Paying your biggest rival and giving them your games

>paying your biggest rival and giving them your games

Where were you when Sony officially gave up on console gaming?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why the fuck would Sony partner with Microsoft of all people

Stadia has the old guard scared

>cloud gaming

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>its real

Sony really are pulling out of console gaming. Didn't think I'd live to see this day.

Maybe we'll get a Gravity Rush PC port, or better yet a port for Switch which already has the gyro controls built in. Will finally get to play Bloodborne and Persona 5 as well.

>giving your content to corporations to hold ransom
>now they can up the prices all they want and you can't do shit about it, pic related
>you can't even modify your product
>you can't even play it if the service is hacked, because it's centralized and that's easier for hackers to ruin for everyone as opposed to attacking individual users
>if the server gets shut down you can suck a cuck
Because Microshaft is all in on the Cloud Scam. Next Windows OS should be cloud, at which point all business in the world will finally force themselves to switch. Auto-update dogshittery with Win 10 and sudden Documents erasure were already the last straw for many. Ubuntu and MacOS seeing surges in business use.
Sony needs the "experts" for developing Cloud shit and to create a monopoly. Consider it like the Cable companies in USA making monopoly deals to not intrude in each other territories but to join up to fuck any attempts of smaller ISP development in USA states.

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They realized they can't compete with MS so they're giving all their games to them whilst paying them to have them.

Literally cuck: the company

Bloodborne on Xbox when?

Xbox Game Pass on PS5

Sony is renting cloud servers from MS for PS Now
MS is buying lenses and AI programs from Sony for phones/kinect 3.0

this is literally nothing

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Microsoft already give Sony a percentage because Sony owns Blu Ray, retard.



Sony isn’t capable of coding for cloud computing. They are all about hardware patents.
This next gen will feature a lot of cloud gaming to attract poor fucks and normies, and Sony had to choose between AWS and Microsoft Azure for their service.
Microsoft wants Sony’s patents so they gave them a great deal

Please, just let them have this. Sony's unquestioned dominance of the industry has ruined them, just give them these threads if it's some kind of consolation.

>xbots thinking this means Sony is going to give microsoft all their exclsuives when microsoft has been very adamant on porting all their exclusives to other systems, even going as far as putting xbox live on the nintendo

Get ready for Halo Infinite to be on the PS5.

holy fuck just have sex already incel

>sony can't compete with Microsoft on streaming
more delusional Xtards

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We are talking about next gen, and streaming to mobile devices, not existing consoles

> Sony owns Blu Ray
no the fucking don't. not enough that's noteworthy anyway. the blu ray consortium is like 10 companies that have to share all the profits follow by another 18 members and 50 additional partners including microsoft. panasonic holds the most blu ray patents so they get the most money. sony pays microsoft between 3-5 billion a year for patents that are used on their android phones. that's not including the microsoft business services they use as well like win10 and stuff.

tldr; sony only gets about 20 cents per xbox sold.

yes because sony needs all the momentum right now despite holding the majority on streaming services. Idiot

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this graph was confirmed to be wrong by sony themselves. in reality they make much less than this.




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saw it on retardera they officially announced a 700,000 userbase and some other numbers. i'll find it.

because executives saw it as a lucrative opportunity obviously

this board really is full of brainlet neets

microsoft gave nintendo minecraft

consoles are dead

best tech

xbox live just works

there's a whole thread discussing the numbers here.

less subscribers =/= least gain. PSnow still holds a market majority

that's why they ripped the disc drive out

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no the chart is completely wrong itself. read the thread.

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>That chart was false in the userbase POV, PSNow has 700,000 subscribers whereas Game Pass according to estimates from SOT and Phil Spencer puts at least 2.5 Million Subs.
>The chart means that PSNow makes 52% of that $273M revenue and is NOT market share.
is this what you were referring to?
because the chart clearly states revenue
gamepass gives free trials and $1 subs to inflate user numbers,
Sony's 700k users is from active subscriptions, not trials

>this assblasted sonegro

Did you just now realize that these companies don't give a single fuck about your console wars?

except the revenue numbers are wrong, brainlet. sony has 700,000 subs. ok. the reality is they're not making that much money and they don't take 50% of all game streaming revenue so your argument is moot.

actually let my clarify myself here. i misquoted

they don't take 50% of all gaming subscription revenue*

I love threads like these. Its literally non news but it triggers Sonytards so much kek

> your biggest rival
Microsoft is nobody's rival in the modern video game market. They have no fucking exclusives.

>revenue chart doesn't make sense
lets see here:

700k subscribers for $99.99 a year (best value) vs 2.5 million subscribers for 1 dollar a month (best value). It doesn't take a genius to figure this out

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Calling retards retards doesn't really make you butthurt

Right here, baby.

>cloud gaming
didn't we see this already?

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show me official numbers showing every single psnow subscriber is paying $100.
show me official numbers showing ever gamepass subscriber is paying $1

that thread analyses the numbers provided by sony. your shitty superdata chart is wrong. deal with it,

I took the best value scenario for both to equalize values

Asians Russians and SOTUH Americans make up most of the sales and all 3 of them have shit connection

its doomed to fail

Feels good that Microsoft and Nintendo are taking over gaming, I was waiting for this day to become a reality.

