Vanilla is sure hard for eceleb

>Okay guys I'm level 40 with only 2g because I bought every spells and I need a lot for the mount
>LilZoom donated $20 with a message "Hey Asmon my friend, check your mailbox in game"
>Oh thank you kind LilZoom and others for the gold you all sent me

>Okay guys I need to do BRD, we need tank and heal, I'll play fury warrior, I'll also take all the loots I need.
>tank & heal whisp him within 5sec

>Okay guys, now that I did all these easy premade BG thanks to you, I need to farm flasks/foods/pots for the upcoming raid
>Lilzoom sends him all mats he grinded all day

>Okay guys, we are going to raid, I need the best of you
>retards from other guilds join him without knowing how raid ID worked by then
>trade loot to Asmon
Was Home always like this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Was Home always like this?
No, how we remove big streamers from playing classic? Seriously it feels like they will destroy gold economy, world first, and gearing process by the things you explained. Zoomers just sending them free stuff for attention. I mean someone like asmond wouldn't even get invite to a raidgroup if he wasn't a eceleb, same for fucking soda playing druid. Guy literally have the audacity to be THE ONLY druid in guild and raids EVER.

Keep crying, if you can't enjoy the game because some dude is being carried by his retarded fans then go play a single player game or something.

unless you have a time travel machine it will never be the "same" why are you so obsessed about streamers having it easier anyway what does it matter

How does this effect your experience at all

>streamers litrelly destroy the whole server retard

Thankfully vanilla has a slow leveling, we can hope these retards burn out before reaching high level.
Unless they pay chinese to level at night.

Learn to greentext retard redditor
Why would you roll on the same server as a streamer you absolute brainlet

I hate the streaming timeline but I would lie if I said I'm not jealous of Asmongold

He had 90k (90 000 !!!!) fucking viewers the other day. A guy with just 800 views can make a shitton of money. Just imagine with that view numbers
And all he does is fuck around in WoW and watch videos

Just wait a day to see what servers the ecelebs roll on and join a different one.

Whats stopping a streamer from tranfering to your server?

>watching AspergGold
>watching any of the top ten popular twitch streamers

just dont play on the same server?
not difficult.

it was, it's literally the AQ questline, a whole guild has to grind away for a single guy

>KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOfag can't play an actual rpg
Not surprised.

Why would they hop server when they've got all their fans helping them on the one they are on? Do you think streamers are specifically out to get you?

stop obsessing over money

Why would you watch someone play an MMO? That's level six nonsense.

I would if I wasn't poor and without a job

You weren't supposed to buy all the spells?

Streamers are like a nuke that can hit your server anytime even after they leave they still leave the radiation of some of there fans that dont follow.

Why do people even watch soda? Like I get that asmongold is popular atm because all he does is shittalk retail and watch vanilla videos, but what does soda bring to the table other than being annoying as fuck?

Don't waste money on the shit spell you're not going to need. Save the money for mounts.

imagine being so assmad that a retarded sperg built a VERY comfortable living playing WoW but nobody would watch you no mater how 'good' you think you are


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I think you're just paranoid for no reason. Even if they are on your server, if they are all funneling gold and items into one person then you've got a fuck load of very poor players that need their own gold and gear to exploit.

he used to be a sperg toxic streamer like asmongold but has chilled out over the years but has maintained the spergy kid demographic

Start obsessing over money.

Just play on a pvp server, they won't dare to play on one or they get ganked 24/7

no point in learning some spells at all. If you're a druid leveling in feral then learning spells/ranks of things like wrath is a waste of gold

>imagine being asmongold redditor
>imagine being asmongold twitch mod
>imagine posting on Yea Forums
mods, please ban this guy, he confessed.

Yea I wish I would hit myself and live in a dirty room. And have no girlfriend. Sound good.

you're a little asshurt too considering you went out of your way to call him a retarded sperg

Remember during the Vanilla beta in 2004 when we all watched our favorite streamers play the game? It was so epic. We're going home.


Just PK the shit out of him, that was the only good part about WoW anyway was unrestricted faction pvp until people cried hard enough to get it removed.

>stop obsessing over a thing that runs the fucking world and can make your life significantly easier

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did ur brain just break from the rage or something?

>gold economy
Chinese gold farmers will do that
>world first
That is always just fucked because of private servers already having full guilds ready to grind on set leveling paths and being ready to raid ASAP
>gearing process
Again fucked because of private servers and having a good guideline for BiS and min/maxing. Streamers didn't ruin shit, the passage of time and the inability for people to not look shit up on the internet did.

He is one of the oldest streamers on Twitch, pretty sure he started streaming in MoP or Cata when he was in highschool.

How does anyone watch streamers that are this big? Litrelly every five seconds there either thanking subs, reading chat, reading donation its insufferable.


Who gives a fuck if people funnel stuff towards 1 e-celeb? If they funnel him gold, then good for him, doesnt effect the economy at all it just makes those other dudes poorer. If they funnel gear to him in a raid where the other 39 people can clear the content anyways, then its not going to matter. In PvP people do premades already anyways so him being a part of a premade wont make any difference.

The only problem with e-celebs, but mostly just Asmongold, is how many retards latch onto his idiotic opinions. Dude makes like 2 hour long videos about how shit the current game is, then spends 90% of his time on stream in the classic beta talking about how much better retail is cause of "x and y change". It's completely backward thinking, and not even he knows what the fuck he's talking about. He just says what he thinks people want to hear to get more views and more subs, but people treat it like gospel

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yes being jewish is a one way ticket to hell


Anyone who thinks vanilla is hard no matter what is a moron. Watching these guys do these "hard" dungeons is ridiculous. The combat is so fucking slow

not to mention that an annoying donation message blocks the screen every 10 seconds. it's like a forced pop up that won't shut up.

You can't be lvl 40 in the beta, retard

He said he isnt taking shit from anybody that isnt in his guild to preserve the classic feeling, but thats not streamer politics shit thats guild politics shit.

he made close to 30k yesterday while playing classic (his stream peaked at 100 000 viewers)

hope asmon dies of diabetes

Vanilla was also designed to be played at 20fps with mediocre internet

people that watch asmon don't watch it for wow, they watch it for his reactions. i mean fuck his reaction videos on youtube of other videos have more views than his wow content.

Help, how the fuck do I stop youtube from recommending his channel? I have literally never watched a video of his and youtube is adamantly trying to shove him down my throat

That's some quick goalpost moving and also something that won't happen. Please just stop posting your trash threads and fuck off back to where you came from, you retarded nigger.

why do I see this guy face everywhere here on vee?

Click the three dots then hit not interested, just keep doing that. Its an algorithm, you need to keep at it until it learns.

jewtube recommended him to me
>watches a game trailer
>makes a stupid elongated face expression
>"should I play this!?!?!? so cool"
>never plays anything but wow anyways

>click the three dots on the youtube thumbnail
>Not Interested
>Tell us why
>I'm not interested in this channel: __________

>shitty meme video recommended on everything for a whole week
>finally goes away
>replaced by "Asmongold reacts to Shitty meme video" for another week

he's the new athene. gains a following from wow and then once he peaks its downhill into becoming a bum

Already did, this is the third time I clicked not interested, It has to be some other channel uploading his highlights

>making threads about shitty e-celebs

boy you sure showed them, you dont care about this kind of thing at all!

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>becoming a bum
Athene is a cult leader

doesn't this dude live in absolute filth? like he showed moldy plates on his stream before

was a cult leader, now he's a bum after his cryptoscam failed and crashed.

>those soulless eyes
Someone get a cross.

Stop posting this bug-eyed faggot

why is he so unlikable?
I guess it's hard to relate to him.
You would say oh
>a virgin neckbeard playing games lol
but he isn't a virgin
he dates a titty thot on twitch
he's actually bad at the games he plays for years and makes money of
his opinions are genuinely retarded most of the time and he comes of as having enormous ego
makes thousands a week thanks to somehow becoming a streamer

Everything about him, I'ts hard to relate

I watched some of his streams and others in his shitty stream friend circle thank god not on Twitch but. All those high profile twitch faggots like Asmon,Greek and whatever else are fucking assholes. Like when I was high I thought it was new a different. But watching it sober and it just reminds me of all the rejected kids in school forming their own group. And then without realizing it become bigger dicks than the popular kids that rejected them in the first place.

Fucking Preach here to fucking tell you all my thoughts on fucking Classic Beta and all the fucking changes they should make before fucking releasing this fucking game in the fucking month of August.

wasn't athene and that swifty guy the same though? fuck e-celebs, it's always the same garbage

sounds exactly like iceposeidon. originally he used to be a relatable virgin MMO player, then he became a unrelatable normie that snorts coke and does shit like rent boats and RVs with streamer money to take his fake friends on trips

>why is he so unlikable?
Easy he's the fucking stick insect kid that is charming but secretly slimy underneath. He has that short of aura about him.

