Why did you stop playing?

Why did you stop playing?

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I never started

Is it worth picking up when it's on sale?

Roadhog nerf

unironically this

late 2016

FOMO. Too many characters and seasonal events

Because me and my friends all had gotten tired of the game before the beta even was over. Somehow I still play tf2 however.

sorry I can’t read

I didn't, I'm going to play it later tonight.

It stopped being fun

I realized it's a "EVERYONE IS A WINNER" game where the skillceiling is incredible low, aim doesn't matter and everyone has a I WIN button.

Playing the same 2 game modes over and over again got too repetitive.

Also too much garbage and duplicates in the lootboxes

Well there’s no events and the 2 best Skins they’ve shown all year are Exclusive to the Twitch/Pay for coins so I can’t even grind.

So fuck it for now. Summer is coming. Hopefully the break out the bikinis but I’ll settle for Mei in camping gear or one of those deep Diving suits.


because everyone who plays it is a cruel, pigheaded sociopath who is incompatible with polite society. overwatch players are fucking scum

I stopped playing because I realized I wasn't fun and I was just grinding for loot boxes and only really logging in for the seasonal events to get those skins just in case if i ever wanted to play again. So I just stopped the cycles. thank you for reading my blog post.

Terrible balance and meta and then Blizzard admitted they had wasted over 6 months of development trying to curb, "toxcity". Yes, I really want you to waste months of development time on something that is avoided by turning off chat or simply not reading it.

So it's like siege?

Blizzard-Style balance changes and too slow release of characters. I wouldn't have minded everyone being overpowered ala streetfighter 4 omega and there being a new character every 3ish months produced on a lower budget

Beginning of this year. Just didn't care for it anymore. Traded it in and haven't looked back.

Just got completely bored and competitive got tedious

never started. The player base was a massive turnoff too, this game and it's players just screams, "Babies first Video Game/FPS" Seriously Ive never seen a player base so full sensitive people who seem like they've never had banter or had been shit talked to, not one of those /pol/tards but why is Overwatch's player base so neutered?

When I realized I was playing DM more than the actual game

Because I had my fill of it? I thought it was fun experimenting with the different heroes and the like but there's only so many times you can defend and capture the same objectives before it gets old.

Even the unfiltered beauty of early TF2 didn't last forever.

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there's a better alternative, and it's free
shitposting aside, no, game's ded, not big soup rice

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This and
>dps instalocker tells me "go healer or I'm reporting you" every other match
>proceed to get two-three kills the whole round
And then blizzard sending me a warning
Fuck you blizzard, little niggers

We have this thread every day

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Bored after 3 grandmaster seasons, every game is the same meta on the same spots and the game becomes more about ulti management

Honestly, no. Got the game because friends wanted me to play with them. It's just bland dude, you think it has character but everything feels so hollow from the gunplay, movement, characters, maps, etc.

Not a fun game.

Metas lasted far too long in such a dreary state. The game didn't change, every match played out the exact same. Heroes felt samey, far too much spam. Several maps were awful.

Now the big one, the absolute killer, is that they balance the entire game around one hero: Reinhardt. This one hero is pretty much mandatory on every single map in every single comp in every single game mode. They know this and instead of fixing, balance testing, altering or working with the community to lessen his impact, they balance the entire game around him existing.

not sure, havent played a ton of siege. i only ever played overwatch because no arena fps will ever have a playerbase again sadly

Terrible balance
Brainless gameplay from heroes like Mcree and Hanzo
The game incentivizes trash gameplay

this but mainly because i was already bored with the game at this point

Fuck you bronze

I had been losing interest then dropped it for good once people started with their soldier 76 dad fetish.

>punishes you for making fun of other players
>makes fun of other players for you

Other than the obvious of Blizzard having NO idea what they're doing, it...just got boring.
I made multiple smurf accounts just to throw and fuck around and that didnt even help.
The porn is nice though.

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1. It got boring.
2. Blizzard's bullshit got on my nerves.

Went back to TF2 and haven't looked back since. Overwatch is good for porn and nothing else.

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I don't have friends anymore.

Lack of updates, unbalanced heroes ruining the game for months on end and only getting fixed right before they hit critical mass, Esports horseshit
Game should've stuck to being a TF2 clone that didn't take itself too seriously, not everything needs to be serious and competitive

- Ever shifting meta of shit balance
- Shit matchmaking
- Three new decent skins every few months
- A new OP character every few months that they nerf into the dirt a mere month later

Slow update.

They seriously do that? Damn. In TF2, I'd spam nice shot whenever a demo, or solly couldn't hit me. That's too much for people to handle these days...

The archives event ended, I'll start up again next week.

They made it so you can only have one of each hero per team in Ranked.


Overwatch porn with sound.

completely wrong, D.VA and Lucio are far more universal

cause i dont wanna play on my PC anymore and they dont let me use the same account across different consoles so i'd lose all my shit so fuck buying it again

being competitive isnt FUN

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Shit balance, hero kits got more boring, Ranked became insufferable and unfun
Im trying out the mode-editor with my brother though, that's been pretty fun

I'd be alot of trouble for nothing but I wonder how Overwatch would play in TF2 maps and how TF2 would play in Overwatch's. More so then the character's balancing, the maps in OW are atrocious.

I played it twice and then got logged out of the account, forgot the password, and the game wasn't good enough to warrant the energy it would've taken me to reset it

2fort in Overwatch. Also all Overwatch maps blow chunks.

forced 50:50 win/loss ratio

when they nerfed my mercy :(

I'm sure the latter already exists in TF2, you'd just need to find a server hosting it.

It just wasn't fun anymore. A few matches before I have the urge to up and leave. Torb, Doom and Reaper were fun for me, still.

The game's content comes in three flavors
>OP at release character
And it's been that way since launch with little to no deviation; I guarantee the summer event will be Lucio Ball a-fucking-gain just to be overshadowed by eight player FFA death matches with the budget going towards marketing and eSports. There's simply nothing to do, and whenever you're rewarded for slogging through the grind the payoff is almost never worth it.

Zero depth

Nerfing fun heroes while ignoring blatantly broken shit like Brigitte

Lucio nerfs.

All good matchmaking should eventually get you to a 50:50 ratio. If you’re not at a rank you like, git gud and stop relying on carries.

All the gay shit

Rumor is they're gonna lock the game to being forced to have 2 tanks, 2 healers, 2 DPS, and you will queue up with your role(s) pre selected and be forced to choose from only whatever role's heroes you are assigned. Seems like an idea with more plus's than negatives, but what does Yea Forums think?

Didn't it got deconfirmed by ow devs?

this, i was already bored to be honest, but this was the tipping point

I haven't heard that anywhere. Got a link? From the latest youtube videos I watched they all think its going to happen pretty soon, going live first in the OW League and then being adopted to the rest of the playerbase.

