What's your favourite JRPG? What's your most hated JRPG?
JRPG Thread
Is Ar Tonelico worth picking up?
I fancy myself a connoisseur when it comes to weeb trash JRPGs. I really don't have a favorite but i really like REALLY like Shadow Hearts.
as for disliking i was never a fan of FFX. it has good points like the music and art but everything else just never sat well with me. I never played X-2 but i hear the battle system is god tier. That true?
I'm looking for something comfy and character-focused with good combat (strategic or action). Thinking of trying Ar Tonelico, Mana Khemia, Tales of Symphonia, Tales of Vesperia, or Death End Request. What do you recommend?
>favorite JRPG
Definitely TWEWY. The characters, art design, OST, and gameplay are just so fucking good.
>least favorite
This piece of shit.
Not even once
That game does not exist user. We all aggreed to forget it.
I want to forget this POS existed as well. Tag line should have been
>Star Ocean 5:Loli gets kidnapped over and over again
>Death End Request
Thought this was a complete piece of shit. Was I bamboozled?
It’s like very mediocre.
its a shame i have to get going to work and i can't stay and enjoy this comfy thread.
You have a Xbox 360?. Ever play Lost Odyssey? Infinite Undiscovery? Resonance of Fate (also on PC PS4 and PS3)
>Star Ocean 5:Loli gets kidnapped over and over again
some how it was worse than 4. Some fucking how.
>balls deep in DDS2
>get burned out take a few days break
> gets into ESO
>gets into Magic Arena
fuck me i need to finish it but I've lost all drive.
SO5 hurts just because the interviews made it sound like they knew exactly what they were doing, but it turns out they didn't know what they were doing.
not entirely sure, but Dragon Quest 7 was really tiresome and disappointing
>most hated
Some real boring shit I couldn't be bothered to finish, Golden Sun Dark Dawn comes to mind
I liked Magna Carta 2. Haven't played the first one yet.
Mana Khemia is strangely obscure for how good it is
The only Ar Tonelico with good combat is 2 and even then it's still kinda easy. There's a hard mode mod that comes with the retranslation for it though. Other than that, it's comfy and character focused and has a 10/10 OST.
>some how it was worse than 4.
I just cannot accept how bad this game was. The best thing about it was the Valkyrie Profile battle music DLC.
>Story was bad
>Game play was bad
>Loli gets kidnapped, go rescure her from an underground base. Get to the end of the base and rescue her, go back to the entrance to have her kidnapped AGAIN!"!!!!!!!! It is like 5 fucking times she gets taken from to you to advance the fucking plot.
This whole game made me regret it. Even the final boss bugged the fuck out on me and i could not kill him without restarting. I WILL NEVER NOT BE FUCKING MAD ABOUT THIS FUCKING GAME!!!!!
Skies of Arcadia, of course.
>good combat
Skies of Arcadia
>most hated
maybe Eternal Sonata
Where the fuck is the HD/remastered version? Did they forgot about it after annnouncing it last year?
Anyone here played steal princess? I picked it up for ten bucks at a garage sale is it any good?
Also they censored the cover art but left the manual uncensored.
Is there a functional undub out there? How bad are the english voices?
Don't have a 360, I'll see if my PC can run resonance of fate.
I heard good things but maybe I'm the one that got bamboozled.
I see people say it's the best game ever in every atelier thread at least, hence my interest
I should play through 1 first right?
I miss it lads.
Legend of dragoon, phantasy star 2
Final fantasy XV
>How bad are the english voices?
They're tolerable, honestly. You'll grow to like them, further you play the game.
I wish I'd know. Couldn't find anything about it.
Do I need to play Ar Tonelico 1 before 2? I've heard pretty much everyone say that 2 is better and it seems more immediately interesting to me based off what I've seen.
>What's your favourite JRPG?
Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song
What's your most hated JRPG?
Magna Carta
Ar tonelico 1 and 2 are at least worth trying. I really enjoyed 2 in particular.
FFX-2 has good character customization, but the actual combat mechanics are just typical FF-style ATB. I consider that a big step down from FFX, but I've never been a fan of ATB.
ps2/gba era was the jrpg paradise, is something ever going to get close?
Also, Riviera.
>I should play through 1 first right?
absolutely. Do all endings, check out the translated lyrics to songs and if you want the drama CDs.
Best girl
>Grandia is a dead series
Sad as fuck, if the creator didn't die so young it could have been huge
its dead user, maybe they'll at least put out a collection one day...
Not really. There are a few returning characters, but the plot as a whole is pretty self-contained.
I love the Ar Tonelico series. However favorite JRPG has to be the one that kicked off my love for them: The legend of dragoon.
Shadow Hearts is amazing. I kind of hate it that people keep pissing on the From the New World as it's really not THAT bad. Sure, if you compare it to the first two, it might feel a bit of an underachievement. But Shania is such a bonny lass and the heart is still in there. Kind of.
I don't have one in particular, but I love the SaGa and Metal Max series, along with a few other old, dead series.
>What's your most hated JRPG?
You just don't hate videogames
Why does everyone hate Luca?
Hard to pick a single one, but if I had to pick one from each generation, it would probably be these.
Chrono Trigger
Star Ocean 2
Ar tonelico
Resonance of Fate.
I don't really have a most hated one since if I don't particularly like a game, I'll quit playing and forget about it.
My favorite is either Final Fantasy 6 or Dragon Quest 8.
Dont think I've played a JRPG I've outright hated. Or any game I've outright hated really.
Shadow Hearts 1 and 2 are actual masterpieces. Change my mind.
The hymnos songs in those game are so amazing. They only get better once you realize the hymos language is not just gibberish but has a translation.
2 lost that unique mix of bizarre that the original had and just comes off as silly rather than creepy
This. I remember the Yea Forums hype threads.
It was just so disappointing. I bought the LE and everything.
Man Festival could not happen in a game nowadays.
>What's your favourite JRPG?
Baten Kaitos
>What's your most hated JRPG?
