It's been 2 years. Update when?
It's been 2 years. Update when?
Other urls found in this thread:
server when?
They're releasing on Switch soon.
Gunna get announced at E3 along with Epic Store Exclusivity. Screencap this.
Question is when is 2 gonna fucken come out
Absolutely based.
meanwhile...moyang gettting pounded by michaelsoft for the goybucks.
why not just play calamity? its the best mod for the game. adds more content than those lazy hacks will ever add
Devs are lazy cunts, they cancelled the sequel so they can lean back and pretend to work on updates.
shit bait, kill yourself
seething pooriumfag. go back to /tg/ to complain about edginess while i enjoy epic and badass bosses and epic story covering topics such as ptsd, horrible childhood and calamitas going insane over time.
i honestly think can compare to a hbo series. calamity could be the best game ever. the sheer amount of epicness it has kills every other videogame.
now go play shitty boring mods like spewit, cunts awoken, shit awakened, poorium, qwertys mod of shit and BADrealm
Apaches ruined the soul
I really don't like the implication of this image.
looked shit anyways
It was a Joke user. This is why I respect Re-logic so much. They are absolutely based (except for the youtuber shilling but that's a minor offense). I still think there will be an E3 Announcement for 1.3.6
god i hate earthbound
Terraria has canon lore now.
>implying this hasn't always been the lore
They're all PMSing during the same time? Fuck
go away fagsol
Wow, all those replies from never-ever indie devs who got buttmad over it. Their poor feelsies were hurt for being called sellouts.
>those buttblasted indiecucks in comments
at least apply yourself
>all those never-been shitshattered indie devs replying
Reminder that Fabsol singlehandedly revived Terraria.
>announcing a shitty update that adds no content other than flavour
Starbound is better anyway
reminder you're baiting nobody because you're not in /vg/ who needs artificial fake "discussion" to keep from dying when they should have been dead 1.9 years ago
During a blood moon all female characters save for party girl(hasn't hit puberty) are irritable and it's implied they are on their period.
inb4 >Her
Fuck off transvestites
go beg epic for some spare change
Good one Tiy
based retard
have a u
seething poorium tranny. shut up
He's summoned by King Statue though.
>think of the indie devs :((((((
what a bunch of faggots
if indie retards could actually make a good game then maybe they wouldnt be stuck at their grandmas
HAHAHAHA look at all those assravaged sellouts
>those comments
>"The damage has already been done"
>In the Mobile and Old-gen console versions, she can be summoned with the King Statue (not the Queen Statue).
Wrong, mobile shit doesn't count
imagine playing those shitty mods like thorium instead of calamity LOL!
comfy is a secret word for boring desu
What the hell? Are people not allowed to share an opinion?
But you don't. You're one incel pretending to be multiple people.
Now this is BADASS
god i love ACT
Why would you want an update? Terraria is the only game i've played where cutting content actually improves it. Bloat really is a thing
>all that ass pain the the comments
Fucking great.
this hurt to read
I don't get what this is supposed to be
imaging being this delusional
how can a company be so based
it's unfortunate terraria artstyle/spritework isn't as good/expressive as starbound tho
Fucking glorious butthurt.
>b-but you're a successful company with a well known game think of your privilege!!!
Yeah, because they totally started out that way.
So, the Party girl is a trap?
love this shit
Those are just older versions
user was asked to argue againts issues with calamity and that was the result.
Terraria is a video game. No modern video game would be complete without a trap character.
nah, she is just down to party
>old-gen console versions
Terraria was originally made on PC, what is your point?
But that reads like an obvious falseflag.
Also what issues? I'm curious since I liked calamity
What if
>Half-way though the PC Gaming Shit
>Terraria 1.3.6 trailer
>It shows off some of the stuff in the update
>Available now on GOG and Steam
it's amazing how much better crimson is compared to corruption
i like custom worlds with both types in an xxL sized map
-the items are often unbalanced trash that overpower all other mods, meaning that it trivializes 90% of content from Thorium, Spirit and Tremor.
-the bosses are all spammy and often unoriginal. The mod actually used to be called "the worm mod" based on the fact that every other boss was a rehash of Eater of Worlds. Fun for some, but not for all
-the NPCs mostly sell useless items
-the biomes are unoriginal knockoffs from other mods, but made worse with no concept of how to impact progression in a meaningful way (in other words, by the time you can fully explore the abyss, all the items you get from it are useless)
-spritework just doesn't fit with Terraria. Someone said it has something to do with dithering and the shading being off
-multiple changes to vanilla were made as a result of Fabsol being incapable of comprehending balance. For example, I hope you don't like using the daedalus stormbow, or using any weapons at all while being a summoner.
