FF7 Remake

So what will the secret ending be about?

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You know the KH2 ending with the keyblade graveyard? It'll be like that but a materia ballpit.

Cloud fapping at Aerith burial lake.

You already know.

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you can all stop staring now!

Advent Children

s gpnna be about Genesis obviously.

>he still thinks Aertih will die

It's gonna be more Genesis wank, just like the retarded bullshit they shoved into Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus. Nomura desperately needs to make his "magnum opus" so he's going to shove his needle dick into FF7 and ruin everything that was good about it.

Tifa taking off her clothes and showing you her penis

Final fantasy vii -2

You get to chose who to be with at the end. Yuffie, Tifa, or Aeris

It will be Genesis shit. I can already feel it. Him waking up is the last thing shown in the whole FF7 complitation shit.

What would VII-2 even be about?


user, that shit is over ten years old now none of the normies nowadays know about genesis or crisis core

I would play it.

Not only is the latter half not true but as if SE/Nomura give a fuck if it's ten years old.

FF7 is like 2 decades old yet here we are with a remake.

How are the characters doing after Dirge of Cerberus? That's the last thing at the timeline, except for the Red XIII ending centuries later.

I don't want them to acknowledge any Compilation shit at all.

Well too bad

if only

are you dense? FF7 is iconic as fuck unlike crisis core
none of the zoomer normies who are gonna be the main target audience for FF7R know about genesis or anything from the FF7 compilation
why would they waste ressources adding some shitty literally who character from an old obscure game

Genesis and Weiss fucking shit up

They're obviously going to get to that shit at the end of DoC eventually.

So you're talking out of your ass.

and you're deluded if you think SE's gonna acknowledge something as obscure as an old PSP spinoff

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Hahaha you know they will.

So when you get BTFO again, I hope you don't kill yourself.


I can't wait to see Aerith in her lewd dress during the Don Corneo mission.

you're all hilariously delusional if you don't think they'll shove in compilation shit
that is the canon now
hopefully it just sticks mostly to the original game and only references certain little things when need be, like how zack died or how heidegger took over for lazard

Not the user you were talking to but he's responding to a question regarding ports or remasters for the compilation, specifically Before Crisis. He isn't specifically talking about compilation stuff in the remake itself

You just made me realize how badly I need to see the remake's Scarlet now

Genesis. He's literally the only reason people give a fuck about the FF7R to begin with so it would lead the way to finishing off the complitation for good with a sequel.

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>implying i give a shit either way
anyways nice source im completely convinced now wow
jk you're deluded

Yeah only retards think they're actually going to ignore the compilation stuff.

>heidegger took over for lazard
Wait what?

you should really try talking to people outside of Yea Forums or the internet every once in a while so you could realize how delusional you're sounding right now

You miss the part where he literally said he and the other old timers are always thinking about stuff with the compilation and what they could do with it to help accompany the remake.

not him but you are retarded if you think they won't reference crisis core stuff, at least related to aerith and zack
yeah after lazard defected and died, heidegger took over as the guy running soldier and the turks, but he's an incompetent fat fuck who just kinda fell into the position

you're the delusional one, nobody remembers those games

>remake Scarlet
My dick wouldn't be able to handle her. Same with Elena.

not my fault you were too poor to own a psp
crisis core was a huge hit and zack is incredibly popular, especially for a posthumous character

and zack is essential to cloud's story


>source proves you wrong
>"y-you're deluded"

No matter how loud you keep screeching your autistic headcanon, it doesn't make it true.

Keep seething.

more of jenova's species come knocking

I can't wait to beat the fucking snot out of that fat fuck Palmer in HD.

>help accompany the remake.
Yes, porting or remastering the compilation being one of the ideas

Letting Heidegger be in charge is peak autism.

I just want to fuck up Jenova herself so we can finally close this damn story already.

They can't include Gackt.

Which is my point. Which means they still have the compilation as a whole in mind while they develop the remake.

