Hello, we're the biggest cunts in Monster Hunter

Hello, we're the biggest cunts in Monster Hunter.

Attached: longsword.png (320x320, 9K)

Other urls found in this thread:


*trips you*
I think you mean biggest Chads.

>biggest cunts
those would be dual blades

C'mon bro, just get Flinch Free! You should totally spec your build around me being a dumbass! That's fair right?

I don't get it. All weapons are valid in this game.
There isn't any one weapon that makes me think "this hunt is now worse".
But, everyone else seems to have that reaction to certain weapons.

What the fuck did you just say about me you little bitch? LSchads carry your quests, runt.

Oh, you're not a hammer user and you're going for the head? Yeah right... Stay out of my way!

HEY *charge shells you * GUYS ARE YOU READY TO *charge shells you * FIGHT THE T.ZAMATRIOS??? *charge shells you * Let's go kill that *charge shells you * thing!! *reloads* *charge shells you * don't worry, I'll go for the head, hammer bro! *charge shells you * I got this!!

Nice job sleeping that monster LBG player, holdup GS player I got this! *wyvern fires*

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That's anyone who is swinging on the monster in the same spot as you are and have been.

People who don't know the game and the group meta are way worse.

I mean, are they really? These days I get tripped more by glaive users in both GU and World. Hell these days I see more glaive users eat shit harder than LS users.

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For me, it's the Hammer.


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>Doesnt equip a Brace jewel into all sets you use in Multiplayer

>LittleToms pfp is Hammer

Now this is my type of thread

A properly spec'd WF will actually outdamage the TC of most GS builds, the only builds it doesn't beat out or come close to are those max damage builds that sacrifices everything for maximum power.

DB, LS and IG users should die in a fire.
Hammer bros are based and actually know what they're doing, wdym weewee cunt?

>it's another GS user whines because he got between a LS and the monster
Not our fault you play a weapon for brainlets that gets double cucked with charge times

no, because while WF is higher in damage, it actually is 3 different hits, one explosion and 2 mini explosions
GS TSC(world)/C.Draw Lv3(GenU and before) is one hit, so it benefits more from the sleep multiplier

Eh I know the game enough to know my zone in a fight, every once in awhile I get tripped but not enough to really hate certain weapons. GS for life baby.

Imagine actually taking Solo weapons like LS, GS, and CB to a group hunt.

You aren't a hammer bro, you're a fag with a hammer
A hammer bro welcomes the chance to spit roast a monster with a LS, bashing away at its head putting the monster into a coma while LS chops it up from behind and getting those tail cuts

I miss release era MHW. The game was so alive with so much people doing coop.

Now it's a dead place.

>play world with friend
>he only plays bow and keeps spamming that fucking pebble rain move

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This is how it should work. In practice, it goes like:
>LSfag: *sees monster head being crushed by hammer bro*
>Also LSfag: Mind if I cut in? *stops you mid Big Bang combo*

That's what happens when you haven't had any content worthwhile since D.Jho.
Lunastra was just another Teo
Kulve and Behemoth were a boring MMO-tier encounter

95% of end game is still fight the 4 elder dragons.
End game started with tracking and fighting all 4
then getting geared by fighting all 4
then getting streamstones and decos by fighting tempered version of all 4
then getting minor upgrades by fighting ARCH tempered versions of all 4

>Bitch and moan about getting hit in a game with oversized weapons
Come on, you're not this stupid are you?

Hush, you already proved you weren't a bro, go back to GS

That's why you use upswing
It even sends those with flinch free flying

>charges into the group knocking everyone down
What's going on guys

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I only complain because I carry every hunt I'm a part of, but such is the life of us quaint, humble-minded Switch Axe users.

I-is longbow ok though?

>play MH with friends
>half of them go bow, refuse to even try melee
>play Mordhau with those same people
>they go bow again, won't touch melee
How do people play these games with great melee combat but go for the ranged options that don't feel half as good, while insisting that they're going with the better choice?

Nothing better than establishing dominance as hammer player by launching niggas when they approach the head.

Oh, you don't like not being top DPS in your group and not being able to clip those sick ass Helm Breakers, o thy xXxX_BLOODKILLER_XxXx? Those retarded hammer fags not giving you the honour to do ineffective attacks against a monster part your weapon is suited for? Yeah, I'm going back to GS, o Lord

You can solo normal Teostra under a minue with a longbow.

Is this quest supposed to take 30 years?
everytime i go on an expedition i can only find like 3-4 tracks

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>people actually bring this weapon to Ancient Leshen

I have no problem with LS users any other time, but fuck off and bring anything else for Leshen, he's small as shit and you just stagger everyone during openings.

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>play bow
>get chunked in one hit

I don't care if it does more DPS, I want to stay alive.

As long as you aren't arc shooting when playing with others nobody cares what you do. In fact nobody cares about ranged users in general.
t. used ranged in every generation

Because people believe in their minds they are true snipers. Guess what? 9/10 they aren't and it takes less effort to shoot people from afar than learn how a combat system works.

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>be gunlance
>be flex on where to attack because fixed damage
>let LS and GS friends cut tails
>let hammers and horns ko
>let bowfags and bowgunners have a clear line of sight
Play a real weapon

you go on normal hunts and find pink rathian tracks in them. Completing the mission will then give some bonus points toward the tracks

Glaivebros report in

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mein negger

I make sure to do this every chance I get. Outta my way idiots!

The people that shit on other weapons are just shit at their own, and rely on others to carry their weight.

Yeah bro we should all avoid the head and therefore do less damage overall making the hunt take longer, just so you won't cry and feel useless with your hammer and even when you won't even land a KO!

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Go back to aero's harem and develop that boipussy with your stick

Hammerbros and competent CB dudes are my niggas all day every day.

pic related

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>have one faggot tripping everyone while they all try and mob the head
>stop at least person from doing damage entirely
>cut tail for like 10% less damage
>but have an entire other hunter doing full damage

>admitting to being a 20 IQ LStard
slam dunk

>all this ass pain and projection
Once again proving you weren't a hammer bro and were just a fag with a hammer hoping his weapon choice would give him status

>How did you know I was a Chad?