-alot of the new difficulty modes are gimmicky. Revengeance is okay, but Death mode, Armaggeddon mode, Iron Heart mode, Explosive hatred mode, Anger inducer mode, and universal veteran mode are all terrible, unbalanced, and don't even offer worthwhile rewards. Don't even bother with them.
-everything past moon lord becomes DBZ levels of retarded power level wanking. Most bosses after this point employ cheap gimmicks or insta-kill moves
-every other item is some kind of Ugandan Knuckles-tier joke, like this:
-music doesn't fit and has out of place vocals in several of the tracks.
-the abyss is DESIGNED to discourage exploration which is bad design
-the lore is extraordinarily edgy (eyeballs now have souls and the entirety of Calamitas being an edgy depressed psychotic murdering bitch)
-there are bosses that will one-shot you no matter what gear you have (Yharon's Infernados for example)
-the mod maker himself is a self-absorbed pompous jerk
taken from /tg/
I honestly believe that happened because the corruption came first.
All me
fuck all these sellouts in the comments
What lets you see this? a program?
>want free money by being consumer unfriendly because it's "in their best interest"
>also want to be liked by everyone else for their decisions
how assblasted the indie devs in the comments are
>-the abyss is DESIGNED to discourage exploration which is bad design
oh, not only that, but there is NOTHING FUCKING GOOD THERE
lets just shit up an entire corner of the map for FUCKING NOTHING
King statue summoning Party Girl came from the PC version but was changed for being too blatant. You implied the feature was simply mobile dev shittery and non-canon.
You guys ever noticed that Party Girl is an MLP reference?
How would I recognize an MLP reference? I'm not a prepubescent girl.
Thorium is much better than so*ylamity
>played and enjoyed both Minecraft and Terraria as a kid
>playing MC now doesn't feel the same, I get drawn in by heavy nostalgia and then get either bored in like half an hour
>Terraria still kicks ass just like before even without mods
Where did it go so right?
seriously though. it is literally a place designed only for getting new weapons. not even that defends it because they become useless in a few minutes because there is way better gear.
Yeah, it's not like their pro-consumer and pro-community mentality is what led to their success or anything.
thorium + spirit + qwerty's mod + mod of redemption BTFO s*ylamity forever.
>How would I recognize an MLP reference?
By not being a redditor
i mean yeah, you CAN get new weapons there, but why would you? The gear and weapons required to survive in that area will far outclass anything thats dropped IN the area.
just flat out bad design.
like the rest of that mod.
>durrr lets give this boss a 15 million bagillion hitpoints and can deal 500 damage on contact with you while it spams touhu levels of bullet hell projectiles everywhere, also lets make it immune to damage unless you did this very specific autistic boss fight order, and it can still one shot you anyways because reasons.
>it just drops a stick for defeating it
fuck you
So mods like thorium or calamity etc., what do they add to the table?
thorium is basically a DLC for the game at this point. everything fits into the vanilla game. its great.
calamity on other hand does its own thing and it does it really badly
Read their wiki, retard.
God, fuck that artstyle
>calamity weapons are overpowered
>calamity weapons are useless
pick one
overpowered for vanilla game
underpowered for calamity mobs
its the worst of both.
>It's actually happening
the abyss weapons are useless. can you even read? they get replaced literally few moments after you get them. but they are still overpowered for vanilla
how are the calamity mobs too strong
>all the Unity/RPG Maker indie nobodies on EGS' payroll whining in the comments
Epic already killed my minimal hype for the PC show tbqh.
It's really amusing to see it from this side. You're just one guy picking a fight with three people for absolutely no reason.
How about you eat glass, user? Why don't you find a sink and drown yourself in it? Why do you inflict yourself on others?
>The announcement of Terraria 2
God I hope it's worth the wait. What the hell will it look like? What new building stuff? Good mod support? I'm scared, I've got over 3k hours in Terraria and I hope 2 can last just as long.
Yup, only good for killing the Slime God and are completely overtuned for it. Once you get Slime God weapons, you should be going to kill Wall of Flesh and entering Hard Mode and then they are worthless.