>he had 100k viewers yesterday
>under 50k viewers today

i watched his stream for about a minute and at least people donated, a few subbed and one gave him 100 shards(? the purple thing). im honestly amazed, this guy makes so much from being a dick

the real question is who are the people donating. like who are the type of people that would donate to streamers IRL, has there any video out that that looks into the life of a twitch donator?

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Who is this faggot and why do I have to keep seeing his ugly mug everywhere I go?

He lost to a fucking 3v1 and then he got salty as fuck
E-celebs are dogshit at the game

>has there any video out that that looks into the life of a twitch donator?
HOLY FUCK. Give me 5 mins to call Louis Theroux.

>get a youtube filter add-on
>add Asmongold to every possible filter list
>tell youtube I don't want to see this stupid cunt's face
>still get videos of his stupid face every other week

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that's just fucking bonkers.

jesus christ he's so bald now

what is he going to do after his streaming career is over

Y’all just jealous you ain’t aesthetic enough to get people to pay you to play video games.

well he's almost in his 30s. it's only going to get worse from here. at least he has money so girls will still blow his bald ass.

Great post Zoomy.

Not until 60% mount and exalted discount

>Easy he's the fucking stick insect kid that is charming but secretly slimy underneath.
He does. I think it all comes to an ego, think about it, he literally made it by being a laughing stock for being an ugly, disgusting ginger going bald. You could actually root for him being underdog and everything. But there is something so fake about him, especially after he became popular.

>destroy economy
how? by other people farming to give stuff to 1 person? irrelevant.

You weren't gonna get world first, stop dreaming the game will still be the same.

You say he wouldn't get invited yet he still is an officer recruiting in Indestructible, and has been before he made over 10k/yr probably.

Why is it so hard for niggers to mind their own business and play a game?

Seriously who fucking cares.
You dont watch twitch right? This guy could get world first everything and I wouldnt care.

Video games are a big enough waste of time and if you spend yours watching someone play a game you should just become an organ donor and hang yourself so a real person can live

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There's gonna be more than one server plus why should I care? I'm planning on playing for the 1-60 adventure. That was the best part of vanilla anyways.


Make non stremeable servers.

>world first
The only thing that won't be cleared before european patchday is Molten Core because if I remember correctly that's available from launch and not unlocked at some patchday

>all this e-celeb defending
goddamn Yea Forums disappoints me every single day. it's like you can't talk shit about streamers without all the zoomers getting pissy and upset

>Y’all just jealous you ain’t aesthetic enough to get people to pay you to play video games.
You think people would want let alone be able to handle that kind of attention. Also if you base your income on what you get through streams. You will lead a shittier life than normal people digging their graves.

this fucking guy, i don't know what is it about his face but it makes me want to smash my fist into it with the biggest velocity that i can achieve

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>he literally made it by being a laughing stock for being an ugly, disgusting ginger going bald. You could actually root for him being underdog
Nah he just joining up with the other twitch assholes to strengthen his shit. They all have a shitty podcast called TrainwrecksTV and basically shit on others through that. Face it. Twitch streamers use and abuse each other for their own personal ego and nothing more. Money doesn't mean shit either. It is all down to their own egos.

>You say he wouldn't get invited yet he still is an officer recruiting in Indestructible, and has been before he made over 10k/yr probably.
>Why is it so hard for niggers to mind their own business and play a game?
why are you gay? honestly, he can afford a woman, you won't get sexual favours from him by shilling him on Yea Forums.

It just hit me, it's not those streamers, it's the fanbase zooming about them zoom zoom

Home is a spook, you can't recapture the past no matter how high on nostalgia you are.

they are more gay tripfags

He cleans his room now. Mostly because his ethot
gf pinksparkles makes him.

Can you really call Classic WoW """Classic""" if you're playing with the 2016 Legion client and timegating content on purpose

Considering you get overtly mad at internet celebrities who are more successful than you'll ever be, that velocity isn't going to be very high.

Too bad based dwarfs can't be warlocks in classic.

does he actually have any expressions that don't look like a cartoon character?

Classic being over 10 years old is what will destroy it. All the strategies and mystery has been explored to death. There is nothing new to see or experience.

Was more so just replying to his concerns of 1 person ruining an entire game, but yeah i agree 100%. WF will not be desirable since everyone knows how to play these raids inside and out now.

I'll be so glad when everyone gets in the game and realizes it won't be that serious. It's shit that's already said and done outside of PvP because it's not scripted.

>he just joining up with the other twitch assholes to strengthen his shit. They all have a shitty podcast called TrainwrecksTV and basically shit on others through that.
Yeah, there's this streamer clique/circle jerk. If you don't make into it, you won't make it as a streamer. They even live all close to each other.

sadly you can't but mostly due to the times changing you can have the game setup exactly like it was 10+years ago, but the community and playstyle will be extremely different. it's impossible unless somehow you get a time machine, then thats when it will be the same

Yea Forums is full of zoomers what do you expect
some of them probably donated some streamers lmao

Stoneskin is a hard counter to rouges you tryhard.

>internet celebrities who are more successful than you'll ever be

Asmon has a girlfriend unlike you.

Don't play on their server /thread

Didn't know being honest meant you had to be gay lol sorry you can barely debate beyond a 5th grade level.


Retarded dog go shoot yourself, im stating facts not dick riding. go play the game and you'd know instead of being a fake on Yea Forumsirgin board.

What kind of shit design is that why don't they just take away those spells

The fuck you said this was good but it's just nostalgiebait

He actually has solid game knowledge

Classic isn't Vanilla, it's an entirely new game.

>there's this streamer clique/circle jerk. If you don't make into it, you won't make it as a streamer. They even live all close to each other.
Yeah I have seen it. On camera or streams they look like the best of friends. But you can tell off camera they are each an egoistical mess.

She's a gold digger. She's just like Iceposeidons gf. Hates his guts, streamers, and friends but only fucks him because he pays for her rent.

>not playing dwarf for their lore and for how stupid they are
Besides, gnome would be better anyways for escape artist along with human having their increased vision ability.

Reminder that mindless grind is not hard and in no way a challenge.
Reminder that you never missed the game itself, but rather the community. And that is never going to come back.

Layering makes me so fucking mad. It seems like nobody is talking about it outside of 4 chan. Reddit is eating it like the fucking sheeps they are and they bought the fucking streamer their agreement by giving them the beta.
Fuck Blizzard and fuck all those retards.

>Didn't know being honest meant you had to be gay lol sorry you can barely debate beyond a 5th grade level.
ok that's something I would expect to see on twitch chat.
Buy your dog pink wig, call it chance, have a time of your life.

>Asmon has a girlfriend unlike you.
Whores,hookers,and e-thots don't count as gf. More Prostitute than GF. Never date a *streamer* people.

i don't give a shit, the fact that he has a punchable face is not in anyway related to his status in society.

your snarky comment would have made sense if i was bitching about his e celeb status and wealth, but whatever, i revel in the fact that you're stating that i'll never be as successful simultaneously sitting and posting on the same site instead of getting out and doing something.

I think Asmongold is a disgusting individual who i wouldn't even like to be around within a 50 foot radius because of whatever disgusting disease he has

but he is pretty entertaining when he talks about WoW desu

>asmonsperg: brb i have to pee
>disappears for less than 3 seconds

dude is disgusting

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Fuck this guy he keeps showing up in my recommendations despite constantly flagging and reporting his videos
I hate his fucking face so much I have to leave the room whenever I see it or else I punch my monitor
I haven't even watched any of his videos but just trying to imagine what he sounds like makes me uncontrollably angry

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Fuck asmongold and his mongoloid face. I watch one fucking lazy peon video and next thing i know i get ASMONGOLD REACTS videos in my feed every day.

You're a male in love with male streamer, shilling and defending him on Yea Forums. We really hope you expect sexual favours and recognition from your sodapopin senpai, we really wish you well twitchchat.

tfw the people who bring up twitch chat, are more than likely the REAL twitch chatters too afraid to admit they're walking suicide notes.

Nice try though, I know how to not spend 5 dollars to random men online and type all day to them like you. Suck me off some more.

He literally doesn't shower unless his gold digger gf comes over or WoW is down for maintenance

This is why /ourguy/ from Yea Forums and /vg/ named SwoleBenji is rising up to deal with these cucks. He proclaimed to make his youtube channel solely to play with bros to stream snipe these e-celeb scumbags.

He's also very good at the game, actually played classic, and shared his hatred for cancer-tubers like Tips Out and Kargoz.

It sucks that he just wants to gank girl gamer streamers all day on his youtube channel, as well as the occasional e-celeb. He got stream sniped by a rando from recommended who camped a quest spot of his. He's totally correct when he says grinding is better than questing due to several reasons.

Not to sound like a shill, or (you), but he's really the only one here who's passionate about weaponizing autism against these scum fucks.

