For me it's the ACR.
For me it's the ACR
>for me it's the laser rifle, the most overpowered assault rifle in the game
I bet you use the UMP silenced too, faggot. Use a real gun like the F2000.
>complaining about balance in COD
Plus it looks butt fucking ugly.
It's not overpowered but it is a bitch weapon. I'll tear through AR babbies with this though.
>3 posters in this thread
>being nostalgic for MW2
Get out.
For me it's noobtube + one man army + danger close + angry voice messages
>calling the boatgun ugly
It was pretty nice to play on the illegal servers while it lasted. Fuck Activision.
F2k looks and sounds sexy as fuck, you're just gay.
>playing CoD MP that isnt WW2 themed
based and tubepilled, that shit was THE BEST
my bad, not you. You're based.
Is it nostalgia if the game is still active? Because it is.
For me, it's the SCAR-H
Gang FAMAS rise up
Based and SCARpilled.
For me, it's the Intervention
So, are we getting a MW2 Remastered this year or what?
I think the rumour going round is that we are (along with MW3) as part of MW4, but it's campaign-only.
patrician taste.
threadly reminder Barrett 50cal >>>>> intervention
If it isn't a P90, you can just fuck off
>gun is shit with shit sights
>red dot gives it even worse sights
What the fuck were they thinking?
>noob tube
>danger close pro
>one man army
That and dual 1887s with FMJ made life worth living.
My bets on a complete modern warfare collection remaster bundled with MW4, they need to do something big to get people excited after the last couple years of shit
The game looks fine, matter of fact it looks better than a lot of stuff coming out nowadays even. I see no reason for a remaster othen than that sweet nostalgiabucks.
>tfw can't run MLC on Favela since butthutt muzzies got favela banned over A FUCKING BATHROOM MAT
>turn the corner with duel 1887's
>two fags sitting there with tactical insertions shooting each other to quickly gain xp
My version was much more fun, same thing but without the noobtube and replace it with frag grenades. You drop a frag on someone vertically and they get pissed.
For me, it's TAR-21.
I think it was the fastest killing non 1 shot gun in the game.
I just miss knifing people from 10 metres away, that shit was so fun
Fuck yeah it was, the recoil was insane though.
Is this a gun porn thread? Because if so, why haven't you cucks mentioned the MW3 MP7? That shit was SO perfect and felt so great to use. Was a laser, sounded strong, good fire rate and killed in 3-4 shots.
>tfw jav glitch + melee distance + shield on back
stabbing cunts left and right from 20 miles away, and when shot down exploding for 3 kills anyway.
For me? It's the MPL.
M4A1. Slow and steady
Because MW3 is fucking garbage. It's so bad it's almost offensive.
>spamming call to prayer over the mic after a winning round
Rampant cheating?
>Try playing Mw2
>At least one guy in every lobby is hacking
>Try playing Mw3
>Only Team Deathmatch lobbies
>Playing the same gamemode gets boring quick
>Try playing Black Ops 1
>Same problem as Mw3
Why are these games so dead in the water? If more people played them i'd drop what i'm playing right now and get right back into it.
>enemy harrier incoming
not for long loser
on a similar note of aesthetically pleasing machine pistols/PDWs, I love the "TMP" in MW2 because of it's recoil pattern, color scheme, and the fact that nobody uses it
Only true chads use this gun
>SCAR with extended mag
You become an unstoppable machine.
Because they're "old" by Call of Duty standards, and Activision only supports the last two games. Right now they only support Blops 4.
somehow forgot pic
But aren't these remasters SP only?
Only real men used this gun
MWR has multiplayer on it, but everything I've heard about the MW2 and MW3 remasters indicate that they'll be SP only.
yeah? no.
any pistol caliber machinegun is my preference
ACR wasn't even that good, it was good for shitters who couldn't handle recoil since it was essentially ~2 free kills per death due to the laser aim before you ran out of ammo.
If you could actually play the game properly, knew sightlines, spawns and could handle recoil most other ars were much better, especially with scav
maybe in Veteran
You really thought you got me? Think again cuck.
The weapons were my only complaints about BLOPS, they were anachronistic for the time period. Examples: CAR-15s with flat-top receiver ins 60s, G11 in the 60s, Famas FELIN in the 60s, Russian AKM that's actually a Chinese Type 56, Dragunov SDV that's actually a Romanian PSL, and the list goes on. I still play that game against bots every now and then to unwind after a stressful day.
