What would you like Tifa to look like in the Remake bros

Attached: 5.jpg (1985x1809, 485K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Cool another shit outrage thread about resetera instead of just ignoring them and letting them wallow in their filth

Suck a dick fucking faggot

Games shouldn't have remakes.

Why can’t we be as cool as our friends over on reset the era

Wow ResetEra is actually based for once.


So this is western Tifa. Anime btfo

Why do you dumbasses have to keep me updated on random shit resetera is up to?

>Lower right pic

Attached: Nonon.gif (292x219, 125K)

First is okay, maybe adjust the nose, second is alright, Gigabuff Tifa is great.

>make her buff

Attached: samsho.gif (250x250, 85K)

hyper art is so damn funny to me

Big Tifa tiddies
Thicc Chun Li thighs
and some nice abs

>tfw no vidya with hyper muscular grils

>big tiddy qt musclegirl in a tank top
my dick would ascend

this what the ACTUAL FUCKKK!???

Attached: 1519863408717.jpg (350x350, 69K)

>tifa should be buff because she's a fighter, it's more realistic!
>lara croft should be fat because it's more realistic!

Enjoy, lads.

Attached: D6TB1MQXsAE9FHY.png (715x767, 225K)

I honestly hope they cancel the remake just so I don't have to see the years of inevitable bitching about Tifa's tits following the future trailers. If they're big, AC fans will bitch. If they're too small (which no matter how big they are, they'll be too small to Yea Forums) people are going to keep posting retarded comparison images and vague bait threads.

Attached: aaa.png (2000x1921, 636K)


How is making her look like a tranny "more realistic"?

>manfaced bitch to pander to sjw's
Tifa was never muscular, that's the point. I want her to look like pic related.

Attached: 335.gif (320x224, 1.92M)

She just looks western now. I thought that's what we all wanted.

Attached: nordicprofile.jpg (352x495, 64K)

The two tifa pictures are acceptable.

I unironically want Tifa to have buff arms

If reset era likes it then we hate it. No matter what.

Attached: STOP6741735.jpg (482x640, 55K)

>hating a thing solely because another group likes it
are you 14 years old, faggot?

And the hyper samus pic

Attached: giga_zero_suit_samus_by_mightyknightbr-d7e08z4.jpg (1024x770, 142K)

Honestly if she was kept relatively lean but had some muscle on her I wouldn't mind at all. I guess being stronger would also help her support her breasts, too

Is that fucking jiggle physics in a 21 year old game.

Attached: How Nice.png (530x419, 379K)


Attached: 1558022687380m.jpg (787x1024, 103K)

no, it's a cutscene.

>draw a man
>put a woman's hairstyle on it

Dial it back about 20% and I'm cool with this. Women don't really get muscles like that without a shit ton of steroids, but I want her to have some definition. She was too skinny in Advent Children. Her martial arts abilities aren't derived from magic, she trained in the mountains with a hermit, exactly like Sabin did in FFVI.

Attached: Fit Girl 2.png (824x1326, 378K)

bro wait until you see the first dead or alive


It's a cutscene you disgusting weeb. She still looked nice overall.

>tfw no gf with big strong arms

This is fucking hilarious.

Attached: BIG GIRLS.png (848x1199, 828K)


That's because tits really are too small no matter the size. Developers should learn this and have them get larger the longer your play time is.

giant muscles and giant titties or the game is worthless

Attached: i seriously hope you guys don't watch this.png (386x321, 262K)

Seems you are pretty mad already, autist. You bitch about bitching that can possibly occur.

>that pic
Literally me.

Come on, be real. 'Will' occur.

>Tfw this won't happen
>Tfw she'll just be a shitty stick figure with a chink face and a nerfed rack

Attached: YES DEMYX TIME (35).jpg (236x369, 65K)

Big, muscular, soft butt


Attached: 1528580939331.png (2150x3035, 2.4M)

Is this from the actual game? Hahahaha that looks so fucking bad.

It came out in 1997.

It's a PS1 pre rendered cutscene.

Lara Croft should be fat because it would make my dick hard

welcome to white women.

This is what Tifa should look like,fuck all of you

Attached: 7752.webm (792x572, 1.27M)

this is fucking hot

I hope FFVII Remake is so successful that we get spin-off games starring only Aerith and only Tifa.

Attached: FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE Aeris Slow.webm (750x420, 1.06M)

based and bigpilled

>trannyera wants more manjaw
Wow shocking

It's pretty ugly even for 1997, FF8 came out two years later and actually had textures

I played the fuck out of the RPG dungeon crawl mode in that game.

Anyone else surprised the second post isn't banned?
Or that the third looks like she punched her period.

Reminder that these threads are not ironic shitposting, they are 100% resetera trannies coming over here to smear their shit, because being an SJW is actually really fucking boring if you aren't going where you're not wanted and being an obnoxious fucking retard

She'll be in the Remake, r-right bros?

Attached: BCFFVII-Cissnei.jpg (476x785, 141K)

>buff riku memed onto tifa

Attached: 1535634709918.jpg (672x940, 412K)


pretty obvious that it's your typical ironic shitposting. you just wish it wasn't.

please put me in a headlock

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your time is up, redditor

Attached: 1557891097037.png (800x600, 70K)

Like this?

Attached: 2957473.png (600x849, 467K)


Uhm... what about the advertisers, sweetie?

Good bye.

Why can't you tards just ignore resetra? They'll eventually die like NeoGAF did thanks to virtue signaling paedophile moderators.

shit manga

Buff girls are fucking hot, fuck the skinny fat twinks saying otherwise, hit the gym fucks, its an eye opener

Attached: 124214142.png (1440x2698, 2.7M)

Why the long face?

Attached: 1303882.jpg (641x900, 211K)

i'm afraid a significant part of nu-Yea Forums is actually around 14 years old user

Best Tifa

Attached: 1041027.jpg (900x1575, 201K)


>Gives her white features
>"Her Asian features were unrealistic"

Attached: IMG_20180613_015913.jpg (720x1280, 142K)

What’s the problem here? That art is really fucking good and whoever drew it has talent

They are actually right in terms of Tifa that she should be more buff

*suplexes diamond weapon*

Attached: 1557614164725.png (1280x1378, 1.24M)


Maybe a bit less defined abs.

Attached: 576546346.jpg (1080x1080, 91K)

>What’s the problem here?
she looks 40, look at that jaw. tifa is supposed to be like 20

Attached: t1.jpg (672x940, 312K)

>musclefags are literal fags

color me surprised, even trapfags are less gay

Attached: Dissidia Tifa Papercraft.jpg (400x299, 37K)

Huge heaving breasts
Red eyes
Dolphin tail hair
Also some fucking nice biceps and abs because she can suplex a fucking tank

How the fuck does she look forty you retard

always more room for sweaty anime girls


Attached: 1583509793_preview_Blank+_3b93120631cc7e4f350841285075d347.gif (326x326, 185K)

Give bigger tits and you have not only a deal but an improvement

Attached: images (2).jpg (228x221, 5K)

she looks like my aunt

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i want to fuck your aunt

This, but have 6 pack abs instead of the basic yoga bitch "line down the middle" like in this user's pic.

how do people jerk to this?

mental illness

Your aunt must be pretty smokin’ then. Pics?