They can. Gackt doesn't own the character.

Doesn't mean they're going to include anything from the compilation in the remake. A few years ago they said the compilation stuff wasn't even canon to the remake

President Shinra was just that incompetent
Rufus had to clean up the mess but it was just too late then
Shinra's downfall began in Crisis Core

Well they'd have to redesign him.

I can't wait to fuck up Dyne desu.

>Doesn't mean they're going to include anything from the compilation in the remake
You're delusional to think they won't.

>A few years ago they said the compilation stuff wasn't even canon to the remake
You need to learn how to read because that's not what they said at all.

They don't have to do shit to him because he even showed up recently in that FF gacha game with the same design.

gonna need a source on that, delusional cocksucker

>If we make a compilation, these games will hardly have an overall coherence. It will be difficult because there is no more continuity between the Compilation and the Remake for the moment.

Yeah President Shinra was a brainlet. Makes me wonder how the company even managed to stay afloat for that long. Rufus was so much more competent than his dad.

Also yeah it's no surprise Shinra's downfall began in CC because it's where all their strongest SOLDIERs began leaving the company or dying or both.

>at the moment
>this said while they were still working on the story
Again you need to learn how to read.

>for the moment

I know you both really want the compilation to make an appearance, but signs point to the opposite

We're just people who know how to read an article unlike retards like you.

Especially when this is more recent

Hopefully we find out why Cloud's dad just up and disappeared.

>We're just people who know how to read
>an article that only answers the possibility of ports, just like the previous one did
I'm shocked

Because his father hates the boonies.

Redpill me on Gensis ive only played ff7 dont know shit about him.

>still forgets to read everything else
Go back to grade school so they can teach you how to read. Then we can finish this discussion.

>still forgets to read everything else
Considering I'm the one who actually knows the context of that quote because I bothered reading the source instead of just posting it, maybe you should follow you're own advice kiddo

He realized that no matter what he did Cloud would still grow up to be a fucking loser.

>IP didn't go up

You don't even know what context means.

Everyone ready for all the cringeworthy Trump comparisons with President Rufus? He's going to make Midgar great again!


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Yet Cloud had two top class babes wanting to suck his dick. How does Mr. Strife feel now?

Good retort, really opened my eyes

he's the worst character in the compilation and things would be 100% okay without him
basically a butthurt prettyboy proto-sephiroth made without the proper cells who was one of the elite SOLDIER and when his body began to fail him Sephiroth refused to help so he ruined his life out of spite and kickstarted the Nibelheim incident

for some reason he still didn't die and was laying in wait until the end of dirge when he popped up again

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Good thing I'll be playing FF7R in Japanese so I won't have to deal with the cringy localization.

as a child Cloud was a super antisocial autist with a superiority complex who thought he was so mature and deep and Tifa was his oneitis who didn't even know he existed

so like a true autist he got her alone, said he was joining the military to be the best and he'd protect her and she kinda humored him

then he ended up being a low-ranking nobody and was too ashamed to show his face to his hometown and especially to tifa

>now he samefags


I like that Cloud is an incel.

oh shit


>who was one of the elite SOLDIER and when his body began to fail him Sephiroth refused to help
Nigga this isn't true. Sephiroth wanted to help him but his blood wasn't compatible with Genesis'. However Genesis did later on in Nibelheim try to get Sephiroth to help him with the degradation shit but Sephiroth told him to fuck off and rot.

Which was well deserved after what Genesis does to Sephiroth literally before asking for his help.

give me the tl;dw

E3 will have a demo.

Yet he ended up having Tifa and Aerith suck his dick throughout the game. So how does it make Mr. Strife feel? Knowing he left his chad son behind?

How boring.

The same thing the original game's secret ending was about, I'd imagine.

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>for some reason he still didn't die and was laying in wait until the end of dirge when he popped up again
So what is his endgame now?

