As a grown man in my 30s would I look like an autistic retard if I carried around one of these in public and played it?

As a grown man in my 30s would I look like an autistic retard if I carried around one of these in public and played it?

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How ugly are you?

I think poorly of small children playing games in public, so there will be people like me who think you're a faggot. You seem like you're used to that, though, so business as usual.

The real question is: Who cares? They're fucking strangers. Complete nobodies you'll never see in your life again.

yes, buy a switch instead

only if you are ugly and fat

This guy gets it. Doing anything socially reprehensible in public only matters if you aren't charismatic or attractive. If you're a fat loser then you really might as well do whatever you want because everybody is thinking it anyways as soon as they see you.

Maybe a bit. Depending where you live. But in the end it's not any different from people staring at their phones all the times when in public.

The only people who would judge you are vapid disgusting heaps of flesh and blood propped up on bone stilts and programmed to act like a human being. Fuck what they think.

It depends.
If you like a typical fat mouth breathing neckbeard with baggy shirts and shorts then people will give you weird look regardless.
If you're a typical nerdy looking twink complete with nerdy hair cut, uncoordinated dress and a backpack slinged to the side people still will give you the look regardless.
What I'm saying here is if you look sharp and dress sharply you wouldn't be playing a 3ds in public anyway as it ruins your overall look.

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were all autistic retards though.

I got a refurbished one recently and hacked it. Already regret it, was hoping it would spark back interest in video games for me.
t. 28

If you're handsome, dress well, and are hygenic, no. You'd look interesting and "fun" and probably get cute nerdy girls to talk to you about what games you're playing. Happens to me fairly often when I'm on the bus or train.

If you're a disheveled, unhygenic slob with no sense of dress, then yes, you are going to look even worse than you already do for playing video games in public. You don't look original and are keeping up with the stereotype that most gamers are sweaty disgusting imbeciles.

PSPs are for men. Nintendo handhelds? Child's play.

IMO the 3ds's library is 99% garbage. Shame since the DS had such a good library. Any more I just play PC games and emulation. There are so many thousands of 80s and 90s games to keep me occupied I just don't really care any more about new shit.
t. 33

100% yes, obviously. I'm a fucking Yea Forums poster and I would treat you like a lesser person for doing so.

I am 29 years old and I play Rhytm Fever Megamix and Pokemon on the 3ds with my 25yo gf when we are taking train for the vacations
I dint give a fucking SHIT what other npcs think about it. Its a way to spend time on the train. Just play, who gives a fuck.

Depends on what you look like as other anons have said.
I don't think you'd look much worse than everyone else carrying around electronics of some sort these days.
If you're really that worried just make sure you get a simple color. Get like the black new 2ds or something,looks similar enough to most smartphones these days.
Don't carry around a Pokemon themed one or anything like that and you'll be fine.


Where are you in public that you're playing it? On an airplane or some public transportation? No, everyone has entertainment for those? In some short line or something? Yes; are you so autistic you need entertainment every second?

He was 100% playing war of the lions

Yes. But to be fair, you would if you were 17 too

I play Monster Hunter on my college campus in-between classes and nobody gives a shit.

As a grown man in your 30's why would you care what people think?

Switch has no games

gay sitting pose, though

This. Remember user just be yourself. Why bother making yourself look presentable out in the public? Do what you want and look want you want.

Underrated post. As long as you avoid being obnoxious by wearing headphones anything goes. If you care about people that you'll never talk to in your life then go ahead and stop playing then you tard.

Would I look like an autist if I pulled my wiener out and began playing with it haha

>it's autistic to play 3ds on short subway commute when 99% of people below 40 don't take eyes from their phone even when they change lines

No, I think you would look autistic regardless of whether or not you are playing games in public.

You already post here do you think we can influence you one way or the other.

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Stop caring what people think, no one on this board goes outside.


Are you well-dressed? Clean? Not a graceless, creepy looking slug of a human? No? Then literally nobody gives half a shit how you're amusing yourself on the train unless you're being an obnoxious fagot, blasting your bing bing wahoos through the system speakers. Yes? Then they're offended by your existence even if you're sitting quietly in the corner.
You are really overestimating your importance to the random strangers passing you. You should be more worried about some nigger snatching your toys if you go flashing them around.

hijacking dead thread, what should I get on my 3DS? I've no fucking clue what to play and I just keep skipping over everything on that big list picture that keeps getting posted

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princess debut

corpse party was a fun 10 hours on my 3ds

No user you would BE an autistic retard

>cell phones goood, video games baaaad

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If you look creepy, yes
If you look normal, no

if you are normal looking no ones give a fuck, if you are fat or ugly people while give you funny stares, but at that point do whatever you want because you are getting stares with the 3ds or not

>hurr I do it and no one cares
no you're just too busy binging and wahooing to notice
just because people don't bully you like they did in high school doesn't mean they don't look down on you
if you must play games at least use your phone

If you're over 30, it's time to stop caring what others think.

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