What game has the toughest learning curve?

What game has the toughest learning curve?

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You're making fun of him but I think this is pretty reasonable; I have had a PS4 for almost two years and I still get tripped up.

Bioshock Infinite

Why would someone hang their phone behind the TV? Seems like an inconvenience

I honestly think we take advantage of how accustomed we are to dual analog controllers.

Have you ever seen someone with no experience with video games try to use one of them? They almost never are able to use both sticks at the same time to move themselves and the camera around naturally.

>David Cage games are eas-

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probably put their tv in front of their phone?
you do realize tvs dont get hardwired when the house is built but phones definitely do?

I’ve only used a PlayStation controller a handful of times. It would probably take me a little bit to memorize the buttons too.

it's not his fault sony put the buttons in the wrong places

Bitch try playing Dead space one then jumping into two and figuring out they switched the heal button on you.

The first game that comes to mind is Tekken.
There is so many moves and strategy that it's overwhelming.

Surely, this is bait?

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>switching from Xbox to Nintendo controllers

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Dota 2 and Starcraft.

I feel I need something like this any time I play a game with Xbox button prompt. Fuck Microsoft for just taking the Nintendo layout and reversing it.

I have friends who grew up with them and still don't use them well, most often picking their thumbs up off the sticks for panning like lifting a mouse off the pad.

Online Tekken is pretty funny with how easy feeling it starts out and then you hit that brick fucking wall at green-yellow. Even after the changes that made ranking up much easier I still see tons of people just trapped there forever.

>Sony users are not brain damage-

Are people expected to know to immediately know arbitrary symbol placements by default?
It's especially bothersome to look down at your controller in a quicktime event game.

Wait a minute, that card..

i've never in my life ever had an issue with any controller scheme you just sound retarded bro

holy shit, what a brainlet

>Use sony controllers for several years
>Used to X on the bottom
>Can't find a wired dualshock for my PC
>Yes an actual fucking wired one not a wireless one with a charging cable you can use as wired, dipshit. NO BATTERIES.
>Reluctantly get a xbox one
>Almost everything instantly recognizes it, convenient
>"Press X!"
>Hit A
>Try to unlearn the sony layout
>"Use letters, not shapes... Letters..."
>Brain reverts to childhood with SNES controller
>"Press X!"
>Hit Y

I'm the exact same with xbox controllers, I played a fuckton of PC games with xbox prompts but they don't match my controller since I'm still using my old-ass dualshock 3. I constantly mix up A/B and X/Y.

it only took me a month of playing project diva f to learn playstation buttons

Only time I have this problem is when I play PC games with a controller, find myself getting tripped up by the buttons on screen.

I've had an Xbox controller on my PC for like 10 years and I still refer to the buttons as "X", "Square", "Circle" etc and my friend (who also has an Xbox controller) immediately understands as well.

Going from PS controllers to Xbox was a hassle, I still don't really remember which goes where, just the colors

I've been switching between nintendo portables and xbox controllers for over a decade now. easy

Wait a minute...

>Are people expected to know to immediately know arbitrary symbol placements by default?
no. don't know why you need a big sign telling you where they are tho when you can figure it out after a couple of days

It's 4 fucking buttons. If it takes you more than one minute to memorize the layout on every console you own, you need to seek help ans you may have a brain tumor.

are people really this retarded?

my gf gets stuck in corners in fps

This reminded me of how i keep getting the Y and X buttons on the switch controller mixed up fuck

so is this just something that was posted on reddit recently or?

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I actually think playing a shit ton of Crash Bandicoot 2 & 3 growing up helped me learn the buttons because of how much I used the slide jump. Slide jumping a lot helps you master O and X. Triangle is easy to remember at the top because triangles have points on the top and then square is just the remaining one.

Dorf Fort

It took maybe a week or two when I got a PS1 to feel comfortable with the layout. This isn't that unreasonable for someone new to it.

i unironcally want to watch this movie who made a good video to view

I accidentally bought a game called path of motua because of this.


what do you think? the majority of the posters on Yea Forums come from reddit.
the ones that bitch about reddit are also from reddit.

The more in-depth DCS modules like the F-18 and A-10 have manuals over 500 pages just describing how to operate the aircraft. You'll also need to know general aviation knowledge, BVR and WVR combat, how to map your controls effectively, etc etc etc.

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Test test.


