Since a lot of people on Yea Forums are ranting about Epic Games Store, is this where I can counter-rant?

Since a lot of people on Yea Forums are ranting about Epic Games Store, is this where I can counter-rant?

1. "Security" -- overblown and misrepresented, plus a total non-issue if you have 2-Factor Authentication enabled. When people talked about Epic being "hacked," what actually happened was a forum hack, which was unrelated to the storefront in any way.
2. "China / Tencent / data harvesting" -- conspiracy garbage disproven many times over. Literally false wacko propaganda.

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Other urls found in this thread:

3. "Anti-consumer" -- not applicable to EGS. Something being "anti-consumer" implies malice. When people use "anti-consumer" to refer to Epic, they're referring to inconvenient things, like not having a shopping cart or not having reviews. The lack of those things doesn't in any way mean Epic has malice toward the consumer. Aldi's not having as visually appealing of a store as Piggly Wiggly doesn't mean Aldi's is anticosumer.
4. "Anti-competitive" -- literally the opposite is true. Epic is providing competition to Steam. Buying exclusives is heavy-handed, but data and history has shown that the userbase of Steam is so entrenched that they will never leave Steam of their own accord. Epic is doing what they have to to get any customers at all. GOG was apparently one of the "good guys" of PC software distribution, and they posted a profit of just $7,000 recently. If nobody buys from Steam because anywhere that's not Steam feels like too much hassle, then Epic is not the problem.
5. "Exclusivity" -- doesn't exist on PC. You are literally playing the same game on the same machine if you buy a PC game from any one of the launchers. For "exclusivity" to have weight as an argument, you have to be significantly restricted or impeded from obtaining and enjoying the product on one platform versus the other platforms. Taking 30 seconds to download and install another launcher doesn't count.
6. "Monopoly" -- just stop. Steam has a monopoly RIGHT NOW and needs competition. How you're so confident that Epic "wants to become a monopoly" is beyond me, but the fact you're focusing on that and not on the monopoly that Steam already is is telling.

>doesn't actually have any good games on it unless you just want to beat Fortnite's dead horse.
argue that one.

Basic economics says monopolies are bad and competition is good. Steam has a monopoly -- the industry is literally healthier for competitors to Steam existing at all.

Devs were given a questionnaire about whether they think Steam is good. Only 6% said yes. Take that data, and look at how many studios are gladly switching over, and maybe realize that they are switching for a reason.

A lot of this hate just seems like bandwagon hate, and it's just sad to see people go into Crusade Mode over something that basic economics explains pretty clearly.

( Bonus fact: Between Valve and Epic, Valve is the only company out of the two to be taken to court over anti-consumer practices. )

>close the epic games launcher
>it closes
>close steam
>it just minimizes to tray
ye uhh which one is better for consumers lol.....

tldr tiananmen square massacre

Did you work for EA too when Origin came out?

Hi 50 cent party

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>/ data harvesting

literally searches for your steam library and encrypts it's files

>Devs were given a questionnaire about whether they think Steam is good. Only 6% said yes. Take that data, and look at how many studios are gladly switching over, and maybe realize that they are switching for a reason.
I genuinely am curious how many of those are banking on EGS giving them a fat stack of cash for it.
>Bonus fact: Between Valve and Epic, Valve is the only company out of the two to be taken to court over anti-consumer practices.
Because until now, Epic didn't have a store and barely released games in the past decade or so. You can't be taken to court for something you don't do at all, that's kind of an obvious thing.