A lot of shit. New items, bosses, enemies, biomes. Grab the Terraria mod loader to get started and consider checking the Terraria general's recommended mods pastebin.
The mod loader also has a mod browser to download and browse countless mods right from the main menu.
Stay the fuck away from Calamity though as it's unbalanced edgy shit.
wouldnt be tooo bad if it looks like starbound, since that atleast looked better than otherworld
you're used to being babied by meme bosses like golem
>Terraria 2
Don't get your hopes up. I don't expect anything good these days. If something good does happen, I'm just pleasantly surprised.
That kind of sentiment is going to keep you in a low energy state for everything and dampen your enjoyment even when something is surprisingly good
>Recently finished a modded playthrough
>Was hesitant to do another modded playthough because my gut told me the update was coming very soon
>Did it anyway and now burned out
>Now looks like and update might actually be going to happen
Well shit.
Nah. She is just underage.
>all those ripe souls waiting to be sold in the replies
just stop. you're not a smug 14 year old girl, you don't get to say dumb fucking things like that, you're not above anybody.
I've waited for Terraria Otherworld for years just to see it cancelled. I've waited for 1.3.6 for two years and it still isn't out yet. Terraria is a fun game still, but it seems like it has already hit its peak. I don't think it matters what happens with Terraria, the enjoyment will be lost with me.
Who the fuck calls an enemy a "mob"? It's just one enemy. Call it a monster or something. All fags across all games do this for some reason, and they say they're going to "roll a _______" like a priest or whatever, you're not playing with dice, you don't roll anything
>Terraria as a kid
>tfw I was already 19 when Terraria was released
no fun allowed
based shang
good luck in the next tournament
I can't wait for E3.
I too would like to know when
girl =/= women
Make one
I always thought the implication is that party girl is too young to be on her period
should I buy this game? only played it for a few hours at a friends place once years ago
i dont remember much, does it hold up?
I'm expecting it to be 3D.
post ip
lmao you fucking retard are still at it
>trannies being this assblasted over a biologically male character not counted as female
I haven't played Terraria in a while myself, but I remember having fun with it. I got the game back in 2011 when it was still new.
I doubt any implication of a trans character would be pushed into "Bug" status, they would keep that as a feature to fuel cross-dressing faggots like yourself to keep pushing that canon.
Keep your transvestite shit outta my vidya you pedo
No, just no
its got alot of content
alot of play time if you dont mind using the wiki
its playable without the wiki but i feel like you would miss some stuff
Sorry user, if Risk of Rain did it then so will Terraria.
t. sellout indie "dev"
You will never make it.
What are the best mods aside from thorium? Any ones that help increase performance? Terraria always runs like dogshit when I use mods for some reason.
Transvestite is just what boomers call traps. They're not the same thing as trannies.
But you're the tranny that's suggesting she's a trap? The fuck are you trying to get at here?
just turn down your graphics or something
great mods:
>mod of redemption
>qwerty's mod
>ancients awakened
>elements awoken
>various weather
>ocram n stuff
Aside from Thorium and Calamity what are some good content mods?
WE'RE above you, because you're a knuckle dragging idiot. Do you not have anything better to do than follow your own baseless accusations? We all TYPE differently. How are you not getting this?
>implying Epic would even want struggling indie devs on their platform thanks to the curation they demanded
>Terraria 2
I don't think that's anything more than a mere concept right now.
>good content mod
Thorium's okay. Calamity is pompous, clashing, needlessly difficult, and unbalanced. Not to mention their fanbase is as cancerous as they come. Sadly, those two are pretty much all Terraria has, at least when I last checked.
who the fuck cares about a tranny? epic is still winning
epic has already turned down a ton of indie devs as far as i know
French Bordello's Syndrome, yes.
do i need to worry about mod conflicts with these or not?
What curation? They already have random indie trash on their store.
You forgot Calamity, dude.
Listen here you little shit. One of the reasons mining and exploration sets itself apart from all the 3D mining games (mainly minecraft) is for the fact that you can see beyond cave walls . If Terraria were 3D, the mining aspect would function exactly the same if not very similar to minecraft. The only thing that could set Terraria 2 apart would possibly be the combat if Re-Logic aims to improve it. Terraria needs to remain 2D and just have options to extend the world either by making it infinite, which I doubt, or by allowing to travel to other unique worlds with different biomes and loot. 2D to 3D works for some games but it would be an absolute disservice for other games.