>start using ps3 controller on pc for controller-friendly games
>all games give you xbox prompts cause the driver masks it as one since no direct support for ps3 controllers
>got used to xbox prompts for qtes in few days
can't even look down at my controller, but most game bindings have a certain "logic" in common
except botw fuck that game's default control scheme the buttons are a mess

I want to live this game's release again, it was a fantastic shitshow and that guide was the cherry on top of it all

The only time I get tripped up is when I go from playing my switch to my ps4, I keep trying to use O to confirm stuff but just end up backing out of whatever I was doing

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It's normal if he's a boomer, my father used to be like that back in the day when he played PS1

this seems like the type of person that has to look down at the controller every so often while playing any game.

my casual friend does this shit even when playing any of the mario games. like if you have to explain how to do a butt stomp, he would have to look down at the controller, check where the buttons are and slowly does the button combination.

for most of us it's muscle memory, it's just a matter of correcting X to be B or A or whatever mentally.
For Joe Normie a controller is a strange alien thing and he has no context for what the buttons are so yeah he's gonna have to look down to double-check where they are, like people who can't touch type.

Thank god I played Parappa and DAN or else I'd still probably have no fucking idea where these buttons are.

Honestly I dont care if you cant use a controller I immediately think you are a retard

That sounds like it'd be difficult to map to a dualshock. You'd probably have to use a couple of buttons as modifiers.

the person in the picture clearly has had different game systems though. even though playstation uses shapes rather than letters for their buttons, you should easily still be able to adapt no problem, unless youre really fucking retarded.



well yeah he's an idiot, part of it is probably because he's playing a game where you don't really fuckin do anything, if he played a fast paced action game he'd pick it up fast out of necessity.

When I was a kid I had to look down on the controller to see which button to press.

The only excuse I can find for OP is that he is playing an QTE game, however C'mon bruh. Its easy to remember

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>get to this part in the game
>reach for the guide
>start reading
>as I'm reading I already lose the game because the prompts came up too fast
what the fuck

Fuck I forgot all about this

hey redd.it check out this quirky thing i set up for the purpose of taking a photo

edit: wow thanks for the gold!

I want a new Order game soon. It had a lot of potential, but 1886 was shit.

Imagine being the guy who wrote this game's guide
>press X when the prompt appears
>press O when the cross appears
>press Square when the prompt appears
>repeat x10 (because the game is over by then)
easiest job ever

i always get those abxy buttons mixed. fucking xbox, nintendo and sega messing around.

Ehhh DBH has a few QTEs scattered throughout, the rest are dialogue trees

I have terrible memory though

if you handed me an xbox controller right now, i'd have the same fucking problem. i wouldn't need a chart, but i would need to check the buttons a few times.

>halo splitscreen
>little brother calls me a cheater for using both sticks at the same time
Good times

This kinda sums up the feeling I get whenever I see posts like this


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What game uses O to confirm? I haven't ever really dipped into PS but the games I've played all use X/squ


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I can't really imagine being this retarded and I'm an actual retard.

i wonder how old is that guy
maybe some 40 years old dude who never played video game in his life
or it's just woman who search for attention online

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>here's your controller, bro

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Yeah, I know that feel.
I can play games and know by heart what to do with certain buttons, but when the game askes me to press triangle or something I still look.

>this entire thread

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can you not remember
>this is the xbox layout
>this is the sony layout
>this is the oh wait nintendo keeps chaing their layout but its still easy as fuck to remember

Nintendo is the only ones that its acceptable to fuck up but even then you would have low iq

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>Need to know basic aviation

Go fast and pull the stick down to go up

Yeah, I've seen a 20+ year old chick who's almost never played vidya before try to play Crash Bandicoot. Watching her try to proceed was painful.

>look at controller
>remember where the four buttons are
>if you forget look at the controller again
>eventually you never even have to look at the controller
Was that really that hard

I had this issue when playing yakuza on PC where I was using a switch pro controller that has a YX/BA layout and the default button prompts were Xbox's XY/AB
ended up just getting the playstation input prompt replacer instead

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the sony X symbol in games and the xbox X symbol in games look different, you should be able to tell just from that alone

Same, really.

I grew up with PS1 so it's intuitive for me, but using Xbox controllers was a nightmare.

this further proves that the majority of the people on Yea Forums are truly casual faggots.

You have to have autism to play dcs.


It took my girlfriend close to 100 hours in Splatoon 2 to become proficient at moving in 3D spaces. To be fair, Splatoon 2 was literally her first video game, and she got into it just because she knew I liked video games and wanted to play them to get closer to me and ask me out.

I never had a problem switching between system controllers. I did however have a problem with using a controller in general.

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I have massive trouble discerning left and right. Somehow that also applies to PS and Xbox controllers. But not Nintendo shit cause the right one is usually the most used button. It's weird.

Based retard

What is this?

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kys retard
I show an ape the ps4 controller he knows every symbol and which one to press when he wants a banana
people like you should be gassed period

Nigga its a fuckin X

My first FPS was Half-Life on PC. I was always used to playing FPS on PC, and even after Halo, I never got used to console FPS controls.

controller made specifically to play a ps1 version of the board game "Life" it would seem.