>majority on streaming services
Microsoft doesn't even have a streaming service public yet, mong. And they have approximately 5000x the money & infastructure of Sony's PS3 farms. This partnership is paying for MS's clearly superior infastructure. PSnow is terrible and it would take practically nothing to make something better. If you disagree with this you are unironically retarded

>show me official numbers
that how about the chart >b-but 700k...
we've already established that means nothing when it comes to revenue

Man, Twitter was blowing up with this news. Fanboys on one side and casuals on the other. I literally saw people saying they would buy an xbox because they think Sony and Microsoft were merging into one cloud gaming company. Absolutely baffling but it's good marketing for Microsoft. Dumb people will be dumb but those dumb people always fall for the marketing and make you rich.

Xbox, PC, Sony, and Nintendo are all frens now.
Give this post a (You) if you're a fren!

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that chart isn't official numbers, retard. it's a superdata chart (some random 3rd party company) who made a prediction. we soon after got official numbers from sony regarding playerbase and actual ps g&ns revenue and it wasn't even close.

>the mere announcement of the PS5 was enough to make Microsoft beg for mercy
>Nintendo already lagging behind

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PSnow is pretty good if you ignore the streaming aspect of it

>actual ps g&ns revenue and it wasn't even close.
no, we did not

>ps now is good if you ignore the only reason to use it (ps3 games)

but I have a PS3 for that

>either be a cuck to Amazon, develop your own shitty cloud service, or just bite the bullet and work with Microsoft (who already uses Azure and cloud services for gaming)

Yeah I fucking wonder why they picked option 3. Retards.

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>ps3 games better than ps2

see sony releases quarterly revenue figures and data can be extrapolated from that. now we have a solid playerbase figure it makes it even easier to see how much money they're making. that 52% figure would mean psnow has over 2m subs based on said data. i'm not going to keep spoonfeeding you because you're going to keep denying it in your fantasy "sony must win" land in your head. don't @ me again.

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To stop Disney. Everyone is scared now that they took over fox and Hulu. Next step after that, they're gonna enter the gaming market and who knows maybe private military companies. Disney wants to rule the world.

see what? there's nothing there that disproves me

>sony releases quarterly revenue figures and data can be extrapolated from that
then why didn't you post it? could it be that it actually doesn't and you don't have shit?

>I'm not going to keep spoonfeeding you
offering evidence isn't spoonfeeding you moron

>Where were you when Sony officially gave up on console gaming?
Wait, its SONY giving up? Not Microsoft, the losers of this gen?

Xbox fags are a new breed of battered housewives.

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same still applies.

no? you can download ps2 games without streaming

>or just bite the bullet
none of this deal affects either part of MS or Sony's gaming division outside of better servers for PS Now
MS rents servers to many companies, Sony's money isn't suddenly gonna make Xbox profitable
MS buying camera lenses from Sony isn't going to give PS5 an edge over Xbone2
chances are Shawn Layden and Phil Spencer had zero part in this deal, this is just business as usual, the only reason to make the announcement was to cut rumors off before they even started
it's not a bite the bullet situation, their gaming divisions are still very much separate and competing

>Comparing a streaming service to non-streaming services

why is this board so fucking stupdi?

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Tell me how abandoning your already existing servers and paying your arch rival billions upon billions to put your games and consoles onto their servers is not giving up? If Psnow was on xbox, it would a Sony win because they can tap into the xbox username whilst profiting off it and they aren't paying their rival billions for it. Basically free money. However they're not doing that they're literally paying Microsoft to stream their games back to playstation users because psnow was always a playstation focused thing. Sony are the cuckolds here.

stay mad faggot
>no games
>no e3 presence
>sjw bullshit
>bloodborne leaked on epic store
you lost


I don't understand why everyone thinks this means they are merging their gaming divisions or something. This is retarded.

b-b-b-b-but what about "survive together"?
I already made lots of funny little memes about it

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feels good being a nintendochad, now you microshitters can enjoy censored cuck games too

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It's actually really sad, looks like a starving/thirsty person that got pulled out of a desert and got given some sewer water to drink

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It seems fairly obvious to me that Microsoft has been planning to slowly drop out of the console market for some years now. This is just another step in Microsoft entering new sections of gaming.

it's just renting out already existing server space
it's literally nothing

How can the nip be this happy knowing he's handing a valuable component of his company to his literal competition? I guess the fact they're going with the best of the best gaming servers on the market (supposedly) means they plan on pulling out of the console market soon. No other reason to it or else they would have just expanded on the Amazon servers they have now rather than seeking the best.

Yeah I guess I could have worded it better. It's just amazing to me how the mouthbreathing subhuman apes on this board don't think outside the lens of gaming and realize that Microsoft owns one of the best cloud computing services in the world, arguably the best for enterprise needs, and the cost:benefit ratio for Sony to pay Microsoft for hosting on Azure is unbeatable. It's not about winning or losing, it's about what's most profitable for both companies.

