keep it vydia
Filename Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Never post in another filename thread, you absolute shitter
thanks for contributing, you absolute autist.
not the one you're replying to but either contribute or dont post at all man no reason to hate on a fellow man for no reason
wat kind of octopus is dat
>webm ends before upskirt shot
your filenames are shit and you should be ashamed
die shit thread
Alternative filename: Yea Forums filenames, apparently
what a cute octopus
He's right, your filenames are absolute garbage mate. I'm trying to bring us out of the red but I will stop soon if you persist with your complete misunderstanding of how filename jokes are supposed to work
fact: planarians are the cutest animals
at least you are posting relevant images.
name this file if your names are so great.
>durr needs a name
Fuck off to ifunny you little shit
heres your (You)
A person I know studied those fucking things
The weirdest thing is that, if the insect doesn't straight up jump into the water and drown, he can just walk out and keep on living no problem.
>Dick fencers
Only if you're gay.
What was the context again?
I remember it as some hostage situation gone wrong
bottom almost never happens and if it does it can be fixed, top literally always happens.
not vidya but kek
they're fucking living origamis
Holy shit dude
girls can do it too
Wait, what?
If the mantis doesn't drown, it can keep moving?
I am a brainier please help me dada
That's fucking rad
Suppose it should be 'made a waterslide' these days
Mystery inc was excellent, god damn. And i hate scooby doo
>I am beyond your comprehesion. I am Sovereign.
It should be FFTA or A2, Tactics didn't have laws.
Here, have one that doesn't suck.
Training exercise
Fuck, reminds me of a manga but I forgot its name. The one one where the world is mostly. Populated by females.
Make them clown girls.
Snoynegroes demonstrating their well known propensity for copying more successful things.
Yeah, the worm inside is called a Nematomorph or a Horsehair worm.
The larva enters crickets or grasshopper and basically live off of their nutrients.
When the larva is ready to become an adult, the parasite effect the hosts brain, causing him to move towards water.
The larva doesn't care if the host drowns himself or stays close to the water, after he reaches water it wriggles out to reproduce in the river.
He told me that there's proofs of crickets who didn't kill themselves that kept on living after having been hosts.
It baffles me how the fuck such a big worm can fit inside of that small bug, but I guess nature works.
>Not CowboyheldhostagebyPS3games.jpg
fuck you.
no filename but still a top tier edit
lmao wtf
it's funny how you are gatekeeping in a filename thread when they are shit to begin with.nothing but reposts and exhale through nostril tier comedy tripe for faggots like you learning your first inside joke.
>menstrual fluid
Isn't that just blood?
That heavy didn't even die in the kill feed what the fuck
Your Eternal Reward doesn't show a death notice in the enemies killfeed.
>mocks religion
>believes in the moon landing
Not an argument, Schlomo
>image shitting on everything
>still has to defend his choice of platform
Damn, Chloe Moretz looks like THAT?
do these guys change their color depending on the season or are they just different species?
holy fuck
I don't get why people are reacting so much to this. I don't play TF2, but this looks like pretty average spy vs. medic gameplay to me.
No, the purpose is to flush the lining of the uterus walls.
Unironically underrated post
Mystery Inc is what Gravity Falls should have been.
>Best interpretation of Fred making him some weird gadget obsessed autismo instead of the boring, blonde jock.
>Velma is cunty and sassy, rather than just being "the smart one"
>Main villain is a legit fucking Nazi parrot with robot SS soldiers
>Harlan Ellison as himself having a rivalry with the Lovecraft character
>Recurring comic relief character voiced by Patrick Warburton
>Little winks and nods to all tons of other Hanna-Barbara properties throughout
>Foreshadowing is done really well
>The fucking Stone Ocean ending
I could go on. Seriously Yea Forums, watch it if you haven't already.
The Heavy was only out of sight for a second and almost nobody uses the Your Eternal Reward. It was pretty damn unexpected.
you need to go back
>When the larva is ready to become an adult, the parasite effect the hosts brain, causing him to move towards water
Don't worry, they don't affect humans.
You're not stupid creatures like crickets, makes it hard to control.
