Lobotomy Corporation

Stop doing bad things

Attached: punishment.jpg (400x400, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:


An optimistic hero is what this facility needs.

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Is there any way to make someone survive the damn Queen Bee's shit?


with your dick

For me, it's the Big Bird.

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so can there be 2 captains for central command and do they give different bonuses or the same?

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Got a rooru of stuff I unlocked last run and cant decide which one to work with
Censored, king of greed or dimensional fuckboy


Attached: 1557505068051.png (820x1120, 1.74M)

the dumb happy bear is oneshotting my workers at the start of the day

Pretty sure they give the same.

>went in blind
>first run
>day 18
>not a single abnormality that is on a timer
>the two that require the most attention when working with them are the teddy and that fucking cherry tree
>three tools
>only 3 abnorms that can breach
>one of them is the little bird
>the other two are that boring prisoner and the scarecrow

At this point ordeals are the hardest part of my days, but I've somehow got a very bad feeling about this even though I might be able to complete the dusk mission straight away.

red shields

you're getting lubed and oiled up all over your body, but there will be a time where the game will decide to just take you raw without asking you out first

Can you automate tasks later on or is this game seriously just hitting spacebar every 20 second and then clicking the same few buttons ever so often

It's one and a halve

if you're good you don't even need the pause function at all
seriously, if I didn't have whitenight I wouldn't use it anymore

Employees don't take bee damage when send to working.
Send an bee infected working at an abnormality that does white damage.

Attached: 5_stages_of_lobotomy.jpg (1293x494, 176K)

>Turn music over for a break
>Nothing There Groaning
>Condemned Prisoner Grunts
>Wall Gazer sobbing
>1.76 MHz gunfire

Attached: Ear-bleeding-image.jpg (1100x716, 72K)

I love Melty. She is really well done. You can't do anything but lose the first person you put in her room. You have 5 in all stats and resistant armor? Lol good luck obtaining that good result! You have two chances to get the success increase or else it breaches and takes your agent with her. Fuck that

I got Snow Queen, KoG,1.76 and Fire bird all in the same place
Its fucking terrible

The only one I'm missing is Nothing There

>tfw got 3/4 of these on my first run
I just turned off the volume after a while, better than hearing panting from all directions while observing the info team

He sounds like a Fleshpound trying to take a shit.

>2nd trumpet starts playing
Awww yeaaah

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That sounds amazing

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I didnt have anyone die to melting love. I got lucky with her being in farthest corner of facility and just had one guy in there. He would keep visiting her and i executed all clerks in the department.

>He sounds like a Fleshpound trying to take a shit.

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>7th trumpet starts playing

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>day 18

How did you do good work on her. If you do anything but that it breaches

I love the amount of quality that this game produces.

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>He sounds like a Fleshpound trying to take a shit.
Fuck you, now everytime Im going to look at NT Im going to imagine him as a Fleshpound making a squat to take a dump

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Threadly reminder to read the instruction manual

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Bend over Malkuth, fuck her hard*

It's Hod turns your game into "How not to do it" video. Malkuth just fucks you up if you are not paying attention.

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Mercenary is Cute!

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I fucking beat my dick right in front of Queen of Hatred
Just fucking whipped it out and started jerking as hard and fast as I could
I don't know why I didn't it I don't know why I'm so sorry
She just stood there staring at me without saying anything
Her eyes fucking bulged and she stopped smiling
Didn't say anything at all
I panicked and ran out of the containment chamber and now I'm in the bathroom
Fuck I'm so scared
I hope manager wasn't looking
I'm gonna get fired
Fuck I don't wanna get fired
Please don't snitch on me magic chan I'm so sorry
Please don't Me too me
I'm so sorry oh god

Shhhhh, Plague Doctor is sleeping!

Attached: be very very quiet.jpg (1095x789, 188K)

You failed the insight work


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Hey bro give me a kiss.
I ain't going to snitch to skullbro or anything.

this game needs more hotkeys



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>That feeling when you instantly dab on it

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how do I make shooty man not kill half my dudes


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He has a good sense of justice. Maybe he wants to talk to people with similar interests

If you talking about Der, his bullet goes through the whole screen. His weapon goes through 1 room.

Finally completed Malk core suppression, random job assignment is not fun at all.
All of it while fending off Slime hentai and Magical Bitch. Only now i realised that all my V agents is my only friends in this cursed place.

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shooty likey blue

>Not just letting Slime Hentai fight based Queen


Reminder to call the Rabbits if all goes to shit.

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Guy with Vs in every stat doing attachment

Piss off, Miyo

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I honest to God don't get it! My guy has V in all stats and resistant armor and keeps getting 21-22

>watching LOB evaporate leveling Justice to make an employee competent enough to work on Der
Fug, is Hod the one I need to suppress for my agents to start off at a usable level?

They actually helped me in suppressing Gebura.

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NEVER use LOBs for Justice, except maybe last day. Always train it.

I suppose "get bent over like a shilling whore" technically served as a distraction.

If you dont have any higher abnormal than One Sin to work on Justice, thats pretty bad. Dont waste lobs on it, too expensive.

>losing your agents
>losing your hight level agents
You are playing this game wrong. It's not Darkest Dungeon.

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Who the fuck goes to the dollar store and buys their boss a cactus?

have like minimum 3 fortitude and .6 red res, like Fourth Match Flame's armor. I noticed when it means it gasses the department, it only ever picks from clerks and employees ASSIGNED to the department. Once I only had one deployed and I sent her to control, and she got infected, but none of my others I sent from control to training where bitch bee was.

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Sacrifices all his employees for day 49

You're heartless manager

Disney Smart House


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>just grind it out
Alright, gotta get these level 1 shitters to somehow handle being in the same room as galaxy boy
No one's dying yet, except for the time I forgot what purple noon did.

