Literally a porn game. STEAM WTF AAAAAAAAHhhhhhhhhh
Literally a porn game. STEAM WTF AAAAAAAAHhhhhhhhhh
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Cool quality control, steamcels
epic btfo
only pussies give a shit about porn games on Steam
Don't like it?
Don't buy it.
Contact a tabloid.
No you don't understand, other people should not be allowed to enjoy things I don't like.
Christian gamers rise up
>not being able to see where you are aiming
Enjoy the mess VRfags
>Liquidates entire CS inventory for this game
hahaha now not even mommy can stop me!
god i wish i could afford vr
>a women
Based gaben. Chinks would haul off Tencents CEO for tea and torture if this showed up on the Epic Game Store.
me too
>not unironically buying a Chinese furry latex goo TF fetish game on steam
Not him but it popped up in my new releases and I don't even have anything like this in my library.
Cringe, because it's your sterotypical low quality, weebfaggot baiting 'porn' game.
But also Based because Steam allows for such degeneracy to happen.
God bless America.
Why did you turn on seeing adult games if you didn't want to see them?
>trailer is just straight up hentai
I'm fine with hentai games on steam ,but don't make the auto playing trailer immediately show fucking
I dont see it
But checking new releases I see they released the old hercules game. Thanks bro
If it had good gameplay I would've bought it.
But it just doesn't.
You have to opt in to see adult content, just opt out if auto-play silent hentai trailers bother you
To be fair, it was the creator's first attempt at creating a vidya and Puro is the most precious goddamned thing.
and people shit on epic games store
this is beyond pathetic.
Steam has allowed porn for some time. Are you new?
Based and cringepilled.
oh no, how will I ever recover? this entirely optional game that doesn't affect me in way whatsoever will totally ruin everything!
How new are you user, porn has been on steam for 2 years now
>anons require terrible VR porn video games
>they don't have a cute femboy bf to plow in the butt on the regular
Where I can order a qt submissive femboy bf?
Why is this allowed but all-ages school VNs from Taiwan are banned?
>ban rance
>allow this
>There are people on this board, on this board RIGHT FUCKING NOW, that are opposed to freedom of speech and the free market
Fucking commies
They are all over Yea Forums. A dozen of them are lurking in this thread right now.
>he says posting from puritan America
no tits for you
That's it, I'm supporting China now.
Based and redpilled
I'd rather be alone than submit to faggotry.
>not being the one who gets plowed
what, are you a faggot?
Who cares about that? What boogles the mind is that only low-tier porn games get a pass, but as soon as it is all about mid-tier and up in production value, they are always banned. Someone on steam control board is mentally unstable and got some weird vendetta against the better things.
And it looks like cheap garbage. Like every porn game on steam.
My group of friends all knows what we're into,
One of my friends dropped a link one day to the game and says: Hey user they have your game on steam.
No you don’t understand, murder is fine as long as you don’t participate
>i don't want to shower, get a hair cut and wear well fitting clothes
what about the upcoming studiofow game?
Not a furry, but I've always enjoy artwork made in paint.
>Not wanting to have your own little fag as bf
>Americans can't even breastfeed in public without the moral police showing up
looks cheap
Is it any good? Hows the vr?
The default option is for them not to appear in your steam store so you willingly turned it off and complained about this.
But that's exactly right, also mugging and robbery are the most fundamental capitalist transactions.
>tfw you will never be a cute buttslut
Please add sun rays to your picture, otherwise you will trigger the snoy ponies.
That is western game, western game get pass always. Unless is blatant bait like Rape Day or what it was called, which was supposed to be sold on Steam til the outrage, which made UK trying to ban ALL steam porn games.