He listed great mods so no.
I think mod conflicts are uncommon.
If they had no curation you wouldn't have Randy sucking their dicks for being a curated store.
calamity has bosses harder than golem = bad
Someone post a server I'm bored as fuck
terraria is not about mining, it's about beating bosses and getting new weapons
play games alone
There are passable transvestites, they at least put effort into their display, but those are rare, and follow the title trap because you will only know until it's too late
Degenerates want to ignore their facial hair and broad shoulders but it's obvious at a glance that they are just some unkempt guy in a dress to which the title "Trap" doesn't even come close, so the blunt use of Transvestite is more appropriate.
Mining and looking for chests is literally half of Terraria. For minecraft it is about 80 percent. Still, mining is a core mechanic in Terraria.
And even when it isn't ABOUT mining, the mining manages to be more entertaining than games that ARE about mining. Especially since each material feels like it has more purpose, and again, you can see behind walls because it's 2D, so there's no annoying, grindy strip mining just to see what's around.
This game is boring solo
why don't you post one
>This game is boring solo
p much this. after playing multiplayer the game feels empty playing by myself.
you dont like the game
Just as planned
prove it
no it isn't
t. 200+ hours solo
Exactly. Part of what makes Terraria fun for me in multiplayer is the sense of co-op. Like how when you build a nice base and organize all your shit, you feel like it's helping more than just yourself. And it's nice to be having more than one person, all accomplishing different tasks at the same time. i.e. I hate doing excess fishing, but my friend doesn't mind spending autistic hours at the ocean to get Reaver Sharks for everyone. Meanwhile said friend never bothers with herb farming for potions, which I do a lot of.
>all those buttblasted nobodevs conveniently forgetting that Terraria devs were nobodies as well and competing directly with FUCKING MINECRAFT at its time of release
did they ever fix thorium? when i tried it it broke goblin invasions and made them unable to start
i guess i can throw up a server over the weekend
you faggots want modded or vanilla? probably going to need to set up tshock too
its kinda amazing that the game even got picked up at all
it just looked like a minecraft clone and thats what it got slammed for at first too
>probably going to need to set up tshock too
does tshock support mods? it's been a few years since I ran a tshock server but I don't remember it supporting mods.
Thorium and whatever else you want is alright. Just no calamity.
Never heard of this glitch, are you sure it wasn't another mod?
there used to be a tshock + tmodloader combo but i dont think its been updated in ages
The fact that it's possible to beat the game without mining a single ore supports this.
Anyone else remember that "Art of touching a woman" shitshow from when Terraria was new?
Tunnel King is based
pretty sure, it went away when i got rid of thorium (ironically it pushed me to do calamity instead which was ok)
could have been a bad interaction between thorium and something else i had but there was nothing else big in there, just spirit and some UI mods
Get over it, Calamity lore will forever be accepted as canon.
And word of mouth prevails, in the end. The game spread by BEING good. The people who looked past its exterior and got into it discovered what it truly was, and told their friends about it.
dodge roll mod is fun
Do you think he knows we love him here? I hope he does, the man puts up with so many literal children on that forum and manages to do it with unfazed professionalism every single time.
>b-but we're already struggling in an oversaturated market
>w-we don't have another choice
Jesus fuck are indie devs literally the most entitled group of people on the planet? Just make your fucking game and sell it on your own website. If Epic offers you a smack of money, just accept it and tell people you took it because you like money. No need to be such a faggot about it. If the game is good, people will buy it anyway.
in your dreams lmao
>beat plantera
>jungle temple is nowhere to be found despite shitloads of searching
Oh Blue, I'll never forget him.
Didn't he become a community person for Starbound?
just use a world viewer, there's even an online website for it so you don't need to download any software
You should try again.
If it happens again just disable thorium, complete the event and re-enable it afterwards
Everyone's talking about Calamity's lore on the forum page and in comment sections of videos on the forum page.
I don't know, I just remember that he got fire from Terraria years ago.
and even then what could be the artstyle for a terraria in 3D
anime final fantasy cutesy style or risk of rain low poly style because terraria official art are high quality and not really sprite based
I had forgotten how overrun with children that forum is. He's doing the lord's work over there.