AWS is more expensive and widely seen as inferior to Azure for enterprise needs

So what you're saying is Sony and Microsoft made a smart business move, and Nintendo is still stuck with friend codes?

that has nothing to do with anything
friend codes aren't a server issue,

they realized they can fuck consumers even harder when they work together

The cuckolds are anyone retarded enough to have bought a Xbone

Nice arguments.

that's not how it works, brainlet. in an ideal world it might be but this isn't an ideal world. competition is fierce. apple used to produce their processors at samsung foundries because they were industry leading in manufacturing nodes but apple were forced to go to tsmc even if yields and/or performance was worse and cost more expensive. companies don't want to give their competitors any leg up at all.

sony are basically going to be funding microsofts first party push now. it might be better for sony in the short term in cost but in the long term it can be detrimental. fyi they're using the very specific xcloud azure servers which are part of the xbox division. xbox will take maximum profit from sony with this because xbox also hires out these servers from azure (it's not free there's always a cost but it's very small due to it being internal). i hope sonybros pray xbox doesn't invest this into AAA 90+ rated games.

>giving them your games
Is this actually happening?

That's a good thing. I like Nintendo, Xbox and Sony (uncensored, tho).


Imagine being a consumer and getting angry at companies working together to demolish anti consumer practices like exclusivity.

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Non-Shitpost answer: MS has the best developer stack for gaming in terms of online back end and streaming at the moment and Sony doesn't want to give Amazon, Google or Tencent an inch by allowing them into their ecosystem. It's also way cheaper than creating their own cloud infrastructure. Microsoft is at least the devil they know and we're at the end of the console war cycle. We're heading into platform wars now.
Xbox Live is supported on Switch and Don't be surprised to see Nintendo move to MS Azure as well. Nintendo Online is currently on Google Cloud but they won't be happy with Stadia.

They're giving Microsoft their PS5 games to put into MS servers so they can be streamed on PSnow.

>its real


Imagine being this cucked. How will Sony cucks feel knowing everytime they log into PSN, buy a digital game and stream PSnow games they're giving money to Microsoft? If you're anti Microsoft you literally cannot buy a PS5 holy kek how will the shills twist this.

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>We're heading into platform wars now.
>all the platforms are secretly owned by microsoft

imagine being some teenage sony fanboy when this kicks off and you constantly shit on microsoft but then you find out the platform you're shilling is ran by microsoft anyway

that like saying you are a cuck if you don't want to buy an xbox, but are using windows on PC
it's completely irrelevant

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Microsoft owns Windows and Sony is a master at crafting tech. That's all. But MS seems to be buddy-buddy with everyone lately. Unified gaming maybe?

Sony just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase PS5, nor will they purchase any of Sony's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Sony has alienated an entire market with this move.

Sony, publicly apologize and cancel this partnership or you can kiss your business goodbye.

renting servers from MS isn't the same as MS claiming ownership over Sony and PlayStation


this deal has nothing to do with MS's gaming division

Playstation Now was released 3 years prior and there are 90 million PS4's out there. Compared to Game Pass releasing last year with only 35 million Xbones.

they never learn

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>be 2025
>cloud gaming is the norm
>be some fagboy sony shill
>"xbawks is shite lamo"
>"xboobs live sux"
>"my cloud gaming platform is better than yours leeeel"
>*find out both are literally identical run on identical servers by microsoft
>*commits sudoku*

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actually it does. they're partnering up with microsoft azure as well as xbox to use xcloud servers.

>no more exclusives

You faggots will fight about anything. Yea Forums btfo once again

Sony will be making more money from Azure than from their services that use Azure huge fucking win

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no we already know from insiders that they're using xcloud hardware, not their own. it's also been suggested MS takes all the profits for the use of azure but sony keeps most the revenue from their games maybe like 1 70/30 split. either way this deal has been suggested by pretty much every known insider that it benefits MS more than sony. sony didn't have any other choice so MS dictates the deal.

>linking plebbit

PC is about to head into a new golden age

Sony knows that Google is a massive threat

Microsoft could handle Google on their own from a tech perspective but holy shit do they lack content. That's where Sony comes in.

>ITT: Console users don't understand technology

I don't think so

This is nothing about games, did you people even read it?

What's wrong with Final Fantasy?


It's about delivering games to consoles

That can include anything from standard game downloads, multiplayer servers and console update distribution to literal game streaming

it absolutely has to do with games, retard

>and there are 90 million PS4's out there.
why do people always say this when talking about PS Now
the entire point of streaming is you don't need dedicated hardware, it's not meant for those who currently own PS4. it's for those too casual for even the console market
PS Now works on PC and Sony phones, and will most likely expand to other devices with this server deal
streaming is really made for mobile markets, the number of subscribers will always be independent of what the consoles do
and this is a good thing, Sony is not the one up on the E3 stage trying to sell PS Now to a room full of people who already own 90% of all the old games they would want to buy on the console they already own
different markets

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reputable insider. talks about sony, ea and nintendo in the cloud space. this is a major win for MS in pretty much every way.

