Xbox e3 leak

>Ninja Theory Evangelion
>Playground Fable
>343 Halo Infinite
>Gears 5
>Rare/Dlala studios Battletoads

Attached: Slide_4_NinjaTheoryCambridge.jpg (1920x1080, 562K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Ninja Theory Evangelion

Attached: 1558117381618 .png (827x1300, 260K)


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>Evangelion vidya
If only

Attached: D A M E D A N E.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

Fucking based

Phil was telling the truth about visiting japan wasn't he?

Attached: Phil Spencer best videogame.jpg (1536x2048, 1.17M)

>Ninja Theory Evangelion
That is stirring up quiet a conflict of emotions in me

That OP is edited fan art. reverse search

>Ninja Theory Evangelion

Attached: 1546904119517.gif (640x360, 1.26M)

FUCK YOU Shinji!

It's coming.

I unironically dont hate Ninja Theory and even thou i didn't like DMCDCM as much as i did the mainline series i still liked and enjoyed it.

Attached: 1557672864474.jpg (497x516, 55K)

>Ninja Theory Evangelion

I'm Shinji the Angel Slayer, has a nice ring to it don't you think?

They are OK. DmC Definitive is an alright game and probably the best western action game. It's just the attitude around it and what the devs did

Attached: Capture.png (601x308, 28K)

>"Hello, do you have Battletoads?"

>Ninja Theory
Wow, that's like the worst news imaginable
That just makes it even worse.

as much as i want evangelion game to be true, thats just eva 1.0 art

is it real or fake?

>Halo Infinite
>Queers 5

literally 4 out of 5 games have already been confirmed

>Evangelion game by Xbox Studios

Top kek, for all 20 Xbones in japan, right

This leak is so bad/boring that it's actually believable

Why do you want an eva game? The only redeeming part about eva is the art direction and cinematography, literally nothing else.

evangelion would work very well as a xcom like game, it only needs monster units which would be canon to the game only, angels as bosses.

>Ninja Theory


I guess with Netflix pushing the series and xCloud going to be a thing in Japan they can still sell the game, especially in US markets with the Netflix deal underway.


>>Ninja Theory Evangelion
This is fake as fuck but I would love the leak to be real for the shitstorm

I do think people will be disappointed if the Ninja Theory game does turn out to be multiplayer/GaaS

the evas look cool to control

They're still looking for leads, its years away at best, too early for even a cinematic trailer

>*It all returns to nothing grunge remix intensifies*

Where's Eva 3.0 + 1.0
You said after Shin Godzilla was done you'd give us Eva

Where's Eva, Anno?

The Real 3.0 is the friends we make along the way.


It works well as a QTEfest and Evangelion 64 already did it.
Fuck me imagine if they use the 2012 version of Komm Susser Todd


Ninja Theory is the perfect dev for Evangelion, since the television show isn't even focused that much on action. The psychedelic and human portions would be incredible if this leak is true.

oh thank fucking god
An Eva game goes completely against the whole point of the series

I guess a VR eva game would be cool gimmick just to experience all those thousand alter bars and graphs in first person. You know what, I've come around on it.

Sometime in between Half-Life 3 and the Winds of Winter

>The psychedelic and human portions would be incredible if this leak is true.
Spoken like a true "Senoa or whatever the fuck is that game with the PTSD girl" babby.

>he doesn't know


Attached: eva.jpg (640x360, 38K)

I know, there's a bunch of eva games
but they are either forgotten or not known altogether
I say we keep it that way

The rebuild is shit

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>more halo and gears
I sleep

We already know retardo.
I still want to see the ending.


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FUCK YOU shinji

I'm playing through Gears 4 with my buddy now and it feels so stale compared to Gears 2&3. The game clearly looks better with the new technology and the AI is more aggressive than ever but it just bugs the shit out of me that it feels so plain. There's just so many moments where I can tell the writers and VAs were trying to put personality into the characters but it just falls flat everytime. I can only imagine Gears 5 will suffer from this same shit.

>yfw they actually anounce a Evangelion game at E3 and it releases before the first trailer of 3.0+1.0

Attached: 1551544533581.jpg (1920x1080, 159K)

That's right, NGE ended at End of Evangelion and was perfect as it was, it didn't need remakes nor reboots. I'm sworn never to watch rebuild.

> Something is bad and I know and want more of it
Is this some kind of autism mixed with bad taste and selfharm?

no it doesn't

Yes, user.
That's why I come back to talk to you every fucking day.
Like, every, single fucking day user.
That's how important you are to me.

>implying evangelion didn't end with episode 26

big huge if true desu

>it didn't need remakes nor reboots
Sucks to be you, it's a sequel.

Miyazaki said it best. Anno still has to this day not recovered from this burn.

>Eva show
So Asuka fucks a black dude?

i fukin hate the direction they took with the evas being these acrobatic cgi mechs
Remember this?

An Evangelion game being announced this E3 makes sense.
The release window could coincide with Netflix's release
The rest of them have been rumored for a while.

Stfu tameem

nah the og series plus the movies are coming subbed to netflix

You forgot the windows icon.
There's 0 % chance a Xbox exclusive game wouldn't be on Windows

That's the problem with sequels. It always have to be bigger and flashier. It's what killed Star Wars, lightsaber battles no longer look like medieval duels, they look like cirque du soleil acts and it's too late to go back because the stupid pirouettes and unnecessary flourishes is what is expected by the audience now.

miyazaki is such a weird man

>implying they were never acrobatic

NGE's middle part where it got more light hearted was fukin strange man

The man doesn't mince his words.

