Dude it's an anti-game it's not meant to be fun!

>Dude it's an anti-game it's not meant to be fun!

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this must be an anti-thread because it's not funny or interesting

Name 1 (one) [ I ] game that does this.

>its another frog thread

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flappy bird

Le darkest dungeon xD

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The mouth looks pretty fake

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takeshi challenge is pretty fun

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lick dick

you are fake

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What's this thread about? Did David Lynch make a video game?

People consider these games fun though

He isn't saying the game isn't fun, he's saying themes and tone isn't fun

rain world



Undertale only has this for the hard mode that you have to level grind to activate. Everything else is specifically for fun.


>Yea Forums still doesn't understand that games are allowed to invoke any emotion they want, including negative ones, and have been doing so for a very long time

It's not "fun" to watch the girl in Ico climb her slow ass up ledges
It's not "fun" to get murdered after killing each colossus, or to wander around an empty wasteland looking for the next one
These things may invoke other positive emotions based on your perspective, but they're absolutely not traditionally or mechanically "fun"

Just like the only goal of a movie or book is not "fun," because the goal is up to the author and no one else, you clueless fucks

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Horror films aren't fun. Films with sad endings aren't fun. Anyone who thinks video games need to be fun has the mentality of a child.

>trying to explain anything to these clowns
The infantile mentality of "fun" obsessed manchildren should not even be entertained. If it doesn't make them giggle and clap their hands in excitement, it's no good.