Friendship ended with _____

>it's for those too casual for even the console market

You don't understand

The PS4 existing install base can be used for game streaming.

You don't have to buy another console, you just buy a subscription.

My take? I think Sony are finished.

Just one problem with that so called "dark" future: consumer backlash. Linux grew because of Microsoft's faggotry on servers & security. If they try to pull cloud OS only, linux will again be its downfall. You can't fight open source and what benefits customers.

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the people who bought PS4 are the same people who flipped their shit over the Xbones reveal with DRM bull shit
just because the PC market gave up all their physical games doesn't mean the console market wants the same
streaming and console will always be separate markets, even if you can stream on the console, doesn't mean the people who made PS4 have one of the highest attachment rate of games of any console will just jump ship to an all digital/ all streaming future
streaming has a future on mobile, streaming doesn't require dedicated devices, Sony already announced the PS5 has a fucking disk drive
they are different markets appealing to different people
the people who buy PS4 or the PS5 aren't the ones buying into PS Now

Sony will have a stake in Azrue, they won.

>You can't fight open source and what benefits customers.


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Based Microsex
Sony literally could not compete

I never found anything that said that

there is no source. sony are renting azure from microsoft just like thousands of other companies who partner with MS for this.

The Microsoft article made it clear that they're working to improve the service using their own AI tech

No, they won't.

All they will have, eventually (assuming their content is good enough for them to make enough money to stay in the business) is leverage to negotiate pricing.

They will not own any server infrastructure, just the code that configures it and whatever custom shit they have running on top.

Assume they have private github repos though and they will technically own the code and MS will still be able to see it (they own github). I don't think Sony is that retarded though.

Think about it like this: You are Sony. Do you go with Google and give them your market share of exclusives and possibly risk a long-term failure once they steal all of your technology and business acumen or do you go with MS who have a major dog in the fight with Google and at least are willing to give you a good price on server fees and help you out with infrastructure problems because they're so scared of Google?

At this point Sony and MS made the right decision to cut Google out of the content game, by partnering up they both manage to maintain an image of having differentiated consoles (they are almost literally the same fucking box) but also get to shut out a potential disruption to their revenue streams.

>For semiconductors, this includes potential joint development of new intelligent image sensor solutions. By integrating Sony’s cutting-edge image sensors with Microsoft’s Azure AI technology in a hybrid manner across cloud and edge, as well as solutions that leverage Sony’s semiconductors and Microsoft cloud technology, the companies aim to provide enhanced capabilities for enterprise customers. In terms of AI, the parties will explore incorporation of Microsoft’s advanced AI platform and tools in Sony consumer products, to provide highly intuitive and user-friendly AI experiences.

all sony is offering is camera sensors for whatever microsoft want to do with them. that does not mean sony has a stake in azure. it's a mutual agreement, though one microsoft will naturally benefit way more from seeing as they own the service and will keep this tech for as long as azure exists. if sony leave this deal and go to google, they don't take anything with them. that's how it works. samsung manufactured apple processors for years till apple left them for tsmc. did that mean samsung owns a stake in apple? no. did apple take samsung tech with them to tsmc? no. there are legal bindings when it comes to this stuff. sony is purely a customer, and is paying for this service with some products of their own like a part-trade. they won't have a single % share in microsoft or azure.

The bigger problem with what you say is that the period you are talking about is when the Internet and PC space was populated by educated people which is down to PC and Internet both being far more financially demanding then compared to today as an access barrier.

Today, Microsoft can live off the money of the dumbfuck dumbshit jackass majority much like EA which should be dead by now is fine living off the influx of dumb children who don't know its history and practice and FIFA/MADDEN/etc. faggots. Idiocracy kills logic, just look at the Consolekiddie space. Anti-consumer more than ever before because retarded clueless kiddies are the main source of revenue.

At the same time you have far more educated people who could potentially overthrow microsoft's vision with an alternate implementation on linux's stack.

nigger google aren't a threat to anyone. azure is has literally over double the marketshare. amazon has literally 4x or 5x the marketshare. if amazon enters gaming then everyone should be scared. google aren't shit and will never be. they don't have any fucking games anyway.

>just look at the Consolekiddie space. Anti-consumer more than ever
>user says this unironically while not owning a single physical game made in the past decade

big corps figured out it's more lucrative to team up and fake competition but have a controlled monopoly in the background.

> Implying we haven't already been in a new golden age for ~5 years now
That being said, things can always get even better. Once Sony gives in and publishes all their games on Epic and Yuzu finishes development, PC will finally achieve uncontested god status

It's over Snoyboys, Bloodborne for PC was part of the deal.

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>sonykiddie says this after his sudden moment of silence following Sony adopting Microshit's pay-for-online scheme which he used to laugh at Xboxkiddies for along with the rest of consolekiddies a few months before the event
Dumb jigaboos like yourself have an Alzheimer skill. You instantly forget anti-consumerism and proclaim it the default after it happens.
I haven't had a physical copy in the past 10 years, on that you are correct, because i stopped wasting my time, money, and energy on consoleshit. Instead i have HDDs filled with enough games that i'm over-encumbered and am PC only now. I'm done with getting scammed.