Is TF2 worth reinstalling?

>matchmaking where every game is a stomp regardless of how good you are
no its not worth it at all

Seems like it will make the playerbase even smaller and queue times even worse by punishing the most popular role.

Did they get rid of the server browser?


Fuck off

its still there but it has like 4 vanilla servers out of 2000+ servers of "LE WACKY x100000 RANDOMIZER" and "free items" servers

Why does Overwatch feel like shit as far as aiming goes? It feels like there's some built in mouse smoothing, and I only really noticed after playing other fps for a year and not touching Overwatch

rock paper scissors gameplay

I jizzed then lost interest :(

Stupid gay shit

I heard it from friends that it ain't happening soon.
here's a link i found randomly through google that explains more

they haven´t released a single straight white male hero since it´s launch
they actually managed to reduce the number of straight white male heroes

Right before Orisa released.

nerf bastion

That really sucks. I quit the game years ago when the new items/balancing got way out of hand but got a rush of nostalgia after looking at the maps, thought it'd be worth to reinstall.
Guess that's scrapped.

When they made 76 a faggot

Got bored with it

There's no problem with tracking itself, my problem though is the terrible fov and gun viewmodel fov, which means you only see a ridiculous angle of the action at once

Because 2cp maps are fucking abysmal and nothing has been done to fix any of them. I legit cannot remember a single 2cp match that was any fun in all my ~1000 hours playing. Turns out that constantly knowing that you won't have any fun for 2~3 hours at a time is a great motivator to quit playing because once you queue into Anubis and waste 45 minutes there up next is Volskaya followed by Lunar Colony each less enjoyable than the last.

Shit maps
Atrocious blizzard balance
Draconian moderation
Shit maps
One of the worst communities in video games ever
Low skill ceiling for babies first fps
Boring and stale game modes
No mods
Shit maps
No user expression at all
Jew-y tactics like making one spray have 10 recolors so you can’t get skins
The gameplay will always revolve around building a meter and pressing q better than the bad guys

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I'm pretty sure there is mouse smoothing, but I am a casual shooter player so I couldn't tell you whatever is it good or bad.

They nerfed or removed every fun mechanic on the characters I enjoyed. First Pharah, then Roadhog, then Junkrat.

That sucks, I was hoping it was actually going to happen, if only to spice up this stale game.

dont listen to that faggot. The game is still great and very much populated. The matchmaking system was shit in the beginning but it works very well now. Give it a go.

I don't like FPS. I suck at them.

i didn't like the fact that 90% of your matches are decided entirely by your team mates, somehow it's worse in overwatch even compared to other team games like dota. this never felt like such a big issue in team fortress 2, so i went back.
also, none of the maps were particularly great.


the games mechanics are at odds with themselves
no amount of balancing or addition will make this game good

I've just started playing Overwatch so maybe I'm not good enough, but it feels way harder to carry a shit team than TF2.

Easy, It's too boring. The meta is always the most safe and unfun composition of players to play, and your team will throw if you go against the flow. Or your team will just throw for no reason at all. Quick play is ass. Arcade is ass. Let me know when we get 16 v 16 matches or custom maps.

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>it works very well now
you're a retard
i shouldnt have to wait 3 minutes to get a game that isnt badwater, upward, or 2fort only to get a game thats literally over with only 4 people in it

same. game's balance is a hot mess to notice right away. It's either play that one hero to counter certain heroes or just get steamrolled since team doesn't assist in those fights.

>try it out on free weekend
>wait 5+ minutes for a match
>2 people on a team leave, and instead of auto-balancing, it just kills the whole match
>5 more minutes
>finally get a game
>not as fun as Splatoon, but with the same bullshit: crappy team, crappy time
Life is simply too short for Overwatch.

>Got bored of Paladins
>Decided to go back to Overwatch
>Had a shit ton of fun in the first match
>After that every match just came down to who had a Reinhart or played closest to the meta

I wish Battleborn didn't die.

both overwatch and TF2 are mind numbingly boring prove me wrong

Don't listen to him. There are about 5,000 maps and every game is a new one. You'll never get a handle on what the fuck is going on in time before another new map is shoved at you and every game is a one sided stomp.

you don't carry in overwatch it's a team effort the game is designed so you can't carry

it's just not fun

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Friends stopped playing one by one. Once I was alone I realized it wasn't a fun game, I just enjoyed spending time with friends.

The past couple new characters haven't been interesting to me. Doomfist and Wrecking Ball were the only good ones and the """community""' bitched about them. Imagine not wanting to play as an intelligent animal.

No because at least siege has confirmed updates released periodically over the year, while in overwatch you get given one when the devs feel like it

Randomizer by itself can be fun as fuck. It's the X100 STATS ALL CRITS shit that ruins it, and unfortunately all Randomizer servers insist on that shit now.

>very few maps
>few game modes
>terrible balance
>events were boring and repetitive
>shitty loot box system
They didn't care about the game to the lay person only competitive play. This bit them in the ass

I started to realize the PvE shit they release every fucking 3 months, only to take it away in 2 weeks.
Had more story to it (even though it was only a little) and it was more fun than the bare boned game play of 6v6.

no, but the vast majority of the playerbase plays on official matchmaking servers now. community servers are only really good for alternative game modes like jump maps.

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I insta-uninstalled

it was free for two weeks. that's as long as the fun lasts

Why do you make this thread every day?

My PC couldn't run it during the free weekends, so I never bought it


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you do know you can select which maps to queue for, right? how about you just select 3 or 4 from the same mode until you get the basics

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Hey I haven't played much much of TF2 PvE, but how does it compares to OW? The one time I played I had way more fun as Engie then I had with Torb on OW.


I was grinding boxes until I got like 10k credits saved up for this year's anniversary event, only to realize that I'll be out of the country on vacation during the entire thing and probably won't get to buy shit, so I lost motivation.

it has more fun and depth but its filled with meta autists that kick you for doing anything but the meta

The game just wasn't fun. I'd always come away from it irritated or angry. Even winning felt empty, I got no joy from it, it was just fucking boring.

Sounds about right.

Also, fuck off furry

They never properly fixed competitive. There was no major skill gap between a Diamond and a Grand Master.

Also the fact it cost like hundreds of dollars to get a bunch of skins during Overwatch League, and its basically impossible to get all the gold weapons.

Also they rarely release any new good content.

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Usually I play games to enjoy myself, and this game reminds me why I hate humanity.

