>Heavy Rain for $4.99
OK, this is EPIC.

Attached: epic-sales.jpg (750x516, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Already pre-ordered all David Cage games.
This sale is pretty good.

>inb4 SEETHING valvedrônes

What is Epic Stores purpose and who would gain from it succeeding in it?

>who would gain from it succeeding in it?
Everyone but valve. That's why valvefags are derailing every thread about this sale.

>All those slashed prices
Looks good
>On preorders
Lol wtf why would I buy a game that hasnt been released yet?

What are you guys buying from these sales?
I'm thinking of getting the STALKER games are they good or is it just for the slav memes?

Is Heavy Rain more like Until Dawn, Life is Strange, or Walking Dead?

To undercut Valve via manipulative marketing tactics and get a slice of their pie

>who would gain
EGS execs

>Everyone but valve
And those publishers who didnt even know about yhe sale and had to pull their games out of the storefront entirely because EGS is such poorly coded dogshit
Oh and the datamined customers


how is epic going to save gaming by being worse than valve at literally everything it does except for having exclusives?

More people own desktops and/or laptops than ps4s despite ps4 having loads of exclusives. The exclusivity strategy didn't work for PS4 so why should it work for epic?

EGS's purpose is to brute force itself into the PC gaming market.

Epic are the only ones to gain from it. They wouldn't even be doing this if it wasn't for all their fortnite cash they are throwing around left and right.

>everyone but valve

Imagine not telling the publishers that your doing a sale so then instead of just removing the discount you remove the game completely from your store
then you do something that is full on illegal in the UK and Australia by upping the price of your games only to discount it

winnie the pooh

these movies are finaly priced appropriately

Pirating is cheaper desu

You fags are acting like steam had its current features since day one. These things take time. At least give Epic a year to sort things out and iron out all the bugs and issues before acting like entitled 12 year olds.


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I just don't get it, why would anyone support a company that goes out of their way to make your life less convenient?


Waiting for the seasonal sale tbqh

Then take a year to improve the store first before bribing publishers acting like Epic is entitled to the pc fanbase Valve cultivated for years, your.complete retard

>valve drones still trying to spread fud about china controlling epic

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>it takes time to code a fucking shopping cart
But really you're right, why should I be expected to build safe, reliable combustion engine cars when everyone started with carriages anyways?

Except it's 2019 not 2004, you don't release a PC store without a fucking shopping cart and then call people whiny for asking why it doesn't have one.

>competing with a company not in this decade
Okay now this is epic

>Chink still doesnt understand how stocks work

your a fucking retard
Epic is a multi billion dollar company and they can't even get a shopping cart
>but steam
steam started out alone and wasn't required to have all those features but they added them in anyway
now Tim with his Fetal Alcohol Syndrome brain is like "I CAN BE A STORE MAN TOO" and fucks everything about his store up

Attached: Epic CEO.jpg (416x416, 24K)

I can't believe this is an unironic defense.
>new in marketplace is 2005 is the same thing as new marketplace in 2019
>the absolute most basic features like a cart and being able to list games not in sale
Oh wait, literally every other digital games marketplace did those things Day 1.

>75% off Oxygen Not Included
I'm not angry at Epic or the devs/publisher, I'm angry at myself for not buying it when I saw it.

>you NEEED 51% to have control over the company

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long term solution because they suspect fortnite might lose popularity over time and if they get enough people using the store they can sit back and rake in the money like valve

>why should I buy an inconvenient EV when ICE cars refuel so much faster

Dont be, Epic forcibly refunded Vampires 2 and took it away from all who bought it at a discounted price. No telling when they'll do that to the other games

> Until Dawn,


Attached: epic store.jpg (576x756, 107K)

>Epic forcibly refunded Vampires 2 and took it away from all who bought it at a discounted price
What a fucking trainwreck

And a good bing bong ching chong to you too!

I'm sorry
I would participate in the sale more but I bought 6 games from their store that being Heavy Rain, Detroit, Borderlands 3, Vampire, Oxygen Not Included and Satisfactory but then my account was disabled because the system thought I was a scammer
I simply cannot support a store that disabled my account because I bought from them
they are just so irresponsible

Only developers/publishers and epic.

It complete fucks consumers.

Post his last tweet drone.

Attached: Screenshot_20190517-124630_Twitter.jpg (1080x881, 328K)

Nigger I'm not the one defending Bethesda level's of bad design

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>The exclusivity strategy didn't work for PS4
But it did

literally zero good games on sale

YOU can install the Epic Fail Store but me? I'm a true blue master race gamer and I DON'T accept chinese knock-offs of the true king of PC gaming: Steam.

the shilling is too fucking obvious

> These things take time
Then I'll take my five years before joining EGS.
> At least give Epic a year
It's going to be half a year since their release soon.