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>Yin and Yang on the same department

Get fucked

Attached: sticker (23).png (252x224, 13K)

What happened that suddenly there are threads about this game? Is there a sale or something?

Why is this questiong on every single LC thread?
Is it a meme or something?

Is Hods supression hard? Just finished Malkuths.

It's easy. Make sure to take good care of your ALEPHs.

>ywn be taken by wellcheers
>no more risking your life every time you step into a containment room
>no more fighting unspeakable horrors
>no more killer robots or carnivorous worms or FUCKING clowns
>just living the simple but honest life of a fisherman, sailing the seas with the lads
literally the best thing that can happen to you in this game

>Make sure to take good care of your ALEPHs.
I don't want to take any care of my two Alephs. Melting Love is to much bullshit and Nothings There too if it's anything like Malkuths with it's random containment works

Other than getting a beer vending machine, right?

I'm just honestly curious. I haven't played the game yet and after bumping into a few threads today I was wondering whether I should get it.

what the fuck was I supposed to do, it was the only way to face the fear and build the future

Attached: 1555113355717.png (278x255, 25K)

>Nothing There
>Hod’s core suppression

From what I gathered it just got out of Early Access and got a complete revamp in gameplay.

Few weeks ago some e-celeb made a meme video of the game

Then Domino effect happened and here we are

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Nothing There on the right getting triggered

It got outta EA over a year ago and the revamp was even farther back than that, what’s happened is that some Anons are spreading the game via word of mouth and now the people of Yea Forums are finally trying it en mass

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Reminder that all employees are precious

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This must be the work of an abnormality


It's A-OK to take a break manager, relax for a little while; after all it's time for the real game to begin.

Attached: It's okay to give up manager, I believe in you.png (692x577, 537K)

what's the point of doing work on object anomalies

>oh I like SCP but this art style is mediocre and fallout shelter/visual novel focus seems odd
>day 10
shit I got called out for talking about the art style
hope the sequel also has a banging combat theme


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This point keeps getting brought up but not once have I seen this video being shown or discussed
Everyone is here purely because of the threads

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So you learn their name and can avoid them on replay. They all fucking suck.

The notes
Flesh idol
Backwards Clock

I'd argue the stat increase machine is pretty good for fodder Level I's that need to do some Aleph work for whatever reason.

SCP Secret Lab players picked this up and are now taking back all the Yea Forums time they lost after wrongly banished to /vg/

You did what you had to I understand

I did kinda want to draw your a team survivors though in a victory sendoff

Any particular reason this floor had to be gassed?

Attached: Gassy floor.png (1197x469, 1.12M)

Spraying for rats.


So you don't instantly realize how shit CC is

Me on the left.

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>new malkuth lewds
oh boy

Attached: malkuth1.png (360x320, 17K)

It's not random. They're simply mixed up.

Proper technique is to fall back on your first 15 minutes and test which corresponds to what on safe anomalies before moving on to making energy.

Doesn't help that at the final stage, you aren't allowed to cancel work.

>yesod suppression is literally just fucking with th screen
That shit is not an actual obstacle but annoying as fuck
Even that retarded malkuth could become a potential threat

me on the right

Which one?

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Clown under Yesod is literally the hardest boss during early game

Yesod's suppression is about punishing a lack of knowledge. If you can't eyeball your best employees and remember the right works for your anomalies, he can be frustrating.

Me on the top

>Punishing Bird escapes
>here we go again
>attacks the guy with the umbrella

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>the burrowing heaven lives inside the targets eyes

Attached: Uhoh.png (68x40, 5K)


All of them, preferably

What? Where?

I learned it the hard way. Thank god i guessed right all the time when Censored melted.
Several restats and one time game crashed right at 5 level meltdown.

gold or broke

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Here we go again Yea Forums
You know the drill.

The usual place

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Hey i know this artist, they made the whole female Sephirah cast with their bare tits out, guess they couldn’t help themselves to go the whole way now.

I felt physically sick and stressed after playing through that for an hour, easily the worst part

thats some good shit user

Attached: 2.png (652x560, 196K)

Golden wrap chocolate of course

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Big Bird is here! Say something nice!

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How much drugs is netzach on at any given time?

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Seems risky getting gifts without knowing what they do, but I like the sound of a healing brooch (no idea when it heals though).

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Fuck grinding for justice


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At least one dosage, plus whatever beer he can down

Testing this Tea GIF

Attached: Tea.gif (708x705, 458K)

>burrowing heaven
haha, time to go back to day 1!


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Me watching with Angela

What abno gave you the most trouble?

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it's satisfying making the clowns look closer to rudolta.

Attached: Clown paste.png (913x756, 664K)


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It's a minor version of Child of Galaxy's pebble. It's mostly useless in combat, but can make the difference in a rough work. Consider it a low level regeneration.

This is the face of true evil.

Attached: 1555823006626.jpg (2048x2037, 214K)

We're just making sure our dear employee doesn't go nuts or anything haha.

Probably Mountain of Smiling Bodies, most of it was my fault for not stationing enough gigachads outside his room, but fuck me if he got his hands on clerks my day was done for

Who else

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Parasyte tree


the first real deal breaker to me was scarecrow

once i understood i needed specific trainning levels it all clicked in. hes still a fucker tho because i literally needed new meat every time some crosswork was needed

Sleep tight, big birb

Maybe the bees or multiple ones that control people, I kept having 6 people (almost always the best ones) get controlled before realising how to snap them out of it. I thought it was Apocalypse or White night doing it, so restarted since too much was happening.

