What's a good Artificer from risk of rain build? What would you change about this specific risk of rain 2 character?
What's a good Artificer from risk of rain build? What would you change about this specific risk of rain 2 character?
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Play someone else instead.
ror1 hostan
any risky one hosts?
Where's the content poopoo?
June 30th
I want it now.
Not like this
>June 30th
If you're just changing him, I'd give ice wall a bigger range and make the execute proc last much longer.
In general I'd add more items that scale better with high base damage. Or, since he's a very cool down based character, items that trigger when cooldowns reset would give them something useful to aim for.
>chad tier
>get't the job done tier
>obliterate yourself from existence tier
sweetie no
>bottom tier
>he doesn't know
Who has the bigger tits? Huntress or Artificer?
>risk of rain 2
Lemme know how that RNG manipulation works out for you, at least until you baby faggots swap to Command artifact whenever that releases just like the first game.
it's open my dude
don't sleep risky thread
Her flamethrower ability really needs to be something else. It's absolutely useless in mid to late game when standing still or being very slow is way too dangerous.
Just pull a fire spell from diablo 2 sorceress like hydra or maybe some sort of repel/push ability. She needs more help drawing enemies away or pushing them away.
Arti gets garbage scaling becaause enemy health grows way faster than player attack damage and virtually all of Arti's skills are low-frequency high-impact meaning they fall off like shit since they can't take advantage of on hit effects. This makes flamethrower the only worthwhile damage skill after a couple of loops but it has such poor range that it puts you in instagib distance.
>alienating all the male artificiers among us
good job shitlord
>brony and astolfo fag are mods on the official discord
what went wrong?
You can't be serious, hotpoo wouldn't do this to us, r-right bros?
>thinking Baby Mode is best anything
Sometimes I forget how pathetic casuals can be.
the fuck
in the middle of a run
is this a good item
why does it look so stupid
what a shit passive anyway
clearly this is bullshit
looks like a dildo
Huntress and Artificier are the best characters in this game.
You'll be able to find the followup, I'm sure
Trash upon trash.
okay, which one of you fags was it?
forgot pic
Ok, whats the best run you had that ended for bullshit reasons?
A 2 hours run as Huntress in Monsoon where I killed everything by looking at its general direction ended by an ancient lemurian that literally spawned inside me when I touched the ground and it instagibbed me. Like the fucker just jumped from the ground and I pretty much died instantly.
Not surprising considering that mods are trannies
elder spawned on top of me after I used my utility to get away from something else and immediately vomited fire on me
>all these tranny mods
>but Seventeen "If you can't block you're getting the cock" Uncles is still a part of the mod team
It balances out.
So, how does the syringe affect artificer?
she chucks fire balls faster, charges the shit ball faster, and the flame thrower does the same damage but faster
>What's a good Artificer from risk of rain build?
itty but perky tits, plump tummy, huge ass
So, nothing?
yea the burst mage type just doesn't work in a game all bout high attack speed and on hits
its fundamentally a poor design choice
If it made fireballs charge faster it'd be fine, but NOPE, thanks Hoppo
ummm no sweetie, you're just bad at the game :) get good honeybunches
This but unironically
I like artificer, well the idea behind her. But she just doesnt work unless you get a godrun. Most others you can get somewhere, even if your luck is shit.
this but ironically and with a lisp
get in here you sons of bitches
there was a ror before 2?
Can't cause ya banned mexicans
Nah it was a clever marketting trick, ror1 threads only exist to shine a light on ror2, showing the ''improvements'' they made over their non existing "first game".
it's the other way around fucko, they released 2 just so people would go back to the first game
t. Hopoo
Dead game
Vanilla, Monsoon, USA West.
Come play.
I don't get people who say artificer is garbage. I'd say she is the 3rd best character.
To thise who complain about her flamethrower : it pierces an unlimited number of enemies, every tick has a proc rate of 1 and is instantly cancelable by sprinting. You don't have to keep sprinting all the time even in lategame and can afford to slow down quite often to get a flamethrower off. I feel like a lot of people are too scared to get within 50 meters distance of enemies or bosses, when the vast majority of enemies in RoR 2 are not more dangerous in melee range than at long range.
Artificer is a character with which you need to be agressive, and can't afford to chuck projectiles with from 100 meters away while running from the mobs.