Let's you do literally everything you've ever wanted in a mario game

>Let's you do literally everything you've ever wanted in a mario game
>Autists still complain about random crap people never cared about

Is there anything worse than aesthetic fags who only care about superficial crap. Like you still have water levels you autists.

Attached: Screenshot_1-b3f1.jpg (1366x768, 135K)

Other urls found in this thread:


If we get a 3rd game that lets you put water outside of forest stages, those faggots will find something else to complain about. They'll never be satisfied.

am I the only one who though the goomba pile made a dick with the platform as soon as it appeared in the trailer


Attached: SMM_Costumes_List.jpg (592x867, 568K)

I can guarantee you that if Nintendo had somehow put in every single Mario element into the game, the haters would pull a Smash and start complaining why third party stuff isn't in.

Hopefully in the trash, where they belong.

>all four players pick up the same costume
"what's that, outlines? alternate palettes?
nah, just ditch 'em. the kiddies are still too dumb to figure it out"

>water in non water levels
>night time setting
>vertical sub areas

SMM2 is gonna be fucking great.

Why are autists not only assuming costumes are gone, but assuming they're gone because of multiplayer?

They could very easily still do amiibo and also have unlocks tied to shit like story mode, which exists now.

more like shit
fuck this game
i am going to make hate threads everyday here and make sure it flops

>free advertising

Attached: ridley.gif (780x430, 3.38M)


>>Let's you do literally everything you've ever wanted in a mario game
where is he? that's right, he got snubbed on his way home.

Hey, I hope they're still in too, I'm just theorizing.

> everything
Can you play as Luigi without multiplayer? You better fucking be able to.

It doesnt let you use the tablet and the tv at the same time like the wii u version, which is a massive feature loss to me.

I hope handheld building works well. Its trash for the Smash stage building.

I'm just hoping we get more styles even if it's DLC. Would be fun to get a Super Mario Land style and SMB2 USA style and maybe throw in a further option to change SMB2 to Doki Doki Panic.

130/jumpu girl is the best, prove me wrong. You can't.

What is she even from?

My complain is that this should've been the first one.

also the fucking powerups that were missing from the SMB3 and NSMBU styles.

Apparently, she's a Japan only host for a radio show in a DS game.

Attached: Yu Ayasaki.jpg (672x372, 49K)

The only things I'm so far disappointed about are the apparent lack of costumes (could be fun to make thematic levels from other series), no Koopalings and the 100 Mario challenge is nowhere to be seen so far.

And whats exactly so hard about "you cant put costume shrooms on multiplayer tagged maps" or "all costume shrooms are now normal shrooms when multiplayer is active"?
Rocket science


Mega Maker added more shit in updates than SMM2 adds in a less amount of time and is free.

You can't defend this.

>caring about a mario game

Dude, it's a fucking mario game. You guys put WAY too much attention to shit nobody cares.

They could just make it so that you can't have more than one of the same costume on a given multiplayer level. Not that hard to solve.

Mario Maker? *sip* Zoomercore.

Now Lunar Magic? THAT'S the way to make mario levels.

Attached: lmnew2.gif (580x561, 32K)

>Nisekoi is in Mario Maker 1
>Nisekoi was also on J-Stars
How does it feel knowing that pic related os canon to Mario and Goku?

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Well, for one, levels are only tagged when they're uploaded as far as I know.
Also, changing them to mushrooms could really fuck up levels that are specifically designed around costume mario's "small but can break bricks" thing.

>it's just a Mario game
Being a Mario platformer makes it better than 90% of games on the market.

Good luck having people and streamers play your kaizo levles


While Lunar Magic is superior in many ways, people are still not gonna use it because
>piracy bad
>hard to use for tech illiterates
>nobody is going to play your shit if you aren't internet famous

Attached: 1557242486969.webm (1200x675, 2.91M)

>new influx of kaizo shit and dont touch any button autoplay levels

It hurts

*boos level*

I never had a Wii U but I watched a lot of MM1 videos and I love her. If Nintendo gets rid of her in MM2 I'm gonna be mad.
So cute. I need it.