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We need more DB that are gloves

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can't slot in one (1) flinch free deco. you deserve it.

Attack the legs and get the bitch to fall over so the head's easier to hit. See? Now even your dumbass can be a team player!

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Zero isn't a reploid

Is going max guard with sns viable? Switched to CB to tank some hits but I'm missing the mobility

>For me its SNS

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Look I didnt make the fucking picture

>put a single (1) decoration in your set and avoid most of your problems since hammercucks will even complain about HHbros flinching them
>cry like the cucks they are on a bangladeshi kite testing forum

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SNS are based and are THE only reason you fuckers cleared Behemoth.

I just fucking love Lance and faggots need to learn to stop getting in the way

Ah a true gentleman and scholar. Not enough SnS Chads

I'm autistic don't yell at me

>spin to win
they fucked the hammer in world hard. it used to require excellent positioning. now you can spin anywhere.

I thought the only reason I cleared EX behemoth was because I joined 3 HBG users who spammed cluster bombs?

Alright guys,
what's your weapon and who are the hunters you get along the most with?

SNS, also bow and hammer
Everyone but LS basement weebs

HH users are a;ways based.
GS and Hammers.

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DB\Bow. I play solo most of the time and the people I rarely play with normally change weapons every hunt

>fight against KT
>local caveman hammer user complains (the only thing they can do) about everyone else not letting him attack
At some point they should realize that it's not everyone else's problem, but theirs

There's no inbetween for hammerfags, they're either neanderthals like that or absolute bros, and all the bro ones use flinch free

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I use every weapon not Glaive. I get along with my best friend who purely uses hammer, dual blades, and lance.

I'm pretty sure I cleared Behemoth by being a based as fuck Lancechad and luring those goddamn tornadoes away from the DPS shitters

Tfw started with hammer and addicted to CB now. Been wanting to try hammer again because I used it throughout generations. Should I do it? I love the idea of Elementaless Diablo Sledge


>Hammers, GS, Lance

Long Sword
Other Long Sword users since we actually know how to position ourselves and don't clump together like idiots hitting each other
You all do know that long swords flinching others was drastically reduced in MHW right, you aren't all a bunch of misinformed retards spouting memes you dont understand right

Can Horns even flinch? I'm pretty sure with the recital, yes, but regular attacks don't. Right?

they do flinch

>play hammer and hh
>GL friend won't get off the fucking head and bitches at me that he isn't doing optimal damage if he's not glued to the head

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>one (1) slot is "speccing" a build
also, yes. you must adjust to your environment. don't you adjust to retards around you irl?

HH is just the smart man's hammer.

The stamina Oil gimmick is fucking broken.

People actually play the cuck horn? Why wouldn't you just play hammer and contribute more than your songs ever would

Bad at game and prob just tune in the back like a shitter.

This is my weapon. There are many like it but this one is mine.

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Iceborne better make horns great again.

>no GS in the group
>tfw you get to blow up the barrel

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Damage numbers were a mistake because now nobody is really learning how to make their weapon useful when in a group, instead they just want that big damage from the head so they'll trip over one another for it. It's a co-op game, stop thinking about yourself and learn how to work with others.

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Horn move set is more fun

>Hello, we're the biggest CUTS in Monster Hunter.

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alo monsieur

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Yea Forums hates world so they're likely just talking about the other games

How is KB/Mouse now?

I didn't know Guts played basketball.

Hammers don't look like bass guitars and key-tars now do they?

Attached: Horn Rockin.gif (256x146, 728K)

It's an OVA, non-canon unfortunately.

Gunlance and Sword/Board
Horn players are absolute bros. Keep on playing you mad fuckers.

>Be me, Hammerbro.
>Comboing and dabbing on Kulve's head
>Some rando who's a low-tier streamer goes for a helm splitter
>I accidentally golf swing him before he can connect
>He then private chats me and cusses me out for making him look bad on stream
>His stream chat shits on me
>I then proceed to "accidentally" goof his connects
>I end up getting the Longsword he'd been looking for for weeks
Wish I knew what his full stream name was.

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Who's going to be playing Dauntless on the 20th?

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Played MHGU up until 9 star village now and have never played LS until the last hunt.

That shit is so fucking mashy, goddamn.

No but they're actually useful

>There are many like it but this one is mine.

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Nigger why? That shit is old as fuck by now isn't it?

get the fuck out of my way losers

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>caring about utility over style

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So is a hunting horn user if playing properly. Shame that won't happen again because Capcom thought it was a good idea to remove double notes.

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gunlance is punishment for every lance user you tripped
every stray shell hitting you is justice delivered

its a careful balance

no that would be light bow gun

because HH used to be fun
i actually hate worlds horn but play it anyway
guess i am a cuck

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hey guys sorry i'm late just gonna use negate knockbacks real quick

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sup bro

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I go out of my way to shell LS users that trip me

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Get the fuck out of here with that gay ass shit.

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>tons of songs that are hella useful and make some hunt so much more enjoyable
>horn users are praised as bros aside from the occasional corner cancer
>played by chads that spend the entire hunt glued to the monsters head and has his entire song list up, even the shitty ones no one needs just because he can
>attack up horns are the only viable horns, all utility songs do nothing because status effects all for dumbed down so retards dont cry
>worldlet normies infest the series

what went wrong?

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*lv3 charges your path*

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>not wanting to plunge your hot switch-axe blade deep into a monster as it bursts inside

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>monster gets downed
>intentionally waste your wyvern fire doing no damage so you can hit some random and stop him hitting the monster

shells are powered by pure concentrated spite

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The fuck is wrong with you?

Worldbab here. Using LS in my first playthrough of GU. Is Aerial viable?
It seems pretty cool, and I love the huge air slashes you can do. But I wonder how the damage output compares to Striker.
I can deal with the loading times and shitty visuals but holy fuck I hate not having damage numbers

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>set up a wyvern fire
>other hunters start wailing on the monster to my side
>slowly tilt my wyvern fire to my side
>knock away entire team
Oops, sorry about that

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But charged shell spam does fixed damage no matter where you hit them. Why would any to GL players who's using a charged shelling build be head hogging?