America has been poisoned by the commies from the cold war. I'm for FULL freedom of speech, you have the right to say whatever the fuck you want. This pussy zoomer generation and their "trigger warnings", words can't hurt you, physical violence does. So basically it's something like this: If you're paying your taxes and not bringing any physical harm to your fellow man, you are an upstanding citizen. I don't give a shit what do you do in your free time, but if you follow those two tenants, you are closer to our lord than most people that declare themselves pious. All this pseudo hate speech bullshit is just censorship and propaganda.
Everybody shits on America, but it's the most based country in the world!
I'm not even American, but I admire the American dream and the people that defend it
How a normal person reacts when he sees a game he doesn't like on the steam store
>ehh, not for me, just gonna go back to store catalog and see what else I can find
How Yea Forums reacts
WTF I’m dropping PC
This platform is pathetic and only for incels who won’t have sex.
Sony is literally the only company to follow global standards, so I’ll be buying a PS4 Pro.
>sex-addicted kitty girl trained to please her master
Have Sex
We need some kind of group that regulates what adults buy, someone that protects the consumer from what they want, like these games, a group that knows better.
did you forget they basically gave up on quality control?
won't somebody think of the children
That's kind of a cool-looking character design, as furshit goes.
Then you won't mind when I use my freedom of speech to call for the murder of your entire family. After all, you did say that words don't hurt people even when they're explicitly asking other people to carry out violence.
You have those reactions reversed, retard. Everyone who posts here that claims they want it removed is baiting hard and idiots keep falling for it
How does harming others correlate with playing videogames? Is it actually painful for you when people enjoy something you don't like? You may consider visiting a psychotherapist.
Donkey konga
By giving the actual player the tools they need to do their own quality control. The only people who complain about this are mouth-breathing retards who can't figure out how to work filters and sorting.
It really doesn't matter, because you have no power and nobody listens to a thing you say.
t. snoyboy
That's correct.
Nah, you don't understand. That isn't sex. She's just steching her calves. Isometric exercice, y'know.
Freedom of Speech doesn't cover incitement to violence. Reasonable threats are criminal and can get you arrested.
Puro is dependable.
>Kill yourself and you family should follow after you is what I want
>Gets fired from work, gets shot as revenge for saying that and your family gets raped by mexicans
>For saying words
If people adhere to the tenants I mentioned, you would turn out to be a fool for you are prohibited from inflicting physical harm on your fellow man. However, you can call him a pig, an idiot, or even tell him that he deserves death.
Freedom of speech heals the soul. Commies don't understand that, for they have no soul to heal.
Just another blue checkmark on twitter then.
that can't happen unless you explicitly opt in to adult content
Mostly dicks, I think
Why is there semen leaking out of her vagina, Seymour?
Yes, that's how it works.
she was just eating some healthy yoghurt and made a mess
T-then it's not freedom! You're supposed to be able to say anything and get away with it! Even call someones mom a whore! I-it's not at all about expressing political views in a reasonable manner!
Oh that's just the stemen clam you're eating today. Mmm, stemen clams.
You are astonishingly stupid.
And your mother is a whore.
I will have sex with my cat wife after I buy this game.
Oh these are not semen clams, I said STEAMed clams, mhhh steamed clams.
Why are there so many Yea Forums cross-posters?
Well you aren't infected.
yes and you call them steamed clams despite the fact they are obviously slightly higher than room temperature
No epic game store no buy
No, he's right.
Yea Forums is a left leaning forum
in another life user
I'm pretty sure that people harming each other has existed way before Communism was ever a thing, and it definitely happened in America long before Marx was born.
But you do you. It'll be your problem soon enough.
It's just a thread to market a porn game. No one actually cares.
It's better if you include this image
Post library, faggot
Finally some good reason to buy VR
t. smooth brain
Yeah they probably think all technology is good.
>kiss my feet
and they said epic was the bad one...
>dad walks in
Technology is bad, McLuhan was right.
How could Steam get away with this.
imagine the smell
>that fucking bow
>this was allowed but Rance got turned down
Smells like lubricant and rubber.
if they took a shower recently, it just smells like whatever soap/bodywash they used in the shower
Yeah sorry. Not performing quality control for a company headed by one the the most wealthy people in American. He can take some of his billions of dollars and do it himself.