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Me still, better yet give me your twitch prime and direct your queries to me. since it's all about twitch now instead of shooting down retarded shit.

>You defend guy getting accused of dumb shit by people who dont play the game you like.
>Now all of a sudden a twitch chatter.

That's a you problem, mother fucker go to therapy. There's more to the world than ppl who type on twitch an Yea Forums unlike your faggot ass.

he looks like he doesn't shower just look at his hairdo, it's disgusting

The videos are like a fucking Hydra too, you block one channel and two more take its place.

i have a plan on how to get gold, gonna be ez

Can anyone explain what the fuck is wrong with this guys eyes?

the word you're looking for is "envious" retard
and you really have no reason to be envious of a dysfunctional, rotting sperg

Say what you will about Asmon but seeing the genuine childlike glee in his eyes when he saw Thrall in the new cinematic was pretty wholesome.

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Deer in headlights expression. It's a trait of Asperger's Syndrome.

why are all of these streamers so bad at the game

relax he is unhappy with his life.

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Stop being retarded. You can, and should buy them, if you want but you should wait for when you need them because the 40 mount is extremely important.


I watched his stream today. Mother fucker is sperg-stupid. He was shooting people 5-9 levels above him "because they're alliance."

What kind of moron attacks higher leveled players? Are you just asking to die? I mean, he did kill a few of them, but what the fuck can a paladin even do to a hunter other than run the fuck away. He just abuses rock - paper - scissors - mushroom mechanics.

>being so shit at farming that you can't get your mount at lvl 40
Holy fuck, even me who's a hasty fuck managed to do it without a problem an still have 30g for spare. What the fuck were you doing?

It's their gimmick to appeal to dumb kids. They play bad and then play it off as a joke. It works since streamers that do this gimmick rake in thousands.

>we can hope these retards burn out before reaching high level.
asmon is a wow autist and soda skips streaming just to go level in a private server over and over.


private servers kind of keep the dream alive because while its still functionally the same game the occasional glitches and reverse engineered scripting are so exploitable that its not the same experience you had the first time and you have to figure new things out

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>children enjoy a children's game with their favorite babysitter
who could have predicted this would happen

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wowcrendor has it right, he's taking his time and exploring the world. rushing all the content to endgame seems like completely missing the point of classic to begin with.

It's no gimmick. I've been dabbling in steaming and I get so distracted by chat I play at like 20% capacity.

Dude really is a MMO neckbeard stereotype. Lives in his mom's attic, has a mini fridge and piss bottles, can only do PVE because he sucks at anything requiring player skill, sucks so bad at video games that he can only play WoW where you increase your numbers each timegated raid week,

Yeah he had a video 9 years ago showing off his room. Had like a hundred (literally) fast food cups lining his entire room and floor. Absolutely disgusting. Mold growing in the remnants of soda.

Nah no he still looks like an asshole with a MASSIVE FOREHEAD. Why aren't airports just using his head to land the planes. Fuck runways.

>giant manchild
right okay

>He's talking about how much 50g was in classic.
>Morons in chat
>They think Classic gold is as easy to get as BfA gold.

Jesus fuck, kids are stupid. I remember grinding mining roads and selling alchemy mats/cloth during the AQ event for literal WEEKS to save up for my Warlock mount.

>he cant appreciate seeing someone genuinely enjoy something to that extent
You might have autism.

kys zoomer

You can make 50g in an hour if you know what you're doing

boomer here, you first kid.

the people watching them and giving them money are worse, because they either don't play the game or look up to those retards as being superior due to their popularity

when i played eve online i dabbled in eceleb shit and people legitimately looked up to me as a skilled player with nuance even though most of the time i ignored the meta just for fun. they didn't think i was doing things wrong for fun, they thought i had some well thought out plan for why i was going against the grain, some 4d chess shit, like i was trying to make the people i went up against think i was much less competent than i actually was by acting like a retard.

i was just fucking around in a complicated game with lots of shit going on and the people who paid attention to me were only doing that because they knew less than me


If you're jealous of streamers start streaming you moron

lmao this guy is a legitimate fucking retard

If they want to ruin their progression and experience then thats on them.

He's still getting his dick wet, losers. You think he sees a wife in her?

Have sex.

>when you're so addicted to WoW that you lose weight because you would rather play than eat


He's only getting his dick wet because he's paying her rent and boosting her twitch channel

id love to watch that, the idea is so foreign and repulsive to me.

>You think he sees a wife in her?
Yes? Whores always marry white beta losers and he fits the role alright

I love how autistically savant he is.

He's (apparently) learning hunter since he never played it in vanilla. Was grinding mobs in Thousand Needles, mentions how one of his track humanoid blips just disappeared on his mini map, then says how in about two seconds he's gonna die to a rogue.

Sure enough, a rogue shanks him dead, like he was some sort of voodoo fortune teller. All from under 1 day of /played and nothing more than a few youtube videos. I subbed immediately after cause that was just too savant. It's like that dude that can play DDR, blindfolded, with arrows off, playing the pi song, getting the exact digits of pi as the score at the end. Truly the most autistically wizardly thing I've ever witnessed.

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Yea Forums is contrarian about everything. It's completely wrong to subvert almost every gameplay mechanic by having underlings spoonfeed you everything.
I can't wait for these "streamers" to realize they have no sense of achievement and then watch them complain how "it's all just nostalgia and classic will never be the same again"

this is the real problem with classic. people's memories of it are tainted by the fact that they played it before people had figured the game out.

yeah, it took you weeks to grind 50 gold, because the general wisdom on how to make money was to just farm mats, which is probably the slowest way to make money in the game. i mean, it's a guaranteed income, but it sucks, which kind of explains the mindset that people have and the reason why they can't think outside of that box and stay poor in an mmorpg

im glad someone understands this, its modern blizzard they will butcher the hell out of this. since nost got shut down they havnt gotten a dime from me.

SwoleBenji is tryin, oh boy he's tryin!

He won't last. He's too alt-right "redpilled" and will get banned for hating girl gamers lul. But it'l be good while it lasts.

But he also cant play without people following him around every second hes online

>What kind of moron attacks higher leveled players?
>I mean, he did kill a few of them,


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Do you remember ShrineNI?
He triggered a bunch of girl gamers and had huge controversy on journo sites but then disappeared.

It's a guy that posts all the time in home and the wow general threads. He spent a month in the threads offering text guides, advice, etc. Almost exclusively plays rogue, said he was making a hunter on Northdale to drive-by chinks before the server dies.

Seems pretty based, but also an autist. If you listen to his video you can tell he's a brainlet with low intellect who can't even focus on talking about one thing very long. He admits / is self aware of his 'tism which is kinda freaky. Apparently he's a natty version of Zyzz. Scrawny incel beta kid turned turbo redpill Chad.

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Old trash items didn't show their value on the UI unless you were talking to a vendor, and there wasn't portable vendors, so secret money like farming turtles and moonkin for their 50 silver trash items wasn't common knowledge for a long time.


>when i played eve online i dabbled in eceleb shit
You have lost my respect and attention.

yes but imagine asmongoloid as the guild leaders wife/girlfriend

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He says he had an old identity where he did the same thing, got dox'd, got swatted, and got tormented by service calls, pizzas, prostitutes, etc.

Now he apparently lives in a van, crashes at his gf's place, showers at the gym, etc. His streams are based but pure sperg / autism, but like, the Yea Forums brand of autism.

A tripfag attention whore trying to spam himself into getting a following
The worst part is it will probably work because people on Yea Forums are retarded and there are tons of people who have done this

>Spent a week farming for 50g
>Met tons of people
>Created friendships I still maintain to this day.
>Had fun doing it.


>Min-max the fuck out of it

I'm happy with not thinking outside the box.

How about YOU FUCK OFF AND STOP DEFENDING AZMOKEK and instead spend your energy into /ourguy/ SwoleBenji instead? We NEED an avatar to BTFO these normie cucks and Swole's the neetlife mega-gamer that we need to pwn these fuckers.

Oh, I remember watching that dude get insanely pissed at getting laughed at a few months ago. He hasn't hanged himself in embarrassment yet?

>He's still getting his dick wet,
I'm going to go with either Chlamydia or Herpes at this stage with his live in Prostitute. He be better with a sex doll.

Let them. Encourage them to go to pvp servers. Ganking them is immensely satisfying, horde or alliance, we come together to stomp the streamer menace.

Some classes can, sure. Mage aoe farming is going to be a lot more difficult on pvp servers but its still doable. And when dire maul opens that opens a lot of non-mara instance farming opportunities.
However a class like shaman isn't going to make 50g/hour anywhere outside of dm:e jump runs with a warrior friend, and phase 1 has no dire maul.
Alchemy/herbs, or even just straight herbs, could amount to approximately 50g/hr but until we have an understanding of how servers work and the ecnonomy, nodes, lotus spawns, etc it's pure speculation. Bigger server means more nodes means more farmers, if servers are regional means a downtime for farming bonus time, all sorts of factors to consider.
If you simply want to be an elitist faggot then sure you can say "yeah its doable if you know wtf you're doing" but chances are it wont be, not for a good awhile, and the most solid methods involve dire maul as they are reliable, consistent, and you have zero competition.