Not surprising, Resetera is pretty racist when it's about anything non-black.

Attached: t2.jpg (672x940, 307K)

i just grab some lube and go to town desu, not that hard

I for one welcome buff Tifa.

Why do you go out of your way to scour shitty websites to find shitty opinions to repost here? Who hurt you?

Tifa Lockhart is WHITE.
Aerith Gainsborough is WHITE.
Yuffie Kisaragi is ASIAN.

get over it

I could. It doesn't do jack squat for me, but I still could.

Make Tifa FAT!

Attached: 958612306481236709285401875.png (900x877, 301K)

Jesus christ someone cleanse this thread

Attached: tifa disgusted.jpg (923x1300, 274K)


>resetera is having fun and making OC
>Yea Forums is gossiping and seething like a bunch of valley girls
Yeah OP is fag, just ignore them

Short hair is best hair

like this

Attached: gettyimages-114575885-612x612.jpg (368x612, 21K)

>making OC
you mean reposting shit made elsewhere

Her face is too masculine and angular. White people have a warped sense of beauty. Where it's all long noses like sails, and chuns that just forward, with boxy jaws, and long faces.
Notice how the insult "horse face" applies to 99% white women. Because other races don't breed horse faces. Or at least, they don't prop them up as a beauty standard. Only white people think their long faced, long nosed, square jawed women are attractive. And then they project those standards onto anime characters. Calling Tifa's features "unrealistic". When in reality, Tifa's features are simply ideal Asian features. The Asian beauty standard.

Attached: DA9kYJZVwAAiDg2.jpg (1000x750, 104K)

Attached: 92d.jpg (2408x1488, 336K)

stop, my penis can only take so much punishment

He's talking about what they look like, not what they are. And in all honesty, they aren't literally "white" or "asian" because Europe and Asia don't exist in Final Fantasy.


Attached: 1535081447268.jpg (1024x1004, 60K)

I want those firm manjaws to munch on my testicles.

Is she bleeding from her vag

dumb virgin

Attached: tifacos.jpg (719x1080, 81K)

nah, waist/hip ratio too small

Attached: hinomoto_reiko_rumble_roses.jpg (3500x5900, 3.14M)


Attached: 1552652628041.png (923x1023, 883K)

Musclefag will call anything with more than 1% body fat "fat". Musclefags are sticc fags.

but I like strongfat

Tifa isn’t Asian though

Dumb squint eyed chink, go away, your race is so ugly, south Korea gains half its GDP in plastic surgery to fix your jaws alone

the first picture completely fucked up the face and is terrible because of it. hyper fags are retarded so won't even bother with that one. third one's not bad. a bit too buff and reminds me of new blaze fielding a bit too much.
ignoring the face, other than a bit of wonky anatomy with the hips and her being a bit too lean, this isn't bad. tits too small though
wrong you fag. traps are unequivocally gay

Attached: 113cb50601ad4c1b1614e04bdd3bcda7.jpg (1920x1080, 919K)

No, Resetera wants "man" Tifa, because she has a "dollface" and is too cute for those raging faggots to appreciate her.

Yea Forums Musclefags like muscular women because it's hot for them, but they don't necessarily want her to look less sexualized, ulgy or anything.

Yeah, that's gonna be a "yikes" from me, dawg.



Attached: 1541884191443.jpg (1447x2046, 1.66M)

I'm glad they kept the boobs even in the muscle version

>Pixelated cartoon character in original >straight up Asian in Advent Children

All signs point to Tifa being Asian

Best thing about the remake is all the new porn

Only a dumb weeb or sticcfag thinks this looks like a man.

Its funny that what you said is basically what anthropologists have been saying since the 19th century, but most of Yea Forums would never admit it.

imagine having no artistic chops, coding skills, design knowledge, or any understanding whatsoever of what it takes to make a character let alone a game, going on to your little butt buddy forum and saying "THIS CHARACTER SHOULD LOOK LIKE X" and then saying "RESPECT THE DEVELOPER INTENTIONS" before you've even taken a breath if anyone doesn't like a redesign

Attached: Akiyama1.jpg (1920x1080, 179K)

If you remove the breasts, it's literally a man.

Attached: tifabeach.jpg (660x1020, 408K)

It's literally impossible for a woman to be buff and have big natural breasts. When women develop muscles, the breasts shrink a lot, permanently. She loses all her feminine curves and becomes more masculine, forever.

Everyone in AC had Asian features, that doesn’t make them. Cloud, Vincent, Cid etc are clearly not asian so why would tifa be

Whatever you say retard

>if you remove secondary sexual characteristics then it looks like a man

Yea Forums does that all the goddamn time though. also
>you have to be a cook to critique food

>tifa is white

Attached: asian women vs western women.jpg (880x440, 88K)

In the colored picture she looks like a dude with tits. In that picture she just looks "empowered" but it's fine. But that's the whole reason Resetera wants muscular Tifa.

My point still stands though, if you think Yea Forums wants anything to do with Resetrannies you're wrong.

inb4 some faggot posts some gym model with plastic tits

Objectively wrong, there's more to breasts than fat, user. If I was at my computer I'd eat the 3 day ban and prove you wrong with over 20 gigs of muscle girls with big natural breasts

I don't get why thin Tifa is an issue when Cloud is just as undermuscled.

that right one looks pretty good but the arms seem a little too thick

cloud is an emaciated lab rat that was made strong with superserum

have sex incel. these graphs were made by a straight white male probably

This is why you dont let Western artists design female characters. Decades of feminist influence has taught people in the West that being just like a man is the ideal woman. Even people here think Samus Aran is supposed to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

She looks white, as much as it will trigger /pol/ white women have very """Masculine""" faces.

I just want Tifa to have some muscle definition and rock hard abs.

yes it's very funny

And no amount of muscle will let Tifa realistically suplex a train.
So why does it matter?

just call it a race detector, that's what it is

Yeah, but it's just a game dude.

>Forcing your fetish into a game

>So why does it matter?
because it makes my pp hard

Good thing Tifa isn't real then huh?

Here, I found your cosplayer making the same pose, and a random asian cosplayer making the same pose. I cropped their faces, so you dumb dumbs won't get distracted by their bodies. You can see clearly that the asian girl most closely matches Tifa's face.

Her face is designed with asian beauty in mind though. Artists need to get their inspiration from somewhere, right?

Women will do what they must, in order to reach the beauty standard of their respective cultures. So you're only reinforcing my point.