>shield bashes you

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So is Iceborne making it so you can just do a lv 4 charge to get a TCS from any charge? Does this revive the crit draw meta for GS?

I play Lance
Hammer and Horn are absolute top tier bros

You can still hit the head in a way that doesnt trip everybody else you fucking waste of a slot. Retards like you are why people complain about LS, you run right up the the middle of the head and start doing the spirit combo while everybody else is hitting the head without tripping other users or the are breaking parts on the monster for more drops.

aerial is a meme

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hon hon hon

*nerfs you stamina buff*
*nerfs you status negate buffs*
*remove double notes*
*simplifies your moveset*

heh nothing personnel

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>Little cunt in a room sat back while everyone fights the monster
>After the tail gets cut his friend pings and he goes in for the tail
>he's geared well enough for the hunt but refuses to do anything and we haven't carted
>mfw he goes for the carves after the monster fell and he sat in the zone before it so he contributed jack shit to the hunt
I wanted to share that since Monster Hunter remains as the most frustrating but fun multiplayer titles I ever got into but the player types you witness is absurd. 4U was a testing ground of patience.

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learn to pay attention to your hitstop and the "blood" flashes, the more the spot you hit bleeds, the more damage you're doing

i don't know anything about GL but i think he was going on about a slam attack or something

People claim Mh was always normieshit but christ am i exageraring when i say world made the comunity fucking worse with all these normalfags and streamers like in your anecdote

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I started off with longsword and still love it but the hammer is my one true waifu

>complaining about LS
Always a sign of a bad player, you wouldn't stick your hand in a blender would you?

one of the few good things World did in regards to multiplayer was let you kick people mid-hunt

I still don't get striker DB

GS and Funlance
Hammers and Horns are generally cool dudes.

havent seen this version
thank god someone finally put effort into the alchemy section

you need a billion dash juice to do anything so you'll wind up farming R Ludroth a lot

>Not just calling it Sword

Post your main weapon progression throughout the series.
Flip flopped around after but always found myself going back to GL.

>Is Aerial viable?
Short story, who cares? Long story, who cares? It's as says, Aerial is for shits and giggles though some classes do indeed benefit from it. Just not LS compared to say Adept or Valor.

>holy fuck I hate not having damage numbers
You shouldn't need a little numbers popping up telling you your performance. Pay attention to where you're landing your blows.

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Thanks user

is it homo when you play with a fellow GL user and you instinctually sync all your wyvern fires together so you rub tips before exploding?

Why are there barely any HH players online?
t. HH user

>bow>GL>evade lance/swaxe

Which sword, the dual swords? The long sword? The great sword? The sword form of switch axe? Oh I get it, you mean the sword of the charge blade

I don't understand, it's not a problem for hammer when you can just fling people out of the way

Thank you. Alchemy SA is legit.

That sounds a bit gay to me , user


Too many low IQ players brother

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Download the item packs while you're at it. You'll get like over 50+ Mega Dash Juice from that alone.

See . Also World's horns look like hot garbage so nobody wants to use them.

Cuck job that even if it keeps its attack up active the entire time contributes less dps overall than just playing any other weapon
A palico contributes more than a horn

Is half price worth getting MHW for PC simply for the better frame rate?

still play a lot of HH and Lance but LS is so easy and fun that i end up playing it most of the time.

LS are faggots but any Hammer user that isn't running Flinch Free in multi-player is just as much of faggot. That shit is basically mandatory because of the way power charge works.

if you value framerate that much then sure.

Are there really people who don't bring a flinch free deco in multiplayer?

Just play solo if you can't handle multiplayer

>no button to avoid sliding and consequently, spinning
>highest consistent dps for hammer
>requires zero (0) skill

>Cluster bomb shit out of monsters every time they get down
>Friends reeeee every time when they get hit

feels good mang

GS > LS/bow > SnS > SA > hammer/lance > HH > guild HH > striker gunlance > HH/GL

dabbled with glaive and CB a little in a few games but never get a feel for either

Started with FU

LS>Hammer>GS>all kinds of random shit over the years>DB>LS

The counters and helmsplitters keep fueling my dick

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>like 60% of all of them are basic generic katanas
>Witcher event doesn't give a longsword despite him using a fucking longsword
Big think. Give us more European style longswords you slant eye fucks.

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just get your friends to play cluster spam as well so none of you actually have to play the game

3U: Hammer
4U: CB/Hammer/GS
FU: Hammer/LS
World: Blanka Ball

I already do that these days anyways. All the retards who constantly cart just make quests unbearable, easier and faster to just do it by yourself.


where did you get that idea from? and wouldn't the draw crit just affect the smaller first hit of the tcs?

Now I live for those moments where the TCS hits the monster's face.

>DS - "wow two swords, look at all the hits, look at all the demon dances"
>SnS - "oh I find this a lot more relaxing and focused"
>GL - "nope too galaxy-brained for me"
>Bow - "nope I take too much damage to live"
>CB "SnS with counters, KO and ability for burst damage while the monsters down? Alright, pack it up, I'm content"

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Naw, it's much more fun this way

Strated with MH2

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>+DS - "wow two swords, look at all the hits, look at all the demon dances"
>-shields ain't actually for pussies

just came in to the thread to call you based, hammer is the chad's choice

>LS users take all the heat
>meanwhile i'm tempest axe flurrying
>no one is allowed even remotely close

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I can handle multiplayer, just needs to be with people I trust, aka my best friends. I almost never hunt with randoms anymore for anything.


can you transfer your character info to the switch version if i only played regular generations on the 3ds?

Yeah you gotta get the save transfer app on 3ds.

CB, SnS, Swax
Swax, Lance, Hammer

>AT Niggergante during Springfest
>Decent success rate after day 1, about 50%
>AT Niggergante after Springfest ends
>0% success rate, can't even get to nest before shitters cart out and/or abandon

rip anyone who didn't get all the tickets they needed during the festival cuz the shitters have taken over. at least with tree you can chug potions to keep shitters from carting but nig hits too hard and one-shots with DB so trying to sos him is pretty much impossible now.

i hope we are all in agreement

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hammerlads are so full of themselves

I don't know how you managed to get it completely backwards

What makes Hammer and HH chad?

