Would you say mature women are the ideal video game protagonists?
Would you say mature women are the ideal video game protagonists?
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no, cunny is
no one wants some high milage roastie
Based patrician
Baseless reddititor
Yea Forums pedophile
Yes but they're mature at 13.
>tfw you'll never hear Bayonetta call you "Boya" with a luscious look
Why live ?
I don't mind as long as they're Cute and Funny!
No, the ideal romance options.
Bayonetta literally looks like a Tumblr OC or some shit.
Can someone give me a quick rundown of the Bayonetta games, are they fun I see the first one is on Steam.
Is it weird bayo 1's design doesn't do anything for me?
But dear god, bayo 2's design.
Still better than any woman
theyre pretty fun if you like very combo-centric action. there are a lot of mechanics to remember and master, and in the higher difficulties they become all but necessary. id say bayo 1 is more tightly designed than 2 in terms of gameplay (i personally think umbran climax in 2 is boring as shit) but theyre still both good games
They're great action games akin to games with combo meters ie: DMC, Ninja Gaiden. It's stylish, has fun characters, short and sweet and with great replay value. It's also easy enough to be satisfying and hard enough to make you cry
Playing Bayonetta made me an ass man, so sure.
Completely normal. The beehive is an acquired taste while shorter hair on a woman can be amazing if fits her face.
This. MILFs are top tier
If you have mommy issues, sure.
Bayo 3 release when
What did he say?
dilate time for you queer.
Bayo doesn't feel like the type to give it up to 'unworthy' men though. You have to be stronger than her to get that pussy wet.
imagine being this mad
News next week, probably 2020.
I'd rather play devil may cry or onimusha
Nah, dante is a better protag. They make great secondary characters though.
>bayo 1 outfit
>bayo 2 hair
My fucking dick
We need more of this
Only if they have a nice round ass and some solid perky tits, with a mature and horny, slutty personality
What's the point of a ranking system that gives you the lowest for getting hit like twice?
>getting hit like twice
You got hit more than that or you did pic related
Where's all the mom protag's @?
Short hair bayo is absolutely incredible. Bayo 1 outfit with Bayo 2 hair would be perfect
Any female character that is NOT created by a subhuman aidsfaggot or tranny lgbt libshit leftypol sjw subhuman failed abortion is automatically ideal.
No, but they're ideal for my dick.
>really like the mature body type in hentai, plus most artists draw it with pubes
>99.99999% of it is incest and/or /ss/
I still jerk off to this trailer
>getting hit in bayo
Just press RT.
>2008 was 11 years ago
i'm happy that i'm not the only one to notice that Yea Forums is full of pedos
Good taste.
Ive recently come around to this after getting tired of the all encompassing thicc trend.
That's a tränny though.
You say that as if it's a bad thing. It's also better than the NTR crap that makes up the rest.
>love red on black
>also love short hair
That's beautiful. Tell me that's a mod or something.
You're a tranny.
Whats there to wank to?
You can masturbate to anything if you put your mind to it, user.
Her tits, ass, and glasses
This is horseshit. I picked shoes.
>no casual Bayonetta to hang out with
Kill me
>girls in lounge clothes
Here's her official casual clothing.
Nope, cool looking dudes reign supreme.
Pic related, cool looking dude
Lazy Jeanne
Shit game
.99999% of it is incest and/or /ss/
>getting tired of the all encompassing thicc trend
I'll never get tired of it but I understand
Yes, mommies make the best milk.
.99999% of it is incest and/or /ss/
and that's a good thing!
>easily influenced by monthly bleeding
A woman is the last thing you want to be a protagonist.
i fucked up my post, but i wanted to say that /ss/ and mommy is blessed and goat
Literally every woman is like that.
Woman want stronger, in control, capable men.
based and mommypilled
Forgot about this dude. Need to find his shit again.
Don't let those replies get to you, user. Some nice vanilla with MILFs is the best. You can still get height/age difference if you look hard enough. Tatsunami Youtoku is a god, although he straddles the incest line in some of his work (two sisters sharing a guy, adoptive siblings fucking).
Bayo 1 PC is a god send
tbqh everyone but me should be a MILF
How does that work?
God no
No one likes old hags, especially with those long freak legs
Is she in a committed and loving relationship where she bears as much responsibility as she can looking after and providing for her family? No? She just fucks around, spends money and and has fun in her free time? Then she’s not mature. The word you’re looking for is “old”.
Mature women are much more memorable than little girls with super powers
Bayo a cute
Not seeing the issue, you want some manly man doing it?
ss you say
>mfw finding out that Bayo has the biggest booty in Smash
>even bigger than Samus
I’ve never seen a attractive woman turn people gay but here we are
Wouldn't attractive women turn women gay?
No, but I would say mature women who are videogame protagonists are usually built for BBC.
Bayonetta isn't an exception, especially.
On to hard
No I'm not gonna make a Twitter to export screenshots for this one thread you fags
got more recommendations?
Keep up user
>that honey select card
Recommend me some games with Milfs in there 30's and 40's bros.
just get a pc bro
>Hendricks in her early 40s
>just gets more mommy as she ages
Please god
What is Pitt's expression trying to convey here
>he doesn't know
I don't that's why I'm asking
>bayo1 face + bayo2 haircut
Thank you for reminding me of this, it always makes me laugh.
A console game just wouldn't FEEL right on a wageslave machine
It feels a lot better
Faggots all of you. Long hair is objectively superior.
Nah, I like short hair better especially bobcuts.
Wasn't a fan of the beehive at all
Hey, my picture you quoted is a woman with a shoulderbraid. She has both short hair and long hair at the same time.