Just because you a soulless shill doesnt mean everyone work the same shitty job like you

I wouldn't play heavy rain even if epic paid me 5 bucks.

whatever. Just like with everything else bad everyone's gonna give them money and epic will be a success. Who cares anymore.

The only one that make ps4 is Sony

Reminder that not being forced to participate in a sale that undermines the market value of your game is a feature. Stop being entitled 12 year olds, publishers.

It probably would make me feel better if they did refund it, but I've yet to hear of anything like that happening. Not that I can find any official word from them yet, either.

I mean, it's completely understandable, since 75% is a steep discount in the weeks ahead of them leaving early access with an official release. But my mind had already locked into buying it at X price, and I can't shake it.

PS4 is successful, no question. But not because of exclusives.

What kind of thread is this?

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Unless they comped him the games, it's still shitty customer service and a horribly broken store to be in this state in the first place.

you got to copy steam sale memes too?

io you fuckin' cunt, you better stop posting such lewd images on blue board
you don't want to make me horny

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Well he is chink shill and it is known that insects can't do shit on their own so they make bootlegs instead.
No surprise they were retarded enough to slap Timmy's goblino face and making a shitty edit of existing meme.


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Epic doesn't even have most of their own games, several of which are steam exclusive.


The David Cage games have something which I really enjoyed. I hope that they are now remastered in 4k with improved graphics.

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I have a whole lot of questions about Epic Store. Among which how much money do they have and what happens when they won't have enough of it?

a ching chong nip nop to you

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Well they didn't have had to if people weren't being ridiculous cunts about it.

People pretending to care about a sale that has only like 3 games going for it and one was removed last night and the other got a price increase
let's be real for a moment, if anybody wanted to buy anything from this sale they would've done it already, nobody cares about this mega sale anymore, its only shilling and (you) farming

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Steam never imposes exclusivity on other peoples games.

Just the way it should be.

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Shadow of War Definitive is $24, I played it at release and enjoyed it, how is the DLC?

It being fixed almost an hour later doesn't excuse it happening in ther first place. Ther problem could be completely solved by having an intern spend a day or two putting in a shopping cart, a completely basic feature that literally every online store has these days.

Epic bad, OP a fag

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women shouldn't take advantage of little boys

I mean moreso that epic bad games exclusive to steam because games are all added by hand at epic. So their own games, "partner " games, and feature updates like a fucking shopping cart are all competing for manpower.

My bad

I snatched up the Arma series Hedon and that Duke Nukem port because I don't own megaton and I've been experiencing the build engine games for the first time, starting with Blood (it's been a lot of fun despite the port being bad per the boomer judges that played blood)

I grabbed Arma because of the mission editor and the fact I played 2 once and had a lot of fun creating massive battles on my toaster

more like epic FAIL

STALKER games are probably the most difficult cult game to recommend. They all start with a bad first impressions. SoC and CS leave the worst first impressions. The actual games feel pretty clunky in comparison to say FEAR, Halo, or CoD. The shooting also isn't nearly as satisfying as FEAR. Like if you haven't played FEAR 1 + Extraction Point, I'd recommend those over any STALKER game. EP in particular is one of the best fps experience of all time.

I can only recommend STALKER if you liked the idea of Fallout 3 where you search for items in a hostile environment full of atmosphere. The shooting is about on par but the atmosphere and looting are all way better in STALKER.

dumb fucking mongoloid. Steam was basically the first real PC game store so it had to experience with ideas and new technologies which might not have worked. On the other hand you have Epic now, in the time when everyone can make a fucking website and it also has a well functioning rival platform to copy from yet they couldn't implement vital features on day1 and they crap store is still littered with transaction fraud bugs

>post-apocalypse sale
>no Kenshi on sale

God damnit is he like that Factorio dude?

>tfw waiting for half a year for it go on sale

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Anyone who's not a shill for egs or steams can tell me if hades is a good game?

>raising prices mid-sale
Worth a pirate.

I'm going to assume that's yes

I snagged Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate.
What should I expect?


>comparing sales to fucking Steam of all stores
Are epicdrones this fucked in the head? or are they bots?

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Tim looks like a pedophile

I can't be the only one that thinks this?

Developer here, they're here for us. Sadly they don't care about you. But I'm ok with that. We're making more money from our sales.

They're chinese.

So yes, they're bots.

Epic had a model to aim for and they considerably underdelivered.