Attached: TifaTifaTifa.jpg (616x253, 129K)

Attached: file.png (640x480, 319K)

Why would Tifa be "fit"? Her character is not into fitness and she isn't badass. She's just a bartender that happens to know martial arts.

Yea Forums doesn't demand the devs change to their whim, they just say "shit sucks lol"

She is supposed to be 6 feet and somewhat muscled, user, if that's what you're meaning by built like Arnold

Attached: 1552621686337.jpg (540x560, 79K)

It doesn't count if the asian cosplayer has to photoshop herself to look more like a character.

You'd be in above average shape if you're practiced in martial arts for sure though

He was talking about Samus, my dude.

Crush my head like a watermelon pls

people always say this, but in my career of looking at fit girls (crossfit, olympic and powerlifters) I can't recall seeing a single girl who had large breasts before she started lifting who lost them after. the reality is that women with large breasts don't tend to lift, not that lifting makes tits disappear
he's talking about samus there.

This is the ideal really, just a beautiful fit girl.

No need to change her face, she fine the way she is.

They do, the difference is that no one takes underage virgins seriously.

>Take a beautiful woman
>make her ugly


I'm down for the right one. Love me some muscle girls

Where in the canon does it say that she is supposed to be muscled? Your head canon doesn't count.

>make tifa buff
>that translate to making tifa a man
these guys are insane

if you don't want a muscular woman to bearhug the shit out of you and sit on you, I really don't know what to say

Every cosplayer shops their own photos. That is the best the white girl can do.

>the character who’s fighting style is literal fitness is not into fitness

She literally trained in the mountains you idiot she doesn’t just “happen” to know MA

Attached: 73D6B36A-6DE5-487B-BE73-C25AC81A76F2.jpg (500x333, 35K)

please make an /s/ thread

developing muscles doesnt make your tits shrink
there are super skinny women with big real tits
they just never lift because why would they

all white cosplayers do that

White Tifa > Asian Tifa

Attached: 81266B0B-851F-4A76-8D86-CD8FA15E6ED6.jpg (1052x1404, 180K)

ResetERA are retarded. How did this become a 190+ post thread.

Asian cosplayers take it to the extreme. They literally morph their faces to look more like a cartoon. It's 100% fantasy.

Attached: 1336768418936.jpg (305x249, 22K)

>What would you like Tifa to look like in the Remake
Smaller breasts than I want.
But larger breasts than Yea Forums is afraid she will get

Attached: 1533318521386.png (650x552, 362K)

This is literally peak Tifa performance.

Super skinny women have no muscles. Breasts are mostly fat. Fat gets burned away.

that's a better white Tifa, at least

better than pretending her to be white as well

white cosplayers do the same thing
you are a complete retard if you think they look like their photos in real life

cowtits is retarded and those are bigger than what she has in game


She practiced naruto kung fu magic. Not weight training.

Even Barret looked like a chink in AC

Todd, is that you?

Nintendo power, the only news source officially produced by Nintendo

you are fucking retarded and have no idea how the human body works

woman of culture

Attached: S5.jpg (1440x2048, 936K)

imagine believing thisisn't photoshopped at all.

oh no, this wasn't supposed to happen. her tits were supposed to vanish the second she developed muscle!

Attached: 10616764_209546586053165_1007688141_n.jpg (1080x1080, 103K)

She was looking rather toned in Super Metroid. And in Zero Mission, she had a certain sturdiness to her. No really buff, but the artist understood that giving her muscles some kind of definition, would make her appear strong.
In Samus Returns, she's pretty buff though.

Attached: samus-aran-metroid-zero-mission-18352-1920x1200.jpg (1920x1200, 381K)

Sure man, after work I'll try to get you square

Wow, glad I agree with them!

Even in the fantasy world where Nintendo Power is the authority on Japanese game lore, it was never mentioned anywhere that Samus is supposed to be muscular.

Okay, friend.

That's not extreme. She pinched her nose a little. And her face is smoother, because in one photo she's smiling, and the other photo her face is relaxed.
This is the same as any white cosplayer.

It's photoshopped, but the face shape isn't changed. Asians don't just smooth out their skin, they rearrange the way their faces look.

>agree that Japanese idol Tifa is fucking dumb and zipperheads are dumb for wanting it
>recoil in horror as well over resetera bodybuilder testosterone Tifa
Is this what radical centrism feels like, why can't we reach a middle ground?

These are the same people who keep calling ProJared's ex wife hot, because they believe her photoshopped cosplay photos.

You are so retarded.

Prove those aren't fake

I've seen asian and white cosplayers that make heavy use of photoshop and those that don't, but often people accuse asian cosplayers of photoshop when there really isn't any. Asians naturally have less prominent and more juvenile facial structure, which makes it easier to look like a literal cartoon. As a white guy, I think westerners just aren't as aware of the difference in facial structure so what appears less "realistic" to a westerner looks perfectly normal to an Asian.

Actually, OP's picture has a similar phenomenon going on where they make Tifa look more "realistic" by making her look more white and less asian.

Attached: Curb Stomp.webm (480x480, 320K)

Looks like King of Fighters character

Attached: kof9407.jpg (600x800, 88K)

>not wanting a buff gf who could pop your head like a melon with her thighs
Ultra gay

Attached: police chunners.jpg (1800x1012, 389K)

As much as I like short hair, her design is bland without longer hair. Give her a necklace or shoulder pads or something.

Are you all closet homos? I ain't touching that gay nigger stuff

Dissidia Tifa is the best Tifa.

Attached: 1501756447_Tifa.gif (500x281, 1.64M)

That's probably how she's going to look in FFXV FFVII DLC

It's still fighting. It's still an active thing. She'd have muscle definition.

>hurr durr fucking dumb zipperheads i hate japan!
why are people like this all over japanese games
just stick to your western games since you clearly hate anything japanese

>liking the realdoll aesthetic of Dissidia's CG cutscenes

Roberto Ferrari is doing the remake character designs, so she's going to be lean with nice titties just like all his other female designs.

Cammy is better.

Tifa has cuter lips than that. Purse her lips more, and you might have something. Infact, I'll do it myself. Infact, I'll fix more than her lips. Here. A proper tifa without the bloated jaw and long face.

Attached: 1558127509537 copy.jpg (1052x1404, 355K)

Keep telling yourself that, user.

Attached: 1328605261428.png (596x596, 545K)

How does this shit not get banned on Resetera but "I think anti-semetism is bad" does?

Attached: 63196E20-AD1A-40AC-A1AF-B3057053248B.jpg (1024x1024, 165K)

I don't mind defined abs or toned arms but her face must be cute and her legs must be long.

Attached: kpg visits fit.gif (418x236, 1.96M)

I always found it funny that despite the cherrypicking, the white woman still doesn't look anything like the anime girl.

