So what are your thoughts on the future of 40K videogames? DoWIII put the series on indefinite hiatus. BFGII is great, but hoping for more. The Slytherine games are good, but the pricings are pretty high at times (also Gladius is getting a new DLC that brings Chaos Marines in). Eternal Crusade is best forgotten and Inquisitor Martyr is getting a stand-alone expansion pack.

I wonder if we get an actual RPG for once. And no, the Deathwatch game is not good since it's a filthy port from mobiles.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Make a Ciaphas Cain RPG and it'll print it's own money

It depends on whether Geedubs realizes that giving the license to the lowest bidder is a bad thing.

>Make a Ciaphas Cain RPG and it'll print it's own money
That's a sound and hilarious idea. If Sandy Mitchell is on board and makes the main campaign story, then it will be awesome.

I think this thread is just a 40k lore discussion general disguised as a videogames one just like any other Warhammer thread on Yea Forums and should be reported.

I want a game that isn't shovelware and also isn't about a special snowflake part of the lore, like named characters and less-known factions.

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>Thread about 40K games
>Is also about lore and for that it must be purged

I want something akin to that old Aspect Warriors game that never came out. It looked like it was supposed to be like Commandos, but with Eldar Aspect Warriors.

Post game ideas
I'll start
Hive city manager

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Rogue Trader RPG/Space Sim

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Inb4 impermemes, people only knowing lore through DoW, post 3rd ed
Also Knights aka knaves are gay and belong in apocalypse. The game is centered around skirmishes and 28mm minis.

I would a Knight game that is essentially MechWarrior: 40K CQC Edition.

And no. Freeblade doesn't cut it.

Horror game akin to Doom where you are a single marine/guardsman attempting to survive a warband invasion.
Imagine going inside a spaceship and all the walls are like the fucking Paris Catacombs.

A couple questions if you guys don't mind.

Are any of the TBS Space Hulk games any good? I'm torrenting the latest one (from 2018) now and if it's any good at all I'll just buy it. And are the campaigns of DoW 2 and Chaos Rising much different from Retribution? I hardly remember. I remember it's the same 4 heroes (SM and CSM) IIRC and each have some sort of corruption meter, what it does or whatever I forget.

A shame that most GW-licensed games are poor.

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If you're going the Doom approach it has to be daemons. It's a plenty common occurrence, you just need a Gellar Field failure to set it off.

I'd rather have a NOT alien/ jeans stealer as a guardsman, fending off a warband would be silly

Ascension was nice, and the other two DoW games had much longer campaigns based more on the RPG elements (that is, the skills and stats and the wargear). Start with the vanilla DoW campaign, the stuff you get there carries over into the Chaos Rising campaign.

Something similar, but with Nids, you are in the middle of a no-man's land and you must survive while looking for a way to get back to your main force.

>Are any of the TBS Space Hulk games any good?
Like Ascension? They are pretty good, but the first game makes you be at the mercy of The Dice God and Goddess of Luck. At least Ascension is more forgiving but still demanding. Tactics I did not play, same with Deathwing.

DoW2 and Chaos Rising have similar mechanically campaigns, but Chaos Rising's campaign is much more linear and has a corruption mechanism. Retribution is less crazy, but still fun. Also it quickly changes from a tactical hack'n'slash into a more tactical hack'n'slash with army management.

And agreed. GW needs to give the license to better companies.

Earth Defense Force except your a Guardsman fighting a horde of Tyranids

Space hulk but good

Do any 40k games except soulstorm feature the sisters?

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>GW needs to give the license to better companies.
Maybe TWarhammer will make them realize that investing in a studio who actually cares and letting them take their time is the best business model. How a company who deals exclusively in niche markets is so bad at catering to niche markets is honestly more impressive than frustrating.

I love Inquisitor Martyr, but the defense missions are utter bullshit.

All awful. The only good 40k game was Blizzard's gay knockoff in the 90's. Dawn of War is ok, but even Pikmin is more of a RTS. Fuck, just give us a lore-heavy TBS and actually put evvort into quality control. I would love if the Advance Wars team was in charge of the project

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It's the greed. Good companies are expensive, and despite its recent discovery that it actually has to interact with its fanbase it wouldn't be Games Workshop without trying to cut costs at our expense.