Do people actually think this is a game that will be released?

i hate genesis but goddamn his sword is aesthetic as fuck

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Yes? The Last Guardian, Duke Nukem Forever, Final Fantasy XV, and Kingdom Hearts 3 came out. Long, mismanaged dev cycles are proven to work.

Yes. It might take ten years and multiple revisions to where it doesn't even resemble the originally advertised product, but I see no reason anyone would think it wouldn't be released.

That wasn't the secret ending. That was the epilogue.


Genesis has a cool design, weapon and powers. It's just his character and poem gimmick I don't really like.

Considering how much Cloud helped Jenova and Sephiroth and the fact that the planet's death is both soon and inevitable as a result of mako refining, I'm sure Mr. Strife is just fine.

Literally who/what is genesis? I've played through FFVII no less than 15 times and I don't remember any mention of a genesis.

Yes. This meme has gotten stale.

Read above you retard.

something something will of the goddess

it'd be better if he just ended up being a vessel for sephiroth for come back one last time

Yeah and none of that was Cloud's fault. Maybe his bitchass father should have stuck around.

Wasn’t there a radio drama that hinted Cloud was one of president Shinra’s bastards?
I know there was one that followed a detective that was a bastard son.

he was introduced in crisis core, he was serphiroths friend and fellow SOLDIER

Is FF7 really set in the same lore as FFX?

>skinny boy in a dress
I hope they cut this part.

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Tifa spent the entire game keeping secrets and being scared that Cloud would have an absolute mental breakdown if she told him he was misremembering
Aerith outright admitted she just liked him because he reminded her of Zack a lot

only Tifa ended up actually loving Cloud and that was at the very end

He wants to protect the planet for his waifu Minerva.

His definition of "protect" is ambiguous. But remember how the WEAPONs were meant to protect the planet.

They already said they won't.


How come FF7 is literally the only really good FF game? And no it wasnt my first FF. FF8 was my first.

You could argue that some of it is partially Cloud's fault for being ashamed of being such a fucking loser and partially Tifa's fault for wanting an old beta orbiter so bad she never once sits down and has a talk with Cloud. But yeah mostly out of their hands.

Some fanfic character Tabata pulled out of his ass for the PSP game. Although technically his first appearance was in Dirge of Cerberus at the very end.

Some hamfisted shit they forced into Crisis Core, because Sephiroth wasn't the Big Bad yet. He's a SOLDIER 1st Class like Sephiroth and Zack.

Don't read too much into it, he's a shit character and everything in this thread is all based on
>muh dad works at Square
aka absolutely fuck-all credible sources

sorry to burst your bubble retard but nobody gives a fuck about whiny redhead over here

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Genesis has Weiss if Sephiroth comes back one last time.

Lmaooooo what?

It's implied FF7 is after FFX.

So do you think theres a possibility they will make a FF7 2? Like an actual sequel to Final Fantasy 7. Surely it would be the most successful Final Fantasy in years. Nobody cares about any of the recent Final Fantasy games or characters. They should just go back and make sequels to old ones like 7 and 8.

How come you have shit taste

WEAPONs were pretty shit at the whole protecting the planet thing considering they never activated until it got to the point where the planet was going to die in the next couple of centuries even if all mako energy production was stopped. I guess Jenova interfered with them or something? It's pretty strange.

You know you don't have to reply to your own shitpost.

I think it's more likely they'll heap DLC on it for years. How could they top Sephiroth and Jenova?

You already replied to that post.

>more trap gangbang porn
I'd rather get hit be Meteor

>Aerith outright admitted she just liked him because he reminded her of Zack a lot
Except this is wrong.

>only Tifa ended up actually loving Cloud and that was at the very end
Tifa has always loved Cloud.

Maybe the dad should have stuck around to raise his fucking son.

DLC about what?

Aerith is too cute.

