how can we save triple a western games.. ?
How can we save triple a western games.. ?
by making more live services since those are what sell
stop spending a gorillian dollars on marketing
Why would you want to save them?
mordhau is fun as fuck aside from the 2 game modes and 4 maps.
why? this is one of those rare instances of capitalism working as intended
everything on that list is a sequel except for Mordhau and arguably Sekiro
27301 for a fighting game isn't bad.
Mordhau is doing great.
good bait image with the jap games and indie but nobody except for retards are going to defend western AAA
>arguably Sekiro
how could sekiro be argued to be a sequel
Is Mordhau even AAA?
I'm so proud of that RoR2 number.
Sequel to the souls formula with an established fanbase
>Sequel to the souls formula
It's a dumbed down Souls game with a different coat of paint.
>sequel to a genre
This is almost what you're saying.
I have been playing it for the last week. Played Chivalry for a long time. Either you "get it" or you don't. I will like having more maps and game modes, but it is a blast as is now. Combat has so much depth.
Make good games.
MK11 sold better than all of the games on the right, though. PC just wasn't the main audience.
Let them die.
Why do you think peak players = sales and that those games are Steam exclusive?
>Mordhau beat rage and MK11 ad Far Cry New Dawn
No one cares about consoleniggers, they're just there to eat up Fifashit and Fortnite.
>Three Kingdoms is the only game that managed to knock Mordhau from the top seller briefly
based, its up to consolefags to stop buying these games
Let it die user, just support JP games until the SJW ruin those and then end society.
It's because of valve's policy of no curation
Consolefags will never stop buying Fifa trash and other AAAshit, so don't get your hopes up.
Everyday I see a new way words can be twisted.
no it was made by 10 slovenian nerds