I've disliked the need to get multiple launchers even when it was Origin and Ubisoft (to say nothing of Ubi requiring its platform to run concurrently to Steam, so you can play at all) and that's not about to change now. I'm also rather puzzled by the repeated insistence that the EGS is for the devs and not consumers, which is baffling to me, as who in the bloody fuck is going to buy the game, if not the consumer?
>5. "Exclusivity"
I feel like this also gets severely muddy once you factor in Kickstarted games where the money was handed over with the common understanding of it releasing on Steam.
>6. "Monopoly" -- just stop. Steam has a monopoly RIGHT NOW and needs competition
The big difference is that Steam has a service monopoly, but not an availability monopoly. I could go on dozen sites to buy Steam keys, some of which are very likely better for me due to living outside the US. With the EGS, I do not have that choice. Either I buy it through them (or I think Humble) or I don't play the game. Maybe Metro, since that has a brick & mortar release as well, but certainly not any indie I might be interested in.

As a side note, I think it's particularly shithead behavior to, in the case of Metro, suddenly change the store, but gladly keep the Steam store page open to advertise the game. That's more on 4A though.

Why buy from a store that might not even exist when their cash cow goes dry?


That's cringe. Try harder insect.

>Steam has a monopoly

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You will copy and paste this to other thread arent you?

1. Even if you have 2FA people can still get in your account. Don't believe me? Believe this Fortnite player that got hacked during a tournament:

2. In their Privacy Policy they say that if required by law they have to give them your data. As much as I know in China every company has to give the Government every data they have about their customers. This implies that Epic indirectly gives the Chinese Government our data.

3. By definition EGS is anti-consumer as it is not "favorable to consumers" as they make us pay more and it makes impossible for users to play a game. For example, no games on EGS in linux-compatibile and in certain states like Turkey have a lot of games Region-Locked

4. Everyone who can read can tell you that EGS is not providing competition. They are not operating as they should in a free market and they showed us that they do not care about it, they just want the fat cash.

5. Yes exclusivity exists. I con only play Overwatch on, I can only play Half-Life on Steam, I can only play Battlefield 5 on Origin. But the thing becomes different when the game is a third-party exclusive because the store bought the game. It limits our choice and we cannot do nothing to prevent that.

6. PC Gaming lives in a free market and, as long no store forces itself as the only store were you can buy games, no monopoly can exists. What can exists is the store that has a larger market share than the others (Steam's case), but by no means it is a monopoly. What is EGS doing right now is basically becoming a monopoly as I have to download EGS to play Dauntless, when before all of this it was a game that was without a store. With games like Warframe or Smite, that have a Steam version I can still decide if I want to play the Steam-less version for whatever reason I want.

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exclusives are anti-consumer. they literally do not benefit consumers at all.

I should proofread next time. Damn me.

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The only reason I dont sign up for epic is because I don't want to go through signing up for another store.

Who the fuck are you trying to fool anyway?

>tencent is conspiracy shit
yeah except they own 48% of epic and would only ever have to persuade one person to side with them (easy for a megacorp like tencent to do) to override anything, keep in mind that tim sweeny tries to tell people straight lies about this fact because he himself knows he is owned by tencent

and more than that, tencent has shown some really worrying business practices, so fuck off you piece of shit


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The Chinese are our enemy. I am for their annihilation. I am in the process of cutting Chinese-made goods out of my life. Hopefully I get to personally shove a sword down the throat of President Winnie the Poo

>Steam has a monopoly

Wait... By that definition, epic would have a monopoly on their games?

Wow, its almost like epic is actually the bad guys, never would have guessed.

Kys chink shill

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>5. "Exclusivity" -- doesn't exist on PC. You are literally playing the same game on the same machine if you buy a PC game from any one of the launchers. For "exclusivity" to have weight as an argument, you have to be significantly restricted or impeded from obtaining and enjoying the product on one platform versus the other platforms. Taking 30 seconds to download and install another launcher doesn't count.

I use Linux, so I literally cannot install the Epic Games Launcher. If a game that has a Linux version or runs well under Proton is taken off of Steam and made EGS exclusive, I have been significantly impeded from obtaining and enjoying the product on my platform. Not to mention if new games are made EGS exclusive from the get-go it greatly decreases the chance of a Linux version ever being made in the first place.