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Yeah it was bad on them for now awakening sooner to stop Sephiroth or Shinra before both became too powerful. But yeah now they went and started fucking shit up for everyone instead because Sephiroth shielded himself

Will they add a new party member that inherits Aerith's equipment and abilities?

I keep getting the feeling that we'll get an Episode Aerith

Episode Yuffie, Episode Cid, Episode Barret, Episode Sephiorth, etc
Extra dungeons, extra superbosses, co-op, Critical mode, Golden Saucer VIP, etc

Okay, so apparently I was thinking of an official light novel called ‘the kids are alright’.
Couldn’t find anything suggesting Cloud was one of Shinra’s bastards but he has several.
Maybe I dreamed the Cloud thing but I swear I heard it somewhere.

Nope. It will either be resurrected Aerith or ghost Aerith.

Tifa barely knew who he was until he was an adult
he was a weird antisocial kid who refused to hang around her group

Episode Zack

The only episode that even remotely has a chance of happening is Episode Sephiroth.

Critical mode and extra superbosses are likely.

Did you even play the game?

That was Crisis Core

what would sephiroth dlc even be?
the good old days with angeal and genesis before he went nuts?

What's so unlikely about episodes for the individual party members? Sure they would be more tacked on than the FFXV Episodes, but they could easily write stuff in.

It hints at a full remake of Before Crisis

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I need Aerith dressed as Donatello as in, only a mask and a belt

literally just beat it again
tifa was barely aware of cloud their entire childhood
he was an extreme antisocial autist
he literally says they were never that close

these two are way too good in advent children, what the fuck.

>That was Crisis Core

Attached: Not before March 2020.png (1473x1215, 1.74M)

Debunked already.

they really missed their window with that avengers game, huh

So they were close. Cloud had girls on his cock.

>2 posts, 8 seconds apart
>2 different IPs

What's that charming expression the summerfags use? Oh yeah. Have sex.

I think all the mainline FF games are good, relatively speaking, even XIII. Some are way better than others. I'd say FFIV through FFXII was the golden age of the series though, and during that time if a new FF game was announced you were safe in assuming it would be a good to great game. All of that ended with FFXIII though.

The only FF games that are pure unforgivable shit are the mobile spinoff games like Brave Exivus and All The Bravest.

Okay but what about Aerith's design in the remake though

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user they wouldn't make whole episodes for all the party members. At best you'll get one with Cloud, Tifa and Aerith.

Imagine how much SFM porn of Barrett's BBC pounding Trapcloud's boy pucci there's going to be.

He only had Jessie, Tifa and Aerith liking him.

I wasn't saying they'd make them for every member, but I do think the game will be popular enough to justify that.

>he thinks it won't just be a cutscene
>he thinks they won't cut 90% of the original options
>he thinks cloud would still be an option
>he thinks aeris was the hot one

Since we have playable party members, I assume we'll be taking control of each and everyone of them at some point.

Fujos wouldn't be able to contain themselves.


I agree they'll provide do episodes because of that and to keep riding on the $$$ like they were doing with FFXV.


No open world and the whole game consists of missions.

It's a segment that's mostly talking with one minigame and people love it. It would be dead cheap to remake it in full.

Yes but that doesn't mean all of them will get their own character episodes.

everyone keeps focusing on this instead of bringing up how Cloud and Barrett look like garbage

She looks like pretty.

Say that to our face fucker not online see what happens

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Can't wait till Genesis kills these guys off.

Teaser for Episode 2, Release date: TBA

Where would you move Aerith's death if they wanted to keep the shock factor?

Cloud is a catastrophe and all of you should be outraged.

Barrett looks okay insofar as he's not a horrible abortion like "Cloud" but my main problem is he doesn't look like Barrett.

>parents being relevant in japanese media
if its not an evil mom no one cares user

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She gets accidentally run over the moment you get the car.

Red XIII mauls her to death in the lab. Hojo gets fired on the spot for thinking his plan would work.