>Maybe TWarhammer will make them realize
Doubtful if we take into account what they did with the tabletop. Though them killing off tabletop Warhammer Fantasy and replacing it with the visibly inferior Age of Sigmar was mostly Scumbag Kirby's fault. And it's a good thing he's not in charge anymore.


Deathwing is on sale at Steam, worth buying it for myself and friend to coop it through?

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How's Sanctus Reach?

>All awful.
Wow, if only I could tell who was behind this p--
>sees webm
The eternal leaf, what a surprise.

At least they are getting some new miniatures. Tired of sisters getting shafted.

Wondering this myself.

Yeah, it's solid, even for just single player campaign. Worth getting when it's on special.

It's a long-standing tradition.

And I'm pretty sure they worked out the bugs that plagued it earlier on.

DoW Dark Crusade with the mod is very fun until stronghold missions which the Russian devs made broken.

It's a very hate/love game, kind of like the tabletop I suppose

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>future of 40K videogames
>no Wych arena action game
>no Planetside 40k
>no DoW1 remastered
>no Total Warhammer 40k as far as I know
The future looks grim

I looked at the steam sale they're having on Warhammer videogames and there's so much 40k turn based shovelware, with the actual half decent games being buried in them. I think I'm only going to be interested in 40k games from now on if they're coming from a studio whose name I actually recognize.

I think a warhammer 40k total war has a decent chance of happening once they're done with fantasy, if for no reason other than it will almost certainly print money and give them an excuse to continue branching out from normal total war gameplay.

I tried to get into the original DoW a few months ago starting with the very first one. I got really bored really quick because it felt very shallow and like I could just death blob everything. Should I give it another chance or have I been spoiled by newer and more complex RTS games? Sup com and stuff,.

Space Marine
and what would be the last "class"

It's worth a try, though the later expansions do have a focus on rushing. Consider the DoWPro mod, or perhaps Firestorm over Kronos/Kaurava (assuming they finished it anyway).

what about a warhammer 40k helldivers game? making every army playable
it would be a really fucking good game

>no Space Marine 2

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Dark crusade with the mod is challenging once you get to strongholds which take several hours to complete

Sweet. Gonna grab that Mechanicus game. Also a DLC expansion will be available on summer called Heretek. Xenarite for life baby!

oh boy here they come..

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The enhanced edition fixed all the problems so if it's cheap get it. The terminator armour feels very satisfying to stomp about in.


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Why would Cain get an RPG before Eisenhorn?

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Why would I play anything else but Dawn of War 1 and its subsequent expansions?

Eisenhorn got a game. We do not speak of it. We need one millennium for it to pass so that it would be cleansed of the taint of blundering.

Mechanicus is pretty cool.

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Faustinius is everything a Tech-Priest should be.

We need a total war-scale 40k game

I think it was also a delayed overreaction to the notable increase in popularity 40k got in the early-mid 2010s. It's normally a ludicrous idea to emulate WW, but them releasing an updated and supported ruleset for OWoD which established it as an ongoing, yet independent setting from NWoD was a great decision and something GW should've taken notes from, especially since both settings had a similar dilemma of THE APOCALYPSE WILL HAPPEN ANY DAY NOW HAHA. A consolidated update for WHFB in conjunction with AoS would've been a lot more successful. Newfriends who were drawn in by the more grand, cosmic-scale 40k approach could've had their fun with AoS, and then maybe gotten into Fantasy proper once they became more familiar with the broad strokes. Added benefit of players who didn't enjoy the new setting being able to still use their old models/armies while still getting shekels from them through rulebooks and expansions. Won't be surprised if we get something like Classic Fantasy in the next few years, but GW fucked up which sucks because I had more fun painting HE than anything else in any setting

A 100% correct statement. I'll be playing it again now they've added difficulty settings.

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That'd be tricky, the tabletop wasn't designed for that scale, and attempts to increase the scope (Epic and Apicalypse) kind of broke the game since it only really works for factions like IG, Nids, and Orks. I'd be fine with a large scale vidya that was focused around those factions, but even then you'd need something outside the TW formula and I can't think of a studio who could make it gud

Surely games like this already exist

>check this thread
>Check steam
>There is a Warhammer sale going on
The way that total war games are played wouldn't mix well with 40k

Imperial assassin game where the assassin you choose defines the gameplay style
>Callidus plays like Hitman
>Vindicare plays like Sniper Elite
>Eversor plays like DOOM
>Culexus plays like Psi-Ops

Any mission could be played as any of the four assassins.