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Everyone else stopped caring about winning (because the competitive people have all be banned) and now they just want to play solo in a team game, and only pick solo heroes, and not group up or communicate or any of that shit. I can sit and watch people filter into the point one at a time, because nobody cares anymore. Roleplay Only games are some of the most popular custom games in Overwatch now, that shows what kind of clientele Blizzard has catered to and what the game's become.

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Blizzard research

Balanced like shit
I don't want to play maximum tryhard every single fucking game, especially when that means tryharding in the mentioned awful balance state

Game's already basically dead anyway.

Its boring, a majority of character kits aren't fun and most people don't know how to play like a team.

>Game balance went to shit
>Most new heroes are idiotic hybrids that are way too fucking broken or just worthless
>the retarded chink monkey writing the comics has utterly fucked the lore in the ass
>the amount of SJW faggotry said monkey introduced thru the comics also didn't help
>the safe space league i mean the overwatch league

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can't carry team

>solo queue
>team has 6 people queue

I can't be reasonably expected to go up against that. And it isn't from my lack of trying - Overwatch punishes the player who maximizes his skill ceiling by nerfing characters and making everything braindead.

I cannot play as the character I want to play because either someone else has them or I have to switch or else we LOSE.

In a game where you advertise picking and playing as your favorite hero and then PUNISHING me for playing my favorite hero, how is it surprising when I don't want to play the game anymore?

>Make a game where the main selling point is the character designs and different playstyles.
>Most of the time you can't even play the characters you like because you get counter-picked or it doesn't fit the comp.

Great design philosphy.

I got bored. I don't care for competitive elo horseshit anymore as it's just too hardcore for my tastes but I still like to win. That being said, quickplay was full of people who were either so tryhard they'd afk because someone didn't pick the right meta or so casual they would pick something retarded and either contribute nothing or be a negative contribution by constantly feeding the enemy.

I got tired of shooting at barriers in chokepoints match after match

Genuinely having more fun with Apex

Extremely repetitive soulless game.

I have more fun playing on x10 randomizer servers in TF2 than playing a game of Overwatch.

No, sadly.

If 5~ minutes aggravates you Overwatch is the least of your concerns.

I stopped playing because I moved and never set up my desk properly again. I haven't played a first person shooter in 7 months now. I just play games that can use controllers because my computer is hooked up to my TV.

the whole design was around counter-picks
which would be so much better if they didn't have ultimates which punish you for changing characters

my god this

Reminder that forced esport scene ruined OW. It could of been a fun casual game to play for an hour every night, but the esport scene brought in the worst kind of retards who freak out if you don't go the meta in quick play.

yeah it's kinda fun

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Online team-based multiplayer games are a failed social experiment. It doesn't work with strangers, it only works with people you already know personally. "Groups of 2 or more established friends" is a very small portion of the playerbase.
>Let's make a game where the only way to win reliably is to work together. Let's make all the players completely anonymous, and let's have there be no real consequences for not working together.
It doesn't work. It's human nature not to work together with strangers.

Cheese flesh?

TF2 pubs are pretty fun. quake pubs have always been fun. so why base your opinion entirely on overwatch and battle royale games? retard

Nice assumptions, retard. You sound upset.

I got banned.

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you disgust me


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This a joke right?

3 months after release

>banning someone from a game because they spoiled the end of a work of fiction that is not even remotely-related to your fucking product
The absolute state of consumerism, corporatism, and autism.

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Ranked started and casual games just became practice ranked meaning nobody tried to play for fun anymore.

It turned out to be the most bland, vapid pile of steaming garbage I've ever played and I have over 2k hours in CSGO.

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Their attempts at curbing toxicity ironically led more people to be toxic. When are people gonna realize the best way to stop people calling others nigger faggots is with a mute button?

>banned for capeshit spoilers

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>two minutes on the clock
>some fag starts to throw
>"Calm down it's just QP"
Fuck those niggers

I'll tell you exactly why

>Tracer became a faggot
>CTF is not part of ranked
>Mercy kept getting reworks
>Maps with different daytime and weather backgrounds only available in deathmatch
>Deathmatch is also not part of ranked
>Many heroes kept getting nerfed, making the game unfun and taking the DPS away from the damage dealers
>Rein never received a buff
>Shit story they never expanded upon
>They tried to hype sombra's release a bit too much, leading to a mediocre character
>Playing the same maps with no variations made the game boring as fucking hell
>trannies in voice chat talking about "muh gender"
>sensitive faggots throwing the game when you tell them one bad word

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Played on console since I don’t have a PC. Game isn’t balanced or designed for console in the slightest, and the gameplay itself was horrible without a dedicated group to play with.

No reason. My interest just kind of waned like it does with all things.

>No healers, 1 tank (me), 4 DPS, 2 of which are snipers
>"Calm down it's just QP"

When Brig was introduced into the game. She fundamentally broke the balance of the game and Blizzard has refused to fix it.

What did they nerf?

Genji meta, then tank meta, then Genji meta, then tank meta

This was pretty much the nerf that drove the game to shit and caused a mass exodus of players. Roadhog was the last bit of fun in the game.

Imagine complaining about too much content

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Blizzard kept pushing esports but has no idea how to balance a game

I stopped playing a few weeks after launch. Picked it up again recently because all of my new coworkers play and it's honestly a lot better than it was! Still not really my kind of game, but some of the new characters are really fun to play and a lot of features that were obviously missing before are in the game now.

>Horrible balance
>Press Q to win
>Punishes individual skill in favour of overpowered team comps
At least TF2 is funny when you die to bullshit.

>he can't play against the hero that "counters" his own.
How pathetic.

don't let the false flags fool you into thinking that overwatch'a failings are due to the anti-toxic stuff.

- the game is unreadable as fuck with massive in your face spell effects obfuscation your view
- large emphasis on abilities that stun you which is completely anti-fun in a fps
- slow movement and too much fucking stalemating/10 minute long choke point shit where it feels like neither side is gaining or losing anything
- hero design has been completely uninspired and derivative of other mobas
- map design is bottom of the barrel stuff mainly due to the poor movement and the need for chokepoints/corridors so that certain heroes aren't completely useless
- artificial esports scene that Blizzard are forcing hard as fuck despite overwatch being one of THE WORST esports to watch from a spectator point of view
- lack of meaningful content post launch
- 6 v 6 sucks

I found out about siege and didn't go back

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The thing is Siege had a fuck awful start. Like, legit gamebreaking bugs because Ubisoft cannot QC for the dev teams at all. Through updates, it got better and better even if we can argue that the new operators they keep introducing could be seen as OP or meaningless. You can't say nigger in either game but at least you won't get reported in casual for not following a meta in Siege.