>VTM2 removed
>Hades price raised during the sale
>Ubisoft games removed
>Oxygen not included removed
>Literally buying preorders of games without any gameplay videos
Lol more like Epic Mega Fail

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Enjoy the 30fps cap anons

>Oxygen not included not included

In another example of Epic giving developers what they want, they're letting them pull out of the sale.

>Developer here, they're here for publishers. Sadly they don't care about us. But I'm ok with that because I liked getting fucked over.
There you go user.

They aren't competing with steam of 2004, they're competing with steam of 2019.


>mods confirmed epic threads are made by one guy from the bans and deletion
>people still bite them
Report the fucking threads, dumbasses

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>Hey cool, maybe I'll buy some games
>Annoyed, but buy 5 games, one at a time, because, hey, cheap
>'Your account has been blocked from making purchases...'
>Contact support
>Too many purchases flag you for fraud

And people are trying to make shopping cart sound like a luxury. Fuck those people.

Heavy Rain is free for Sonychads so I don't care.

They're preventing you from buying the entire catalog

>What is Epic Stores purpose
Ideally: to buy enough exclusives from Valve that they're forced to lower their cut so publishers (not devs) can make more money. Also to encourage Valve to hurry up the gradual addition of QoL and consumer convenience features.

In reality: Tim is a faggot who wants his garbage store to replace Steam.
>who would gain from it succeeding in it?
Everyone, assuming all of those "ideal" things above happen AND Epic goes under as a direct result, in which case Steam is better for users and publishers won't have to run to EGS for a good cut.

If EGS replaces Steam, we go physical again.


Did you play Fallout New Vegas original beforehand or is this your first time
if not
>bears and bulls
>more larpers
>randumb humor

too bad that's a pipe dream considering the amount of fuckups on Epic's store

I got Outward. Is it even good though?

I hadn't, actually, so thanks for the headsup.

I REFUSE to give them a dollar until they have a native LINUX client and steam proton support.

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Attached: epicmegasale.png (750x516, 511K)

let's break the bots today.

Post yfw you're not a chinkshill

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>comparing software made by poorfags in the mid '00s to software made by multibillionaires in the late '10s
You are so fucking retarded that I actually feel like I'm wasting valuable time typing this response out.

>who's steve jobs?
>ligma balls
I don't know why but this always cracks me up

average retarded egs consumer

>digital distribution platform actually flags you as a bot if you buy more than two games in a short period of time
>you only do that in the first place because there's no fucking shopping cart
>complain about it and your tweet goes viral
>intern still takes half an hour to get to you to fix something that would have fallen through the cracks if you weren't an eceleb
As if that fucking excuses anything. Actual shill.

Maybe you should have found out if it's good before spending money on it.

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>no regional pricing
Buena suerte con eso, Tim.

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fuck you OP and your fucking thread


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>eceleb defending Epic Games
goddamnit I should have known

>put the entire catalog on sale
>"Well hey now, don't buy everything!"

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this is the funniest goddamn edit i've ever seen, what the fuck. im still laughing


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lmao this triggered valve shill

Imagine your store being so fundamentally broken that if a company doesn't want their game to be on sale, you have to manually pull it from your store and then manually add it back when the sale is over.
Show these insects what it means to eat fresh, please.

>People get mad Epic Store exists
Why? It's just another place to buy games. If it's a launcher thing, then just boot all your games in your Geforce/Radeon application or something. Who the fuck cares if there's another major seller now? You should buy from who has a product your want or who is selling it for cheapest. If you have some autistic problem with it, just pirate.

Attached: Breathing.png (298x268, 34K)

steam drones why can't you accept the superiority of epic already?


Attached: 1459548201157.png (339x483, 210K)

This is an oldfag take on a new neme


>or who is selling it for cheapest.
But I already get every game for free user.


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BASED AND SUBWAYPILLED. But where did my Daily Dose go? I can’t seem to find it doc.


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Even fucking Randy backed out.
What a shit sale LMAO.

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I'm an advertiser and this just lost you my business.

I'm sorry Hiro, I'm out.

Meant for

i dont care that there's another store, i care that there's another store that offers a worse experience than steam. GOG is great and so is green man gaming, and while they might offer steam keys they have earned enough of my trust as a consumer that i'm willing to just buy games through them that aren't on steam

the epic store sucks, origin sucks, battle.net sucks, and if you buy games on those platforms you're just supporting companies that are trying to get their slice of the pie by forcing people's hand rather than actually competing in the marketplace. which is ironic, because steam is incredibly anti-competitive, but just because they are an alternative to a bad thing does not mean they are a good thing

Is this the /njg/?