Aerith's death will be retconned so who cares

What's the best contemporary system to play FF7 on? Trailer got me more hyped than I expected, feel like replaying the game.

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At least he looks better than Advent Children Barrett did.

A computer with beetle psx.

Same. Think I might just get the switch version for handiness

I'm sitting here waiting to see Vincent

Cloud looks great, you're retarded.

I thought I was the only one.

Fuck Tifa's tig ole bitties I wanna see the /edgelord/

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The greatest boon of this remake has been the Third Renaissance of Tifa Porn.

Barret looks fine.

Cloud looks a little too much like a Kingdom Hearts character for my liking.

Yeah I don't give two shits about Tifa. I just want to see Vincent and Yuffie.

Hopefully they aren't optional this time.

>Cloud looks a little too much like a Kingdom Hearts character for my liking.
Well it's not like that's where his some of his appearances have been.

There's a reason for that.

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I hope this boy is fun to play. I want to go full GUNSLINGER.
Advent Children a shit but I loved his little cape swooshy movement in the forest fight. Keep that.

Don’t get me wrong, I wanna see him too. Also Cid, don’t know why, but I feel concerned for some reason. Just worried Tifa is the one most likely to be messed around with
then we find out later all our worries were misplaced and SE doesn’t give a fuck what anyone thinks

It's called Advent Children, user.

>people are talking this much about FFVII on the internet in the current year

I feel like I'm back in high school. :3

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Dirge of Cerberus

Barrett looks fine. Cloud could stand to look a bit manlier but JPs can't have their sugoi Main Character look manly and then have all the JP NEETs not be able to identify with him.

Why do people want to self insert?

Because their lives are bland and uninteresting so they want to self-insert as the hero who's doing awesome stuff and saving the world. Or they relate to Cloud because he's literally a nobody who has nothing and has ridiculous insecurities about not being good enough.

There are plenty of reasons really.

Is FFXII The Zodiac Age worth $15 on PS4?


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I'd say it is. It's pretty much FFXII: The Definitive Edition.

>implying they'd change something so iconic that it was literally a meme for years
at most we're getting a post-game sidequest that will let us revive her or get her back in her lifestream form

>Cloud looks a little too much like a Kingdom Hearts character for my liking.

Fuck are you on about?

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The entire storyline of the game clear up to the very last shot before the credits roll would have to change if she lived.

Gotta complain about something!

God damn, is it me or is Earisu showing off a lot of her chest?

It's just the lighting.

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I played the game when it came out in 97. He's fine.

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>KH fandom want to weigh in on FF7

>Don Corneo mission.
Too problematic for 2019

>all of you should be outraged

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The neckline plunges further than before, but she has much smaller tits, so in the end she's showing less.

I would be overjoyed.

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It's either them or FFXV. You pick.

Tifa becomes a pop singer

Do you think Seph will still drop from the sky to stab her or will he nothing personal her? Any news on whether or not they nurfed his massive kitana's size?

They better not change a goddamn thing about Barret. In fact I hope they make his VA blacker!

When do we get Yuffie

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I think 8 deserves a remake more than 7 does.

Episode 3.

You send [literally anyone else] instead of aeris to the sephiroth stabbing spot

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So when are we getting Reno?

This scene is what I look forward to the most

Sephiroth will be a red herring

I'm looking for the scene where Cloud loses his mind and smacks Aeris' shit up, until he's knocked the fuck out


Cloud is a tulpa of Tifa.

They'll probably tone that scene down. I just get the feeling they will.

if they tone that scene down, the scene that occurs right before Aerith's death where Cloud overcomes his brainwashing and refuses to harm Aerith loses impact


I want a HD remake of Dirge. Just so Vincent can get cucked by Hojo in 1080p.
Not only does the chad Hojo take his woman, he turns him in to a vampire/emo hybrid and makes him immortal to live with the feelings of utter powerlessness and regret.

They'll just rewrite it into something different. Remember this remake isn't going to be completely following the original. Nomura made this clear.