Good luck playing bastion with no shield into rein, roadhog, ana, lucio, genji, and mccree

Recycled content and Blizzard's trademark to dumb down everything, even in OW's standards which is supposed to be very entry-level FPS.

the other thing is even when an op is considered broken in siege, 9 times out of 10 if you're a better shot than them you'll kill them and remove them from the equation for the rest of the round. Overwatch has a criminal amount of characters the use no-aim guns or stun mechanics along with the screen just being covered in shit

Toxic as fuck, and I was hoping it would be more like TF2 and not so competitive with small teams only

Siege is cool, but I hate the direction of most of the new ops though.

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I was originally attracted because of the lore, but Blizzard fucked that up, game in itself is fine, though i never really cared for competitive

Got tired of the game purposfully putting me in unwinnible games. Only way to play this game and not rage at some drooling retard who constantly does nothing but feed and whine is to eliminate that chance entirely by playing with a full team but then it just becomes a shitfest of shields and wombo combo ults. There are just characters and ults that are completely useless or so good theres no point in playing anything else

Yeah no shit you should change hero if the entire enemy team denies your existence.
I also like how you specify the bastion has no shield but nothing else about his team comp while fully detailing the enemy team.

>large emphasis on abilities that stun you which is completely anti-fun in a fps
This, most overpowered characters have a stun or crowd control ability. I don't understand how blizzard can think stun is acceptable in an fps.

Lack of content and variety. During the time it took Overwatch to put out two heroes, Paladins pumped out six.

it can work in some scenarios
when the ttk is low enough and common strategies are known by the entire community in your skill level team play is definitely a good factor but personal skill is just as if not more important to your victory
i keep playing csgo because it's the only team shooter where personal skill feels aptly rewarded and even in an grossly disadvantageous position you can strategize and execute your way to victory if you're good enough
the issue with OW is that a high level moreso than just gun skill or both short and long term strategies you're almost always relying on someone else to even get the chance to perform decently, and that just makes a really trashy frustrating game in return
at least when in high diamond/master level

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>hey can we push the payload
>hey can we stand on point
>"Calm down it's just QP"

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I've been playing it since halfway through year 1, it no doubt has problems but its also the only game on the market that does what it does well (destruction, drones, breaching) and its a bit of a lucky fluke that even when a shitty new op drops, the general gunplay remains unchanged and a more patient player with better aim and map understanding will beat the player with the op that could have an advantage

I am 40 years old and I play this game.
What do you think about that?

-Sick of the stupid tank-heal-dps crap forcing me to play characters I don't feel like playing
-Sick of ultimates being "I win" buttons with no counter
-Sick of constant "reworks" completely changing characters including my mains
-Loot box shit
-no mod support, no custom content, only releasing a new map once every 4-5 months

imagine playing a game for its skins

It's a fun game, but I stopped playing once the shield defender came out. She was to much bull shit for me to handle. The memes are good too.

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I totally agree. Siege uses stun mechanics too, but they require at least some thinking behind it. Using the correct angle for a flash grenade or gadget, not totally knowing if it even worked compared to McCree's flash which is 100% guaranteed but only with a few feet. Ana's sleep dart is great though; rewarding stellar aim with removing a player from the action for a few moments can change a whole push, it's just sad that its one of the few abilities in the game that reward actual skill.

originally you could hook someone to you then shotgun them in the face, usually enough to kill them outright, for the squishier lower hp targets. I think that is much less likely now.

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>-Loot box shit
its more annoying because it is the most absolute predatory whalebait system I've ever seen. I don't mind if a game gives me a roll for some cosmetic shit every couple of runs because its a little dopamine hit but in OW if there's a skin you actually want you can't just use in-game money to get it, or even throw 5 bucks at the game to get it, you just have to buy more loot boxes if you're of weak will

Pretty much, yeah. Ever since they changed the system to reduce duplicates, getting coins to spend is almost impossible, and of course, this only further coerces you to spend real money on loot crates.

Loot crates (that cost real money) need to be fucking banned. Shit is straight-up gambling.

>once the shield defender came out.
she's currently disabled from all playlists because of a glitch

up until nomad, being stunned or flashed in siege still meant your gun worked and you could blindfire or make educated guesses based on noise, in OW you just get full stopped by loads of shit, and equally annoying is how many characters in that get a get-out-of-jail-free skill when they get stuck in a shootout

what the fuck even happened here
>shoot some guys feet
>take a selfie
>swing your elbows around like a spastic until the shield guy dies

Forced esport scene bring in all the wrong type of people. Mainly meta whores, and MOBA fags.
Also Paladins did everything I wanted from OW and better, minus the graphics and overall polish. To bad Paladins is going to shit.

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They nerfed his ability to one-shot 80% of the heroes. This made shitters drop him.

>she's currently disabled from all playlists because of a glitch
What glitch?
He took out the camera to block a bullet.

Attached: howtobeatmonty.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

>What glitch?
shooting with shield up

Computer shit the bed and I had to move onto other games that are more potato friendly to eat my spare time

Might consider going back whenever I get around to getting a new rig, but honestly the game is somewhat disappointing regardless since I don't really like a lot of the core game design choices or the community.

t. Diamond (AKA top tier shitter rank) Bastion one-trick

I'm sitting on 41000 coins right now user. Feels pretty good. Sorry for your luck.

it's gay as fuck

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>implying it wasn't easy to counter
>implying the counter wasn't to just sit behind your tank or be in a group
>implying it wasn't your own damn fault you were out in the open, not watching for enemies

Get your shit together man.

>haha you weren't cowering behind a reinhardt shield, that means you were OUT OF POSITION and thus your fault for getting 1shot by a massive hitbox stun

spoken like a true hogshitter

Jesus how did that happen?

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Basically this

I'm barely silver in rainbow six and csgo, but I made it to high diamond in overwatch

i don't hate it but it's undeniably comp-centric and moba-y

thus it demands a level of consistency I don't really think I can offer, and since none of my friends want to play it anymore it's basically "do great 100% of the time or get screamed at: the game"

even CS:GO and siege aren't quite as toxic as OW because you don't have overly rigid roles everyone is expected to excel in.

ubisoft can't into quality control, I bet its been in since she released and some one only recently found out because no one would play clash otherwise

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My fuckken zides

>10 years of cinema

Blizzard are fucking faggots holy shit

>implying 2 attack heroes couldn't easily kill him at launch
if you got hit you were probably standing still in place and not moving around like you should be. Either way, let me tell you how I know you're a genji main AKA little bitch.

>Why did you stop playing?
It got old, new tings came out. It was time to move on. Feel sorry for any of who haven't.

Because Blizzard made my wife gay.

You can't make that pose

I still played a lot when she came out. I don't remember her being able to do that.

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only tried it for the porn, got bored pretty fast so just continued looking at the porn

Roadhog's still pretty powerful.