Attached: 33 man suicide squad.png (1594x347, 1.13M)

So far Censored since it's a SP/Black defense check. Queen of Hatred's armor does help but I feel like I'm missing something for guaranteed survival when it gets to -6%.

First one that fuck me was Yin & Yang, then Borb and now CENSORED

I restarted because of fetus.thus far I try to play the game with hopefully 0 deaths every day so some fucking whining brat that requires one totally random employee every time you get less than a fucking perfect work on him was just kinda enough.
I also started over because of bald is beautiful early in. I just couldn't comprehend it. I know its probably not even a threat just something about it was removing my will to play the game

Go ham on censored
>Information Team Captain
>EX temperance
bada bim
bada boom

First one that made me restart was Dreaming Current when it breached and fucked me up so bad
How is that motherfucker zooming on LSD, should have been heroin

Phoenix. I still cant beat his ass to get the weapon, the cunt goes back to his room way too fast


Did the user that worked on this make any more? Shit's really good.

Attached: 1557666055415.png (1931x697, 325K)

Saved a picture with a few more, such as a hyena.

Attached: lobotomy corp drawfriend.png (1352x928, 454K)

ayyy thanks user

Attached: 1557516813552.jpg (509x617, 98K)

>new anomaly
>looks like a shitty furaffinity OC
>read tips
>almost memory rep right there and then

Attached: 1549366351695.jpg (233x246, 17K)

Big Wolf?

Little Prince or Melting Love?

I have no execution bullets so this is a tough decision.

Attached: 1558085801003.png (1000x1000, 182K)

little prince is perfectly fine, just change up who works on him

Slime Hentai?

Prince for sure

Attached: 1557686479573.jpg (1024x1024, 109K)


>Suppress Hod
>Flood my departments with almost-chads
>Stop paying as much attention
>Agents start dying from stupid and entirely preventable causes
>Can't give a fuck because they're just 1lob

I hope you got Little Red

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he might be bad user :^)

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this game fascinates me because i have zero understanding of how to play it from these threads, how does the gameplay even work, what are the goals?

Christ, my fucking training team has it cut out for them.

>Beauty and the Beast
>Happy Teddy
>Little Prince

Attached: 1557692622831.png (202x233, 75K)

grind abnormalities
reach certain goals
settle for a waifu
don't worry it's the wrong one and a jealous ai tries to kill you

I'm on day 40 and punishing bird is still annoying holy crap.

Become korean

You make energy by interacting with anomalies. You have an energy quota for each day.

Your job is to meet that quota while figuring out each anomaly to avoid accidents, breaches, deaths and derangement. You do this through better equipment researched from these anomalies and through better handling through good old fashioned critical thinking.

Every X number of works, you have a meltdown that requires you to complete work with a specific anomaly, preventing you from 100% ignoring anomalies that you have finished research on: You still need to be capable of working on them at any given time. Sometimes, instead of meltdowns, you get an Ordeal, where a unique anomaly attacks the facility and you have to respond.

Beyond that, train your people, learn the ropes, face the fear, build the future.

I'm about to fill the plague doctor's clock so I can clear Binah's mission where you need maximum observation level
I'm assuming every blessed employee dies but what happens if I don't let them work that day?
Do they still die?

Attached: 1557526535685.png (1280x720, 270K)

It's like a disgusting fusion of A and Angela.

while I can't answer your question with 100% certainty, I can tell you that memory repository back works to bring them back to life

Try to get Little Red and enjoy the show

Attached: D3Z7qZIUIAAy_mC.jpg (783x1200, 122K)

Whats with Army in ~~Pink~~Black ZAYIN/ALEPH risk level? Also, its my first ALEPH.
And how do i use Mirror of Ajustment right? What happens if i train 1 guy all day ant then use it?

What makes you think it isn't?

>*stock cartoon running sfx*

Finally unlocking disciplinary, trying to decide who to lock in as the first abbo of the week, schaden or 0-03-88

>And how do i use Mirror of Ajustment right?
Mainly to give justicelets more justice, since it costs triple the LOB.
>What happens if i train 1 guy all day ant then use it?
Still gets the stats after the changes.

03-88 is nice if you send someone with decent work speed on it.

Is it white damage on it's weapon ? So far all my WAWs except Jbirb are white and I'm hoping it's red or black

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Reminder that Melting Love did nothing wrong.

Child of the Galaxy's gift is really good. Makes a huge difference when working on the dangerous anomalies

>give me a hug, user
wat do?

Attached: 1556781117567.jpg (756x857, 324K)

>dont touch me
>click it over 9000 times
>game crashes and closes

this was fun, I seriously chuckled

Turn into a slime. After all, you would do this out of love.

Get the Flammenwerfer and make my peace with God and Manager.

Attached: 1344634502941.jpg (900x519, 95K)

so, after starting the game and continuing, I noticed all my employees have been romoved of their weapons/suits, and I also have lost a few of them


Imagine going to the beach with the abnormalites

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>Melting Love having feet

I want to take Laeititia to the beach!

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Whats wrong

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I wish there was more art like this for this game

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Another day
Another attempt at day 49

Guess today's results !

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Well, that was far worse than I expected it to be.

>day 38
>five (5) alephs
I'm in for some shit aren't I
is this a normal amount to have at this point?

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to what


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Goddamn Army in Black breaches every purple noon, awesome. Kill meh.

>cheers to the start

Attached: 1555037100377.gif (398x421, 964K)

Violet noon is just a pain in the ass in general

Well, it can be negated by moving everyone to safe locations. Now its nearly fatal for day progress.

If only you could control Clerks

execution bullets

Did you memory repo when you shouldn't have or ended a day with dead people? When people die, you lose their equipment and need to buy it again. If you memory repo or end a day with those people dead. They'll come back without their equipment.

