Why do game devs hate conservatives so much?

Why do game devs hate conservatives so much?

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because conservatives are niggers
lol niggers
do you know who are the niggers ?
nigger xD


>Sonic fans are trannies/faggots
Wow, who would've thought!

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Nobody who actually likes videogames should care. All of you election tourists are normies tied into establishment culture, usually part of some specific political faction as well. Tons of us fled from all that, before the wingcucks started to jump in. Tons of libshits wanna co-opt our pastime while twats from the conservative groups pop out of the woodwork and pretend that they've always loved the hobby because its existed for a long time, like any "good ol' pastime". Of course, these morons are free to enjoy the games they like, but they also drag the rest of us down as well, as they want the game to be about their own little faction war and they all want to push us out to make it happen.

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True conservatism is recognizing that the place of the government is not to deal with personal affairs like marriage.

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>Deviantart is canon
Also what is intersexism?

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Isn't there more to conservatism than hating women and minorities?

Yikes and oof

the fuck is intersex? is it just a fancy word for incest?

>There are actually people who want you treat mentally insane individuals that mutilate their bodies to pretend to be a different gender as equals
I miss growing up in the 80s when we called fags fags and psychos psychos.

is there more to liberals than raping children

In all honestly, which Sonic character would SEGA make one of them a "closet homo" and "come out"? Other than Tails of course

>Sonic the Sissyhog is canon

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No. Right wingers have no cohesive ideology. They are not capable of anything other than reaction, which is why hating women and minorities are the only things the american right hinges on. Just take a look at Yea Forums.

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Isn't there more to liberalism than exploiting women and minorities?

A genetic abnormality where a person is born with both male and female genitalia. Usually it presents as a vagina with an abnormally large penis-like clitoris

If you view these kinds of things in terms of how they make your own ego feel, you're the one in the wrong.

Holy shit based

Nice comeback. Sure showed him. シ

Hating fags isn’t synonymous with being conservative


That's very bigoted toward the LGBTQIAP+ community.

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[Current ebonic/social media lingo for disgust]

Bark, Bean and Fang are a polyamorous gay trio

how did it come to this? pathetic what sega has to do today to make sonic "relevant"

Shadow, Sliver or Cream

Conservatives have lives, wives, children
only autistic nerds are playing sonic games

Um niggers and female voters are destroying america sweaty

>the devs behind the shittiest sonic games

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Sonic is LGBTIQ+.

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So that's why he's been running from Amy all these years.
He is fucking Tails, just like in my Japanese doujinshis!

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because creativity goes hand in hand with liberalism and shit

conservative artists just do realism which is fucking boring

Because conservatives are assholes that imposse rules based on opinions and perceptions.

conservatives aren't supposed to like videogames anyway

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Sonic is Bi. Amy can get it too

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It's a fancy word for hermaphrodite
Another synonym is futanari.

Fucking yas queen. Trans rights.

sonic fans are fags
sega supports fags

really easy to figure this one out, my friend.

Because conservatives hates everybody?

Sonic is bi. He fucks them both

We just had this thread you stupid idiot. Crashing this thread with rouge.

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Transphobic slurs. In my forum. Get out.

But still acknowledging the right to interfere if you choose to, faggot

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Gayniggers getting uppity. We need another dune coon to turn the fruits into vegetables.
Sage and hide. Fuck jannies, fuck niggers and fuck OP.

don't forget who's president.

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That would be armchair politicians in general, regardless of side

Excuse me but the word r*ght triggers me since 2016, please use the intersectional approved term "not-left".


Is every day now gonna be some gay tranny holiday?


Did you asume that intersex people are the same as trans people? That's pretty offensive from your part.

I'm genuinely confused what you're trying to say

>don't forget who's president.
The biggest shabbos goy on Earth. Americunts are repugnant faggots.

This thread literally got made 5 minutes after the thread that's on /pol/

They hate anyone who isn't cishet white males. Regressive bigotry doesn't belong in an inclusive forum such as ours.

You're the reason transwomen commit suicide.

more like Sonic Dash into a colon haha


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Can I have a me day? Like a day all about me

Hey guys let's celebrate me today

You have an entire month.

Rouge is for tails

>gay as fuck
Nothing new to me

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He's been president for going on 3 years and LGBTIQ+ pride is stronger than ever. Trump isn't your dad and he isn't going to make your LARP fantasies come true, sweetie.

Wouldn't that be your birthday?

>UK based studio
Nothing to see here, guys

>Makers of Sonic Dash, Sonic Jump and Crazy Taxi:City Rush
So a studio filled bunch of talentless faggots who only exist to push out mobile trash. They'll shutdown soon enough.

I wish user. I wish

>You're the reason transwomen commit suicide
That user really is based huh.