You can get all that in the FF7R. You literally get to see Vincent standing while Hojo and Lucrecia hug/kiss in the original.

And this is after Vincwnt proposes to her and she rejects him.

>can't even get a girl despite being a super agent man
>limit breaks are trash
>only ever sees fringe use for the sake of his mug glitch
How can one character be so pathetic?

Hojo is pretty based when you think about it.

But man Lucrecia got her character destroyed in DoC.

I wonder how they'll approach this scene.

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I just don't see a reason to tone it down. It'd be shocking in 2019... just like it was shocking in 1997. That's why the audience feels good when Cloud is able to break free of Sephiroth's control. If Cloud doesn't actually do anything bad while under Sephiroth's control, the audience won't care about the manipulation

They'll add a bit where Tifa looks at what's going on and has a flashback to a chocobo she used to own

>can't even get a girl despite being a super agent man
Not his fault that she's scientist who's into scientists which had her make a brainlet move.

>limit breaks are trash
You just aren't good at using them.

>only ever sees fringe use for the sake of his mug glitch
Not his fault.

>HD dog dick


>They'll add a bit where Tifa looks at what's going on and has a flashback to a chocobo she used to own
Indeed, quite the interesting side story. Them AOL days, mang.

What bugs me about DoC is how Vincent never calls out Lucrecia on any of her bullshit. She made her own choices and even treated him like shit after he asked her about her safety and her unborn baby's safety while going through with those experiments while Hojo just sat there and gave no fucks. Vincent just took all the shit Lucrecia threw at him and solely blames Hojo for it without even once throwing some blame at Lucrecia as well.

DoC served to make Vincent so incredibly pathetic as a character that I can't even look at him in a positive light anymore. I hope FF7R does not bring in any of that DoC backstory explanation for Vincent.

I think they will just change around the dialog and say Hojo was planing to DNA fuse them or some shit like that.
Hojo was a weird enemy in 7. He was not a true Shinra man, he fucked off on his own after the -president died.
At most he helped his son by overloading the sister ray to send him more power but, i do not think he was active in killing the planet off. More of a mad scientist, just takeing science to far etc.

now see this is why I refuse to pay attention to any Compilation of FFVII shit. I played CC and that dumb shit was enough. The fact that people consider that the GOOD ONE... that's enough

Either the same way, they tone it down or Sony gets SE to censor it or cut it out because they don't like implied beastiality

Well the problem is that's actually something that DoC got right. Vincent spends the entire time in FF7 blaming himself for not stopping Lucrecia, rather than just going "what the fuck was wrong with that stupid bitch?" He's just that pathetic.

They'll simply have him strangling her. Gives the same message and doesn't have a hyper realistic Cloud punching Aeris on the face repeatedly with all his might

Because again Nomura and the team aren't trying to make everything the same. It's possible they still keep that scene and it's possible they change it around.

Vincent is a beta orbitor who seeths at chad.
Imagine it, he has to hear all about how Hojo is an asshole from her. While she never even looks at him.
She is blameless to him, it was chads fault. He tricked her, but i vincent am not like that. pls go out with me.

CC was ok and I liked BC. It's DoC that i didn't like.

Yeah his regret about Lucrecia is part of his character in FF7 but we now have it shown in DoC where they changed Lucrecia around and made her this super emotional high schooler who can't stop fucking others lives up. Then we just see her dishing shit at Vincent and he just takes it. It wasn't like that in the original where she atleast turned him down properly.

But yeah I guess that's just my problem with Vincent's character as a whole. But DoC definitely made him 10 times more pathetic.

Man, so much shit is going to be cut.

from someone who never played DoC and doesn't know the story: I have a negative opinion of Lucretia just from FFVII. The game doesn't really imply that her relationship with Hojo is involuntary, at least initially. Vincent comes off as a huge cuck for this woman who allows this idiot who tried to breed a human and a dog earlier in the game to inject her womb and baby with monster alien cells.