Tim is pretty ugly

>Store A has all of the features that users expect, and more
>Store B is barebones as fuck, lacking many basic features, and therefore offers an inferior user experience
>owners of Store B pay publishers not to do business with Store A, in the hopes of forcing users to shop at Store B without actually needing to make Store B as good as Store A

...hmm, yeah, I wonder what the problem is.

Why should Steam be the only digital storefront for PC games? Why are you so afraid of competition?

Then neck yourself epicshill

It was $20. I have a job

For movies 30 fps is more than enough. 24 is default after all.

>ip count doesn't go up whenever a pro epic store post is made
really makes you think

That's called capitalism, kid. Learn how the world of business works.

Its purpose is to fund piracy until their fortnite money dries up. The main beneficiary, of course, is pirates because it's added justification for getting video games for free. Epic is truly saving video games.
Although some could see this as a bad thing because it's allowing the video game industry to persist in its current form with no redeeming qualities, which is a sentiment I share. From that perspective, Epic is kind of adversarial to me as a pirate. Still can't wait to play some Quantic Dream movie games for free though.

>A commie chink telling anyone how capitalism works
>While his botnet funded by his wages falls apart before his eyes

I hope we get Ellen's 3D model

>I can afford to be retarded!
If you were going to ask if the game is good anyway, you could have just done it before purchasing the game. Buying it and then asking if it's good just doesn't make any sense, even if you don't care about your $20.

It's not. There's half a dozen or more digital stores that have been around for years. None of them have ever taken the absolutely cancerous move of making third party games exclusive though. That is the opposite of competition.

>(nasally voice) I gat the best idea gais. Let's take all those memes Yea Forums made of Gabe and shop my face and logo over them! That's how memes work raaaight?

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Tell me about Tim why does he wear the glasses?

Consumers disliking Epic because of its business practices is also part of capitalism.

Steam wouldn't be the only digital storefront even if Epic went bankrupt tomorrow. There were multiple other stores before Epic came along. But of course you have to resort to such intellectual dishonesty whenever Epic is attacked, because you have no real argument to defend it.

Fuck Epic Store
天安门广场 1989

Attached: Tiananmen Square Massacre.png (186x199, 31K)

>fund piracy until their fortnite money dries up
Pretty much this. A lot of my friends who also play on PC used to pirate a lot of shit back in the day when we were in high school and early college, and now they're starting to pirate games again because of the shit Epic is pulling with exclusives. No reason to buy an Epic Store timed exclusive when they already paid for our copies.
It's clear that the gaming industry has become filled with cash cows designed by committees instead of passion projects made by people who love video games. Nothing we can do about it, but I don't feel obligated to support it any longer aside from the few titles that I truly, genuinely enjoy. That's when I buy a game. But I'll always pirate first.

I refuse to buy or play any games that aren't on steam. I want all my games in one spot


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You're like a child being told he can't eat only dessert for dinner.

>May 18
John Titor, is that you?

Well then come back here in a year retard. Right now there is no reason for me to use epic over steam.

>Okay yes, we released a 500mhz single core CPU in 2019, but come on, we need to start somewhere. It's not fair that you're comparing us to the competition with their 4ghz 16 core CPU's.
>So stop buying their products and buy ours. We'll eventually have their quality and features on day

epic cucks are such a joke, how can you even stomach shilling this crap?

Seriously. get a real job

Wait, i went to check if it's true and look what i found. WHAT IS GOING ON

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>0,20¢ has been deposited in your epic store wallet

Why are her tits so fucking good man

>it's real

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If it's not steam, it's not clean.


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its almost as if developers prefer stores which don't take absurd amounts of their money for doing absolutely nothing and aren't filled with indie shovelware

That's a retarded analogy. However,

as much as I dislike Epic in particular, I completely disagree with this "no Steam, no buy" mentality. Although I realize that the Epic shills have turned the concept of healthy competition into a meme by using it to defend exclusivity deals, it's still true that competition is good for consumers when it actually leads to consumers having more choices.

You might want all of your games on Steam for the convenience of using only one client, but using another client (or, in the case of DRM-free games from GOG and Humble, no client at all) really shouldn't be such a deal-breaker. I should emphasize that it's still your choice; if you always think Steam is the always the best choice then you should always use it. I'm just saying that I don't personally agree with automatically ruling out every possible competitor just because they're competitors.

I already have accounts on a few different stores, and if multiple of these stores are having sales simultaneously then I often do price comparisons before buying anything. I don't mind having more than one client installed, especially when programs like Playnite can provide a unified interface to mitigate the problem of organizing games from multiple sources.