>literally defending a corp

it all comes down to minecraft kiddies and boomers hating fortnite and therefore all things epic

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how is forcing a store to be on ONE storefront not trying to be a monopoly
hell they're now taking games that were on other stores (rocket league) and forcing it on to their own, that sounds like they're trying to force a monopoly of their very own
if they actually cared about breaking up steam then the games wouldn't just be stuck on epic's storefront
thats not even getting into the linux issue, which if epic becomes standard that now monopolizes microshit on the PC operating system market, again to bring up cocket league now all linux support for the game is locked to a soon-to-be unpurchasable version of the game
steam is shit but having this half-assed attempt at a digital kiosk being the only possible competition is not actually helping at-fucking-all and neither is your corporate cocksucking, theres a reason valve isn't really doing anything in response and its because epic isn't doing jack shit to actually compete

You're not supposed to Linux, obviously.

Steam is just the Walmart. There are plenty of digital sites competing with it that offer goods at better rates or exclusive games before Epic even showed up. Gamergate, Origin, GoG, greenmangaming, even g2g.

Epic is trash garbage as a storefront. No cart for one, which is dogshit that even Steam's crappy platform has.

winnie the pooh

retarded chinkshill, get a (You)

The only reason I want the EGS to succeed is because I want to play Persona 5 on PC without the shit emulation.

Steam would never ever try to get Persona 5 on PC. The EGS is literally our only hope because Sega is a piece of shit company which would never release Persona on PC (not including retro Persona) without the EGS money.

the left is all still just steam keys

>Steam has a monopoly
This is how you know people are swallowling Sweeneys bullshit.

Fuck off shill with your opinions that you're trying to pass as facts. Not even giving you a bump, asshole.

PC is the platform where people can play your games without paying a single cent; no wonder Atlus doesn't want Persona, or any of their big titles, on it.

>if they actually cared about breaking up steam then the games wouldn't just be stuck on epic's storefront

Yeah, just like gog/discord/twitch did. Look how well they are doing now. I don't like what epic is doing, but you can't really deny this is the only way to do anything in the current market.

Keys that you can buy on many places without giving Steam a single cent.

They lost to the better service provider. What Epic is doing is just unethical.

>or not having reviews
so you're gonna hide one of the actual flaws behind a non issue one like no shopping carts and pretend it isn't a flaw?

>Something being "anti-consumer" implies malice
yeah uh

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>I use Linux, so I literally cannot install the Epic Games Launcher
You can, just use lutris. I think you can play only like 3 games lol

>Buying exclusives is heavy-handed, but data and history has shown that the userbase of Steam is so entrenched that they will never leave Steam of their own accord. Epic is doing what they have to to get any customers at all.

So they can't compete fairly on the quality of their storefront, so rather than accept that and throw in the towel or find some non-scummy way to innovate, it's okay for them to resort to unethical and wildly unpopular tactics? Then you try to say that's not anti-competitive or anti-consumer? Fuck off shill.

Security is a fucking issue you mong, and you cant just handwave it by saying "lmao its just the forums, use 2 factor authetication"
The vast majority of people don't use 2 factor authentication, and an even larger majority are total tards and use the same email and password for every single thing. Passwords being hacked the amount of times epic has is simply unacceptable, and you can't just say "its no big deal, dont worry about it".

The worst you might lose if they crack your password is just a bunch of toys man, nothing major.

that makes no sense whatsoever steam is still making money off of the sales

Steam doesn't get any cut from steam key sales.