>this mongrel again

Attached: 1420940932982.jpg (597x1067, 307K)

10/10 edit
actually more then tripled the art's quality

>All the female characters are just gonna look the same
>They're gonna give Yuffie bigger tits

Attached: 1534725647026.png (400x400, 72K)

That looks fucking horrible. Tifa was obviously Asian looking AC.

Attached: tifa advent children.jpg (1244x700, 82K)

AC sucks though

If you can only find photoshopped asians to support your argument, that just further confirms that you want to believe in a fantasy.

Thanks. Photoshop has a neat facial distortion tool that makes editing easy.

>Some one made these to counter the original ones

Attached: sora_aoi.webm (360x640, 1.33M)

Considering Ferrari designed Iris, he knows how to make a good flat chest.

she's not photoshopped, you just badly want to believe that she is.

Haha sure, that looks ''realistic''.

I feel like we need to identify a third stance on these images.
There are girls of both Asian and European decent that have facial structures that look anime. There is also some ugly girls in both demographics.

You wouldn't want your physical DPS to be a scrawny string bean would you?

Attached: D6xMJWcVUAA_IUC.jpg (842x1191, 102K)

anime is white

>photoshopping somebody's skull
>in motion

Attached: 1551289857558.jpg (480x480, 33K)

how are people not sick of arguing over the race of female characters

No one "looks" like an anime person. The point is that white bone structure and features more closely resembles that of anime characters than asian bone structure.

>I can't recall seeing a single girl who had large breasts before she started lifting who lost them after
You don't realize how pervasive fake tits are, at all, especially when counting only incredibly vain women.

Go away.

Attached: wxcgAym.jpg (1000x2876, 657K)

>female DPS
>not making Tifa your healer

Why is everyone so retarded?

I have a friend who studies martial arts. He's certainly fit but it's not like you would necessarily be able to tell just by looking at him. And he certainly doesn't look like a body builder or anything...

it's pretty obvious they're real mate. they're not huge or anything, but they didn't disappear when she gained muscle
getting incredibly lean in most cases will make tits shrink, but that happens whether the woman has average or above average muscle mass. just look at jennifer connelly. she got skinny and her tits withered

Attached: tumblr_od9a97zbkP1r3x5j9o2_1280.jpg (1080x720, 151K)

>only shitty games should have remakes
Way better to take a second crack at something that wasn't done right the first time.

Women should never have greater muscle definition than their male counterparts, unless it's some sort of twink dynamic. Which is gay as fuck.

I'm pretty sure a photo is not motion.

But that's literally not true. Europeans universally have deep set eyes, large nosebridges and prominent brow ridges while 99% of anime characters take those features to the opposite extreme. Forensic anthropologists literally use these facts to differentiate between skulls of different races.


Attached: 1557594336462.jpg (842x1024, 73K)

you can usually tell fake from real just by looking dumb kid
those are real

Achievable natty?

>A buff girl having tits, when most of them deflate to pancakes.
>Claiming this one girl is a statistical outlier.
>The best photo is one in a heavy bra, that pushes them up into an unnatural top curvature.

Not sure why but I find this term hilarious

Cid was asian looking in AC
pretty sure he's a grumpy ol' white guy


>tfw you will never lick those abs

Attached: Literally Me.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

this is such a huge improvement

>tfw Tifa has a better chin than you
It's not fair bros

>white bone structure and features more closely resembles that of anime characters than asian bone structure
But that's not true. Japanese artists specifically say they're not using Caucasian features because they're not cute for their standard.

Caucasoid skull is literally longer and with more gaunt and defined features unlike the small round faces of the mongoloids. See

Attached: 1554910990518.jpg (1280x720, 175K)

musclefags are truly worse than futafags

Because you're stupid. Zipperhead doesn't even mean anything.

Yeah. Luckily the great characters and game design made up for the poor visuals.



I could post dozens of examples of fit chicks with fake tits. it's incredibly obvious. it would also be obvious if she had large tits before lifting and then got fake tits after. whenever you see before after pics of the chicks with fake tits they always had no tits to begin with, well before they started lifting.
my point is simply that it's uncommon for chicks with naturally large tits to bother with lifting, so you can't say "lifting makes tits disappear" because the sample size is so incredibly small.

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Attached: 27565267-2A83-43C9-AF15-220B09AE000B.jpg (951x1109, 277K)

here, have another pic of her clearly natural tits

Attached: tumblr_nzb8vbV2GA1r3x5j9o6_1280.jpg (960x1280, 129K)

>see this gook shitposting image from 2ch

Attached: 1518701721650.png (951x1109, 1.13M)

It's hilarious how defensive whitey becomes, when you inform them that they're not anime characters.

Attached: Advant Cloud.gif (500x278, 1.92M)

How do I get a chin like this

hips too narrow

Why are muscle3DPDs always so stick like and boyish?


btw she said that her pronouns are "He/Him" on her tumblr and called herself nonbinary

You'll be fighting an uphill battle arguing that artwork looks like an asian girl.

Both her muscle and tits appear smaller in this photo. Explain that. How do you pack on more muscle, and go up half a cup size?

It's more a korean thing but it absolutely has meaning.

Already went over. Photoshopped asian photos don't count. Just another example of a fantasy.

>tits visibly smaller in this photo
something is not adding up here

No I won't since we're talking about facial features. That artists literally choose not to use Caucasian features in his own words because they're not cute. If your argument is "b-but she's blonde!" then you just proved him right and outed yourself as illiterate.

Attached: 1527698829306.jpg (427x510, 51K)

like you said, it was bra magic in the first photo

Attached: tumblr_olu7htW5Yt1r3x5j9o3_1280.jpg (1080x720, 171K)

>another trannyera thread
Stop giving this guys attention, why do you keep going there to screenshot things and post here?

>change the nose on the first picture
>but not on the second one
That asian chick's nose looks nothing like the one of the girl in the bottom right.


>hair color that isn't black
>eye color that isn't black
>they are somehow Asian

Attached: 543765897076855.jpg (236x236, 8K)

Having history, is not the same as having meaning. I'm sure there is an origin to the meaning that probably meant something to someone. But in no way does the term describe Koreans of today.

So call me crazy but.... I think everyone realizes that girls of the same race can have different facial structures, even white girls with anime features or Asian girls without. There is even a white girl nested in between your pics with a round face that you could probably line up with a cartoon drawing thats anime. In fact its not even that hard to find a show with two girls with the same fucking face but one is Asian and the other is white.
Whoah. Its almost like all not very detailed drawings can have features added to them that make them look like one race or another. Hahaha shits crazy.
But really you two should know by now people are just triggering you for laughs. Quit being so easy to troll.
T. this guy

>women in charge of fucking everything up, always
Losing body fat will massively shrink tits. Not that user, but that is just facts. Women can continually stuff their bras as they shrink, or get procedures done, but that's just how it is.

Attached: file.png (341x168, 86K)

The text you're referring to says they tried to implement realistic features but went for anime idealized ones instead. It doesn't give any mention about being more asian.

