Best Payload in the game

>Best Payload in the game
>Valve deletes it

Attached: 55a3f136505c5[1].jpg (1360x768, 248K)

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valve is full of hacks

Did they ever finish this shit?


I still remember discovering the steam of that one autist who made videos of him abusing a bug with demoman by flying up in the air. That guy was the saddest excuse of a humanbeing I've ever seen in my life.

>best payload in the game

Attached: badwater tf2.jpg (1600x1067, 325K)

>Playing payload


It’s been a while sorry, which map is this?


Cactus Canyon. It's fun but OP is exaggerating how good it is.

>deletes stage 3

Not as bad when they removed detonations while taunting even though that didn't fix the problem at all cause of the high 5.

Well, name a better Payload map then

>be sniper main

I played only one mode.
It's where boys were separated from men. No instant respawns to spoonfeed you validation. You had to learn how to outskill, outplay and outmatch your opponents and stay alive throughout. Not only that but when you lost you had to take it like a man and deal with it, while waiting to respawn you had to think hard about what you could've done better, it gave you time and opportunity to develop patience and an iron will. When valve made the game f2p, that was the beginning of the end. After they removed the servers, it was over. Rest in peace brothers, thank you for all the good shit you forced me to learn.

God I miss Arena, it held some of the best maps in the game too. Why did Valve remove it?

pl_upward... home.

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.64M)

streamlining into matchmaking after f2p

at least it was before snipers fucked everything up

>Being so shit at the game that you cannot even fight off a sniper

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>being so shit at the game you cannot even fight off the best class in the game

Attached: 1533806332297.jpg (400x400, 12K)

>Best class
How do you function?

>play arena
>enemy medic+demo stay on spawn and bait for kills
>have uber ready when the point is open for capture

Cool fucking game mode.

>it's an invisible cloak and dagger spy episode

Nobody played it, pretty much.
Not shitting on the mode or anything, it just didn't get much success.

People just want a mindless all-you-can-respawn frag-fest. I know I do.

Soldier/demo shit on everyone endlessly, ubered or not. Use the map, the terrain, bait your teammates. I dealt with this shit even with a stunscout and m1pyro. You're just bad.
In general every payload babby doesn't last 5 minutes, meanwhile I could easily join any server to destroy and shit all over the entire team. That's the power of arena, everyone that played arena knows it and everyone dominated everyone in the game.

>Nobody played it, pretty much.
Hundreds of players and dozens of servers isn't thousands in every other game mode but a lot of people knew and played arena regularly.

no other class in the game can lock down teams without a medic as well as sniper
>kills 5 out of the 9 classes with one shot without having to stay scoped for more than half a second
>can still headshot at close range
if theres even an okay sniper on the other team, you're 100% fucked unless you have a vaccinator medic to ruin everyone elses fun on the other team
>inb4 "just dont go into the sightlines"

You're wrong. Spy with dead ringer and ambassador before it was nerfed to hell absolutely annihilated entire teams. Scout with milk and sandman in good hands was game ender. Pyro with degreaser pyrojack and flare gun mowed down the entire cp etc. Sniper was extremely boring, and pissfags can die in a fire.