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I dont understand gold, why would anyone give a shit, its not you who gets paid because someone golded your post

Its like if someone gave you a golden (You) on Yea Forums but hiroshimoot got to pocket the money, absolutely worthless

I’ve never had a problem with any console’s button scheme, but every so often I gut tripped up by how Xbox swapped the Y and X placement

you do get paid for gold on reddit. It means someone's essentially buying you a Yea Forums pass but for plebbit so they're throwing it in the garbage instead.

Just look at the controller and remember where the buttons are, you fucking mong.

yeah they're both an X but the buttons look different and the button prompts look like the buttons

An X prompt in a playstation game and an X prompt in an xbox game look different

is that what golds for?
does reddit have captcha?


Nigga its a fuckin X where X is in a different location on all 3 major console maker's shit. Also both are blue.

You memorized your controller layouts as a child (When I assume you started playing vidya) in less than a minute...

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Reminder that there were people from Yea Forums defending this game because its an exclusive

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I'm replaying Tomb Raider Anniversary on my Xbox One and fumbled a few QTEs because I'm not used to the Xbox prompts, so I can kinda understand.

>play game
>my brain sees button on screen and automatically presses with out fail.
>sees this post
>look at my ps4 and switch controllers
>realize switch has a y button.
>never fucked up a button input
Is it autism?

I did something similar with Xbox 360 buttons, since they're fucking swapped from Nintendo's buttons, which I'm a lot more used to.

Also the person in the OP is quite obviously not a child so your point is moot.

Here's your controller bro

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How do you control it?

she sounds cute
is she a good gf?

360 is a blue button with an X
ps3 and ps4 are a black button with a blue X
xbox one is a black button with a blue X but the X is a different thickness than the ps4 one so you should be able to tell the difference

Different person here but yeah. It's probably easier and faster to learn shit like that when you're young though, like it's easier to learn languages when you're young.

>MonHun Tri babby
>Bottom button is back, right is confirm
>Start playing FU
>Bottom button is now confirm, right is back
>import P3rd
>Bottom button is back, right is confirm, even though it's the same console as FU because Japan
>World comes out on PC
>play on Xbox controller
>mfw the fucking existential crisis that ensues when I'm constantly mixing up back and confirm, swapping them in the options, and still getting them mixed up
I couldn't even tell you which way around I settled on in the end. I've just accepted that that I'm going to struggle in the menus forever.

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Literally nobody defended this game. What the fuck user.

I can honestly say I've never got button placements confused when switching between platforms.

Really? I often fuck up between Nintendo and other consoles. Other consoles have the accept/deny buttons switched, which always gets me when I played on it for a period of time.

same here. especially since my cousins and kids[/spoilers] picked it up so fast as early as age 3

> but the X is a different thickness than the ps4 one so you should be able to tell the difference
I have seen the error of my ways, thank you mr. 'tism.

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Nintendo's ABXY layout has been the same for every console that has a diamond.

This, except with inverted Y axis.
Jumping between so many games during the Gamecube/Xbox and 360/PS3 eras where your almost always shit out of luck having any sort of rebinding options has permanently fucked up any ability to be able to know which way up is.
Generally I do OK where for plane controls it's backwards but for cameras it's up to move the camera up, but it mentally switching still happens from time to time.

I watched my gf play it and enjoyed it probably more than she did. The story and aesthetic were solid, it just wasn't a game.

Dwarf Fortress.

Victoria 2 or Heart of Iron 3 (I heard 2 is even more obtused but I only played 3)

Basically any game where, when you're recommending it to someone you also advise they watch an hour's worth of YouTube videos.

I get triped with american games, that put Ok on X and back on O, what the fuck?

Fuck I want this shit
No carpal tunnel fuckery
I'd shitpost with my mind and fap with both hands

How the fuck do you think, no pun intended.
I'm guessing you don't.

This, especially if you use many different controllers. I've used them all so I always have to re-adjust to whatever one I'm using more now. If for whatever reason I'm playing on another console, then once again I'm trying to undo the muscle memory from the last controller.

Nigger you know full well that's not how the fuck it works.
You trained your brain to recognize "X" as the bottom button, then that's your immediate reaction whenever it's prompted. It takes time to "undo" it and replace it with the new layout. Some do it faster than others but this would apply to anything. It's just how muscle memory works.

I'm not talking about OP, I'm talking about the person I replied to. Personally when I was a lad I had to look back down at the controller for couple days when I first got my PS2.
I'm confident you didn't memorized it in less than a 60 seconds, you're probably misremembering. However I also doubt you would ever admit your wrong, so whatever.

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>people can not learn spatial habits differently
sorry to blow your mind duncecap

Bunch of retards completely deny muscle memory to pretend to be superior.