Microsoft, NO!

sounds like the buyback plan influenced this more than the partnership from reading that article.

Both their stocks went up after the news.

Next gen will be Sony's last gen, mark my words.

Can't tell if you're being ironic, or not.

As it would, naturally. Sony is worth 50bn, Microsoft is worth 800bn so a partnership with a big company like that would always create headlines. The same will happen to Nintendo when they inevitably join azure cloud as well.

>no we already know from insiders that they're using xcloud hardware

They're not putting a million PS5s into servers if that's what you think.

But they need hardware to support Sony's platform which means Sony gets a cut for that hardware.

No. Microsoft already has the hardware. Sony is renting that hardware. Sony won't get a single penny from Azure xcloud servers themselves. The WHOLE reason Sony went with Microsoft in the first place as because they're the only company who has this capability. Other posters have spoken about it .

The only places Sony will possibly make money is in the joint partnership relating to the camera sensors and the revenue of the PS store. Sony pays Microsoft for the servers (storage and hardware) and the customer pays Sony for the game. Microsoft won't be paying Sony anything because it's all being done on Microsoft's own hardware they've developed with AMD. See: CES 2019.

Google is the only company with 4k60 HDR capable game streaming platform AND the infrastructure to do it

Azure can be 100x the size of GCP and still not have Stadia's polish - what matters is the fact that they have the entire stack set up and ready to go

No no no no. The only reason that Sony is going with Microsoft is because of their infrastructure. They have servers all over the world and they can easily upgrade all of their different branches (the same as what Google can) and so when Sony has hardware like the PS4 and PS5 which requires very low level developer access, you cannot just use any general purpose compute hardware to make it work.
They literally need cloud editions of the PS5 and PS4 hardware to get anywhere close to emulating Sony's platform accurately. There is a reason why Persona 4 on PS2 will still stutter like mad in the final levels when the enemies have a special surface shader.

It is not as simple as "Microsoft has hardware and Sony needs it". NOPE it is more like "Microsoft has cloud centers all around the world which is 100% necessary if you want proper cloud infrastructure, so they are joining in". Sony has an edge because their PS4's and PS5's can also be used for general computation like what Azure needs.

Last time Google tried a YouTube service it fucking bombed with that YouTube red shit. They aren't a threat to anyone. By the end of the year Microsoft will be conducting public testing for their service and by the end of 2020 they're planning on putting their next gen xbox's in servers for their own 4k6p streaming platform (Jason from kotaku has already confirmed MS xbox hardware will be superior than Stadia).

It's been mentioned by numerous sources within the industry that Sony will NOT be putting PS5s into Microsoft's servers. Even if they wanted to Microsoft will not allow them they've very strict when it comes to this stuff. The "PS5" in the cloud will be an xbox running the PSnow OS. AMD is developing this hardware in partnership with both companies and their retail console hardware is likely to be almost identical specs wise because its necessary for both to do this if they have identical hardware in the cloud too.

>AMD is developing this hardware in partnership with both companies and their retail console hardware is likely to be almost identical specs wise because its necessary for both to do this if they have identical hardware in the cloud too.

hit the nail on the head

it's essentially what Scion/Toyota and Subaru did with the FR-S and BRZ sports cars. Except instead of co-developing the car it's more like both companies paid another company to design and produce it and just rebadged it.

Your post doesn't make sense

>giving them your games
Nice reading comprehension.

Wow, it's literally nothing. Sony isn't cool enough to do Nintendo style collabs with Microsoft.

I don't think you get it. We have already seen the PS4 come out with twice the amount of ACE units and ROPs compared to its contemporary hardware. It literally CANNOT work unless Sony is willing to ditch what gave their devs an edge last gen. I simply don't believe it till I see it.
But as I said before, the PS5 hardware can be used for general Azure compute so they don't need the SAME hardware, they just need the hardware to perform reliably on the workloads that are generally needed.
>Likely to be
Is not the same as having ANYTHING confirmed in this regard.

To be fair Microsoft has more money than both of them.

Survive (not you) together

What gave the devs the edge was the superior CU count more than anything else. The same can be said for the xbox one x (+increased clocks).
I repeat, Sony will NOT be putting hardware into Azure. They'll be using Microsoft's hardware which is literally hardware they've both been working on with AMD.

PlayStation and Xbox don't overlap well. I can't see an instance where any of their respective characters or in universe stuff can naturally collide without it being uncanny. Would Master Chief even use a Pir-hana? What happens when the R.N.Y.O is suddenly introduced to Spartans?

You... do know what Sony's real audience is like right.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Sony doesn't give a flying fuck about their console or your feelings, they do what they think will be most profitable. How naive do you have to be to think that corporations give a flying fuck about their customers?

The HZD procedural foliage tech and the entire graphics engine for Dreams, and The Tomorrow Children has tech all based on those quirks,

And that doesn't change anything because as I said before Sony and Microsoft are working together with AMD for this hardware so they will each have their input on it and come to a final solution which benefits both in the ways they want it to.