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
There's no need to. They're genuinely really fucking good. I was sure I wouldn't like Yuri as he gives such an annoying first impression in the first game, but man, did I feel it hard at the end of Covenant.
Favorite: Dark Cloud 2
Least Favorite that I've played: Probably Star Ocean 4
Fuck off piastol, this shit is getting old.
I fancy that you fancy yourself as a fancy cacerole
Those are X-2 memers who not-so-coincidentally hate X for shitpostings sake.
My top 10 JRPGs (didn't think long about it, just the first 10 that came to mind)
1. Skies of Arcadia
2. Xenosaga Episode III
3. Ao no Kiseki
4. Rance X
5. Lunar SSSC
6. Dark Cloud 2
7. Terranigma
8. Xenoblade 2
9. Ys 4
10. Grandia 2
>Most hated
The entire Trails of Cold Steel quadrilogy
Xenosaga Episode II
This is going to be controversial but Xenoblade 1, but most of that hatred stems off from being really hyped expecting another Xenogears or Xenosaga and being burned bad, it probably isn't as bad as I remember it if I go back and play it again
Lunar Dragon Song
Kingdom Hearts series
>Dark Cloud 2
The OST, user. It has this very peculiar sound.
What would I give for more of that.
I really dont get how anyone can like Cold Steel, I have seen bad writing in JRPGs before but never felt like I was losing braincells quite like I did reading CS's dialogue
Any upcoming recommendations? I'm running dry. I heard that Caligula sucks ass, so I don't know what to jump to next.
Skies of Arcadia is definitely top 5 for me, hard to narrow down a favorite
what kind of games do you like?
Ya that game is maximum comfy for me.
Starlight Temple
are a couple of my faves
I'm pretty open to anything, but Turn based and Strategy are my favorites.
As of right now I'm looking to pick up Q2, maybe the new EO and Fire Emblem. But I'm really feeling the void of having nothing to play.
>Caligula sucks ass
What, really? Damn it, I was kinda looking forward to playing it.
That's what I keep hearing. I was also pretty interested in it, but a couple of reviews have started to sour me on it.
You can wait for the SaGa games to come out, but who knows how long it will take, might be this summer or as far as this winter.
Skies of Arcadia
good story, good locations and good characters
too bad for that goddamn encoutner rate
Favorite would probably be the Trails in the Sky trilogy.
Most hated is Final Fantasy XIII.
most hated jrpg is the one in the op
It was fixed in the GC version right?
it's terrible and cringe. it also has godawful localization
How bad was SO5? I came into Star Ocean from 4 thinking it was a reboot since there wasn't a number only to absolutely seethe from how stupid the MCs were by the end.
Nexus is very fun
Main plot and the bonding events are shit, everything else (side quests, bit characters, etc) is pretty good.
someone wanna compile a list of all these gems? i wanna play all of them : /
also there's an item that reduces the encounter rates, but you find it after the game's midpoint
Dragon Quest VIII
>most hated
I dunno. There are tidal waves of mediocrity in the genre so big that I don't even "hate" one as much as I just generally discount the entire genre outside of a very specific few examples.
Okay, so I'm at the part where I'm under the coliseum about to fight the executioner, but my magic is under-leveled and I ran out of ways to heal. Do I have to backtrack through the sewer just to get to the inn to heal? I want to really get into this game.
Jesus goddamn fucking Christ, that game is absolutely terrible.
Still not the worst I've played, but close.
fav RPG: Lunar SSSC
worst RPG ever: Radiata Stories
currently playing: The Lost Child (pretty good dungeon crawler)
yeah you better grind of that part because IIRC you have to fight two bosses with no rest inbetween
I hate Kingdom Hearts so fucking much.
Not sure if it count as a jrpg but I'm playing R-Type Tactics 2. It's definitely an upgrade over the first.
Funny thing, Xenosaga II is my fav game in trilogy, despite the fact that KOS MOS is ugly af and says nothing.
I, too, deslike not just Trails, but the whole Legend of Heroes series.
wow, Ys: II is even worse in the level design department.
why would anyone recommend playing this in 2019?
I made myself finish the first one, then beat 1/3 of the second one and called it quits and watched the rest on youtube while skipping those horrid mazes.
playing Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim right now after OiF, I'm really enjoying it.
I suppose I'll like the Origin just as much. Hopefully I'll enjoy the party-based gameplay in the newest games as well.
origin is set in the same tower you know and love
I liken it to Evil Dead 1 and 2, you move away from genuine horror tinged with humor to make a more absurd full-on hybrid of the two
There's reasons to love both
I started replaying the first Xenoblade recently (my wii died down before I can finish it years ago) and I wonder why I didn't replay this game much earlier. So far I'm really liking the battle system and how the game works overall (quests etc). The art and the story might be just okay so far, but the game is so fun I don't really care. I recommend you to try it again, user.
Man I remember when I was like 10 and was gated so hard by that boss only to get reamed by the one after. Made me quit until I picked it back up in high school many years ago.
there's no way it'll be as bad though;
that first dungeon in Ys: II where you go inside one cave, and there's three more, you choose the first one, and there's 9 more- I somehow got through that by remembering everything but I rage quit when I realized that kind of gameplay would be there for the rest of the game, and the combat wasn't enjoyable either.
I appreciated the story through youtube, which was enough for me.
best: soul blazer
worst: final fantasy 6
>comfy and character-focused with good combat (strategic or action).
Literally Mana Khemia.
Second one was retranslated, so localization is okay now.
(not the user you quoted)
I assume you're playing on Dolphin emulator. If so, are you using HD texture pack? Maybe I'm just crazy, or blind, but for some reason the game looks better - to me, at least - if you set resolution to 3 or 4x instead of said HD texture pack.
I can't though, SH2 is legit the best written script for a video game.
>What's your favourite JRPG?
My favorite is either Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, or Mother 3. Depends on my mood, really.
What's your most hated JRPG?
Pic related. Not even a terrible game or anything, but it's a perfect example of a soulless commercial product that panders to the current young generation of weebs in the most unimaginative ways possible.