Fishing will be something anyone can do and will be free money, the trade-off is that its very boring. Winter Squid will become catchable in september i believe which will be just in time for a lot of people. Oily blackwhatever will be in demand for phase 2 especially when the honor system starts (unless im getting the phases wrong). Nightfin soup.. i dont remember when that would become available or its time gated at all.

His channel's growin dawg. He fukken streamed for 7 hours today, even got youtube recommended at one point. Dude's way better than Frostamous or Kargoz.

Benji I get it you're trying to build a following but tone it down buddy.

>how we remove big streamers from playing classic?
We're going to have to get all our most autistic WoWfags together to start a Dark Brotherhood with the sole purpose of stream sniping and corpse camping gay ass streamers like assmunchgold

Put the trip back on benji, we already know it's you

Nothing's free in this life. If you want the following then leech off asmon, buy a sub, shitpost in his chat. It's literally the only way.

Asmon already confirmed he's not going to take anything from fans until he buys his first epic mount and that includes training. Asmon is a lot of things. A liar he is not.

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Link? Proof? He's too based to get mad at a video game. He was getting stream sniped by a 60 druid while questing and spent like 20 minutes trying to "scare beast" before the druid fucked up and stepped on an ice trap.

What kind of fucking madman CC's a level 60 knowingly camping you to get a quest item?

He's trying to make based and redpill friends to have epic gamer moments with dawg he isn't trying to be the EXACT THING HE HATES.

In the modern day that would likely constitute harassment and get you banned. That's how it works in OSRS at least :^)

warlock or hunter?

>Some classes can, sure.
Hey dumbfuck, farming is not the most efficient way to make gold.

>he most solid methods involve dire maul as they are reliable, consistent, and you have zero competition.
lol what is a bank alt?

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please stop or put your trip back on.
better yet please post proof you played in retail vanilla, benji. We both know you didn't. Then post the proof of how you hit high warlord in a month on tichondrius when you were 12, queuing solo. All while running the most lucrative gold selling business on the west coast.
Or tell us again how face stabbing works in classic and we just dont know how because we're stupid. Or literally anything that isn't janky pserver "evidence".
Stop samefagging relentlessly.

This is literally SwoleBenji. Look dawg we know it's you.

>being original


Every time I've seen benji on Yea Forums he's always flipping and raging at people. Dude has some insanely thin skin. He's probably fat and ugly too.

Fucking obsessed.

oh trust me i gave up figuring out how they're going to fuck it up weeks ago i'm not even bothering.

i dont geddit

people act like hes a random sperg who tripped and fell onto a golden lottery ticket
truth is hes entertaining for a lot of people
sure hes not a great player by any metric but he wouldnt be where he is unless he found a formula and made it work. you cant take that away from him


>he's probably fat and ugly too

He has old fukken videos on wacraftmovies. Dude spoke on stream he was a worker cuck when wow launched. No idea why you samefag every thread calling him 12. Why are you attacking /ourguy/ are you an Azmoshill? He admitted to botting rank 14 and win trading, dumbshit, cause he was timid to admit to cheating to get it. His gold selling business was small fry compared to mega-sites.

Face stabbing DOES work in classic check literally any bug reporting thread currently up for beta. He even confirmed it on reddit before mods deleted his post for "hacking / exploiting" check his post history.

>hurr durr play the auction house
no shit faggot, but good luck competing with the dozen auction house goblins on your server. You end up spending more time doing that than anything else, you may as well bot it and you'll just end up banned.
If you want to argue about making gold in vanilla you're going to have a rough time here, no one is saying its hard except you and you want to be a secret agent about it for whatever faggot internet street cred reasons.
Classic isn't a private server where the auction house fags you're competing with are ESL russians and chinks flooding it with below vendor mats. Anyone can buy somehting out then relist it higher, or have a list of things they know to buy when they're low. This isn't the pro level strat that you think it is.

someone sounds like they have sand in their vagina.

You fools. You boosted WoW classic, Activision Blizzard's latest ploy to pull people into subscribing to retail (you get classic from retail sub).

It has been confirmed they specifically gave betas to influencers and you fell for it.

>still samefagging this hard
dude stop. it's gay even for you.

was it autism?

e-celebs have a very short lifespan, and their audience have even shorter attention spans. It will eventually crumble, and he'll be back to square one.


He's a human meme. People are drawn to the meme.

Not a SwoleBenji poster.

Facestabbing also works if you aren't even facing your target it's turbo broke and I won't count on Blizz to fix it.

He's satire posting.

>Zoomers just sending them free stuff for attention
This is the aspect of streamers I hate the most, attention seeking faggots donating to and empowering borderline mongoloid

i wish I could play classic with benji, hes really cool and we could probably be friends till the end

What exactly is the appeal of Asmongold? Watched one of his reaction videos auto-recommended by youtube and he constantly skips over vids, misses a lot of obvious stuff and doesn't say anything beyond the obvious and sounds genuinely dumb. Fucking DSP articulates his words better.

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Do you even pay attention to SwoleBenji's youtube streams? He literally sleeps 3 hours a day. He is killing himself for Yea Forums. He even got asked today how he's gonna off himself and he answered in 100% truth the full method on what he's gonna do in eight years.

How legend would it be if Azmo streamed his own suicide?

Benji's streams are chill. He does admit to shitposting though. Azmo is a human meme. Lives with mom, piss bottles, hoarder house, twitch thot sex trophy. That dude is obv not Benji. Face stab confirmed working even without macros lel. Gay and fake poster is fake and gay.

Hit his ass up. I chat with him in Discord sometimes but he levels so damn fast cause I work a full time job but once we hit 40 or 60 we're just gonna roam and gank chinkies.

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kill youself. You insulted /ourguy/ you have lost any right to post on Yea Forums

>make a beta and excluively only invite streamers
>most of them are frauds who never actually played vanilla and shit talked nostalrius when it was big and all suck blizzards cock
>they don't test anything and instead treat it like its the full game
>report things that are actually correct as bugs because they didnt actually play vanilla

just look at how fucking retarded he is

>No, how we remove big streamers from playing classic?

some other games will pay them so they won't be staying long

Cool thing about SwoleBenji is he's just a tiny Yea Forums bro with like 34 subs, not 20k 50k, 700k, etc. He's on our level, relates and even champions for Yea Forums, and is very open about curing Yea Forumsbros of inceldom through lifting, dieting, and sexual redpill strategy.

In an actual video he made, he says "Let me know what I should autistically farm next" and no one's suggested anything.

I don't have a phone so I can't make a youtube account to comment but someone should ask him to farm something really retarded and mention they're from Yea Forums and I bet you he'd do it just to try to win Yea Forums's approval.

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>No, how we remove big streamers from playing classic?
Just play on a pvp server because all of them will be on pve.

>When the SOI kick in

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He is an autist/sperg.
People that play wow are autistic/spergs.
Can you make the connection?

he's chlll and does know what he's doing. I dont regularly watch him, but his beta streams have been comfy

>caring this much about sex

Because he's into pegging

Reminder this manchild will destroy your server

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Lul he's 100% autistic, but the good "I could be friends with that guy" kind. Creepily self aware of it, too.

Reminds me of that Path of Exile sperg named SlipperyJim8 that farms thousands of maps.

If he feels insecure about his own comparative lack of streaming money, then jealous is the right word to use there, retarded fuck.

Only if I watch you get raped nice and slowly. Then I will think about it.

this is the worst wojak edit i’ve ever seen


Personality and comedy. Not that i'd expect that from Yea Forums retard complaining about non-issues

He’s not secretly slimy. He openly admits to having run scams, blackmail, and extortions to get what he wants in WoW. It’s part of his appeal that he’s such a shameless neckbeard that will do literally anything to get ahead.

I'm so glad that I don't play WoW. Worst MMO to be invaded by normies and zoomers.

Reminder that if anyone gifts SwoleBenji Mordehau he said if they requested it he'd never post on Yea Forums again.

I personally don't want to see him go.

Sometimes. I love when he gets triggered by anime.

I won't be playing on a PvE server though...

>He openly admits to having run scams, blackmail, and extortions to get what he wants in WoW.
That sounds like the definition of Slimy. And being open about it doesn't say alot about him as a person either. Just make's him even more likely to betray you, sell your ass out for his.

No like there's any difference between normal and PvP servers in 2019. Modern day Blizzard GMs crack down hard on world PvP trolling and toxic chat.

fuck off with this shit already. its not enough that I have to see this annoying faggots face on my youtube feed even though Ive never watched any content that might be even slightly related to him now I also have to see him on this already shit board
fuck you, fuck people who watch streamers, fuck people who donate money to anyone who doesnt truly need it or deserve it, fuck youtube for being so transparent with the shit they promote with their "algorithm" and fuck me for replying to this cancerous thread

kill yourselves

I knew I should've been a fucking basement dweller. Why did I even clean my room?