>complaining about balance in the most unbalanced cod in history
It's what made it great. Everything was ridiculous.
But nothing beats noobtube + OMA + Danger Close.
Based and AApilled
I knew a lot of dudes who used the FAL. None of them were real men.
for be its the Hades cross bar
The damage doesn't matter. Average kill is maybe 5-6 shots compared to the 3-4 or so average. If you can actually aim it doesn't even matter, you can literally cross map with the ACR and UMP without having to adjust at all, which will net you a lot more kills.
t. 26 in-game days in mw2 multiplayer.
don't forget the L96A1
Any WaW chads?
don't forget the military-grade deer hunting scope
Make way for the thinking mans gun.
>when you randomly get into a fucked up lobby on the 360 and unlock everything with the added bonus of wallhacks until your console is shut off
Yes, that one too.
MW4 gets revealed this month and 99% it will be packed with MW2 remaster, so get used to random daily "nostalgia" threads, created by Activision marketing squad.
They are pretty easy to distinguish by template images like that retard used:
>bunch of nogunz discussing about guns
Cute. How about you go shoot some at the range ?
bro i could nube tube across the map dont FUCJK with me
For me it's the Colt Single Action Army, the best handgun ever made.
Man I hope that check comes around soon, I could use the money.
>An insecure gunfag appears.
How about this
Black ops multiplayer takes inspiration from the entire cold war era, not just the 60s
WaW was the only game I've went above 3rd prestige in, it's still my favorite to this day
Kar98k, Thompson, STG44 and the M1919 were my favorite guns
Six bullets, more than enough to kill anything that moves.
>muh gun exclusivity
everyone and their mother owns a gun faggot, going to the range doesn't mean anything
Yeah, but the campaign takes place only during the 60s. And some of the weapons aren't even from the cold war, such as the FELIN which was created in France during the 2000s.
>tfw 95% of servers nowadays are just populated by bots killing themselves over and over and over again
You people are all shit, the TRUE god-tier setup was
>Sleight of Hand
>Cold-Blooded Pro
>Ninja Pro
>Riot Shield and a sidearm
>C4 and smoke
And then you solely played headquarters, you smoked the point, ran in and proned on the ground, rapidly switching between your sidearm and gadget with you shield on your back.
This made your animation freeze so you looked like a still corpse, enemies couldn't get any sign that you were alive. This allowed you to hold the point even if they were all on it, and when you held it for a min or two, you threw a c4 in the room and got 6 easy kills.
Get on my level
>riot shield shitter
consider suicide
As someone who likes using shotguns, going from MW2 to Blops 1 was so painful. I really wanted to enjoy the stakeout but holy shit it felt so inconsistent. Sometimes it would one-hit from a decent distance, sometimes you'd get hitmarkers at point blank range.
The shotties in MW3 weren't quite as good as MW2, but they were at least viable.
back to >>/k/
If you weren't shit at the game you can tell what is or isn't a dead body.
It's only to survive nades on the point
>This made your animation freeze so you looked like a still corpse
Me and my friends used to do this in S&D, it was remarkably effective. Like, I don't understand how you can think that body on the ground is dead when there haven't been any kills that round, but they fuckin did.
99% of players were evidently shit then, because this was my favorite way to farm games with my mates and it worked all the time
>Red tiger acr with silencer
Muh dick
post em
Black ops was the last CoD I actually really enjoyed, but MW3 and BO2 had some good aspects. This puppy right here was God tier
>7 thousand people on PC battlefield 4
>they are all using this gun
i hate this game
Black Ops would be way better if the PC port wasn't so fucking awful.
>MW3 in A tier
>WaW not in S tier
>CoD 4 not in at least B tier
Tryhard /k/ommandos are so fucking embarrassing. Protip, even actual gunfags don't like your board. It's 90% children who have migrated there from those ebin /k/ meme facebook pages.
Mw3 was great but it didnt have any iconic maps like mw2
>mw3 that high
t. silenced acr cold blooded blind eye and sit rep user
nah the true god-tier setup was
>sleight of hand pro
>danger close pro
>sitrep pro
>Tar 21 with noobtube
>RPG secondary
>Semtex and Stuns
>Predator / Harrier / AC130
Guaranteed 70+ kills on terminal ground war.
This bitch is fucking based and redpilled and constantly btfo basedboiz and tranny cucks.