>I'm not a snail
I've been here longer than you are proud to admit about wasting your life here.
Get lost.
this is about the cordicepsis mushroom and its variants
the bugs it infects cannot keep on living (normally)unless the parasite dies early. They eat the bugs brain and 'rewire' it to do what the parasite wants, which is to find water
Dude I'm talking about worms not mushrooms.
I even told you that they are called nematomorpha, cordyceps are an entirely different thing.
oh what the fuck I dont know I got that messed up
It's cool, zombie bugs are still zombie bugs
Is this mental illness? What's going on here?
took me a second
This needs a fucking filename NOW
i spotted this on craigslist one day and couldnt not save it
I am fucking burglarizing this Good OC user
>"Because I'd rather look at a girl's ass than a man's ass while I play"
Holy shit I actually did not see him in the backgrounnd when I clicked it . Reading the filename then looking back to the full size image
My sides
if it wasnt for the fact it was also "panorama city" it'd still be funny, but not nearly as much
part 5 is so gay
did he dead?
>every time i look at TF2 all I remember is that stream where the dude's audio kept layering over itself for 30 minutes
>almost nobody uses the Your Eternal Reward
has it changed that much since i stopped playing
Holy fuck
Wow that's actually pretty cool. I'd give him money
w-what is this from?
spartacus hbo series
Thos fucking jawlines
>not Yakuza - Like a Dragon Remake
This dosn't work twice in the same day. Try again in 24 hours or so.
not just any dude, user
you're posting shit content, user.
which stream
why didn't he fix it?
>bracefaced girl is cute
>change her features with the other two to make them all cute too
God the people making Totally Spies were based.
I'll never not be impressed by this kind of stuff.
that's fucking great
mine was funnier
YER was always hot fucking garbage, what game are you playing?
>from TF2 to Overwatch
End of Elmovangelion.
This really is one of the worst filename threads I've been in. They're like early 2000's email chain captions. They would be funnier if they had the RE:RE:RE:FW:FW:FW:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE: present in the title.
Just your average Feminist getting triggered.
This should have been named "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugry"...
Not vidya
The webms are supposed to be vidya, not the filenames, retard.
What's the source on this?
that's what the PlayStation actually looks like though
It's pretty funny.
You know, I'm extremely fortunate that I wasn't born as retarded as you. Thank you for reminding me of this. You honestly made my day
Needs a filename
I'm not the one posting extremely low effort filenames. Nor did it take me almost five minutes to respond with a "no u".
then give it one.
So when does it end? People say it's going to end any day now but it doesn't.
you're honestly making me feel better about myself with each post. Thank you again
Riddle me this then genius, what the fuck are the filenames supposed to be referencing if not games? Don't answer, just think about it and make an honest effort in realizing how wrong you are.
how come tay zonday gets to have two 15 minutes of fame?
getta loada these knuckleheads :)
why you gotta be so mad guys, just hang out with your bros on Yea Forums and take it easy :)
Nintendies demonstrating their well known propensity for getting butthurt over images on the internet.
I love Mantis
Extremely fucking based.
Not if you have good taste, which you obviously don't.
That's funny because I remember in 2012 when the SJW thing was starting to quickly gain traction, I legitimately laughed and said "there's no way anyone will take these retards seriously!"
Well. Guess who got the last laugh. ;_;
but he looks like Mario and the Switch has a very limited library
Fuck Mob was good
If the webm is vidya, the filename can reference anything. Kind of like how if the filename is vidya, the file can be anything. It's not hard. You should be able to see that posting non Yea Forums files is kinda stupid. Especially considering the quality of this thread is so bad.
You must be new here.
how does pigeon know what sardine is?
How is this filename even related to the webm...
French media caught the bait recently so it might start all over again
You're posting on a video game board. It's the videogame references that these anons recognize. You don't seem to know what you're asking when you want the practice to be reversed.
You see, in Street Fighter, Sagat has an eyepatch. In SF2 When he turns around, his sprite flips, and as the result of an oversight the eye he's missing changes too. Hence the joke.