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Find out what servers the streamers are rolling on

Don't roll on those servers

Problem solved

If Angwe pull of the shit he did nowadays he'll get banned for griefing for sure.

That's why I'm rolling on an RP-PVP server.

soda actually knows vanilla unlike most posers

not sure what is more cringey
>watching someone play a game and donate/help them for the sake of attention
>caring about a streamer so much you go out of your way to post how much you hate them on random boards and proclaim that they are somehow ruining your game

its hard to say

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>day 1 quest helper
>day 1 recount
>day 1 weak auras
cant wait to go "home" bros

imagine donating to a millionaire

and you know this how?

so where are we gonna be able to get classic addons bros i need quest helper

imagine donating to a neckbeard who uses your money to fund a thots rent

>day 1 gearscore add-on
>day 1 looking for dungeon add-on that sorts players by gearscore number

I have blocked fucking countless Youtube channels that shill this faggot and his stupid fucking face STILL keeps showing up in my recommended videos. Somebody please help.

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Soda is actually pretty good at the game but he gained most of his following by basically making his stream Jackass Jr. He would literally do anything if you donated to him back in the day. He doesn't do anything like that anymore but I guess his viewership just stuck

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imagine what this dude smells like IRL. His hair is always greasy and his diet is nothing but taco bell

falling asleep to the sound of cockroaches falling into empty steelies is top-tier comfy

DSP has been going at it for 11 years and still is strong. Certain e-celebs have more power than most twitch streamers.

>brags about playing classic and how bfa sucks
>actually started like 8 months before BC
Asmonbald is a huge faggot just like all his viewers

>he'll be back to square one.
I don't like the guy but this meme about big ecelebs going broke is kinda retarded. All those fuckers do is place videogames every day, what are they gonna blow their money on?

Asmon used to smoke a lot of weed so I could see him going broke from that.

>If Angwe pull of the shit he did nowadays he'll get banned for griefing for sure.
negative, blizz is kind of cucked in a lot of ways but not in wpvp. They still even in bfa where its largely irrelevant maintain a "pvp solution to a pvp problem" stance.
That means if nu-angwe is camping people for an excessive amount of time, since you can get people to help you and save you, it's fair game. If he's doing it where you literally cannot escape or exploiting the game somehow, it's not fair game.
For pvp "Griefing" GMs rarely go farther than politely asking the person to ease up or take a break. PVP happened on a pvp server, basically. Nearly everytime someone claims they were infracted for "pvp" they are leaving out the part where they talked shit to the GM in their reply or something.
I'd be far more concerned about how right-click reporting works than anything about being in trouble for "griefing".
Note that same faction griefing has always been something they'll violate you for. And excessive corpse camping can veer into what they'd qualify as harassment, like following the same dude over both continents for multiple days, whispering him from several alts and talking shit, evading his attempt to ignore you, etc. In those situations you're in trouble for harassing someone, not necessarily for killing them in a video game on a pvp server.

I really hate to white knight nu-blizzard but this is literally the only thing they still get right for the most part. There have been situations in BFA were city raids were subverted but their reason was due to server load and not the pvp (i cant read their mind so up to you if you believe that or not).
Classic is going to have limited GMs so expecting them to do much more than make sure people aren't being racist in barrens is a stretch.

I know you're shitposting but there are already addons floating around that work in the beta. Your best bet is joining a reddit discord as awful as that sounds. Several fags have been converting popular addons to at least semi-functional levels.

>but this meme about big ecelebs going broke is kinda retarded. All those fuckers do is place videogames every day, what are they gonna blow their money on?
Easy alot and I mean this alot of stupid shit. Majority of streamers money goes on upgrading the Rigs first. Then they blow their money on personal gifts and finally the blow their money on stupid ass trips too fucking Japan. Swear to god poor Japan has more white people acting like dicks from streams than America does. So once the money dries up they then get into a desperate state of well desperation. And then it's back to square one.

Mine too, i have no idea why the fuck it happens. And when i clear my history it still happens. If i had to guess it's part of some broader push for WoW in general and not just him but holy shit its obnoxious.
Who even watches reaction videos? It has to be a generational thing that i simply don't understand.

Sorry guys, I think he is doing this because I shot him in heroes and generals

It's almost as if gamers said they wanted something but didn't actually want it

how is this eceleb thread still up? i thought the mods made it clear in a sticky that eceleb stuff belongs on Yea Forums not Yea Forums

seethe harder loser

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Soda was great to watch in 2012. He was a fucking clown on the verge of dropping out of college who literally prostituted himself for views and donations. He laid his entire life bare for his viewers. He fucked with Twitch staff on the regular, harassed every female he came into contact with, did shit like stream his cleaning lady while he hid outside or when he went to buy condoms at the shops. He ate so many bans he wasn't even legible for a sub button until half a year after every other comparable-but-vastly-less-popular streamer got theirs for playing by the rules and signing away their individuality for stable income. He built his persona around being a toxic virgin loser and THIS IS WHAT HE WAS until getting enough e-fame to fix it all.
All of this worked in his favour in the end though. People like assholes, it makes for a more compelling story. That fanbase he'd built up stuck with him and made him a millionaire, and now he's just like every other drone who plays it safe. He made it big.
I have no idea why anyone would watch modern Soda. This classic shit made me tune in to his stream for the first time in years and he's just a fucking robot.

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>made it clear in a sticky that eceleb stuff belongs on Yea Forums not Yea Forums
Then it is in the right place dumbass.

>>actually started like 8 months before BC
so he played classic is what you're telling me

why are there so many zoomers here defending their favorite ecelebs
these guys don't give a shit about you

What's the matter vanillacucks, I thought you were going home? (along with all the worst aspects of modern vidya of course). Enjoy it, hahahahaha

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not very based of your xiv frogposter


Just roll on an RP server man

>asomgold reacts to X

Because most people aren't fucking retarded and falseflagging. Layering is just channels that you can't choose. Once the population lowers more channels (layers) get deleted.

Black desert does this, tera does this, archeage did this, eso does this, guild wars 2 does this, every MMO does this and it's the absolute best way to do things. Don't @ me.

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just use a filter addon you retard

b-but i want server crashes! i want to be stuck in the starting zones for hours!!!!!!

>tfw u will never be a famous streamer and have legions of retards worshiping you for every dumb thought you have
feels bad

>Black desert does this, tera does this, archeage did this, eso does this, guild wars 2 does this, every MMO does this and it's the absolute best way to do things.
>all these dead and dying games did it its the best
yeah great

you're so fucking stupid if you believe this is true

I don’t know about you guys, but I can’t fucking wait

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he will quit before level 35

just like the old days

Attached: layering.webm (1280x720, 1.84M)

> tfw you will never make 30k+ by just clearing dead mines once

I really dont get whats so interesting about this guy other than that hes well known in the wow youtube community. Is there any asmongold fan in here that could explain why people like to watch him

hello darkness

that's not layering. that's sharding. learn the difference retard. that being said, if sharding is actually in at launch I'm not playing the game.

It will be
and the community is ok with it

I have the same problem. I hate his retard bald bugface showing despite me blocking it. It's like windows 10.

I'm gonna have so much fun in classic and no one can stop me

Just grief them to hell.

Pretty sure that's actually phasing, it seems to be happening a lot in early Kalimdor areas

Why do you care? If it bothers you so much play on a different server. There is no need for you to bitch only because other people are more popular than you. Luckily at this point you should be old enough to not shoot up your local school over garbage like this.

A lot of it seems like an act, like hes being ironic when he is displaying his "enormous ego". he seems self aware to me.

>man can’t wait to go back to vanilla back when the game was hard
>it’s so challenging I’m sure all the casuals will quit in a month :^)
>classic consisted of afk spamming 1-2 buttons and you were lucky if dungeon AND raid bosses had more than 1 mechanic
>each expansion that followed classic was much harder
>classic is in no way hard or challenging it’s just a mindless grindfest
Why do people look forward to this shit?

bluepost confirmed bug. nice try retailfag

>play osrs
>get osrs bf
>get 800k outfit from him

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He’s made a video before sboutbhis depression

If anything is going to destroy the WoW economy, it's addons being way way more advanced than they were back then.

The shit faggots can pull on retail is the purest form of kikery, and I want Blizzard to limit what these fuckers can do in classic.

yeah sure hometard

everyone has "depression" nowadays it's a fucking meme

>A lot of it seems like an act
these people are entertainers. One big part of live streaming is the chat interaction. They constantly bait the chat. That's where the big money is. These kids have been spamming the same shit for years.