No I'm playing with my potato laptop so I doubt I can play with HD texture. I'm fine with the graphics really. But I know some people aren't much fans of the character design.
Play game.
Tokyo Xanadu looks like something I'd like. Is the stuff missing from the vita version just some bonus tacked onto the end or will I get a lesser experience overall from the vita version?
>What's your favourite JRPG? What's your most hated JRPG?
Hard to say for both. I mean there are many RPGs I like for various reasons (like Earthbound and Lufia 2) and there are many RPGs I hate for any reasons (like Dragon Song, BoF5, and FFXV)
>example of a soulless commercial product that panders to the current young generation of weebs in the most unimaginative ways possible.
Holy fuck this.This is why so many modern JRPG's are shit.
I was going to try it out actually. I thought it was an action game like persona. I really like the setting in Persona, but turn-based combat gets boring for me pretty fast, even though I'm fine autistically smashing X for a long time. I guess it's the cutscenes that start to get boring.
The PS4/PC version runs at 60 fps and does have substantially more content, but it doesn't really change the appeal of the game or anything. The plot premise is still dollar store Persona meets 2010s LN schlock. The cast is as stereotypical as you get for games with this kind of appeal. The gameplay is akin to Ys VIII, but way less polished, and the levels consist mainly of lazily designed Gothic mazes with boring layouts. The whole package reeks of mediocrity.
Knights in the Nightmare
Persona 3
What is that short haired girl with the skirt called? I'm not going to play the shitty game but she cute.
Don't forget that the different girl ending suck, and is nothing more than an extra scene where they blush and nothing else.
Thanks user. How are the boss fights?
Sora. She's a stereotypical genki tomboy underclassman.
I'll be honest. I didn't even have it in me to finish this game. I just watched the rest of the story on YouTube. In retrospect, I shouldn't have even wasted my time on that.
Either pathetically easy or annoying as shit. Pretty much any mainline Ys game released between 2003 and now has better boss fights.
I don't know why I can't get into this game.I love JRPGs and this has pretty much everything I wanted but still I can't.
Which of the games were you referring to?
it took a while for me for the game to click. picked it up and dropped it many times but eventually it stuck with me.
playing on a emulator is probably the best since you can fast forward the tedious parts and lower the encounter rate with cheats.
Ys VI, Ys: Oath in Felghana, Ys Origin, Ys Seven, Ys: Memories of Celceta, and Ys VIII. If you're gonna play any of these, I'd say Oath, Origin, and VIII are the best of the bunch.
I'm discovering the series now as well. Oath in Felghana was amazing, I'm now playing Ys VI and loving it so far. But keep in mind that Ys: I & II are different in a few ways, and I personally didn't like those, and I'm glad I started with Oath in Felghana, because otherwise I might not have tried other games in the series. The first two games are worth checking them out on youtube though.
I beat Vesperia 4 times already. once on 360, twice on ps3, and finally on pc. the plot is really stupid but I really dig the party interactions in skits and messing around in combat by constantly swapping characters.
worst jrpg i probably ever played was the original hyperdimension neptunia on ps3. game ran at 20fps yet still looked like a ps2 game
My favorite JRPG is probably Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse, if it's turn-based we're talking about. It's Xenoblade Chronicles if I were to pick my favorite action-based game, even though I haven't played it since 2015, when I beat this game.
The one I detest the most is either Final Fantasy I or Final Fantasy II (yes, the NES/PSP games). Final Fantasy III (PSP/NES) is fine, but the first two games of the FF series are archaic.
does this count as a jrpg
Probably FFVII
Yup, best thread on Yea Forums atm.
My post here sums it up
Like i said there, the one plot point is that loli keeps getting kidnapped. I am not joking about that. They also do not handle the spaceships that well, when they are fighting you are given a bad original Star Trek episode. Then you have the writing equivalent of whiplash as you go down and start fighting on foot with magic and swords. Not to mention the boring combat and bugs. The game should have gone back to the drawing board. The cast is bland as fuck with the only standout design is the fapbait mage.
Been playing Dragon Quest XI and was pretty meh on it at first but it's grown on me a bit. The sidequests seem kind of pointless since they don't give EXP and the items they give don't seem very necessary so I'm basically just doing the main story exclusively. The combat is at it's best in boss fights where you actually have to use all your abilities
Dawn of Ys is the best bumper car Ys game. Even if you didn't like I & II, I'd still recommend playing this game cause the bosses are way less bullshit and the 90s music and aesthetic are fantastic.
Probably DDS1 or Shadow Hearts Covenant.
Hated? Maybe Persona 5. I loved the visuals and music but I genuinely hate how boring the non gameplay portions are. Characters feel so one dimensional and everyone praises the game because virgins get to pretend to have friends and gf.
Hard to say. Maybe Breath of Fire IV.
>Least Favorite
Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga. Terribly dull game. Would not recommend, even to see how bad it is.
Reminder that all of the waifus in AT1 were human disasters, while Lyner, even without the whole world saving thing, is basically the most eligible bachelor in all of Ar Ciel
I will try this based on your recommendation. Not the biggest Touhou fan I just play the SMUPs every now and then
yeah do that, personally I haven't cared about the mainline games since 2012 but this particular fangame I worship.
Granted it's been almost a decade since I gave this a hand, but I remember being pissed off because at some point the game forced me to use the characters I didn't use before and it was fucking hell because everyone was underleveled. Until that point the game was pretty good, though.
Just started SMTII, fun so far
Really hopimg we can get some SMTV news at E3, I doubt they would show anythimg at a western event though.
I hear that often, but personally I had zero issues since characters in the commander spot get full XP, dead characters get XP too, and XP gained is based on level difference so lowbies level like crazy.
And, most importantly, level doesn't actually mean that much because tactics are much more vital. People beat the final boss with level ranges all over the place.
Genius of Sappheiros is definitely not for casuals, be advised.
Though if you've played some SaGa games before that, you'll probably feel right at home since it's more or less a SaGa game with a Touhou skin and some extra mechanics.