>Those tags on the bottom right
You messed up

>>Ninja Theory Evangelion

Attached: 4.png (128x128, 18K)

i struggle to watch this everytime. I've been in their position before where you show something off to someone you look up to and they just lay into you. Hopefully they learned from it though

That last line is absolutely based though, creativity and talent is gonna die off once AI is perfected

The OG series follows the pattern of annos depression, its what makes it so great.

Going from happy and hopefull to pure nihilism and misery and fear of deep human contact yet to end with hope again and the acceptance of being a individual in a society without losing yourself in said society in the movie

The rebuild movies suck ass because anno cannot tap from that same depression anguish anymore now that he is succesful and happy.

>>Ninja Theory Evangelion
I would buy an Xbox no questions asked

ITT: we predict lines from NT's Evangelion

Every xbox exclusive ends up on pc

Animation has already suffered one death when hand drawn work was replaced by soulless CG. Its next death won't be as devastating if you ask me.

The next FH4 expansion is basically a mini Project Gotham Racing game. Fucking hyped.

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fuck off

That doesn't even look like Tokyo-3

the first death was when cel animation died

Gears five is the only one I'm not interested in because it's now yaas queen shit.

It is?

>game has a female protagonist
You sound like a faggot

Yes. Kait is now the main character and she's the granddaughter of myrrah. She's now next in line to be the queen of the locusts/swarm. Myrrah is in the leaked cover art game despite fucking dying in 3.

Don’t lie to me about shit like a AAA modern Evangelion game. Don’t you fucking dare OP.

It's funny because the female in Gears 4 was the only good character other than Marcus.

why haven't the jannies cleaned this up yet?

Attached: DSC_0368.jpg (4618x3464, 698K)

No she wasn't. She was fucking brat throughout the whole game.

How does it feel knowing you're the only person who played that?

I played it and he's fucking wrong. Marcus and the multi-player were the only good things in that game.

>>Ninja Theory Evangelion

Shinji, get on th-

What does any of that have to do with yaas queen shit.

>Ninja Theory
It's fucked.

> hot pocket
sounds like a pussy

>Playground Fable
FUCK YOU. You said this last year and the year before that. LET FABLE FUCKING DIE IN PEACE. And if we do get another Fable game. They better fucking patch and fix Fable 2&3 fucking assholes. Lionhead died in 2016. So how did they fuck up a game 7 years before that. JUST HOW.

>promotional picture for the Evangelion rebuild movie
Shit leaker.

It's obviously fake. Come on dude, the image in pic related is just edited and already exists.

God I hate twitch chat culture infesting everything now. Christ, use your fucking brain for 1 second.

he is a pedo

>Playground Games making a Fable game
You realize that would be one of the best RPGs ever made, right?

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Dude. I wouldn't in this day and age.

based and redpilled

>a studio who has made 4 racing games in a row will make the best ARPG game that also happens to be Fable on the first attempt
I wouldn't hold my breath for an amazing game but its guaranteed they are making an ARPG. I think being tied down to Fable gives them too much baggage. Do you keep the aging shit? Do you start poor and end up ruling a kingdom? None of that? Why is it Fable then? Just make a new IP.

I think its better to just leave any existing IP behind to not give anyone unlikely expectations.

>Ninja Theory Evangelion
Multiple people are already calling this fake, it's going to be a new ip called Bleeding Edge, nice try though.

>a studio that has made the four best racing games of the modern era - by a country fucking mile - is making a simpler RPG
>thinks it won't be kino

Attached: 1557040672331.jpg (1440x1740, 857K)

So the only new ip is eve?

The Japanese wouldn't give Tameem a second chance.

It doesn't take much to make a racing game.
Good traffics and make the cars handle well.
A lot more shit to work with and on for virtually any other genre.

It won't be tho. Lionhead died in 2016. It should be left in peace. You think a game company that mainly makes racing games will make a decent RPG, not only that but will live up to FABLE's legacy? You are foolish and naive.

Fable's Legacy was built upon lies which churned out pretty decent games. So I'll expect nothing and prepare to receive even less.

Fable needed a rework anyway, first game was great but not as good as it was promised, second game was good but not as good as the first, thid game was shit, and let's not talk about the cancelled Legends game.

Fake game
OP pic source is literally from this video.


>Fable's Legacy was built upon lies
You sound like a Witcher fag. Why don't you go play Witcher instead then.

It was needed so everything after would be even more effective.

>Ninja Theory

>Fable needed a rework anyway
You sound like someone who follows the crowd and only plays what they like. Not what you like.

I don't play euro-jank.

>I've been in their position before where you show something off to someone you look up to and they just lay into you.
How's that game, yandev?

They made the best arcade racing games that also happen to not iterate/improve much in terms of actually driving/car feeling from Horizon 2, 3 to 4. Only the world gets bigger, more pretty, filled with more trash.

Fable needs to just die but this is modern entertainment, we need to drain IPs forever. The world isn't really unique, the whole idea behind Fable is the gimmicks like aging, starting as a poor person but growing more and more powerful, interactions with NPCs to be more friendly/hate the player

>Fucking making up a slide using a stock Evangelion 2.0 wallpaper
Fuck off, retard.

Attached: 39419.jpg (1500x500, 450K)

Wait is this game backwards compatible now?
I still have the OG game and DOAX2.

They literally just need to give Fable the Breath of the Wild treatment which is what they're doing.

Sounds like your game tho. Shit tier game for a shit tier person.

Dem tittes

You got the wrong guy, family.

Don't give a fuck about anything Xbox related unless it's a Lost Odyssey sequel.