What in your opinion makes this game stand out the most?

What in your opinion makes this game stand out the most?

Attached: oot-title-screen.jpg (662x600, 92K)

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music and atmosphere

Camera Angles, Soundtrack & Pacing

Attached: Ganon Fight.jpg (800x440, 179K)

>camera angles
What's so special about them?

Nothing. BotW renders it completely obsolete.

nintendo magic

These and dungeon design

Attached: wateroot.jpg (853x876, 58K)

Boring dialogue.

>new good
>old bad

What a good way to start an OoT thread


Nailed it.
Music is amazing and the atmosphere is really something for a game of its age.

The gameplay aged mediocrely, however. But it's still a very solid experience.

It makes the world look endless & massive due to how close the camera is to the ground. It's a little detail, but is one of the many things that make OOT the GOAT

So Majora's Mask is better.

From the beginning to the ending of the game, progression just feels good. You’re going around a gradually more accessible little world, getting shit done and obtaining new permanent items, magic, songs, upgrades, and collectibles. Even in the final stages of the game you’re still following that formula, getting things like the golden gauntlets. This is all on top of the 10/10 visuals, audio, and general level design for a game of the time. It still looks and sounds good today through consistency and charm.

not so much the game itself but the speedruns around it

zfg is unironically the best desu. takes me back to the good old days of SpeedRunsLive before trannies took over

Attached: zeldo.jpg (238x212, 4K)

BotW is honestly one of the best of them all, and i don't care what the nostalgia faggots have to say about it. It's got great characters, music, and the massive size of it all is, dare i say, BREATHtaking.

Dungeon design and pacing. It's just a fundamentally sound game

Majora's Mask is just an addon for OoT.
>4 boring dungeons

The atmosphere and time feature

Water temple is just the best designed temple in the game imo. Barring the tedious boot-switching.

It has S O U L

Majora's Mask had quality dungeons. But yes I always consider the two games to be inseparable.

Agreed. It really set the whole tone of the game.

But no really, one of the first games in my childhood.


The n64 has low quality textures and midi music but for some reason it's very atmospheric and pleasant. I also like how damned creepy so many enemies are.

>Majora's Mask had quality dungeons
They were such a chore to play through just like the entire game to be honest. The only thing that kept me playing was that creepy sense of mystery. The very first dungeon is the only dungeon in MM that I like

>The very first dungeon is the only dungeon in MM that I like

That's the easiest dungeon.


It's the least tedious out of them all. They are not challening, they are so fucking tedious to me

other way around

Getting to them was more of a pain really. I just think the dungeons are interesting design-wise. It's like they took the idea of the water temple with upper and lower levels and made that the core of each dungeon and each one has its own thing like the central pillar in Snowhead or the waterflow in Great Bay or flipping Stone Tower upside down. The first dungeon is much simpler with it being the first one, it's a good introduction dungeon.

>the waterflow in Great Bay
Jesus fuck I forgot how bad this dungeon was. I hate it, I hate the entirety of Great Bay

t'row dis mothafocka atta da caah

What dungeons in OoT did you like?

Honestly? Every dungeon. They are all so good. I think I like literally everything about OoT

Even shadow?

What's wrong with it? It's great

Fuck egoraptor by the way, hate that faggot

The quality of game it is and the time it came out in.

Breath of the Wild comes close in how just good of a GAME it is. Now Breath of the Wild's story, on the other hand...

Ocarina of Time will always stand up no matter how much time passes desu.

It's a bit flat.

Attached: shadow.png (682x602, 355K)

The child/adult progression in terms of presentation, atmosphere and story/characterization is 12/10 pure uncontested kino. You can write dissertations on that.

I'm also playing the randomizer right now and it's great fun. Basically Metroidvania.

>coming up on 5 years

How much of it did he have right?

the theme of the dungeon is descent, which can only really be done in a linear fashion, though the atmosphere and puzzles involving allusions make up for it IMO. The ferry, Dead Hand and Bongo Bongo are things I look forward to every time I get there on new playthroughs

Attached: bongo__s_lair_by_johnnycago-d38z8hh.jpg (850x1074, 268K)

I think they needed to have made use of the hoverboots more. Talking about descent, how about make it so there's a huge dark pit that needs to be descended via stairs, tunnels, passages and bridges, linking rooms that surround the inside of the pit. You could create hazards like pitfalls through this and only with the hoverboots can you pass them. Bongo Bongo could be at the very bottom of the pit. Just an idea.