Attached: WoodsmanSmack.webm (1280x720, 1.51M)


Yeah, i mean before army in black i gave no shit about clerks. Now i have army which i COULD prevent from breaching by intentionally breaching weaker abnorms. But i have Lil Red who will breach then.



Attached: the whole damn crew.png (701x397, 404K)


please do not bully the birb

This fat fuck breached during an Ordeal, he deserves everything he just got.

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I made angela get comfy for friday night

Attached: Pajama Angela.png (1113x1985, 646K)

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>Big Bird breaches thanks to second trumpet
>It's the second trumpet cause Big Bird breaches
How many times do we have to teach you this lesson?

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i want to tuck her in

Attached: 1558045274449.jpg (720x720, 295K)

>watching an abnormality guide video
>dude is doing a calm narration
>is cut off mid speech as Express Train to Hell screeches across the screen
>3 employees die
>big bird escapes
>brief pause
>continues monologue like nothing happened

Attached: 1533780814546.png (322x268, 6K)

just keep trying, if I was able to do it, then you are too

where did her breasts go?

>That mouth

I just hope I can beat it before the sequel comes out

Attached: 008.png (1000x900, 88K)

>mission requires 8 pieces of aleph gear
>have 7
>only aleph I haven't looted the fuck out of is SILENT ORCHESTRA

Attached: 1557272698208.gif (216x150, 1.98M)

holy FUCK I want one so bad

Attached: 1501218871789.jpg (152x169, 9K)

sounds funny, post

just do it at the start of the day. energy doesn't matter at this point
although you should be able to beat it with 7 sets of aleph gear


>judgement bird sword and weeb katana duo parked beside it as curtains open=1/2 health bar
>2nd movement begins, pull them out and call in a zerg of clerks packin black weapons who are waiting in the hallway beside it


Attached: sdvsdv.jpg (1736x1284, 1.47M)

why a random employee dies at the end of the day, after I click "complete work day"?

Check your tools

>the tedium of having to get rid of all the Office Clerks every fucking reset to not let out Smiling Bodies, Scarecrow, Swan and monk

Attached: 1557543454846.jpg (518x399, 50K)

>let every single abnormality out with the safe room
>melting love completely fucking walls nothing there
>butterflies gets instagibbed by the orchestra

>der whatshisface fires a shot off the screen

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Attached: UH OH.png (343x265, 45K)

What happens if i ignore meltdown of tools? Mirror of ajustment for example.

you lose energy

Nothing There?
More like
Dead over there lmao

Attached: binah_by_solarboyaaron-dc41iwu.png (350x600, 50K)

How do i deal with long birb. Pale damage a fuck, i got lucky and the only guy who can work on him didnt die for once.

laetitia's pranks are cute AND funny!

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Use the portrait of another world
Keep sending employees to One Sin

Knight of Despair's armor resists pale, try that and max temperance for least damage and max boxes. his gear is aleph-tier and is really good though so he's worth working.

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oh my sides

Attached: b96.png (800x960, 1.5M)

What do you think attachment work with her is like haha

There is only one way to find out

Attached: 06.jpg (750x750, 428K)

I have never even gotten portrait
i got monk's armor which is the best i got for pale

no, it's long bird that has the aleph-tier gear

no, bird of judgement has aleph gear

No they are not, shes a monster who wants to use you to release another monster.


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It's that time of year Yea Forums

The winner is...tripfag !

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I've come to make an announcement: Nothing There is a bitch ass motherfucker. He pissed on my fucking employees. That's right, he took his skinwalker fucking quilly dick out, and he pissed on my fucking employees, and he said his dick was "T H I S B I G", and I said "That's disgusting", so I'm making a call-out post on my twitter dot com. Nothing There, you got a smaaalllll dick, it's the size of this Punishing Bird, except way smaller... and guess what? Here's what MY dong looks like.
That's right, baby, all (CENSORED), no quills, no pillows. Look at that! It looks like two [DATA EXPUNGED] and a ----! He fucked my employees, so guess what? I'm gonna fuck the Facility! That's right, this is what you get! My super (CENSORED) [DATA EXPUNGED]! Except I'm not gonna [REDACTED] on the Facility. I'm gonna go lower. I'm [DATA EXPUNGED] on THE CENTRAL COMMAND CENTER! How do you like that, Tiphereth? I -------- ON THE CENTRAL COMMAND CENTER YOU IDIOTS! You have 23 interactions until the [DATA EXPUNGED] hit the fucking Facility, now get out of my fucking sight before I (CENSORED) on you too.

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So, im on day 20, cant make it past noon cos army in black. Any tips? Considering restart from day 1.

Get his gear then memory suppository that bitch away

I say restart

>Hod’s suppression
>keep getting fucked by CENSORED, Blue Star and Queen of Hatred
Is it rewind time?

Attached: image.jpg (720x767, 153K)

have you tried not letting clerks die you fucking scum? they're humans just like you, just because they may not have actual names doesn't mean you can just let them die.


Attached: clerks.png (516x748, 154K)

>oh no the clerks are dying and everyones breaking out
just execute all the ones that are near ordeals and breakouts when they happen, boom problem solved

Attached: tearsandfears.png (125x128, 31K)

What fonts does this game use?

This thread need more birds.

Attached: 74093480_p0.png (700x600, 472K)

Attached: bird.png (600x600, 13K)

Borb you mean

Attached: 74575628_p4.png (1010x1010, 254K)

so, hypothetically, what would happen if justice birb just happened to be in the same hallway where der shoots-a-lot is firing a magic bullet?

