ITT: vidya tattoos

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yeah, wrong hand, we know this


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much better

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Thumb's still on the wrong side. You can't fit this shit tattoo.

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But now the arm is bent wrong.

expensive surgery, but worth it

Are tatoos the easiest indicator of low IQ?

Still a nigger hand

now whenever he faps, it looks like Mario is jerking him off

imagine going to a bar and showing this everytime

Careful, the thirsty ones will show up and call you an incel for refusing to date a chick with ink.

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Woah, you guys were so rude. You didn't even know the girl. Maybe she was a perfect angel.

haha could be interesting once lol

It's the wrong hand, his thumb is on the wrong side. He's fucked it.

two left hands ffs

The tattoo "artist" must of realized this halfway through.

It's must 'have', retard.


Would a chick with ink be a chink?

It's not


Okay, user. Let's do a little experiment here. I want you to extend your hand upwards with your fingers facing forward. See how your thumb is in the inner side?


is that supposed to be his hitbox

Both thumbs are on the wrong side, I don't understand what the hell is going on.

May as well be, they're both a waste of air.

What happened afterwards?

Dude killed himself when he sobered up

I knew this. Must of been a brain lapse

It's a dog eat dog world out there

everytime you post this pic you fail to include the post at the end where he proves he was trolling you with a random pic he found online, thank god i was in that thread so i can tell you how much a mong you are everytime you post it

>i was in that thread
I WAS that thread, kiddo, and I had no idea that an actual stream tat guy even existed. I was just yanking Yea Forums's dick. I didn't dig him up and I didn't make the compilation, but I did out myself at the bump limit with a screenshot of the (You)s. Shitposting is a art.

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The absolute state of that picrelated thread once the jannies rolled in and started trying to control it. Beautiful. Kitty-Tan did literally nothing wrong.

Alright you faggots which way does the fucking arm go

Are tattoos based?

Do you not have arms?

Getting pretty ableist in here, mate.