There's a surprising amount of zombie control going on in nature. Cordyceps fungi or the sacculina parasite
It's not even a thinker.
she thicc though
fuck :(
spartacus, the starz series
it's basically bloodspot combined with softcore porn
Has this got something to do with SFM shitposting?
Looks like demon possession.
I don't get it
>those guys who come out of the woodwork as soon as the woman gets hurt
like poetry
>Ents are fantasy creatures and don't exist
fucking based
Why didn't he move his butt away from the mic?
Maybe his butt hurts
I like gravity falls too but Mystery Inc was great. Its amazing that all they had to do to make Scooby doo a great show was give it an overarching story, deeper characterization, and some humor.
I still love the running joke of each explanation becoming increasingly insane and the weird locales like the "Gator Mines" where they struck a rich vein of alligators.
That's actually really sad
>No QuickScopeDaPope
If you think that's insane clearly you've never been to Florida.
Spetznaz training
Most of those are fake
Holy kek what is this from?
Ahhhh great setup by that spy but he failed sadly
you think holly and jared are going to kill themselves
>man gets restrained
hope he was able to sue them
crash nigger atomic base?
>Puppet Ganon transforms into snake form.gif
More specific filename
don't do this
she should be raped and tortured to death, and the cops who restrained him should be forced to watch their family members be raped and tortured to death before suffering the same fates themselves, unironically
you're pathetic
Am I missing something in this webm? I don't get it.
I remember these niggas from a book I had when I was a kid, you would cut them and another one will be born from each piece and you could make crazy things and make them have 2 heads in each end or two heads at one side.
Mad Chimera World
Bottom is clearly a shit port, the physics are tied to the frame rate. Would not even pirate.
fuck SonicFox
cursed image
next time google it brother, if youre even still in this thread
Front left leg.
I feel a bit bad for laughing so hard
That's a tranny isn't it
>sneaked in a shot of That Pool getting blown up
everything posted in Yea Forums is a tranny for you isnt
I can hear it so clearly
god dammit
B-but 8 legs
It obviously is
YER was only occasionally used because of the Saharan Spy bonus, and they killed those set bonuses some time ago.
>Always laugh when I see this image
>Try not to laugh this time
>Read the filename
>Lose my shit anyway
How is this shitty image my fucking weak point.
No I'm making an assumption and hoping someone either confirms or debunks it
>Replying 5 hours later
Oh, so the heavy was replaced in that split second he was off screen? I figured it was a spy the whole time. That explains it.
dude, it's just an image, does really matter?
I'm curious about it so yes
Damn, fuck you, I came here to laugh and now I'm feeling sad as fuck.
yes because trannies are funny and sad. they're like clowns, except unlike clowns they don't realize they're the joke and they fight for rights
>he says while in a filename thread that is just people reacting to images and the names of them
I think you are the retarded one in this situation
what the fuck happened
Yea Forums is a shell of its former self
it got the same treatment as SA
The internet is dead to me
What age group is this show made for exactly? Adult men?
Young teens
My fucking sides.
French children.
I would marry that witch in seconds.
I'm glad tumblr is dying, too bad it's a rotting corpse with all the furries, psycho SJWs and pedos infesting other platforms
Totally spies is from france? I thought it was north american
>Diplomatic Victory.jpg
That's ridiculous. I figured the worm would have consumed so much but left just enough for the cricket to an hero into the water, the fact that it can go and resume life is baffling
it's a french-canadian production, quebec produced shows were just as weird as real french shows, but often not as well animated
You need to be 18 to post on Yea Forums, unironically.
>random crits
what's your favorite chapter of the talmud you fucking kike
god, these newer mario games are soulless
Yea, you can tell it's a heavy at the start because he's shooting. Spies can't use weapons without decloaking.
>Ayy Stalker GF never ever
Would having 3 or four arms placed like that actually be cumbersome? Based on the placement, it seems like that 3rd arm could be fairly functional.
Pretty good user
How hard is it to understand how filename threads work?
Fuck, I'm old.
what the fuck is all that shit
how does the evolution works?
Internal organs.
Holly might. Jared just released a statement on his twitter btw. I call bullshit.