Attached: forest birds.png (2240x1412, 825K)

>Day 42
>Just got my fourth ALEPH finally so I can do the dinah mission.
>All in one day.
>Newest ALEPH is SO
>Breaches twice, knock him out before fourth part both times.
>Army in Black is guaranteed to show up and deal with him too.
>Decide to knock out Geburah mission since I only have one more ALEPH I need to take care of.
>Choice is between Nothing There and Blue Star
>Haven't seen what Blue Star does yet so decide to release him for the mission.
I do believe I've chosen poorly.


>Haven't seen what Blue Star does yet

>get someone with SO's Decapo suit + ego gift
>take 0 damage from Blue Star and suppress him flawlessly
otherwise pause a lot and use your SP bullets


Attached: BlueStar.png (1000x1117, 745K)

headpats and listening to her music box

would you?
i would

I did it with BS Censored and fucking SO. It's a bitch but you gota pray to RNGesus to give you a shit ton of ordeals instead of melt downs. Had Censored escaped and kept working through it. Was able to complete it before SO finished their performance.

I got both knocked out on the same day. I lost half my facility but I still have all my turbochads and nearly 200 LOB, so the sacrifice was worth it.
And how exactly does one take 0 damage from blue star. I know what SO's ego gift does but blue star is facility wide damage isn't it? Can you avoid the damage by making employees walk between hallways or something?

>when you meet the energy quota just before SO finishes third piece.
Greatest butt pucker I've had yet playing this.

it doesnt do that much damage, you can jew it with elevators if you need to, but theres no reason not to zerg it and execute all the clerks before they get SUCC'd while pumpin your gigachads full of SP

Remember to pay attention to your Sephirahs

Attached: 72556549_p0.png (768x1024, 291K)

The fuck is this game?
Is it comfy?

The comfiest

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If you get pic related
Your employee will absorb all white dmg

Attached: EGOGiftDaCapo.png (83x92, 4K)

looking to buy this maybe. give me a reason guys

may go to steam trade and just buy it cheap

Early on?

Attached: 74575628_p7.png (900x1200, 411K)

its fun

Attached: 4.png (836x508, 39K)

Imagine running your own SCP facility from the ground up and thats basically (not entirely) Lobotomy Corp.
It is at times comfy, but at other times incredibly intense.

>I know what SO's ego gift does but blue star is facility wide damage isn't it?

>>I know what SO's ego gift does but blue star is facility wide damage isn't it?
Oh right, its range is the whole fucking place

I want to do QoH in missionary position!

Attached: 1556480856774.jpg (977x1200, 185K)

>ywn cuddle QoH and help her out of her bouts of hysteria.
why live

You mean anal mating press.

Fellas, I'm upset. I beat Red Mist suppression on my first go, closed the game on the next day's loadout menu, then relaunched later and it didn't save. I'm back at the beginning of the prior day and am now 4 retries deep. No crashes or freezes or anything, ahhhhh

Is there art of QoH in a hybrid of her two forms? Kinda like a Lamia?

>check out the Library of Ruina trailer
>looks more fun than LC
>my nigger Nothing There is likely to be in the game in some form since someone has a scythe that looks like his EGO wep
Holy shit, bros....

Attached: 1554053393873.png (488x495, 420K)

Why can’t we hug our employees?

>showing any empathy at all towards disposables

unamed enployees are literally fodder for MoSB
named enployees are not gonna live past day 51
the only one who really did cared was the procession of dead butterflies.

he needed more butterflies, you see.


No luck pal...
But I'm gonna leave the QoH tag if you something catches your attention


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Angela did nothing wrong desu. gotta crack a few eggs to make the omelette.

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Attached: Judgement.png (512x267, 27K)

Imagine getting so pissed off that A wouldn't fuck you senseless every night so you screw over his dream and humanity just to start a library.
good taste in music though

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Long boi is loooong

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Diggin that tune

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Reminder who best Sephirah is

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She's got a nice hair

Attached: 10.png (256x256, 11K)

>reach day 50
>new room
Is that who I think it is? Is she ok?

Attached: D4EB3371-6AFA-4959-BE55-FA6B00EC76AE.png (512x512, 233K)

I haven't played this game but curious: is that the same character throughout the gameplay? Like the soul is transferring between bodies, or am I misunderstanding how that works?

Becoming attached to your employees is unbecoming for someone of your position Manager.

Its just the particular art style of the artist. Theyre all different people

>finally complete central command core suppression after multiple attempts and failing at the midnight ordeal
>lost no agents
>good meltdown rng so hardly any troubles
>game crashes upon going to the next day
>all that work gone

it hurts

Attached: plankton.gif (360x360, 2.51M)

That's not Malkuth

Attached: 73280109_p0.png (1127x1187, 348K)

Her nervous system is floating in a giant vat, you tell me if she's ok


Attached: 1524363810919.jpg (540x543, 32K)

I mean is she still alive
Jesus christ this game is an emotional wild ride

did you missed what manager is?

If you can consider that alive yes, but no chance of ever recovering.

I keep seeing threads for this game. I sit fun? I guess people will say yes but why is it fun?
t. in the market for a new game.

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Go away familyfag

Not until I get answers.

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The scariest one here is the apple to be honest.

Its like the image you just posted. Under the guise of cutesy imagery lies a grim world filled with despair and a cinnamon roll

This would work great as a Darkest Dungeons mod.

i find amusing to think thats greeds portal in the back

its frustating

>add alephs to DD
>add random tool abnormalities to the hamlet and dungeons

It can be great fun, but it's also not for everyone. The general thread consensus is to pirate if you're interested, go in as blind as possible, and then buy if you end up enjoying it.

You poke not!SCPs for energy while meeting what their needs are to prevent them from getting out and slaughtering everything in their path.