>hating kaizo levels
Better play some more of that epic 1-1 recreation level, right?

I'm retarded, does this mean you can make a Boss Battle stage with something like "Beat the Three Bowsers to win" and shit like that?

Too young to be talking about Lunar Magic like this. Drawing Mario levels in Microsoft Paint and doing level design in Happyland Adventures and pretending it was Mario was where it was at.

Attached: happy03.png (640x480, 53K)

It's stuff like "Collect X coins" or "Kill X of enemy Y" as well as stuff like "Don't take damage"

Why is everyone acting as if costumes are outright out of the game?

We have no real confirmation of this and I really don't think Nintendo has shown off everything there is to show. I'm not saying they're for sure in but there's definitely a chance that they're still there in some form.

>expert mode: every other level is kaizo, """speedrun""" or troll bullshit
>normal mode: simply too easy
I hope it doesn't turn out like this again

I think it's almost certain that we will, considering the tab says extra game 'styles' and there's space for more.
I heard people suggesting it could be an Odyssey style. At first I thought this actually made a lot of sense. For one, it wouldn't make more sense as the standout new style a sword obvious Odyssey is the more recent (and successful) 3D Mario, plus 3D World isn't on Switch.
But at the same time, it'd be extravogent. Plus, the Story hub seems to be based on 3D World. You'd think it'd be more Odyssey like if Odyssey were in.
I predict it's either SMB2, crafted/paper, or maybe even an outlandish original concept.

I wonder how Slopes work in SMB1 stages. I'm guessing you just can't slide in that mode?

There's also "don't touch the ground after jumping until the goal" which sounds fun as fuck.

>Autist complaining about Autist complaining about Autist complaining about Austist

Fuck my phone poster typos goddamn

isn't that essentially the same thing as making a stage one giant pit with enemies to bounce off of

Yeah. Could also be done with the cranes that fling you around, or maybe with walljumps (since walls aren't the ground technically).

Based as hell

costume mushrooms turn into modern colors pallet swaps in multiplayer, there it's fixed.

I hope he'll play my levels, bros.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 10K)

I hope no e-celeb plays my level because that means I probably failed somewhere

Not gonna happen. You gotta go through multiple moderators who only send him levels from their friend circle.

If gameplay was the only thing that matters, then you shouldn't have water in the first place.
Here is the trinity:
>Fun to play
>Engaging (challenging) to play.
It's a waste of the potential of the medium to strive for only kino or ludo rather than both.

What are some other good SMM youtubers?

Can you preorder the $70 version anywhere besides GameStop? I want to get it from NewEgg so I don't have to pay tax but not even Amazon has it

I wish they'd make an official stylus for the switch, I don't want to finger up my screen

I thought they did, but I can't find a version that comes with it anywhere.

pre-order bonus, pretty sure any stylus made for capacitive touchscreens would work though

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what was this guy even reacting to initially?

>this would be DLC is now a "new" entry in the series
>on a new platform
Keep defending Nintendo jewish practices while you keep making up reasons to own a console that looks to swindle you every other 10 years.

Star Wars I believe

snoylet or seething poorcuck?

Diehard Nintendo fans really are autistic. Thats why they nitpick a childrens fighting game.

> Overhauling the engine would be DLC

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Bought a Wii u and got burned.
How about "informed decision maker"?

The toads are already modern. Just let costumes work.

>let’s you do anything you want
>Sunshine, Galaxy, Odyssey stage makers not available


Multiplayer is not same screen. It only works on different systems, so whatever your screen is focused on is you. Not hard.

I think it would take a lot more effort to create a 3D level designer.

m8 you can't hope to bait as many people as the guy in the other thread.

You got all the replies you could ever want last thread fag.

