Is Guacamelee worth playing?
Is Guacamelee worth playing?
It's actually free on Humble Bundle right now.
That's why I asked
What have you got to lose then? Just redeem the key to make sure it's locked to your account forever.
He wanted to make this shitty bait thread first
Yes. It's fun and has a good combat system.
I found some of the jokes and vidya references were a bit dated, but otherwise it's good.
>Any time a non-white culture is being celebrated
Every time, lefts as so left they've become the right.
yeah it was pretty much the game that got me hooked on playing metroidvanias as someone who never played super metroid or SOTN
It's really good
yes you should be offended by a mexican game that was made by a mexican developer
Yes. Also why the fuck would a Mexican person be offended by a game made by Mexicans to celebrate their honestly pretty cool culture?
Yea Forums - e-celebs and politics
Because he isnt even a mexican, probably some disgusting chicano
Why would the right ever be offended by that? That's just the left being how they always are
>Am I supposed to be offended?
wasn't it made by a mexican? or was that just the music?
The article's from 2013 and is about the guy's friends asking if he's offended by the game and him saying that he'd rather talk about whether it's good.
Why do mexican threads always have a bait OP?
>npc onions wojack
Kill yourself
Nah, it's pretty mediocre.
>made by a mexican developer
We get it, you’re too young to remember anything pre-Obama.
Wasn't this game made by a Canadian indie team? Why are anons saying it was Mexican?
look at all these mexicans making guacamelee
It's not. It's about exactly what the title implies, he likes the game but he's unsure if the stereotype shit should offend him as a Mexcan-American. He doesn't have a conclusion, it's just an op-ed.
>Am I supposed to be offended?
Literally progammed to be a REEEEEE machine
All these journalists are getting laid off because they were hired on the back of massive investments instead of by any merit. They're going to drift from outlet to outlet as they continue closing down with greater and greater frequency because their employment was entirely based on said poorly chosen investments that have never and will never pay off. And their entitlement and persecution complex is so great that they'll rebel against simple reality by deciding that their talentless asses must be the oppressed proletariat and will do things like striking and attempting to unionize, hastening the demise of the outlets they parasitize by quickening the drain of their limited and unreplenishable finances.
>dev want to do a game about mexican culture since it's not represented enough in games
>dev is located in Toronto, Canada
>of fucking course
Guys, you know the difference between yogurt and Canada?
Yogurt will develop some culture after 150 years.
Something tells me this guy is 1/14th Mexican. Because real Mexicans dont ger butthurt about stupid shit.
>giving a fuck about anything gaming "journalists" say
Well of course he is. he works in social media.
It's a rare Metrovania that balances the exploration with the combat since the moves you unlock are used for both.Good game, I super enjoyed it
It's not bad, but it's not some genre defining game either. For literally $0.00 you won't be hurting by playing it though. Download it and save it for a day you maybe w on't have internet or something.
I'd rather get this than
The only REAL issue with Guacamelee is that you can't play as Tostada as Player 1