Being upset about the Roadhog nerf is like being upset about the Model 1887 nerf. They were both overpowered and noskill as shit and only shitters used them.

>couldn't counter clash

It's understandable for multiplayer competitive games where new content can cause balance and gameplay issues or otherwise make things that were fun before less fun going forward

But they were both fun to use. Don't tell me you're some meta-shitter who can't go five seconds without rambling about muh meta balancing. Niggers like you should stay in cuntstrike go

>every champion is one-note trash
>no deviation in playstyle
>atrocious maps
>no random/unique major updates, nothing to get excited about
>esports garbage
I would have forgotten entirely about the game if """""news""""" sites stopped filling my feed with it's shitty new updates and esports niggery

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Had so much potential to replace TF2, everything was in place...and then Blizzard fucked it all up.

You don't remember day one clash, don't you?

fuck you user I don't want fun in my video games

I realized the maps weren't getting any better when they brought out Paris

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I still play, I main mccree and click heads

Game stopped being fun and started feeling like a chore I was obligated to do.

i'm usually relatively lenient about busted shit in shooters but pre-nerf roadhog was pretty crazy

he was an almost-guaranteed pick if anyone wasn't hugging their team at all times with massive survivability, a buggy, idiot-proof hook and jaw-dropping burst damage even without the hook. He literally made Reaper pointless, and he's still really intimidating in good hands with his new setup.

like it or not dude this game was obviously made with competitive e-sports in mind. It's a 6v6 objective-based shooter with extremely rigid moba-esque team roles and nothing like loadout customization or anything like that. Expecting team fortress 2 was just folly from the start, TF2 was made as a casual hang-out-and-play experience from the getgo, OW, is the opposite.

which is why I play iw4x where the 1887s are pre-nerf, javelin glitch still exists and last stand has been removed.

Tired of the slow release of new maps, and complete fucking lack of community server/map tools so we can just make and play our own shit.

Even moreso with the "9 arcade wins per week for lootboxes" shit

which, hilariously enough, made people try harder in those silly unbalanced game modes, than in quick play

stupid fucking decision, the "9 wins" thing should have been put on QP to entice people to actually try, and kill off the stupid fucking "lol its just QP" mentality.

It's still great even if some matches are pocket hell against phlog pyro or that one faggot with 6k hours in soldier

>3 months
It's once a year

Yes i do, she was literally fine other than the quick switch bug that let her shoot before her gun was actually out, then they nerfed her fucking swap time and she's totally useless now. C*nsole fags kept complaining about he swap time because they didn't get the bug hotfix and cried about it on reddit till she was nerfed to shit because ubi are retards

hell yeah, is that shit still alive? I played it like a year ago but the only populated server was 24/7 skidrow

I don't think that's a rumor, it's just what the top of the ranked community is clamoring for at the moment.

Lack of attention to game balancing and an over-abundance of pandering to faggots. Simple as that.

QP is just QP to a certain extent though

like it's a dick move to do shit like wall your team in and taunt when people are clearly trying to play the game, but if you just want to have some casual matches where you don't sweat it too much, you literally don't have anywhere to go but QP if you want to play overwatch and not some gimmick mode.

they released a workshop that lets you make custom gamemodes finally but i think people are still pretty done with OW at this point so it's not bringing people back or anything

i played a mode that was "Superhot", where it's a team against mccree and time slows to a crawl until he takes action

There's not a lot too it. Too many limitations. Also, I can't stand the sodomite bullshit. I'd rather go to Heaven than profit nuBlizzard, even if it is just telemetry.

Although it would have been hilarious if the two black guys were the sodomites

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There's a difference between "chilling" and "purposefully not playing a healer and dragging the team down"

...but that's moreso my hatred of the tank-heal-dps shit than anything else

She was complete bull shit day one, and she was the final nail in the coffin that proved to me that each new op is going to be just has terribly designed. Her being completely useless now that further proves that they can't design a well op anymore.

>TF2 and WoW will outlive OW by years

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Once OW goes F2P it will live just as long as TF2.

that was literally because of a bug though, she was fine on PC after they patched it then R*ddit c*nsole niggers that didn't get the patch cried till she was made useless

Some of the absolute worst balance I've ever seen in a "team based" shooter

>Let's make a game where tanks can out damage DPS and the actually DPS might as well not even be in the game

at least playing lucio/ana is actually fun unlike the god damn tf2 medic, a useless healslut with no autonomy against a competent team that HAS to be there for a chance of winning

>Her being completely useless now that further proves that they can't design a well op anymore.
Maverick came out well, mozzie is a great addition, Maestro/alibi effectively slowed down rush cunt metas without breaking the game, because they all sorta followed the rules of making an aspect of the game gathering information and working with the maps, clash is just a big dumb moving obstacle

Stopped playing regularly around the time they put Sombra in the game.

It was just becoming more and more tedious to play and more and more like a moba.

I like capeshit as much as the next autistic manchild, but holy fuck this is abysmal.

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You're right. I cant.

kept waiting for a character to come out that I enjoyed as much as engi or spy in tf2 and it never came

never played it, I like to think but jerking it to the porn contributes to all the hard work the developers put in designing all the girls

Sometime when their obsession with fucking barrier based heroes got way too excessive and now every team can just stack barriers and make the game an unfun mess

>use taunt to taunt enemy players
>get banned
Thanks Blizzard!

This would be fine if Brigitte weren't in the game. She enables tank deathballs like no other.

why won't you stop asking?

Got boring and this
its not only the nerf honestly it how it was handled you dont take away a characters kill potential and lock it behind fucking RNG, Roadhogs couldn't even kill Annas for the longest time effectively and it was only until VERY recently blizzard realized that it was a Huge mistake on their part and buffed him slightly but hes still a walking piece of meat that gives the enemy team ult and his ultimate is absolute garbage and situational.

Not enough maps. Making the map is very quick, balancing it and making it fun takes longer. This should balance out to more maps than they currently have. Also, there's nothing to WORK towards. The only thing to work towards is ranked scores which are kind of arbitrary.

roadhog was the ultimate fucking shitter character for bottom feeders that couldnt earn real kills, at least admit you were a fucking piece of shit chode using a piece of shit chode character
>peak out
>take gambly prediction hook
>miss and take damage
>hide and heal it off
repeat until you finally hit somebody then LOL OUTSKILL UMAD GET GUD
game was better off without you but at least your kind watered down the girl power meme reddit lefties with an insult vocabulary of "toxic" but an endless attitude of passive aggression that are the only ones still playing anymore

Joke's on you, I've never started. Looked like no skill game to me.

I stopped playing when timthetatman did, I was already running on fumes at that point and pretty much just coasted through my matches with Tim's stream on in the background hoping I'd end up solo queuing with him on my team.

