
jesus christ
>lol we're all exactly the same race is just skin color
This is the most ignorant thing you can believe. Why not try and convince me monkeys are the same as lizards next.
>another fool who fell for the Bleached meme
Get off the kike propaganda user, Bleached will never work the way you want it
Sketches of general body types for generic background characters of different races?
>being obsessively antagonistic towards made up beings, quite literally described as perfect, isnt highly retarded or insane
fluffy elf a cute
>Reddit hosted filename
Should be an auto ban.
I'm autistic, so I recognize the filename pattern, just like imgur, img_ being Apple, as well as the A-Z,0-9 new iPhone pattern.
Oh, and MS based phones being file.jpg and IE desktop users being C_user_account name etc
>U5 hate each other
Where the blue fuck did you get that idea? Bardin and Kruber and excellent friends, Saltz cares more about Kruber and Sienna than he lets on and greatly respects Bardin. Kerillian is the only odd one out.
Based and Redpilled. They could also be used for slave labour, but too bad they're too weak for it.
Treasure it in memory of her words on your first meeting. And if you ever return to the smithies of your home, you should set it in imperishable crystal to be an heirloom of your house, and a pledge of good will between the Mountain and the Wood until the end of days.
>You probably smell them, not that I'd do that just imagining haha
never thought it was possible to be lower than a foot fag
Bros, I need an elf wife so fucking badly. Genetically engineered wife species when? We need to go full Nekopara on this shit.
Dark Souls with some of the NPC Summons
Those are magical hair from a practical demigoddess that he sets in a jewel that will become a heirloom of his house.
Also, its a joke because he ask respectfully when the greatest artist and craftsman in the history of Middle Earth demanded some and she told him to fuck off.
This is genuinely well-researched and informative, even with the /pol/ elements throughout. If anything, it even tries to give a good explanation for why there are /pol/ elements involved.
Elf players are also mostly 100% of the times retarded
what is it about elves that attracts the mentally ill?
Like 90% of the OPs nowadays are straight up images from reddit
Wouldn't be surprised if it's people grabbing whatever is the most popular thing there for the day and making a thread copying it.
Elf-hater please fuck off. You can already live out your cuck fantasies by all the various kinds of japanese fantasy were elves are reduced to big titted animu girls that get raped by anything that is not an elf.
This very thread proves the opposite.
>the way he just slumps over like a sack of potatoes
every fucking time
I read the Hobbit when I was 13-14. It's really not hard to read as you get used to it. The details immerse you and make the read comfy
He just couldn't believe the stories about not trusting elves were true
Best class in the game coming through.
Lumberfoots make way.
Oooooh, right in the dongliz!
aggressive dwarves are a good thing for the elf community. weeds out the poseurs from the people who actually have grace and composure without feeling the need to prove anything about elves. we must appreciate the passion of our dwarf bros
Everyone who thinks elves are smarmy pussies never read The Silmarillion. Those elves were vicious, brutal SOBs and extremely masculine.
Kingdom Heats 1 or 2, I forget. I think there's a part where you fight a boss with Riku while he still has his hearless costume on.
>bags of twenty guns
Why do you guys bully elves so much? We’re pretty, good at magic, and we live for centuries. We’re better than humans in pretty much every way.
>t.knife ear
Day of the saw soon, woods nigger
Because it's fun
>best elf diplomat ever
>lol darf calls you a fag xD
Further proof that dwarfs are the problem.
Clearly he's not actually a very good diplomat then.
/pol/ here, in all honesty I've liked all the black people I've ever met (excluding the ones who were just white people with dark skin). There was a nigerian guy I worked with in a call centre once, he was a solid dude.
That said I still think blacks should live in their own countries, and I still think on the whole they aren't particularly well inclined towards the traits necessary to sustain technological civilisation. But that doesn't mean I bear them any ill will or would be unwilling to befriend the right one, and I certainly like them a lot better than plenty of other races.
Your pic is not an elf and it's because elves are a shitposting topic by faggots that never read any fantasy books nor any video games lore at all.
>The whole point of Legolas and Gimli's rivalry was based around them overcoming their long ancestral hatred for each other's respective race by simply getting to know one another.
is the loss really necessary
>Elf-haters are mentally ill
Okay just hear me out. Less than 2% of the population of Middle-Earth is Elven. Why is it that they make over 90% of informing companies? And what is with them insisting that humans take "good" orcs into their communities? I have visited Lindon. Not a single orc there. It just really makes you think.
We actually don’t know why she has pointy ears, so she might as well be an elf
FFX, between Wakka and Rikku
is vermintide fun without friends asking for a friend
She's a Japanese sized pointy eared fantasy qt, might as well be a halfling
Boom! Like happy festival fireworks ya?
no, but I'm down for some co-op with your friend if they want
>Some professor LARPs a history book in excruciating detail
>I find it boring
>Nerds feel the need to try to "correct me", as if I've made some kind of error
Is there a fanbase worse than the LotR fanbase?
actually, I think you're asking for yourself. if you were asking for a friend, it would mean they have friends and the question would be pointless. in truth, you're just pretending to have a friend who wants to know, so that you can avoid the pain of admitting to anonymous people on the internet that you have no friends.