My main problem with Epic is that they actively make things worse for consumers by pursuing an aggressive policy of acquiring exclusive distribution rights to popular games. If they weren't doing that, I would actually consider using their store. I don't know if I would actually use it — the Epic client's lack of basic features would be taken into account when I make any purchasing decision — but I would consider it, at least.


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>The epic shills even steal the steam memes

Attached: cage laugh.gif (177x150, 1.74M)

>put game on store B
>Store B devalues your product without consent before release
>game gets removed from store B


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>paying money, even $5, for an interactive clicky movie

what's big maring?

Is phoenix point gets denuvo?

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>still no humblebundle

kill me senpai

>are they good or is it just for the slav memes?

STALKER games are phenomenal.

>can only buy a single game at a time

>4 months later, epic shills and valve shills are still fighting.
PC gamers are even more retarted than console plebs

If developers decide on their own that they want to use Epic and no other store, then it certainly isn't something I would hold against Epic. But if Epic actively pursues exclusivity agreements, then Epic is actively doing something which is bad for consumers, and we have a right to hate them for it.

>absurd amounts of their money
Steam's 30% cut has done wonders for independent developers who otherwise wouldn't have been able to sell their shit to a large audience. I'm not saying that developers shouldn't push for even better deals, like Epic's 12% or whatever it is, but nobody thought Steam's 30% cut was absurd when nobody was offering anything better.
>for doing absolutely nothing
Allowing a game to be sold on the world's largest PC game market isn't nothing. You might be butthurt about the fact that Steam cornered the market, but it happened, and now its userbase is an asset which adds value to the service provided. Steam also has a ton of features that customers actually like to use. If developers don't think Steam's ability to bring in a huge number of customers is worth anything, then those developers can sell their games on their own sites and take 100% of the revenue. Nobody is stopping them. The fact is that they do use Steam because they decide that using Steam is the best way to make money despite losing that 30% cut. None of them would do this if Steam were providing "absolutely nothing".

Imagine if your precious Sony game a week before release was suddenly cancelled for PS4, with only pre-orders being graciously fulfilled, and then released on Switch.

>epic shills are still getting paid to post nonsense, and people who like being able to choose where they buy a game are still telling the shills to fuck off

>Guys you only have to contact customer support every 5 purchases
Isn't it early morning in China? Go back to bed, insect

It's easier to copy Gabe when you can see him clearly.

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>my precious sony
Arrr! You missed

They could sell BL3 for 5 bucks (which is my most anticipated game in years) and I would STILL wait for the Steam release. Fuck these Chinese faggots ruining PC gaming with their shit launcher.

No steam no buy

>No goys, I'm a pirate!
Nice try we can see through you.

>buy game
>get flagged for fraud

This is the sad state of the world and the fundamental problem with democracy.
Fucking plebes ruin everything.

I'll just wait a month for the crack. If david wanted my cash he could have put it on steam
>free games nobody wants

Hades also isn´t on sale anymore.
What a shitshow.

lol, I said yesterday that the only good thing about the sale was getting that for $10 off

B3 is still at a discount

Why does his face look so appealing to punt

>all of the people asking for v-bucks
the power of epic games store "playerbase"

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Yeah, that's just sad.

Shit. I saw the walking dead games for $5 yesterday and didn't buy it and now it's up to $15.

Isn't that illegal?

It was probably a price mistake anyway.

I dont want my game library to split between 10 game stores

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>making excuses for the breaking the law by making your own theories as to why they broke it

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I accidentally molested that kid, your honour.

>fortnite has 250m players
>yet somehow epic will run out of money any time soon

ebin guys, just ebin

this but unironically

They're trying to kill Valve/Steam

I tried to browse that mess and got AIDS in 2 minutes

absolute trash heap of a software

Maybe cucksumers should've never accepted Valve's spyware DRM in the first place.

this is good

tim sweeney is a GOD

gabe newel is SATAN

tim sweeney is a GOD

gabe newel is SATAN

>so why should it work for epic?
caus tim sweeney is a GOD

gabe newel is SATAN

>why would anyone support a company that goes out of their way to make your life less convenient?
caus tim sweeney is a GOD

gabe newel is SATAN

>Tell me about Tim why does he wear the glasses?
caus tim sweeney is a GOD

gabe newel is SATAN

>steam drones why can't you accept the superiority of epic already?
caus tim sweeney is a GOD

gabe newel is SATAN

Am I retarded, or is it only $5 in certain regions? Its $10 in freedom dollars for me

>all these butthurt valvefags

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I guess they need a new robot, this one is broken

I know, right?

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