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When I put a whole clip into somebody and they lived, and in the time it took me to reload they had healed back to full health.

I gave up when this happened for the 5,000th time. I felt like I was shooting a pea shooter.

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repetitive gameplay

I still play unfortunately.
It started to decline when the following heroes were added.
Before they all got added the game was actually fun.
Also fuck Mei for being the devil and ruining the game as well.

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buy some gamerfuel you Amazon™ degenerate

I have zero friends who to play with and most multiplayer games just get stale without people to shoot the shit with after a while. Also for a game that seems based on creating new content it doesn't seem like much has been added

the workshop system they're adding is unironically really fun. the normal game is horrendous though. The balancing makes it look like the blizzard is intentionally trying to sabotage the game

limiting teams to one character per team and people being stupidly competitive and reporting for not playing competitive drafts

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my computer broke

Nice image, user

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>game comes out
>friends all over it
>tell them it's not as good as they think it is
>only one in group with long-time FPS history was me
>see through OW's bullshit immediately
>tell them it's shit and wont last long
>all of them deny this, call me jaded and cynical
>fast forward to 2018
>all of them quit playing
>all of them think it's a shit game

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The matchmaking is complete dogshit

>tried playing today
>first game, get completely steamrolled in defending in hanamura even though I ended up with 0 deaths
>second game, backfilled atrack in Eichenwald with 1:30 left and they hadn't even managed to take the first point. I end up getting POTG even though I played for less than 2 min
>backfill defense again
>backfill defense again
>backfill defense again
I wanted to play a specific map as a specific character, but theres no map selection in this game

There are other similar games that are more fun, some even free

>game starts
>autists screeching loudly at me to pick something else
>keep playing
>screeching intensifies
>actually hurting some autist somewhere by just playing

The only point of this game is to unlock skins, theres literally 0 other rewards. You can work for a golden gun, but unless you grind your ass off or are at a high rank, you will need to play multiple seasons for a single gold gun

do you think he has a little gorilla pen0r

Total Mayhem is a single mode that is more fun than TF2 as a whole. Workshop will completely kill whatever base is keft of TF2 whereas OW has a custom browser with tons of full matches

Events and game types aren't permanent additions. I only play now because it looks like they actually have a story brewing after THREE YEARS

OW cares more about big advertising bucks more than they care about the players. This is why OWL was formed, and they can't get big advertising bucks without a neutered child friendly facade, including the players and the content

I realized it was a boring pile of shit after two weeks of playing.

>hey you know this game that is so poorly balanced that we had to completely rebuild some characters? Yeah take us as a serious sport

>why can he one shot me
>Why can he pull me
>Theres no counterplay
>Proceeds to be out in the open, despite your footsteps being loud as fuck and your chains rattle very loudly as well
>Hook and cook

Dont forget the achievement for making someone disconnect after dominating them

The beta ended


why did you make this thread again

Hog 1.0 would have been balanced if he didn't have heal. The fact he could play like an idiot and never worry about positioning + his hitbox being the size of a truck is bullshit.

>unironically liking a mode that is just winston and zarya shield spam
Total Mayhem is cancer. The last time I played it, we had a match that lasted literally for 30 minutes in Overtime on payload.

why do moderators tolerate blatant spam / marketing threads that are literally identical to threads that were made daily for the past year

Because playing with randoms is akin to self torture and none of my friends who asked me to get the game so i could play with them play it anymore

I never stopped also I dont know why you keep making this thread

>He can't coordinate a zarya + sombra + pharah kill
When will you homos realize the better sombra wins the game

>we dont like oneshot combos
>proceeds to make Doomfist a character with a oneshot on a 4 second cooldown

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Sombra is ridiculous in coordinated teams. There is literally no counter to her bullshit.

>tfw stickied a sombra
>she can teleport immune the explosion

Total fucking bullshit character.

Play mystery heroes.

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i didnt. I play mystery heroes and enjoy myself. God bless

I always spycheck if I'm playing a winston or mei and the other team has a sombra.

when i stopped playing, anyone team that didn't have lucio, mercy, reinhardt, and mccree on it was doomed to fail, and even in casual people were bitching and leaving if you wouldn't swap to them
they completely butchered roadhog and his gimmick instead of making any of the many small changes they could have given his hook
people were bad at using old mercy's potentially game winning ultimate, so they made a character LESS unique by changing her ult into a generic damage buff, on a support
not enough map variety

Man lets just talk about how much of a waste of potential doom fist actually is.
>Could've been a pure Melee character but his abilities make him quick with the ability to jump fucking everywhere like the hulk.
>instead we get a dude with a big fist and a gun hand that punches once in a while and dies often if he fucks up.

Or hell,
>Diva has the ability to hover and fly consistently in place.
>She cant do that in game.

Blizzard is literally counter fun

This right here, was the beginning of the downfall for me.

retards like you thinking its a low-skill game and winning is as easy as JUST PRESS Q LOL is why it's so fucking hard to coordinate with people

I still remember playing a match on hanamura where my entire team was reapers. We managed to obliterate the other team with the dubbed "fifty shades of edgy autism" tactic. Was fun.
>point B had three beyblades at once

I stopped in closed beta. Game is literally made for retards. The skill ceiling in incredibly low compared to a game like TF2 with rocket jumping, quick head shots, spy acting, baiting and trick stabs etc. There's nothing you could called "advanced" in OW. Shit game made for low IQ droolers.

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I used to. The issue is there are clear good heroes and bad heroes for this game mode and if you or your opponents get heroes that require a specific counter like say a Pirate Ship combo, it becomes brutal to touch them.
Not gonna lie, pretty much my favorite game mode besides capture the flag. Still, shit.

They nerfed Genji's cancels and movement options early on and that did it.

No other patch looked to make things more fun since then.

Genji deserves all the nerfs

not enough Mei
Also wanted to learn Soul Calibur and don't have enough time for both

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I want more than pvp from my games.
That shit should always be an optional supplementary feature, like with Dark Souls or something.

I havent played in a while bit im gonna play it tomorrow night with a few friends online with a few beers.

5 minute games. So fucking stupid

stopped playing like before the hamster got added. Game just fuckin sucks now

>nerfs roadhog from doing his one hit kill
>introduces doomfist into the game who basically does the same thing
>but it's okay because he's not played in comp so he's balanced

>end result of 22 movies, 10 years of cinema
Was it even worth it, aside from the memes?

People everywhere are acting like this is the absolute culmination of their lives, of their consumption of media, to the point you get spammed with spoilers even though you haven't even seen the movies, because people think everyone has kept up with the MCU.

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Probably the best rank to be playing at too. Everyone diamond and below is trash or gave up a long time ago.