>oh my god this mob just dropped the B L A C K sword
trihard cmonbruh trihard

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>having a relationship with a slut is a step up from being alone
Continue wasting your good years trying to get your dick wet with gutter trash, then mope that every girl is a whore because that's the only kind of girl you ever entertained.

This right here is what's missing from the current social element on WoW. It's gonna be nice to see guilds disband because one of the officers friend or girlfriend gets loot and all the drama surrounding it until we go back to the no-socializing and quiet groups dwelling in bitterness.

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I was interested in it for the PvP. Then I learned that you need to have no life to get rank 12+ in PvP for that gear and if I wanted to do PvE content to get gear I might as well do it in retail where I can do mythic+ whenever I want.

Also from what I am told PvP in classic is incredibly gear dependent where people in tier 2 gear will two shot anyone without. Sounds like a fun fair and balanced challenge of skill.

Gross, no thanks.

>world pvp? What's that? I just use my flying mount to get everywhere lol!

>get 800k outfit
800k is nothing skank.

Those Tits look fake. Like decent fake but fake none the less.

Not the person you're replying to, but no you're wrong.

Jealousy is the fear of losing something to someone else. Envious is wishing you had something someone else had.

It's honestly an extremely commonly misused word and only autists will point it out to someone.

Soda is actually good at the game and actually played Vanilla.

Asmongold is fucking fake. If he played vanilla it was for 2 weeks. He unironically calls Deadmines DM and not VC. Anyone can respect his knowledge of the game, but when he talks about Vanilla it's like he's an entirely different person. He pretends to know so much and gives it away he doesn't every time he opens his stupid fucking mouth.

>The shit faggots can pull on retail is the purest form of kikery
Please, elaborate.

Yeah, the guy that had a nervous breakdown because he finally came to terms that the game he likes is awful and that he's so depressed about being a millionaire while also having a leech of a girlfriend move in with him
How tough it is to be him, but thankfully for that wholesome personality, he at least makes great content.
He was fun during the beginning of his streaming, but everything now is as hollow as his mouth is.

>If he played vanilla it was for 2 weeks
He did not play, don't fall for the memes. He used to be open about it around the time the "legacy movement" was picking up speed, he started in late wrath.
Him saying he actually did play vanilla is a more recent fib. You can literally just look at his fucking armory to see he didn't play vanilla.

>watching assmongoloid

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I have this same problem but with game grumps

>caring about e-celebs

Kill yourself.

I had no idea who this guy was until I saw him tearing into BfA in a manifesto, or some shit, and I liked that he was doing that so I checked out his channel. Has 90% of his content always been reacting to other people's content and lying about playing other video games? This faggot literally only plays WoW, I don't understand it.

she gets yellowed on a regular basis because she prefers it, this is not a shitpost look her up.

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He literally just started playing eso

>This faggot literally only plays WoW, I don't understand it.
That's normal for WoW ecelebs.
Many of them have played WoW and nothing but WoW for like a decade now. The only time they will ever branch out is to play other shitty WoW-clone MMOs and even then they will drop the game after a couple hours.


>this whole thread
have sex then kys

>Has 90% of his content always been reacting to other people's content and lying about playing other video games?
You sound surprised. Like you only discovered that this morning ha. And yeah majority of his shit is basically a more bigger shit of an inner twitch circle jerk.

Play on PVP servers. PVE is for braindead fuckers. Only serious streamers will join PVP because of streamsniping.

>zoomer ever accumulating more than 50 gold.
>zoomer ever in a raid leader position.

Don't be, hes going to rush all the content & be given all the gold/loot, then be bored in a week, then stop streaming because he is depressed

He claims he likes to rush the game & isn't ruining it, but he will see

Athene & Swifty had skill, Asmongold gets donated everything

Swifty bought rank in BC and became a cringelord.

>everything gets deleted in 2 months


Asmongold honestly just hit the jackpot, the random youtube algorithm recommended him at the perfect time when everyone was hating on WoW & people agreed with Asmons generic opinions

I like him & the fact he has no filter, but there was luck involved in his success

there is luck involved in almost all success.

This is literally no different than being in a guild that actually cares about its members or having friends that play. Try actually being likable instead of an autistic know it all faggot who thinks he’s better than everyone and maybe you’ll know what it’s like

>The only problem with e-celebs, but mostly just Asmongold, is how many retards latch onto his idiotic opinions.

Meanwhile, Yea Forums parrots Matthewmatosis's retarded opinions non-stop


So are your toons from this beta going to be usable when it releases or is this just PTR?

See see this is what he spends. YOUR MONEY ON. Jesus fucking christ. Every donation is another Happy Meal. Literally.

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there's a video on this very topic in avoiding streamer servers.
hell asmon reacted to it

just pick another server, who gives a fuck

he also spends donation money on a twitch thot. pays for her rent and gifts

Get Video Blocker. The "not interested" option is fucking broken, you think you don't but you do etc.

It was just deadmines hype. He got 3000 subs when he completed it

Swiftys "tricks" videos are fake and staged, he's even admitted this himself, hes a complete fraud.

Playing EverQuest TLP Server and avoiding this shit show

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>half an hour for a short fight
no fucking way I'm watching all that you dicklicking, frogposting, pretend-a-friend faggot

Swiftys "tricks" videos are fake and staged, It's all fights against his friend where they let him win. He's even admitted this himself, even though it was completely obvious, a complete fraud.

>also spends donation money on a twitch thot. pays for her rent and gifts
Yeah but that is after the fast food after it. Like holy fucking shit. I was going to say I defy any women to have sex in that room. In that state.

good thing they fuck at her home he's paying for, not at his room in his mom's attic.

Kill yourself.

Is it too late to get into og Everquest if I never played it before?
Progression servers sound tempting but I'll be going in completely blind.

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Hes gonna get bored of Vanilla real quick & go back BFA anyway

Zoomers donating to him is going to ruin his fun

Just try out p99

better than some e-thot just sitting there with her tits out extracting money from saudi princes and other poos

TLP Mangler server is what i'm on. i had not played since i was a kid. Now i'm max level and still having fun...BUT i had a friend to start playing with and learn everything again with.

Honestly not sure how a brand new player would do.

if he is brand new TLP would be better imo. The quality of life improvements make for a much smoother experience. not to much bigger player base.


if any eceleb niggers go to a pvp server, roll the opposite faction and grief them
camp them when they farm and ruin everything they do

This dude's a fucking faggot and I wish jewtube would stop recommending his million reaction video channels just because I watched a video he reacted to

>better than some e-thot just sitting there with her tits out extracting money from saudi princes and other poos
is it tho?
Because other than slut shaming, the e-thot is actually providing at least somewhat of a "service" - being hot and having her tits out. It's still garbage but you can at least see why someone would want to look at them.
But with someone like Asmongold, there is literally no redeeming qualities to enjoy. It's just some buttmunch being a moron, playing badly, and being orbited. He doesn't have tits even so what the fuck value does he have

>10 stealthed rogue orbiters hanging out with him
people will even orbit and follow around streamershit on private servers and that is relatively small time compared to this. Most of the streamers will go pve for obvious reasons but you'd be a moron to assume you're going to have an easy time camping the fags that do go pvp.
The honest best time to do it would be initially after launch if the streamer is racing, level 40 or so, because no matter how many people are orbiting the majority of them wont keep up the pace.
You'd also have some success playing the purge game on his world buffs come raid times, felwood would be a good spot for this.
Other than that tho, how often would they be alone? Hardly ever. You'd be just giving faggots free honor (ok post phase 2 but you know what i mean).

Are they making one? I thought they weren't. I was hoping to play on one as well.

>implying there arent guilds and groups that specifically roll the opposite faction to gank streamers

It's hard not to be envious of how much he makes for relatively little, but I stopped watching him the moment he decided to make streaming his career. I hate that his videos always appear in my recommendations to when I've steered well clear of him on Youtube.

you're fucking retarded


Thats EXACTLY how I remember it.

these are the kind of people getting beta access

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hey that would be neat but i don't see it happening. Small groups sure, but we're losing the battle here. Most people either don't mind streamershit or are simply apathetic.
Again your best shot for that kind of thing would be during the leveling rush, it would be something a wpvp guild would be into. I'd still expect most to stop giving a shit once they're 60.

>posting about E-celebs like anyone gives a shit

yeah but what about my private server

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muh streamers but this video was really fun to watch for me.


Wait, he's still with his mum but is paying for his girlfriend's place? I figured he'd have moved out by now.

I stopped watching his videos years ago, as he's so completely full of himself and literally thinks he's God's gift to WoW.

>45 minutes
shill your channel somewhere else, you tubby balding cunt

>45 minutes

did this retard ever release that 10 page write up of how to improve retail like he claimed to have?

yah its retarded. We kind of knew that would happen but still.
Pserver reck paladins have been swearing up and down for ages that /sit was blizzlike, their own theorycrafters did them no favors since it was never theorycrafting in the first place - more propaganda than anything else.
I'm a little salty that youtubers that trashed the idea of official vanilla servers and were adamantly anti private servers are in beta and suddenly sucking dick about it. Meanwhile i've had an account since 2004 and nothing.
I mean, not surprising since its more hype than an actual bug catching beta, but still a little salty anyhow.