And if they use Sony designed quirks in the hardware Sony gets paid for it. That was my original point.

Creating a Monopoly


>Sony designed quirks

Are you baiting?

Well Nintendo, were waiting. Unless they plan on giving Stadia a piece of the wahoo pie.

Nintendo is already using Google cloud

Do you think they design hardware for free?

Pretty much the same as when Microsoft announced they were using blu-rays for the Xbox one

Do you think Sony designs and produces graphics hardware? Dumbest post in this thread by far. Any hardware "quirk" aka customisation is a result of AMD, not Sony. AMD will get paid for it not Sony.

Sony pays AMD to develop hardware for them for their intended tasks. Having more fucking ROPs and shit isn't some exclusive Sony patented tech.

am i the only person who thinks if sony and microsoft made one game system together, it would eliminate the need for console wars and bring people back into splitscreen multiplayer?

Why are people sperging over this again? Microsoft's infrastructure is the stability PlayStation needs going into next gen. Especially since there will be a heavier push for online multiplayer.

All we have to go by are "insider" "leaks" and so far we have heard that Sony is at least collaborating with AMD on something that Navi uses (heavily rumored to be about the ray tracing) and that means Sony may get a royalty. 100% plausible. Sony does design computer hardware even if they don't sell much currently.

Sony have never done multiplayer exclusives well. Not as well as Microsoft anyway. They've never done couch coop games compared to Nintendo either. Their Forté is in single player experiences and always has been.

Cards have always been on the table but they've always been reluctant, at least publicly. Everyone knows these companies root for one another in the background. Now, imagine if Microsoft actively worked towards a relationship with PlayStation and Xbox during gen 6, instead of going for Sega and Nintendo subsidiaries? Or if Sony pushed harder to get cross play working with Xbox 360 and PS3?

>tfw PlayStation 5 winds up being a box for game streaming

Is this how Sony fumbles the next gen?

Attached: 1533344885134.png (550x423, 345K)

They're not developing RT. That's BS. AMD have been developing their own RT solutions for years which is natural for a graphics hardware company to do. Its natural evolution of gaming. Sony doesn't have any patents for that. If Sony is working with AMD on anything it would be in areas where Sony has a lot of experience and patents where they can combine knowledge. For example Sony has patents in VR and their collaboration could be related to VR on AMD GPU. There's no logical explanation for Sony to suddenly be these RT hardware experts that AMD need their help. RT will be a standard in next gen gaming anyway. Microsoft made DXR for example which is what all the PC RTX games use.

Console gaming is small fry at least as far as Microsoft is concerned, getting traffic for their cloud service is far more lucrative than their "war" with Sony.

>They're not developing RT. That's BS.
gonna need sauce.

AMD have been developing their own ray tracing technologies for years now. They put all their in house developments on GPU open. They aren't using Sony tech and it definitely wouldn't be on GPUopen.

Unless Microsoft decides that Office 365 can only be used by Windows users or deciding to remove a key component like what Epic did with Easy Anti Cheat.

No, I need source that Sony has no design influence on Navi. ie. something you cannot give me because the only things that will give us any information on that are insider leaks and they have been saying that Sony has a hand in that.

You're the only claiming Sony is building Navi with/for AMD so I'm going to need official proof from either saying so.
You're also the one saying AMD went to Sony so Sony can make RT hardware for them. I'm going to need proof on that too even though all the evidence I just provided points away from outside influences being involved in AMDs RT work.

I'll wait.

>You're the only claiming Sony is building Navi with/for AMD so I'm going to need official proof from either saying so.
I only made the claim that there have been leaks about it and those are AS valid as the leaks you have been making. I didn't claim it to be a fact.

You're the one claiming Sony made ROPs and ACE tech that AMD is licensing or whatever the fuck you implied with your "Sony quirks" and " do you think they design for free" comments.

1. We know for a FACT AMD is developing the xcloud azure gaming server hardware
2. We know for a FACT Microsoft and Sony are both using AMD tech in their consoles
3. We know for a FACT Sony didn't invent ACEs and ROPs (dumbest claim ever) nor do they license it to AMD for which Sony gets royalties for

Your lack of knowledge about the GPU side of things is showing.

Literally, every 'fact' that you listed there are not in contention with anything I have said.
>(dumbest claim ever)
Also a claim I never made.
I only claimed that the software made to utilize things such as the extra ACE units and ROPs at a low level would need hardware with the same features or else you would see giant problems in performance.

Your lack of comprehension is showing.
Here is the leak that claims that AMD is making Navi closely to Sony's specifications.
I'll try to find the other leak that claims that Sony was working on a ray tracing solution for Navi (which was supposedly the root cause for the rumor that Navi was made for Sony's PS5 specifically)

Here is the leak that has been "correct" so far (I still don't really buy it) but it again speaks about Sony working with AMD on Ray tracing specifically. I'll keep looking around for the guy saying that the Forbes article had mistaken a request for a collaboration.

