Games you can't remember the name of

>was an RPG
>Had really bad music
>sound composer had never done music before
>Shop music sounded like a bunch of string instruments trying to out perform each other
>think it was on the DS, 3DS?

pic unrelated

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Other urls found in this thread:

What was the combat like?

2D or 3D?

Sonic Chronicles?

Everything up to the last part sounded like YIIK.

>RTS game
>you can build robots to fight opponents robots
>when you kill them they can drop robot parts
>you can use those parts and put them into your new robots
It was probably shit, but I remember it for some reason..

Could be a Metabots game?


Say what you will, but it's one of my favorite vidya OSTs

>MC was blonde dude (named colin I think?)
>Main girl was named Ridley.
>Combat wasn’t turn based, but was more action based and you could move around.

No, it was top down RTS, around year 2004 I think

>how bad could it actually be-

I remember playing some old strategy game and going full undead was the best choice you could make in game

>Puzzle game
>Early 2000s I believe
>3D plane, had to push bombs off an island
>Password screen input was playing cards
Please help, I've been having stroke trying to figure out if it was real or not.

>porn game
>did dumb chores all the time
>convince mom to do porn
>convince mom the only safe way to do porn is to keep it within the family

>Nes game
>you're a knight climbing up a mountain
>had kickass music
>if you annoy a shop keeper he will chase you out of the store
>had green goo, and a bird enemy
>had arnold/Fabio on cart

radiata stories?

Jesus Christ

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Custom Robo?

>sips tea
>"sort yourself out, kid"

Did this guy never hear music before?

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>developed by FromSoft

this is the Dark Souls of shop music

>ps2 game collection
>pixel platformer
>characters were rabbits i think
>if you didn't finish the level fast enough a head would chase you around
I would play it with my cousin so I'm pretty sure it was multiplayer

I like it

>Played an old 1 v 1 space game where you take turns shooting at the opponent and the bullets are affected by the gravity of the planets in the area
>When the bullets hit the planets they take a chunk away
>Played on an old school computer with a floppy disk, might have been a macintosh
>Looked almost exactly like this

Attached: somegayshit.jpg (1450x1052, 43K)

Chip tune is awesome

Old DOS game
Dropped different size/shaped bombs down and stacked up like tetris
Occasionally a pin would drop
Line up the pin with the top of a bomb to detonate a group

I may have been hallucinating, I was only 6 and the girl playing it was cute

>third-person shooter on the original Xbox
>you drove an armless mech or some kind of heavy sci-fi machine gun around shooting at flying dinosaurs or demons before they could attack civilians on the ground
My cousin had it on an old demo disk, but I can't remember what it was for the life of me.

I feel like there's two or three good songs somewhere in here, bur they're all trying to murder each other for dominance.

Attached: The Reward.jpg (1000x416, 94K)

>PS1 game
>think it was 3D renders but top down
>I think it was relatively dark, you controlled some mechas or robots or some shit, I think at least there was a dark blue and a yellow one, and they could do some cool stuff
maybe I only played a demo, I think I last played it in 2003 or something

Flash game of a dude with his yoyo, it had a really cool song over and over again. I wish I could listen to the song again.

what the actual fuck lmao

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I am looking for 2 flash games and flash games can be hard to find
>Flash game where you control a gray ball in a 2d space and the ball switches gravity from turning it's outlines to either blue or yellow
>Monster truck game where you try not to fall on your head while getting to the end of a level
>When you finish a level you see a map of all the zones so you can see your progress
>One level is a forest level and there is also an icy mountain level


No matter how many threads I post in, I never get an answer for this one:

>military FPS
>THQ either published or developed it
>factions were US military and rebels
>had extensive character customisation
>could only play as the military in the single player campaign
>first mission was in this village with shacks with a wooden bridge over a river.

might as well ask another one:
some really vertical and colourful shit, with maybe gigantic flowers, or mushrooms (or both)? don't remember too much what the gameplay was though but platforming-ish

N64 game where you fight cars as cars. I remember power ups being green, a factory level, a barn level, and wild west level. I also remember a character saying BEEES. I also remember some segment (character ending?) Of aliens invading
Anyone know?

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Do you recall the console it was on?

>monster truck racing game
>was on a desert
>had some chickens
Delta force?

Was it called Machines? I remember an RTS game about robots that I think was called that, but I specifically remember it because you could directly control any unit from a first person perspective.

>some ninja game for playstation
>kills his master on accident in the beginning
>there are multiple swords with different abilities.
please help me find this game.

Bombing islands

Attached: The_Bombing_Islands.png (250x247, 136K)

Vigillante 8.