I remember watching him at the start of Legion when he made a big deal about how he was switching to mage, and making jokes about how there were a lot of great mages he was looking forward to beating.
He then goes on to not get a single rank 1, re-rolls again at the end of the expansion and still latches onto his few irrelevant Death Knight rank 1s from Cataclysm.

of course not
why would he put anything in text EVER
there is no monetization in that

It's just ironic shitposting from people who watch these streamers (mostly Asmongold)

it's cheaper to live at your parents plus he actually loves his mom since she used to play wow with him

literally MMO-Champion posters.

>more and more things that were only present on private servers keep coming up
Fun to see people realizing finally how much of the shit was wrong compare to vanilla. Going to be s fucking circus when people find out the actual raids dont have the same numbers as private servers

Blizzard is randomly dealing out invites to people with active subs. It may be slightly weighted to favor inviting older accounts. But remember there are fucking millions of people who played in 2004, and a good number of those surely stayed subbed or recently re-subbed to get a beta invite.

Blizzard has to be mindful of how quickly they invite people, considering the fact that at a certain point their bug tickets will just be overwhelmed

I know he's got this hard-on about "all mmo-champion hates me becuz I speek da truth" but I wouldn't know, I don't post there. MMO-Champ is literally Blizzdrone central, it's basically a cult.
Preach is just so up his own ass regarding his own ability at the game, when he's just a slightly above-average Mythic level raider in terms of skill. His fans and friends constantly blowing smoke up his ass for years has inflated his ego to an enormous size.

yeah, i know.
I'm not off writing bnet rage posts or anything, but it's natural to be at least a little bummed. Bitching here is my small attempt at cope.
Realistically there's only a few things i'd like to specifically test out and i'm sure i could offer a few decent bug reports after i make sure it's not something that was originally patched out pre 1.12, but other than that i'm good on waiting - no way i'm going to level and then do it all over again in late august.

ecelebs are fucking braindead and cancer. stop fucking watching and supporting them

Im pretty sure theyve said theyre doing open stress test weekends at some point

Layering, get fucked.

Swifty fried his brain with steroids, ignore him

This is why i play black desert. No faggots to ruin my game feels good. WoW was always boring tedious shit btw

>He unironically calls Deadmins DM and not VC
You're a confirmed retard, nobody calls it VC because 1. no level 18 is going to fucking run dire maul 2. dire maul was abbreviated based off of what wing you wanted to do

from what I understand of their new system, that shouldn't be happening.

He used to be a sperg back in the days of Cata and Mists, then he got too famous for his own good and turned into an average dude. Now he just insults all the obnoxious 15 year olds that try to be funny in donations and they eat it up

? bdo is even worse. All you do is grind and you can't even do that properly without spending $25 on a costume (for bonus exp) $30 on pets that auto loot $5 dollars on pet food and your reward for it is more grinding and getting one shot in pvp.

/ourguy/ is streaming

I played vanilla from beta and never saw anyone call it VC. Wat now.

>implying wow is anything more than a grindfest as well

If you think its VC you're retarded

He probably was thinking about weapon switching

This is an image from the original strategy guide.
We called it VC before Dire Maul ever existed.

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But dude you get to latch onto his fame and be known as a brown nose for 5seconds on stream then be forgotten to the vagaries of e-history for all time.

get out

It's also a that is being rebuilt from a version far ahead of the version their trying to recreate with systems that weren't even ideas at the time. Shits bound to fuck up here and there, it's why betas exist

it was VC zoomers

What the fuck is wrong with Zoomers? Why do you watch these losers?

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I'm genuinely happy for asmongold, Dudes been pushing so hard for Vanilla wow and just was so burnt out from BFA and the lack of interesting content, watching his streams and vids actually has me excited to play Classic and I don't think id be excited without his content.

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>hahae maybe if i donate $20 the funny internet man will pay attention to me
surrogate friends for spergs/children

please consider suicide anytime

asmongolds great if only for the fact he triggers leftists because he openly voted for trump and it makes them seethe they cant ban him for wrongthink

have sex

Have children

I'm trying

I fucked your mom last night tho nigger

>Asmongold is a smelly, ugly, boring, angsty, unoriginal WoW addict who has terrible opinions and no personality and still lives with his mom
>but he's great because he trolls libs epic style!
seek help

So you fuck black people?

he said he didn't vote you weirdo

He makes a living doing what he enjoys and he supports his disabled mother. He also, just by existing, makes mentally ill leftists seethe just by sheer virtue of being further right politically than stalin. Yeah, he's a pretty cool guy

>made 2 mil last year and bangs a bimbo
man what a fucking loser living with his mom lmao

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lol what?
Mcconnel said he didn't vote

I'm going to fucking kill myself if RPPVP servers come out and some faggot streamer brings a bunch of kids on because he picked it "for the atmosphere"

>reported but no actually a bug
>warrior health regeneration
>feared players/npc run fast
oh boy

Im pretty sure asmon and soda both want to roll on pvp servers. I dont think they understand exactly what playing a pvp enabled vanilla server will be like for them.

>targetting streamers while they are on
don't even know who they are but are they horde players? please say yes, want to make them ragequit till they either stop playing or stop streaming it

Speaking of AQ I was saying ecelebs would all be the scarab lords on the classic servers forever ago the first thing fgt asmonbald was chatting about when classic got announced was becoming a scarab lord

Wouldnt you want to be scarab lord if you had an army of autists willing to do anything you wanted in a video game?

I'm caving and playing classic with some friends
What spec should I be if I'm tanking dungeons and questing? Mix of arms/prot? Fury/prot? Should I go for tactical mastery asap?

Accidentally posted in the shitpost thread

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I got it on live but I was scummy and did it with my friends with that final batch of new servers you could xfer to years ago.
I don't even use the title and prefer binding a mount that can both fly and run on land.

Anyone have any specific questions about the beta they'd like an answer for? Been playing it today, and it's pretty good.

>not being able to buy the cheapest mount possible at level 40
There are people out there like this? Imagine sucking at the game this badly
>He doesn't play the auction house
Picrelated is you and your wife's son

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you should unironically try to get into one of asmongolds mount offs. if he sees it, hell get mad

>people want raid equipment to be solo obtainable to remove the only bad thing in classic WoW
>>HOW could you??? Nothing should change!!!!

>Blizzard literally added layering and destroyed the classic WoW completely
>>This was necessary to reduce waiting

Why are Blizzcucks who have never played classic anyway so retarded? Every veteran hates the raid system and the discrimination against most class and race combinations. Especially if you aren't the guild leader you will most likely never see any T gear at all. But defending literally layering which destroys the classic feeling completely shows how retarded Blizzcucks are.

Good thing there's always runescape, right?

>Speaking of AQ I was saying ecelebs would all be the scarab lords on the classic servers forever ago the first thing fgt asmonbald was chatting about when classic got announced was becoming a scarab lord
I was saying this too and Yea Forums in its infinite wisdom told me i was a faggot and that no streamer would be able to complete the content because streamers are bad at the game.
They're not wrong but they are wildly underestimating the potential of having hundreds of orbiters doing whatever the fuck you need them to do.

>waste hours of my life to get into some instance with this fag so I can provide him free content just so he could say something "witty" then kick me out of the raid while on a fake passive aggressive rant for his "Asmon had THIS happen to him during a mount off..." video and the thumbnail is my black bug with a crying emoji face pasted over it.

yeah if you're brain dead and enjoy grinding constantly to do anything

>Being this much of a faggot
As expected of someone whos played wow for fucking 13 years
Okay then real world trade the account, who fucking cares

this image is what the goblins want.

He literally said he was gonna use the streamer benefit card while playing classic for this very reason

that about accurately summed it up, nice job user, now i never need to watch the 10:05min long video.
not sure why the other orbiter user is salty but he's right, you could sell the account. You've likely missed the golden era of WoW accounts being worth a shit (they were bought/sold in late wrath nonstop as they were like "loot boxes" with what pets/mounts you could get and add to your main account) but you'd still get something semi substantial just off of that mount and title.

Why on earth would anyone stop playing the game thats making them ridiculous amounts of money by streaming

so basically vanilla

Why are you so angry dude? that's literally what "content creators" do, and for some reason people like you blindly line up to provide them free content most of them don't even plan out what they will do because they know their fans will do all the work for them.

I'm fine on money and hold onto my account in the off chance we actually get a good expansion again but the future doesn't look bright, it will always be in my name til blizzard decides to pull the plug on it in 2037.

i dont know why anyone takes aspiemold seriously. he straight up admitted during one of his many recent meltdowns that he dosent even enjoy playing video games (that sounds familiar). probably dosent even enjoy vanilla, but hey, lots of views, better feign enthusiasm for those donations.