Yeah, GoTfags
lul /pol/ is so damn pathetic
>not one reply mentions that Galadriel gave him THREE hairs
Meanwhile she denied one of the greatest elves to ever live a single hair.
>not one
but one of the replies did mention that, fren
Read past the first post and it's actually a really good assessment of how people have misconstrued Tolkien's works and folklore through a game of telephone.
Hello elf
uh you got those two mixed
based Pratchettfag
>That's also dwarfs.
yeah, but they're actually right.
>i read the hobbit when i was 13-14
that's who the book was meant for your autist fuck, the hobbit is infinitely more entertaining than Lotr
Being a "father" means he eventually had offspring to carry on his legacy.
NOPE, literally nobody even reached Tolkien's toes, he was a fucking genius and current fantasy "writers" are disgraceful.
Metal Slug 3 has you team up with the bad guys for the final mission; does that count?
As long as you don't steal anything
Isn't this dude literally vegeta 0.5
There aren't goblins in the setting but there are orcs.
It's Toriyama's work. He can only draw 5 characters. Vegeta, Goku, Trunks/Bulma and Gohan.
sick burn
And Cell
mhmm, we could even be more than friends, if you want
Fumes from the hagbow mate
rots the brain
Same with Leone, nobody has ever made a western that comes close to being as kino as his classics.
>vermintide is dead
>quick play only puts me with bots
>merc bot is actually pretty good always shouting
>ranger bot gives me free ammo and bombs
>elf bot doesnt steal my shit
I want a story or movie involving Middle-Earth from the perspective of the Easterlings. Their armor design in the movie was kino, too bad we never got to see the Persian style ones fight.
Final Fantasy X has some stuff with the Al Bhed people, Yuna and Wakka
Super Robot Wars Xand T have a few anime rivalries that become bros. Amuro and Char, Joe and Maito, the wataru kids
I play on PC and never have problems finding games on Legend.
Did we ever find out what happened to the Easternlings after Return of the King?
Aragon fights some wars with them and peace is eventually made
same deal with Harad
I think the books said that Gondor gradually built uneasy relations with them.
The armored bad-ass ones fight on even after the "free people" humans and the elves and dwarfs outnumber them, the only army in Sauron's remaining forces that fights to the last man while the Orcs and others flee.
They were eventually defeated and forced to take a peace with Gondor and eventually settled down. Though iirc in the books that took either decades or centuries.
Were they even used in either of the Shadow of Mordor games?
Nope. I don't think they've even been used much in any of the Lord of the Rings games at all.
>Shadow of Mordor games?
speak not of such evils
Well if you were gonna design a good LOTR game and wanted to include the Easterlings, what would you make it? Third-Person hack'em slasher with beat em' with RPG mechanics?
>what would you make it?
Dwarf extermination simulator at Erebor
The bots use whatever load out you set in character options. Use 3x shouts and they'll constantly stun everything.
He could draw much more stuff until 92 or so when he stopped giving fucks. Toriyama's vehicles and mechanical shit were 10/10 around the "original" DB
He drawn a lot of creppier looking Cells based on the imperfect versions that were never used
dow2 hardest/larp mode with space marine soundtrack
lotr 3 from ps2
Vermintide isn't dead, you dunce. Right now there's games in the lobby browser, quickplay is fast as fuck, and if you *really* want to wait- buy the Beastmen DLC coming out.
Somebody, just post a webm of Legolas doing cool stuff.
isn't it free?
Ike and Lethe's support tree in FE9 was great. too bad he was gay.
I love skeletons.
I wish more games had playable skeleton options.
They grew both as friends and soldiers, fighting alongside one another despite cultural differences for the common good of both races. Like the English and French in WWI. I don't think it's directly allegorical (Tolkien hated allegory) but it feels sort of informed by some of the cross-cultural friendships he developed when you're forced into fighting alongside different people, particularly in the Battle of the Somme.
Trolls are the true master race
Vermintide 2 if you throw pol level banter and dont care about consequences.
>he can't handle a single meme
>>>out with you, snowflake
Unironically SCP Secret Laboratory before the discordfags killed it
Jullikas, housderloop and nigmode ruined it
Halo 2 and 3
I was there, elf is actually giving him a pouch with all of his life savings in hopes of being spared.
>but gobbos
So what? Dorf fucked them up, saw some elf hiding behind trees and called him over lest he fuck his ass up and took his shit to get some free brew on because gobbos have jack shit for money.
Vermintide 2. Deep Rock Galactic
Never thought Id post cunny side by side with a NIGGER
Remember, around elves watch yourselves
what are some games where I can play as a based dwarf? im talking burly, bulky, alpha stance dwarves
see and add Dragon's Crown, and possibly Borderlands 2
you do a good job of capturing the writing style of the lore sections in the D&D books. if you'd just bullshitted me and said you pulled it from some obscure rulebook i would have believed it.
Try Deep Rock Galactic for a modern take. Mining and shooting and drinking.
Good taste, I haven't played in a couple updates but it was really fun the last time I had a few runs.