My nigga, thank you so fucking much

Holy shit I actually remember playing that. Don't remember the music being so awful though..

>that fece when it took me nearly 22 years to remember Rock Chuck's name

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Maybe Dark Cloud 2? But the names of the characters are off.

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>gameboy game
>related to arabian nights
>kinda looked like prince of persia
>remember threed doors to chose
>first door had vase with poison
>second door had guard
>third door had vase with venomous snake in it

What is even going on with this OST?

>game where you play a football player
>final battle in space
>ends with him falling down in a dumpster bin and him going inside his home.

>old GBA game
>was about building robots
>robots weren't actually robots, but like metal shit attached to other metal shit.
>they'd fight and you'd lose with ring outs, there might have been a durability mechanic or something
>was very archaic and hard to understand even for a GBA game
I still remember sort of being mad I sucked too

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a 2d flash fighting game where you got to play as presidents and Saddam Hussein. I want to play it one more time bros.

>could jump around
>had a lightsaber
>had to run away from a boulder after saving the princess

Ironsword : Wizards and Warriors 2

>top down spaceship game
>hold a button to suck enemy projectiles into orbit
>launch them back by letting go

originally on a bootleg chinaman cd i think

Sounds like Machine Hunter, I had a demo of it as a kid and fucking loved it.

Attached: machinst (1).jpg (640x480, 79K)

It's like an audible, musical version of keyboard mashing.

Might be Pandemonium you played as a Jester or some other bitch. Came out on Sega Saturn, PS1 and the Nokia Ngage

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*Also on PC

The sequel's OST is even crazier
Same composer

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It kinda reminds me of Cave Story but in a forest setting

Pic is what I remember chasing me through the levels

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Don't think that was it (I think there was no human gameplay and it was slower too), but thanks mang.

Has to be Soul of the Samurai

I think that's in one of those thrillville games. Maybe sparkle island?

no, it had a more cartoony style.

I think movement was fully 3D, also not too much detail to stuff.

A 2D mecha game for the game boy where you wander around an SMT style maze to fight other mechas. I found it once on one of those multi game carts but can't for the life of me remember its name

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>For the xbox
>Horror game
>Grandson lives the adventures of his grandfather through a diary
>For what i remember from the cover, there's a scene where the kid/grandfather is holding onto a truck or train
No it's not eternal darkness for the gamecube(tm) Yea Forumsros

Look at Future Cop LAPD.

Future cop

>90s pc or dos game
>had to wind up toys that all had unique effects or gimmicks and get them to the other side while the opponent is doing the same
>stages had gimmicks like thin ice or mud to slow toys down
>one of the toys was a fly that went fuckin everywhere, not reliable

>You start in a train

No, it's not crisis core

Ah it must be jumping flash!

>90s strategy game on pc
>rts maybe?
>units were mecha
>when the characters die they scream a blood curdling death rattle
>some kind of base management element
Those screams are seared into my brain, but I can't remember what it was. It was only a demo, iirc.

I love Thrillville Off the Rails on PS2. Great game.

Something like Call of Cthulhu?

7th Legion?

I remember a game, either PS1 or PS2 where you could ride a flying pig, I remember seeing a rainbow in it. It also had shit draw distance. Could've been a dream though.

Hm more cartoony I can only think of Brave Fencer Mushashi but that was a samurai rpg

One of the might and magic games?

A ww2 game from around 2006 I think on the xbox 360.

I think you spent most of not all of the game in various tanks, you could get a crocodile flamethrower tank.

oh my fucking god that's actually it you beautiful bastard
I'd sexually please you if I could

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this sounds good in a weird way, almost reminds me of drakengard but drakengard was done that way intentionally and actually had an order to it

Palette looks too bright and iirc, there were 3d models of the units heads floating around on the bottom/side of the screen.

>PS2 game
>You play as a kid and a bunch of robots follow you around
>You can make the robots go into different formations to solve puzzles(ladders, bridges, etc)

tokobot plus

Robot Wars Advanced Destruction

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Yeah, that's the one

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Cyberstorm 2 Corporate Wars?

>GBA if I remember right
>top down 2D
>you switch off playing different characters as the story goes
>very Zelda esq aesthetic

I was emulating it at one point, then lost my emu folder somehow. It was super fun. Very charming. Solid mechanics. I remember playing as at least Goku and Vegeta. Can’t remember all the sagas it goes through, and I never finished it.

360 era game. It was about china or some Asian place and you would switch between a twink who could turn into animals and a fat guy. There was also a monkey who sold stuff I think. Oh and you could collect flowers.