Attached: justitiatar.png (198x264, 57K)

I figured it was pretty dark.
I'm too fucking lazy to pirate so i'm gonna just buy it, it looks fun. Thanks for the answers family, i'm out of this thread before I get spoiled.

Attached: G41Bless.gif (500x500, 750K)

its like SCP and DBZ had a baby
except theres also a hint of the sims

Based EX Employee


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Hows DD treating you. Never going back to /gfg/
Queen of Hatred!

Attached: 2F3E4588-7323-4CD4-A8CC-7CC385A4C2B3.png (343x295, 193K)

Pretty good, got two exos, all the event dolls and I'm getting my 10th echelon ready for ranking, costume gacha is destroying my soul tho[/spoilers]

no more grinding after you suppress hokma lol

Attached: 7.png (1478x882, 227K)

Once you know the ins and outs and known who to take and not, it's pretty relaxing.

Attached: 87970.jpg (648x680, 146K)

>suppressing chesed core
>silent orchestra requires attention
>screw up and send my main, thinking she can handle the augmented white damage
>1 box away from success she enters in murderous panic
>send my whole white team to save her, covering them with pale shield bullets
>slow her with bullets as well
>shes still ultra fast and ultra strong
>she instantly breaks the shields and kills the melee team without a chance for healing with bullets
>retreat rangeds
>send them again with both red and black team to stall her
>she reaches them almost instantly and kill half the team in 1 hit
>retry button

She's cute! Cute!

Attached: QoH2.gif (304x248, 2.26M)

>Suppress Hod for her bonus
>Do Yesod right after
Can't see shit but nice, two core supps. Next one is the green hair guy, the ALEPH gear from my first run is making these early supps easy.

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Why can't I hold all these EGO gifts?

Attached: Binah.gif (800x450, 255K)

I have a very important question.
Does Binah gain brouzouf?

Attached: 52E5DE7E-3F6C-46DA-B3ED-3685558D51F3.png (472x497, 61K)

>mfw I thought Netzach was a cute depressed girl at first

Give me beer manager

Attached: NetzachFullBody.png (559x1641, 156K)

(S)he can still be for you

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Her legs are okay.

netzach more like nutsack lmao

Holy shit... based!

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my sides

Attached: tiphereth2.png (360x320, 19K)

No lewding her (male)

Don't you mean bear?

nigga, literally avoid excite him too much and you'll be fine

this one is really cool

I want to kill the fag but he retreats too quickly to catch him

What the fuck do I need to sacrifice 3 employees per day to satisfy magical girl?

Fiery bird has a weap? Fuck me I just restarted

>What the fuck do I need to sacrifice 3 employees per day to satisfy magical girl?

Yep. Rev up those execution bullets

execution bullets, you could also let something out to kill the clerks

Attached: 1558024532702.jpg (1280x1704, 351K)

But there's plenty of more disposable targets everywhere in the facility

The sub-human one yes

Seriously? There's no way to just restore her counter?
Time for my first reset I guess

slow bullets, or use weapons that apply slow (Mountain of Smiling Bodies Wep works, so does Snow Queen's and I think Melting Love's does as well.) then stick all your gigachads after him and it should work fine.

Be nice to clerks, they have feelings too.

If you don't have execution bullets, Der freischütz is your friend.

Attached: Ma Boi.jpg (500x281, 52K)

t.Beta 12

>Memory recalling without unlocking everything
I don't see bright future ahead of you Manager

unlock all the managerial tips dumbnut. QoH is pretty easy to keep contained.

how do I suppress gebura without cheesing, My shits getting pushed in even at her second phase

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whose head is apocalypse birb supposed to be holding?

To all the clerks in the facility
Ive secured some EGO suits and weapons as well as abnormality data. Join in the great clerk uprising. Those bastards wont see it coming

Attached: 39104FED-5089-4784-B6F6-39711F990164.gif (500x400, 78K)

just sit in the bunker and let the abos take care of her

make sure to take off your armband since there's a chip in it before putting on armor and weapons

Attached: 1557548884666.gif (640x512, 60K)

what's your strongest gear rn?
Do you have Little Red or Army in Black? They can help if you're are having trouble.Red can tank while Army can give you defenses and healing. Army's counter will recover when Red dies from Gebura. Though you might to clean sweep the clerks so he doesn't escape during the fight.

I dont have slow bullets, I have only two HE monsters that can breachand Im farming the Snow Queen right now, I like her alot
>then stick all your gigachads after him and it should work fine.
The bastard insta burn alot of my dudes, even with WAW armor and red resist they get toasted for some reason


Attached: 1557566347436.gif (640x480, 1.5M)

a couple of aleph shit, I only have Nothing There and Orchestra abnos, One gets insta gibbed while the other only makes my guys insane

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> Add all the abnormalities
> add EGO equipment and tool abnormalities
> Goal is to capture abnormalities and bring them back to hub
> Captured abnormalities can reduce stress, heal diseases, buff employees if interacted with before a mission
If only

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Anyone here call the rabbit team just to see Myo’s cut ins?
Remind me again why they actually have rabbit ears

*taps mic*

May I have your attention Clerks and Employees of Lobotomy Corporation....




*mic feedback*

*i step away from the mic to take a breath*


Attached: hologlamCG-resources.assets-4562.png (1920x1080, 774K)


Myo probably thinks that they accentuate the outfit

Attached: Myo.png (400x1199, 216K)

S-Purple made them, that jew will pump a mod when people figure out how to mod the gamethen he will nag to other modders :^)

So i have been playing for first time with no mayor problems and reach day 21 and get this fucker.
This thing fucked my shit up in every way possible in seconds.