Maybe not, but there's 40k threads here all the time

Why can't they make more killteam type xbl arcade games?

A 1:1 vidya adaptation of Kill Team


Fund it.

I want a game in the style of God of War but each game features a different Phoenix Lord, set the story around the time he battled Hive Fleet Leviathan

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>The target is a suspected leader of a widespread Slaaneshi cult. He spends most of his time in underhive entertainment establishments. Due to the amount of bystanders in such a setting, we recommend sending one of the assassins of the Callidus Temple
>M-my lord, are you sure that is wise?
>Very well, my lord. It shall be done

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Just got this game, what are the recommended difficulty settings? THere's so many options. I heard normal is too easy. I like the idea of ironman and perma death but in some games that shit becomes a chore.

GW is that you?

Is Inquisitor Martyr any good?

I'd guess try hard first. The early game requires the most thought but late game if you build your priests right you can just charge in and nuke most of the map and kill everything.

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The obvious solution is fluff marines. And Phoenix Lords, and so on.
Smaller number factions should have stupendously powerful units, the way they are in the lore.

40k has tons of potential for games but GW are a bunch of retards
>gorka morka cart
>hive city sim city
>imperiam commando
>just make the tabletop a game itself
So on and so on. I think GW purposly tries to keeps 40k media somewhat shit to keep it niche, fans will still buy. If it became too popular it would be doom for gw

Hotline Miami is evesor game.

where is my boy?

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the blizzardcraft franchises alone provesthat GW are a bunch of incompetent cucks that cant see past their own noses

Considering GW apparently gives the IP to anyone who comes knocking, they are not the ones at fault.
Its just that most devs want a safer IP, or just to make their own thing.
>hive city sim city

Too bad AoS is selling better than whfb ever did.
Not that I like this fact, but they were right in the long run, whfb was losing them money.

AoS is not a bad setting, though. I find that most people take a look at it and decide it's shit because it's not WHFB, without even trying to get into it.

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I think its more due to the fact it launched with virtually none.

There will never be a AAA 40k game that isn't a RTS or FPS

Just put a 40k skin over Company of Heroes for fuck sake.

I've always had this idea of playing a FPS/Strategy hybrid where you were the officer of an IG platoon, ordering squads to move and fight against orks/nids/chaos/whatever with your own command squad that you could even customize. Like Brother-in-Arms but a whole lot fucking bigger.

True, but so did WHFB back in the day. People like to forget that WHFB had literal decades to flesh itself out when they compare it to AoS, that has had a few years now.

They did that, it was called Dawn of War II.

A sequel to Armageddon with a graphics budget would be insta pre-order for me.

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Shark cavalry
WHFB, despite being a staple of fantasy, because it wouldn't outsell everything else on the market meant that fantasy had to be d&d tier garbage and nowhere near believable because vaguely realistic "doesn't sell"

Most all are shit. Look up the shovelware on mobile.

40k video games are so untapped it genuinely fucking annoys me. It's crazy how if you don't like strategy games, your only options are Space Marine and Fire Warrior.

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The only good WH40K games are Space Marine, DoW I & expansion packs and E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy. Fight me.

>Aquatic elves utilizing aquatic animals as steeds of war is unbelievable

Or is it the magic they use on them to allow them to levitate while on land that rubs you the wrong way? Because magic was always a big part of Warhammer, even in WHFB.

>DoWII is CoH
You wish, negus. CoH is fucking MILES ahead of the moba-lite bullshit DoWII was.

The issues I have with it are the shitty art design and making everything much more generic. WHFB had a much more unique feel to it. AoS feels like some weird d&d spin off.

The campaigns for DoW2 and its expansions are pretty fun, even if limited.

>It's crazy how if you don't like strategy games, your only options are Space Marine and Fire Warrior.
Thats what really pisses me off. I'd take a CoD clone that you play as an Imperial Guadsman at this point.

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They literally reported 8th edition making them less money than paints.
Did they do it gracefully?
Was squatting bretonnia, old orcs and goblins, tomb kings, empire nice?