>playing the worst mode in arcade
They should have never removed Random Brawls.

>Whoever gets lucky with their rolls wins: The Mode
Yeah I sure love how ult% dont carry over to other heroes so whoever is winning will steamroll harder because they keep their ults

Jeff Kaplan himself has said numerous times in the past couple months that he supports locking roles to 2-2-2, but it'd require an overhaul of the matchmaking system so it's probably still a way's off. The rumor that got squashed was the idea that they would implement it in OWL next month, way ahead of its in-game appearance.

P-Paladins is cool

>Sick of constant "reworks" completely changing characters including my mains
One of the game's biggest sins. Making D.va a bruiser was fucking retarded, the rework to Mercy busted the game for a year. Meanwhile they've abandoned the idea of utility heroes entirely by making Sym and Torb boring DPS-bots

No new mei skins, so my dick dont have any reasons to play it again

Hack her back

This is definitely an edit right?

>play OW
>play like shit on purpose
>wait for teammates to get mad
>report them for toxicity

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What the fuck lmao

I bought it on release when people were claiming it as "TF3" but the gameplay doesn't hold up. Blizzard's authoritarian rule or the laundry lists of nerfs don't matter when the game was shit to begin with.

I don't miss everyone swapping to Tracer at 0:30 to contest the point for 4 minutes of Overtime for every single round.


Free Weekend ended

No dedicated servers means no sense of community
I Win buttons
Individual player skill is irrelevant

>not pve

League of Legends had the exact same case where some guy got banned for spoiling endgame. Once it hit frontpage of leddit Riot backtracked on it though and said they didnt authorize shit like that

They never made Mercy real.

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In all honesty: because it simply didn't have enough cool skins.

You play Heroes of the Storm and go "damn, there's a Evangelion homage skin for D.Va?". Then you go back for Overwatch:
>here's a weird ass korean traditional costume for D.Va
>that will be 3000 golds plus tip

Fuck that shit.

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Wait. I stopped playing two years ago, they *still* haven't fixed that shit?

Whats to fix, its a feature :^)
>workshop comes out
>Some neet in his basement is able to make ult %s remain even when you die and switch heroes
that actual fucking state of this trillion dollar company

Literally every patch since launch has made the game less fun somehow.
There's a character now who can literally project an area of invincibility with his E.
About to kill the entire team single highhandedly? E and then the entire team punches you to death.

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After I climbed to high plat solo maining Brig. Gay ass game.

They could make a better mode if they just used the balanced team detector.
>game starts
>shuffles a balanced team
>your role is then locked for the match but your hero is not
This solves the problem of being on offense with a 5 stack of defense heros against 3 tanks and 2 healers every 10 minutes.

And if people cry about "I DON'T WANT TO BE X" you can like, swap classes when 2 people are dead or something. Figure it out Jeff. Make it better.

When they removed duplicate heroes. Having crazy matches on the daily with everyone playing the same hero was the only fun.
They took one by one everything that made the original game fun and removed it.

mace to the face

roadhog salt is retarded I liked roadhog because it helped with the autistic high TTK. having to shoot spam and reload 5 times to kill one person is lame

Something about feet being censored makes me laugh

D.va's ultimate used to be like a hit of adrenaline when you could kill yourself with it. You had exactly enough seconds to escape the blast. I wish it still worked that way.


I hate that they diverted money from hots to overwatch. They took the money out of heros too.
Heros of the storm's dev team actually gives a shit about their game.

It's boring.
>The flow of every map feels pretty much the same
>Abilities matter far more than good aim or gunplay
>Too many healing characters
>Too many barriers
>No community servers
>Unlimited ammo
>The whole flow of the game being designed around ultimates
>The meta has revolved around one team composition for months

One of the things I liked the most about the game was the skins. The first year, every event i'd play and unlock every skin legit, no buying lootboxes. But after missing a lot of skins the next year or two I lost interest because as much as I love doing it when i'd miss one I felt like, well what's the fucking point, now I gotta wait another year for the one I wanted.

Now THIS was the final death rattle of the game

anyone else mute all other players and ignore the chat.
I hate faggots making callouts and just want to enjoy playing my lucio.
What does everyone listen to while playing?
I enjoy the wipeout OSTs.

stopped cuz bridgette came back cuz baptiste

this, and they gave soldier a huge buff at the same time breaking all other dps heroes

I actually recently got back into it, enough has changed since I stopped playing (addition of Brig) that it's refreshing again

yes, OW is one of those rare games where audio isn't that important and you can get away with listening to music even while playing ranked
personally I listen to anisongs, a lot of bandori in my OW playlist lately

>"Disney please buy us next!"

Because 2 minutes in to a match you can tell if you're going to win or lose. 1 round in if its KOTH. This gets fucking old.

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did you really just post cringe bro?

Wouldn't that make less people play? I mean if you can't play the hero you want why play at all?

The game is literally designed to allow one sided comebacks by the losing team around 80% into control though

Honestly this. I played ranked for a long time without sound because I didn't have a headphone splitter and I wanted to listen to youtube while playing. Sound is 100% necessary if you're playing Widow though.

It's fun if you're lucky and you get a team with skill and cooperation, a total unfun dumpster fire if you don't. This game was advertised as a shooter, not a team based tactical cooperative game with three TOTALLY NECESSARY CLASSES THAT THE GAME WAS BUILT AROUND, two of which 90 percent of the player base doesn't wanna play but will screech if they don't have someone else do them. Don't play it unless you can get a 6 man team together to play with you consistently and have everyone fulfill a specific role.

Doesn't siege have the same kind of crazy ban policy? Can't you get banned in siege just for saying gg?

Unironically solo matchmaking is easier and quicker to climb in than 6stack smurf/endless waiting hell.
Just learn how to flex. You don't have to play every hero, but having at least one in each category does you good.

>You don't have to play every hero
If you can't win mystery heroes under any circumstances then you're not ready.

I got to Masters just by playing Dva and Zen, and solocarrying as Soldier when all else failed

Team combos. It doesn't matter how good you are at a hero, if your teammates are braindead you're going to lose.
Blizzard constantly shooting themselves in the foot
>nerf roadhog because "no 1 hit combos" and "tanks shouldn't have high damage output"
>add doomfist, a literal 1 hit skill
>give d.va more offensive abilities
>new events are so trash even the most casual players don't like it
>the game is a clusterfuck to watch
>shit lore that its only value is "OMG GAy"
>zarya's ult still hasn't some counterplay that doesn't involve the use of special abilities

Never even started.

It's because the devs have moved to the new OW pve project, that's why there is so little content this year.

t. employee

No way they are making single player OW

The Roadhog nerf was justified, No tank should have an easy one shot move that has NO downside. Blizzard just straight nerfing Roadhog and not giving him something was the wrong thing to do.