Haha have fun my friend. I love these threads so always happy to help.


Dragon Ball Z Legacy of Goku 1 + 2

It's actually the first one I guess, but thanks so much anyway. I've remembered why I had nightmares like 20 years ago.

Big Brother?

If it was a card games, then it was Legendary Super Warriors, aka the best DBZ game.

Otherwise, maybe Legacy of Goku or it's sequels.

It was an online co-op game that was free to download and play, you ran 'dungeons' with three other people but you played as robots that you could upgrade as you levelled up, I think there were a few different types to choose from and you fought other robots
I remember playing it around 13-14 years ago but for the life of me the name escapes me

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Here's a bit of a weird one cos I know the name but can't find it
>Game was called Swarm
>Was on PC, not sure whether it was like a flash game or what
>Top-down shooter in space with weird alien things
Don't remember much else about it but I can't find anything

Psp game
Were a samurai or ninja type main character
Had access to different types of elemental spells?
Didn't seem too long
Last "boss" seemed gimmicky
It's been years

The only thing I remember is that the main character gets beheaded and there's a prison section

Check out Mech Commander it may be what you're looking for.

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Nah, vid related was it. It was MissionForce: Cyberstorm.

>third person shooter
>solid snake type character
>rock canyons
>tropical vegetation
>invisibility technology

PS1 game
>3D game with similar graphics to those on FFVIII
>set on a standard fantasy world
>game played like something between an action game like The bouncer and a beat em up
>prota used swords and had many combos one of them was a spin attack like the one Link use on smash
Any ideas?

Was it this?

I have like 4 I need the names of
>game 1
>top down m rated shoot em up game
>ps1 title
>were in a concrete jail-esque area
>game 2
>on a demo disc with crash 3 and destroy all humans
>start in a jail cell
>sunny palm trees and shit outside the window
>first person camera
>guards outside the door immediately kill you if you get out
>game 3
>xmen beat em up rpg esque game
>top down pov
>could switch between different characters
>each character had different abilities that effected the environment around them
>game 4
>3d fighting game on the ps1 bundled with a bunch of other games
>think it came on a disc with ff7 and another weird 2d fighting game with power rangers
>only had one map and you fought a cpu
> was a bean shaped dip in the earth with a lake and a waterfall going into the lake
Help me out here bros. I've been looking around for these for years now

Alien Swarm by Valve?

That's not quite it, it had a top down perspective like a dungeon crawler and had a more cartoony graphic style, but thanks anyway

The first game is definitely Loaded or Re:Loaded I'd recognize them from any shit description :-D,

>mmo of some kind
>fantasy themed
>dragons carry boxes full of soldiers in their claws
All I can remember. Pretty fun desu

Idk if nostalgia is blinding you, but I am a sound engineer and this makes me physically hurt.

I got one:
It's a top/down game, where you slaughter a ton of enemies with lots of gore. The style was modern like Smash TV but I think it was an ARPG like Diablo.
I remember a main character named "Zeus" (I think it was supposed to be a modern version of the God) wearing a wife beater and wielding a chainsaw.
I vaguely remember other characters, maybe a woman with the name of a Goddess.
Enemies were either demons or zombies.

It was a 3d game of the Gamecube era. But I don't think it was on Gamecube.

No, that's the thing, I remember it from like 2005 or 2007 or something like that. It was on some weird-ass launcher that I'm pretty sure was malware.

Both no.. It was a top down RTS game where you had some normal scrub units, but could also build "mechs" that you could fit with parts.. and if you killed your enemies mechs, you could sometimes pick up their parts and use them
I dont remember more sadly

>Flash game, probably in armorgames on kongregate, can't remember.
>Sidescroller shooter with a spaceship.
>Had also some pseudo-VN features with lots of waifus
>Also some RPG-like levelling and upgrade system
>Some tearjerker weeb story

>PS1 Launch game or near launch
>Doomesque shooter
>Mecha suit
>Artic base with mutant/bioweapons

Fuck me if I can't ever remember the name of that game but it was the first thing I played that was 3D having only ever played NES stuff before and it blew my fucking mind even if the game was awful.

>futuristic racing game
>was from pc

Pls guys i dont remember anything

An action game in the same vein as KH, DMC as in you are some anime looking fuckboy like cloud that kills monsters.
All I can remember is that he kinda looked like cloud or anyother modern FF character, but he used two swords.
The swords looked like 1 was some kind of angel/light/good sword while the other looked like some demon/darkness/evil sword.
It was on the ps2 also.