Thanks, user, but I think I'm good. There are still a lot of "new" Ys games that I haven't played.
yeah basically.
And truth be told I actually enjoyed it (even) more than the saga games I've played for a many reasons, but most importantly because how the game is balanced and how it is clearer about spell effects, item bonuses and so on. It seriously fucking sucks that the game and the V version never had an official release in the West.
Depends more on how much importance you give to shit like playing games in the "order they were intended" or missing small connections with the first game. For instance, I feel like one of the most liked characters from the 2nd game is well liked partly because people already know her story and can connect to how she was in the past, which is all presented in the first game. But the second game also go over it briefly in certain scenes, so it's not like you're going to miss that knowledge, so it ends up being a matter of preference.
Which 2hu games do I need to be familiar with to play this one? I've only played eosd.
>but most importantly because how the game is balanced and how it is clearer about spell effects, item bonuses and so on.
I don't know about balance, but I personally prefer my SaGa games to be nebulous, sadly, they're becoming less and less like that, mostly because young people nowadays can't deal with that and don't want to experiment, but that's something for a different thread.
Besides, it's pretty different in terms of progression and does pretty much its own thing, which is a big turn off for me.
>It seriously fucking sucks that the game and the V version never had an official release in the West.
Not surprising since it's a doujin game made not for one, but two very specific fanbases, which are next to non existent in the west.
>Favorite JRPG
Ar Tonelico 2 for pretty much the reasons already listed
>Most Hated
SO5, easily. Lazy piece of shit. The only thing I remember is the refrence to 4D space from 3.
I can still hear it
characters from 6 to 12 appear in it, if you are familiar with those then you'll get references, jokes and such.
At an anons requests I picked up Shadow Hearts Covenant and I haven't been able to put it down, though not my favorite.
Either Skies of Arcadia or Grandia 2 as those are the two I grew up with on the Dreamcast
Honorable mention to FF X-2 and Atelier Iris 3 as I'm a huge fan of JRPGs with job systems
>Least favorite
Id say FF6(sacrilege I know) or Magna Carta 2
Honorable mention goes to White Knight Chronicles as it's probably the worst JRPG I like.
I played and liked FFL2, RS2 and Frontier, but all those were yoyoing wildly with their difficulty over the game between absurd and piss easy, I thought GoS did a gradually increasing challenge better. I also preferred its standard mobs, there went a massive amount of effort into designing mobs in a way so you don't just blast them with the same powerful hit-all attack for the entire game (hi there, Galaxy/Megawindblast/etc.) Really impressive for a mere fan game.
>Persona, Final Fantasy, Pokémon, ANY JRPG:
I love this series. I like the waifus, hey you want to talk about the games and the mechanics?
>Fire Emblem:
Can someone explain to me why?
In regards to Fire Emblem the sort of stuff that you seem to object to is fairly recent. Nothing from 7 and before is touched by that.
I agree the series is a shell of it's former self though.
>I thought GoS did a gradually increasing challenge better.
Well, it's a linear, stage based game, no wonder. It also had the advantage of working on a base that SaGa games had to work for decades to achieve.
And I wouldn't call it a mere fangame at all, it's made by hardcore fans of both series and it shows, it's worth every single penny, and I say this as somebody who doesn't even like Touhou.
Fire Emblem fans are really annoying most of the time but you have to give them some credit, if you try to talk about most jrpgs you generally just get a vague "I like it because it's good" but in fire emblem threads you get a very thorough "I hate every fire emblem game and here's 20 reasons why"
>characters from 6 to 12
damn that's a lot of games. Is there like a manga or something that I can read to get up to speed?
Final Fantasy IX or Suikoden II depending on the day.
Least Favorite?
There isn't a JRPG i've played that i've really hated or disliked too much. I really do a lot of reading about them before I purchase/emulate though because they take a lot of time.
Final Fantasy Legend 1 or 2.
based mutant
Executioner isn't too bad. Use Aika and Alpha Stom to fuck up almost every encounter since it just needs 4SP and you get that on turn 1 by now.
Executioner is the first mildly challenging boss as he has an attack that will probably one shot Aika if your under-leveled.
Might be best to restore your MP and just get through without healing if your worried. Not much left after that thats difficult.
Once your out of Vaula the real game starts and its amazing. No other area is western themed and they all have a distinct feel.
Tips for later:
Get Aika to her 3rd special by forest dungeon as Lambda Burst is good enough to cheese every encounter till mid-late game.
Get Vyse to max Special ASAP. Pirates wrath is the highest damage ability in the game.
Later on your going to get a guy who uses rapiers. If you want yo completely trivialize the game, get him his 2nd special move and use it every turn in boss fights.
Get max rank Green magic on someone before you finish the desert dungeon. Sacrulen makes ship battles much easier.
You can use Increm and Quika in ship battles as well. Increm makes your weapons do more and Quicka makes you evade more attacks.
Magic is kinda underwhelming IMO, so most of your time is best spent saving MP for healing and use Specials for damage dealing. Only Aika and your other dedicated mage you get soon are any good at it anyway.
Assuming your playing the GC port, fix your title as soon as possible when it happens, You will know what I mean when you get there. The reason can be found at Nasir's capital. Its also a hard fight, so be careful.
>I love this series
What fucking universe are you living in?
Hyperdimension Neptunia. I love the story, characters, art and music. Dungeons and battles are mediocre but it's not a big deal. Fighting or walking through dungeons in JRPGs is never that interesting. These games are all about aesthetics, atmosphere and cuties.
>Least favorite
Virtua Quest. WHAT were they thinking? It's one of those projects that astonishes me it was released, like nobody on the whole production committee or dev team ever once noticed they were making garbage?
2hu games are like 40 minutes long if you're good enough to beat them
I'm not, it took me ages to 1cc eosd on normal
>What's your favourite JRPG?
Tales of Berseria
>What's your most hated JRPG?
star ocean 4
It didn't really have that many notable jrpgs, all things considered.
Scarlet Grace, if you can read moonrunes.