It devalues the achievement when people subvert the grind.

These assholes complain about how the grind is everything, how much work shit is, and then accept hand-outs at every opportunity.

soda is horde, asmong is ally. asmon is rolling pve realm

Literally because twitch viewers average about 14. Let’s Play viewers are the same age.

>Watching some random faggot online is wholesome
God streaming was a fucking mistake.

>all these idiots saying he's good at the game
>only does well as feral when its overpowered which it usually is
>switched to monk and quit playing when it got balanced for once in WoWs life
>hopped back to feral when it became brain dead bleed you to death and run run run health forever hahaha again
fucking zoomer retards

Can I have your money then? I don't have a job, live 15 miles from the nearest town and have 7 dollars in my bank account. I would love it if I had as much charisma as Asmongold so I could make easy money. Too bad I'm an incel with no communication skills at all.

That was 2 years of work from my old job. I am going to kill myself after all.

He's just shameless, his fan base is like a giant mob watching a freakshow. he built up by being le angry gamer with his rant videos and eating literal mold and maggots on stream.

If you can just be shameless and consistent you can make it as a content creator.

not him but how difficult is it to be a successful streamer? On the surface it seems like it would make me hate playing video games to be honest.
I'm curious if that's even an intelligent decision for someone that you can plan out or if it's more of a luck thing on who the zoomers get into watching.

I have failed at so many things in life already that I just don't think I have enough motivation to ever leave my parents house again. I will just subsist until they realize I'm never leaving and kick me out, then I will walk off into the woods and hopefully die.

This cunt is literally a Twitch thot. What a fucking gay.

Just look at all the freak shows who become big or IRL stream, if you're content acting like a piece of shit and doing whatever you can for a quick buck and do it everyday so people stick around you will get big.
Even other anons point out how Gaypoppin started he was just a freak show people couldn't stop gawking at, now he's big enough to not have to degrade himself on the regular like that anymore.

You're either a shameless freak show, a shameless sex object, or really goddamn lucky. those are your choices.

i cant stand seeing this mongoloids face anymore. i cant stand the fact i can see his double digit IQ just by looking at his stupid face. im gonna make a punchbag with his face on

it would be like winning the lottery. everyone and their brother has some faggy twitch channel now, but they'll only get like 4 viewers t a time. also yes, imagine it would make you enjoy games less unless you just completely disregard the chat and play/do whatever you want.

That's not how it's going to work. These big streamers have legions of people following them around (not to mention all their friends they play with). Chances are they will never be alone for long. And if they are and you get lucky with a kill I guarantee some white knight will show up to defend him.

>And if they are and you get lucky with a kill I guarantee some white knight will show up to defend him
I guess the potential positive of that is it could create some fun wpvp wars.
I'm not saying that outweighs the million negatives, of course.

True. It pretty much guarantees World PvP events.

Kill yourself, faggot. Your streams get 1 view (You) so there's absolutely no way people are typing up paragraphs analysing you. Stop trying to be Manlytears.

Do you honestly believe Asmongold and Soda will 'burn out'? They have been playing WoW for the best 2 decades.

Honestly I find streaming difficult to do. For one its completely immersion breaking. You have to interact with your chat and answer retarded questions all the time. I peaked at 193 (kek 100 viewer andy) and I honestly just found it stressful. I wasn't enjoying the game I was playing and I was constantly looking at chat making sure people stuck around and weren't complaining. I may have been paranoid but that's just how I felt. After a few days I averaged around 120-150 a day for a week and it went up but I felt stressed out every day I signed in to stream. I was not enjoying what I was playing and I constantly felt like I had to be entertaining and also had to answer the same questions over and over again.

I'm sure it gets better down the road but you really need to have thick skin and maybe play a game you're extremely passionate about. Now a days there's nothing I want to play except for Classic so once I get the beta I will try again and see how far I can go. I have ideas for some in-game events with viewers so that could actually be fun. This time around I'll do my best to be more relaxed and not as paranoid. Doesn't help that I think I'm a schizo.

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dont play on streamer server

Because its chill. Soda is the one streamer you can not type in chat and still enjoy. He talks in a nerdy childish way that just feels comfortable to listen to.
Asmongold is a dumbass and watching him is just that you get to laugh at him and the fools that give him shit.

>that retarded monkey face

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we need to make guilds to gank these shits

How fucking new are you? Asmons always abused his viewers / taken loot from them / filled groups with them.

There's actually a guild called on the beta already. haven't seen them do any sniping yet. If I get into the beta I am making a dwarf rogue named Tapsout and ganking that faggot Tips every chance I get. He's playing a warrior at lvl fucking 30 so it's going to be the easiest shit. Soda will be more difficult since he's a druid and actually knows how to play his class

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>I have ideas
Wear a luchador mask, be "THE MYSTERY PALADIN".
Whenever you lose a duel two of your fat buddies, also in luchador masks and singlets, bust through a prop wall and body slam you through your desk.
also: fake bomb threats

>If I get into the beta I am making a dwarf rogue named Tapsout and ganking that faggot Tips every chance I get
i like this idea a lot, user

Is it against Twitch TOS to stream me "sniping" other streamers? If it is I will just record it and put it on YT with his reactions to each death. I pray that we will witness the soul drain from his body death by death until he says he's not mad but needs to sign off. That is my goal.

not twitch tos but pubg tried to do this for awhile where they would try to ban streamsnipers but it backfired heavily for obvious reasons

wrath of the lich king was the best expansion

Here's what these opportunistic streamers are selling:

>FUN leveling system

No, zoom zoom, the classes are in many ways even simpler than retail. Every 2 levels you mainly get upgraded versions of the same spells, and you had to go and quest to grab some basic class abilities or forms.

What classic actually is:
>heavy social manipulation in raids and BG groups to place yourself in the inner circle clique and abuse your enemies
>10+ hour wipes on progression after which you were dead broke and need to farm up repair gold and potions for 20+ hours for the next raid
>raiding in a guild controlled by a Tyrant former football player/marine who screams at the teenage guildmates until they start crying in vent when they pull vaelstrasz by accident
>having to watch out for random group invites while on pvp grind, because rival groups would frequently summon you into hostile towns and pull civilians to make you lose months of progression

This Home shit is historical revisionism at its finest

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>warrior health regeneration is working at the expected rate
never gonna make it
you go into a capital city and suck mage dick for bread and YOU ENJOY IT

its not banworthy but the streamer will likely find you and sic his community on you
best to just record the ganks and reactions like torvesta does for runescape

They rolling PVE (faggot realms)


>having to watch out for random group invites while on pvp grind, because rival groups would frequently summon you into hostile towns and pull civilians to make you lose months of progression
fucking lmao, do you have any video of this happening

Who? asmongold?
sodapoppin is 100% playing a pvp server and tipsout too i think

you forgot
>gg ya’ll
>gg’s :3
>gg....I’ll get my drop next raid...

more like tipsdont lmao

Tipsout legitimately sucks at the game and soda is playing druid, I think we'll all live. Asmon said he most likely will play pve but we'll see on that

And yet....somehow...people give more of a shit about Classic than Retail even with a new 'savior patch' coming.

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>people care more about the new shiny thing that's unavailable to everyone and hyped by all the twitch talking heads
whoa, you don't say? as much as I love vanilla and plan on playing this shit to death, i'm amazed at all the people that assume this shit is going to be a huge success, when the truth is that it'll be a sandbox for niche fags like myself that love the idea of playing inside a bubble.

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oh no no no

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I don't know who that cunt is, but his retarded face started to show up in my suggestions. It pissed me to no end. Even more so as it took manually chosing to not show him like 15 times before that ugly cunt vanished from my suggestions. Goodbye, retarded fuck. I never knew ya and never would.

>twitch chat
>full fo 12-14 year olds
>#1 pvp guild

the toppest of keks. i genuinely can't wait until this guild is BTFO. So far I think it's only Tipsout who will be in it. Soda is going to be in his own guild with his friends who've been playing private servers non stop.

I genuinely just want to see Tips fail on all fronts.

>vanilla thread
>posts image of treant from eversong woods
what the FUCK is your problem
asmon wasn't added to the game until wrath

>I genuinely just want to see Tips fail on all fronts.
Me too and im a little cringed out at myself since i normally wouldn't pay attention to a shitshow like him in the first place. I'm sure it has something to do with him making shit up about his vanilla experiences and that bugging me, but that really isn't enough. Maybe deep down im a faggot.

Didn't read, seething retail tranny

>rent free w/ patio space and a full size pool

>mfw someone gives asmongold the server's first lionheart helm pattern and retards server transfer just to get a LH helm Made by Asmongold

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no chance

they would use the opportunity to tip him everything they have

redditor confirmed

Didn't read

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