Remembering them is not the hard part, it's making it second nature. You know where the buttons are when you stop and remember, not when you have to react without thinking in the moment to moment interaction with the game.

if it takes you longer than a minute you either grew up with bad parents or just plain stupid

I just said you can you absolute cock garggling faggot, but it takes time. What varies is how it long it takes for each individual but for everyone it will take some time to fully adjust.
This even happens from game to game. If you've been playing a game that has you pressing A to pick up objects, then play another game with the same console that has you pressing B to pick up objects, you'll likely end up pressing A instinctively for a while until you get used to it.
Don't know how anyone could deny this absolute common fact.

X on the side and Y on the top makes sense because of X & Y horizontal and vertical coordinates. but they had to fuck it up with wii u and switch where y is on the left and x is on top.

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Reminder that people with lower than 130iq should be considered retarded.

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It's not just dual analog, older people have problems with 3D movement with a single analog stick too. There's a reason why New Super Mario Bros Wii sold over twice as many copies as Super Mario Galaxy despite being a vastly inferior game.

>wii u and switch
It's been that way for WAY longer there buddy.

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I still don't get why playstation uses that retarded layout

What the fuck else do you think I would be doing to remember where they are?

Branding. They wanted to differentiate themselves from their competitors and it worked.

The only thing that trips me up is moving back and forth between PS4 and switch and suddenly confirm is the right face button.

Then ur retarded

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Abstract shapes aren't nearly as intuitive as letters of the alphabet. Even though Xbox and Nintendo have the buttons in different positions I never find myself pressing the wrong one whenever I play a game. With Playstation I always have to think twice about choosing between circle and square.

Also ABXY all roll off the tongue nicely. Circle and triangle do not.

That bitch looks like the sloth from Ice Age.

To be fair, the right face button should be confirm on Playstation and that was the case for games on the PS1. O indicates success while X indicates failure. Yet for some reason they decided to switch things around for no real reason.

You're not supposed to play it on a control, it's near impossible really.
You're expected to use a HOTAS in conjunction with a keyboard or sim peripherals.
Not the same guy, but:
>angle of attack
Pull the stick down and you'll probably go down, old pilot saying "To go up pull the stick back, to go down pull the stick back harder"
Flying upside down can also deprive engine of fuel and stall the aircraft. An autistic amount of things are programmed into that neat game.

>japanese game uses Circle/B as a 'comfirm' button and not X/A

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Sorry senpai but i'm not.
Btw know how i know you are

The only time I've had issues with button placements on controllers has been when emulating gamecube games and binding the buttons to an xbone controller.

It's Circle/A, (with A switched to B because Xbox controller), which ignoring microsoft, actually makes sense. O to confirm (which is the asian equivalent of ) and X to cancel, y'know, like any instance where you have to close a window or the like.
Sony had to fuck it up by switching O and X in the west for, whatever inane reason.

Is that Destiny?

Honestly this, I still mistake the A and B on my 360.

they thought it would cause cultural confusion. it seems retarded now but that decision was made in like 1993 when not only was there nowhere near as much cross-cultural influence as there is now, most people didn't even have the internet.

japan still has the reputation for being a weird place but back in the 90s people talked about japan like it was behind an iron curtain. the cultural barrier was percieved as being complete impenetrable. i mean, we're posting on a japanese underwater basket weaving anime fan club webforum, it was a retarded idea in hindsight

>the cultural barrier was percieved as being complete impenetrable
Seems pretty comfy.

This reminds me of heroic sindragosa. Had the symbols drawn on a piece of paper in front of me in order to remember where i was supposed to stand to not wipe the raid.

I refuse to ever use or play any Playstation game because of that stupid fucking controller. Buttons should be LETTERS not SYMBOLS.

yes, you retard

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Feels like Baba is You ramps it up pretty fast.

Opposite for me. I don't at all understand why Nintendo would put X on top and Y to the left. Gamecube fixed this but they reverted back and I still don't get why.

when they install coaxial wiring, they usually just follow it along existing phone lines in the house because its easier. alternate answer: after the telecommunications act of 1996 it became possible for cable TV providers to double dip and become internet service and phone providers and when you got phone service and didn't have a phone line in your house they just spliced it off of the coax cable which was hooked up to your tv

in both cases the phone ends up next to the tv

because the NES only had A and B buttons and when they added more buttons on the super nintendo they added X and Y on top of the A and B buttons like a genesis controller

was that hard to figure out

If you play one fighting game on a particular console, you will never have trouble with button assignments ever again. (Or an action game with a fighting system).
>Square/X/Y = Light attack
>Triangle/Y/X = Medium attack
>Circle/B/A = Heavy attack
>Cross/A/B = Jump or Special
It's baked into my soul at this point.