>Can I have a me day? Like a day all about me
One national gay day is enough, we don't need another

Today is MY me day.
STOP erasing me BIGOT.

user stop

this is gonna kill the thread

I've been on nofap for a week for fucks sake

Because these “people” that post this shit are tranny losers who are fixated on being hated. They WANT you to hate them because it makes them feel special.


The jannies are gonna delete it anyway

>You're the reason transwomen commit suicide.
Then I shall replicate what he had said tenfold.

Engage in coitus.

Doesn't exist anywhere other than /u/, /hm/ and /y/

>developers of all these trash games

Why am I not surprised. The more they identify with their fringe sexual orientation the more their game suck ass and dick cheese. There is definitely a 100% correlation between shit games and making public annoucements how much you love to suck dick, get fucked in the ass and have your dick and balls chopped off and call yourself Samantha.

Imagine being such a broken and empty shell of a human being that the only way you can define yourself is through your sexuality.

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Because conservatism is an ideology created solely to protect the interests of wealthy people even as the world attempted to move away from monarchies and oligarchies, and any non-wealthy person that votes conservative is actively working against their own self-interest.

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Yeah, building a better future for the world we live in instead of selling it piece by piece to the highest bidder

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So the winning move is to not give a fuck what someone does with their body

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everyone hates conservatives, including conservatives
that doesn't mean we tolerate liberals though


Because the internet is the only place where this shit even matters because it's their "safe space." In the "real world", nobody gives a care about them or their culture and pity them by giving them a parade. Plus SEGA wants their money and nothing else. Companies don't give a damn, they only want what's in their pockets because they need to hook that crowd. After they are dry, they'll go to the next.


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This is what happens when you abandon Christian values.

They commit suicide because they suffer from a severe mental illness and activists disguised as psychologists are enabling them because it makes them feel good about themselves. They need to be on antipsychotic medication and their delusions will fade away


So, you're giving them what they want?

Have sex, incel

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So you are saying that conservatism is bigoted by default? Unless you included an unrelated pic.

Pls tell me this is a joke

I don’t care if you want to chop your dick off and shoot yourself up with laboratory chemicals that they call “hormones”
I draw the line when you demand society bends to your will and when you bring children into it.

Surely if you faggots are pro-life then you guys must also be in support of education funding, welfare, and universal health care too, right? Because those are all helping people live healthier, better lives. Right?

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reminder that Tails has a BLACK boyfriend and there's nothing you can do about it

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Based libertarian patriot

what the FUCK is intersexism?

I am pro life for whites and mandatory abortion for shitskins.
Fine with the others after that.

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Agreed. It is your right to chop your dick off, but it's not your right to make me call you a woman.
And kids are under the age of consent. They can't consent to massive body alterations.

>check the comments
>it's full of sheep saying they "love" big corporation now and they've "earned their respect"
dumb goyim, literally below 60 IQ

Because Cuckservatives are an easy target and a good diversion.
Diversion from what you might ask?
The fact that all the homomurdering cultures and societies on this planet are the majority and are proliferating, and therefore have a future;
while all homotolerant societies are a minority of the Westcuck world which is an impressive 600 million people and dying out.

Homofaggots are using this short little lifespan they have like a spark before death, before they are again thrown into the gutters by Allah's and Burrito's will.

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>government shouldn't deal with this
>someone refuses services to a gay wedding

Who is the sub in that relationship?

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Why do you think the default alternative to killing your baby is to make the government pay for your stupidity and inability to not have sex with strangers?

probably Tails because Klonoa is outgoing and positive while Tails has confidence issues

Surely if you're pro-choice you'd support the right of businesses to deny customers service.

Because up until recently the conservatives were the ones trying to censor and otherwise ruin vidya? Did we all forget the Family organizing and Jack Thompson?

It's the company's decision to refuse service for any reason, and their right to do so. You can then shop at another company, organize a boycott, or do any number of things.

>education funding
100% absolutely, I fucking hate the education system as it is now. It needs not only funding but a complete reform that fucks over everything that John D. Rockefeller and George Bush did to it.

Nope. If you're not financially stable you shouldn't have had unprotected sex, the child will now be a reminder that you ruined your own life unless you give it up for adoption. As it should be.

>Universal health care
Depends on if plans to implement it could be supported by the economy. Much like with education I think this might be more realistic if we cut back on the ludicrous military spending

>Surely if you faggots are pro-life
Who is pro-life?
/pol/ is pro-abortion because 90% of its users are blacks and Libruls.


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>Sonic with a gay pride flag
That's hilarious though. Are you sure they hate me? Im pretty sure they're just trying to entertain me

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Seems like it. Sonic is confirmed gay, along with Knuckles, Tails and Shadow, because that totally wouldn't turn off the majority of their straight audience or anything.