no you half-brained dipshit shill, anti-consumer means exactly what is written, behavior that is against the consumer, and every company behaves in anti-consumerist behavior at some point, however, Epic has introduced extremely anti-consumerist behaviors to a platform where it didn't originally exist, at least not in this unnatural manner, and regardless of that, saying that Epic doesn't have anti-consumer sentiment is hillarious.
oh and your retarded arguments over competition and monopoly are the same old shit, everyone has already heard the cries of "STEAM HAS THE REAL MONOPOLY BECAUSE IT'S THE BIGGEST" or "IT'S NOT A MONOPOLY JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE FORCIBLY CONTROLLING THE DISTRIBUTION OF A PRODUCT, THAT'S THE ACTUAL FREE MARKET" and you know what, it's true, Valve did have a monopoly from some perspectives, the difference is that Valve's monopoly was natural and it didn't use it to actively deter competition AFAIK, while Epic is taking control over the distribution of a product, thus stopping any chance of others to compete over the distribution of that specific product, and sure, you could argue that it's "fair" since product exclusivity deals happen in all markets, and in a certain sense that is a part of the free market, but don't you think your retarded ass will succeed in sliding that as anytthing other than anti-consumer practice
Tiananmen Square 1989 protests Free Tibet Winnie the Pooh

If you can't do it better, do something else. I'll never understand how retards like you can defend greed, probably because you are greedy gremblins yourselves.

eh no?
>developer gets keys from steam for free
>puts it on site
>game is sold for X price on site
where in this does valve get the money?

They don't get money from keys not bought on their storefront.

steam doesn't just do it for free

I just don't like having my game collection fragmented between dozens of different distributors. Steam has such deep market penetration that there is no way they will go out of business in 10 years. I'm sure Epic might be fine too since licensing Unreal Engine prints money for them but you really never know what will happen.

oh is that so? well then I guess it has set price or a limit, well, my bad

>make a bait thread as blatant as possible
>It still gets serious replies
Stop feeding the chinks (you)s you fucking idiots. They dont deserve them

yes steam will cut them off at any point if they want to there's a reason we don't have good humble bundles anymore because steam viewed actual competition through that method as abuse same reason we can no longer trade keys in our inventory

They also have to provide ther install, patching, and every other free feature for those claimed keys. If anything, valve loses money on those keys.

It does because the published hired them to handle servers and DRM authentication.

>there's a reason we don't have good humble bundles anymore
Yeah, it's called IGN

>Steam has a monopoly RIGHT NOW and needs competition.

Steam has had competition for years, jesus you discord trannies are braindead

>0.5 points have been added to your social credit score

Every other thread on Yea Forums is a shitty bait thread. At least there is some actual discussion in this thread.

>lmao hacks are okay, its only games
Did you not read my post, or are you just retarded? The vast majority of dumb normalfags use the same email address and password for everything, so the people who hack the servers just compile a huge list of email and passwords and sell it, so people can get into all their shit without having to do anything at all.
>b-but its their fault for not using multiple passwords for everything!
Fall down an escalator, chink shill.

>we don't have good humble bundles anymore because steam viewed actual competition through that method as abuse
No, that's due to Humble Bundle changing owners.

>Same reason we can no longer trade keys in our inventory
People abused that by buying keys on cheap regions.

I don't see people ever using other shit than steam ever. No matter what anyone will provide, it's just like with facebook. Network effect is too strong. That is to say, epic does not provide much right now and i don't think they will survive long enough to do shit.
Jesus lad, we are trying to talk like people here. Can you be angry elsewhere?

valve doesn't lose money on them valve manages how many keys they are allowed to generate and it can't be disproportionate to the sales they've made on the steam store. it's essentially the same as taking a cut just calling it differently

I'm sure IGN would gladly offer better bundles if they could. unless you can give me a compelling reason otherwise, it is just blind IGN hate

that isn't abuse it's using the feature. it's no different from a publisher making generating keys and using the same feature

Who gives a shit about monopoly or all the bullshit. I just want all my games on one place. Steam. And if Epic keeps putting exclusives then I'm pirating them. Simple as.

just dont bump the thread, there's always the chance that the retardation is real

fuck off xhing

most redpilled post in the thread

Is this Epic Store drivel ever going to stop?

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it will never be that way until the same key can work in more than one store and fuck if that will ever happen.

>unless you can give me a compelling reason otherwise, it is just blind IGN hate
Is this a fucking joke?