I know that like half of Yea Forums has a collective IQ lower than that of two koalas fighting over the last nutritionally worthless leaf, but it's physically impossible for you to be this stupid.

why doesn't mario maker find me a gf?

Your levels aren't good enough.

I hope they're gone. They put in a lot of Jap shit that only Japs care about and 0 stuff from the west

Who is the camera focused on here then, smart ass? Imagine talking shit and not knowing what you're talking about.

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it's called a tempered glass protector.


so i know full-on 3d is a total pipe dream hehe but what if it's a straightforward 3d strip of an area like the normal 3DW style but it's edited in layers like LBP

>make sure it flops
lol. it's going to outsell smash in 2 months

>Nintendo isn’t willing to make a 3d level editor for their biggest franchise
>Meanwhile dreams is coming out soon
Nintendo could have at LEAST had 1 true 3d style

>informed decision maker
>bought a wii u

Mario. Clear pipes are weird with the camera sometimes.

>mfw when upside down kaizo levels full of hidden blacks and angry suns

Attached: 1542372957837.gif (400x300, 954K)

Im honestly more afraid of darkness levels
That's going to allow for a lot of cheap bullshit.

Just imagine some of the super expert levels of the previous game BUT with that shit.

Attached: [Reeeeing].png (209x255, 4K)

Are you pretending to be ignorant and retarded for the sake of shitposting or is this how you normally act?

Endless mode is gonna suck with all the possible bullshit you can get with the moon gimmicks. What the hell was Nintendo thinking?

Ignorant of what? The fact that the Wii U was a massive turd? No, I'm well aware of that.

>introduce new things to themes

Ungrateful, guess we shouldn't have gotten Night version at all.

>"You must collect 100 coins to win"
>put all the coins in hidden blocks


Attached: Devilish.jpg (211x239, 18K)

Next star wars film. Rey does a backflip over an X-wing or something and that's when he starts sobbing, putting his hands on his head.

>hold button to skip
Like fuck am I playing hide and seek in some 4th rate troll level.

>boos your level
Now what?

Attached: 1541584587423.png (588x508, 218K)

So, with online vs, are you ready to face off against 3 S rank or above Jap players and get your shit caved in because they mastered the art of platforming and have no mercy towards non-Jap players?

Then knowing that why would you not understand my point?
I'm not going to buy a Switch after what they did to everyone regarding the Wii U. Fuck them.

hopefully online matching segregates japan to their own servers

How can you call yourself an informed decision maker when you made the retarded decision of buying a Wii U?

I'm thinking of getting an 8bitdo for this. Worth?

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i fucking bet they added "boo" because they knew what they were unleashing.


What if Mario Maker incorporated Wario Land?

Attached: the_true_wario_land_4_ending_by_igotanewaccountomg-db8tu3z.png (240x160, 15K)

>he doesn't like costumes
y tho

>no Yoshi's Island

tfw looking forward to the music levels

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Not a Mario game. Do you fags even like Mario or are you just bandwagonning in the hopes your own favorite series gets a Maker?

>Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
>Super Mario World 2
>Not a Mario game
what did he mean by this?

They're like smash rosterfags. Total human garbage secondaries.

Nintendo does consider the "Yoshi" series seperately.


Attached: nintendo pepe sony wojak the weak should fear the strong.png (607x608, 456K)

Yeah, dude. I'm personally hoping for a Xenoblade maker.
Wasn't that only a localisation change?

>>Autists still complain about random crap people never cared about
It's just falseflaggers, seriously, no one who liked Mario Maker has anything bad to say about this one. Its just people who want to stirr up shit or make you think somehow everyone had a Wii U and now this Switch version changes nothing and is shit and whatever other crap


Attached: 1552842384891.png (1000x1209, 362K)

looks like the JP name was
>Super Mario Yoshi Island
so, they only added the "World 2" bit in localization.

Ceave gaming.

We saw the super mario bros 1 power up wheel, there's a mega mushroom where the ? mushroom would of been.