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They use the .04% of people born with genital birth defects to justify their mental illnesses

post em

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Post more cute Stick.

>You're the reason transwomen commit suicide.
wtf I love user now

Sonic is confirmed bisexual, you retard

Sonic is asexual. He doesn't have time for any of that shit.

How would supporting LGBT rights be hating conservatives? Why is doing that to begin with “leftist”, anyway? These kind of political acts should be neutral, rather on a cancerous spectrum

fucking this, I had a good laugh at this shit

That was a trick question, they are both subs to their bull.

Based. Companies should also be allowed to refuse service to gays and trannies.

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A better question to ask is why are these kinds of things always taken straight off of twitter - the stomping ground of every liberal faggot on the planet.

Could it be because everyone else doesn't give a fuck and the companies making these posts simply want to weasel their way into the wallets of faggots?

>You're the reason transfags kill themselves
No, thats because they're mentally ill enough to commit genital mutilation and always regret it afterwards.

He is based and redpilled, do not be fooled by his blue appearance

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Yes. And people should be allowed to organize boycotts for any reason.

No, they should be REQUIRED to refuse service to gays and trannies

Sonic says trans rights!

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what the fuck does that mean



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why are sonic and shadow falling to their deaths?
are they going to join the 40%?

>straight audience

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homosexuals are your people bud


am I unironically aroused

edgy penis smasher

The actual, real answer is that there isn't a "right" one beyond lgbt. People just add whatever they want. Some people are literally adding a second B for Black, because Twitter.

its sonic so of course theyre gonna pander to degenerates since half of their fanbase fap to furries or rape dogs

It's LGBT.
The rest is nonsense.

in all honesty why would Sega let Hardlight post this

the only thing it's gonna do is make everyone post "LOL SANIC IS GEY"

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>being mad about a series
>known for its autistic and degenerate Chris-chan audience
If anything it makes sense and isn't surprising.

They are in an open relationship where they take turns getting butt fucked by a third party.
Trust me, I've seen documentaries on furfaggotry.

This shit is so old, people need to quit pretending supporting faggots is some bold stance to take anymore. It's as normy as it fucking gets.

A random fun way to fuck with people that virtue signal on stuff like this, is to ask if they support something that isn't widely accepted yet.
I have asked alot of these fags if they support incest relationships. When they inevitably start to trip up about it, I tell them if being pro-gay wasn't so normal now, they probably wouldnt be for it.
I've hurt alot of feelings doing this.
Some dyke in a club got furrious, it was gold

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It's so inane that they are so diehard about this stupid """cause""" but they can't even decide on a fucking name for themselves.

They’re all related mental illnesses

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But it affects the government. Married people pay less taxes than unmarried people. So the government should have a say in the matter.

I recall when it was just lgb
which is what it should be.

Stop pushing this meme. Pedophilia is seen as horrible by the vast majority of gay, bi, and trans people.

Indeed I am. It is the fault of material-worship and merging of corporation and government under consumer capitalism which has lead to the break down of religion, family and community. Capitalist cronies will stop at nothing to get your dollar, and if that means subverting the American people, destroying their culture, their identity, their stability, what difference would it make to the porkers in their ivory-tower? Atomization, division has always been their game, if they can divide us into special interest groups, they can suck us dry of our capital worth.

The American people must rise up against the current ruling and their unvirtuous capital-based nihilism and install proper hierarchy to benefit us all, a complete reform of education, healthcare, a securing of our borders, a mass assimilation of all peoples into one unified American culture, a fufillment of all America's past.
Destroy the monopoly, kill the lecherous government unions, slash the hands off any elite who dare touch Uncle Sam in their "lobbying." Populism is our only hope.

Imagine being a normal black man with a job and a family and being lumped in with the rest of those things. I’d be pissed


Because there's no "they". There isn't some organization that gathers and passes legislation. Just people on the internet


>Married people pay less taxes than unmarried people
They shouldn't. The income tax is illegitimate.

Normal people don't give a shit what you think, you're all degenerates in our eyes.

The government does have a say, and they are fucking it up amazingly, as it does everything

I thought it was lgbgone or am i to wait for the next Jihad before that becomes a reality? I don't mind supporting our brown friends in the name of multiculturalism.

I've met two herms in my life and they want nothing to do with the lgb+abillionotherletters and their nonsense crusades.

I'm pretty sure Sonic devs are still just a bunch of Japanese dudes.

It's not like the Sonic brand can be damaged any further.

How so?

Chris Chan supported Hillary.