Reminder that Meowmere is getting dethroned by an upgraded Terra Blade as the final sword. Also the update is 5-8 months away and the dungeon is getting major changes.
I dont think im going to make it to the next update bros...
Terraria is so comfy. The music instantly pulls me back.
yeah i was planning on giving it another go once the next update finally drops
they can talk about your mom's vagina doesn't mean it's fucking canon
>nu-terraria music
>True Terra Blade
Will this be a tranny/sjw free server?
I kinda prefer vanilla myself
how would you fix post-plantera
>Will this be a tranny/sjw free server?
yes as well as jews and niggers.
Is the Calamity mod the Corruption of the Terraria community? We need to get a Clentaminator on that shit.
whats wrong with it?
>tell epic to go fuck themselves
>"well you're lucky you can say no"
>conveniently forget they had to COMPETE against fucking minecraft and a direct clone with more money: starbound
>kept releasing content for free despite saying "we stop working on this game"
>"lol, I understand how some indies want the money"
I can only imagine how pissed they are to upstart who try to stir shit while they got their own ass in the burning hellfire that was early indie devs with clones all over the place and how good it must feel to be the last one standing
>nu terraria
You don't.
>not wanting to murder the trannies, SJWs, niggers and jews
What is wrong with you?
starbound was long after terraria made by ex terraria dev
>tfw waiting for 1.3.6 to start my expert playthrough
>it is getting really hard to not just start a modded playthrough
An ex terraria sprite artist, not a real developer.
>What is wrong with you?
they will not taint my server.
>mechanical bosses been a feature for years
>still not alternative to the destroyer in crimson worlds
the fuck is this
yes, but it still was a direct competitor for a long time.
never forget about HERO
The "lore" post makes a nod to this. Supposedly, in the lore, the brain was being built but was interrupted. They're at least acknowledging it.
Is he still insane and self-medicating with a whole closet of homopathy bullshit?
too easy and a clusterfuck
maybe if you had shit taste
They're more likely to announce terraria 2 to be epic exclusive, but I don't think that's even in the works
>so easy saying this when you've got a stack of cash!
Are these people hearing themselves? How do you fucking think they got that stack of cash? By being loyal to their customers and loving the product so much that they want it to be the best. Not by complaining how hard everything is and demanding free money left and right.
These indie devs truly deserve nothing.
they won't deal with epic
I'm never gonna forget. It's permanently etched into my list of Terraria's countless growing pains, the day that HERO broke down into an autistic fit on an official preview stream that Re-Logic had a lot riding on.
>Wah, Steam not being curated properly means my shit game doesn't get the exposure it deserves. Steam, do the work of advertising FOR me
>I guess I'll just go to Epic then, they are curated properly. Wait, what do you mean my game is too shit for your store? Steam, wait, I'm sorry
>I got a fat stack of money from Epic for my game to be exclusive for a year. Don't worry steam babies, you'll get it later.
Game sells like shit
>So Epic, about that next game. How much are you going to give me for that exclusivity? What do you mean your store is established now and you don't need exclusives? But how will I survive?
Can someone explain this shit?
where's the fucking server you niggers
for those big content mods such as spirit and redemption would you recommend having both and say thorium installed at the same time or is it better to keep activating them as you complete the content of each mod?
has communism gone too far?
Spewit is dead, Poorium will also die.
Calamity's OST is fucking weird man
You have cringe shit like that but at the same time you got god tier shit like this that doesn't deserve to be stuck in a mod
spirit and thorium go pretty well together in my experience, but spirit is long dead so expect at least a couple weird things to happen.
no idea about redemption.
i wish i could turn off the spirit biome generation. it blasts your world after beating a mechanical boss, it ruins small worlds which i like to play on
but there's this Spirit NPC who sells weapon enchants and the Efficiency Glyph is just too nice to do without
A lot of the stuff Spirit does is done vastly better by Thorium so I wouldn't reccomend playing them together unless you don't care about pre-hardmode.
this is what slavery looks like
Well its pretty well produced but seems to me like someone really wanted to put his buddy's furry-metal band in or something
up your ass faggot
Does Terraria Overhaul go well with the big mods? Cause I love the way guns feel with it.
I can't believe you've done this.
terraria overhaul is autistic and if you enjoy it you're probably autistic too.
nobody wants to hold the responsibility of being host
Not really. It doesn't play well with even the base game really, it had some good ideas, but it simply makes things too much of a slog and the movement system ends up feeling clunky and fighting with the base game.