Human brains are wired only for four limbs, any extraneous ones will be unusable
God this show sucks
Not necessarily. The reason extra limbs don't work is because they are pretty much never fully formed and so there's basically nothing to work. Extra fingers and toes, however, can be formed enough to work and do. Sometimes they work independently. Sometimes they work in tandem with another appendage. Just depends on how the nervous system has wired up. Research indicates the brain itself might actually be pretty damn good at figuring out what it has to work with and how to work it.
>Most of those
hilariously retarded
>no reason to hate on a fellow man for no reason
Do you really need a reason for that?
Projared plz
This image kinda reminds me of Berserk.
I'll fuck any version of nico desu famalamdindong
how about an oppai nico?
imagine being so irresponsible and unwillingly to learn shit by yourself that you blame a bunch of geriatric dementia patients for your self-inflicted faults
>not Bloodborne fan meetup
Poor Ross.
Dude can't catch a break.
What ui mod is this?
If a fox was that chill with me, I would legit take him in.
Foxes are cool
it's actually TWO broken marriages
>that outfit
>smug 2 fast 4 u anime dude
>seagulls are the grunts because "LOL SO RANDOM"
>on hoverboard
threads moving so fast no one will know this is from mighty max.
That isn't what the clip says.
But you are right.
He's intensionally meant to be unlikable.
Also Seagulls are the grunts because they're the niggers of the duck world.
name this show so that I can passively hate it
Isn't this some show where the whole town messes with this dude, like I remember one where he goes to get his car from the shop and they replaced it with a barbie car from walmart.
It turned the fucking moon theme into a plot point so it's pretty based for me.
My cat doesn't have his right back leg, it had to be amputated immediately after birth because his umbilical cord got wrapped around it. He has never been able to use his right back leg and yet if you scratch him on the right side of his head he will still wiggle his muscles on his hip just like the webm as though attempting to scratch it himself. I dunno when this cat lost his leg, but it's crazy to think that some of these physical actions aren't learned, but in fact instinctual.
The Phantom Pain
Can't wait until pornhub buys them.
I would imagine they don't actually work as a proper limb since, for example, to raise your arm, it needs to anchor from the shoulder, since an extra arm growing on your chest doesn't have the support it need the range of motions would be limited.
The Dragon Inn
reminds of that scene in spongebob where patrick pretends to get beat up by spongebob so he can get into the salty spatoon and patrick just gets flung around
m8 it's a jpg. it's not moving.
Even better if the crossover game is in a completely unrelated genre.
Because it's a kids cartoon user.
not vidya but I understood that reference.
holy shit he even has a winter coat on too.
i want her to step on my dick and balls with high heel shoes
Ah yes, a leftist wall of text meme
If he levels up, will he become a.. masterbaiter?
Looks like the new Duck Tales show.
Frenchies are based
I did it.
Imagine not blinking for hours on end
Reinforcements have arrived.
This joke is offensive, I'm literally shaking right now.
very nice
imagine if it went in his eyes
I actually spontaneously think about how little I want to do this sometimes
surprisingly good
What the fuck and the horse you rode on.
This works on so many levels.
At least two.
>doesnt put it out first
How can people be so hyper retarded
That's cool, but it doesn't have a single fucking thing to do with shazbot.
I don't get it. Who the fuck is Micheal J Fox? What the fuck
ER med here, resembles an amateur meth abuser but could also be a severe dissociative state.
What is it about China and fucking holes in the paving? Do they have lots of sinkholes or something? There are dozens of videos of people just falling through the pavement in China.
it's not gatekeeping, some of these aren't even video game related or the filename doesn't even contain a joke. you should know how a filename thread works before posting your shit
Marty McFly. He’s old and has Parkinson’s now.
it took me a while, but I got this joke, nice one user
Congratulations, OP on the worst filename thread in all of 2019, you've earned it. Not that these threads were any good to begin with but holy shit this was embarrassing.
I really don't think these Baba videos are funny. it's a bunch of people who won't fight back because he's small. i wish someone would put this little fucker in his place.
ffs imagine being this new..
What is google you fucktard?