Hopefully they announce the English version at E3
>taking it seriously
Gameplay for 2 is top tier action rpg
The west never gave a single damn about the series and always shat on it, why do you think Squenix would announce a SaGa game at the E3?
it's hard to choose between Strange Journey, Chrono Trigger, and FFV. Chrono Trigger wins by a hair though
>least favorite
Tales of the Abyss. I know most of Yea Forums has a strangely high level of tolerance for played-out anime tropes and overbearing exposition, but I hope you guys know that shit's a turn-off for people who aren't big into that kind of stuff.
Currently playing Wild Arms 3. I forgot how hammy the dialogue was
>played-out anime tropes
I wouldn't say it is like that after the midpoint. Actually most people hate it by how much most of the cast are assholes which I love
>Actually most people hate it by how much most of the cast are assholes
its more like the fact that most characters dont have a personality at all, the protagonist is shit, and the whole story/worldbuilding etc got replaced by a university degree explanation of whatever fon, fonon, fon resonance etc. is
>likes squareshit
>only good game is strange journey
>hates kino best tales of
Literally worst taste, congratulations you are cancer
>After the midpoint
that's precisely my point, my man
if i used a cheese grater on my cock for 20 hours straight, i'd stop feeling pain, but that would mostly be due to my lack of a cock by that point
Always glad to see BK get some love, but Origins is better
Xenoblade games are better than both
Any good ones for the switch? I'm going on a trip and want to buy some games that'll consume a long time.
How is Lost Sphere?
I'm not really defending the game, heck I find it alright but I found the characters after a certain point turn 180. You get the characters especially the protag go from an brat, to an existential crisis to learning to grow up.
Can get repetitive but the art is top notch
The storyline is pretty cool too, gotta finish all the books first tho
Gameplay can be hit or miss depending on what you like, i personally loved mercedes and hated the black knight
>most hated JRPG
What is even the point of asking this
You'll only get two types of answers, either some genuinely bad shovelware which provides no insight into anything, or a popular and well-liked JRPG that is only being said either for the purpose of being controversial, making it not a genuine opinion, or because the person in question has only played a small handful of JRPGs in their life
Or people who hate a JRPG despite being just OK. Exaggerate how bad it is. Most games listed here are not as bad as they make out and makes me question how many JRPGs people have played
My most hated jrpgs are popular and well-liked because if not for their reputation I wouldn't have given them the benefit of doubt and would have dropped them ASAP. Naturally I hate the ones that wasted 20+ hours more than the ones that I tried for 10 minutes before wiping them from my memory.
Probably the JRPGs you hate aren't actually bad but they're aren't your type of gameplay.
Some hate FFT because they find it slow or Disgaea for being grindy when they really miss the point how the games gives you options t o do many things.
>Or people who hate a JRPG despite being just OK.
what if you hate a jrpg like star ocean4 just because it destroyed your whole franchise?
you could say its an "ok" game, yet it destroyed a whole franchise.
would saying its one of the worst jrpgs still be an overexaggeration?
>Origins is better
>Xenoblade games are better than both
Imagine having such poor taste. The first Xenoblade is the only one that comes close and while the Combat and callbacks to the first game in origins is great, the first game is still superior.
I didn't say they're bad, faggot
Saying it "destroyed the whole franchise" would be an exaggeration in of itself, and without even having played the series myself I bet I can guess exactly why you say that and that you also say the same thing about Xenoblade
SO4 wasn't even that bad if you skip the cutscenes. People have an exaggerated hate for 3 because of the twist but it's just one moment.
I found series to be inferior to Tales most of the time in the gameplay department but they're ok games.
>games aren't bad
>won't play them
Sorry for the shit taste, user
it has nothing to do with the cutscene, they destroyed the whole fantasy setting, replaced the unique characters with anime cliches, and generally turned the whole game into a weeb bait.
and the worst thing it has done was dragging all the "gameplayfags" into the series.
Called it.
>they destroyed the whole fantasy setting, replaced the unique characters with anime cliches, and generally turned the whole game into a weeb bait.
Star Ocean has never, ever been anything more than "weeb bait".
then you have propably never played 1 or 2.
>has no standards
>accuses user of shit taste
>then you have propably never played 1 or 2.
I did, both the originals and the remakes.
If you want to keep pretending that 3 or 4 were any different outside of having aesthetic choices appropriate for their time, just like 1 or 2 you're one of those deluded redditors who also believe in the manime meme.
The localization of Origins was so much better so I’m not sure how much of that accounts for it, but the party members were so way better and more interesting imo. Also like you said the combat was vastly improved. There were some things that are weak in Origins story wise, some segments were tedious, and the lack of Mira sucked since that was the best part of the original but whatever. The ending of Origins sucked too in comparison to the first. It’s really just the combat that makes me prefer Origins.
Ill let you in on a little secret, Fire emblem has always been waifu wars since the first game. Its just became more noticeable because the franchise is now mainstream. Hating on Modern FE for anything other than level design (And somewhat character design) is just pure denial on any of the previous entries faults.
Does anyone know of any JRPGs where there are very few or no male characters?
The more I play of the genre the more I'm realizing the male characters are the thing that I hate most about them. The male protagonists in particular, as well as the ever popular token shota male are two of the most insufferable characters in any party and I fucking can't stand them. The only male characters I like in the JRPG party are the older ones that aren't annoying or are actually interesting.
Sometimes the JRPGs let me just make a party without the problem characters (some force you to use at least the protag at all times). But even that doesn't stop them from ruining the story and/or cutscenes.
based tranny
no, you didnt.
im not talking about 3, since 3 was fine and still star ocean. im only talking about 4. and if you really insist on saying there wasnt a difference in the whole gamedesign in 4, then just fuck off.
You just sound like a faggot, user.
Fuck i just realised they dont make comfy ADVENTURE jrpg nowadays. DQ11 was the latest jrpg with very adventurous feels to it. Everything else now is just games trying to be deep or just pandering. Just give me another ancient evil awaken and you have to go through ordeals and ADVENTURE to beat him.
comparing so4 with so2 and 1 is the same as comparing Ao/zero no kiseki with cold steel.