I'm a 4u babby
CB until World then dropped it because it was absurdly broken and not fun to play because it lost any and all technical depth with the overall playstyle is now unga bunga saed.
Dropped it for GS.
Went back to older titles and did Hammer/GS exclusively
CB needs rebalancing with Iceborne. Red shield should be consumed with SAED again.

just do him solo

Swap Gunlance with OG Lance and you're golden

>he doesn´t solo his ATs

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Kinda just bounce between all of these nowadays, I have at least tried every other weapon a couple of times each, they never really caught my attention like what I listed though

Just use an easy mode face rolling weapon like Bow or CB and solo him?

Nothing, at best hammer is a useful idiot for stuns and horns are like letting your brother control Tails in Sonic 2 and telling him hes helping

What the fuck is the monhun team even doing with the CB? Apparently it was clunky a heap of shit in base 4, then it was pretty as a postcard in 4U, then it was gutted in Gen and now it's just a fucking portable cannon.
I just want 4U's CB with World's side sliding.

>main HH and LS equally
what are you gonna do faget?

okay heres the real list

Attached: for real.png (428x332, 45K)


only chads use this

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not every long sword user is faggot but every faggot is a long sword user

ehhh, move GS down a notch and we're straight

Switch Axe/Lance

Other Lance bros are welcomed as well as HBG and Hammer

This is why I gun gun my mon mons. Only thing I gotta worry about is retard dual blades fudging aerial raves.


Attached: IMG_4723.jpg (768x1024, 54K)

>CB's KO values were a little too high
>damage was fine because it was still below HBG, IG, and GS

>nerfed all motion values and KO values
>removed sword -> axe / axe -> sword / GP -> morph shortcuts

>buffed damage
>add GP->Axe chop so GPing had a reward again
>added pizza cutter hunter art


They don't know what they want with this weapon.

you make a good point

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Go to coral highlands. Takes like 5 minutes

>hitting the head as a ls user
Let me guess, you've never hunted G rank

How do you fight this asshole
How do you fight any tigrex

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The only brainlet here is you because GS charges prevent them from getting tripped by other players unless you launch them

>all of these betas seething over Hammerbros

not him but they take me too much time. 30-40 mins. then i see videos of people doing them in under 4 mins and feel like shit

I only play solo but I do use this weapon, I’m gonna start playing online soon. What’s wrong with using that sword?

Where's the fucking challenge in that?

>most beta weapons to most alpha weapons

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absolutely based, realest weapon

>beta weapons
I bet you think HH is a support weapon too

headlock with GS


>ranges weapons
you fucked up

I miss normal shelling sending people flying, GL is just not the same anymore

is it true you attacked with the right stick in mh1?

Wtf im good now


all weapons are alright in my book

and Dos, it led to some interesting stuff where you could do directional attacks while running in a certain direction but I like having good control of the camera more than being able to a do a few situational moves

I just started and like Insect Glaive the most. Does it get a lot of shit?

let me guess, you don't know what a hitzone value is and think that status thresholds work the same as in previous games

>most fun
>is also the worst weapon ever made
>didnt even get put in world
What went wrong

its mostly residual 4U hate
just dont spam your jump like a useless cunt and stand on the ground and do some damage and you'll be fine

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Aerial sword and shield is fucking fun, especially as a support role online.
>lose basically no moves
>dodge flying and come back down with a clean hit
>that's two chances of mounting while doing good damage
>use items with weapon out
>Wide-Range lets you heal teammates with normal potions and shit
>shield bashes for impact damage in case you want to break a horn or something

It's like a swiss knife, one-size-fits-all combination. You can contribute with damage whenever your party is not in danger and just save them at minimal cost when they are. No more frustration at newbies making mistakes.

*Upswings you* heh... nothin' personnel...

Not sure why my image didnt get uploaded fucking chinkmoot

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Switch hammer with CB and it's good.

Is it furry if you find some of the monsters sexy? What about the Palicoe chef in MHW?

Furry and gay.

If wanting to fuck Mizu is wrong I don't want to be right.

Don't forget that unless they reverted it since I last played, World's application of status got changed so that KOs are a massive pain in the ass now and in general monsters have comparatively less HP. I used to be guaranteed a solo KO when hunting with buddies and could push for a second if needed but in world it's a major fucking chore to get one done with HH before the monster's melted.
Also maybe it's just me, but the >feel of HH this time around is just a little off, it went from feeling like you were swinging a weight on the end of a stick to feeling like you're swinging a log/club. The hitbox seems to connect sooner and the reach either was reduced or feels reduced because of that? HH bitching aside they made GL actually not suck giant cocks this time around so I guess it's not all bad.

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>switch axe will never be this fun in mainline
why live man

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>tfw HH/GL and used to hammer before they were added

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Why do we hate GS again?

Because I still find it fun even in mainline.

>not doing an aerial build
reminder that Fun is BiS


>parries to refill meter
>fade slashes with iframes

I want this

the only solo weapon is hammer. you can still co-op with it just fine, but it's way more satisfying solo

Because its good and somewhat elitist. It's not flashy at all and does nothing "super well/cool" other than damage. Also playing it properly in world is actually a little hard compared to some other weapons.

GS was designed with solo in mind

>Like big swords
>Great swords don't really look like swords
>Too many longswords are weeb stick trash
>Switch axe feels like it has half of a move set
I just play LS and get to avoid weeb sticks as best I can.

GS benefits from hitstun more than any other weapon, what the fuck

>he thinks a ls is more valuable on the head than a fucking hammer

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what's elitist about it? World was my first MH game and GS is pretty simple. It was my first main weapon for ~100hrs of play, and it's easier to grasp what to do with it (a little trickier to master though)

>love insects

>favorite animal is beetle
>fucking hate IG

the buff system is stupid and the combat it's fun enough to justify using it.