I can't stand this guy. I think his videos are interesting and he has nice ideas. But holy fuck the way he pronounces shit throws me the fuck off.

lunar magic is shit if you can't learn ASM

>Wall below:
I paid $ 60 in this game because I bought the Switch exclusively for it, but now I'm thinking better and there's no possibility that this game is not going to be a shitty broken mess.
According to Nintendo Direct, the only thing that separates single player to multiplayer levels is a tag placed by players. This means that theoretically all levels should work in both modes. This in advance already proves that the game's multiplayer will be broken. It can't work and players will have to skip 90% of the levels. Nintendo will say that it's a casual party game and that people should not care about this "detail".
The worst is that this is sure to reflect in the single player. Nintendo will have to change the operation of the game so that the levels supports multi-screen multiplayer and for sure this will reflect on imposition of extreme limitations on the editor.
This game is going to be a fucking disaster because Nintendo wants to force suckers like me to sign a shitty online service.
Oh, and the company will refuse to fix the game, considering it a high-value software. Maybe even throw a DLC with more content (which will further break the game) and put more paywalls in a game that costs $ 60 and is almost totally behind paywalls.
The funniest thing is that Nintendo is going to kill WiiU's Mario Maker, generating the wrath of a lot of players who earn their living playing children's games on Twitch.

Oh no, those poor wii-u streamers.

It sucks that they were all banned from buying the better game. I'm sure they're furious.

That tfw when they probably won't be in super mario maker 2 even if costumes come back

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I'm glad you can predict the future.
Shut the fuck up, idiot.

you'd do it for no monetary compensation

where are the console bundles MOOOOOOOOOO

Attached: 1472772250340.jpg (500x500, 14K)

ANyone who actually matters that plays this game are fucking loving the look of it. It's literally EVERYTHING the community of MM1 has wanted fo 3 years.

Vertical levels? Yup.
Slopes? Sure! Even conveyors!
New styles? Yeah!
New gimmicks like low grav and upside levels? OK!
Multiplayer online level playing? Yep.
Streamlined level browser, with comments, likes, dislikes and more? Fucking have it son.
Also, here's 100 mario mode done right, and have a story mode for casual playto leanr mechanics and shit, with hundreds of pre made nintendo goodness.

This is literally a straight upgrade from MM1. Nothing has been sacrificed. 'Gamer's are just a pathetic, crybaby cunt bunch that feel entitled to whinge at the tiniest detail.

Thanks for the free advertising retard
Stay obsessed

you know you have to beat it yourself to upload a level right?

The big 3 mario maker/mario streamers all have kaizo rom hacks named after them, often sequels too and love playing new kaizo levels, what are you talking about man?

Fuck off you 2 headed nigger

Nigga a wiiu was years ago

I forget, did Mario Maker 1 allow for levels that you couldn't go back in? Like how in SMB if you scrolled the screen past a pipe, you couldn't run back to try that pipe without dying.

Only if we can not lose them after being hit

Shitposting doesn't stop people from buying things you don't like you retard.

I’d buy it instead of skipping it

Yes, but that does not solve the problem of multiplayer. There is no way this game mode works even if the levels are separated into single/multi player (they are not).
Nintendo will use a random way of selecting levels, which means that the multiplayer is already dead before the game is released.
The single player will certainly contain limitations for the game to support multi-screen gameplay, which will kill the single player as well.

I want another 12 months for $10 but don't want this ugly ass red label on muh boxart. What do?

Attached: D6yZmQ4WsAA2yk6.jpg:large.jpg (1000x1619, 250K)

rip it out

No footsies no buy

So I'm gonna get this digital even though I usually go physical. Just makes sense for a game that I could potentially play for the rest of the consoles lifespan.