Did GW DOUBLE its revenue by year 2017?
Yes it did.

Blame rights management and PR
Ironically they've only just recently begun to throw out IPs like candy but before then it was an integrity thing, every iteration of 40k stuff must be loyal to the source and have the ultimate goal of drawing people to the tabletop
With a more lenient view they had to start from square one and realize that handing out IPs to chinese mobile game creators is retarded, but from the perspective of having handed over all rights management to Relic for the last long while it makes sense they'd make those mistakes
Follow it up with DoWIII and they're making progress (sorta)

Metal Gear Rising but Kharn

>Space Marine will never have a sequel which expands upon Titus and the mechanics of the first game
>there will never be more RIP AND TEAR in the name of The Emperor
Feels fucking awful, lads.

>Titanfall but instead of gubmint vs rebels it's T'au vs Farsight Enclaves

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>money matters
Hence why I'll never respect such endeavors ever again
Same as Dark Imperium it's artistically dishonest and should be cast aside in the same manner as people do in other IPs to fuckups that no one wants to admit were REAL and CANON at the time

Eisenhorn's goal is to serve the Imperium without getting corrupted. Meh.
Cain's goal is to boost his influence and reputation so he can con his way into a cushy job. Not only do you have to fight chaos/heretics/aliens, but you are scared shitless and need to do something clever to appear dashing and heroic .
It would be way more fun viewing the 41st century through Cain's eyes then Eisenhorn's.

Why not Tau vs some small time Titan legion that fields primarily Warhound titans?

Because Warhounds are still 40 foot monstrosities that would completely shitstomp crisis suits.

Only if I can crush the T"""au under the heels of the Titans.

Red orchestra 2 but in 40k
Just imagine wave after wave of Krieg troops besieging shit in ludicrous ways...
Alternatively a SW Battlefront II clone featuring Chaos/mehreens/Ork champs as heroes

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No, that's DoW3.

I think the only equivalent that the Imperium has to the Crisis suit is the Knight armor, and that's still like, twice the size of a crisis suit.

Armiger Knights and AdMech robots.
On the other side of things, t''''au have more than one kind of suit.

'ear me out, boyz

wot if... we's take Bordurrlandz n makes it orky?

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An RTS game that is actually lore accurate in scale. I want a game where a few chapters of Space Marines are actually equal to a decently sized Ork Waaagh in terms of strength.

Because Tau mechs work almost exactly like Titanfall mechs. Stocky robots that you climb into via the chest. Also both teams are identical in every way other than the colour of their armour, which is what made me think of Farsight Enclaves.

I liked the campaign of DoWII. Wish the concept was developed more, added more bosses, not the same campaign path for all race, and more interesting items.

I fucking wish.

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Codex adherent chapters are one thousand marines in strength. You'd need a shit ton of such chapters to match the numbers of even the smallest of Waaaghs

I think when they killed Chapter Master and then gave the green light to a bunch of dogshit games, then killed WHFB that I'll never support GS again.

Space Marines + Imperial Guard then.

I know you think you're doing a thing, but you're not. Tau is the race, T'au is the planet. Stop being a flufflet.

>Tau is the race, T'au is the planet. Stop being a flufflet.
>he literally doesn't know
pic semi-related

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Why didn't the Emperor just send the War Hounds down to save Angron's gladiators?

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Why didn't Lorgar just stop worshiping the Emperor as a god? Some questions will never be answered.

He wanted Angron to hate him in order to engineed the heresy.

You're right actually. I know absolutely nothing about lore developments from about 2015 onwards. I was assuming that it can't have changed that significantly, considering it hadn't for more than a decade.

Why didn't he just tell Horus he was working on the Webway portal? Why did he not do anything when he heard the Night Lords were torturing/murdering entire planetary populations, recording the dying screams then playing them to the next people they were going to slaughter? Why did ect ect. I don't think he was really a people person.

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GW has become VERY protective, at least even more so now, of their IPs. A lot of factions had more copywrightable name changes given to them. Tau are now T'au, Eldar are Aeldari, Imperial Guard are now Astra Militarium and a few others. The Dark Eldar name sounds hilariously similar to Drew Carry, his my pic.