Top Tier: Black Ops, World at War, CoD3
Good Tier: MW2, CoD4
Ok Tier: MW3, Black Ops 2
Forgettable Tier: Ghosts, AW, BO4
Shit Tier: WW2, BO3
>ground war
now THAT was a game mode
When there's
>no red crosshair
>no name
>no thermal
>no heartbeat sensor
>no movement from a "corpse" in the corner of the room
it's an incredibly easy mistake to make
>buzzwords: the post
>Making me want to play CoD again.
Yea Forums stop.
I forgot infinite warfare, holy fuck what a disaster. Obviously goes under forgettable
Fun fact: a single shot from the Ranger at point blank range does enough damage to kill someone 4 times over. Meaning that, with all 4 shots + Stopping Power, you can kill someone 20 times over in less than a second.
Vector was the best gun.
Buzzword is a buzzword, genius
Thinking about buying mw2. How alive is it on pc? Any hackers?
>MW2 Came out 10 years ago
i'm so sad WAW is fukken dead these days, but i thankfully found a replacement for my PING fetish in rising storm 2: Vietnam lately. It's fantastic, you get the awesome vietnam era weapons but you can also choose the ancient WW2 weaponry like the garand, M1/M2, MP40, DP-28 and mosin nagant. Only bad thing about it is how pixel huntish it can get at times and how a fair deal of (newish maps at least) are total shit
AlterIWnet bro ??
The ultimate irony being that the game with the best shotties came from one where they were regulated as secondary weapons.
I feel your pain, I won't play any fps without a decent pump action shotgun
Ruined by the SMG recoil that was never fixed
>Any hackers?
I feel like the ranger was always in the shadow of the 1887's. Was there any benefit to run the ranger over the 87?
bro release had people flying and shooting bullets out of a soap model on console. You think its gonna be better, on pc?
BO2 was the last enjoyable game for me, even if it had shit map design that encouraged SMG faggotry left and right. The guns all felt pretty decent and i found that equipping a machinegun with thermals(or was it the MMS sight?) and FMJ caused massive butthurt in tryhards everywhere
>the gun trying to fix a problem that didn't exist
Because double-barrels are fun
>skipped school with some buddies to get it on launch night and pulled an all nighter with tons of chips and pizza
I used mainly this weapon (or at least one of its versions) in BF3 and MW3
для мeня, этo кaлaшникoв.
>"Why yes, of course I single handedly kept enemy air support down with stinger and cold-blooded, including the UAV's, how did you know?"
Don't mind me, just going to be a huge faggot and dump a mag for 1 kill.
What was THAT gun in each game?
WaW was definitely the mp40
>is essentially an SMG with an LMG ammo capacity
>recoil wasn’t terrible
>extended mags had a glitch that increased your sprint time
Fuck UMPfags; THIS was the real shit
>>extended mags had a glitch that increased your sprint time
CoD games always had so many glitches like this and you just have to wonder how the fuck that even happens.
>mw1: m16
>w@w: mp40
>mw2: ump, most ARs, intervention
>BLOPs: famas and ak74u
Mw2 came out 10 years ago, grandpa
>LMG with assault rifle reload speed
>being an LMG meant there was no damage drop-off, so it was a 2HKO at any range
>literally the only problem was the ugly iron sights
Name a more based gun
>For me, it’s your sister.
The AUG hbar was kind of better if you wanted a pseudo AR.
WaW: Mp40
MW2: Ump Silenced, ACR Silenced, Intervention
BLOPS: Galil Silenced + Ak74U
MW3: MP7, MSR, PP90M1 Rapid Fire (Fuck you if you used this gun)
BLOPS2: LSAT Target Finder, MSMC, Skorpion Rapid Fire (Fuck You)
I love 'em. They seem so random yet so intentional that they feel like hidden knowledge reserved for people who can only know about it if they inform themselves about the mechanics of the game.
Also, daily reminder that Black Ops tried to remove mechanics such as reload canceling and quickscoping until they get BTFO and had to revert it. Fuck Treyarch
How retarded is it tho that they classified the L86 as an LMG. I'm no gun expert and even I know that it's not a machine gun
It's the LSW version of the L86 which is actually a machine gun. Longer, heavier barrel, rear monopod etc.
>name a more based gun
aiming down chokepoints holding down the fire button was never more fun
>get mw2 remaster
>playerbase dies a month later
every time.
O shidde. Nvm then, thanks
Nah those were neat. Like the FAL having extra power with the holo sight.
Truth is, the games are infuriating. We just remember the good times.