The best upcoming mod is going to be the Metroid mod, once Scooter is done remaking it. He says he also wants optional patches that will make it relevant for both Thorium and Calamity.
>occupies a massive amount of room
what's the purpose of that monstrosity
>so pathetic even Notch took a break from cokewhores to bully on him
She has a horse penis
Why is the game so easy? Expert included
Why haven't I ever though to make hay huts? Literally free material.
What's the correct way to play Terraria?
>barely any Dryad art
Got it right here bud
Unless if course you meant a link to the list of bad things that happened to Terraria, which I don't have a link to, but I could start writing up right here
And that's a good thing!
its honestly pretty good at imitating anime music such as openings but with english translated text
Go solo for blind playthroughs and for building. Multiplayer is the most fun and efficient way to play after that IMO.
Also definitely not what you just posted
Can i get a rundown on the whole situation?
what was he crying about?
>Make Minecraft but 2d when the game was in hi demand
>without the free updates the release game wasn't any better than an alpha
>"Huh, that was really hard!"
I guess they have a better deal with steam.
Then is there some mod recommendations to go along with thorium. I've downloaded some minor mods like the ammo box and magic storage
Is the slime girl mod fun?
I use it, i somewhat like the movement as it adds some fluidity but the fire mechanic is so horrible i turn it off.
stop posting that
shut the fuck up
its probably you in the pic
OP here sorry I used the wrong image. Here's the correct one
nah just tired seeing it being posted all the time
just don't get hit
so to make the game harder you use fewer mobility stuff, like no grappling hook or no double jumps
sounds like a personal problem
I think the joke is that she is too much of a party girl to function by normal female standards.
Thanks senpai
That's an hour of video, what's the context here? I genuinely don't know.
pedguin fucking saved the show during those 1.3 preview streams
>updating what is already perfect
I barely remember but I think it was one or either of these
>1.1 was a really huge content patch and he being an autistic wiki contributor kept stopping his gameplay after coming across every single new thing to take notes to later post on the wiki which kept bothering his viewers who just wanted to watch some of the new stuff
>He played so poorly it would make a modern video game journalist look like the sweatiest tryhard. People kept doubting his skills and familiarity with the actual game which pissed him off cause his ego was reaching earth's exosphere after being chosen to showcase the game
I could be wrong after the last one and don't quite remember if that was all that the situation had but it was such a beautiful shitshow that even the devs apologized for his autism
>Has 1.3 early access gaven to him by devs for his status on the community
>uses his stream time to rant about Legal issues of the mod he is working on and Bitch on Pedguin without showing ANY new 1.3 features (except shield of chuthulu)
>fearing of this happening ahgain, revoked early access to many youtubers (Including Vinesauce Imakuni)
Pyro, Engineer, Spy, and Heavy are still unusable against good players.
>You’re making things a lot harder for smaller developers by making statements like this. You already have a highly successful game making a lot of money, some do not have this privilege. You could have easily written this without saying “sell our souls”
Holy fucking shit, my sides
the slime girl mod is essential. its made by /tg/ so it is good.
also qwerty's mod goes really well with thorium. adds a giant sky fortess similiar to the aether mod from minecraft.
grealm is also a good mod to go with thorium. it adds a pre hardmode version of plantera and some other nice stuff. the mods i listed are all on the smaller side
i recommend redemption too as it doesnt really ruin the balance. its quite balanced and is focused around this giant lab structure in the underground
i dont recommend using all of these at once though unless you like inventory bloat
For the 1.3 release they let him try to show the patch in a livestream set for a certain time
and he was just fucking around, lying about some settings, he wasn't seeing the chat, worrying about the quality of the stream, he took 45 minutes to even start playing and it was all because he wanted to have as many viewers as possible so he was just wasting time
if he had just gone and played and showed some new content it would have been fine even if he played badly, but it's all about him and not the game.
Thanks sexy
So whats the worst terraria youtuber, pedguin or hero?
When the fuck is this game coming to the switch? I’m starting to think never
what a fagius
Where the FUCK is the FUCKING server already
>So whats the worst terraria youtuber, pedguin or hero?
all of them
FUCK you
Nintendo's E3 presentation
they showcase the game and say it'll be available to download later that day and the Terrarian gets announced with Smash alongside it
what are those floating potatoes?