Long hair looks better on classy ladies.
Short hair looks better on cocky teases like Bayo.
Nice ass
Is it weird I don't necessarily want to fuck Bayonetta but I would love to be in her presence because she looks like she would smell very nice
Got any crouching Bayo?
Well, Luka did say something about how she smelled in the first game.
Bayonetta and Sheik relative to body size have the biggest butts in Smash.
God, older women are the fucking best.
Long hair is a sign a woman is healthy and fertile and If you've had sex, you'd know long hair is superior for its grip/pulling function. There is nothing wrong with short hair, long is however objectively better.
the age of the loli is over
I've had sex but that doesn't change anything.
tousling > pulling
does anyone have this render?
Imagine if Bayonetta 3 had hair and outfit customization
I just need some news. Hopefully, E3 will have something.
>tfw KH0.2 had Aqua customization
>it'll never come back
>it'll never be deeper than it was
I want to give the 20 year old Aqua twintails and expose her tummy.
>tfw there's only like 2 Bayonetta /ss/ Doujins
He's incredibly nervous and horny
I never really noticed how Madama Butterfly sort of looks like Sparda
What are some other quintessential mommycore games?
Madama is cooler
hair lenght doesn't mean anything anymore, as it can be changed at will just by going to a hairstylist or buying a wig.
overcome your primitive parameters, user. embrace short haired qts.
Bayo is idealized mature at best. I wouldn't masturbate to her and think "this old bitch is fine!" because she mostly just looks like a 20 something.
those aren't even pure platinum
you even trying
I already have Bayo 1 on 360 and 2 on Wii U but I've been trying to decide if I want it on Switch anyway.
What is going on here
Admiring (You)r dick
I don't know about that
Sparda is a pretty cool guy
eh kils demons and doesnt afraid of anything
I never beat Angel Slayer, Jeanne + Gracious and Glorious is too hard for me
She doesn't look a day over 600 years old
I want my face there
imagine haha
"¡Eh, Succubus! ¡Cómete Esta!
Playing Nintendo game brought me back to heterosexuality.
Imagine her holding your head there haha
This man knows what he wants.
Not my fault that the QTE are the worst ever seen in a video game, or that enemies can attack directly after a cutscene.
>getting a stone award in normal
It was my first time playing. Please no bully.
Learn Dodge Offset user it's really a game changer, it's the core mechanic the game is designed around.
ok then but its a really fun game you should play more and improve!
what would you even do if she did that lol
>mfw replaying Bayonetta because i bought it on PC
>already had it beat on infinite climax on console
>mfw activating witch time now
Feels like cheating honestly
Middle aged men who need to save their families are.
According to Kamiya Bayo is meant to be in her 30s
Just lick and do whatever she asks. Just as joke though hehe
But she is actually over 500 years old
Kamiya is brave to make a rape joke nowadays
Nothing in that image fits with what's established in game
Absolutely based
Kamiya has a very specific fetish
Except it's official art and is commentated by Kamiya in the official artbook.
What's with all the blushing Sm4sh Bayo how are you guys getting that
Why is she so sweaty?
Spicy Curry
It's literally official art
>le cringy pizza man in a trenchcoat
He is the handsome pizza man in a trenchcoat. Much better then the skinny witch with hair clothes
That's "Whacky Woo-hoo Pizza Man," to you
Too bad it's official art, most of which is intended to shine light on the characters in general, ie Luka Redgrave's girlfriends named after previous Clover Studios/Kamiya-involved games all just being his housepets and they'd be left without an owner on his death
Is it confirmed if Bayo will have a new hairstyle in 3?
I’d like to think it’s a thing for this game that her hairstyle changes every game, but it’s only been 2 so we don’t really know
Yes I know, but having played the games I'm really not getting the impressions that Bayo and Jeanne are the type of people described in that image, Bayo doing chores? Don't lie to me, we all know she would get Danny Devito to do it
>Claire with an herb, Trish with pizza, Am my with a fireball, Sylvia with a cheeseburger
It's the little things
WHo dis bitch?
I want a hug from Bayonetta, a hug from the inside.
The bad guy
The face of Yea Forums
Danny DeVito has a family to look after and Bayonetta lives with Jeanne. Someone has to do the chores.
>Danny Devito
That's clearly supposed to be Joe Pesci.
What makes you think that?
Hugs take a lot of energy
I fucking hate this, I hate shota faggot boys, I just want my delicious milf to get railed on by some faceless men
A lady does not do chores
Why did they get rid of her beehive?
Different style
Because the pixie cut is better
Not necessarily, but they are the ideal lovers.
Here's to hoping for more costumes in Bayo 3.
because bayo 2 actually looks like a woman and not a spider with a weaving orb on its head
Serila from Epic Seven
>short hair
>mole under mouth
there was a never chance for my penis to not be diamonds
I love my waifu, Bayonetta!
twintelle would be a perfect alt costume as well.
C is the only way to go.
I love her more
>"She doesn't do much damage, but she'll still shoot 'em down" Bayo-neesan
E) Become Bayonetta
is that mod or something?
I love her way more than you ever will.
>this is from a Nintendo game
The Joys better be in Bayo 3 or I will flip a table.
>ywn be bathed by Bayo
I honestly really enjoy Ahad's art
No, that's just normie taste.
Only patrician Bayonetta players can appreciate the superior Bayo 1 look.
Same. It's half the reason I got Skullgirls.
If there's one thing Bayonetta made me realize, it's how sexy exposed backs are.
Never realized how cute Smash Bayonetta is
I love her face
It's one of her best features
Can Vergil even dance?
Rolling for five
I guess V dances a bit so that might count for something