I hate degenerates like you
You hate the idea of committed loving relationships because all you care about is non stop sex and if you had your way you've had sex with everything
you're as bad as the whores and AIDS ridden faggots you shitpost about every day but your social ineptitude keeps you a bitter virgin

"My greatest dream is a world without Jews"
-Sonic The Hedgehog

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This, Yea Forums is just an outlet of the Outrage Culture bullshit war nowadays

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Sonic was never good though so this means little.

fuck this gay thread

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Hey you filthy /pol/ rejects, I dare you to name even three good games made by conservatives
Go ahead, amuse me

Normal people don't talk about twitter on a chinese video games board

Because Trump proved that conservatives are the majority of the country, and as leftists who are the minority and get oppressed by the majority, they hate being oppressed by democracy.

by the time his second term ends abortion rights will be history in the US


Normal people don't give a fuck.

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What the fuck does the IQ stand for?

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Reminder that politics constantly shift so its useless using labels.

how can they be in the majority if HILLARY CLINTON WON THE MAJORITY VOTE


>Never look back! Have no regrets!
I don't know man, those suicide rates seem compelling for a trannyfaggot such as myself. Gotta stick to the script so my people can keep having a victim card and an hero myself for the cause.

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Intersex (I think) and queer
Because the LGB and T don't cover those apparently

who woulda thunk it!

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>why are creatives less likely to be conservative



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The majority of illegal votes were for Hillary :^)

Intersex is a biological mutation where a baby has both male and female genitals.
Queer has literally no meaning


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>UK based
Why is it always the anglo?

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She's cute.

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n...noo stop!

I'm just telling you that's what the letters stand for

Catholic priests are liberals? I heard that God hates fags.

I'm sorry but Sonic an his posse run a train on Tails every night while Klonoa is inside a cage in chastity and nipple clamps.
The only commitment they have is spreading HIV.

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That is true.

Fukken thread/

Don't stand in the way of progress if you don't want your toes to get stepped on.

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>every state except Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, North Carolina, and West Virginia has more than half of its population supporting gay marriage
/pol/ blown the fuck out


so if trans people are mentally ill, why is the first thought they should kill themselves instead of seeking treatment? should people on Yea Forums receive treatment for the depression they have due to lack of any social interaction/contact and the sad lives they lead or should they just kill themselves? it's probably projecting anyways.

Trans people are mentally ill; they suffer from a mental illness called gender dysphoria. The treatment is hormone replacement therapy and sex reassignment surgery.

>look at us cater the 10% population that requires the most mental health and STD health costs on our already strained healthcare system
So progressive!

In before universal healthcare, I don't want to talk to zoomers who don't work in the medical industry like myself. It'll take a whole /int/ thread or wherever it's supposed to be on topic.

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Conservatives are fairly unified in thought, especially when compared to the left tho. Conservatives generally want smaller government and less taxes, with a little disagreement on social policy. The left has a ton of disagreement on policy, from focusing on the unions to using the government to redistribute wealth, to nuanced social programs for different interest groups that support the democrat coalition, shit like that. The progressives are the most unified in though, but they're also retarded, and most things they want don't work and are proven to not have worked in practice.
Conservatives, if anything, flake way too often to what McConnel and the RNC commands. Please don't talk out of your ass when you make statements like this.

You need to go back.

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Pedophilia is just taboo homosexuality

The welfare state has done more harm to the family structure than the private ownership of the means of production. Single motherhood rates have exploded since the war on poverty because why stay with your husband when Uncle Sam can take his place. Now we have tons of adults who never had a proper father in their lives.

>Unwanted children should serve as a punishment to the parents or be sent through the shitty adoption process that multiple people have stated that they hated.

Someone getting a disease from unprotected sex and having to deal with the consequences is understandable, it only effects that person. But when the person gets pregnant its no longer just the parent but another human life who needs to be raised and taken care of.

In an ideal world people would practice abstinence or practice healthy sex to avoid unwanted children. But this is real life. People will continue to have unsafe sex and unwanted pregnancies will happen (rape, people making mistakes or contraceptions just not working). Even with all the sex ed in the world. Ascsuch either abortion should be given as an option or higher taxes to help support children in shitty circumstances (or we can do nothing and let children grow up in shitty lives and end up just causing a loop of bad decisions).

>The states with the most black people are the most anti-gay

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When Klonoa inevitably dies from pneumonia at age 26 they will have an open casket ceremony and pozz him one last time before sending him to Satan, his father.
During the ceremony, Tails will come out as a transqueer vegan.

>men masturbating to little kids makes them gay

It is principally because of materialism replacing Christianity in the United States as a life-philosophy that the treacherous welfare state exists in the first place.

aw.. how cute! seething idiots. not hard to rile you guys up huh..

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What the fuck is going on in Nevada? They're even more pro-gay than California?

has nothing to do with dr*mplf it's christfag boomer senators in the south.