The torches or the wooden platforms?
>Grappling Hook Up B
>B is Gun
>Down B is place block
>Side B is summon NPC. Nurse heals you, gun shop shoots mini shark, Dwarf throws dynamite which destroys placed blocks, Guide does nothing
>Final Smash is summons moon lord, who eye lasers everyone
>A moves use Terra Blade and like Link, if you are at 0% shoots a beam on smash attack
I could see it.
Party Girl is based on Pinkie Pie from MLP. The joke is that she's never angry or upset.
>furnigger mod maker
>furnigger hates people playing his shit mod
>shit with graphics and sprites that don't fit well in Terraria at all
>retarded anime orchestra music
>turbo autism edgelord bosses
>powergapping retardation with damage going into the thousands a second
>bosses that can kill you in one hit
>furnigger mod maker
Nah fuck off faggot Calamity is shit.
the joke is that she doesnt have a pussy
nah that's gay, just make a terraria god that uses endgame shit from every class
big mod
penis physics mod
No, but some people are retarded and believe that.
how can a girl not have a vagina? isn't that what makes her a girl?
girls can have penises now, you fucking bigot
I don't have a vagina and I'm a girl.
>boss so based he made a calamemefag sperg out on /tg/ last october and made him share his bat fetishes
t. prolapsed bat shitter
>I don't have a vagina
Then you're not a girl.
Never forget Hero's 1.3 stream
>one bad boss vs entire mod of autism
You will never be a girl you disgusting abomination.
Sell me on Thorium, I've got around 200hours in vanilla Terraria.
still wouldn't make you a girl
Content bloat
It's fun and adds new stuff
Real girls don't need to do that. Vaginas aren't wounds and don't try to heal themselves closed. Be sure to do a flip when you join the 40%.
great mod. honestly feels like a dlc for the game
thorium adds a lot more throwing class content as of this week, and a fully playable solo Bard class that I liked a lot (except for the Bongo nerf)
WeaponOut has an interesting Fists class it adds, I never found a good use for most of the special moves but it was a fun run
>devs get more money per sale
>Epic willing to fund development for exclusivity
>Steam riddled with issues and an absent dev
>people complaining because they have to use a different client
You guys are fucking morons.
epic bait
you are black
>you are black
just say nigger dude
umm, excuse me sweetie, but this is 4channel and that kind of language isn't welcome here. How about you go back to that cesspool known as Yea Forums or go have sex
>havent played since I clocked the game and all content
>back then the last boss was Skeletron Prime
>sunk 200 hours into the game and it was a massive grind to go mining for the hardmode ores.
>heard the game has a lot of new content now
>start playing
>have to re-play all the slow, starter grindy shit first
>get about 10 hours in, almost ready for hardmode
>hear there's an update on the horizon
>stop playing
also it's weird how unintuitive the game is now.
back in the day it had clear progression (Eye > Worm > Skeletron > Wall of Flesh > Twins > Destroyer etc) but now there's all sorts of hipster bosses hidden around in different biomes with ludicrous spawn conditions and fight strategies.
what do?
>Literally any boss spawns
>All dead
>Eye > Worm
m8 how are you this wrong it's worm then eye
gonna ask here cause /tg/ was a mistake, I wanna use some stuff someone put in a pull request in Magic Storage, mainly some stuff that makes it better. unfortunately, i'm a brainlet, so i have no idea if theres any way to add it in or not myself. anyone mind helpin a nigga out?
man that's how long it's been since I've played
I said I was gonna pick it back up when the update landed that october
hurry up
>fighting bosses near any of your NPCs besides the nurse
glad I use mods to turn off the spread
it wasnt
the eye spawned on its own usually if you were slow
its way easier than the worm because you dont really need any movement upgrades
>tfw I was almost 30 when Terraria was released
calvin was blonde dobson you fuck
Dude just run back and forth constantly micromanaging the Crimson lmao
It's an edit.
yeah or fucking deal with it as it comes faggot
it spreading doesnt lock out anything
you're supposed to change it out with hallow anyways
Rushing worm is best strat tho
might be but its not the natural progression of a blind playthrough
Re-Logic is one of the best devs in America prove me wrong
yrimir sucks
>Be an Indie Dev
>New to the market
>No one knows you
>Think that the best course of action is to have your game be an exclusive to a dying platform because you get slightly more money
What is wrong with these fags.