Dow1 with ultimate apocalypse is the best wh40k you can play. Not just mod, but game. Too bad its on an old engine that can't handle hundreds of units onscreen without fps issues.


>Why didn't he just tell Horus he was working on the Webway portal?

One of the books goes into this. The Navis Nobilite (union of navigator families) would have revolted and fucked the whole thing if they knew that the Emperor was going to create a new form of travel that would make the Navigator's obsolete. Travel would have been crippled if the Navigator's revolted, so he could only reveal the truth after it had been completed.

In the book the Navigator's spies find out about a related project and send a suicide bomber to destroy the prototype of the Golden Throne.

GW continues to amaze me. So they genuinely don't use the "old names" at all?

Allegedly, the heresy was meant to be a controlled event to get rid of unnecessary assets and bring mankind into dominance.

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but we're also getting figures from a bandai collaboration so I'm hoping they see vidya as worthehile

They once tried to trademark "space marine". Obviously it failed. So instead it was time to rename everything.

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This is good, but it should remain unexplained.
At the most it might be connected to vague other events.

>So they genuinely don't use the "old names" at all?
I haven't seen them say them for a while so I assume not. And 40k has changed quite a lot. Look up "Primaris Marines" and go from there.
Also, guess who decided to awake from his nap.

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Depends which.

Imperial Guard = Astra Militarum. Probably the most common/widespread. I'd say Astra Militarum is used 90% of the time in the rulebooks and 60% of the time in the newer novels

Eldar = Aeldari. I haven't seen "Eldar" in the rulebooks in ages but it's still used quite a bit in the novels

Dark Eldar = Drukhari. 50/50 for which is used

Tau = T'au. The least consistent one. I think a lot of writers just forgot the new spelling and it creates confusion because T'au already exists as the Tau's homeworld

There's also a push to change Chaos Space Marines to "Heretic Astartes" but I haven't seen it used all that much

How would a 40k Total War work exactly? Total War is all about massive units and formations and such like

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>Not wanting a new faction of eldritch horrors that make the chaos gods shit themselves in fear

Pretty retarded

Formations and the like still exist in 40k. It'd be more spread out though true. But basically I meant a SCALE of 40k where you have thousands of units clashing simultaneously on screen


Does this mean I need to get a new edition of my infantry man's handbook?

Couldn't the Emperor trust Horus to keep that secret from the Navigator fucks?

>no Horus Heresy total war game where you're a loyalist/traitor splinter company conquering backwater worlds at the edge of the galaxy

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Actually you're thinking of the ChapterHouse debacle.

40k is a skirmish game. You're thinking of Epic/Armageddon.

The Emperor was terrible at trusting anybody with anything.

Big E was pretty autistic

Apparently the new line is he foresaw all of THAT too, and everything up until now has been part of another even more convoluted plan to defeat Chaos. It's complicated, but the short story "The Board is Set" sums it up well...enough.

1. The Emperor is a fucking dick
2. People of other races are worthless
3. There's no hope for us in this fucked up system
4. If you think you're going to have fun with these people it's probably time to get home
5. The Emperor doesn't want you to be a bad guy
6. Only good fights win wars
If you don't agree, here are some of the most important points you'll need to know.
1. The Emperor is a fucking dick

Who spess mareen here

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>cain's goal is blah blah
Never read the books.

Did they reveal yet what his endgame was/is?

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I still think it's retarded as fuck. I really don't hope they're going to make the Horus Heresy explicitly into something the Emperor had planned. It's just retarded

All we know is that he wants to get into Emps' throneroom and that according to Our Spiritual Liege he should definitely NOT be carrying around that sword of his.

All I could tell is that he knew something like the Heresy would happen, just that he didn't know which Primarchs would be loyalist until it actually happened. And that trying to anticipate it would make Chaos do the equivalent of flipping the table.

>According to Our Spiritual Liege he should definitely NOT be carrying around that sword of his

Did he give any particular reason as to why not?

None specifically, but if the Horus Heresy books are any indication if might be because he personally broke it when he was going to kick the Lion out of the Imperium Secundus.

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That would require fighting the planetary government, which was already compliant to the Emperor.

Politics > Sons temper Tantrum

Was that supposed to be the enslavers?

>So what are your thoughts on the future of 40K videogames?