This. The problem is Roadhog's entire kit. IMO they should have removed his healing and given him armor like a proper tank. And made his heal a shield instead. One shots are fine if there is a way to outplay him 1v1, but there literally isn't with Roadhog 1.0. It was stupid as fuck.

Not sure if it will be SP, but PvE is definitely on the horizon. Expecting to hear more internally in the next month or two.

Most matches devolve to bullet-sponge shield with Oria and Rein.
Blizzard can't balance for shit, and the community is filled with outspoken-minorities, and you have people complaining about Roadhog one-shotting people when he's already a one-trick pony. That aside, they need to make him capable of pulling people through shields.

Also, there's no discernible drawback to move while shooting, so facerolling your WASD+space keys is meta.

Ultimately, I guess it simply comes down to Blizzard's history of shitty balancing.

The meta doesn't have enough space for dps characters. I'd go back to it if we got a 1/3/1/* meta. At the moment it really feels like little kids yelling I SHOT YOU! NO YOU DIDNT I HAVE A PURPLE BUBBLE SO YOUR BULLETS DONT COUNT! OH YEAH WELL I HAVE SOME HOLOGRAM HEXAGONS SO NEITHER DO YOURS! at each other rather than a first person shooter.

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are you going to charge for the new skinner box pve treadmill or will it be a free update
also all pve content up until now has been really trash desu don't know how you're expecting it to turn out fine

It won't be free update, but base game will go f2p

I'm not expecting it to turn out fine, I've heard its underwhelming

Oh I know. I had to flex, sometimes no one would pick a tank, sometimes they wouldn't pick a healer. When I got lucky and both were picked, I'd try my hand at DPS.

I honestly want a mode with no tank characters or brig.

I cheat to make the game easier and then complain about lack of challenge

I know you're RPing, but I can totally believe OW going f2p (worked for SCII) and what a terrible idea that is.
I hope at least those who own the game get split from the f2pniggers and smurfs in matchmaking, ala CSGO.

I don't play games without Story Mode unless they're either Racing or single player puzzle shit like Tetris.

>try to do anything
>stunned hooked slept booped hacked
>shoot around corners and into barriers until a team overwhelms the other with their Qs
>grandmaster widow decimates your team unless your widow is better than him
>do too good on your hero
>enemy switches to a hard counter and you're useless unless you switch off
Wow what a fun experience

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Yeah I'd come back to try that out if it happened, but I'm not going to bother with it while shooting enemies if primarily done to charge your ult because there's so little chance of actually killing them before they get shielded or healed.

I just felt like I was getting worse and worse at the game all the time and it just left me feeling frustrated and stupid. Not to mention the $200 I spent on trying to get legendary skins.

F2p was meant to be announced last year, but got delayed.
Not larping, most of this should be announced at blizzcon this year.


Glad you left, and hope you leave real life as well


>tanks can out damage DPS
This actually isn't the problem. Its actually good design that the tanks do high damage, provided they have a short range and slow movement. The idea being that wherever they physically go, dps cannot go. The problem is almost all the tanks have their own personal way of getting into range with you quickly, whether it's Dva's boosters, Roadhog's hook, Winston leap, etc. And then you have Lucio who can make them all able to go wherever they want easily regardless of personal ability. This GOAT's shit would not even exist if it wasn't for Lucio.

>Overwatch's player base so neutered?
Most people don't have real preferences. They go with the flow so to speak, and oftentimes the company is the one that takes the first steps towards fostering the environment that will determine the "flow". Blizzard made an effort to create an image of "positivity" and forced friendliness, and people got used to it. However, the game also portrayed itself as being competitive and tryhards are pretty autistic. What resulted is a contradiction between the image and the policies that came with it and the competitive atomosphere resulted in some especially autistic and repressed faggots.

Games should either be like CSGO, where everyone embraces the autism, or like Guild Wars 2, where I got a 2 week ban for saying that I'm going to say the N word and actually saying it, but at least I was the only one who did it and everyone except some faggot took it in stride after the initial "dude don't say the n word".

Why? it's entertaining to see spergs get angry in a disney way and with actual arguments and petty insults, instead of the full blown autism of cringy kids in csgo saying the n word etc. , or the nazi like enforcement policies in league

> it's entertaining to see spergs get angry in a disney way and with actual arguments and petty insults
You can get both if you have a mix of casual players with loose moderation. TF2 chat is by far my favourite. It has the openness of CSGO and a fairly soft community.

>souless game
>gameplay is a mess
>tf2 is just more fun

yes, tf2 still great and fun after 12 years

>Had so much potential to replace TF2

Attached: 1557774956126.png (604x717, 814K)

What they should have done is made RH's hook work like a fishing line. Ie you can hook and hold someone a certain distance away from RH, but you can't reel in you can only reel out, and you can still move around and attack and shit.

I don't like talking to randoms and got to the point where it was impossible to win without communication.

Imagine playing a game that just pisses you off even when you win, that's this game.

I played it for a year, had fun, and then moved on with my life. Game just didn't have enough content to keep on playing, and the constant balance patches kept ruining everything.

Never did. Never will. There was a time where I considered it then I say people getting banned for playing their favorite character when they wanted to play them and I immediately told all of my friends to avoid giving money to this trash.

The game is fucking garbage. They changed the DNA of their game by catering to brain dead idiots that didn't want more of the same hero on the same team, which limited game design and balance, meta and new heroes ,etc.. they could have done. It is pretty much babies first competitive shooter for the uber casual. Since the game has a low skill floor and a not so high skill ceiling they thought they were hot shit and everyone started championing for a comp mode.And it ruined the game. When in reality only the garbage players of the gaming world play this came, because it is the only game they are good at, and can cling to as any sort of achievement to validate their useless life. The SJW themes doesn't help either. I once saw on thread on the forum that was the most replied and upvoted that said "sombra ulti noise triggers my anxiety please change" These are the people that play this game. It also doesn't help that no one changes heroes once they lock in because they think the game is fucking LoL and main a hero like baboons, so no counter-play. Before anyone says "git gud" I'm diamond-master rank at this game. The game should have stayed as a fun casual drop in quick play game, with alternative modes.

I got permabanned for having the gall to expect moderately competent teammates

>It is pretty much babies first competitive shooter for the uber casual.
Making actual children get upset just by being better than them is a big draw to the game to be honest.

Not going to disagree here. When I played the game, I would ask my friend for his 1100sr account, and trash talk the shit out of players I crushed. They would get so salty it was worth it. Oh also to continue my post. The game has no carry potential which again hampers good players. If your team is shit you lose.