And that comparison is a) more photoshopped asians and b) not even the same angle. Notice how hard it is for people to defend asian girls without finding fantasy photoshops.

It's much smaller, shorter and buttonlike. Which is how they prefer them over there. This is why in moe art-style the nose is barely visible at all.

Attached: gaijin caricature.jpg (400x559, 79K)

nice picture of a chink

Talking about skull structure and facial features here senpai. Read >realistic
Nice try though.

Attached: 181006(2).jpg (1200x1800, 1.47M)

It's still nothing like the one the of the anime girl

I'm not saying that she looks white, I'm saying that asian girl's nose doesn't look like the anime girl's nose.

This chick still has some pudge. She's bulk not fit.

I always wonder how fit girl cunts feel, can they do better kegels? Can they squeeze your dick tighter every time you thrust? I'm super interested.

I like it a lot.

Alright. I can kind of see what you mean. She's muscular, but isn't lean. She probably eats more than she exercises. But still, even assuming that much is true, why don't we find more girls like her? Where are all the buff chicks who also keep their natural tits, and somehow maintain a flat belly.(Not abs, mind you. She doesn't have visible abs)

And also, why should she be the standard for more athletic women? This girl appears to just lift and eat. Any cardio? Tifa is a fighter, not a powerlifter.

>Can they squeeze your dick tighter every time you thrust?

It literally says that he tried to draw her face like a 彫りの深い西洋人風, but it made her uncute so he conveyed her ethnicity with hair color instead. Realism isn't mentioned anywhere. The obvious insinuation is that he made her look more Japanese to make her more appealing.

>Which is how they prefer them over there
Not true. In Japan the "roman nose" is most idealized. The tiny nose thing is more of a moe trope to show innocence/cuteness. When it comes to general beauty, they want a straight nose bridge. You'll notice that Final Fantasy characters in Nomura's artwork all have long noses.

Attached: 5-3.jpg (800x400, 82K)

because the majority of them are either in a somewhat laborous job or they play an actual physical sport like hockey or something and those things don't appeal to the vast majority of women

Roman noses have a slight curve though

That's not a Roman nose you mutt.

I hope you're just trying to act stupid. Anime characters do not have facial features of any ethnicity. Trying to apply real-world attributes to a moe cartoon of course wouldn't look as good.

>Dial it back about 20%
Utterly gay. Dial it up about 200% instead.

gemme da sauce boss

These girls made a slight extension to the tip of their noses. They didn't put in a full bridge.

Meanwhile, here's an actual white cosplayer, who is honest and open about getting cosmetic surgery.

Attached: DWph14mXcAArUUK.jpg (1032x1200, 123K)


order siste 6 this entire thread

Attached: che.jpg (878x585, 103K)


Attached: 1534379741354.jpg (1280x1549, 509K)

Attached: wiolettapawluk1434445811lcp48.jpg (1757x2048, 447K)

Musclegirls are superior in all ways to whatever it is you prefer. Only giantess is better.

Not that guy but trying to WEWUZ anime as being "white" when the artists themselves outright admit that they're not following those features is even more retarded. They're instead opting to replicate the cute small faced faces that they see in their Jpop idols.
This is most commonly seen when an anime artwork reliant game gets detailed 3D models like FFVII. They end up looking Asian because surprise surprise they were based on their beauty standard in the first place.

Attached: 1540053226974.png (830x654, 962K)

Why don't they just eat more? If all it takes to keep your curves, is to outpace the calories you burn, then shouldn't they be able to do such a thing?

Women love to eat. They often only starve themselves, in order to keep their figure. But if you told them that they could get buff, and still keep their womanly curves merely by eating more, why wouldn't they do it?

>here's your Tifa, bro

Attached: 1532935208708.jpg (688x1024, 80K)

as long she still has big tits and a cute face they can make her a midget for all i care

>wasting your skill on stupid meme shit
Ok keep telling yourself it's "for fun".

I follow her on instagram and she's got fake tits, before anyone brings that up

this desu

Their faces are still fucking flat.
Nigga what the fuck

I like anime girls but I think real life asians are ugly

How can this be

99% of tits look better clothed, anyway, fake or not


Your comparisons are getting dumber and dumber.
Every time you post your IQ seems to drop.

I would be %100 on board for a DMC2 remake.

I hope she at least gets more giantess art when the remake comes out, or when her design gets revealed.

Attached: 1542353052800.png (900x532, 581K)


I was like this at first too, but then I caught yellow fever.

2d > 3d

AC tifa is literal perfection. Just don't even put her in the game you can't get better than what you already did

I'm neutral on the issue but posts like this just make it seem like you're out of arguments and admitting defeat btw.

Not an argument you stupid bitch.

Attached: 1540053367002.png (1780x1396, 2.83M)

Sounds like fit and muscular chicks are my new fetish.

You're posting obviously Asian characters as some sort of proof that Tifa is asian or whatever.
Nobody in their right mind ever said that Mai or Asuka were white when it's obviously not the fucking case.
I've seen you post the same shit before, it was stupid the last time and it still is stupid.

goddamn, context?

This. The only time you see outright white faces, are in games like Resident Evil. Where the characters ARE actually based on white people from presumably the real earth.

But even then, white people can't deal with the fact that the models they highered aren't anime look-alikes. They hired a white girl who is no less than an 8/10 by any standard. But then they see her in-game appearance, and call her goblina, and doubt the RE Engine's capabilities.

They can't deal with the fact that when the movie came out, characters were sculpted by Japanese people, with Japanese beauty standards in mind. So even characters that are supposed to be white, like Claire, got a bit of unintentional Japanese influence by their sculptors.

Accurate face scanning doesn't allow for traces of artist influence. So what you're seeing is the absolute truth of white beauty standards.

Attached: 1545668194004.jpg (924x553, 52K)

underage faggot pleaes die

Why do you incel yellow fever weirdos keep insisting that the photoshopped asian cosplay pictures you have saved in your jerk off are examples of reality? None of your photos are fucking real. Never going to be

Attached: 1234222222808.jpg (410x337, 22K)

All I know is she better have hairy pits.

Again, just look at her She comes complete with epicanthic folds.

It doesn't matter if they're elves or aliens or some undefined ethnicity in the lore. The point is that their model's facial features are based on Asian beauty standards. And that they're directly translated from their past 2D counterparts that also followed the same ideal.

Attached: 1549608955473.jpg (880x440, 244K)

99% of real girls look better clothed too.

>Japanese people aren't white

>Nigga what the fuck
That's Rocksy Light. As far as lewd cosplayers go, she's incredibly popular, and still climbing. She used every trick in the book to try and hide her ugly nose. Photoshop, lighting, angles. But eventually, she just got surgery. And since then, her popularity exploded.

Sounds you're gay as fuck.