Maybe they're gonna have one of those double sided covers where you can switch them out?

co-opting your thread for a moment
gonna get a switch just for mario maker 2 (and probably more games down the line, if not I'll sell it) but I don't want nothing to play between now and june
looking at pokemon go bundles, so thoughts on that game?
red/blue/yellow are the only pokemon games I've played and enjoyed thoroughly

I don't think it did, though if you were autistic enough you could probably create gimmicks were bullet blasters would drop down as you went through the level to prevent you from going backwards.

I might be 2 sided like some other switch covers. You could also just print out the regular cover in the worst case.

This post comes across as if it was made by a 16 year old redditor.

Also notable members such as ceave gaming expressed dislike to water being locked to themes.

Also if people weren't allowed to talk about what they didn't like, we would never have gotten the improvements you mentioned.

I haven't played it but Let's Go is considered pretty mediocre. You don't want any Mario or Zelda games? Maybe Smash or Mario Kart? They're all good.

mario no, still not played sm64 yet
got botw on wiiu
smash no, smash4 was pretty dull, not my sort of game
got mario kart 8 on wiiu

bros we gotta make a new mario maker cover for user

Attached: 1558132339418.jpg (945x1533, 278K)

You might like Odyssey, it's not like playing SM64 first matters.

Go on

didn't like 3d world/land/the console one
or galaxy
they don't click with me, collectathons never really did

Ryukahr is prob one of my favorites. He's willing to do any bullshit super expert level blind and noskip. Same with SMW romhacks.

So many mario maker youtubers do skip runs of super expert, which defeats the purpose.

What did he mean by this?

Attached: mario loses something.png (566x612, 482K)

>everyone regarding the Wii U
All 16 of them

Yeah, right along Yoshi's Island and Donkey Kong Country

nintendo please hire me

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Attached: 4c16caeaa61cafe3ddbb6e6d6cbedba6.png (1057x596, 494K)

I can't wait to make those Marios.



Is this a lead up to:
>So long, gay bowser

I like Super Toad Odyssey more

There are several ways to do it. You can have levels with vehicles presumably, even if the car counts as "the ground" the flying vehicles won't. You can have gimmicks with the new claw machine grabbers all over, or levels with the wind blowers, mix in stuff like low gravity if you want too. There's a lot more design space than just "enemies every 3 feet" for sure.

Does his artistic skills know no boundaries ?

did they announce you can get this in US yet?

that's a shame, i really liked the levels in lost levels where you had to go through a subfloor to backtrack if you went the wrong way in bowser's castle. I was thinking doing one of those with the upside down level would be cool.

we could do a mosaic

Hey look its a super mario themed clit rubber

fuck yes
can a PSfag start one?

Attached: TqFcwIA.jpg (1000x1000, 431K)

What's wrong with wanting every asset and mechanic to be usable with every theme? What's wrong with wanting full verticle levels?

I wonder if Nintendo actually ever hired any fan game maker like Sega did

>on a new console
>literally double the level skins
>an entire new game type to make with it's whole set of unique building blocks
>a full 100 level story mode, more content than a full game generally gets
>multiplayer, both local and online, with both co-op and competitive
>dozens of brand new objects already confirmed, including fan favorite shit like slopes and the angry sun and new shit like the car and moon

Yeah sure it should have been DLC for the WiiU


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No, we can clearly see the camera following Luigi (slowing down when he goes down but quickly going forward as he resumes going forward) but making sure to keep Mario in frame as well, because it's multiplayer. Your bullshit is exposed, we know there's multiplayer because the camera here clearly confirms two players can be locked to 1 screen.

Attached: aedDxiW.jpg (1300x1804, 451K)

>What's wrong with wanting full verticle levels?
mostly it interacts poorly with the flagpole/goal line mechanic used to end most levels. even in Mario 3 the vertical levels they did have actually had horizontal overworlds with vertical sublevels so it really shouldn't be an issue unless the vertical level has too small a limit or something

>Can't string together levels in a world map
>Extra lives feel hollow to collect since there is a hard cap on 3 of them per stage regardless of how many are in the level
>98% of level makers are potato-tier intellects who either make shitty impossible levels, ebin troll levels with every sound effect everywhere, an empty level with a flagpost, or an autoplay level where you aren't supposed to move

Fun game

Attached: AsianPupper.png (685x1024, 854K)

Attached: 5wNczEx.png (500x500, 187K)

Needs more cunny.