Is the healing augment any good or should I just stick with affinity/gem slot augments?
I assume the healing is on a cooldown like it was in 4U

go for the tail you nerd

How does cutting Elder Dragon tails/horns work in multiplayer? I got bored once and made a full partbreaker set specifically to cut off tails and break horns in MP and I was lucky to break both horns or get the tail before the monster died.
I heard once that you literally can't cut off the tail/horn until the ED was below some threshold of HP like 40% or something. Is that true and i'm just wasting my time?

GS doesn't need hit stun what are going on about.
GS is about timing your attacks to clock monsters on the noggin through pattern memorization. In multi monsters are too unpredictable with their random targeting to reliably sink your blade between their eyes.

GS shines in solo play.

the buff system is pretty interesting, but I hate how 'naggy' it feels -- like a thirst or hunger meter in a survival game you have to constantly refill

Healing augment has no cooldown in world it's actually busted. Sucks on fast weapons like Dual Blades though.

dont worry all the best end game bugs are moths anyway do you dont even get to keep the beetle
IG is a huge let down

Lance okay or would the healing still be too low?
I need something to make this fucking weapon work on ballsack and leshen

Heal is ridiculous. On the meatier weapons you're almost invincible unless you're the worst player alive or up against something that likes to stun or can oneshot you.

Hammer"""bro""" detected. They're the most autistic class of weapons, hammer users never shut the fuck up about how "xD le hammer bros!" Every other weapon class is generally chad enough to not be affected much by tripping, but hammer users are so anemic and pathetic that a gust of wind trips them--hence why the LS enrages them so much, because it's just the right combination of length and speed to disrupt them and only them.

All things considered, IG/DB is far more disruptive to every other weapon class, so LS bitching is how you know it's a hammer user. The great irony is that hammer users are often 10x more disruptive than an LS user could ever be--spamming their fucking upswing and sending every teammate flying, which CAN'T be protected against by Flinch Free. Speaking of which, a rational person understands that, when playing multiplayer, running Flinch Free is a near necessity for melee users. Hammer dorks just scream "UNG BUNG ME WANT HIT HEAD" and don't pause for a minute of contemplative thought.

yeah they made healing and health regen a little crazy in mhworld

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Should be fine it heals a percent dealt per hit so on dual blades and bow even though both are strong in world the way the augment works doesn't work well with those two especially.

remember when getting three high end decent skills on a clown suit was a huge achievement?

>attack up horns are the only viable ones
Would anyone be opposed to the idea of just removing au from the possible song list and instead moving it to the encore of double white(aus) and purple(aul)? Like shit pretty much every horn becomes viable at that point as the other two damage boosting songs are so mediocre.

The more people of a particular weapon/class/race talk about how "bro" they are the more of an insecure faggot they are and this applies across all games
See dwarf players in any game for example

>In fact nobody cares about ranged users in general.
that's not what people say when there's a support LBG that's healing almost as effectively as a SnS, sleeping the monster constantly (up to 3 times) and paralyzing it constantly (up to 3 times), allowing for a ton of wakeup bombings
I felt pretty appreciated when I ran that build. The combined damage as well as the safety and attack opportunities it provided made up for me being a massive cuck who was too scared to come within melee range :^)

World's skill power creep is unreal and I'm not sure if they know how to fix it in Iceborne.

World's skill system is a mistake.

why no stun res for a build that plans on getting hit

I usually swap out 3 evade windows for it,

I agree emphatically.

I mean it werks. It tends to slow the hunt down but it’s fun and good for part breaks.

Bow>SA for most part of the game>GS

I'd bump lance and swaxe. Lance users literally make behemoth possible and you need to be a real madman for swaxe (especially because it's kinda meh).

literally anyone because I don't aim at them and they don't hit me (unintentionally)

Mindless and overpowered

Mindless but not OP

Requires little thought, is pretty damn strong

Requires some thought, does mediocre damage

>does mediocre damage
Even with attack up XL?

Help me git gud at GS in GenU

>what's your weapon
Hammer, Switch Axe, Great Sword
>who are the hunters you get along the most with?
If i'm not playing Hammer literally anyone because nobody seems to try attacking the tail.
If i'm playing Hammer I probably just forgot to switch my weapon. Dealing with spastic MP monsters is too bothersome.

just plug your controller in

GS and Swaxe

Basically everyone that doesn't go for the tail.

>little thought
>not mindless

>You shouldn't need a little numbers popping up telling you your performance. Pay attention to where you're landing your blows.
I don't need it for that, it would just make it way easier to tell how much I'm doing with one Style/Weapon compared to another.

What are you trying to say about SA?

Not him, but I main SA and i'd say it's more mindless than a good bit of the other weapons.

>Why yes, I am a greatsword artist. How did you know?

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I don't mind playing HH, but when the rest of the team is doing less damage than me and dragging the quest into 20-30+ minutes ea, you'll need to bring a bigger and sharper stick to clear it faster yourself.

AT Elders make me question why Im even playing HH in world.

I exclusively use Hammer in every MH game.

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Nice naruto run

Biggest cunts title goes to lance users

How to handle tornado dragon as a longsword user?

dragonseal and rocksteady mantle

>long sword
>it's not what western people would usually call a long sword, but a big kataner
>the jap version calls them tachi, as it should
why would you do that

Swap to bow


This Longswords are like japs that bow and apologize for everything because they know they're shit.
Dual blades are the real cunts, that act like they're doing shit (that isn't tripping teammates and missing the monster).

Ive played every single weapon since tri but SnS is always my go to. Too bad world fucked it with that awful jump attack, using that move feels like shoving your arm up your own anus

If you dont use IG youre parents never loved you enough to teach you how to have fun

Lance. I get along with anyone because I can position anywhere I want easily.

I bet you just fly around in the air doing no damage

I love GS?

World bowguns and gu adept bowguns are the only playable ones. How the fuck do people play these before styles and world

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So it's settled then? Fuck all you faggots Hunting Horn is king. Infin stam, divine blessing, tremor/roar/poison negate. attack/def boost, extra elem res/elem negate. KO, plus even has a move to cut tails.

Ya'll are low skill fags and HH rules over you all. Eat my shit.

>use IG for the longest time
>fun playstyle and bugbro
>tfw switching to Lance

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Through sheer dps really. Kelbi sling was pretty fucking funny due to its stagger

All these MH threads got me to return to MHGU. Does anyone want to get a room together?