What’s the most OP gun in the entire series?
I'd say that it's more of an autorifle/SAW or light machine rifle than an actual machine gun. It's basically the British equivalent of the RPK, a standard assault rifle with a heavier barrel and a bipod.
Either the Skorpion or PP90M1 both with rapid fire attached
pre-patch 1887
For me it's the AA-12
Javelin before they patched it
>he didn't to OMA+ACR /w noobtube and claymores camping roofs for nukes
except it wasn't because the lighting engine was so fucked people who were alive were so much brighter than dead bodies that even 12 year old user could tell the difference
I can't believe I played this game so much before playing getting into Battlefield.
Based and MANPADpilled
MP40 with dual mag.
MW3 TYPE95 w/ rapid fire
I wish Black Ops didn't have shit-tier netcode.
Feels like a few months ago when I opened some game magazine and saw the cover art with just the release date, shit looked juicy, I was genuenly hyped and the game actually held up with my hype. Good times
Absolutely based
>tfw barely anyone used it for some reason
this gun is purely for ninja defusing loadouts.
Anyone else really only enjoy search and destroy? Mindless killing just doesnt do it for me anymore. And now that every cod map is designed to be a small 3 lane SMG fest even that doesnt interest me now.
No. SnD enabled the most faggoty playstyles. Fuck you.
I got my first ever tactical nuke with this gun. The accuracy was insane but the damage was a bit shit.
you just think it's bad cus i kept killing you
You type like the kind of underage retard who I would expect to enjoy MW3
>mad that he got out-fucking-skilled
>probably unironically uses the WA2000
>anal about typing
stop projecting, kid
Para mí, es la 556.
Which game had the best gold camos and why is it BO1?
>game has a selection of sidearms all of which have their own strengths and weaknesses
>every pistol is worse than the Five-seveN
L85 with modded 360 controller that made it semi auto.
It basically was a sniper rifle
>you will never be 13 again and watch all of XboxAhoy's weapon review videos before you even got the game
>we will never burn Moscow to the ground
Infinite warfare was fine
>we never got to play to play as Russia and take the Burger Town
blyat, IW are fucking cunts.
If you were actually good you probably would just use something thats not an AR.
I think MW2 with a full party of my best friends was the time of my life I'd choose to never end if I could
It was so good, it made you forget how bad the hit detection was in BO1.
the virgin acr Vs The Chad FAMAS
MW2 was so goddamn fun. God I miss it so much
>visiting home
>little brother unearths old 360 CoD games
>300,000 in MW3
What the fuck? Black Ops had more, which makes sense, but the numbers are mind boggling. I haven’t played in years, are the new ones really that shit?
That can't be, the counter is probably glitched.
my nigga
>that first shot recoil
third worlders
>holo sight
>increases damage
>2 shots at all range even with silencer
why has nobody posted the best gun yet?
The new ones use the advanced movement engine sans advanced movement.
Titanfall-esque movement was already flaming garbage. But now the basic movement doesn't feel right as it was changed to work with the jetpack shit.
not as good as the TAR or scarH
I see no one has mentioned silenced ak47 in black ops, aka best gun in any cod.... dissapointed.
switch COD4 and MW2
move MW3 down to B tier
>the recoil was insane though
fastest killing AR, the mp5k and L86 was faster
post favourite music
Everything about the Washington levels were kino
also has less range than the commando knife attack
>No one has CoD 1,2 or 3 on their lists
CoD 2 is S tier, 1 is A tier, 3 is B tier.
only objectively correct list in this thread
mp40 was only OP on consoles, it had lower damage on pc
>tfw the community just split up into tiny pieces after the death of aiw
>even if iw4x is a solid platform to play on it will never have the same player numbers as aiw (which was 10k+ concurrent players at its peak)
fuck activision
>extended mags
>Using a gun
Y'all fuckers clearly never sprinted round the map at 500mph with a Tac knife, Marathon Pro, Lightweight, Commando pro, harrier>pavelow>nuke, and it shows.
the sight was just a triangle, it was super easy to use
for me its the pre-patch akimbo 1887s
>cod2 highest
spotted the hipster
Nah, its literally all about the Chad-21. ACR is for people that can't aim. UMP45 + m4 benelli all day.
no one cares bo1 was garbage. bo3 is the only decent/ok bo.
mw1's M16 w/ stopping power or UMP45 silenced.
yea society totally values your opinion bro lmao.
I still watch them occasionally. Fucking top tier voice and explanations