Total Warhammer 40k saves it or it goes down the drain forever

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But Sons temper Tantrum helped destroy half the galaxy

lolchaos is boring, but it serves its purpose. Another faction in that sense would just be too much.
Oldcrons had the unknowable aspect to themselves, and much as I think there are good things about the Necrons nowadays much was lost by overexplaining.

Pretty sure noone knows, which is great. The galaxy is big, there should remain a fair bit of mystery to make the setting better.

>tfw can't wait to paint my primaris with the new contrast paints

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It's an open ended thing so the GM could fluff them out as whatever he wanted. They could be Chakats as far as GW is concerned.

Can't get other worlds to quietly accept compliance if everyone in the region hears that you betrayed a loyal planet and killed all their forces for a few slaves.

It would set the crusade back years or even decades in that region of space, especially if other planets decided to fight you rather than have that happen to them.

Now, E-Money SHOULD have just beamed Angron and his fighty bois all onboard at the same time. Why he didn't let him keep his companions, there hasn't been much information on. Maybe they were too far gone with the nails?

>They could be Chakats
Not even GW is bad enough to do something of the sort.
But the point is that it is and should remain open ended because its better that way.
Not everything needs a faction, a book series, a few audiobooks and models for the tabletop.

Seems like it would make painting grunts way faster. Mite be cool.

WHFB was an even smaller skirmish game

>chaos gate

racing games... Nah, to stupid. Better make fighting game with cutie nids

Rainbow 6: Siege with Imperial Fists and Iron Warriors but on the scale of Planetside.

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>too stupid
Also not warhammer but still GW youtube.com/watch?v=xglFrwQmK1w

When are we getting Twisted Metal but Orks

Probably never, which is sad when DoW proves Orks can make for entertaining characters.

I want more Bluddflagg

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I'll wait for mine.

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holy fuck bandai is releasing 40k figures? And I see nendoroid-like figures to the right. GW is really pushing 40k in japan now.


About time and I need to choose a chapter to paint.

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>chibi 40k figures
>the action figure
Please stop. I need to eat.

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They said it would be prepainted though.
Repainting will be possible though I suppose.

>Hive city manager
>Rogue Trader RPG

>Play as utterly corrupt Governor.
>Embezzle 99% of the budget into my private off planet accounts.
>Hive falls to disrepair and anarchy.
>"Sir, the Underhives are revolting!"
>You can say that again. Stinking plebs.
>"The Factorums have risen up!"
>Let them eat cake!
>"The Nobles are launching a coup!”
>Conspiracy theory.
>"The Arbites have been massacred overnight!"
>Don't interrupt my sleep again.
>"PDF units have defected!"
>At this point what difference does it make?
>Buy a Lunar class cruiser. Refit it with all the luxuries I can think of. Harem of concubines, gold toilets, etc. Fill the cargo bays with treasure.
>Rebellion finally reaches the Spire.
>Time to go. But first I set the Hive fusion reactors to overload.
>As my luxury shuttle escapes the atmosphere, the Hive reactors detonate.
>Cool guys don't look at explosions.
>Dock with my new home, the cruiser Golden Flush. Relax on my command throne.
>Send an astropath message to the Adeptus Terra. "Hive fell to Chaos. Punished all the heretics with fire, in the name of the Emperor. No mercy."
>Be rewarded for my heroic actions with a Warrant of Trade.
>Just as planned.

Attached: why not both.jpg (400x400, 86K)

If they were smart they'd put out an unpainted version as well

it doesn't answer your question at all, but I kinda wish I was competent enough to make a total conversion 40k mod for starsector
It'd be a gargantuan effort though, so im not surprised that nobody's attempted it

Attached: Starsector-1-e1499935980829-696x392.jpg (696x392, 50K)

Hopefully people have told them as much on their community pages so that they do it.
I'm not too hopeful though. But maybe they intended to from the start.

Actually if you could rip the ship models from BFG1 and 2 and then render them top down in Blender or Max or w/e, that would make creating the ships much easier

I want one with sisters.

Attached: Baby_sister_of_battle.jpg (600x774, 78K)

Its called Soulstorm


Attached: terminator and sister.jpg (1280x1024, 136K)

So you want a game where you play a Terminator who brings a little sister to the schola or the convent?