Because it's a sword and it's long

>looks down because I'm an IG fag

you all are cunts I'm the only one doing any damage. Any by damage I mean no damage but looking damn good while doing it.

I’ll be able to in an hour or two

Imagine complaining about weapons because you're too shit to hunt alone.

I just unironically love the weeb samurai aesthetic, LS feels so good to use.
I've been branching out into CB and Bow lately, but I used a LS in one of those arena quests and it felt like reuniting with an old friend.

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Fuck yea IG bros

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>tfw main SA, LS, and DB
you guys must really hate me

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Fashion hunters are the biggest cunts
Always whining about getting their shit kicked in because they want to walk the runway instead of shutting up and living with their decision

idk about MHW, but in MHGU greatsword is great in multiplayer. You can just stealth sheath your sword and hit&run for the most part.

that's an awfully small cloaca for such a big animal

>tfw worldbab because don't own any nintendo consoles.
Atleast i'm having fun, but hearing people speak so highly of the other titles over it is a bit saddening.

every game can be emulated

you can emulate GU although it has a much smaller multiplayer pool on the 3ds emulator, Idk what the switch emulator looks like right now.

Lets hope my barely up to par PC can emulate it.

I'm a SA and CB guy, how're they in other games?

World has the most powerful iteration of both, as it does most weapons, but CB is busted in 4U, nerfed some in XX, and SA is pretty good in both 3rd gen and 4th gen

SA is really fun with tempest axe and valor. Tempest axe gives you a big buff to axe mode and valor makes switching strong and goes directly into the buffed hack and slash combo. Otherwise you’ll probably be running striker which lets you stay in a buffed sword mode for the entire hunt, but that’s boring. Don’t know how charge blade is in comparison to world, but it has a fun art that turns it into the whirligig for an attack. If gu proves too much for your computer to handle I imagine unite and portable 3rd would be easier.

Wasn't expecting the wheel of death from this thing.

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Wtf i have the exact same huntress in one of my save files

God damn this bug was such a pleasant experience. He’s the only “big” monster to not bore me to tears fighting him

As a lance main this is absolutely true, LS needs to fuck off and Switch Axe needs to stop uppercutting me.

This is a massive waste of slots unless you have a phobia of taking damage

Stop getting in the way if you don't want to be sent flying

LS is too high, other than that I agree

>all these tears over hammer taunting your asses
Your complains power my golfswing

Why the fuck she so cute?

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No one else hits me, just you cunts.

>tfw play with two rangedfags so never have to worry about being hit

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>he doesn't gs in multi
You're the shitter m8


Adept gunlance is fun

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What's your friend code

>me grug
>me like grugsteady mantle and unga bunga saed

>There are idiots who don't take Flinch Free 1 into multiplayer hunts

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>have over 200 hunts in Lance
>can pretty comfortably take down tempered elder dragons
>suck absolutely shit with the Meme Explodey Lance

How I be not bad?

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The Naruto run really makes it

How babby casual friendly is Monster Hunter World? I haven't played since the offline PS2 original, and I stopped playing that when I got to the point where I had to farm sonic bombs and cool drinks so I could go to the desert and kill sand sharks.

Don't know the difference between GL and Lance but hot damn is it fun in world. Haven't used it in GU yet though so I might get disappointed when I switch back.

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you hate LS users because you wish you were aplha enough to enter a hunt, do double the dps of everyone else and parry fucking meteors



>GS > Bow

That's it, bowfag here. I also GS occasionally in multi but ever since I built all of my ele bow/status bow sets, I never play anything else.

I dislike LS in World because it's too easy to play. The counter window should be 1/2 as long as it is. Maybe even 1/4, but people would probably bitch about that.

Anyone want to help me in Grank 1 in GU?

post a room

Sure. Get a room up.

IG's aerial attacks in world are so fun, they do way less damage than they deserve.

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>be ig
>mount leshen
>some faggot uses igni on it
Stop saying it's easy. You're just making retards think it's easy, and ruining other people's runs.

The counter window isn't shit compared to some of the shit in frontier. And if you fuck it up you're taking an ass pounding 100% of the time.

I agree, IG aerial damage should be buffed. Optimal IG shouldn't be just ground based combos.

They should make IG a lot like bow, where you're given assloads of damage and mobility, but have no health.

The LS counter window is 45 frames



That's not a counter, it's basically god mode

But yeah we all know Frontier is ridiculous

>than they deserve
They should do low damage since 99% of attacks can't hit your during them. If you think about it as doing damage while dodging attacks it's a lot better than doing 0 damage like everyone else.

They should nerf invulnerability windows then. I want a weapon that attacks primarily from the air/through mounting. The fact that all TAs use ground IG is extremely disappointing. They should give IG a ton of mount damage or something.

>Powerguarding a charging monster then pivoting to tag it as it goes past.
Never gets old. I’m happy that World Lance embraces becoming the wall.

>Lances are way too oversized
>glaives have stupidly low DPS from what I've used of them, also the bug mechanic is weird for my unga bunga brain
man can we just get a spear or a halberd or something?

>They should give IG a ton of mount damage or something

please no we've made that mistake once already

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HH is far and away my favorite and best weapon. The arcs on the attacks and reach are so satisfying, plus the free-flowing combos.

My best hunting buddy's a hammer user, we end up piling on damage and stun/exhaust like crazy.

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>Enter random room with IG's
>it's always the goddamn French
Holy fuck 4U was unreal

Je suis monte~!

except it fucks it up in other ways
>power guard somehow takes more stamina to block than regular guard

You niggers have no idea how bad 4U can get online when a frenchie eats 2 carts during Teostra G-Rank.

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Try playing with three french IG players who all wipe to the same attack two minutes into the hunt.

I honestly wish this was a shitpost but mounting messages were a new level of bad.