Just make her look like she did in the old games, it's not hard.
As for race, she always looked Mediterranean to me

Attached: images-22.jpg (180x219, 6K)

phossy jaw?

1) She isn't white
2) Not looking like a cartoon is not evidence that another race look more like a cartoon. An asian woman mocapping for Claire would look much more far removed.

I'll take the one in the center of the image, thanks.

>Nooooo, it's just photoshooooop.

Attached: 1542971389703.webm (720x960, 1.87M)

Attached: Space Jam.gif (480x358, 1.14M)

Why bother getting surgery when she already photoshops her images to oblivion? She isn't even shy about it, she even calls herself a photo artist instead of a cosplayer.

She would've been cuter at least seeing how every single western actress for Capcom's RE Engine game looks awful. Trish, Lady, Goblina. The only cute one is Ada who just so happens to be Asian.

Attached: 1549409707869.jpg (951x842, 153K)

You keep posting examples from fucking American games or some face scanned garbage when we all know that both of those things are fucking trash.
I could post girls from DOA to show that you're a retard but I don't but oh wait those don't count because I don't fucking know but you're gonna come up with a bullshit reason like you always do.

Aegyo sal + Epicanthic folds is a winning combination.

Sure, we can post DOA girls.

Attached: 1556547081532.png (894x702, 1.06M)

She just looks like an alien now.

Because there's only so much you can do, user. Even in her previous works, she never completely hid her nose. I think she couldn't deal with the fact that the photo was a complete lie. So she always left her nose somewhat intact. But now that she has the surgery, she can feel secure knowing that the photos accurately depict her for the most part.

>Uh oh, I can't use photoshop in this video. That means I have to reduce the resolution, diffuse the lighting so no one can see the details of my face and overexpose the entire shot to the point that it looks like a bomb went off in the background.
>This is total a depiction of reality and a raw example of how asian women look

Attached: 1264667466602.jpg (572x300, 19K)

>posting cosplay nonsense
>missing the point completely
Jesus you're fucking autistic.

>leftist sjw
>is actually openly racist
>and a virgin
never fails

>high body fat
Can you even read?

White women use makeup too, are you crazy?

Attached: 678413c4d4e148f4096020f5e1dce96d.jpg (640x528, 70K)


>1) She isn't white
Who isn't white? Claire? Or the actress? Either way you're wrong.

>2) Not looking like a cartoon is not evidence that another race look more like a cartoon.
I'm struggling to see how you managed to think I think that. Just... what?

Your gymnastic is getting embarassing, nazi.

your picture is much more low res than the video

Now THIS is what a real woman looks like

Attached: chadfa.png (658x784, 498K)

The only correct opinion in this thread

>left is ultra cutie
looks better pre-makeup

>this SEETHING nigger is at it again
What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you a jealous ugly roastie or some mentally ill hapa nigger?

Her nose is far from the only thing she edits. And you can literally do whatever you want in photoshop, so with enough time and skill she could make her nose look however she wanted. It just seems like a waste of money to me.

That's the face detector that has Latino labbeled as race, unreliable as fuck

Have sex

>dolled up picture barely looks better
Why do womanoids even try?


I don't care about your yellow fever bias. The fact still remains that white people look closer to these characters than asians do.

>cosplay nonsense
It's a comparison between races. One side is definitely more faithful looking to the character than the other.
Are you mentally deficient? Why can't you finish your sentences or form an argument?

>n-n-no! you're missing the point! the point that I never actually bothered to shit out!
Fucking moron.

Attached: 6fc9296e7062969aebc3ac4fba92448e2e66d16c46f48d45dfa982cabacafc60.webm (1280x720, 863K)

Right, because Asian people are the only ones capable of using flattering lighting.

Attached: makeup_before_and_after_01.jpg (640x640, 127K)

Attached: make up.webm (540x960, 2.94M)

I have to disagree, 5's Lady doesn't look at all like Lady from 4 and 3. Her skull is literally deformed looking in 5.

What's my fetish doing outside of /d/?

Attached: tifa muscles.png (1024x1024, 524K)

whats the point exactly again?

They're not the only ones who do it. They're just the only ones who depend on it.

left > right

>It just seems like a waste of money to me.
Photoshop is 10 bucks a month.(Well, it's increasing to 20 now) It's not too expensive, even for a hobbyist.

y she pp in hand

Attached: 1543026360287.png (370x378, 214K)

Attached: gook make up.webm (180x320, 2.86M)


Whats this have to do with tifa?

Attached: file.png (555x599, 272K)

Hyper muscled

Attached: hyper_tifa_by_espadadeloscuro_dcftxmy-pre.jpg (1012x790, 72K)

REEEsetera wants tranny tifa not muscle tifa
So you can fuck off tourist

This is the most roastbeefy post I have ever seen.

>literally takes her nose off
what happens when they actually have to fuck the guys they use this to attract and half their face is left on the pillow

>Trying to whitewash Tifa
Despicable bigots

hyperfags and fatfags begone

Attached: Jenny_rifle.png (640x480, 502K)

She just went insane and started spamming that one Chink makeup hobbyist from TikTok thinking it actually proves something.

it's just for some meme viral vid on youtube. Or do you unironically believe the majority of asians do this?

The older you get, the more makeup you need.

That's it.

Attached: 1558104600883.jpg (1280x720, 163K)

less abs more tits

Your entire argument, hinges on the assumption that Asian women are especially more tricky than white women. Which any man with a lick of sense, knows how deceptive all women are.

Attached: Gwyneth-Paltrow-Without-Makeup.jpg (750x881, 66K)

They don't actually use those extenders. It's literally just a TikTok/Bilibili meme.

Advent Children made Barret look asian, literally every character in AC looked asian because they didn't pay attention to the original design and instead modeled them after the japanese seiyuus and idols.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.05.17 - (2).png (173x171, 22K)

>cuts to a different woman at :08
What did retard user mean by this?

I'm a man retard
and I posted it because there is some gook worshiping faggots itt

The fuck? did she get in a fist fight? Why is she all swollen and bruised?

If you took photos of that face, you could convince the police that you're a victim of domestic abuse.

>ultra cutie

Attached: 1hyde.jpg (484x403, 13K)

Photoshopped white photos don't count. Just another example of a fantasy.

>literally every character in AC looked asian

they seem to be doing it again with cloud

Attached: 013658154046.png (1188x1111, 895K)

Trannies are a mistake

Zack, Cloud and Aerith look Asian in Crisis Core still. Cloud still looks Asian in the Remake.

Attached: Aerith.jpg (1920x1080, 187K)

why the fuck do women look like circus freaks without makeup while men look perfectly fine without makeup? it's almost like makeup damages their skin and forces them to wear more makeup to cover up how fucking godawful they look without it

cope you yellow fever fuck

Attached: tumblr_pro3npLzak1y0gqjko1_1280.jpg (1200x842, 228K)

You are comparing Asian and white cosplayers to clearly asian characters.
Nobody ever said that Honkers was white you fucking retard.
But keep posting your retarded little pictures that make no sense.