Attached: AiruneInfobox.png (264x524, 150K)

What's your WAW gear?
Nothing There's gear can handle phase 1. Just dodge or use white shields. Phase two you'd want to use black or pale damage. You can still use NT gear to life leach but it will take a while.

I knew that art style seemed familiar..

Attached: DD_drama.jpg (1264x608, 360K)

I'm hitting the point where I can't keep up. I'm getting multiple abnormalities dumped on me at daily and shit is just starting to just explode without me understanding why.

what did they mean by this?

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E.Y.E kitls mod when

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Is there an easy way to view an employee's HP and SP? Fuck I keep having to open labor menus to see a quick comparison of their health, I searched the F1 guide for help on this

I am sure there must be a way to bring up a UI that lists all your employee health. I'm really struggling to beat the first Ordeal without losing anyone when I can't easily monitor their HP.

Name them, most of them probably will be cause of clerks dying too much.

There's a upgrade for that after you do a mission for the info team

I think the Information department lets you research an upgrade that does this, and don't worry, this dep is available right after you fill all 5 boxes on your starting dep.

>want to know what happens if I let everything out
>game crashes
>pc gets a blue screen

Attached: 1486184112964.png (872x720, 516K)

>cant change the appearance of your agents after you hire them

I wanted to recreate some of my old agents after I memory rep

Attached: 1556201389915.png (894x944, 913K)

I just got the info department but sadly first ordeal as well

If the missions are random I may have also been very unfortunate, my control team got a mission to defeat a dusk ordeal which says I can't even attempt it until day 18, meaning no missions for a long time

about 20 V employees, nothing there, long borb, smile, slimegirl, borb, queen bitch, sailormoon, greed, despair, little red, apple, monk, little prince, fuck you tree
I'm willing to throw everything away but I'd prefer not to lose too much shit so I can be sodomized by old hag

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>Fuck angela
That's all you had to do you fucker
Also, get good, naked nest isn't hard to handle

what does naked nest even do? ive unlocked everything on it and it's never done anything but make its room turn a weird color after an agent works on it

If your agent is bitch-made, he'll bleed and the nest will use those wounds to infect him

ive never had an agent with HP under 100 so I never had a problem with him

Yes, manager. You should fuck Angela.

Attached: Core suppression.jpg (1280x720, 664K)

Any abnormality with a
>infects employees to make minions
kind of shit is a big NOPE from me user

Attached: CENSOREDChild.png (380x380, 49K)

The departments have separate missions. Sounds like you just opened the info department. Just continue on for the day and he'll give you one.
I prefer to 1v1 Gebura. If you have Justice bird, you can use his gear for phase two. Use white shields and dodge her physical attacks in that phase. If you plan on using mobs just know she seems to target agents using range over melee.

yo nobody told me that the magic bullet has friendly fire

It kinda seems like Angela is the actual manager.

these stupid fucking shoes are pissing me off

He did say it would hit anything? Did he not?

Alriune isn't terribly difficult once you understand how she works but she doesn't get any less annoying.

ahhh fuck, guess I'll just kill all my clerks, kite NT and Bord agents, keeping them alive with bullets, better than losing groups of people that I can't seem to micro properly...

I cant beat chesed!

I always screw up on the last part!


Attached: 69415318_p1.jpg (700x700, 318K)

See? No reason to tell it to go fuck itself
QoH can go fuck herself, making me have to count the work done in each meltdown for EVERY SINGLE DAY

>forgot it had friendly fire for a second
>an entire hallway of level II/III agents go insane and I have to bring a bunch of agents with white weapons down
Needless to say I always keep this in the back of my mind now.

Attached: 1556380074379.png (339x364, 143K)

too bad

Attached: ringing ears, blurred vision, the end approaches.webm (718x566, 111K)

Forgot to mention, you can use Melting Love's gear well on the second phase since her ego wep is ranged and Gebura's attacks are melee only. during that. You can basically kite her easy doing that.

it's easy to suppress when you have good enough equipment and black bullets

>I'm getting multiple abnormalities dumped on me at daily

how hard would a playthrough of this game be without being able to use the RETRY option and only memory repository/restart altogether?
ive beaten the game twice now and Im trying to think of ways to kick the difficulty up a notch

Attached: 49709_JAIUqMVt.png (600x600, 417K)

Shit, now i'm gonna have to do one, thankfully the birb is a borb and hence easy to make, just make a black round cushion with a cone and some floppy arms/legs, Add Eyes and a plushie lantern or some such and we are good

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Just got these two, what am i in for.
Also is there an ego or a abnormality or something that causes someone to die when they fight ordeals, one of my guys died every fucking time till i gave up and continued on without him

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are they weak against certain damage types because of the armor? or are you having them hold certain tools for a long time?

Depends on which ending you wanted to get. So from ballbusting hard to impossible.


The one on the left is only a ZAYIN, so no harm.
As for the one on the right, no idea, never got it. It's probably a bitch to figure out though

As long as any employee doesn't panic/die haha

Ive gotten the "true" ending all suppression/research done, Im just interested in seeing how far I can get without ever restarting, and maybe blindly picking abnorms so I can't cherrypick

The one of the left is ZAYIN.
Don't use its ability too much. You'll regret it.

No tools, had sheep armor, first got blown up by the fucking dawn clown, then died to purple dawn

>big bad wolf escapes
>Alright time to deal with this goofy looking fu-

>get Old Belief for the first time
>the animation when they get the upgrade
they're so precious, I want to protect them forever

Attached: 1557734863467.gif (147x166, 505K)

>Red Dawn
>Red Noon

Attached: 1556407006396.jpg (600x445, 75K)

That employee looks to excited. Better get the execution bullets ready.