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>all those people who couldn't beat the dalamadur urgent because they didn't know how to dive

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>Fucking around in the MHW beta
>Set my name to Baguette
>Set my language to French
>Pick the black guy preset
>Join my first lobby
>The 3 other players are actually French and all using IG
>Chat being spammed with French auto messages the entire hunt

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I use (in order of most frequent to least frequent):
Charge Blade
Light Bowgun
Switch Axe
Heavy Bowgun

I do not use:
Insect Glaive
Sword & Shield
Dual Blades

What do you rate me as?

I just want Agnaktor back. Glacial Nakky would be perfect for Iceborne.

Seems balanced to me. Power guard is super versatile letting you hold your ground and change directions so it seems fair that it would cost more.

>tfw when two ranged fags join a hunt and they start spamming clusterbombs

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mexican 4u weebs were the first uwu's i ever met in the wild

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>playing multi without flinch free
IMAGINE being this new

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But I'm a Hammer player! Everyone else should fuck off and hit the monster in the gooch for 1 damage!

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I feel in love with the chargeblade the second i picked it.

>no skills activated
>random assortment of armor pieces with even more random gems
>bringing armor that's weak to the monsters main element
>fucking tail cutting attempts with hammer users (rare but holy shit it's unreal)
I want to go back to early 4U. It's a treasure trove of chaos

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I know I'm late to the party here, but aerial is the only way to enjoy CB after they gutted guard points.

>Going through arena quests in world with hunting horn relics
>Get parred with a hammer bro
>We just take turns causing K.O. because negate stamina use
>Paralyze and Sleep on top of that because element up

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>I want to go back to early 4U.
You don't have to user. I see all that shit in Val Habar rooms daily

Help me stop using the blitz support for every single hunt

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Just hit G2, is narga x gunner worth making? I'm currently using an sns set with attack up L and status attack+2, but I want to give LBG a go.

go spread, pussy

It looks alright, I remember using Garuga for a somewhat early g rank gunner armor

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>How do people play these games with great melee combat but go for the ranged options that don't feel half as good, while insisting that they're going with the better choice?

Uhmmm, sweatie, it's not From Software games and melee weapons in MonShit are clunky, unresponsive and overall awful.

No wonder that no one wants to use them and prefer ranged.

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w-wow! he pressed the parry button!

Pro tip CB is not actually busted in 4u, this is a common misconception from shitters who dont know that cb doesnt even get close to top times in hunts

That's actually pretty cool.

Its was busted in 4, got nerf in 4U, that goes for mounting, got balance in X/XX. Capcom can't balance new shit in any monster hunter games.

If hammer need to be sharpened, then it should be able to cut tail.

Every time I see a LS user I run over him and tell him to get out of my zone to assert my dominance.

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>poke poke poke
>poke poke poke

Bitch, we Lance Chads are right at the monster's face punishing them 24/7 unlike other gay ass swordmaster weapons that need to get away, we use the most Alpha weapon.

Guildmarm is better

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Because that doesn't look like the handler at all.

Why is she so perfect? I miss her so much.

PS4fag here. How the fuck do I beat 歴戦 Nergigante?

You hit him until he dies.

You mean Hammer is, while you are doing your little hops to try to get back into position after the monster turns.

me too man . n .

I think you both mean the Longsword is while you two are rolling around.

Don’t get greedy and pray he doesn’t hit you with the double hitting slam while you’re getting up.

never post this again

In world you should just calling ti Shield then
Because 99% of the SnS dps stay in the shield bash combo

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Stunlock it to death
If it start attacking you lose

That's not a gunlance. You can deal with ls niggers by equiping 1 flinch free.

XX Dragon Blast art deals triple damage to sleeping monsters and it hits like 8 times does that mean MH devs are retarded by only tripling the damage of first tick or are you missing something.

Is this worth buying? It's 20 dollars on PSN. Is it a fun plat?

I am a dooter, and I love all other hunters equally.

MH A team is so retarded in 4U monkey farming was the end game in World they went from 1 to 4. At least B team has an assload of deviants and shit. Deviants > Apex > Arch tempered.

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Wait for Iceborne.

Hammer all day, erry day. I love my fellow hammer bros who make sure we both get head space to knock some brains out. I'm fine with anyone who isn't a complete retard, though sadly that seems to be rare. Aisha best girl.

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Why? It's an expansion pack right? I'll still have to do everything in the base game. Does progress not carry over or something?

Lance: Hammer, other Lance, LBG, HBG, HH.

LBG: only gunner weapon party is top kino, pretty much any weapon except maybe IG because those fuckers jump all the time and I always aim high to not hit anyone, so I end up hitting those retards.

>still miss 404 generals

Flinch Free isn't going to save you, meleecucks.

Attached: heavy bowgun.png (420x420, 16K)

Tri: Lance -> Hammer
3U: Gunlance -> Switch Axe
4U: Hammer -> Lance -> Greatsword -> Charge Blade -> Hammer -> Greatsword
Gen: Heavy Bowgun -> Hunting Horn -> Dual Blades -> Greatsword
World: Light Bowgun -> Dual Blades -> Longsword -> Hunting Horn

Overall, I think Greatsword, Hammer, and Lance are my favorites.

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oops i forgot
p3rd: Hunting Horn

I miss playing brave HBG in GU already.

>Hammer hasn't been the KO king since 3U
Feels bad.

>flooding forest is gone forever
Thanks water haters

>none of the World DLC ever fucking goes on sale
I just want my best girl sticker, damn it.

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>Bowchad puts Impact Mantle on
>Mashes B button as much as possible until carpal tunnel on thumb
>Monster KOs 3 times in a row, completely powerless to onslaught of coconuts
>Meanwhile hammercuck doesnt take flinch free so he cant deal damage

>epic exclusive

Any weapon with impact mantle makes hammer fucking useless
All hammer can do now is abuse slopes

Just strafe. Nigger goes in straight lines. Then smack his wings/claws a few times or his head of you're manly enough

I take Slugger 3 and Impact Mantle whenever I hammer in multi-player. It's pretty fun.

Even more so once Iceborne drops

Aerial Hammer is fun

my dick is rock hard for IG in GU but it makes me mad in World

hes retarded, if its on sale pick it up

I've never understood hate for ls when none of their abilities can knock you clean into the air and put you out of the fight for a good ten seconds like some certain retarded weapons can

LS can trip you from a mile away, Hammer sets up for an aerial.

