Classic - HOME

We are going home, brethren...
(((They))) can't ruin our fun no matter what.

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Honest thoughts on TipsOut?

Layer 3... Home....

Poser bandwagoner

>two layers

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faggot noob pretending he played vanilla, tries to tank a boss in broken gear then dies, proceeds for file bug report "boss too stronk, Riot pls fix"
literally a clown

>welfare epics
>welfare raids
>class uniformity
>no difficulty
how else did egalitarianism/communism kill wow?

they can release a perfect carbon copy of the vanilla game, they can steal the AI code of the most advanced civilization in the universe to make a perfect copy of vanilla players, you can even buy a 800x600 monitor and play on the lowest settings just like old time, it won't matter
there is one thing that will prevent you from enjoying the game like it once, one single change
It's you.

Why are classic wow players so obssesed with trans folks?

The Barrens... Layer 6... Party 13... Home...

What is a druid? I will tell you. A druid is a discount warrior, a discount rogue, and a discount priest.

did that actually happen? sauce me.

he also reported alexensual to the cops for commenting "lmao" on a troll video he didn't even make.

Will never be the same

cool it with the antigoblinism friend

layering is fine you spergs, the only negative impact will be people abusing it to avoid WPVP (on pvp servers) and to try and find more quest mobs

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t. influencer

>the only negative impact will be people abusing it to avoid WPVP
so the only negative impact is that it completely destroys a vital aspect of the classic wow formula?

hurr sure I fuckin wish I was so I could be playing the Beta and ganking Tips and Asmon

I dont particularly like that they're doing it but when the alternative is fucking sharding then whatever

We have epic memes already, and this is just beta. Buckle up boys.

Raid or die mentality.

Why couldn't they just let you select the layer you want to play on? Most games with a channel system allow at least that.

>there is no such thing as "welfare" in any communist country
yea, I wonder how

that being what? server identity? community/interacting with the same players? because neither of those are lost (maybe like idk 5% negative impact on launch weeks)

who knows, I'd assume to try and reduce abusing layer swapping but they could just add a 30min-1hr cooldown instead

they might do that, we dont really know yet

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Reminder that Alexensual is THE only guy who knows what he's talking about and isn't a paid shill.

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Yeah, it only ruins the game. I don't know what you are all so up in arms about. It's only in for the entire 1-60 portion. It only ruins PvP, questing, and the economy. We'll still have... uhm... ERP?

>Activision blizzard

Good try chink, i'm not going to support tencent. They are evil and anti-consumer

>muh welfare keeps the proles placid
welfare is redistributionism aimed at taking from the haves and giving to the have nots. Just because your philosophy is self refuting doesn't mean welfare isn't entirely rooted in the egalitarian/communist worldview.


the one significant impact, for the (relatively) small active PvP community in the first few weeks


Pretty sure they confirmed economy is server wide. So no.

you can hop to a less popped layer to farm things easier, thus crashing the prices

>another "vanilla veteran" larper but with no connections to blizzard

>i have never played vanilla
anyone who did knows how based Alex is

>only guy who knows what he's talking about
he also knows how to die to players 7 levels lower while having stealth advantage
another clown

How will you know the layer you're hopping to (how? joining another player you know?) is lower population? Only the most 'recent' layer should be lower pop with how they described they fill up

arguably people trading retail wow gold/money for classic gold will fuck up the markets way more... thats a seperate issue

So does this mean they're going to only have a PVP and PVE server that they'll compress down after the launch hype?

>Hear that there's a RP event on my server
>go check it out
>no one there
>that's strange
>find out later that I am on Layer server nr.1 and need to be on Layer serer nr.12
>have to check out discord, reddit and all other places to find someone that can invite me to a party so I can join the layer server
>finally find someone after a long time
>event is now dead after all that time
We're going back to the oldschool community!

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Thanks for outing yourself, shill.

I state the facts
Its not my philosophy
What you are describing is Robin Hood type shit
Most people outside of USA never heard of "welfare"

>buying into vague promises of maybes or perhapses
Fucking lmao, just how fucking naive and delusional are you? Have you learned nothing over the last decade?

>be private server
>enemies have no abilities
>no armor
>no resistances
>fast respawn
>shitty spellcasting ai
>increased spawn rates of resources
>able to reset your instance position with /camp
>can have both horde and alliance on a pvp server
>wrong regen

but classic is surely a step down

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This guy never played during vanilla. Just another shill trying to milk the classic cow.

literally the entirety of Europe is a welfare state to some degree, wtf are you talking about?