Attached: ultra.png (346x80, 2K)

The new way to move the party around looks nice.

I can hear your beef curtains slap around out of anger from way over here.

>has obvious white fever
>gets triggered by yellow fever

why tho?

She's old user

but that's what makeup is for

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

Aerith isn't convincing. But holy shit, that Cloud edit actually makes him look white.

>i watched youtub video on makeup and this it
She looks ugly in both photos?

Just wait until you see how restoring HP works

PHS now stands for Paizuri Handling System

Dont forget the giant psuedo peni clitoris

There are plenty of pictures of real white women who don't need photoshop or silly tricks to look nice. Asian girls, on the other hand, are 100% fantasy.

Attached: 41504.jpg (1080x1200, 95K)

>character is named Tifa Lockhart
>people seriously think she's asian

Attached: 1511579889034.jpg (640x640, 73K)

Let's play a little game
Guess what race each profile belongs to

Attached: profile.jpg (1130x751, 77K)

ah, the common white name "Tifa"

hey airhead, everyone is talking about appearance, not madeup nationalities in a fictional japanese games.

god I love muscle girls

Attached: polchan4.png (2816x3231, 3.82M)

>Talks about real girls
>Posts a picture of a trap

There is literally nothing in those characters that looks even remotely asian.

>Nobody ever said that Honkers was white you fucking retard
Not him, but I've seen such a claim before. Both the specific claim that Honoka has white features. And the Broad claim that Japanese artists give their characters white features.

>to clearly asian characters
Did you not fucking read this ? Or see this ?
>It doesn't matter if they're elves or aliens or some undefined ethnicity in the lore. The point is that their model's facial features are based on Asian beauty standards. And that they're directly translated from their past 2D counterparts that also followed the same ideal.

Here faggot, pic related. "White" transfer student character. Still looks like a Nip in a blonde wig.

Attached: 1552409679026.png (429x431, 351K)

>posts picture of a white woman with caked on makeup, fake brows, bleached hair, fake tan and fake tits to solidify his argument

that's only if they take artificial hormones. women can get significantly bigger than the current average so󠛡yboy naturally

>She's old user
People her age don't get random bruises on their skin.

That's because you're faceblind my dude.

Attached: 1449354873437.jpg (1600x932, 619K)

It's a shortening of Tiffanee I'm pretty sure

Using excessive amounts of makeup for long periods of time also causes skin degradation as well as numerous health issues. Some products, especially stuff to make lips pronounced, basically cause minor chemical burns. Shit's fucked.

I prefer Visual Kei Cloud desu senpaitachi.

Attached: 1.jpg (484x1598, 146K)

>Or do you unironically believe the majority of asians do this?
not all but regular white girls will coat on the make up to look good so there's gotta be fringe cases of extreme make up catching some dick and leaving half her face behind right?

okay if you want to play that game, let's talk about how Square literally hired Ferrari Man in order to keep the "intended Caucasian" look of the characters, let's talk about how they've mentioned that every Final Fantasy outside of X was based on European fantasy and styles. Let's talk about how Midgar was based on New York. All of this points to her being white in appearance.

Russian, German, Anglo, in order left to right.

you won't ever get through to them so don't bother trying. Americans NEED to self insert into whatever media they're watching. And you only trigger them harder when you tell them that anime they just fapped to was a japanese girl instead of a pure aryan.

Attached: BrieLarson.jpg (900x1104, 675K)

>goes into any thread where people are enjoying asian women
>starts bitching and screaming about yellow fever etc...
Fuck off to a mental asylum, you autistic nigger.

Maybe? But these things aren't really convincing. Especially when they start talking or laughing. I guess one would fool you if you were shitfaced in a dimly lit bar though.

Man, I think this thread is making me become less racist, weird.

Imagine being so blind by hate that you refuse to let your dick react to a cute girl.

>Straight nose, green eyes, red hair, and angled facial features are now asian

The problem with arguing with you dumb yellow fever weeaboos is that you think "asian" is synonymous with being beautiful and anything that looks nice that is made by an asian person is a reflection of an asian person. You don't stop to critically evaluate what you're even looking at.

Attached: main-qimg-4973c6af47703493eccda866f4c96a81.jpg (602x602, 135K)

>let's talk about how they've mentioned that every Final Fantasy outside of X was based on European fantasy and styles. Let's talk about how Midgar was based on New York. All of this points to her being white in appearance.

none of that has anything to do with how the characters are drawn. It means they're japs cosplaying as westerners in another fictional european setting. This isn't anything new.

>this is a 29 year old Oscar winner
Jesus Christ Hollywood.

You're telling me that Helena or Rachel from DoA are somehow based on "Asian beauty standards"?
Because they certainly don't look fucking asian to me.

Attached: 1557597405389.jpg (639x639, 74K)


>that gross WITH hollywood, A-lister tier makeup team

Aerith's nose is 3 standard deviations lower than the average white person's nose there.

That thing you posted is wearing makeup, and using a low quality camera. Despite the resolution, the actual picture quality appears to be 400x480. It's grainy + poorly compressed, with jpeg artifacts everywhere. Lighting is dim, so there's very little contrast. This achieves the same effect as blowing light out. Contrast creates shadows, And shadows emphasize lines and wrinkles. So by avoiding direct light, and keeping light low, save for the glow of her computer screen, she is able to diminish the appearance of lines on her face, or any other blemishes or poor complexion.

Son, you have no idea how to take a picture. Not the slightest.

>muh natural aryan green hair and purple eyes

When will this argument from dumb amerimutts die already?

if you agree those characters look white, you should have no problem agreeing the asian cast in DOA look asian.

Attached: animehaircolor.png (1256x708, 1.21M)

You got bamboozled.
All of them are from FF XV.
Cindy, Aranea and Iris in that order.

Attached: laughinggirls.gif (700x285, 3.38M)

thanks in advance

Eh this looks edited as fuck

Her vagina will crush your tiny boy benis

I noticed the recent rise of "WE WUZ ANIME" and "JAPS SHOULDN'T MODEL THEIR CHARACTERS TO LOOK LIKE ASIANS!" posters. What is it all about? Is it because the weebs kept shitting on the western gaming industry non-stop for a solid year so the enraged, disenfranchised westacucks think this is the way to retaliate? Either way it's hilarious.

Attached: 1551453544256.jpg (720x720, 73K)

>Ha Ha you silly Americans and not wanting to face reality!
>Continues to compare unflattering raw photos of cherrypicked individuals with their favorite photoshopped asian cosplay idols

Attached: Untsdfsadfsdfsy.jpg (420x476, 51K)

Attached: IMG_20190422_180711.jpg (1442x1772, 240K)

it's a combination of an influx of redditors and resetera trannies that hate anime, and a group of shitposters from r/asianmasculinity.