>I have no idea how businesses work

You're not very clever are you? We know Navi is coming to PC so it's not some exclusive tech. Also there's no source there or any background information proving this is true. I remember retards arguing about this on /g/ when this "leak" (more like wishful thinking by fanboys) first came out and it was disproved pretty quickly.

>I only claimed that the software made to utilize things such as the extra ACE units and ROPs at a low level would need hardware with the same features or else you would see giant problems in performance.
Are you really this dense? Is this 1995? Holy shit. Graphics engines and API are scalable over a wide range of hardware. I don't even know what your argument is supposed to be. Is this your excuse for Microsoft abandoning their own servers and banging in millions of ps5s into their own servers? Jesus christ.

Going back to Navi, the biggest and most reputable analyst and leaker has said its shit and the engineers can't wait to be done with it.

You're talking about THIS? holy shit even retardera disproved this fucking ages ago. Reading the first line puts it as 99% fake because how on earth with a small 3rd party dev obtain exclusive information on hardware and deals about Sony exclusives and launch dates when even the most reputable Sony insiders don't have this info? Yikes.

A very reputable graph I am sure.

There is a reason why the Boost mode of the PS4Pro doesn't just automatically double the graphics performance in games older than October 2016. There is a reason why emulation is as hard as it is (it requires hardware several times the power of the original hardware). Sony uses their own graphics API's (GNM and GNMX) which are not necessarily scaleable on all the different workloads a developer can throw at it.
I didn't claim to know exactly what Microsoft's approach is going to be, all I am saying is that your retarded conclusions are not 100% fact or even proven by ANYTHING you have been saying ITT.
>Going back to Navi, the biggest and most reputable analyst and leaker has said its shit and the engineers can't wait to be done with it.
Just another leak. That leak is as good as the other ones. He also previously leaked that Navi would be shown at CES this year. Nothing happened.
>You're talking about THIS? holy shit even retardera disproved this fucking ages ago
How can you prove it wrong when it has been correct so far? Tell me what elements of the leak that has been "proven wrong".

>There is a reason why the Boost mode of the PS4Pro doesn't just automatically double the graphics performance in games older than October 2016. There is a reason why emulation is as hard as it is (it requires hardware several times the power of the original hardware). Sony uses their own graphics API's (GNM and GNMX) which are not necessarily scaleable on all the different workloads a developer can throw at it.
i'm not even going to comment on how retarded this is. i beg you please post this on beyond3d and see what responses you get.

>Just another leak. That leak is as good as the other ones. He also previously leaked that Navi would be shown at CES this year. Nothing happened.
and he proved us right again why navi wasn't there. he has been flawless in his track record so far. amd was supposed to show navi in january, it got pushed back for reasons he provided and no one else knew.

>How can you prove it wrong when it has been correct so far? Tell me what elements of the leak that has been "proven wrong".
tell me which elements have been proven correct? prove to me the hardware is correct, the games, the controller etc. i'll wait.

>i'm not even going to comment on how retarded this is. i beg you please post this on beyond3d and see what responses you get.
>Program game engine so that CPU meddles with resources shared with GPU
>Attempt to simulate the same thing in server racks and get ass raped by latency
Oh yeah. They would laugh me out of there, right? RIGHT?
>and he proved us right again why navi wasn't there.
Yeah that was AFTER navi didn't show up. Who would have thought his leakers could come up with reasoning as to why their previous leak was false.
>it got pushed back for reasons he provided and no one else knew.
Which was the re-tape right? No one else knew, and still, no one else knows. It was all brought to us by leaks™.
>tell me which elements have been proven correct?
That PS5 will support ray tracing and uses Navi
Zen 2
hdd has some sort of quirk
backwards compatible
will use blu ray.

HAHAHAHA its over brace your boipussy to get "Philled".

>Oh yeah. They would laugh me out of there, right? RIGHT?
why don't you try? too pussy?

>Yeah that was AFTER navi didn't show up. Who would have thought his leakers could come up with reasoning as to why their previous leak was false.
imagine damage controlling this hard for information that has been proven correct. he even said he received an email pre-ces that said it wouldn't be there but he wrote it off. turns out his source was true and his same source told him why. find me any counter source because every other source seems to agree with him as to why it was a no-show.

That PS5 will support ray tracing and uses Navi
Zen 2
hdd has some sort of quirk
backwards compatible
will use blu ray.
all things literally any retard can predict. blu ray? no way who would have thought!? amd's only architecture? woah that's crazy. play ps4 games on ps5?

yeah no.

Hardware sales are peanuts compared to the money they make from services likes Xbox Live and PSN. Soon you will have the hardware to play any game you want built in directly in your TV or smartphones, traditional consoles won't survive. Only the console war cucks can't see where things are headed.

forgot link

>woah the same information as "leaker" months earlier

>why don't you try? too pussy?
Are you pretending that scenario I wrote up couldn't happen?
>all things literally any retard can predict. blu ray? no way who would have thought!? amd's only architecture? woah that's crazy. play ps4 games on ps5?
Nigga, you were the one who said it was debunked. Then I asked you to tell me what part of it that was officially debunked, and then you answered the question with a question. I answered your stupid fucking question and now you are just handwaving it off as if it doesn't mean anything.
How about you prove it is debunked then?