Fucking what? Because I don't like a literal child that can't into romantic advances or any kind of mature plot seriously?
If the entire party was male and were all GOOD CHARACTERS that weren't annoying I would play the shit out of that game.
>without the problem characters
Mary Skelter 2
Sworcraft Story (choose female protagonist and summon beast)
Should I continue with Mario and Luigi Dream team? I feel bored playing it with 10 hrs playtime already.
Go play bowsers inside story
Tales of Vesperia basically fits the bill except for Karol, whose relationship issues are ignorable but also understandable because he's literally 12
look it's the reason why modern anime is nothing but a parade of cute girlshit
Best girl
Ar tonelico 1 & 2, Ciel/Ar nosurge. Majorly flawed games but I love them.
Fate/Extra CCC
Atelier Meruru, Atelier Ayesha
Cliche but I love FFT, I know most prefer Tactics Ogre but something about FFT keeps drawing me back each new fan patch/for new challenges.
Other common old likes: Xenogears, Chrono Cross (not a typo), Legend of Legaia, Legend of Dragoon, FF6/7/10
For recent games, I liked Coven of Refrain a lot.
>Most Hated
I'd change this to 'most disappointing' since I don't really feel burning hatred for any games (or if I did, I'd just drop them an hour in or not play them at all, making them not worth listing), so:
Star Ocean 5. I skipped 4 and couldn't believe how far this series had fallen when I played 5. Earlier posts here reminded me of this trainwreck, jesus.
Exist Archive. Next Valkyrie Profile my ass.
Haven't played, but want to get around to playing some time: FF9, Skies of Arcadia
FF V & VI > VII > VIII = III > IX = IV = X > XII > XV = I > II
Xenoblade 1 & X > 2
Symphonia & Berseria > Abyss & Vesperia (didn't touch the others)
Paper Mario 2 > 1
M&L 1 > the rest
Dark Souls 1 > 2 = 3
Mother 3 > 2
Pokemon gen5 & gen2/HGSS > gen3 = gen4 = gen7 > gen1 = gen6
I would rank Fire Emblem & SRW, but those are more SRPGs than regular JRPGs. Only played Dragon Warrior Monsters 1, so I can't rank that series. Only played a few minutes of SMT1, and didn't touch any other series or just played a single entry (or part of it), or they're one-offs like Live A Live & Dragon's Dogma.
>no, you didnt.
Fuck you, and I'm not wasting any more time opening up emulators to find old saves of the other games either.
>im only talking about 4. and if you really insist on saying there wasnt a difference in the whole gamedesign in 4
There wasn't, are you sad you lost on your dating minigames?
How far are you going to deny that they're the same exact games with the same exact narrative?
I guess it's fine when Claude uses swords but when Edge doesn't it's the end of the world.
I didn't dislike Exist Archive, but it was definitely no Valkyria Profile.
To be fair though, most of my time was using AOE abilities to clear mobs as fast as possible so I could get to the story, which I genuinely enjoyed. Characters were pretty good, and I really liked the MC.
>Fuck you, and I'm not wasting any more time to google pictures of the game
fantasy setting, unique characters, optional party members
mainly sci-fi, cliche anime characters
no difference, huh?
Final Fantasy IX
Still no argument, eh?
Not like I didn't expect it, just like all the other butthurt posers blinded by nostalgia in this shithole of a board.
Favorites would be Wild Arms 2, Automata, Crono Trigger, Xenoblade and maybe Dark Cloud 2. Kingdom Hearts would be on the list if 3 didn't ruin the series for me.
Does Digimon World 2 count as a jrpg? That's far and away my least favorite. I genuinely hate that game.
Is DQ11 as slow as all the other DQ games? I love the aesthetic and sense of adventure, but the game progression was always to slow. That's part of the reason I hated DW2. I wish they'd make a Mahoujin Guru Guru game. That would be amazing.
>unique characters
Oh yeah, truly unique.
Totally not anime cliches, with the only difference being 90's anime cliches instead of 00's anime cliches.
I won't even waste time on the other points because you're that pitiful.
The male party members in Rance games are generally pretty good. If you can stomach a bit of rape it's a very good series.
>but the party members were so way better and more interesting imo
The two other party members in origins vs the five available in the first game? Obviously, quantity doesn't equal quality but I enjoyed the cast of the first better, Gibari is my nigga and the great Mizuti is a qt. As much as I love Origins, I liked Kalas better as an MC, the story was better and personally enjoyed the music more. Both games had pretty good twists though.
Probably just boils down to personal taste and nostalgia, but the first game left a much bigger impression on me.
>90's anime cliches
But those were good.
If it's the shota-type men that annoy you, you might like Rance.
What kind of company names a game "Star Ocean" and proceeds to barely have ANY scifi elements for the vast majority of the game, and twice over to boot? What a retarded bait and switch.
>want to play Ar Tonelico but PS2 emulation a bitch
if not unique, then show me some more characters like ashton, dias etc. i'll wait
Play SaGa games, you have enormous casts with an average of 40 characters to choose from and multiple MCs, and there's always older men in there.
You can easily make all female parties too if you want too, but all the characters are really good and charming in their own right.
arguments for what?
that you're a retard that doesnt understand the difference between fantasy and scifi or clishee and unique?
>Does Digimon World 2 count as a jrpg? That's far and away my least favorite. I genuinely hate that game.
Its slow as molasses but I enjoyed the combination of various aspects. Mystery Dungeon-style movement, traditional team-based battles, and monster raising in a cyberpunk-esque setting really made for a unique experience in my eyes, even if it had flaws holding it back.
>then show me some more characters like ashton, dias etc. i'll wait
You have plenty, and I really hope you don't want to pretend that Dias of all people is a good or unique character in any respect either.
I understand it better than you, especially because I can spell it right and unlike you, I play the fucking games.
Now shoo, back to your nostalgia cuckshed.
>I understand it better than you, especially because I can spell it right
when you have no arguments other than pointing out spelling errors on a chinsese cartoon board, pathetic.