>guys monopolies bad, guys that mean we need this trash service!

I understand you hate them but you can't say a service is bad simply because they own it. All of those features being removed from steam as well as regional lockdown coincide with the same timeframe.

Great bait user, thank you for participation in this thread

huh, I thought it was because they actually ran out of worthwhile games that devs/publishers were willing to let them sell for that cheap, that made sense to me with the spam of shitty vns and meme games a while back

You literally cannot find a bigger publisher boot licker in the video game journalism industry than IGN. This has been common knowledge for years and years, are you just waking up from a coma or something?

I find it rather hilarious you say people are blindly hating IGN, while in the same breath all but openly stating that you're mad Steam no longer lets you region-hop in order to be a cheepskate.

I'm not even bootlicking don't like their site and their forums have mostly always been shit but I don't think it has everything to do with why humble isn't as great as it used to be also steam keys aren't true competition since steam watches the numbers and makes sure they are maintaining enough revenue

I never said that I mostly pirate anyways

>Calling steam a monopoly

Where there goes your entire post, how sad

user your reading comprehension

no one gave a legit reason aside from saying
>of course the service is worse IGN owns it

>I'm not even bootlicking don't like their site and their forums have mostly always been shit but I don't think it has everything to do with why humble isn't as great
You may want to invest 30 seconds into reading what I said, because it's not you who I called a bootlicker. I called IGN that. IGN has always been the most direct funnel of publishers. Do you honestly think that getting Overwatch, Division, AssCreed, a fucking gutted BlOps 4 is all because Steam doesn't like how things are handled? It sounds like you think Steam literally owns the games it has on its storefront.

no mate, he was saying that IGN are bootlickers, and I think that he was trying to imply that because of that they turned humble bundle worse in order to increase the revenue companies get, now I personally don't agree with this, it makes little sense but pay attention a little more

I don't actually think they turned Humble worse on their own accord, I just think that they're promoting the games they're told to promote, more so or more obviously than Humble had in the past.

oh that does make sense, fair point, IGN being incompetent is a pretty common occurrence

I am very happy you made this thread, at first I was convinced by your words, but then I read other people's arguments and it brought me back.

I will have patience and will buy the games when they come to steam/gog

>Epic is providing competition to Steam.
>Steam has a monopoly RIGHT NOW
Are you clinically retarded?

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>"Anti-consumer" -- not applicable to EGS
Sweeney litteraly said he doesn't care about the consumers. Hell, they're not even going to add reviews. It's very clear they're anti-consumer.

still not installing your chinese spyware

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they are the bad guys for what?
not trusting the general public to give fair and concise reviews?
giving developers more tools to create better games
handing out free software packages that GREATLY reduces dev time and cost for Cross platform play

but I guess they are evil huh
/v will always be wrong, you people are too retarded to get anything right

Reviews are coming "soon" but they're opt in for publishers, so only reviews they approve of will be allowed on.

So it's basically going to be completely worthless for anything but marketing.

>Yea Forums is not one person
>except when i say so
fuck off you fucking idiot
why come here if you don't consider yourself apart of Yea Forums?
faggot ass faggot.

>I don't see people ever using other shit than steam ever
That's because you're a retard who doesn't actually play vidya. Most people I know use GOG for every game they want if it's on there. If it's not on there, Steam is the second best thing.
The reason other platforms fail is they don't offer anything unique like GOG (DRM free), but are of less quality than Steam. If you can't match current Steam with your store, then don't do it. It's clearly a saturated market, so you gotta come with something extraordinary to gain traction. Forcing exclusivity won't help, just look how it worked out for Uplay/Origin. People only use it for their exclusive games, but would never use them without it. That's not due to loyalty for Steam, but sheer difference in quality.

They'll throw a few more big exclusives around and then realise it's not making them money and slowly fade into obscurity. Probably will take a few years total though.