In the meantime, I'll just pirate everything I want, as Steam isn't providing me any useful service whatsoever. Enjoy your shovelware cartoon porn.
Nobody at Steam knows what the fuck they're doing. I bet they've never been given rules on what porn games get let through or not. You ever notice how for every game that was rejected and had some effort put into it, 10 RPGMaker games get let through?
respecc wemon
Fuck off, Epic shill
the thing is that steam refused rance. the best porn game there is and accepts this shit.
some people here said that there are a couple of "rouge employees" who are sjws and disapprove the porn games when they review them while other staff don't care and approve porn games.
china numbah won
You mean cringe but redpilled
this is great
Whoa this guy actually made a game?
>no femdom yet
there are already plenty of porn games on steam, just check your preferences to allow "adult" games
I just like to see naked women, it doesn't matter where, or how!
Sadly, this is not how real life works anymore. Common sense got patched out last expansion.
Who is that ? I have seen some videos here of that guy freaking out of any hint of naked body but I don't remember the name.
>thread about porn game
>Not one post about whether or not it's good
Fuck ALL of you.
I'm a weeb that regularly jacks off to anime porn games and I still don't think these games should be allowed anywhere near Steam.
What happened to that guy?
No loli no buy.
Doesn't the VN have rape scenes? If it does then here's the answer to your problem.
>Games that feature murder and dismemberment are fine, but a game that features intercourse has no place here
Why is the human race so uptight about sex?
user you don't need us to tell you that it's the fucking best 10/10
I only give a shit about pussies in porn games on steam
That's literally, LITERALLY me.
have sex
Where's the youtube video of this with Rising Storm death sounds?
Procure poonanny
Great, now that steam is defacto open to the horny virgin audience which prints money, valve has no reason to put effort into anything.
gaymu ?
>other people should not be allowed to enjoy things I don't like.
This but unironically and it only applies to games that are simple, easy, or allow you to have fun without gitting gud.
Also to games which attempt to outright prevent the user from modifying the game to include delicious loli. I understand entirely if a given publisher/developer has shit taste, but users who do have good taste should not be prevented from fixing the game.
You're a supremely large faggot.
What is that? A finger box?
>Normies only now learning about the beast that is VR Porn games
Nympho Trainer is just the tip of the iceberg, wait until they learn about Illusion.
>Sexual Content
You don't understand the concept of a free market
Is enuma elish a dildo?
>complains about a good existing and want it to be removed by monopolist forces propped up by government
it's not rape if she likes it though
also, sometimes, they disapprove other porn games for no apparent reason.
This isn't true though
I have VR and there are literally like 10 VR porn games in the world and only like 4 are any good, with most having very little content
By all means prove me wrong I would genuinely like to be but I have so far been unimpressed
Your partner is useless as a human being and is a carrier of disease. You have an onahole that you need both arms to carry, and which keeps making whining noises if you leave it alone for 24 hours.
Furthermore, you've given yourself the choice between a urinary tract infection or extensive prepwork for something that you can do by yourself without risking either of these things.
Based. When they're not getting fucked in the ass, these little faggots are the most obnoxious creatures on the planet. Even more than women
Nothing wrong with porn, the $50 price tag is the real crime here. Literally what were they thinking
cringey af
I'm not saying there's a lot of them, but it's a pretty massive step up when you compare something like an Overwatch Blender video and actually being in the same room as them with something like HS VR.
>straight pron
BASED. Didn't see this one yet.
Companies have agendas and will try to shut out their competitors via whatever underhanded methods they can get their hands on, and once a monopoly is formed, they'll try to also coerce their customers into being unable to switch to a new company.
By introducing anti-monopoly or anti-trust laws, or implementing consumer rights to prevent coercive contracts, you're making the "free" market not free.