I showed plenty of arguments, but you're literally so rectally ravaged you can't stop babbling pathetic excuses to validate your nostalgia fueled delusions, again, back to your cuckshed.
>What's your favourite JRPG?
Phantasy Star 4 but everyone knows about it already so I'll instead pick Ar Nosurge: Ode to an Unborn Star.
>the combination of various aspects.
Ah yes, the copy paste dungeons full of traps that you could never carry enough missiles to destroy and the half assed leveling and fusion system were great. Let's not forget the lack of any real exploring whatsoever that made it's predecessor so great.
>I showed plenty of arguments
like what?
only thing you proofed so far is your lack of understanding the difference between fantasy and sci-fi, and the difference between chliche and unique.
posting a picture of a character thats not even close to be like ashton doesnt proof that hes not unique
DQ11 is as simple as a jrpg can get. Nothing complex just plain ol grind and lvl up with some crafting and shit sprinkled in here and there. Most of the DQ games is LONG like 50+ hours man. Its one of those game where you thought you reached the end but then BOOM it just began type of shit. But in my 90+ hours gameplay i never felt bored or even how much drag it was since it was very comfy and relaxing the whole time.
I've played Ar Tonelico 1-3, but not Ar Nosurge. Is that as close to Ar Tonelico 4 as I can get?
Is rance an actual good game/series?
I thought it was an eroge?
Jesus, not only I destroyed your ass so hard you're rapidly losing your grasp on basic english language, you're also that stupid to think I was talking about Ashton and not Dias.
Keep seething, my friend, your shitty weeb bait games won't be any less weeb bait.
Ar nosurge is a weird case because it actually has a prequel, Ciel nosurge, which was a raising sim/VN hybrid on the Vita. You lose a lot, and I mean a LOT, by not playing it first.
I think there's an active translation project for it, so if you don't know moon, would recommend waiting for that first
I played em both back to back last year and preferred Origins. Both are great games like you said.
Etrian Odyssey or Nocturne
I wouldn't go as far as hate but Disgaea was really fucking boring for me
Does Ar Nosurge have any connection to Ar Tonelico at all outside of some gameplay elements?
There's Rance games that are legitimately better than non-eroge JRPGs in both gameplay and storytelling
Souls, all about on par with each other.
>least favorite
All the others, JRPGs in general fucking suck.
How about rarely discussed JRPGs?
About to finish Radiant Historia, just collecting missed armors and weapons before hitting the final boss. I wish to see a similar game where you mess with the timeline so to advance the story.
If I recall, Nosurge takes place thousands of years ago before the Tonelico and you end up vising the Tonelico planet at one point
Yep, you visit Sol Ciel and meet Shurelia in one of the chapters
It is set in "The same universe" you even visit Sol Ceil and see the original Ayatane and Shurelia before the towers get constructed. But it only a small scene.
>Radiant Historia
>rarely discussed
shut up.
The timeline thing was kinda dumb but I like how it made it so that you couldn't miss sidequests.
I found the timeline hopping tedious after a while, especially once you realize its mandatory to do so. A novel approach sure, but still not a game I rush to replay.
>Radiant Historia
>Rarely discussed
How about actually rarely discussed JRPGs like webm related?
>Ar Nosurge: Ode to an Unborn Star.
I've been thinking about getting that game for my Vita but just can't really convince myself to, what makes it good user?
It's okay for people to hate your favorite game. It doesn't mean that your favorite game is a bad game. Your most hated game won't necessarily be the worst game you've played either.
Shovelware doesn't raise expectations like popular or well liked games may do. If you play shovelware and you find that it's awful then you're likely to just shrug it off and say to yourself "as expected". Meanwhile if you buy a popular game at full price, filled with expectations because of how well liked it seems to be by everyone, only to end up hating it because it doesn't suit your personal tastes then you're going to have bad feelings about the game.
Everyone who hates popular games aren't being contrarian or ignorant about its genre.
>Everyone who hates popular games aren't being contrarian or ignorant about its genre.
You don't seriously believe this, do you?
>Favorite JRPG
Threeway tie between Touhou Labyrinth 2, SMT IV, or Lost Odyssey
>Most Hated
Star Ocean 5 or that horrible Brave Fencer Musashi sequel
Imagine a JPRG where the Fourth Wall does not exist.
You, the player, are a key element to the story.
For example, you play as one group and get some info that they don't find useful.
Then you can switch over to the other group and use that info you learned to advance that group further into the story.
Welp, guess its just me then.
Guilty on that as well. Its nice you can go back to get things you missed before.
Is there some translated JRPG to play nowadays? I'm still waiting for that Beginning Stone translation, LA3 translation and that SRW Exceed translation. Last one that I've finished is pic related.
Yes, it's one of the best JRPG series, though its a bit hit-or-miss since they implement a different gameplay system for each game. Also, some of the best games in the series aren't translated (yet), so you don't get the full experience as an EOP. Personally, I learned moon in order to play these games.
>You don't seriously believe this, do you?
He's not wrong.
Chances are people who dislike popular games are those who actually played a shitload of games and know their shit or have higher standards.
Contrarian is just a buzzword used on Yea Forums to assume some kind of moral highground, it has no meaning other than my opinion>your opinion, and it doubles as faggotry because it inherently appeals to the majority, in fucking Yea Forums of all places.
What is this? Some game that never came over? Of course it wouldn't get talked about.
On the subject of games that didn't come over, has anyone played Shining Wind? How is it?
Frontier Gate, the boost+ version specifically.
>Of course it wouldn't get talked about.
Yeah, no shit it doesn't, most people in here are EOPs and don't talk about a lot of games, which is the point.
Not good?
Disgaea legitimately is pretty good, it just takes some time to get used to
As far as SRPGs go it's the most fast paced one to play
You must be clouded by nostalgia to think that it's better than Monolith's later games. Monolith put their new hires on BK knowing it won't be great, tri-Cresendo didn't make games until BK. But they improved with later games as everyone does.
I could list all of its flaws, but that's just a waste of time since you've made up your mind.