Yeah now looking back at Vincent's story, he's probably the definitely of a huge cuck who didn't make any proper moves. He just thought it was a good idea in the original to propose to Lucrecia after maybe talking to her once or twice and is surprised she turned him down so she can jump on Hojo's dick.

Then DoC has this turned around that not only did she get his dad killed, she gets comfortable with him and then reveals she killed his dad before pushing him away to fuck Hojo and marry him which led to her being pregnant with his kid.

Vinvent didn't even try to talk to her or go after her.

Who cares it's shit

Yep. Let's list some scenes.
The gay men orgy with Cloud.

Well yeah the original game just had Lucrecia pretty much obsessed with her research and was willing to bang Hojo if it meant more research. But part of why she goes to Hojo is to comfort him or nurture him as some Ultimania said since Hojo was always insanely butthurt about how much better Gast was over him.

But it's not really her fault that Vincent is a beta over her. That's Vincent's own fault. But yeah Lucrecia's mistake was getting involved with Hojo and letting him experiment with her unborn kid. She clearly regrets her decision.

>She clearly regrets her decision.
As does every roastie that gets pumped and dumped by chad.
She was not sorry about Vincent, she was sorry about the monster she unleashed on the world.

I know. She wasn't sorry about Vincent and honestly why should she? She didn't do anything wrong to him in the original game. It's Sephiroth who she wronged by allowing the experiments on him.

>So what will the secret ending be about?
Why would there be? We already know what happens after FFVII. There's an entire film and tie in material that goes into it in detail

Because this is Nomura. He's going to add a secret ending to tease fans.

>She didn't do anything wrong to him in the original game.
I wonder how they are going to handle it in 7R.
DoC is a fan splitting game. Some FF7 fans i have spoken to do not consider it cannon.
Some do, but they all seem to agree that it took Vincent and took a big shit on him and kept shitting on him.
Personally i think they had to come up with a really depressing backstory and it killed some of Vincents cool from the original game.
From the way he is introduced and what you see of flashbacks in 7 he was once a Shinra Turk who got shot and experimented on, him knowing Sephiroth and his true mother was just guard duty that got him shot.
So he was a Vampire who had a beef with Shinra but mostly Hojo and joined you after he hears of Sephiroths return.
Reducing him down to a pathetic beta cuck in his own game is just shit.

Just don't button up Yuffie's shorts you fucking normies.

To be fair he always was a beta cuck even in the original. DoC just made it worse.

He was always pathetic. The girl he loved wanted no part of him and after rejecting him immediately ran over to Hojo and clung to him. The screen then fades to black and he says, "as long as she's happy I don't care." Later on he confronts Hojo man to man where he gets fucking shot and then experimented on. A Turk, Shinra's elite crew of assassin spies, loses to a pasty, greasy, second-rate scientist as both a lover and a fighter.

Vincent's entire character is steeped in pathetic failure.

Would they really do this?

>one of the big wigs at Shrina is Cat Sith
I hope they do more with this, especially during the first Shinra visit

Pretty sure Gackt is still on bad terms with Square so no Genesis.

At the scene wheres shes bending over she looks great.
But standing up straight her face looks really weird.

He doesn't own Genesis so he can't do shit

They'll just put spats underneath them.

I feel sorry for Vincent. Like damn the guy's the biggest cuck in FF

Ive seen so many retards on Yea Forums thinking Gakt owns the rights to Genesis. Why the fuck do people keep thinking this?

They better fucking not. I like my waifu's shorts unbuttoned

No idea. It's literally ridiculous. Genesis being built in similar image of Gackt and apparently that means Gackt owns the character.

It uses his likeness, does it not?

presumably Dirge of Cerebus.

That doesn't mean shit. Eraqus from Kingdom Hearts uses Sakaguchi's likeness as well so by that logic, Sakaguchi owns the character.