>Darkest Dungeon Lobotomy game
>You play a party of rabits delving into a 4th trumpeted Facility


Attached: 1558025355230.png (716x615, 566K)

holy fuck a DD style SCP game would work so well


Attached: 20190518002158_1.jpg (1920x1080, 242K)

There's three more haunting your facility, find them! Before it's too late!


Attached: 1558058891215.png (211x276, 101K)

Are you sure you're not colorblind?
Maybe sleep depravation?
All i see is a green ZAYIN

Pro-tip, evacuate everyone from the main rooms

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why is googlyeye doll so cute bros?

Attached: lsk.png (512x512, 512K)

Frilly Dresses are top tier

Its her way to lower your guard and sacrifice you.

She and Ppodae don't belong in this hellhole of a facility

Attached: 1557937406596.png (1038x1618, 649K)

Because she is
She also gives good guns and training

Attached: 1556404995957.jpg (1334x812, 195K)

>When you are so mad you didn't get to kill the wolf you defy the laws of the game.
Little red is probably the glitchiest abnormality. This stuff always happens with her.

Attached: 3837.png (1600x900, 772K)


*Muffled REEEEEEEeee-ing from the containment chamber*

Attached: 1557405019465.png (1091x1200, 310K)

I played this ages ago.
Is a day still counted in 'steps' and not real-time? Do anomalies have to be treated to, or can you still just ignore them and go for the safe ones?

>pic related, basically a rabbit

Attached: 1494148636183.png (481x609, 60K)

Don't be silly- it doesn't. None of those employees are your friends, managers.

Attached: 10445_MHOHPHLV.png (600x600, 151K)


>Have to choose between Judgement Bird and Big Bad Wolf
>Judgement Birb's weapon is more useful but I've got Red for Breach shenanigans
Such a tough choice.

Attached: 1556586357623.png (2041x1427, 1.67M)

Protect your clerks, manager. Their lives are precious.

Send a high level employee to the machine.
Especially one with lots of HP.
Do it.

Attached: 70583090_p6.jpg (768x768, 249K)

>trusting a SINGLE thing Yea Forums told you
>trusting the UI
Assume the position.

Honestly, if you see a mob of 20+ people with all sorts of fucked up clothes holding weapons you should KNOW that it's a NO GO zone

especially with their mental conditions

Attached: businessass.png (313x354, 172K)

>People posting wholesome pictures of abnormalities and employees
Yea Forums... i am impress.

The borbs are the best abos in the game, and you can't change my mind

Attached: 1558113484162.jpg (1120x1920, 534K)

I dont have a single birb yet

fire bird doesnt count

Why is he such an asshole guys?

Attached: 72091700_p5_master1200.jpg (768x1024, 161K)

Colourblindness is such a terrible affliction, user. But I can help you. All you need to do is come see the doctor.

Attached: 1557162865571.png (304x272, 121K)

He must punish all sinners.

danke herr doktor

>Oh yes! I finally saved up enough money to buy a travel package! All the hours I've slaved away and risked my life will finally be worth it!
>I just have to fill out the paperwork, and I'll-

Attached: 72091700_p6_master1200.jpg (768x1024, 90K)

Just slap him away. What's a TETH class gonna do?

>I hope Chesed-sama likes the coffee I made for him. If I get into his good graces, everything will be going on up in my life!

Attached: 72091700_p7_master1200.jpg (768x768, 162K)

What am I in for? Looks like aleph

Attached: 20190518005923_1.jpg (1920x1080, 205K)

The best performance of your life

Attached: birds of the black forest.jpg (840x558, 91K)

music so good it's to die for

Attached: Lobotomy-Corp-Big-Bird-Snow-White's-Apple-Rudol-ta-of-Sled-3698417.jpg (811x3382, 1.67M)

You know damn well what you are in for

sick beats yo

Attached: 1558063393691.jpg (760x760, 147K)

The music shall pierce through you.

Music frees all without prejudice.

Help, I got too attached to her. I reset if I can't pull her early.

Welp, just beat the game after 80~ hours of soul crushing abnormality management.
The translation really doesn't do the story justice... English patch when

I understand having duo abnormalities but this is just dumb

Attached: Untitled.png (1184x684, 474K)

>implying that's a bad thing
give in

Attached: 1558058957011.jpg (933x663, 74K)

Make sure to bring a lot of people

I want to worship Queen of Hatreds feet

And thus, anons head exploded

Shes evil, why cant you guys see such obvious thing!


Haha WAW

So this is what a bad result looks like huh

>second trumpet
>then punishing bird
>big bird

Attached: 1466262368470.png (656x435, 518K)


>I don't put people in hallways

Well it looks like I was a hair away from suppressing him. I need some black weapons. He took like nothing until phase 4

Attached: 20190518012135_1.jpg (1920x1080, 370K)

>Play it super safe by using the wiki
>Willing to have some difficulty the first chance I get offered Queen of Hatred for waifufaggotry
>Only abno I'm somewhat careful about is Heroic Monk because of his autism charge, even then it's easy to avoid

Attached: miku.jpg (637x358, 47K)

Schadenfreude because I'm fucking retarded

Do black WAW weapons other than shooty even exist? Out of the 8 or so types 6 are white and 2 are red

Reminder that the manager should hug Angela and hold her hand.

His resistances change depending on which movement is playing

*types I have unlocked
Yeah I was kinda scared when I saw the assload of immune ticks

Do good u die
Do bad u die
U can't win

completely, absolutely, unequivocally based

Would holding her hand while giving her a deep dicking work

Attached: 68827355_p0.png (1240x809, 585K)

Big Bird
Snow White's Apple
Dream of a Black Swan
Queen of Hatred

Go back to work, Angela.

That's even better, manager

Oh, and Funeral of the Dead Butterflies - half the time, at least.