Also, even if there is an ideal situation in which the government ensures a free market, in practice every single large company is going to lobby that government as hard as they can to make sure the market is free for them, but NOT free for their competitors.
I agree with you that freedom is a good thing, but freedom requires checks and balances to ensure those who have power don't abuse their power to restrict the freedom of others. The free market concentrates power.
is this femdom on male or lesbian femdom?
Unlike (You)r mother women wash themselves regularly
What's the difference?
Both I think
Wow that's crazy. Anywho, I need a loan of $4,000 to make the best most Yea Forums-approved game ever made. I need two computers and a mocap setup.
there's a big difference m8
I'm the one who make the revised english translation for this game actually. I first found out about the game through a Yea Forums thread like this one, funny enough.
Why did you change "Puro is trustworthy!" to "Puro is dependable!"?
There's literally nothing wrong with this besides charging for it.
Holy shit someone call TDA (TDA is a Japanese guy) This needs to be shut down because that is stolen asset. Also VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already: over.
At that point, Puro already knew you trusted him and he said that he wanted to prove he could carry his own weight. I changed it since it seemed slightly more fitting.
>check store page
>see this
man walks into thread he hates.jpg
Damn, I like brick walls.
I'd much rather the bare minimum level of censorship on a platform than the shit Ebig does
Disgusting, at least when I turn on my ps4 I can see family friendly shit instead of this.
>SOUL cafe with brick walls, VHS/DVD player playing old TV shows and anime, smooth jazz over speakers, perfect place to eat after work/when it's raining
>SOULLESS cafe moves to a new location with stucco walls, no room to put any TV or sound system, has to bring my own straws because they moved near a beach
God I love those bricks.
You are astonishingly stupid.
And your mother is a whore.
For a second there I thought this was the game, and now slightly disappointed realizing you meant an actual video game.
Wait a minute this is in the game, what
Jesus Christ that reminds me of my crazy ex. It was great at first with the non-stop bareback sex all day but then she went nuts.
Cool. It is for others, who want to buy it. Steam is based cuz they are pretty open-minded.
>not buying a pack of metallic straws
i dont know why i never used these before
yes steam permits porn games for nearly a year now
Is there anything noteworthy in VR othar than porn
he said qt
>waaaah why isn't there any indies on steam
>waaaah why didn't my game get green lit
>waaaah why is there games I don't like on steam
Yea Forums is bursting at the seams with rail-thin qts
That's a negative chief.
Is there a particular reason we don't have AAA budget porn games?
that snep is a real motherfucking horndog i swear
No mass appeal.
AO rating basically means you cant sell your game anywhere but in your own website.
Advertisters/sponsors/major financial backers not wanting to have anything to do with such games because they do not want to deal with the hassle of screeching soccer moms and politically-driven moralfags wanting to jump on it for easy virtue points and make sure it can't be sold anywhere.
Meanwhile crowdfunding and people having no problem selling their games directly on their own websites with ease have basically made the above unnecessary.
But literally everyone masturbates?
Not to porn games.
Transformation/corruption is my most depraved fetish. Nothing major like completely turning into a different shape. But like turning into a demon/what happens in that gif. It's so frustrating because 90% of all things in the transformation tag are just a dude turning into a girl. And most of the corruption tag is just the girl turns into a slut. it's so frustrating.
So what are some decent quality porn games on Steam?
There's some pretty good games but they're few and far between. Beat Saber is still widely considered the flagship game despite being carried by modders while the devs did fuckall for a whole year.
Hunt and Snare.
Yeah gaben can't control his staff.
boneworks my nigger
Why are the white male and female sitting so far apart? Don't tell me she's actually with the n*gger.
I was just about to type this. They need to add vr already. OR someone needs to update VRGIN. I play this pirated because I don't want my steam timer to go up when I play it
She is, why
>not slipping out of his hands and breaking the tv ending with him falling down