You mean post Dirge of Cerebrus?

Not him but that's probably it. Depends on whatever Nomura/Kitase has planned with Genesis and whatever "work" he and Weiss have to do.

Attached: jongabnnze001.jpg (692x390, 53K)

All life on the planet actually does die, the heroes saved nothing.

You'll get 'classic' paid DLC outfits and like it.

No I mean Dirge is FF7-2.

yes that's the reference

But it really isn't

Literally no one outside of actual autistics cares about this horrible character who single-handedly ruined an otherwise good game (Crisis Core).

You can't even spell Barret's name, why should anyone listen to you?

All the characters looks great in the remake so far.

Crisis Core remake

Says the autist replying again to a post from an hour or so ago

>He's going to make Midgar great again!
That was President Shinra. Rufus aimed a lot higher and was far more ruthless in his ambitions.

>Aerith outright admitted she just liked him because he reminded her of Zack a lot
Compilation secondary detected

I just came into this thread. And because I'm not a retarded phoneposter, I read the thread before posting, and reply to the most retarded posts I find.

Attached: 1558033397452.png (211x244, 72K)

That's not really a Nomura thing so much as something he appropriated for Kingdom Hearts.

The only thing a secret ending could possibly do is tease a potential FFVII-2.


Go no. Linking X-2 and VII was retarded enough.

Cloud ends up in Olympus Colosseum and fucks Meg cause she looks like Aerith

I don't hate this Cloud but I thought the one they showed in the previous trailer was fucking perfect.

>skinny drugged up woman

It was shit. The whole "muh mako" poisoning was stupid as it had been ages since he was released.

maybe it will be an actual ending, original ending is shit

Why was it shit?

They go back in time to save Aeris and get her real name back



The new remake cloud looks more like a woman than the old one did

Attached: cloud faces.png (1076x248, 499K)

It was a fanfiction, bro.
Wanna say it was The Fifth Act or some other time-travel fic.

no he doesn't
you didn't even include him in a comparison
good job

X is better

Right literally looks like a woman.
The new Cloud is a million times better.

It's an old image I used to compare him to AC cloud. Nu-NuCloud has the same girly gookface that AC cloud has so why bother making a new one?

Will they remove God Sephiroth?

Except he doesn't.

Cloud is supposed to be a pretty-boy, you dumb fuck.

He looked like a grumpy malnourished Ellen Degeneres.

>But Cloud should look like that at this point in the story
No. Cloud's actually supposed to be convincingly strong and composed outside of his little mental "episodes" (which is something only the player percieves) as nobody but Tifa and Aeris really suspect anything's wrong with him.

Is the remake going to remove optional characters like Yuffie and Vincent?

Also can we just get rid of Cait Sith?



not 100% but I think they're confirmed mandatory now

>Is the remake going to remove optional characters like Yuffie and Vincent?
No, but some leaks suggest that there's actually a rather large window of time throughout the game where you can randomly encounter and thus recruit the former until a quest is forced on you and Yuffie's recruited anyway whether you like it or not. I presume Vincent is recruited the normal way, but as a mandatory party member.

>Also can we just get rid of Cait Sith?
No. He's kind of integral to the ongoing plot in the game, no matter how stupidly.

He's a beta orbiter but he's also the single strongest character in the compilation. Same with Cloud too, makes you wonder.

>some leaks

>Is the remake going to remove optional characters like Yuffie and Vincent?
Highly unlikely, if anything they'll probably end up being mandatory

>Also can we just get rid of Cait Sith?
t. Iscar Matthias

There's supposedly already a playable demo, and shit that was leaked about FFXV and KH3 turned out to be pretty accurate. Besides, that's a "leak" that I find perfectly believable, considering how tertiary Yuffie is as a whole to the story.


Dissidia NT model is the best.

Attached: 275feae3e8df6a96782415a629f06725.jpg (1180x1300, 97K)

looks great here