And that's why Bill Watterson is one of the best cartoonists who ever lived and you're Andrew Dobson
How can people defend this? The rate of growth is insane.
i don't need my world pristine, i finish a new run before it's ever been an issue at all. I've built artificial jungle biomes next to my hellevator several times, if I want chlorophyte I can head down to hell and make a chlorophyte farm
Fuck, why is Overhaul so shit?
>catch fire all the damn time
>seasons look nice but the constant spawns are horrible
>breaks all kinds of autoattack weapons
I like the movement options, but it's just not worth it.
>Kill a Mechanical Boss
>Get the Clentaminator
>Clean up the biomes
>Kill Plantera so spread doesn't matter anyway
pussy ass faggot
Honestly if there was a mod that just had the grappling hooks from overhaul i'd be happy
also just never break alters and fish up all the ore you need
Do not play Thorium
Maybe you should kill Plant boi if you want the spread to slow.
Pyro's better than people like to give him credit for, Engineer relies on being clever and your team having a brain, Spy isn't gonna survive a direct confrontation most of the time and has never been intended to, Heavy requires you have competent teammates and a Medic if you want to be the vanguard and otherwise you should be playing him defensively
>tfw this is in /terraria general/'s pastebin about calamity
>I was the one who wrote it
i have an auto-trash mod. it doesn't work for some things like fishing/quest rewards, but it does for annoying mud, fallen stars, seeds/vines/rope/potions i never use, it's pretty good.
What sucks is the filter lookup is 4x4 so you can only see 16 items at a time if you're looking to unselect one, and you have to do it for every character you play. When I get into the dungeon on a new character i'm putting all the fucking work benches and chairs and bookcases in my trash list.
>the items are often unbalanced trash that overpower all other mods, meaning that it trivializes 90% of content from Thorium, Spirit and Tremor.
Thorium equips are way better than pre-Moon Lord Calamity equips outside accessories since they give huge damage increases where Calamity gear is more mitigation. It's that after you beat Moon Lord you might as well throw away everything from the other expansion mods.
Calamity is still garbage though.
Alright boys, I've made a vanilla serb
ip is
Fuck, meant to link
>just lock yourself out of content and spend hours meandering with pointless bullshit
>people beg for server all thread
>server gets made and no one joins
Im trying to but it wont let me
I've never exactly hosted a server before and decided to use hamachi to hide my real ip for it, should I just use my real ip?
make one thats in tmodloader and maybe i'll join
I remember my first serious world I just moved everyone into a sky town to help them escape the corruption spread.
Then I fucked up and a tiny corner of my sky town was along the lines of the post-WoF corruption spawn line, so it started spreading anyways until I noticed and damage controlled it. Good shit.
>spend hours meandering with pointless bullshit
you just have to save your gold chests from doing fishing quests
That webm took like a realtime month, and it's a small world
corruption is almost a nonissue for everyone but turbospergs
>I've never exactly hosted a server before and decided to use hamachi to hide my real ip for it, should I just use my real ip?
bro, wtf are you doing.
new update will make the nurse unable to heal you during moon lord
you didn't get this info from me
I honestly have no idea.
Cenix fucking said something about changing the nurse doing Moon Lord and if they do it I'm going to be platinum mad.
you don't need the nurse for it though? If you want to cheese it just do the minecart trick
just get good
Well, I never did that tactic, but that's sad to learn considering the devs even said that it was a valid way to do things since it was possible for the NPCs to die from projectiles that didn't get stopped by walls and also that you the player could easily die if you stop moving anyway. So I don't see why they would bother nerfing her as a healing method.
>I honestly have no idea.
I wouldn't worry about it man I think most people who wanted a server already left the thread.
oh well, theres always next time. for future reference, how should I go about the ip address I use?
good post
>for future reference, how should I go about the ip address I use?
I just use my home IP. I've ran servers for Killing Floor, Minecraft, Terraria, and Project Zomboid for Yea Forums without any issues.
Mon Lord will also destroy any minecart tracks near him within a 100 foot radius
>"Third time's the charm huh?" after three deaths
But wouldn't that mean the 4th time's the charm?
>body mutilation
eww no thanks
>Terraria is the only game i've played where cutting content actually improves it
Ok, tough guy. Try going back and playing 1.0 and see how much you like it.
(I'd advise against trying to extract the whole archive at once)
how many mods is too many?