Attached: 1553283696094.png (601x508, 127K)

how about you prove it's true? you said it's been correct so far. all you've shown that's correct are stuff that was predicted months before,.

also the gta 6 rumours have been debunked by rockstar themselves.

I can't believe they got conned into being spooked by the severely underperforming and pointless Stadia to the extent of joining forces. How the fuck did they even make their fucking billions? On the waves of past successes? I thought those people were smart. Why the fuck am I not a fucking billionnaire? Or a millionnaire at least? I'm hardly a leading fucking intellect yet I cannot help the feeling that despite my lacking brainpower I could outhink those dumb cunts several times over. I'm sad and angry and frustrated over this.

This literally only says that AMD is working with Microsoft and Sony and that they are likely to use Zen derivatives and that Sony "is said to" use Navi.
Nothing in contention with ANYTHING I have said at all.
>how about you prove it's true? you said it's been correct so far. all you've shown that's correct are stuff that was predicted months before,
I said it had been correct so far because nothing has officially disputed it. Are you braindead?
You were the one who claimed it was debunked so the burden of proof is ON YOU.
>also the gta 6 rumours have been debunked by rockstar themselves.
The leaker even stated in the leak that their GTA6 info wasn't certain. That is a weak attempt at a debunk.

Cool, so Sony's next fuck up will be this streaming biz and they'll fall alongside Microsoft for a bit. Then, they'll pull a scar and betray Microsoft and kill them. Finally, Nintendo will grow up and take down Sony, becoming the next big gaming company.

So that MicroSony can rule the world

>This literally only says that AMD is working with Microsoft and Sony and that they are likely to use Zen derivatives and that Sony "is said to" use Navi.
how fucking dense are you? your holy bible of a leak is saying literally the most OBVIOUS things
>zen 2
>fucking blu ray
all things we KNEW the next gen consoles would have. i could have made a fucking leak which had those specs and it would have been right because anyone with basic knowledge of the market and what's available to sony/ms knows only zen is available to them from amd and we've known about navi for years now because of AMD's roadmap. so how is this guy saying it proving it's true?

>The leaker even stated in the leak that their GTA6 info wasn't certain. That is a weak attempt at a debunk.
no he didn't. he was almost certain about gta releasing in 2020 the only thing he wasn't certain about was the location and exclusivity. get btfo.

sony cucked themselves to microsoft now anyway so your hopes and dreams have been dashed.

Hopefully Microsoft will make Sony less cancerous and support cross-play and other cross platform services by default.

Can someone please explain to me what a "cloud server" is? What are people streaming? I just put a disc into my console and play the video game. I don't know what all this other stuff is and I'm scared.

Again when you list your "facts" where you say "we know x because of x" you haven't actually made a connection that is 100% conclusive. It isn't confirmation of anything.
I didn't say that it proved the leak true, I merely say that the leak has so far been correct and I have no reason to believe other leaks over it, so far.
>no he didn't. he was almost certain about gta releasing in 2020 the only thing he wasn't certain about was the location and exclusivity. get btfo.
Where does it say anything about GTA releasing in 2020? For all we know that might as well be a reveal date. He said he wasn't 100% sure but that he thought that is what would "most probably" happen, which is not the same as saying it was 100% true.

>sony cucked themselves to microsoft now anyway so your hopes and dreams have been dashed.
My hopes and dreams of what exactly? Are you really so dense as to think I have some kind of horse in this stupid fucking race? Do you honestly think Sony would enter any business relationship without gaining something from it? What do you get out of talking like this? You sound like a brainlet lmao.

Reminder that MS is using Zen 3, not Zen 2

Here we go with the Doomers. This will be the day that Sony dies, just you wait. PS5 is a block of cheese with circuits.

Yeah, I want to go over my ISP imposed data caps to introduce a bunch of latency and completely remove mods/unofficial fixes/tweaks/etc so that I can pay a monthly bill to not own video games. That sounds amazeballs.

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>this shill is still defending his pastebin leak for the last hour

Yikes. The absolute state of this thread in general.


Sony are handing over their games to Microsoft so they're basically admitting to be leaving the console market for good after this gen.

Now that they're finally on even ground, Yea Forums can finally sttle this once and forever. Next gen will be the absolute last gen for Xbox. PS5 is already poised to succeed right out of the gate.
No more fluke posting.

so sony are conceding huh
interesting times
who will replace sony after they bow out? sega?

>Sony and Microsoft collaborating to replace video game ownership with subscription-based streaming services

PC will be the only viable gaming platform within 5 years. It will die soon thereafter but at least I'll get to see consolefags eat shit first.

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>requires low level hardware access
This isn't the 90s, console hardware is not this radically different arch that's not compatible with one another

One day there will be concentration camps for those who do not like capeshit.

Doesn't matter. You can face bottlenecks if the software is built for a fixed set of hardware.