Nothing, just a bunch of people happy they're being restricted with choices

my favourite

Attached: 1507331179936.png (1646x900, 2.67M)

What are some Local Multiplayer/co-op games on Switch?
I already have MK8D, Smash, DBFZ, TSR, Cuphead, MK11.

Attached: LqG2lnx.jpg (1520x2140, 531K)

Oh hey, I bought a Wii U as well! But I didn't get swindled at all, still play its games to this day, especially the first Mario Maker. People who think they got ripped off cause the Switch got a few ports from the Wii U don't know shit. Probably the same kind of idiots that actually sell consoles.

Attached: id5sviC.png (600x800, 663K)

any mario maker discords for sharing levels?

Attached: H9TC0S2.jpg (1210x1210, 262K)

Foxen sucks Simpleflips is where it's at

Was anyone else waiting for it to cut to footage of a basedlent factory/BLACKED porn?

Attached: 1556926848863.png (875x717, 654K)

Attached: 34om5FD.jpg (1500x2100, 618K)

>"people saying they will boo bad levels"
>"people will also boo hard levels"
>"also boo unfair levels"
>"also boo stupid levels"
>"also boo slightly difficult levels"
>"also boo long levels"

Lets just face facts, the future of Endless Mode is, Auto levels mode, very easy mode, and all the impossible troll levels. So you see, endless mode is going to suck balls hard.

This is fact. NEVER give literal children the power to push levels into obscurity

Literally just noticed that there was a Shaun costume, fucking why?

Nah, they string niggers along for years with no games in between. You're settling.

fuck you

>not booing auto levels too

They went out of their fucking way to mention that you need different systems to play multiplayer.so unless they straight up lied in the last direct I don't see that as being the case. I'd like to be wrong but I think at best it's for the level editor's testing only. Doesn't make sense for them to not advertise local at all in the presentation other that one 3 second clip.

let's get this over with.
sections are 309 by 300 pixels, i'll post the cover without the grid next to use as a base.

Attached: smm2grid.png (926x1500, 2.06M)

A-C for columns, 1-5 for rows of course.

Attached: smm2.jpg (926x1500, 300K)

thinking of cancelling my CTR preorder, getting a switch and preordering it for that
don't fancy paying for both ps+ and nso

Attached: 78945642.jpg (220x240, 14K)

Would it kill them to just show some new power ups?
Mini Mushroom, Blue Shell, Boomerang Flower, Mega Mushroom, Tanooki Suit, Frog Suit, Hammer Bro Suit.
There's a ton of fun to get from that stuff.

Make a new thread just for this at least


Exact. And this game is now available for purchase. Why the hell would Nintendo hide this information on the game's sales page?
I bought this shit and it is clearly written that there are only 2 players on a console, and the second player "builds" the level with you. It does not say "play with two players on the same console", says "build levels on two players on the same console".

No, its months, they string people along for months with no games in between, but nice work exaggerating.

My nigga I have Happyland Adventures installed right now!

Damnit, and I was just finishing my super fancy mosaic graphic. oh well

Attached: mosaic progress.png (1920x1080, 732K)

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>that cancelled Rayman costume datamined from the 3DS version

Attached: 1556309885535.png (1047x864, 701K)

>rent free

Aurateur. it's mostly on twitch, but uploads to youtube frequently

fuck that's way better
new thread btw

>hidden blacks

Attached: triggered.jpg (340x344, 15K)

I like Aurateur and ThaBeast. Both seem humble and sincere people. They do not scream like crazy whores like that CarlSagan fag does to fake false emotion and get more followers.