Sengoku Rance’s gameplay is better than most jrpgs. Same goes for Rance X if you can read moonrunes. The writing is also surprisingly smart, considering you play a marie-sue rapist.
Looks interesting. Playable without knowing moon or should I just hard skip?
Actually, I was checking out some new games to put on my PSP but since my backlog is so huge I sort of forgot about it.
But I just beat Gloria Union and spent around 100 hours dicking around in Busou Shinki Battle Masters mk2, how's the game? Worth a try? Turn based MonHun formula doesn't sound that appealing to me.
How good are gloria and blaze union? I really really like yggdra but moonrunes are frustrating.
You need to play Shining Tears first and it's honestly not worth the time investment.
If you want shameless waifushit then Shining Hearts is actually pretty decent, though. It's not perfect, but it does have...heart, I guess.
Gloria was fine, I guess. I enjoyed Blaze more from a narrative standpoint, but Gloria has nice refinements over it and it's shameless harembait harkening back to the good old days of Riviera, but the girls are cute
You should play Blaze if you ever find yourself learning moonrunes, it's a pretty good prequel to Yggdra
KiTN will forever be the best Sting game, though.
I would put gen 3 below 4 and 7.
I don't even know anymore. Most of the JRPGs I loved growing up have been fucking awful when I try to replay them and I don't even want to play them. Some of the final fantasy games are the only ones I still like that I played in my youth
>most hated
Hate isn't really the word I'd use, but probably tales of the abyss or dragon quest 8. Because both are so critically acclaimed as amazing JRPGs and I've tried to get into both on multiple occasions and I can never get into them.
I wouldn't call Rance a mary-sue. His plans fail pretty often and he's not really good at anything other than fighting.
FF6 or Chrono Trigger. Hard to choose between the two.
>Most Hated
SMT Nocturne. The entire game was an unrewarding grind with broken difficulty. Shit was either always too hard or too easy, and the answer to any problem was always grind more, grind a summon, grind the absolute dog shit random skill generator until it gave you what you needed on a demon, etc. To top it all off it had basically no fucking story either (everything dies right away, God's here, go kill him durrrrrr).
Do I need L2 or R2 to play grandia?
Based user's with superb taste. SH1 and 2 are fucking masterpieces.
Azure Dreams for most favorite.
Least...FFXII, I guess? Hard to say.
I started DQ8 recently I see what youre saying. It's pretty good but it seems like I'm still halfway in the tutorial. Just got Angelo leaving his church so I think it's about to open up a bit.
apparently NIS is dying or something
At least Harada's a freelancer
Trash opinion
It is dogshit. This is coming from big anime and jrpg guy like me. The music is its only saving grace.
>Just got Angelo
>I think it's about to open up a bit.
With the connections not being actually "small" or the plot being "self-contained" when you actually bother looking past the surface, since a lot of the stuff that happens in 2 is the direct consequence of the events from 1. There's also a lot of important callbacks and references that are lost from not going through 1 first
Favorite: Xenoblade 2
Most hatred: Final Fantasy X
All the ar tonelico games are overrated shit just like the trails games
>rugga having terrible taste
what else is new
go back to nepgen you dumb nigger
A game I played on a whim years ago, now it's ine of my all time faves. Wish Star Ocean was still alive.
Wish granted
it kind of is, so5 was actually good.
star ocean festa is ths month, maybee they'll announce a new star ocean
>that filename
How new r u
Atelier Sophie would be a nice game if it was two times shorter
this is fun
FF Tactics
Every other FF game
so play the arland games and ayesha
also the last one in the mysterious series, it's sophie but with less random grind for recipes
Lulua soon my brutha.
I'm playing through Rorona now. It's really good. Recipe grind is really what kills Sophie in my opinion. I can live with them removing time limits, it's kinda makes game more comfy imo, but sophie has a lot of problems besides it.
I'm replaying FF6 which I haven't played in at least a decade and while it's still enjoyable I see a lot of flaws that I didn't notice when I played it years ago (mostly gameplay-related)
Only played the first one but it's alright despite the ez difficulty overall. Just watch for the dream diving VN bullshit, I can't remember what specifically you're watching for because it's been ages but I think you can lock yourself out of content
1 had better atmosphere but worse gameplay
2 had better gameplay but worse atmosphere
>Infinite Undiscovery
Need to go back to that, I remember getting spoiled in a completely unrelated thread when I was (I'm assuming) halfway through, and dropped it. Been long enough now I can probably pick it up again
inb4 spoilers
10/10 game for me
Valkyrie Profile, currently.
I can't even think I had jrpgs that I really hate. Tho probably because I didn't remember most of it.
Rondo of sword has multiple routes right? Which should I do first?
What the hell radiata stories was my jam.
.hack//g.u. is my favourite. Not sure about most hated. SMT4 maybe but I don't tend to hate many JRPGs to begin with.
Oh man, this one was fucking bad. It was pretty and felt way smoother than past SO games but literally everything else was trash and the "plot" if you can call it that nearly gave me an aneurysm.
And I somehow like SO4 and loved SO3...
Watch the anime, first episode is brilliant and the rest of the first series is pretty good too
I played Infinite Undiscovery twice. Once as a rush through, the second time I took my time and beat the Ethereal Queen by hiding in a corner spamming recovery items because opening the item menu doesn't fucking pause the game for some reason.
It was a bad experience both times. I still have nightmares about spamming Grinn Valesti.
Mobage doesn't count as "still alive", that's like reanimating a rotting corpse.
A then B. Why?
Because route A is boring, and if you do B before A, you might not have the will to do A due to how boring it is.
B is overall harder than A but the final mission in A is very hard due to the final boss being very strong and has the enemies respawning.
Gil Serdic > Saber Serdic thats why.
>X-2 combat is a step down from X
what even are you?
I love Luca!
How will Lucafags ever recover?
Ao no Kiseki
>most hated
There's a lot of games I hate but it's hard to name the most hated. Maybe FF VIII or P5.
god i want a 3 so bad