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Takes a while but theres actually a lot of cool compositional ideas here.
Its definately a interesting song when you listen to it more thourougly, it just sounds like a mess overall, but when you listen to each of the pieces, you get a pretty dense piece that somehow manages to harmonise well.

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I'm not nostalgic for Evergrace, I've never even played it though I want to. I've listened to the OST for years though.

>think that I left youtube on 2x speed
>it wasn't

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Give Lifeforce Tenka a look

>plebs have never heard avante garde music before

Alien Shooter series from Sigma Team?
Or maybe Space Siege?
Or Space Hack?

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Dinosaur third person shooter where you can upgrade your weapons with some kind of points system

was it windows? DOS?
how shitty the graphics were?

Some kind of game where you walk around a maze and compete against some monster, you have to collect stuff in the maze to win. Pretty sure you play as a knight. One boss was a minotaur and one was a dinosaur like pic related. Probably for PS1 or PS2

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It was a game in the wii shop where you would play was a puddle of water
you would use motion control to turn the camera around and move the puddle while avoiding some ink monsters

>Flash game
>On Armor Games I think
>2D beat 'em up with guns
>You could choose certain perks to improve your combat
>First world was grasslands, second was snowlands and the last one was all dark
>Extra level in a mansion
Help me out guys

Game 3 sounds like x-men Legends

Also look at
Armoured Core

Nah, the word "Swarm" was definitely in the title. Probably the whole title.
It was also in open space rather than on planets.
Sorry I'm staggering the description of it like this i'm just saying things I remember when they come to me

>composer had never done music before
>music sounded like a bunch of string instruments trying to out perform each other




I'm out of ideas.
However you reminded me that I need to replay Space Siege, and that somehow, somewhere, I do own a copy of Alien Shooter. Good luck

Game 4 may have been Bushido Blade as that was on the same demo disc as FF7
Also check out Tobal and Ergheiz

>Sidecroller I think
>MC was a Kid with pure white skin and I think a yellow and purple helmet
>8 or 16 bit
Help me please, god I'm sure it's real but I'm starting to lose hope

thank you user

Honestly I'm worried it might've been some kind of fuckin dream. But I swear to god it wasn't.
Enjoy space siege, user.


Commander Keen!

Granstream Saga maybe?

Can't remember the console but I am pretty sure it was not a NES.
Game had a BANGER soundtrack, super loud, cute and fun.
Fluid animation (for the time).
Had a small elephant/rhino character as an enemy.
And a cute/circular protagonist.

Holy Shit you're a lifesaver, thank you

Attached: Metal Thumbs Up.png (210x248, 92K)

>PSX game
>Side scroller
>MC is an adult that was transformed into a child and he fights with a sword

Legend of Dragoon

4th sounds like Destrega

You are incredibly based

Aside from the enemy rhino it almost seems like Cool Spot

Your descriptions are shit:
#3 is x-men legends
#4 is Ehrgeiz???

I remember Cool spot.
This game is from around 8-bit era.

Krazy Ivan?

Front Mission 3 psx

That sounds like The Adventure of Little Ralph but that game was only released in Japan. It's easy to understand anyway and very worth playing.

Slipstream 5000?


>arcade game
>first-person, I think
>not sure if it was always on rails but I remember a minecart section
>possibly by or over the ocean
>parts of the track would get blown up
>you could collect letters for points, maybe?

It was the best Super Mario clone for PC, from the creator of Doom

Rail Chase?

No, it had a horizontal perspective, but that to introduce me to that game looks fun
No I love LoD
I kinda remember that the main character appearance changed over time as you proceeded through the story, his armor and sword changed with time too (I think)

Yes it's this game ! I used to play it when I was a kid at my cousin's house but I don't know how he got it

>Some dreamcast 2 player beat'em up
>when you took damage your clothes started falling off

That's all I remember

WW2 RTS in the early 2000s, like 2000-2003 period.

Was made by a German developer I think

Metal Fatigue / Robo Rumble?

I was about to reply with mega race, super fun at the time. Came with the family PC in like 1995.

Huh. That kind of reminds me of it, but the wide open "ocean" area stuck with me. Maybe I've mixed up some games.

Dynamite Cop

Played this game back when I was like eight or seven. I remember liking the colours and artstyle. Heard the gameplay was shit later on, but didn't realise it at the time because I was just a stupid kid. Thanks for reminding me of this, user. Brings back some nice memories.

Wow yeah that's gotta be it. I remembered the game's graphics blew my mind when I went over to a friend's house to play it. Definitely doesn't look as visually impressive now.

white knight chronicles?