Aerial attacks with IG fucking suck balls anyways. One is you doing a flippy spinny shit for like 1 damage per hit so you can hop back into the air and do it again for whatever fucking reason, the other makes you lose all of your momentum so actually using it to hit what you want is impossible. It shits out damage on the ground by doing attack loops by comparison.

They should have just internalized GU's aerial style vault. You can actually use it to chase people and the momentum you have makes the drop attack worth using.


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I think you mean SwSh

>GS for life baby.
my nigga!

2:09 lmao

The sun will shine on us again one day, aquabro.

lmao 1 of those purple dudes were my git gud filter. Madam butterfly was a basic goomba compared to these fuckers.

based SnS oils

MHGU horn was goat. World team gimped the weapon because casuals dont like supporting

its not that, thing was that long sword would interupt every hunters combos because people would come in with an LS swinging like an idiot.

this really.

good choice.

>tfw monster hunter online is shutting down

Glaive, Great Sword, Hammer, Twin Daggers
Hunters I like teaming with are Hunter horns gunner/bows and pretty much all hunters who do more aggroing and tanking while i deliver dps.

if that was in MH world I would be willing to learn.

>Playing MHGU with friend
>Played through the game a lot, decided to use Valor HBG
>Killing stuff so fast I am worried I am ruining their enjoyment of the game
;_; Is the game ever balanced for Valor HBG to not be busted or will I always kill stuff in like sub 5 minutes? We just hit High Rank and I'm still killing shit super fast.

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>actually playing monster hunter
No, you're a faggot just like the rest of them.

I fucking loved HH in GU but its trash in world

Based. That other one seemed like the dude never played alchemy and forgot about the 15th weapon: prowlers, for alchemy there's lots of fun weapons I myself enjoy Long shell gunlance, LBG & SA with alchemy.

And people love shitting on styles & wanted them removed. I loved how much depth & gameplay mechanics they added the only issue was the aesthetics(if u dont like asian super power shit i.e anime) & balance but MH has always been shit at balancing. I'd rather they polish & improve styles than remove such a high potential gameplay system altogether. Moving back to world makes me sad to see so many playstyles disappear in exchange for spam 1 move/combo.

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Valor HBG has the highest DPS in the game. 3 HBG and 1 LBG is endgame for speedrunners and can instantly kill super deviant under 3minutes.

Try LBG if you don't want to kill too fast or debuff LBG for meme purpose so you can stun monster and lock them in place for your teammates.

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>All of those add more things for the western AAA audience to get confused over so we simplified(dumbed down) the weapon for a better player experience.

Attached: 1558113713969.jpg (1162x850, 483K)

>better graphics
>as much FPS as you can handle
>can play with any controller/peripheral
>don't have to pay to use your internet etc.
Absolutely user everyone i've seen who's switched loves it way more on PC. I got a PS4 pro and it's garbage compared to running the game on PC.

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I don't really like playing co-operative multiplayer games because I don't like letting other people down, and I don't want other people letting me down. I once made the mistake of leaving my Pickle hunt open to the public, and some LBG guy jumped in and carted three times almost immediately.

I like playing LS, Bow, and DBs because they all allow me to stay relatively mobile while keeping up my offense. I might consider trying out Lance or Gunlance though. I just have a lot of trouble with weapons that force you to "take your turn" in battle because the hardest fights are usually the ones where I can't find any viable turns to take. Sure, one GS hit can deal like 500 damage, but I might be able to pull off one of those hits a minute while my DBs can bursts of 250-400 damage after every small opening.

Last new weapon was prowlers and those were removed or more like not added by the World team. Makes sense considering their version of palicos is barebones having a prowler based on those would be shit tier.

gunlance's strengths are being able to shit on a monster anywhere anytime since shelling ignores toughness

you play it almost exactly like lance except more manual since your counters dont just weave together seamlessly and you have to sort of make them yourself, but always take advantage of the fact that hitting the head is just a suggestion for you and not the mission statement

What's the highest DPS weapon?

Must be fun when a fucking Great Jagras takes 30min+ to hunt.

4U team is the same team that developed World. X/XX Team is the same team that developed Portable/Freedom games. CB in 4, 4u and World was all by the same team. Basically they have different design mantras and priorities I tend to agree more with XX team over 4U/World team. There's a lot of shit I wish the World team learned and brought in from XX but it seems the World team just wants to do things their way.

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LS main here, I play solo and I'm doing fine.

>Worldbabbies defend the fact that this is even possible in Monhun

use striker to start and put in all them GS arts in, once ur ok Switch to guild and valor, try out all the styles eventually tho.

Ha and dudes were saying World was gonna get rid of the anime shit in XX lmao.

>They should have just internalized GU's aerial style vault.
mhw devs seem to not want to work with almost anything from the other teams(FU/GU) games.

This is only a problem thanks to World wanting preorders and shit for "layered armor" when the previous game had full transmog and an assload of sets. Greed is the reason for this.

SA is pretty sweet in XX thanks to those glorious SA arts.

The game was made to appeal to the AAA audience in the west and it did a fantastic job of it so I'd say you're prolly going to like it.

Hunting Horn
Everyone is good (except Bow players), but when I match up with a Hammer I can tell they're more switched on by the way we're able to manoeuvre to share the head. I always see DB/LS/CB/IB users flinch each other trying to go for the same spot on a down.

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>boss how do we make swaxe good?
>uhhhh just make it play like longsword lol

what style gunlance do I use in GU
what about longsword

What is dash juice

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Everyone and no one.

Depends on the GL. Normal works well with guild and valor. Long works well with alchemy(reduced wyvern blast cd, 3 arts + super SP and barrel shakes) and valor. Wide is good with striker and alright with normal.

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slow bro here...
is this game worth $30?
played 3 on 3DS back in the day and got burnt out around 40 hours, so I'm apprehensive.

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Bow users have been the worst for me. They never know what the fuck they're doing and keep carting forever.

I recognize that Tekken waifu

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What's the go with emulating GU? I own a Switch but if the PC version runs fine and there aren't any important online hunts I'd rather save the money