>be private server
>enemies have all abilities
>yes armor
>correct resistances
>correct respawn
>vanilla spellcasting ai
>no sharding
>no "party leader"
>no SJW censoring
classic shills SEETHING

You forgot the most important one
>You're not giving $15 a month to literal jews

who destroyed the game
feels good

[streamer] told me to be hyped for classic

(user) told me it was for fags
go back to rubbing phoenix downs on your lolis, dipshit.


This layering bullshit is kick to the balls.

He's right though

Being addicted to WoW is one thing.
Imagine being addicted to watching others be addicted to WoW. Literal suffering.


Just hook up with people from different layers, add an extra person to act as the anchor, and you can all farm all of the layers at once shifting between them with group invites. It's fucking obvious, and people did it as soon as they introduced sharding in retail.

You put everyone at different nodes/hotspots.
>anchor gets invite from guy in S1, harvests that layer
>guy from S1 gets invited by guy in S2, harvests that layer
>guy from S2 gets invited by guy in S3, harvests that layer
>guy from S3 gets invited by anchor, harvests that layer

5 "layers" means 5x the resources, 5x the rare spawns, 5x the respawn in AoE spots, etc

Can someone invite me? There's a rogue camping Nesingwary's, please, I need to get onto another layer.

I fucking hate this attitude that has seeped into popular MMOs. I play FFXIV occasionally and grinding away at the main quest gets tedious at times so I've been looking for other stuff to do like leveling a crafting or gathering class.
I ask the general for ideas of which to level and all replies are basically "if you can't even get max level before getting bored then MMOs aren't for you" and another said that if I'm not planning to raid then I should just stop playing.

Classics target audience is 16 year old zoomers

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Streamers are going to ruin NA servers

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The average blizzdrone is absolutely technically inept, he wouldn't know or believe things work like this even if you presented him with incontrovertible evidence explained in the simplest of terms, as long as blizzard itself doesn't tell him these things, your words will be disregarded. Classic shills are delusional, this is going to be a vanilla flavored Legion funserver. Anyone believing that they will limit "layering" only to a specific period of time is out of their mind. Who in their right mind believes blizzard's fucking promises in 2019?

I'd rather with in queue than have layers.
Why can't Blizzard do anything right?

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almost everything is wrong on private servers

they need to let all the soda subs in to make more money

>if you can't even get max level before getting bored then MMOs aren't for you
But this is absolutely correct. MMO games were originally made for people that want to spend a lot of time in a different world that lives by its own rules. They are not made for people to casually jump in and out of. They are a second life you live and that's what makes it so entertaining and compelling, what makes the server drama and community based events and interactions important. If you can disregard it all and leave any moment at no personal cost, everything in the game is devalued and rendered meaningless. There's a billion casual games you can play already, why do you insist on ruining MMO's for the rest of us that want a serious game they can enjoy?

I think the time to resub will be Phase 2. They said they would remove it by then. If they don't then I won't bother with Classic. I went into vanilla later on anyway so having BGs is the vanilla experience for me.

>classic already ruined because it's gonna be full of kids

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>only for a few weeks
Oh you mean when every poopsocker already finished leveling and farming all their gold, crashing the economy in the process? Well that's fine then.

Vanilla was full of kids too. Boomers played Everquest, DAOC and Asheron's Call.

It wasn't full of kids in 2004?

most of Yea Forums were kids during classic

kids are much worse now.

they all left those garbage games for WoW how do you think it already had millions of subs before BC even came out.

>how do you think it already had millions of subs before BC even came out.
It wasn't ruined yet.

Kids back in the day:
>bad at video games
>scared of older people
Kids now:
>pepe and meme spamming retards
>bad at video games

Because WoW has always been the normalfag containment MMO because it's so casual and arcade'y.

Sure you think that but do you know for sure? Have you been playing with kids? What game?

WoW was so popular because it had zero entry requirements and allowed you to level solo without ever bothering to enter a dungeon by grinding and questing with rested exp, which encouraged you to leave the game for extended periods of time, but you wouldn't know that, you fucking child.

Every popular multiplayer title is full of retarded kids just like classic will be, horde is going to be fucking ruined by all the soda viewers


no shit sherlock.
that's because they didnt have official blizz data. now they will.

>now they will
absolute brainlet theres shit still on old sites like thotbot with mob abilities that private servers dont even use
how exactly are they going to get the official data on things like armor and resistances? you cant see that on mobs thats why private servers have always had to guess

makes money from low IQ NA kids hyped about classic

so what you're saying is classic wow actually improved on the genre and it was the peak of mmos?
you dont say, thanks for your concession moron

The formulas are known so you'll be able to calculate the values by hitting all mobs for a while.

>so what you're saying
That's not what he said, no.