Explain this gotards

explain this gotards

Attached: esports ready.webm (1280x720, 1.63M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Counterstrike has always had such garbage netcode that even a fucking LAN connection and 666 updates per second can't save it, and the weapon accuracy/handling mechanics are fucking trash, which is why CS is literally the only FPS in the world that uses it.
CS has only persisted for so long because of Valve marketing (bundling it with each of their re-re-re-re-re-re-releases of Half Life) and a small group of loud retards who continue to screech their lies about CS being anything special let alone a good competitive game.

Two things going on in here:
1) Deagle becomes super inaccurate after any jump or landing and takes 5 years to reset accuracy unless you fast switch.
2) Tracers and hit spots shown are client side generated and do not represent where they have landed server side. That shot represented in the video may not have landed that close at all.

Combat arms was unironically always better than CS (when there are no hackers)

combat arms is legit trash

Don't bother. They are delusional.

Attached: CSGO.webm (1280x720, 2.24M)

Attached: counter strike is skill based.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

with some legit polish the accuracy mechanics would be gotyay
way better than ADS shit and literal lasers anyways

Attached: 8a2c0_20-53-26.png (521x444, 576K)

That video catches the spirit of the game really well
>retard comes down running at you gunblazing
>he still wins

git gud

The man who runs faster than his hitboxes.

I haven't played this shit since like 2012

I just don't get why moving at all in the game makes you in accurate. Like, if you move .00000000001 meters you will get a 999% inaccuracy penalty. For what fucking purpose? In real life you can move and shoot and be accurate. In fact, you could give a gun to someone who has literally never once fired a gun in their life and they could be more accurate with it that you can be in CS/CSGO.

I'm not asking for like CoD levels of moving/strafing accuracy or whatever. But it's just so laughably bad at how inaccurate your character is/can be if you are moving at all. It's not skill, it's practically a guessing game whether you're moving or "stopped". I genuinely can not think of a game with worse FPS gameplay than CSGO.

Good to see the quakeks are still seething.

Every game does this in one way or another. This was probably played online, not over LAN. Of course this isn't acceptable, but again it's not uncommon, just less visible in other games.

i dont even own quake sweetheart

Attached: the only game i play tbh.png (665x261, 72K)

git gud son

It's laughable because there is a simple technique to transition into a crouch run to still spray accurately and continue moving.
I've heard more people complain about moving AK headshots than their own moving accuracy.

>In real life you can move and shoot and be accurate
Bruh, at what ranges and how accurate. I doubt these people are achieving anything close to the MOA you are expecting from your virtual dude. Not to mention that these shooters also scale/shrink your effective ranges down to BB gun levels and less.

>30 moa guns

Even if you stand still the guns are still rng based

The Desert Eagle just be like that.

Pistols have pretty high accuracy during movement unlike rifles. Also you're supposed to strafe and not just stay like a tree.
Also this webm posted for years, it's most likely from early days where hitreg was really bad.
He jumped and it really fucked up spread, if he had dynamic crosshair, you'd have seen it.

Lmao i have to check this later on, if the hitboxes aren't really in sync with the animation then why valve doesn't even fix this

These are all old WebMD from years ago where this was fixed

Post one made today

Shots 1-5: Clearly missed.
Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control).
Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.
Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because he was already dead.

what's really fucked is that cs vr has pretty decent gunplay

Attached: AK-74.webm (640x480, 1.95M)

It was a LAN match from today.

>years ago
Yeah sure.

Also its hella funny when there are so many people who still don't know how the deagle works to this day.

I know, but I still rather use p250 or even cz, deagle is really unreliable.

Attached: 5 years of outsource 3.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

That's unfortunate. I wonder if the top of the hat stops the hitscan from detecting the headshot. It isn't part of the hitbox, and it didn't place a decal. That's just weird as fuck.

this is the only actually stupid one because he's clearly trying to kill someone with spawn protection in DM

most of the ffa dms ive been in have no spawn protection.

>it's f-fake it's been fixed y-years ago i swear

Gotards can't explain shit because their game is objectively rng shit competitively

>rng shit competitively
One team stayed at #1 for two years.

>Also you're supposed to strafe and not just stay like a tree.
Yeah and the T is clearly running straight at him, they're both doing it wrong but it works for the guy doing the worse.

Deagle accuracy is dogshit after the jump and takes forever to reset

just weapon switch and youre good to go

Is there a way to get the old gun sfx back? I hate the new ones

Attached: 2014-05-08_00004.jpg (1920x1080, 148K)

Post one you made today if it's not fixed

>this happened during an esports tournament

lmao how did the casters play it off

i read that the new fx are what a gunman hears, the old ones are what bystanders would hear

Twitch link above with a time code.
Hitboxes in csgo are really small compared to other shooters. Bullet probably went through that front part of the hat from that angle.

Attached: idf_by_napoleontzu_d9tbsij-pre.jpg (1192x670, 78K)