>proceeds to do the exact same thing


>all these people posting cosplayers
>everyone pretending that they aren't shopped
literally every cosplayer, asian or not is photoshopped. Even videos are questionable since they're usually filmed with filters to look more "kawaii"

Big fucking tittites. Anything else is gay

I never said that they weren't asian you're the one comparing white cosplayers to asian characters for some reason and I genuinely don't understand why you do that.
Of course the ching chong is going to be closer to the actual character then the white cunt.

Your inane mudslinging isn't going to change the fact that Aeris looks more white than asian.

Bullshit, Eurofag. You guys are some of the biggest offenders.

>green eyes, red hair
Read They also have red eyes and purple hair sometimes. These aren't arguments in your favor. Those white women you posted all have fat jowls, dull chins and brick faces though. Those aren't cute features. Especially not in profile Also you're ignoring her epicanthic folds you ape.

Attached: 1447612332071.jpg (800x807, 262K)

Why does cosmetic surgery have to be so expensive? Especially when you're a guy and you need it?

>you're the one comparing white cosplayers to asian characters for some reason

that's not me

who was talking about Aeris? This is about Tifa.

I'm american. I'm just not oblivious to the idiots surrounding me.

Isnt she Turkish? Thats not white.

Piss of roach

Tifa was never muscled in the original game. Fit, yes but never buff like a dude. Even footfags are more respected than musclefags, gays in desguise.

Attached: Tifa.jpg (666x950, 388K)

>Helena or Rachel
Sure some look Caucasoid. Usually the older girls. Non-moe women. Women with gaunter faces. This was already mentioned However younger, moe girls, even when they're supposed to be western are still modeled on their Jpop lolis. See and pic related.

Attached: 1535457070080.png (630x233, 157K)

Square Enix 3d characters are not white. Nor are they black nor asian. They're just Square. There's a distinct inhuman style in anything they've made since Kingdom Hearts.

Oof, now you've done it.

Not gonna lie, I'd definitely buy it if she looked like lower left, and I haven't even played the original.

>Even footfags are more respected than musclefags
you wish, homie

Attached: orc.png (1046x908, 322K)

So pic related isn't cute/pretty?

Attached: 1552939268198.jpg (1080x1080, 142K)

How often do Asian people have green eyes and red hair? Because those are features white people have and Asians do not. Ad hominem about purple hair or whatever is not relevant to the argument you're replying to.

Attached: ba2a3e1316d7c17589501040dea5fc72.jpg (1280x879, 175K)

Nice mutt there. That's not a white person with prominent Nordic features. This is.

Attached: 1557868885956.jpg (769x1038, 232K)

I don't get your photo, is it comparing lip shapes? Because if so, then you're kind of shooting your argument in the foot. Since Tifa has the Asian lip shape. Tifa also has the asian eye shape, only drawn large. Not every asian person has slitted eyes. The only uncommon asian trait Tifa has, is her slightly straighter than average nose. Which can even be argued is a rare trait among real Asians as well. Every other feature of her face is Asian pure.

>Ad hominem about purple hair or whatever is not relevant to the argument you're replying to.

Right, because you said so afterall.

Attached: animesz.png (1271x680, 1.36M)

In Remake sure. Not in AC/CC which is why the Japanese fans were complaining about.

t. tourist tranny

Attached: Resetera plix. V.png (1640x925, 2.32M)

Yes, Aeris. That is the character in question. If you're not following the argument then you can't expect any of your replies to be coherent.

The nose is barely visible because drawing noses on female characters can ruin the entire thing in no time especially from the front.
If artists could get away with putting down only 2 lines to draw a girl they would.

How many asians have red hair, green eyes, straight nose and angles facial features?

why do people keep acting like japanese cosplayers are more naturally beautiful as if Japan and other asian countries aren't the biggest markets in the makeup industry, which includes shit like concealers, foundation, shit that can literally modify your facial structures and make your eyes look bigger.

>I'm american. I'm just not oblivious to the idiots surrounding me.
It's not an American thing. It's a white thing. Not all of course. But the offenders are all white people who are confused about what they see when they look at Japanese works.

It's Aerith

>How many asians have red hair, green eyes
see>straight nose
they have cute anime button noses usually. Not a long beak like white women.
>angles facial features?

>There's a distinct inhuman style in anything they've made since Kingdom Hearts
PFF What?! Since Kingdom Hearts? Child, please, the adults are talking.

>posting a screenshot from one of those stupid videos
I watched one where they called a blonde animu girl with blue eyes a vietnamese cosplayer.
They're retarded, basically.

Why do you come into a thread and whine about people liking asian women?

Attached: roastie.jpg (400x400, 35K)

>How often do Asian people have green eyes and red hair
Are you fucking illiterate my dude? We're talking about skull shapes and facial features here. Why can't you read ?

>Ad hominem about purple hair
What the fuck, that's not even what Ad hominem is you ESL nigger. What I said about colors is perfectly fine for an argument since they do indeed use all sorts of colors to differentiate due to sameness of anime artstyle from one particular artist. Kadaj was white haired which is unnatural yet he was still modeled after an Asian.

I always hated that they made Marie Rose Swedish, she doesn't look like that and is just too short for a Swedish woman (I believe that Swedish women range from 165-180 cms)

I love this thread, got so many references, further refined the exact differences between white/asian female features and differences/similarities seen in anime

Good references for muh waifu character creation and Honey Select, thanks fags

The ideal is a mix of white and asian features which hey is exactly what anime pretty much is.

Attached: 1556759184504.png (1280x1798, 1.7M)

I've seen that video, its because the girl in question had a really flat, round face with a small nose probably. Us westerners have no problem imagining a white girl like that but to the Japanese she would have to look like an actual white person in order to look white.

>I watched one where they called a blonde animu girl with blue eyes a vietnamese cosplayer.
>They're retarded, basically.

still missing the point about hair/eye color I see.

She's not as cute as an asian girl. Look at that cutting cleft chin. Wide shark toothed mouth, and sunken eyes. If you were going to draw a cartoon of her, her features would be very pronounced.

>muscle girl hyper with no giant soft tits
I love tomboys but that's gross

>the only white female facial features that exist are strong jawed, rugged and Nordic


I'm not hearing any argument. "OH THIS ARGUMENT AGAIN" is not a valid rebuttal. All of these said attributes are that of caucasians, not asians.
>they have cute anime button noses usually. Not a long beak like white women.
Once again, you're not following the argument. A claim was made that Aeris in Advent Children looks like an asian. She does not. You don't even know what you're replying to.


Nose too big, chin too protruded. She looks fine but that's not what Eastern artists imagine when they think about their childlike neotenous cuties.

Attached: 1554201212138.webm (814x720, 1.53M)

So all it takes to turn a person from asian to white, is to bleach their hair?