>3. "Anti-consumer" -- not applicable to EGS. Something being "anti-consumer" implies malice. When people use "anti-consumer" to refer to Epic, they're referring to inconvenient things, like not having a shopping cart or not having reviews. The lack of those things doesn't in any way mean Epic has malice toward the consumer.
Incorrect. When people say EGS is anti-consumer, they're referring mostly to their practice of buying exclusivity, which is bad for consumers who would benefit from having a choice regarding where to buy a particular game. If it's bad for consumers then it's anti-consumer.
>4. "Anti-competitive" -- literally the opposite is true. Epic is providing competition to Steam. Buying exclusives is heavy-handed, but data and history has shown that the userbase of Steam is so entrenched that they will never leave Steam of their own accord.
Steam's status as the market leader is a real bitch for smaller vendors, but that's just how the free market is sometimes. Not every company is guaranteed an equal share of the pie. In any case, I think Epic paying publishers not to work with other vendors is very anti-competitive, but that's just my opinion.
>5. "Exclusivity" -- doesn't exist on PC. You are literally playing the same game on the same machine if you buy a PC game from any one of the launchers. For "exclusivity" to have weight as an argument, you have to be significantly restricted or impeded from obtaining and enjoying the product on one platform versus the other platforms. Taking 30 seconds to download and install another launcher doesn't count.
Incorrect. Regardless of how much "weight" you think it has, the word "exclusivity" does correctly describe the situation in which some games are available exclusively on EGS.
>6. "Monopoly" -- just stop. Steam has a monopoly RIGHT NOW and needs competition.
Incorrect. You already said yourself that Epic is a competitor. Therefore Steam is not a monopoly. It's that simple.

Or they'll do what they did last time and just rage quit the pc scene while screaming about how pc players are parts and that consoles are where real gaming is.

This is very true. Since Origin, Uplay, etc. started, I've begun pirating a lot more. It's clear the gaming industry has become a cash cow, when it used to be a industry of passion. Nothing we can do about it, but I don't feel obliged to support it any longer. I'll buy a game if I feel it's truly great, but I'll always pirate first.

Yeah, like I said, anti-consumer. He only cares for the publishers. It's clear as day, and as a customer I don't really feel like being treated like a wallet with arms and legs. So they can fuck right off, I'm not using their service until they drastically change some shit. Make reviews mandatory (like Steam) and give us sales that rival Steam. Then I'll consider using your platform.



>Basic economics says monopolies are bad and competition is good
Steam is a natural monopoly

fuck developers lmao they're all cucks

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But they have plenty of competition. Most of it being garbage isn't steam's fault or responsibility to fix.

valve's monopoly wasn't horned in like epic's attempt at gaining one, it just happened because they managed to do the right things at the right time, it also didn't really kill competition, it just made competitors that can't beat the top through prices or other common things look for niches that steam didn't cover, like GOG with DRM free stuff and old games that aren't available anymore through normal means
also speaking of taken to court, what happened with that opt-in controversy regarding Epic, wasn't that illegal in Europe? did they at least get fined?

I'm other user but problems(or lack of problems) with natural monopolies is not something we can discuss here. But if anyone care(which i doubt) i highly suggest reading about it, interesting stuff

they literally do

You know you can pirate games on PS4 and switch easily right? And Xbox games you can play on PC.

>Steam is a natural monopoly

any publisher/developer who wants to can sell their own games directly on their own website/platform, steam came along and offered them another place to sell without having to set up their own infrastructure if they didnt want to/couldnt do.

steam never paid any publisher millions of dollars to ONLY exclusively sell their games on steam. all publishers are free to self-release AND release on steam. steam even gave pirates a way to add their pirated games to the steam launcher.

then EGS comes along and shits all over the consumers and publishers, throwing around million dollars to try to corner the market but will obviously fail.


steam was never a monopoly. its an option. EGS though, is trying to monopolize access to certain publisher's gamers via shady deals using chinese communist slavery money bribes.

again, yikes.

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